Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Jan 1875, p. 2

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‘j'fi 104. A meeting of the Electors shall take place for the nomination of candi- " dates for OHiCes of aldeimen in cities, councillors in town, and of reeves, deputy reeves, and councillors in townships not .divided into wards, and incorporated vil- :,lages_, .at noon, on the last Monday in December, annually, at such place there- ‘in. and in cities and townsat such places in each ward thereof, as shall from time sto time be fixed by byvlaw, and the dep- ..nty reeves shall be designated as first, ,second, third or fourth, according to the ,_ number to be elected; provided that in ,w-iownshi‘ps divided into wards, the nomi- mation of candidates for the office of _’:rebve, shall ,be held at ten of the oelock .in 'therforenoon, at such place in such 1 -township as shall from time to time be - fixedhy by-law; and the clerk shall pre- l_ Side at the meeting for the nomination wef'zcaudidates for the oflice of reeve ; and MARKIIAM TOWNSHIP.â€"â€"The follow- inggentlemen ware nominated at Union- vifle, on Monday last, as townshipoflicers. For Reeve, James Robinson and William Epkin , for Deputy Reeves, Messrs Robb. Marsh, John Lane and William :Milliken ; for Councillors, Messrs N. Button, and A. Hoover. The Reeveship igil] be contested by Messrs Robinson and Eakin. Three Deputies being 118- quired'and no more than that number nominate,d Messrs Marsh, Millikan, and Lane were declared elected. One Coun- -*‘é-i‘llor only being required, am! Mr Hoov. ct having)r resigned, Mr Button was {Ea ed} *‘ "VAUGHAN Tomvsmnâ€"Ab the Tgwn Hall on Monday last the following gentle- man were'elected by acclamation: For Reeve: Mr Wm. 0. Patterson ; For eruty Reeves. N.C. Wallace, I, Chap- ;th and 'l‘hos. Webster; For Council- ,Iorl. Daniel Reaman. YORK TOWNSHIP. â€"â€" The following ;I'gqntlemenmwere ‘elccf‘ed by‘ acclamation, for York Township Council, for the year ‘1874 :â€"l \Villiam Tyrr-ell, Reeve ; Henry Duncan, lst Deputy Reeve; J. P. Bull, 2nd Deputy Reeve; Joseph Watson, 3rd Deputy Reeve; George Leslie, Jr. 4th Deputy Reeve. , ,wfifirw .-â€" â€"-~ vwvv u: nuvvo, auu what-the nomination of candidates for ’cizvtihe ofiice of councillor, to be elected in each ward, shall take place at noon, at .Iuchplace invtho township or in eneh fgvard as'shall be fixed by lay-law. ., B’I‘he discussion as to “whether the present draft of the Reciprocity Treaty 'will be beneficial to Canada” was brought to a conclusion last Tuesday evening. . Both sides of the question (Affirmative and Negative) were well sustained by strong and forcible arguments. The that of each of those who assisted being allowed to choose that Side most in accor- udance with his own political views add- ring not a little to the zest of the oppon- ' ems. It having been agreed. that no decision was to be given, the duty of the fehairman, tCouncillor Brown, was com- ‘ parat-ive a light one ; the audience form- ‘ipg their own conclusions. In the amendment to the Municipal Act passed last session on important change was made in the .time for bold- ing the nomination for Reeve in the Townships divided into wards, as will be seen by reading the following section of Act: ’The subject chosen for the next deâ€" bate to come offpn the second Tuesday in January, is “ That Education de- creases crime.” Affirmative: Mr J. A. E. Switzer. Negative : Mr G. Newberry. For Reeve ,' William Harrison, and William Trench junior; Wm. Harrison Jesigned: Wm. Trench was declared elected. Polling will take place in the Court Room on Monday morning at 9 o’clock, for the purpose of electing four Coun' oillors only. For Cauncillors : John Brown (re‘ signed); William Atkinson (resigned) ; Asa B. Wilson; Isaac Crosby ; James Freak; William Pogue; William Pow- ell; D. C. O’Brien; William Warren, On Tuesday last, Sir John A. Mac- donald has again returned for the good City of Kingston by a majority of 17. Notwithstanding the great efforts of both the Local and Dominion Governments, by left-handed acts of bribery they are out- done. Well done Kingston l-â€" You have done a good work by sending Sir John again to Ottawa. RichmondHiHStatiou. Changeonime taking effect Monday, Nov, 16th, 1874: Going North 8.13 AM. .12.?7 pm, ..5.13 pm Going South 9.26 AJI. .138 p.m. . .9516 p.m Wm agm @mmm. On Monday last, pursuant to notice and statute in such case made and pro- vided, the Electors of Richmond Hill assembled in the Court Room for the purpose of nominating candidates for the oflices of Reeve and four Councillors: M. Teef‘y. Esq., the Village Clerk and Treasurer, presided. The following is a list of the persons nominated 2 TOWNSH 1P ELECTION LAW. VILLAGE MUNICIPAL NOMIâ€" NATION. NEW AD VER'I‘ISEMENTS Wood andâ€" John Brown. Epps’s Cocoa. L. l). Sinn’s Gift Enterprise. The Best Paper. Try it.‘ Aatrayâ€"Hugh Devlin. MUNICIP AL ELECTIONS ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA MEG HANICS’ INSTITUTE. RwHMuxn HILL. Jan. 1, 1875 KINGSTON ELECTION. New YORK, Dec. 29. -â€"â€" The Herald's special has the following, in addition to what. has already been learned of the disus< . ter to the Cospatrickzâ€"She took fire and was totally destroyed on Thursday. the 19th of November. 0f the passengers lost there are 4 cabin and 424 steerage, who had remit grated under the Government regulations for Australia. The Government emigrants were for the most part agricultural laborers, who left England in consequence of the operation of the recent labor strikes. Many of them were married, and were accompan- ’ ied by their families. The Cospatrick had been employed for many years past in the carrying of British troops to India. The last voyage she made previous to the fatal trip was when carrying coolies from Calcut; to Demerara. She was frigate built, in the fashion of all the'teak ships built by the East India Company, and was valued at £60,000. The name of her captain is Alex. Emslie. He is about 38 years of age, a native of Aberdeen, in Scotland, and a man rted man, having one or two children. He took command ofthe Cospam‘ek about 1868, when his brother left her to take out a steam coverettee to the Sultan of Zanzibar. The captain of the Cospah'ick was a re- ‘ marketny careful navigator, almost over- careful, if such a quality be possible. The Herald's informant attributes the fire to the pipes of the emigrants, who aré'in the habit .of smoking between the decks, the English ‘emigration laws being flexible in that re- ] spect, conferring but little power .on masters to punish a violation of them. Loxoon, Dec. 29,â€"Special despatches {from Madeira to the London. morning but- ‘nals give additional particulars of the urn ling of the emigrant ship Cospatrick. The :fire broke out at midnight, Nov. 17th, and lwithin half an hour enveloped the vessel |nearly her entire length. The scene was one ofthe wildest confusion. But two boats succeeded in getting away, each of which 'contained thirty persons. These remained alongside the ship until the 19th of Now, when her hull was .completely burned out and she sank. The two boats then started for land. They kept together for two days, when a gale arose and they became separa' ‘ ted. One of them has not since been heard of. The other was fallen in with by the British ship Sceptre. At that time it con. tained five livinE persons, to of whom died before the Sceptre reached the Island of St. Helena-wflfat'l. Monnon, Dee. 29,â€"A telegram received by the vessel’s owners confirms the reported burning of the emigrant ship Cospatfick. The superintendent of 'the Brazilian telex graph cable at Maderia also telegraps that only three persons are at present known to snrvxvcâ€"the second mate and two searxmn. These were picked up by the British ship Sceptre, after having been ten days in an open hoat. subsisting part of the time upon the flesh and blood of others who died whilst in the boat. Burning of the Emigrant ShIP Cos- patrick. MISSiONARY.â€"Tlle Methodist Missionary Anniversay of Yonge Street North Circuit. Sermons Will be preached as follows, on Sunday, the 10th inst. At Richmond Hill. 10:30 a. m., Kev. Wm. Burns, of Brampton; 6 p. 11)., Rev. John Shaw, Chairman ofToi- onto District. Maple, 10:30 a. 111., Rev. John Shaw; 6:30 p. 111., Rev. Wm. Burns. Bethe] (Edgelyg 2:30 p. 11)., Rev. W.Burns. Wesley Church. 2 p, m., Rev. John Shaw. Patterson, 6:30 p. 111., Rev. John Hunt Ann nual Meetings will be held at Richmond Hill on Monday 11th ; Wesley Church, Tuesday 12th; Patterson; Wednesday 13th; Maple, Thmsday 14th; Bethel, (Edgley.) Friday 15th. Each meeting at 7 p. m. Deputation : Revs. John Shaw, William Burns, and Coverdale Watson of Yorkville. Juvenile Missionary Meetings will be held .at Richmond Hill, on Monday 11th; Wesley Church, Tuesday 122h; Maple, Thursday, 14th. Each meeting at 3 p. m. The child- ren will be addressed by the deputation. Let them all come and hear ofhhose who have no Gospel and no Sabbath School. Collections during each service, and at the close of the meetings, subscriptions on be- half of Methodist Missions. Suitable music will be performed at each meeting by the choir of the church. BIG INVENTIon.â€"â€"â€"Lloyd, the famous map man, who made all the maps for General vGrant and the Union army, certificates of which he published, has just inventeda way ofgetting a relief plate from steel so as to print Lloyd’s Map of American Continent â€"showing from ocean to oceanâ€"on one entire sheet of bank note paper, 40><50 inches large, on a. lightning press, and color- ed, sized and varnished for the wall so as to stand washing, and mailing anywhere in the world for 25 cents, or unvarnished for 10 cents. This map shows the whole United States and Territories in a group. from sur- veys to 1875, with a million places on it, such as towns, cities, villages, mountains, lakes, rivers,.streams, gold mines, railway stations, the. This map should be in every house. Send 25 cents to the Lloyd Map Company, Philadelphia, and you will get a copy by return maiL An impotent Postal Convention has been agreed to between the United States and Canada. under which correspondence from one country to the other will pass at the or, dmary rate fixed for domestic letters. THE ANNUAL CELEBRATION of the Victoria Square Sabbath School, will take place on New Year’s Day. Tea served at noon. An entertainment will be given in the after' noon, consisting of solos, chorusses, recita‘ tions. Tickets 25 cents, entertainment alone, 20 cents, children 15 cents. The public are coxdially invued. STOUFFVILLE.~~A man named Henderson, employed in Wheler’s Mills, was arrested on Saturday evening, charged with stealing clothing from his fellow workmen. He states he has only been out of penitentiary two months, and is anxious to get back again- He was taken to goal on Tuesday by Constable Dougall. A woman was also arrested on Monday morning by Constable Stevens, while in possession of n hoxse and cutter. answering the discnption of that ad- vertised by Edward Shanacy, of Barrie. Mr Shanacy was at once communicated with, and from the description given by him there is no doubt that the guilty party has been secured. SOCIALâ€"1t will be seen by posters that the Mechanics' Institute intend holding their Annual Social in the Masonic Hall, Rich- mond Hill. on New Year’s night, to which the public are cordially invited to attend. Tea served at 5 o’clock, after which the company Will be entertained with vocal and instrumental music. Tickets 25 cents, chili d ren l5 cts. Al the regular meeting of Vaughan Lodge No. 54. A. F. & A. M., G. R. of 0., held on Monday evening, Dec. 28th, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year, by Wor. Bro. A. P. Conger; Wot. Bro. Geo. A. Enouy relelected W. M.; E. J. Davis, S. W.; Arthur Cook, J. W.; Rev. James Kurtz, Chaplain; James Woods, Treas.; Henry Baldwin, See; Wm. McDon- gall, S. D,; W. J. Andrews, J. D.; A. P. Conger, D. of 0.; John McDougall, I. G.; A. Laird and W. Peugelly, Stewards; Jos. Gordon, Tyler. “ Tm: PRIDE or CANADA," part Suffolk. and ,pan Cheater. Terms : 81 at time of Service. HENRY l". HOPPER. HE Subscriber has at the premises of Mn ROBERT Horrm. Richmond Hill. for Service this Season, the Seeds, Bulbs, ($60., Fresh and Reliable, sent by mail to any part of the Dominion. Mailed (a any address upon tho receipt of 10c. Eight Comred Plates, Elegant Illustrated Eatalogue, CONTAINING The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses. and take the animals away. WiCame into the premises of the subscriber. Lot No. 20. in the 3rd Con. Vaughan, about two months ago, .A. RAM. At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. AN’I ED. Immediately, a smut intelli- gent boy to learn lhe Printing Business. Apply at the HERALD Office, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, Oct. 7. 1874. HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES TO the Public that he has opened All Kinds‘of Wood Straw Potatoes. per'bua-........... Apples. per ‘barML .. .. . . ... Mutton, by the caravans.” . . . Poultryâ€"Gees e............n Turkeys , . . . . ‘ “u . Chickens. per pair Ducks. . per pair.. Eggs fresh. per dozen... .... " Packed...,. ...... . Dried Apples.......-...... Snlt.............. Wool »...... Oatmeal”: . . Cornmeul. . . ... Bran. . . . . . . . .. Wheatâ€"§pri_ng Hay......... Smoked.,....... Dressed Hogs......... Larfl................. Butterâ€"1b ....... IF you are asked which is the best store to buy Xmas presents, say at once Scott’s Book Store. CHRISTMAS Cards and Toys of all «kinds suitable for Christmas and New Year’s at the HERALD Book Store. Porkâ€"Mess. . . l . Bacon...“ Primh....;;;;;: Hanwâ€"Salt................ Howl-Superfine" . ... . ... . . Spring Wheat extm . . Fancy . . . . . ......... Extra... . . . . . . . ..... Superior‘Exu-a... . . EPPS’S COCOA. -â€" Gunner. AND Comrom‘ma. â€"“ By a thorough knowledge ofthe natural laws which govern the operations ofdigestion and nutrition. and by acareful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point, We may escape many I fatal almftby keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a proper!) nourished frame.”-~ Civil Service Gazelle. Mns CAMPBELL'S Boarding and Day School Will be relopened on Monday, th 6th January. The High and Public Schools of this village will also re-open on the same day. SANDEBBONâ€"PBOCTOB.â€"On the 28th Dec., by the Rev John Hunt. assisted by Rev. C. H. Hainer, at the residence of the bride’s father, William A. Sanderson, of the firm of H. Sanderson’a & Sons, Drug- gists, Richmond Hill, to Henrietta, sec- ond daughter of Isaac Proctor, Esq., of Kettleby, King. MAPESâ€"HEWISON.-â€"On the 30th ult , at the residence of the bride’s Mother, Mr Tru- man Mapes, to Miss Mary Jane, second daughter of the late Robert Hewison, all of Richmond Hill. Riulunond Hill, Nov, 17, 18-74, EAST YORK.â€"~At a meeting or the Grits in the East Riding of York,held at Milliken's Corners. on Tuesday last. M: John Lane, ofThoruhilI, was selected as their candidate, for the Local House at the forthcoming election. It is said Mr Crosby, their late renresentative and his friends are disatisfied with the result of the meetmg and will proA bably contest the seat with the convention candidate. MARRIED. HEISEâ€"SHELL.â€"At Richmond Hill, on the 25th Dec.. by the Rev. James Dick, Mr Henry Heise, of Markham, to Miss Jane Shell, of Vaughan. Wood Yard .' Tm: Amuvnkumr of the Methodist Sab- bath School, Thornhill, on New Year’s Day. Tea served in the Vestry of the Church from 4 to 6 o’clock. The audience will be enter: tained with 30105, duetts, chorusses, &c. Tickets 30 cents, children 20 cents, concert alone 15 cents. Vaughan. Dec. 29. Richmond Hill. Du, fllst, ’74. STRA‘Y. " The - Pride of Canada." Superior White Hog. BULBS AND SEEDS A W0 0.1.3 YARD, the Public that he has opened Apprentice Wanted. Chase Bros. 6; Bowman, Toronto. Ont, fipetiat finite/:2. And he will keep on hand TORONTO MARKETS Which will be Sold Toromo .Nov. 12. 1874. HUGH DEVLIN. 858-3t. mwmmwm 444454440IUIOOWOOQUOIU00W000870000020 @@@@@@@@@@flflfl@@@@@@®®@®@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ “3%05 003852930055 5 5)000000 O 405 O 47 2599917400770m635600%H%0%221W53 050 075 070 I800 000 012 014 850 700 0 27 022 0 CO 0 l8 2 00 0 30 For superiority in design. quality of tone. and finish these Organ are excelled by none in the market at the present day. They have taken the 1st prizes at the following fairs. viz .â€" Markham. Cannington and Newmarket, and the foilowing Instruments were brou ht into compe'itien: at Markham ; Prince ity. W. Bell &. Co.. Goodman, & CoH Toronto Or an 00., G. A. Wood, 51. Co , and the Uxbri go Organ Co.,. At Cnnnington : W. Ball 5: Co. the Bowmnnville Organ Co . and the Uxbridgo Organ Co. At Newmarket. W. Bell 51, 00., G A. Wood & Co.. Messrs, Prince, Toronto Canada. Organ Co . and the Uxbridge Organ. to which the let Prize was awarded in each case. than proving what we assert that they no second to none, Mayan; 1574 sm-ry Agents for the Frst Prize Travelling agent fbr Vaughan 6:. Whi'tcbureh. Hun-nuns 9,0. is owing to its superior qualities as a sewing machine. being adaphd to heavy as’ well no light work, makes it a desirable ankle in every family. To be cnnvlncod'ofita onperior qualities it only requires to be thoroughly ox- amined. For further particulars and price list. and descriptive catalogue. Address _ JOHN H. SifONEHOUfiSrE, l' irst Pri7o at the Vaughan Agricultural Show, held at Woodbrldga on the [31h and 14th of October last. Notwithstanding the keenest competition and most unfoundnd pra- judlca they still continue to gain in public con- fidence. and so rapidly have they increased their sales that they stand in a position to hold- ly challenge camparinsn with any machine made or sold in the Dominion. The success of THE ‘ WEBSTER’ Thirty First Prizes for 1874. IIXBRUJEE GABINET “BEAN ! Richmodd Hill, Oct. 1. [874. A large assortment of Dress Goods, Colbourgs, Wineeys, De- lains, and Prints Cheaper than ever. Clouds, Scarfs, & other Goods suitable for the Season. Blankets, Hors'e Blank. ets & Quilts, Splendid in Value. Fresh Arrival of all kinds of FruNs suitable {0| Seediess, V alenzias, Sultana: and Layer Raisins, Currants, &c., «Sm, Wines, Brandies, Gin, X-MAS AND NEW YEAR, BRITISH FLAG STAFF! Teas & Coffees A year’s number contains 832 page: Ind several hundred engravihgg Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and refer- ence. The practical receipts are we" worth ten times the subscription price. Tarn" $3 20 your by mail‘ Liscount to clubs. Specimen- sent free May be had a! all news dealers. Address for thé Papefir. or concerning Pa. tents. MUNN & Co.. 37 Park Row, N. Y. grallch Ofico,cor. I and 7th Sta“ Washingxon THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT ! FARMERS. Mechanics, Engineers. Inventors. Manufacturers, Chemists. Lovers of Science. Teachers. Clergymen. Lawyers. and peoplo of allprofessions will find the Scientific Ameri- can useful to them. It should have a place in evary family. library. study, office and Count- mg Room .- in every Reading roam. college. academy or SchooL Patents are obtained on the best terms, mo- dels of New lnvontinns and sketches examined and advice free. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICA)! of all Inventions Patented through this Agency. with the numo and residencé of the Patentee. Patents are ofton sold in part or whole, to parsons attracted to the Invention by web notice. Send (or pamphlet. “0 pages. containing luvs and full directions for obtaining l’ntents. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN NOW in its 30th year. enjoys the wide“ circu- Infiol of my woekly newspaper of the kind in the war“. A new voluml commences January 4. [875 P A TENTS. ‘353':2:°22?,.':3£ Amcvicml. Messrs Munn & Co. are Solicton of American and Foroign Patents. and ham tho largest establishmen in the world. More than fiftv thousand applications have been made for patents through their agency. l'v‘ruits5 Fruits! The 'sCIEN'uFIC AMERICAN i. tho cheapest 1nd best illustrated weekly paper published Everynumber contains from l. to [5 original engravings of new machinory and no"! inventions. MERRY X-MAS. Eumvuus. illustrating Improvements. Discoveries. and important Works, pertaining to Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Milling Mining and Metallurgy ; Records of the latent progress in the Ipplications of Steam. Steam Engineering, Railwavs. Ship Building, Nui- galion, Telegraphy, Telegraph Engineering. Electricity, Magnetism. Light and Heat. It! contents embrace the latest and most in- tereltiug information pertaining to the Indus- trial. Mechanical. and Scientific Progress of the World ; Descriptions. with beantfulEngm. wings, of New Inventionl, “‘ew Implements, New Processes. and Improved Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes. Recipes. Suggestions and Advice, by Practical Writers, for Workman aud*Empleyers. in all the varioug arts. And all other Liquors of the beat bnnds Also, Robson & Stonehouse POSTAGE FREE ! DRY GOODS. Goods Delivered. A. MOO m Christmas Groceries! Beet that can be bought RICHMOND HILL. FRESH COMPRISXNG Flour & Feed. $8333» a bafifl Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a description] of the manner of drawing, and other information in reference to the Distri- bution, will bu sent to any one ordering them, All letters mus: be addressed to Office. Excelsior Building L.D'SINE,BoxBe Cor Rue a Longworhh Oholnngtl, 0 Nov. 101. 1874. 825- St. worth $125 eoch, Ten Lndioa’ Gold Hunting Watches. woth $100 each. 1000 Gold and Silvnr Lever Hunting Watch» (in all ) worthfrom $20 to $300 each. Number of mm 7.500. T1ckets limited to 75,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS,“ whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets $10; Twenty-Five $20. neu, worth $600. I Fine-toned Basswood Piano, woth $550. 3 Gold Watches and Chains worth $300 each Three Gold American Hunting Watches, One Prize $1,000 I ' Two Prizes $500 g Five Prizes $100 ' 1 Horse & BuggyZ yiyh Silver-mounted Har. MONDAY, February 22nd, 1875. TWO GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES 0F $5,000 00 each in Cash ! Gift Enterprise ! The only relxable Gift Distribution in tne Country I next. Ihe undafiigned will appfi' (I; [he Judg‘é oftho said Coun for a discharge under the mid Act. NICHOLA S SHAVER. IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! CANADA. Provinco of Ontario, County of York. Nicholas Shaver A lavga sum ofmoney to Fond on Mortgage nt Seven per cent. BLAKE & KINGSFORD. Solicitors No. 56, Church St" Toronto. Dec/7,1874: essay. A POOR SHOE, QVAVKedngsl‘iay,‘ the-13f"); day Q] _Ja7_2uqry OVERSHOES In October last, a note of'hand drawn in favor of the undersigned, bv Jesse Brillinger, of Lot 2. in rear of 3rd Con. W‘hitchurch, for $25, dated May. 1873, and due in‘Octoher 1873 Notice is herobygivon to all parties not nego- tiate for the above note as payment has been topped. JOHN RIECHEN. Dec. 7, 1874. 855-3t Ash , James MnWeha. Rom A H Anderson. Mr Morin;er Jereph Ackworlh)‘, Frank McCamro, Mm: Beers. J. R. M _ (2) McEanher-n, I). Bmwonh, Edward McBride. Sam Barnes, Mrs Margret Paige, Mr: Chrislian, Mrs Ann Pom» Mmgrei ('olemun, Cnroliue Rruil'1,'l‘.8. L‘Iifl’ord, Miss Ellison Rmhormrd, Jase. Holt-man. Mrs Storm, Mary llliza Dickimon. Mis< Ina Smith. A, Ever A. Slinv} Margret Gaipin. Mr Tm )ur, Hem-x Harris. John L. 'l‘mmzh, William ('2 Howiu. Robert (6) Tremh George Hall, James Tucker Miss A. [92"?! {Job}! (2) Quit. Margret._(‘?) Ever A, Gulpin. Mr Harris. John L. Hewitt. Robert (6) Hall, James Ingram, John (2) Kaud'fick. Bridget Kendrick. Mrs Munshnw. Mr HE SUBSCBXBER HAS ON HIS Premium, Lot 55, Yonge Sin-eel. Markham the \‘Vhile Hog, DRY CORDWOOD FOR SALE, Immediately, Ia learn the Harness Busiueus Apply to . .Wu. HARRISON. Mixed, Soft and Hardâ€"Cheap. JOHN HAMILTON Dated at Toronto, this fourth day of December. AJ). 1874} 855-5t Richmond Hill.June 9 1874 “’ Young Eclipse.” For service this season. TERMS : $1, at time of service. Dec. 7. 1874. Elgm Vlilia, Dec. 9, 1874 L. D. ‘SINE’S IMMENSE STOCK 1713! REGULAR MONTHL Y List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND $75,000 00 Insolvent Act of 1869. ‘ONEY TO LENDe Hill Post: them!“ Dec" 1874 Apprentice Wanted W. H. Myers’ Ladies’ and Gm 233’ T Ty Good Ones at TO BE DISTRIBUTED 1N By R03: 61. MAcDoNALn. His Attornies ad litem. Mario, ‘ork. 1n the matter of In the CountyCourt 6f the County of York, TO BE DR,wa An Insolvent. It is not TO BUY 0F MnWeha. Rom A nu Mom-on. Jomph McCamto, Mm: “1051110116111. 1). Melinda. Sam Paige, Mr: Porairs Margret Trench. Mrs K ' Vnndoburgh, Phebe Wail, Alfred WM ROBINSON. Puormmok. 854e5t MY TEEFY. P 8534f. 29-:I' Store. DEVINS 86 BOLTON, AGENTS FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Price, $1 per Bottle. Largo Bottles. 82. May 14, 1874. 8 5 6m ED” This medicine is for sale at all tho Druggists throughout Canada. If it happen: that your Druggisl has not got it in stock, uk him to send for it to NORTHROP & LYMAN This medicine in prepared by scaroful, el- perienced and conscientious physician. in obedience to the dc’sire of numberless friend- in the profession. in the trade and among the people, Every bottle is warranted to com-in the full strength of the medicine in its high»! state of purity and development. and is m- perior to any medicine ever compounded for this terrible camplaint. ‘ In simple cases sometimes arm or' lwo do-nel sufiice. In the mom chronic cases it in sure to give wn bv the use oflwo or three botllu. By this 9 cienl. and simple remedy hundrodl of dollars are saved to those who can lens! I!- ford to throw it away. as surely it is bythe ply- chase of useless prescriptions: Th3 proprietor of this medicine has walked the aisles of the hospiials of London. Eng., for the past twenty years, making rheumalism a speciality. and the prescriptions from .which this remedy is compounded is all he e‘vo'r mod in the treatment of this disease. Dma SIRS .-l with pleasure concede to the agent’s wish ihat I give my endow-tier: to the immediate reliefl experienced from a few doses of the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. hav- ing been a sufi'erer from lhe efl'acts o' Rhon- mmism, I am now, after taking two bottles Qf this medicine. entire] free from pain. You are at liberty to use his letter, if VO‘I doom. '1'. advisabie to do so. I am. sir, your! respectfully. JOHN HELDER ISAACSON. N. P. IS A WONDERFUL MEDICAL ms. comm. ‘ .l know where they can ‘prb'c‘il‘i-o'fho best Instruments We would merely mention the followiyg facts}â€" BELL’S ()RGANS At the Provincial Exhibition held in Toronto in 1870, we received the First Prizes for the Best Molodeon and best large Cabinet Organ; also, the WM mmmfiéfi ‘ i i snppom there is not in the wholocourse of a Physician’s experience anything in human snfl‘oring which calls forth his sympathy and pity to such an extent as to witness the excru- sia ing pains of a poor mortal. suffering from: that fearful diswso, Rheumatism: Herotol'oro there has been a r-onsidorahlo divouzily of opinion among medical men, as to the true charactornfthis dibense; some locating it in tho fibrous or muscular tissues of the system, and others viewing it as an acute, nervous die- ease.hllt it is now generally admitted to be I disease arising from a poison circulating in the blood. The ohcniation of the blood i life of the body. and its stoppage is death; disease can be in the body without first generated in tho blood. and no diseases 1: I possibly be in the body if the ‘blood is pure Rheumatism can never be thoroughly cured: without extorminntinz the poison circulating in the blood by a constitutioml internal rom- ody We feel confident that none WI" fool. better satisfied and rejoice more than the cot» scientious physician who has discovered that a sure cure for this stubborn disease has been found. The followinglostimony from a gen- tleman ol'standmg and high [We ctabilily,and Wall known to the Canadian vgpublic cannot fail to sntisfy all out!» Messrs Devins & Boltoli : Awarded for the Reed Instruments'ahring the LAST mm: YEARS. A: the Provincial Exhibition for 1871. we received all the First Prizes and the 038110 W ROOM, Adjoining Ihc 7British Flag Stafi', Richmond Hill At the Ontario Provincial Exhibition and the Guelph Central Exhibitionfor 1812. we ac gain received At the Central [Hid Provincial Exhibitions for i873, we received every Firét Prize on Cabinet Organs. At both Exhibitions sevornl American Firms. including Easy and. Pelouhet& Pellun Organ Companies, war. competitors. also all the melt prominent Carin-- dian manufacturers. In allthe details of Tone. Durabililv. and‘ Excellence o.” Sly!!! we shall pay the sam‘ at- mnlion as heretofore in order to have our In- struments continuo the best in the market. Only Medal Ever Awarded To any Organ Manufacturer a! any Exhibition in Canada. ' ‘ Wuich maybe had at Low Prices and hey: Terms. MILLIONS Every Instrument fully Wnrrnmed for Five Years. Satisfaction guaranteed. WM. STREET. Agent. for Richmond Hill and Vicinity Also Agent for ‘Whm‘leh & ’VVillEn, AND FL UE H. Y Sewing Machines, AGENTS FOR. THE PROVINCE ONT., SCOTT STREET, TORONTO. _ on T0 Richmond Hdl. Sept. ‘22, 1874 DIAMOND BHBUMATII! BUR}! ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA. - bio for present! at the 'kup Boot u SA'I‘ISFY THOSE, WISHING TO PHYSIEIANS BURNERED. Victorious Everywhere! EVERY FIRST PRIZE Mop-"teal. 2m March. 1814. PEOPLE S‘GUNY. _0F_ _IN- 843-1!

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