Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Jan 1875, p. 3

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‘r OVER COATS, Colored Lush-es, Cobourgs, Dress Goods, all patterns, Merinos all Colors. and Black Lustres Ten per cent cheaper than usual price. Splendid in tun...) T m..-“ nun..-” 3 Large Assartmeni 0f 'Fish. New Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade Readpmade clothing constantly on hand. New Goeds Coming Every Week Staph and Fancy Hurdware, Groceries, Crockery, &c. Salmon Trout, White Fish, Finnin'Haddies, Yarmouth Bloaters and Smoked Salmon, also, Fresh XX X and Select English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Clothing mafie‘to Order at the Shortest Notice Currants, (fine old fruit) N ew Dressed Currants, Staple and Fancy Dry Gaods. Just Arrived at the ," CONCRETE r HOUSE ” towers for their very llberul support during the past, year; findv now 11â€"1;- nounces that he is again prepared to supply all those who may favor him with a call with THOROTGILBRED BERKSH I R E 1" BOAR‘WIII be kept on Lot [5. Can. 3, Township of Vaughan. He is pronounced a CHRISTMAS SEASON! Superior Seedless Raisins .' Christmas The Stock consists of By Competent Judges who havé seen him. Terms: 81 at time of service, JAMES HORD. Cnrrvillo. Dec. 10, ’74. 856-2t. ISHES TO RETURN HIS BEST THANKS TO HIS numerous cus- tomers for their very llberul support during the past year. and now an- THE WOOLEN GOODS DEPARTMENT FOR SALE OR TO LET‘ A Store and Dwelling House Under the some roofâ€"sin one of the best busi- ness Corners in Vaughan. Situated on Lot 16. Con. 3. Vaughan. at Rupertville. Apply to PETER RUPERT. SR. 0n the promises. or if by letter. MAPLE P.O. Doc. 10, 187 4. 856.4: SCHOOL REQUISITES AMHRIIY EHHISTMAS AM] HAPPY NEW YEAR- “The Peoples’ Store.” HERALD BOOK STORE. HHEflQQE -§I RE i Ricmnom' Hill Dec. 8 IBM WINES AND LIQUORS UST received, from the Best Markets, and bought at the Lowest Prxces. CANNED FRUITS FIRST-CLASS HOG Jail-arse and. Complete Stock OF LONDON LAYER, Sardides, Lobsters, &c FULL SUPPLIES AT THE Splendid in Value. Pure and Unadulturated Teas‘ Coffees, Sugars , Orange and Lemon Marmalade’s, &c. A Large Stock of A beautiful assertment in Ottoma Stripe Check Notice. Staple and Fancy Groceries And that for CASH he will sell Decidedly Cheap. RICHMOND HILL; Lemon. Orange and Citren Peels. Parcels Delivered. Is COMING 2 P. G. SAVAGJ-zi Is complete. A very fine assortment of RICHMOND HILL. And Brazil Nuts. Wincys, Prints, Shirtings, SUITABLE FOR THE CONSIS'I ING 0F COMPRISING, ERDUNII GENRES} SPIEBS. Punusnsn Quantumâ€"Jan“ ary Number Just issued, and contains over 100 pa as, 500 Engravings. descriptions ofmore than 500 gr our best Flowers and Vegetables. with Direct ions for Culture. Colored Plate. elc.-â€"Tho most useful and elegant work of the kind in the world.â€"-( lnly 25 cents for the yeahâ€"Pub- lished in English and German. Address $5 TO $20 VIcKES' FLO AL GUHMfl For 1875. Wu .LU W‘JU Agents All classes of working people. voung or old. ma o more mono us in their spare moments, or all the lime, than at anything elss Particulars free, l’oat card to Slates cost but two cents. Address G STINSON & (30., Portland, Maine. 00!. 27. 1974. 8494‘! wanted V! of either sex. y at work for "‘ As the White Rose wakeneth into beauty so dOes the White Hog come to Gladness ” “John Cummings,” He has also imported from the State of Ohio‘ aChester White Pig. “ Josh Bi1_lings. ” m.‘.._.». mi ‘5, n Dec. 3, 1874. TERMS ; $1. time of service EORGE WELDRICK still keeps his firm n‘:r1n 1)..-- first prize Boar, New Figs, Almonds, . G. WELDRICK. Ram Com-Se Farm, Thornhil)~ 854-5t. and Plain I. ‘ CROSBY. JAMES VICK. ‘ ' Roche-tonxm‘. PER my. &c., 84!]on value. And hopes 10 receive the continued patronage oflhe Customers Ll his l’redecesmr, lw attan- tion m ‘heir wants nd selling as cheap :15 it is possibie-to do. L I FAMILY GROCERIES ! Suitable Torthe trade of Richmond Hill. and vicinity and willalways endeavor to be up to the times with BRA. N, SHORTS 40 Qénts_1ao_,_$,1 per 1b. ’I‘HE Subscriber lakes this opportunity of re- xurni)g his sincere thanks to his numerous friends for lheir Liberal Patronage while occu- pying the store known as the “ Tea Chest.” Richmond Hill. and would state that he has sold out his Interest in theabove Establishment to Mr C. SHEPPARD. and would hespenk (hair patronage and support for his successor. SEASONABLE GOODS EYER'S SUPERIOR FLOUR At J. Brown’é. Richmond Hill. For$4,50'per brl AIWIys on hand and cm be got at no othev storm in the Village‘ Work 5‘ o o - OPERATION. Good Family Flour THE TEA CHEST $4,50Per Barrel. D. C. O’BRIEN, AI hume, maln or mind.“ $35 per- ovum. dm nr vvv-ningr. V0 WE SEED A VALUABLE PACKAGE 0F Goons hr mailrnm. Addrem. with ll u can. telurn stamp. M. YOUNG. 75'! Hrfienwich St. N. Y. N45 Um DOMINION TEA. HOUSE Richmond Hill. Dec l,1874. C’o-opm alive Flour Store. Richmond Street 41 Wanted imvmdiateh an apprentice 1-: learn Blacksmithiug Apply to WILLIAM TREN' H ‘PERSONS requiring Licenses for the sale of Spirituous Liquors in Taverns m- Shun: 1 very lxheral patronage I have received since commencing business in the village would ifs; spoctfully solicit a call. I ' All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. , H Parties are hereby cau‘tionml not In purâ€" ,_r chase a note given by" me to 1 1 Daniel Homer for $6|.5U.and 'elndor§éd lw Pater Bril linger. and due on or about the st ofOctober last, as the same has beenypnid i-n full THOMAS COOK Goods Delivered ‘Prompf‘ly r of Spirituens Lquors in Taverns or Shops in the Village of Richmond Hill will require to petition the Village Council before VIUN DAY. the lSth day of JANUARY next. and hand to the Clerk the names of twu sureties M. ’I‘EEFY. CLERK. Cordwood in any Quantity Oval-shoes and Rubbers, At prices that cannot fail to please all. Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. Tavern KeeperusIShep Keepers. Good Frame Hausa, and otl‘er buildings there on For particulars. apply to J. C. McQUARRIE Maple, Nov. [1. ’74 851-“ THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR At greatly reduced prices. White Fish, Salmon Trout, Oysters and Canned Fruit BOOTS 65 SHOES WESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES at the HERALD Book Store. ONTARIOHOUSE N reference lo 1h:~ ubove the Subscribe! begs to say that he wil' keep a large and fresh stock of fi- CHANGE OF HANDS.. ‘N RETURVING THANKS FOR THE Richmond Hill. Nov 5 1747-1 Richmond Hill, Nov) :0, EH4 Whilclmrch. Nov. 20. ’74‘ Choice Christmas Groceries. GO‘ )1) GREEN TEA An lml’nensv Stock 0 Richmond H11]. Dec. 10, 1874 Desirable Property for Sale. AND L_OTJ‘0R SALE in the )APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. N APPRENTICE WANTED mFLOUR, Village of Maple. colnainiggg- coups DELIVEREDâ€" CHARLES E, SHEPPARD, numnd Hill, Feb. 19,,vs74. One Acre of Land, Public Notice RICHMOND HILL. afimmm, 8w. Always 05 hand. Fall Arriva ls When Ordered. Notice FROM A LEX. MOODIE. J. BROWN. 8534f 850 @gcimltuml amplcmmtfi. TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse , .‘ and Pulpers, H Fanning Mills, Threshers & Separators, Horse Powers,‘ jacks, &c. ‘ FOR SALE BY 01:? Send/hr Revised Price List. WM. RENNIE, Toronto. ' Toronto, Sept. 30, 1874. R45 M. TEEFY. N. LYN IC’I‘T, (As Executors of the Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) Richmond Hill. June 1,1874. TF-823 Corner of Adelaide 8; Jarvis Streets Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, ‘ R901; Cutters Per Month to Live Men L SEND $5 forAgem’s outfit whicl KIDL" 1‘ I SEND $5 forAgem’s outfit which will sell for $10 or money refunded A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. $QOOO,TO LOAN on first-class Mortgage Securityâ€"in sums from $500 up- wards. Apply to Bogs‘to nmmunce to the Inhabitants of Richâ€" mond Hil‘. andsnrroundmg ueighburhood that. he has built a new Hearse and commvnced the 10 to 100 , Dollars 01';- Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. THOMAS B. COUPLAND, Richmond Hill Feb. 26, ’74 Photographer. Wm; Rennie. Toronto. ICEVRED Auctioneer for the C: unty of - -1 Yank, reupet-tl'uljv solicits your patronagt- and friendly influence Sales attended on the shortest "once and at reasonable rates. 1’. U. 'addréss. VIctoria'Sqllafi . I- ICENSED Auctioneer for the County of J York. )‘especlfnllyvsolicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shor‘est notice and at reasonable rales P. 0 address, King. NOOD DWELLING HOUSE AND I bver an acre of land. good orchard. situ- amd on_Richmoud street. Richmond Hill. The estate of 1he late MRS WESTy Apply to PARKER CROSBY. PAID FOR. WHEN ORDERED. Fitted up in fix‘sfichsgstylé, and that he is now prepared to take all kinds of pictures in the latest stylas of the art. PICTURES FHA MED, COPIED, SEED STORE, WESLEY HY MNS ‘ A weekly journal of Current Events. l.i1waturo. Science and Arts \griculture and Mechanics, Fashion and Al...xsement. Sod at 10¢ a number at the HERALD 9"“ " ‘3‘”? Can be obtained an the HERALD Book Store at the following reduced prices :â€" l5c{s. fillets. 30015, SScts. 40cls. 50cts, 75cts’ and 90 915-,“ ' - V lST PRIZ E THOS. B. .OUUPLAND, GOOD & CHEAP, Harness Establishment. '0 r A: D. CABLE, 568 Craig St YMontreal. Sept,, 96 , 1374. lm. NE W GA‘L’LER Y! 'N returning his siucére thanks to hIS friends . and patrons for past favor» wouid respect- fully intimate Lhar he has now got his Richmoqnd Hill , July g133.1874 King, Sepf. m. 1874 Markham, Sept.’10," [£374. )l B L E SO CI E TY DEPOSITORI ) I .R. mond Hill brunch) at the Hun 10k Store Richmond Hill, April 16,1274 Richmond Hill, Oct, 22, ’74. ‘ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. ENLARGED S TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT ' (he Harman Book Store. Funeral Furnishings supplied at From UNEEBTAKHSE BUSINESS. FINE NEW HEARSE SAMUEL m. BROWN, House and Lot; for Sale: we. Funeral Flimishings. Coffins ax.d Caskvts in every Myle. CHARGES MODERATE. RlCHMOND HILL. :WM. HARRISON. Single and Double, HARNESS! MONEY TO LEND JAMES C_. STOKES, RICHMOND HILL, figltn'tngmplm. All work to be AT THE AND 849-11‘ 8424f 35-:f 848- 5: And are located at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, 4th concussion of Markham; in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applv (if by letter,prepuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square,or lo WM. G. HINGSTON. U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. wi 1h a barn stables, and other outbuildings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise“ M I“. CRAWFORD. A FARM HF 69 AND A HALF AERES About One-fifth of an Acre, Being part of lots 3 and 4, Isl Con. Township of Uxbridge. ’i‘Iâ€"IE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR For sale, food farm, being lot No 30,111 the 211 Con. of Vaughan, CONTAINING 50 A0763 of F7rsZâ€"class Land, acles wilh Good Dwelling House and Out- buildings, just muside the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And FARM FOR SALE. There is a good House. Barn. and a very su- perior Orchard of Young Fruit Trees; 3 good Well of Wne on the premises, 3 miles from Richmond Hill and about 2!: miles from To- ronto. Price $2.500 Apph' to Or more. house, barn , well. and a neverâ€"fa g brook, good orchard.&c , &c. Very desiru‘, 3 property. Apply to _ JOHN MCQUARRIE Maple P.O. rally be found at 'home from 2 to 3 o‘clock. r M. John Ellion Langslafi' is auth- orized to collect accounts. FIRST CLASS land, part lot 44. en Yongo Sireet. (West side) adjoining the fiou rish- ing V W of Richmond Hill, 14 miles from the city of Toronto - U cilora, Conveyancers, «$142., 6142., Guavaâ€"N0. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexi door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE. Union House. NlONVILl.E. Basses run in conneCIio with each train. Commodious sample room. “Fashion with Economy.” Trusmg an early visit.‘ wiH be agreeable those friends who can maka it convenient. Richmond Hi". Nov, ll, ’74. Will be presented in variety, excelled by no other house in Richmond Hill Her arrange- ments have been made Upon the strict principle of her businrss motlo, ‘ fi’Ordeqs Solicited. Richmond Hi”. Feb. 18. 1874. Feather-é, Flowers (E Fancy Goods For (he Fa 1 and Winter Seasons far outrivals all pravious efforts. All the lumber Tongued, Grooved. AND Surface Planedjnsmrt amlce RS. MYERS returns her best thanks to lhose Lady Patrons who so liberaHy supporled her during the last very successful season. Her stock of Freflgh, Englist ~d’c «American Alilljnew. Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward J. truction of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight & Son’s Novelty Works, Markham. Excellent accommodation afl'ordod for the travelling public and commercial men. Liverv stables in connection with the hotel. Bottlea Ale and Porter. _ ‘ Lath, Doors, MAGER & QUANTZ! VICTORIA SQUARE I New and Beautiful Shades Richmond Hill, Jan. 8,1874. sale a number of Village lots. situated the village of March 5‘7, 15172. Aug. 20, 1874, Richmond Hill, April 23. ’74. N. BLAKE. R. E. Kmasronn. M.A Toronto Jul',Y 28. 1873 7844f February 41h; 1873. THOS. HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. l873. 7 N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES~ Richmond Hill. Dec. 24, ’72 Sept. 4, 1872‘. \ RICHMOND HILL IASH AND IlllflR METER IN__‘LUCASV ASTREET, RICHMOND DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, IICHMQND HILLL WILL GENEâ€" ‘N Yonga Street, Richmond Hill. also ten Containing Seventy Acres TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. BLAKE 62. KINGSFORD, ARRIS'ILERS'; ATTORNEYS, SOLI- House and Lot for Saile, Village Lots for Sale._ Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store1 RICHMOND HILL. ‘T‘ yrnp‘erm int Sale, NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. A LARGE STOCK OF A CARD. Qtiavcuauwnfi, Also a fine assortment of ($6., é-c., Richmond Hill. Farm for Saleâ€"â€" Blinds, Mouldings, JAS. LANGSTAFF. MD The lots ce‘ntaln TEAS, Apply to Man ufactur'ers of JACOB MORDEN. D. WOOTEN. 7374f Dingln P. 0 714-“ 753-3m Shingles, 8122-“. 759-lv 8074f B40-tf Sashes, 797 Price 25 cents and $1 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds, It Fattens in Onerfamz‘h the usual tune, and saves Food. THE CHINESE-GARDEN} POWDER Desqroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers at95 cents per box. _ HUGH MILLER & 00.. U Undertaker. &c. RESIDENCEâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. TICKS ON SHEEP. USE MILLR’S TICK DESTROY-ER. [t destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of the wool, and improves the condition of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER 63 CO., UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON T0 WeeklvPanars.1-nr-n-vnd :11!er Win-Inn ATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVES, Sheen and Pms. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees LONG LIFE PILLS! FAMILY BIBLES, A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.82. $5, $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boox STORE- chhmond Hill. AGRICULTURAL CHEMIs-fi. 167-, King Street East, Toronto. For Sfl‘le by Druggists and Storekeeyers.‘ R. E. LA W, Agent. Richmond Hill. fl mmow. at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Pails.CiderMills.Washing Machines.Shingles Waggon Fences. and LumberSawedto order Forparticulars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills .Thornhill. 0 T0 Weekly Papers. rece-ved at the HERALD Book Stow. Richmond Hi!) RIBHMIIND HILL MILLS! FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! GEORGE (fa DAVID BIRRELL Parties favoring us with grists may rely on a good return and well manufactured. 15' Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson 6L Sons. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 75l-3m ARRISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. IIAnRIsoN,Q,c. F. Osman. THOMAS MOSS,Q.C W. A FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. 7504f April 9. 187.). HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR \VHEAT. Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 l‘hornhi”. Nov. 3.18694 HARRISON. OSLER 85 MOSS, THOMAS SEDMAN, AERIAGE AleD WAGON MAKER, EWELR'Y! JEWELRY! FOR SAGE EG to inform ‘Merchants Baqus 6L Farmers ‘ that they have always on hand a large stock of Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE DO ICHMOND HILL LIVERY S TAB LE 8 . Sheep and Pzps. cheain the HERALD Book Store. We “gym-£11 Watch. CATERPILLARS Agricultural Chemists. Torou'to FOR SALE BY R E. LAW. Druggiat, Richmond Hill. 510-.” The following-is a list of the firms alludd to ; and I particularly recommend those vb. desire to get my medicines to apply to son). of the Houses named 3â€".â€" Messrs Avery. Brown & Col} Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsyth &. Co., Halifax. N.S. Messrs T. B. Barker & Sons, St. John, N.‘ M:- "1‘. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town. PEI. Messrs Langley & Co , Victoria. B.C. Messrs Moore 61. Co.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Fallen, Clmlham. N. B. Messrs Munro & Co.. Montreal. Messrs J- Winer &. Co.. Hamilton. C. W. Mr H. J. Rose. Toronto. Mr A Chipman Smith. St John, N. B. Mr John Bond, Gndrich, Ont. Messrs Elliot & Co.. Toronto, Mr J. Chaloner, St. John, N. B. Messrs Hanninglon Brothers. St. John, N. B, Mr R. S. Piiddv. Windsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Morden, N. S. . Mr George C. Hunt, Jun., Fredericton. N. B's Mr W. H. Thompson, Harbor Grace, NJ'. . Mr J. M. Wiley. Fredericklon, N. B. Messrs W. & D. Yuile, Montreal- My Pills and Ointment are sold 'at the Iowa- wholesale net prices. in quantities of not but than £20 worthâ€"viz“ 85 6d..229., 349.,” dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. (I whigh remittangos Vmastr be sent in ad's)”. Chemists and other Vendors of Hollowuy’t genuine Pills and Ointment may have '0”. names inserted in the local papers if they Wm please apply hereâ€" 533. OzforrliStrcet. W. 0.. London, March 315l,1874 n Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in (Tun. containing 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars each, sufficient to effect a pm‘manent cure in the; great majorin of long standing oasesfiY ALL‘ CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICIN E: VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprielor. F‘. J Cl.,ARKE,Chemist, APOTHECARIICS’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England hv all Wholesale Palol‘ Medicine Hansen. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of (Intuit and Quebec z~ EVANS, MERCER 8a 00., Montrenl. It is presumed that, from the large connec- tion Messrs Henry and Co. have in the Brifleh Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous vel- dors and others unles they exercise gran caution to prevent their being misled, by find. ing these medicines bearing a stamp with the name of " Holloway and Co., New York." pri_n_ted thereon. Many respectable firms in the British Provo inces. who obtain my medicines direct 91‘. here. have very properly suggested that I should, for the benefit of themselves and the public, insert their names in the napers. the. it may be known that my medicines can he had genuine from them. Holloway’s Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured not sold in the United States, although they may be oblained in the B. N. American Provinces. It has become necessary to make this anc- nouncement, because the New York Chemical Company (who pay nobody). finding at hit that their name has been an exposed, have It sumed the title of“ Hollowav and Co.; ” but, even now, no one will buy their medicines “- rect from them,ao that they have made er- mngements to supply exclusively the 6er cf Messrs Henry and Co., of New York. with their so-called ” Holloway's Pills and Oint- ment." As alllife-andowed bodies. whetherlhovb Boast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even ZOO phites. and subjects of the Vegetable King‘o- are governed by tilalforcc, which binds Ill lb. springs of existence. and as nothing cal at. them from destruction when this princlph leaves them, the discovery of means when vitality may be sustained in the living body!- indeed a boon to the world. Each Pot and Box of my preparation beam the British Government Stamp. with the word! "Hullaway’s Pills and Ointment, London." engraved thereon. Fellows’ Compound 81 RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES Modern chemistry has ventilated the qua.- tion and discovered the ingredients conditi- ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and a that by introducing these ingredienta in p proportions the brain and nervous system | ' strengthened. .- U] Luv uvuy. : Rousing the Sluggish Heart at! U". strengthening the action of the Stomlci ti Bowels and enabling the' Lungs to be flatly“. Hated with Oxygen. ; It is adapted for ALLOHSGS of Weaknennfl Emaciatiou, whether arising from sodium life. a tropicalclimate. from fever or doiiflfi from any cause,and is efficaciouu in Pm NARY Coxsum-now. many confirmed afi‘ having been cured and all bonofitled. when 1‘ use has been continued over a fortnight. Thousands of testimonials from all M This. then. is substantially the basil which FELLDW’S HYPOPHOSPIHTE! [a bum direc‘ action is upon the Blood. the Brain Nervous System. and Ihe Muscles. Flrou ening the nerves. it causes the rapid dMn ‘ tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organ of the Body. As \his is entirely distinct and dlferom 5!. every other preparation of Hypophosphihl,‘ careful to ask for FELLOWS, SYRUP, and at. no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIE. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and; Warianled free from anything injurious to tho‘ most delicate constitution of either sax, tho. Pruprietdr solicits sufferers to give it a~trial to. test its vnlua. In Bronchitis it is a specific. and i; Ami- il ives relief where overv other remedy f IE ‘or Nervous Debimy it stands unrivfi. and may be used with confidence in a" M For Sctoi‘ula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and: Sores of all kinds it is a neverâ€"failing and 9915â€". mauant care. It cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerrated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures lllnclsheads. or Pimples on thq Fm Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers, Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure mutton From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and} Wartanted free from anything injurious to thot most delicate constitution of either sax, tho. IS warranted to cure a“ discharges from M Urinary Organs, in either sex acquirld OI constitutional, Gravel and Pains in ‘ho Buck. Sold in Boxes, $1.50 ' all Chemiah I“ Patent Medicine Vendors. Solo proprietm, F. J. CLARKE. APOTHECARJES’ HALL. LINCOL’. ENGLAND. .. Sold in England by all Who'ii‘ux. Medicine Houses. .' hu‘ Wholesale Agents for Provinces of (I ~ and Quebec; . Evafifi'fi Em Efi a; Co. «0553*. For cleansing and clearing the blood from Yul! impurites. cannot be too highly recommen- ded . Trade Mark “Blood Mixturefim THE GREAT BLOODPURIFIER <9; RESTOREB; One Box of Clarke’s B 41 BLflODMlXTURE “[3011 THE BLOOD ISTHE‘ 1.1m!" 4-8 PUBLIC CAUTION¢ ifatwt aneflicimm Price. $160: Six for $7'50. C L A R K E ’8: WWW FAME-'11 JAMES LFFI- Lows,Chni 8:. Jon. 8.3; 'l‘ HOMAS HOLLOWAY.

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