Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Jan 1875, p. 2

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mm agm gnaw. Going North 8J3 A.M..1?.27 p‘m...5_l3 p m Going South 9 26 A.I\I..3.3~< p.m~...".‘36 p.m RichmondHillStmion. Changeonime taking efl'cul Monday. Nov, lGlh. [874: The difference between the two candi- dates for East York is, the Hon. Wm. McDouszall is a Reformer who has never hesitated to express his views, even if‘ they did clish with Mr Brown’s: he has been identified with the statesmen of our country, and occupied no inferior po- Bition in framing the constitution and confederation of" the British poasesainns on this continent. Mr John Lane. the nominee ofa packed convention, has no~ thing to recommend him except that he‘ was brought out by a few of such men l as J.nck Nict‘muwll. IF the electors of East York will permit pyn‘ties in that ,mtinn to Select their reprrscrytatiw for !he Legislature, we are nmch mistaken: 0F the two, )1 r McDuugall will take his place In the House as a statesman, :md --wull Mr Lune would be a voting machine without even being able to give a reaswn f'wr such volesl .‘lr \chuugnll in u Belinmrr of moderation; Vlr Lune iota Grit of the clearest sort, and of'the two we commend \lr .‘IcDougnll m the mod crate men of both p.1rties. Go and vote for MoDouealll The “ Pairty" are adding to their re- cord, which is already so surcharged with ‘ malfeasance, by continung even more boldly than ever to advance in the paths of the transgressor. Lately one of their political cards. player] With the usual a- mount of audacity, has been " gerry- mandering,’, and for the present they are chucklng over the success of their scheme. Howeter these movements are sttractin;_r the attention of the people. They do not want to be manipulated“ assorted and pieced out, just to suit the ambititus caprices of unscrupulous rul crs. Their vengeance will soon be felt, 't and even when the Grits may imagine] themselves to be embarked on a full tidei of success, the thunderbolt may drop out ofa clear sky. The career of the con- spirator is ever beset with apprehension, and this begets its own vengance. For an example ofa most. unjustifiable inani- pulation we may instance the recent‘ manufacture of the new Count} oi'D-Ifl' ‘ erin. Under the cloak of a hypocritical show of fairness. it was represented by these archâ€"deceivers to their own follow- ers and likewise to the Opposition, that it was a mere matter of common justice. and, as a proof of the sincerity of their intentions, they pointed to the fact that the new grouping of these townships would give the Opposition a sure and strong seat, This might. serve to quiet the not very keen scruples of conscience of their followers, but it would not do for the Opposition. who perceived that they were gaining one very strong con stituency at the expense of irrctrievably ruining their prospects in the eight sur- rounding constituencies. In short, un- der a seemingly fair show of justice, they have endeavored to give the Opposition a stab under the fifth rib which they fondly hoped would be fatal, but as long as British justice and fair play exists. they may depend upon it that it is not in the heart of a British people to allow such a piece of unexampled treachery to go unpunished. '1 he people will arise in their might. and exact a terrible reckonâ€" in};r which will teach them for all time the extent of their mistaken policy in trifling with the rights and privileges of a free peopte, The Toronto Leader, in an editorial on the East York Election, refers to the Hon. William McDuugull in the follow- ing manner The tumnH-t nl' thr= Hon Wm. Mucrl-tu gnll's vtnlv return In at'tivn tr-litimtl l‘lé- is a matter for ens-rill :t'itttfimtinn. and many Cirl‘lllllnlallrct‘h‘ Cnmhine itt rendering it it fortnmtv thing that ht) is likely to begin a flt'th Cull-‘1‘! in thv ()ntarin Legislatttt‘t‘. The nlu-Iiliun of dual replesenttttion un dtruhH-‘dlj' withdtew ('(Htridet'flhlv talent from an: Luvnl “IIUSP. and it is only lw llw pres ent gent-ml eleotinn that the optinrtunity is Minded nf tPStuI-ittg the sameâ€" high tone which ('hHIHCN‘tlZP’i it during: the first l’t'm vittcia. Pitlli'Amt‘HL In l'PSpPO' nfstatesmnn ii 0 (‘tllllll'P and I xtwriencr. MI" Matcdnngnll will hl’ a gtvat gain tn the Le -i;-t‘ntttt'9 and a still gleatet‘ gain to that Side [ID-HI whivh he sh ll tnngP himself Nor will his teml porary “lllldt'uwul f'tom active pltlllical life have dt n9 him nught but good. for his mis' sinn to Scandinavia, his residencein England and intetcourse with public men there are all calculated to improve and hroaden and ('nrrvct a mind like his. which is essentially filtwt‘l to deal “ilh public afl'uits This is Lhtmr. hv tltn lettnrs ht; has writ'en on Cam admit affairs in the English pI'PSS. itt many of which we imagine we pE‘ICf'iVP evidr" cc ofa tlpH‘ 5m e-nttinship and less pat-tizatt bins than hub hitherto characterized much of his ullet'nttce. Atthe annual school meeting for our village and section, held on Wednesday last, His nnminntion fox East York, therefore, ought to be it matter of satisfaction to the whole Province, as it certainly ought It be to the Hiding itsell. which has never been reptesentcd Ivy any really distinguised man. The honest yoeme'i them are getting tired of a nouenity in Parliament. and very naturallv wish to hear of “the member for East York” spoken of with respect and admiral tion. By returning Mr Macaougall that constituency will raise itself out of the 0b. scurity into which it has fallen, and rank with others the names of the members {or which are in cverybody’a mouth. List of Licensed Peddlars & Auctioneers. The People’s Store. Announcementâ€"Rom. Hopper. West York Ag. Society. ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA HON. WILLIAM MCDOUGALL. EAST YORK ELECTION. RICHMUND HILL. Jan. 15. 19175 NEW ADVERTISE RIEN’I‘S MANIPULATION. aud Trench were medth- Permit me to offer a. few remarks on the subject suggested by the quotation given above as the title of this letter. I am per- sua’ded that many, both teachers and pupils. may profit by a proper consideration of this subject. AS my purpose is not to engage in any controversy, nor criticise any one in particular. and as I am not in any position of trust or responsibility, relating either to our High or Common SchoolsY I can with little hesitation or embarrassment refer to this subject. Mr Editor. Apart from the mechanical execution being creditable, it is always pleasant, on receiving a letter, to observe that some at- tention has been Iqiven to those features which would make it fit to go, if required, to the printing office. And yet, how few there are whose compositions are in any de nee credit ble to themselves, from the evi- (lenne furnished therein that they are mut-I deiers of "The Queen’s English." Some excuses may be made, if mistakes occasion- lv occur, in an unstudied extemporanious address; but in a composition where ample timv and uppm'funit‘ies haxe been afforded for studv, 0n the part. of any one with any pretensions to correctness, it is simply in- excusable. I have heard of “ correspond~ cuts " requesting the editor of‘ a paper to correct their errnrs, which. I am sure, he would find a difficult task; and 1 have also known compusnms so change. both the punctuation and syntax in an mticle, thut wwuld cause the WI‘IleI‘ m blush With' shame it" ho New to he jud red thereby as to his uhlvlily to write enrrecxly. Errors in punctuation are probably mOre frequent than any other. The different theories or rules for punctuation, which pre- vail amnng divers teachers of the art of wri mg the English language with correct- ness. will :0! justifv any one in writing a lHllt-‘I‘ 1m vaz-inuu subjects. as if such a. thing as punmimtinn had never been invented, and yet. I hum: rend letters without eithe: cunnmi. colon. smnilcolnn. or " full stop.” until run (mum to the "conclusion of the whale matter.” This is not creditable either to the Wl'ltPl'. or those whn taught him Anntlmr prevalent. error is in the misuse of words The class of words usually mis- applied are ndjecllves, used to denote the character of something ofinterest. In con versation this is had enough, in writing it. is far worse Thus. it. is sail. such a person was awful hapny: of another object. it was terrible nice or pretty. Can there be any- thun.r uwtul connected with happiness, or terrible about pietliness? Mismkes ll) grammar are less frequent. at Ivast aumm; young persons of education; and yet both in Wiitinz and speaking evil deuce lS abundant oftheir occurrence. The singular Vb‘th ‘ is," and “ was.” are used when war» and are would obviously be pro- par. ‘- I would have went.” grates harshly on the our. An appropriate retort would be. “ Why (lid’nt you went?" The use of the auxiliaries “shall,” and “will.” also requires attention. Ft w person are free from mistaken in ortho- graphy. and these are so numerous that it Would be vain to attempt any enumeration. Nothingwxll so mar an otherwise resnectuble letter, and cause its writer to fall some de- grsms in the estimation ofintelligent persons. as to find in every other line words mis- SneHed 'l'hisvrror can be avoided. For mme ymrs it has br‘nn the habit, of some penulre to have the Dimiunary on the table, and examine every word of whicn any doubt exisle-d. There are .nauv other errors which can. not be classified. This is said to be an age of shums. as one of its phases; and he who can shum in the most effectual manner often succeeds. for a time. the best. But can any one use them wilhOuL losing self- respect? l have heard the expression some wheres. ldo not think Ille Lexiemus con~ Iain such u we d. Slang words are never right. Provincialisms, in which not a. few seem to glory, are nfl'shols from. and cor ruptions of “ The Qieen’s English.” Men of thorough ‘ducation and common sense, having the same native language, will speak alike and use similar words, wherever they have been trained. Attention to matters Ofthis kind, on the part of our public teachers. which 1 thus venture to an zgest at, the beginning- a new term will greatly increase thetr efii ciencv, and contribute much $0 the respect. ability of the coming man. Simâ€"A few months ago. when there was considerable conversation among the rate- pavers ofunr village, relative to the most satisfactmy way of investing the share of the Munictpal Loan Fund to which we are ew-titled. I suggested throth vour journalâ€" as we were not agreed just then as to what permanent investment would conduce to the benefit at the largest number. and as the Local Government had intimated that at an early date an amendment would he made to the Munit-ip‘tl Act, which would allow of gre-nter in nude in the dispositions of mon~ t-vs accruin.r from the Fund to Municipalit 5.4- that it. would he advisable to let the mnn“y lay in the hands of the Provincal Treasurer. at five per cent interest until the Isl ot’ Feht'uarv, 1875. The first of February is now near at hand and some slaps should be take.) townrdar' riving at some conclusion as to the best. Embed cfdisposiug oz" Lhc and money, The Mr Editor 2. “ In case of the money being sebapart for some educational purpOSe not authorized by the said former Act, the money shall be invested and applied in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as other surplus money which municipal corporations may by law set, apart xor educational pur- poses." At‘ a nwefing of a large number of rate- payers. subsequently, it was unanimously .Ipcided Ln do 50. Since that time the Gnvernm' General has been graciously nlvnsed to sanction the following â€" 1. -' The Municipal Cocncil ol'any Muni cipnlty entitled to receive money or deben- tures under the Act entitled, ‘ An Act re:- specting the Municipal Loan Fund debts and respecting certain payments to Municipaliv ties,’ may by bv-law set apart any at such moneys or the proueeds of the said bebeu- tut-cs for any ofthe obiects hllowing. that is to say. (1) for any educational purpose t'nr which the municipality may lawfully set. apart nth-Jr surplus money, or (2) for the purpose of paying the liability of the muniv cipality in respect of any debt due by the county within which the municipality is situated. or of any debt due by the muni- cipality jointly with any other municipali ties or municipality. or with part of any municipalities or municipality. or (3) for the purchase of a steam fire engine for use in the municipnlity, or (4) for any object of a permanent nature. “ An Act to amend the Act respecting thr- Municipal [mun Fund debts and certain pnynwnls In Municipalitigs. “ Her Mnjr-siv. By and with the advice and CHIIEPHI nf the Legislative Assemble of lht‘ Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: Richmond Hill, Jan. 6th, 1875. “ THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH.” THE MUNICIPAL LOAN FUND. @mmmnflmm. (For the Yonx HERALD.) Reeve might. be requested to call a meeting as soon after the first session of the Council as would be compatiable with sufficient notice to all parties interested, and thus as; certain. as near as possible, the desire of the ratepayers as a guide to the Reeve and ‘ Council in reference to its final disposition. Hoping. Sn", that it will be disp-osed off in such a manner as to contribute to the greatest good to the greatest number. The first meeting of our Village Council for the year. will be held on Monday next, at 11 o’clock. WEST YORK.â€"At the nomination, held at Weston, on Monday last, Mr Peter Pat~ terson was elected by acclumalion. A large meeting of the electors East York was held at Thornhill on Wednesday night. Mr Macdougall occupied the attention of the meeting for about three hours, with a truthful review of Ontario poiitics. A Mr McLain was sent from the Globe oflice in order to oppose himâ€"it is said that he was cornered-Mr Macdongail’s reasoning was so very convincing that McLain left the hamlet a. wiser mnn. The Missionary Meeting in connection with the Richmond Hill and Thornhill Cun- ada Presbyterian Church will be held (l).V.) at Richmond Hill on the evening ofthe 20tll inst. to commence at 7:30 p. m., and at Thornlnll on the evening of the 2lst inst.y to commence at 7:30 p. m. The Duputation from the Presbytery are the Rev. R. Wnl lace, of Toronto, and the Rev. Mr Haigh, of King. POST OFFICE SAVINGS’ BANK.â€" Monthlj/ Statementâ€"The following is the exhibit. of the transactions in the Richmond Hill posh-office Savings Bank up to the 315t Dec. :â€" Total deposits to Dec.31,1874..$92,565.00 Deposits during year ending Dec., The High School Inspectors confirm the admission of the following candidaten to the Richmond Hill High School :â€" Wm. Barnes, of Thornhill School. Charles Lawrence “ 'I'homws Ness, of Patterson School. Robe]! Stewart, of King. R. Gamble. of hichmond Hill School. E. Miller, “ “ “ Henry B. Myers “ ” Mina Newton, “ “ O. Seager, " “ John Wilson, “ “ Ida Wolf. “ “ Certificates shall be given to the above pupils. JAMES DICK. Chairman of the Board of Trustees. 1'874. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . 19.43300 Deposits in month of December 2,140 00 Withdrawals “ "' . . . . 547.36 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. TUESDAY, Jan. 19.â€"Auction Sale Cordwood on rear 110157, 15! Con. Markham A quantity of Hardwood. Softwood, and Cedar Posts. Sale at 1 o’clock, sharp. J. G01 mley. Aucfioneer. \VEDXESDAY, Jan. 20.~â€"â€"Auclion Sale Farm Stock. Implements. &c., on Lm No. 34. 4th Con. Vaughan. The property of Mr Alex. McLean. Sale at 10 o’clock. N. J. Armstrong, Auctioneer SATURDAY. Jan. 23.-â€"Auctlon Sale Farm Stock. Implements. &c . on Lot No 11, 4th Con. Markham. The property of the late Mr L. Peterson, Sale at 1 0’ clock. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. FRIDAY. Jan. 29.â€"7Auctlon Sale Farm Stocks Implements, &c , on Lot 27, rear 42h Con. Markham. rl‘he prom.ny of Mr James linck. Sale at 10 o’clock. Lunch at noon. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this office will receive a notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. EPPS’S COCOA. â€"â€" GRATEFUL AND Com‘on'rmc. â€"â€" "By a thorough knowledge of'lhe u‘rtural law.‘ which govern theopermions ofdigeslion and nutrition. and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It in by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a conslilution ma3 Bo gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundredq of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack where ver there is eWe-ak point. We may escape man)~ a fatal shafth keeping ourselves well l'orlified with pure blood and a properl} nourished lrame."-- Civil Service Guzctlz And hopes by strict atlention to businass (o merit a share of pubiic patronage. Beef, Mutton, Pork, Lard, Fowls, and all kinds of Meat constantly on hand N. B.â€"-â€"All Orders promptly attended to ROBERT HOPPER. Came into the premises of tho Subscriber, Lots 32 & 33, in the 2nd Con. Markham. in Sept labt. The Annual Meeting ofllm West York Ag- ricultural Snnimy will beheld at W ALLAC E'S HO'I‘I‘ZL. \Voodbridgn. on W EDNEVDAY. JAN. 2 'th. 1875. at ‘2 o’cluck p,m.,to recaiya tl'a annual repon. an“ alert Officers and Div rectors For the ensung war. Three Heifers, Coming 3 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay enpanses, and take the agimul aWay. 859-3: R. HEWITT. RichmOnd Hill, Jan. 10, ’75. Q TE AYED. Richmond Hill. Jan. 13, ’75. JOHN ABELL. President Woodbridge. Jan. 12, 1875, NNOUNCEME ARIES. TOYS, &C., FUR SALE AT ’ the Human Book Store FIGS m announce to the Inhabitants of Richu‘mtd Hill. and Vicinity Ilmt 1w ha: Iesumed business in \he Viélagq as a C H O 0 L REQUISITES 01“ AL i1st gavcrtifimumtfi kinds at the Hmva Book Store flaw @mm EST YORK AGRICUL- TURAL SOCIETY. Robert Hopper fipmial (Sijntitcfi. I remain, yours respectfully, AUCTION SALES WM. Hanmsox 860-“) List of Letters I EMAINING [N THE RICHMOND Hill [’osfl flice. llea11.. 1875: Ackworihy, Frnn‘l'i Brownlee, James Baal, Robert M. Burr, John Craig, Mary Craik, Sn‘ul) Campbell. William ‘ Cook. Elizabeth Cameron. Archy Cllris‘ian, M rs .l Coleman, Catherile Duncan“ J‘olin D‘uhson, 'l‘hmnas J. Dancy, Avchilmld' Davis, Nelson Elliot. Sarah J. Eyer, John H. Eyar, llallle Fisher, John Fairchild. John Galway. Maigret. Hugo. Thomas l‘lakaney, Jams Hopper, Henrx’ I Helmkay. Francis Hopkins. Davnd Jones, M. James. DJVld‘ Joli union . Sam . Kigllllv. J. Lndl‘ord, Wm . Little. Jolln (‘2) Lnnd, J. Muir. Thomas Munshaw. Mr Michael, Wallis Mager, Samuel O’lliien, Tinmthy‘ O’Brien, Bridget Pollock, Tillie Price, 'l‘hos, H, l’uusle\,S. J. l‘merlmugh. Joseph Ryan, Sarah' Real. Mrs Stuwurt. .l. Stephenson. Jnsliuav Stephenson, Nathanie Stephen». George Thomas, John R, 'l‘iiclmr. W. H. Vandeburgli, Ph’ehe' Wakefield, Mary 3. Wine. Henry \Vice'. John HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES TO the Public that he has opened At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. All Kinds of Wood TAYIFD. lmmediaielv a smart intelli- ./ / ‘ gent lmv [1) learn Ilm Puinling Business Apply at the HERALD ()Fficc, Richmond Hill. , ShorLbut comprehensive (routine on Bunk Kenpiug, containing full inslrumions and exampies necessary for keepingV an ordinary sci of Banks. will be sent, p0 iagn paid. to any ad. dress. upon encloaing 52) cents to BGOK KEEPING “ Tm: Pump: or OMAHA,” part Suffolk, and par! C‘ms'er. Terms: 81 at time of Service H [CNRY l". HOPPER. ri‘HF. Subscriber has at the premises of Mn Rumcm‘ Hum-m. Richmond Hill: for Selvire this Season, [he Woml Yard .' The only rehable Gifl Distribunon iu tne Countrvl $5,000 00 each in Cash 1 $€V%1;?39E1é§88 z [ABH in BASH! Five Prizes $1005 MONDAY, February 22nd, 1875. TWO GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES 0F A largn sum of money to land on Mortgage at Seven per cent. BLAKE & KINGSFORD. Soliciter No. 5 i, Church St” Toronto. Doc: 7, 187-1, 855113'. IN VALUABLE GIFTS! Gift Enterprise 1 worth $195 eoch. Ten Indies” Gold flaming “’nlches. worth $100 each. 10M) Gold and Silver Lever Hunting I’Vatcltes (in (ill) u-mt/tfrom $20 to $3M) each. Sevnral distinguished Vo‘afisls have kindly proffered their servicos. amongst others. the we ll-known favorilo Soprano, 1 Horse & Buggy, with Silver-mounted Har' mess, worth $600. I Fine-mned Bosawood Winn, worlh $550. 9 Gold Watches and Chains worlh $300 each Three Gold A mericau Hunting Watches. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets $10 3 Twenty-Five $201 Grand Banned and [suture IN All) 01" Father Matthew Temperance Society, on Thursday, January 2132!, 1875 Tickets 35 cents. Doors open at 7 p. m. Concert to commence at bpnn. Number cfgifts 7.500. Tickets limited to 75,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS,£0 Whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Circulars containing a full iist of prizes, 3 (inscription of the manner of drawing, and other infurnmuon in ruferencn lo the Distriâ€" bution, will im srnl in any nne ordeiing them. A“ letters must be addressed (0 Office. Exr-eisio-r Building L,D‘SINE.Box86 (for. [Dec «\Y Longworth} Cincinnau'o Nov. 14, 1874. 825 6! Victoria Hall, Thornhill Richmond Hill, Dec, 3181. ’74‘ Richmond Hill, Oct 7. 1874‘ Hirhmmld Hill. Rev, 17. 1874. Miss Maloney, of Toronto. L. D. SINE’S A. WOOD YARD, “The Pride of Canada." the Public that he has opened Superior White 110g. 1713! REGULAR MONTHLY Will be dehvered between me parts $75,960 00 ONEY TO LEND¢ Apprentice Wante 4. And he will Real‘flou hand An interesting addresv TO BE DISTRIBUTED 1N MADE EASY Which will be Sold H. Gouldmg Bryant", Toront‘d; One, TO BE DRA WN Muir. Thomas Munshaw. Mr Miclmei, Wallis Mager, Samuel O’Brien, Timothy O’Brien, Bridget Pollock, Tillie Price, 'l‘hos, H, l’uusle\,S. J. l‘merbaugh. Joseph Ryan, Sarah' Reaf. Mrs Stuwart. J. Stephenson. Joshua Stephenson, l‘ialhani‘el5 Stephen». George Thomas, John R, 'l‘iiclmr. W. H. Vandeburgh, Ph’ehe' Wakefield, Mary 3. Wive. Henry \Vice'. John M TEEFY. r on R" THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT ! l in its 3“lh year. Injoys lha widrsl circu. lation of any wwkly noWSpaper of the kind in the world. A new volume conunences January 4. 1875 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED Vl‘H: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN NUW lts contents embrace the la es! and most in- roresnng information pmmilling (o the Indus- trial. Mechanical. and Scientific Progress of the Wurld : Descriptions. with bonntl’ul Engra- vings, of New Inventions, cw Implements, New Processes. and Improved Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes. Recipes. Sugges ions and Advice. by Practical VVI'iLers, for Workman and Elnpl ‘ IQ. in all the various arts . “fin.” . .. ..u . l. 'l‘he SCIENTIFIC AMEHIUAN is the cheapest and besx illustraud weekly paper puhilshed Everyuumber contains from ID to l5 original engraviengs of new machinery and novel invantious. ENGRAVINGS, illustrating Improvemenls. Discoveries. and impnrlant Wnrns, purlaining to Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Milling Mining and’ Metallurgy ; Records of tile latest progress in the applications of Steam. Sic-am Engineering, Railwaxs. Ship Building, Nari- gnlion, 'l‘olegmphy. ’Belayruph Enginnerlng. Electricity, Magnetimn, Light and Heal. FARMERS. Mechanics, Eligiueers. Inventors, Manufacturers, Chemisxs. Lovers of Sriem'o. Teachers. clergyman. l.nwmrs. and people of all profesfiuns will find the Scientific Amari- ctm usefal to them. It should havu a pluca in every family. library. study, Olllce! and (71mm- lng Room ; in every Reaming room. college, acndbmv or School. A year’s number contains 832 pages and severa| hundred engravihgs Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and refer- ence. The practical receipts are wall worth ien times the subscription price 'l'orms $3 ‘2” year by mail. Liscount lu clubs. Specimens sent froe May be bad oi all news «'ea‘ers. '1? A In conneclion with , k, . with the Scientifir: Ammicml. Messrs Muun & Co. are Snlicmrs of American and Foreign Patents. and have the largest aslablishmen in the world. More Khan fifu’ thousand npplicmions have been mad» for Damnls through their agencv. Patents are obiained on the best terms, mo- dais of New invention: and sketches Examined and advice fine. A special notice is made in the SCIhN'I'IFlC AMERICAN of all Inventinns Patented Ihrough this Agency, with the name and residence of the I’alentce. Patents are ofmn sold in part or whole, to persons attracted to ihe Inwnlion by mch notice. Sand for palnphle". 110 pages containing laWS and full directions for obtaining l’nlenls. Address for the Paper. 0r concerning Pa- ienls, MUNN & C0,, 37 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Ofiioe,cor. F and 7111815.. Washington BRITISH FMS STAFF! Fresh Arrival of all kinds of Fruits suitulfle MERRY X43”. Forhupurinrily in design qlml'u‘ of Iona. and fimsh thew Organs are excellrd b\' "one in‘ the mnrkel a! the present day They lmVe taken the Is! prizes at Ihe fol owing l'm'rs. viz ,. Markham. (‘anninglon and Newma hem, and (he l'olluwing lnslrunmnls were brought into companion: at Markham: l’lince ('ily. W, Bell & Co.. Goodman, A Cow ’l‘aronlo ()rgnn Ca ,6. A. Wood, it Go , and the Uxbridgr Organ Co.,. At Canninglon : W. Bull (5; Co, the Bowmanvilla Organ Co . and the Uxbridge Organ Co. At Newmnrlmt. W Bell & (10.. G .A. Wood &, Co‘" Messrs Plince. 'I'oromo Canada Organ Co . and the Uxbridge Organ. to which the Is! Prize Was awarded .in each case. thus proving what we assert that they are aocond 10‘ none.- “ - ‘ ' alumna-1' ' ~ ‘ wmy Fruilsq Fruits! Seed/ass Tray & fifwffiwa A large assortment of Dress Goods, Cobourgs, \Vincays, De lains, and Prints Cheaper than ever. Clouds, Scarfs, 8:, other Goods suitable for the Season. Blankets, Horse Blank- ets & Quilts, Splendid in Value. Wines, Brandies, Gin, Richmodd Hilly Oct. 1. 1874. l' irsl Prim at the Vaughan Agricultural Show, held at “’ocdhrldge on the l3'th and' Hill of Uctnher last. Notwithstanding the keenest competition and most unfounded pre- judice they still continue to gain in public con- fidence. and so rapidly have they increased their salcs that they stand in a position to held- ly challr‘nge com; arismi with any machine made or sold in the Dominion. 'l‘hq success of THE ‘ WEBSTER’ is owing to its superior qualilies as: a towing machine. being adapted to heavy as wail as Iighl walk, makes it a desirable ariicle in even' familv. To be conv nced of its superior qualities it only requires (0 b3 thornughly 0X- amined For further parliuuima~ and price list. and deselipiive catalogue. Address JOHN H. S'I‘ONEIIOUSE, Travol'ing agent for Vaughan 61, VVhilchnrch. H Aamuu’u P,O. Thirty First Prizes 101' 1874. Agr-nls for the Frsl Prize UXBRIDGE BABINET URBAN ! POSTAGE FREE ! And all other Liquors of the best brands Also, Robso‘n & Stonehouse MAS AND w DRY GOODS. Christmas Gromws Goods Delivered. ' A. MOOJIE COMPRISING ass, Valentias, Sultmzas and Luym‘ Raisins, urrunts, 820., 8:0,, Best lhal can be bought RICHMOND HILL. R SH Flour 8; Feed YEAR, BELL’S' ()RGANS / H SA I‘ISFY 'l'HOS-E VVJS, l‘ING TO know “heretho‘y can procure-.ft’he but Inst-Hm nts we would mereiy uxqmion the followuv g 1:‘cls:-â€"â€" ' ’ ' Ai Ilia Provincial Exhibition held ‘11 Toronto in‘ 187l , wi- rvueivud \ha First l‘ruzep- for the Nest Muiudauu and best laige Cabinet Organ; also_ the Awarded For the Reed hlsH‘umonta during the LAST NINE YEARS. Al the Provincial Exhibition for lb'Zl. yxereceived althe first I’flrizes and the ' V ' W- Only Méddi Eyerkw‘éified To any Organ Manufuqluup' at giti‘y‘jgxhiblfion in Canada. _" ‘ .“ the Ontario Prov‘iurial Exh‘ipiliou and the Gualph Cm n-ul Exhibifiun far 1572. we a- gain received ’ ' At the Central and' Provincial Exhibitions for i873. we received every Firstal’rize on Caninul Organs. At both I‘Ixhibitioiis nevoul American Firms. including Esley and I‘elouhexé’e Pollen Organ Companies, were C(unlwlilols. also all the most prominéut Cann- diau nmuul'acturers. = Sc 2;, In allthe detui!3 of Tone. Durabililv. and Excellence ni' Sxy‘e we shall pay (he sum“ u- lenlion as I'IDTQIORJI'U in order to have our In~ sxrumenls continue the, best "m theimarkel. Every Instrument fullyAYulzyanwd for Five Years. Salisfucliun guaranteed“- ‘ Wm. ST REET. Agent, {Lr Rir‘hl‘lgondfili‘l‘l > Vicinity. Also Agenlfar ' * - ' -..~ {1:}5‘110 W 1800M, Adjoining the British Flag Slqfi', Richmond Hill FL UE [1’ Y Séiéih' flldchines, Which may be bad at Terms. mu 5 Gl-VEN‘S W hex : l0 1‘ .«SL‘? lson, I suppose tho i< not, In tho whole course of a I’hysmian’s ('le‘l'it‘l co :1thng in human summing which calls lth his sympathy and pity to such an (-xlenl as to witness the excru- sia ing pailh‘ <;|' a poor “wrtnl. suffering from lhnt femi'ul (hsrnm, K‘Ienmutism Hereloforo there has luau a romith-rkl la divmsity of there has luen a rmmdurkl la diversity of uplniuu Hmong :x‘odscal man, as to the trno z-hmnctel of Ihis (HM-use; some locating it in Hm fihmm ur muscular Llssm-s offline system. and mhmx \‘i-wving it as nn Hi". In. nervous Jilt- on>n.but it is Imu- genvrnll} admitted to be | disvaso inking {HI-9m :1 pni§ml cirr fining in “M blond. 'i'lm (fitculmion of blood is '{M life of the body, and its stoppage Isdeath. 1‘0 disuuse can Im in the body without first he'll? generawed in tho b‘uod. and no disease can possibly be in tlw body if the blood is pure- Rhw ‘nl‘sm can never be thoroughly cured withoul (-xlennjvuatingflhe poiggy cinvulating withoul ('XlFl‘lnlllfillllg’jhe poi in the blood by a mnslillitibnal enml rem- edy We feel t-onfident that none w1I| feel better sa'isfied and rejoice more than the con- scimnious phykicinn wl.9,:!|as discovered that I sure cure for this s‘tuhbn’rn disease has been found.- The following texlimony from a gen- t‘eman (rfstandlng audJyth eclabilivy, and well known lo the Canaflianh'iwublic cannot fail Io satisfv all hat the p cirrvulating IS A WONDERFUL._MEDICAL DIS- COVERY, " Momma}; ~21st March. 1874. Dun SIRS .-â€"-| with pleasure concede to the agent’s wish ihat I give my endomution to the immediate relief] experienced from a few doses of'the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. huh ing been a sufi‘ore-r from the efl'uchs o' Rhon- 'mntism,‘l am ‘nuwfafler talk-Brig two bottles a! this me'diciii'e. entirely‘ free from pain. You are at libeny to use this letter, if vo‘x deem it advisable to do so. I am sir, yom's respectfully. 'DEVINS 85' BOLTON, Store. Messrs Devius & Bohun : The ‘prdpi‘iét'or'bfrthisfifiedlcine has wllkod the aisles of the hospitals of London, Eng” for the past twenty years, making rheumatism n specialily, and the prescriptions from which this remedy is com pounded [5 pl] he ever used in the treatment of this disease; Price, $1 per Bottle Largo ‘ . Bottvles.,$2. , In simple cases sometimes one or two dose! suffice. 1n the most chronic cases it is sure to give way by the use of two or three bollln. By this efficient and simple remedy hundrods of dollars are saved 16 those vého can least at. ford to throw it away.,as surely it is by the pur- chase of useluss prosc'r'iptions. This medicine'is prepared by a careful, o!- perienced 'and conscientious physician. in obedience to the desire of nun‘berless friend! in the profession. in the trade and among 1h. people, Every bottle is warranted to conuin the full strength of the medicine in its high"! slate ofpurity and development. and in II- peuior to any medir’ine V ever. compounded for lhis terrible campinint; I “3 {If} 'I his medicine is Tor Eale at all the Druggists throughoul Canada. If it happens that your Drugglsl hasT not go! it in stock, at him to send for iLto ‘ NORTHROP- & LYMAN Richmond Hill. Sopt 22; 1874 May 14, M74. Victorious Everywhere I DIAMEND BHEUMATIU [HIRE AGENTS FOR THE PROVINCE own, sco'r'r STREET, TORONTO, 4 AGENTS FOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. ©‘L\TE;\§Z FHYSICIANS CUHNEHED. ISCELLAVNEOHSEBQQKS SUITA’ bIc for1ueééqtg-pl the Hum: Boo: EVERY FI RST PRIZE JOHN' “ELDER JSA'ACSON. N. P. PEOPLE “:BUNY. AN 13 â€"â€"OI 4â€"â€" -IN_ Low Prick»: and best 856m 843-“

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