Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Jan 1875, p. 2

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f“ Mania. ave been worth twenty five such men as his opponent, Mr Lane, in the House. IHe, we believe, would have been inde- ( pendent, supported goud measures from ‘ whatever side of the House they might originate. and from his experience and , knowledge of our affairs would have brought his ripe experience to bear, and the W'nole country would have been ben- efited. His abrlity as a statesman no “One will deny, and as a speaker he is sec- -' 0nd to none in Ontario. Polling day has come and gone, and ‘the results from all the constituencies in Ontario are by no means encouraging to the Grits. Seventy eight seats were contested. Of these, the Government have secured 42, including 2 Independ- ents, which. we are assured, they will not get. The Opposition again have elect- od all of 36 representatives who may be considered opponents to the Government. Nine members were elected by accla- mation at the nominations on the 11th inst; eight of whom were Grits and one Opposition. There is one election to be held yet, that of Algoma, for which the writ has not yet been issued. The Opl position, and those who are in sympathy with them, have great reason to be wellj satisfied with the verdict given by the wountry. True there are some good men who have done battle for the cause in pest years. among whom are Mr Ryloert, Mr Fitzimmous, Capt. Gifford, Mr Har- graft, Mr Scott, of West Peterboro’, Mr Billy and McRue who have been defeated. We regret the result of the vote in East York. Mr MeDougall, although not a Conservative, was a Reformer who would ' 1V V li‘lEc-Rmond HillStation. Change ohime taking effect Monday, Nov, 161b, 1874: Going North 8.13 AM. .1227 p'm,..5.l3 pm Going South 9.26 1.111. 3.38 p.m. . $4.26 p.m The Government and their friends have nothing to boast of in the contest. Some nine or ten seats have been wrest- led from them, and Mr Crooks, the Pro- vincial Treasurer, heads the list. Alto- gether the voice of the people has been ; distinctly heard, and they say they do! not approve of the corrupt doingsof ‘the Grit Government. January, '18, 1875. The membersveleoted'to compose and form the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Village of Richmond Hill, for the year 1875, viz : ' ' William Trench, Esq., Reeve. ' 'William Pogue, Councillor. Asa'B. Wilson, -“ Isaac Crosby, -“ Benis C. O’Brien “ :znet in the Court Room, at. Richmond :Hill this day, Monday the 18th Janu- ary, at élevén ofclock, a. 111., and having ,sevcrally made and subscribed their de- clarations of qualification and office, took their seats in Council. The Reeve in .the Chair. ‘ é'hz'af’GonstableéMr Edward Shep- Epan'i‘. " -- m .. v Wm 8mm “fiwam. - Poundkecperâ€"Mr Wuher Lemon. Inspecting Health Oflicer,and Nui- .\sance Inspectorâ€"M rFrederick Crawford. _ Impounding Oficerv-Mr Thomas Mr Crosby introduced By-law No. 30, for appointing certain oflicers to serve the Corporation tong? gnsuingjear,“ viz : 4‘ texialjp making bread, and for povid- “inger file seizure and forfeiture of .“bi-ead made ‘contrary to the By-law," .which was read afirst, second and third Ring and_ passcfl: __ . _ ‘ _ _ . Noticeâ€"R. Siver. Richmond Lodge, 1 The next session of the OntariOEPal-lia- ment will show an opposition arrayed a- gamst them, ~[strong enough to say we shall have no Model Farm.fraudâ€"â€"no sac» rifice of' ,Provincial debentures :to fatten needy friendsâ€" andtwill haveno.ccntracts given without competitionâ€"and a de- .cided change for the better willlpositively :bc the outcome of last Monday’s contest. Auditorsâ€"J. K. lFalconllnbitlge, *Esq.’ ‘Ind Parker Crosby, Esq. ' Assessorâ€"Mr James Daniels. [Overseer of Streets, Sidewalks, and LHI'ghwuysâ€"Mr Benjamin Davidson. The Committee muse and reported the 1351“; Moved by Mr Crashy. seconded by Mr O’Brien, that the apditqrs shall pre- pare an abstract of the recgipta,,expendi- ,turcs, assets, and liabilities of the Cor- poration, and also a detailed statementof ‘lthesaidparticulars in broad sheet. form, and report thereon as by law directed. And that the Clerk is hereby instructed to publish the auditor’s abstract and re EFIRST MEETING OF COUNCIL. Fence Viewersâ€"Mr Thomas Dobson, Mr David Hopkins null MrJames Freak. Lwense Inspectorâ€"Mr James Daniels. The By-law was read a first and a second time. The By-‘law was then mad :1 third time :and passed. Mr Crosby introduced By-law No. 31, -“ .90 appoint three members of the High “ School Board of Trustees, for the Rich- “ mond Hill High School, and determine “ their continuance in ofiice.” The By-law was read a first, second and third time, and passed. Mr O’Brien introdhced By-lam No. :32, “for regulating the assize of Bread and “_ prgvgqting t_h_e us_e of: deleterious maâ€" The Council went into Committee of? the whole on the By-law, Mr Crosby .in the Chair. ' ORTEERN RAlLWAY 9_F CAfopA RICHMUN’D HILL. Jan. 22. 1875. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE ELECTIONS. Among our promising business men here, Mr J. D. O’Brien, from your village, is taking a leading part, on account of the enterprise, thoroughness and good taste which he displays in the kind of first class furniture of his own manufacture, which he 'puts at the disposal of the public at a re‘ ,markably low figure. He manufactures an ' ornamental bedstead. which for elegance of idesign, beautiful finish, durable qualities, and low price. we have never seen equalled. It is highly ornamental, and for those who wish to get beautiful furniture at a lemark- abl low figure, we wonld most unhesitatv ing y recommend avisxt to Mr J D. O’Brien's Store and manufactory. He is bound never to be outdone in his line, and is a great acx cession to our business enterprise. i We have just got our Municipal Election over, and everbody is amazed at the queer mixtures that have been produced. On the iiwholephowever, it has been beneficial. Cou- servatives and Reformers have canvassed for the same .candidate. and opposing faction have “hung the trumpet in the hall I” ConseguentLy, there is no bitterness of any account. Mi- Quinn, the chief of “ the .Quiuu party ” has been deposed from the Reeveship. Mr Booth‘. one of the most de- voted of .his lieutenants, elevated in his stead. ‘It is better in municipal matters that general politics should be ignored, but ,is greatly to be desired that parties should zbe‘united in questions of locai‘ improvement and the vindictive spirit of pnrtyism very often inteneres in such cases. Mr Booth is elected to the Reeveship by a majnxity of 12. A petition from Mr John Palmer, Junior, was read, praying the Council to grant him a certificate for a Tavern Li- cense. Sircets and Sidewalks -- Messrs O‘Brien, Wilson and Pogue. Fire and Waterâ€"vMessrs Wilson, Trgmh {and Pogue. port, and shall also publish the detailed statement in broad sheet form, and shall have printed 150 copies for distribution am_o_ng l:qu ra_t-§apa_yers. 7â€" Carrigd: _ A communication from Mr Harry E. Gaston, Attorney, 'c., of Toronto, dated 15th January, 1875â€"-asking the Council to contributa to the maintenance of Mrs Adaline Simpsonâ€"was read. Findnce and Assessment - Messrs Crosby, Trench and O’Brien. Moved by Mi Pogue, seconded by Mr O’Brien, that; Messrs O’Brien, Crosby, and the Clerk do prepare rules for regu- lating proceedings at meetings of this CounciI.â€"»Can‘ied. T‘he Couneilvadjourned to meet on Monday, the 25th inst., in the Court Room, at 8 p. m. Mr Lemon came forward and stated to the Council that they could have the use of the Hall known as the Court Room, for Council meetings, and also for meetings of the Fire Brigade for the ensuing year. and that he would sup- ply fire and lamp light every night of meeting, at the charge of twelve dollars for the year. Bylawsâ€"Messrs Crosby, O’Brien, and iPogue. The following standing committees were_ anpoiuteq _: Moved by Mr Wilson, seconded by Mr O’Brien that this Council do petition the County Council, praying for permission to open a street from Mill Street to Rich- mond Street, to be of less width than sixg six feetgâ€"Carried. Mr C'iosby moved, seconded by Mr O’Brien. that the Gonncil accept Mr Lemon’s ofi‘er.â€"â€"Carried, BALLOU’S MAGAZINE ~01: FEB. â€"â€"Publish- ell by 'l‘humes (it: Talbot, 36 Bromfield Street. Boston, at $1.60 per year, includ- ing postage and premium. A mce number is Ballou’s ngazine‘l‘or Februnry, it is now for sale at all news de‘ pots in the country. It contains love stories, adventures, and a vast amount of miscellune‘ nus reading not to be found in :any other magazme in this country. All subscribers receive a pretty chromo. and a more appro. pnate present could not be made lhzin a year’s subscription to Ballau’s Magazine or the American Union. The following is a list. of some of the contents: “ My Valen. tine,” “Napoleon III,“ “Milan,” “Prairie Scenes," “The poor old man,” “ Despair,’ " A Singular Character,” »“ A Card,” "‘I’m lonely l for thou art not here,” -“ Will she marry him ?” Hetty’s Protege,” “ A Card.’ “ Our Youngl’eople‘s Story Tellerâ€"Lelia Gray; or, Twice an Orphan ;” “ Curous Matters ” “ Ruthven’s Puzzle Page;” “The House-keeper ” “Facts and Fancies ;” (Humorous Pictures.) 'Would you allowmea few lines ,in your Paper, while ,I draw the attention of the community-to the immigrants we may ex- pect toarrive in our,midst during the Spring and. Summerxmonths. .It must be evident to all that our wealthy farmers should make arrangements during the Winter for married men andtheir families., many of such will come to Ontario With a desire to settle. 1f encouraged by having comfortable houses preparedflhey may become valuable settlers. I am afraid thezfarming communityare not giving this subject that consideration it de- serves. ,Tne stuck around the farm premi- ses are well provided for, which is all right, yet we must all strive to encourage the new comers by enabling families to see around difficulties which all will meetduring the in: clemeneyof Winter. ,It is surely not right that. new immigrants should rush .to our large cities and depend on the charities es: tablished especially for the poor and aged. Let the matter be fully discussed by our inI teltigent farmers; they, above all others, must feel its great importance. If many are driven out of Canada. they will bring disgrace on all the movements carried on both here and in Great Britain to encourage industrious laborers. o . - . by information submitted by Mr Bain, to the effect that the names of a large number of Protestants have been returned iu the vow ons Wards as supporters of separate schools, and that the parish priest has been in the habit of fraudulently receiving the taxes of these people in support of such schools. To the Editor of the York Herald. A sensation was created at the Toronto Board of Public School Trustees, at the in augural meeting on Wednesday evening lust, - ‘ - I I '.. L , 11,, h ' .._._ A» AL- DRILLIA CORRESPONDENCE. FARMERS AND IMMIGRANTS. A): ESTEKPEISXNG BUSINESS MAN. @mmmmflmm (From our own Correspondent.) NEW LITERATURE. SURPRISED ELLWXSHER. CURLING MATCH.-â€"A bonspiel will be played in the City on Wednesday, the 3rd proximo, between Toronto and the County of York Curling Clubs. All comers from the County are invited either as individuals, or as rinks. AT LAST Iâ€"The Grits, with care not to damage their chance of carrying the local elections in Ontario, refrained from issuing the notice of the commutation of the sentr ance of Lapme to two years imprisonment, trill Wednesday last: now they turn round and hold the imperial authorities responsible. ANOTHER VICTIM or INTEMI’ERANCE.-â€" Last Thursday. while a man, by the name of Allan, who had been on a spree for about a week, was taking dinner at Spece’s hotel, Aurora, he was seen suddenly to turn black in the face and gesticulate with both hands as it in a fit. The landlord, who was in the room at the time, discovered that Allan was choking, and thereupon struck him mveral times Wth his hand between the shoulders, but all efforts to remove the piece from the throat were fruitless, and he was unable to render the unfortunate man any assistance. A messenger was then dispatched for the doctor, but long ere his a: rival the helpless being had departed from this Worid to face his Maker above, “The deceased was one ot our most re- spected citizens, and so sudden was his sick- ness and death that almost the first announce ment many of his friends had of his illness was the rumor that he was dying. He had been a resident. of the Village butafew years, but in that time had extended his circle of friendship until it included all who knew him. He was a. warm and constant friend of the temperance cause. and labored faithfully to extend the influence of that or- ganization. As abusiness man he possessed the confidence of those with whom his busi. ness pursuits brought him in contact. He leaves behind a widow and a large family of sons and daughters to mourn the loss or" a. kind father and husband.” The Rond Eau News, published at the village of Blenheim, of last week has the following notice of the late Mr Henry Hall. 313, who died at that place on the 26th Dec. Mr Hall was a resident of Richmond Hill for many years previous to moving west, and enjoyed the respect of many of the resi- dents of this town for his neighborly dispo- suion and consistency while here. Those who were acquainted with Mr Hall will re. cognize that the paragraph gives a true iu‘ dex of his whole life :â€" SATURDAY, Jan, 23.â€"Auctxon Sale Farm Stock, Implements, &c.. on Lot No. 11, 4th Con. Markham. The property ofthe late Mr L. Peterson, Sale at 1 o‘clock. J. Gurmley, Auctioheer. FRIDAY, Jan. 29.â€"--Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on Lot 27, rear 4th Con. Markham. The property of Mr James Klinck. Sale at 10 o’clock. Lunch at noon. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this oflice will geceive a notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. EPPS’S COCOA. â€" GRATEFUL AND ContFon'rmG. â€" “By a thorough knowledge ofthe nzxtural law.~ which govern the operations ofdigestionand nutrition. and by acarel‘ul ap- plication of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It in by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution mat be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendettcv to disease Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is aWc-ak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished Name.”â€" C'im'l Survive Gazelle SCHOOL REQUISITES Porkâ€"Mess. . . . . . Extra. . .. Bacon . A . . . Prime Hul|9.. . . Eggs fresh, per d “ Packed... Dnad App’ms‘, . , . Snlt............ Wool .....«.... An Emergency MoeLing of the abm lodge Will be held next Mondayevening 25th lush, at 7 o’clock, >O'I‘ICE is hereby given to all parties in- debted to the undersigned. eitherlby note 01' book account, that the same must be seltlod on or hefore the lst day of MARCH next. or it will be put in other hands for collection; and all parties having claims against the undersign ed are requested to send them in by that date for settlement. Bacon . A . . . Prim Hamsâ€".Saltu M. Smoked. . . . Dressed Hogs. . H l.ard............ Butlerâ€"lb ... HERALD BOOK STORE. \TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT D the HERALD Book Store. ROB-1‘. srvma. JR; Richmond Hill. Jan 20. ’75. Shoemaker. Egon: @xlvertifiwwnw. gunnial ilnfitw. TORONTO MARKETS AUCTION SALES 'ICH'MON’D ‘LODGE,A.F..&A€M 1 No. 23, G.R.C. FULL SUPPLIES AT THE THOMAS NEWTON. Sec’ NOTICE. Toromo Ahhbbww quacAQâ€"‘mwbuwwa‘bwwd 3am row!" 3% %cco: u~_ cwwflmmuocococgo ©©©©©§§©§©®©®®®§©© Hoowcoâ€"cccw 0'0! 3‘10. ‘3‘ ©©©®%§©@©@@@§ 9 U: in M â€"Dbhamhbpu Q: :wnommcm COOUVDICOUIOC 0‘1 0% me 0110 CW 2% mm “W [W 0M 0% UN WW ow 0H 0M 8% Jan. 21. l874. Sept. last, Coming 3 yaars old. The owner is requested 10 move property, pay enpenses, and take the agimal away. 859-3: R. HEWITT. ANTED. Immediately, a smart intelli- gent boy to learn the Printing Business. Apply at the HERALD Office, Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill, Oct. 7. 1874. â€"Came into the premises of the Subscriber. Lots 32 & 33. in the 2nd Con. Markham, in I EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post‘ flice. 131 Jan.. 1875: Ackworlhy, Frank Brownlee, James Beal, Robert M. Burr, John Craig, Mary Craik , Sarah CampbellY William Cook. Elizabeth Cameron. Archy Christian, Mre J Coleman. Calherine Duncan. John Dobson, Thomas J. Dancy, Archibald Davis, Nelson Elliot. Sarah J. Eyer. John H. Ever. Heme Fisher, John Fairchild, John Galway. Margret Hugo, Thomas Hakeney, Jane Hopper. Henry Helmkay Francis Hopkins. David Jones, M. James. David Johnston. Sum} Kighxle. Ludl‘ord, Wm. Little. John (2) Lund, .l. Muir. Thomas Munshaw. Mr Michael‘ Wallis Mager, Samuel O’Brien, Timothy O’Brifn, “ridm ronocx, '11:}:9 Price, Thoa. H. l’ngsler,S. J. Pulerbaugh, Joseph Ryan. Sarah ' Reef. Mrs Stewart, J. ‘ Stephenson, Joshua Stephenson. Nathaniel Slephem. George Thomas, John R. Tlicker. W. H. Vundeburg h, Phebe Wakefield, Mary J. Wice. Henry Wice. John BRITISH FLfll} STAFF! Xâ€"MAS AND NEW YEAR, Fresh Arrival of all kinds of Frans suitable for Fruits, Fruits! Secdless, Valentias, Sultanas and Layer Raisins, Currants, 8.20., 820., FRESH T935 5; Cufi'ees FARMERS. Mechanics, Eli’giueors. Inventors. Manufacturers, Chemists. Lovers of Scienoe, Teachers. clergyman. Lawyers. and people of all professions will find the Scientific Ameri- can useful to them. It should have a place in every family. library. study, oflice and Count- ing Room ; in every Reading room. college, academv or School. A year’s number contains 832 pages and several hundred engravith Thousands of volumes are preserVed for binding and refer- ence. 'l‘ho practicnl receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price 'l‘erms $3 20 year by mail. Iiscount to clubs. Specimens sent free May be had ol all news dealers. Patents are obtained on the best terms, mo- delsrof New inventions and sketches examined andadvice free. A special notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN of all Inventinns aPatemed through this Agency. with the name and residence of the Patenlee. Patents are often sold in part or whole, to persons attracted to the Invention by Inch notice. Send for pamphle'. 110 pages, containing laws and full directions for obteining Patents. A large assortment of Dress Goods, Cobourgs, Wincevs, De- lains, and Prints Cheaper than ever. Clouds, Scarfs, & other Goods suitable for the Season. Blankets, Horse Blank- ' cts & Quilts, Splendid in Value. Wines, Brandies, Gin, American. Messrs Munn & Co. are Soliciors of American and Foreign Patents. and have the largest ostablishmen in the world. More than fifty thousand applications have been made forfiatenls through their agency. WAiddross for the Papal or concerning Pp- tents. MUNN & C_o.. fir-k ngK N. Y, Brailéh Oflice,cor. I" and 7th Sta" Waéhingcon PATENTS. THE BEST PAPER. m n 1'; OFESE "VIBE" SCIENTlFiC AMERICAN is the cheapes‘ and best illustrated weekly paper puhilshed Every number contains from 10 to l5 original engravings of new machinery and novel inventions. EmnAvmes. illustrafing Improvements. Discoveries. and important WOI‘hS, pertaining to Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Milling Mining and Metallurgy ; Records of the latest progress in the applications of Steam. Steam Engineering, Railwms, Ship Building, Navi- gation,’l‘olegraphy, Telegraph Engineering. Electricity, Magnetism. Light'and Heal. Richmodd Hill. Oct. l. 1874. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED Ill SCIENTIHC AMERKCAN NOW in its 3|‘Lh year. anjoys the widest circu- lation of any weekly newspaper of the kind in the world. A new volume commences Janulry 4. 1675 lts contents embrace tho lives: and most in- teresting information pertaining to the Indus. trial. Mechunical, and Scientific Progress .f the Wurld : Descriptions. with beautnt Engra. vings, of New Inventions, ow Implements, New Processes. and anroved Industries of all kinds; Uselul Notes. Recipes, Sugges ions and Advice. b} Practical Wl'ilors, for Workman and Einpl ‘ers. in all the various arts TBAYED. \nd all other Liquors of the best brands ,AMEs, TOYS, :ch FOR SALE AT POSTAGE FREE ! C H 0 0 L REQUISITES OF AL kinds u the HERALD Book Store. DRY 'GOODS. the HERALD‘B'OOB Siore Christmas Groceries ! Apprentice Wanted. Three Heifers, Goods Deliverwi. A. Moo List of Letters Best that can be bought. RICHMOND HILL. COMPRISING ronocx, '11:}:9 Price, Thea. H. l’ugsley,S. J. Pulerbaugh, Joseph Ryan. Sarah Reuf. Mrs Stewart, J. ‘ Stephenson, Joshua Stephenson. Nathaniel Slephem. George Thomas, John R. Tlicker. W. H. Vundeburg h, Phebe‘ Wakefield, Mary J. Wice. Hem-y Wice. John M TEEFY. P M. In connection with with the Scientific Flour & Feed. “The PeopleS’Store.” 3 Large Assortmcni uf Fish. Cofislswiua of Salmon Trout, White Fish, Finnin Haddies, Staple and Fancy Groceries Superwr Seedless Raisins .' CANNED FRUITS Dress Goods, all patterns, Merinos; all Colors. and Black Lustrea Ten per cent cheaper than usual price. Splendid in value. New Goods for the Fall and Winter Trade. Colored Lustres, Cobourgs, English, Scotch and Canadian 'I‘Weeds. _ Clothing made to Order at the Shortest Notice Readpmade clothing constantly on hand. New Goads Coming Every Week. Staple and Fancy Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, &c. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. , Short,but comprehensive treatise on Book Keeping, containing full instructions and examples necessary for keeping an ordinary set 0! Books. will be sent, ponage paid. to any ad- dress. upon enclosing 50 cents to 1 horse ('5; Buggy, with Sliver-mounted dar' gess, worth $600. 1 Fine-toned Bosawood Piano, worth $550. 3 Gold Watches and Chains worth $300 each Three Gold American Hunting Watches, worth $125 eoch. TellLadies’ Gold Hunting Watches. worth $100 each, 1000 Gold and Silver Levsr Hunting Watches (in. all) worthfmm $20 to $300 each. Number of gifts 7.500. Tickets limited to 75,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL T!CK2TB,to whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets 35 ; Twelve Tickets $10 ; Twenty-Five $20. Circulars containing a full list of prizes. a description) of the manner of drawing, and other information in reference to the Distri- bution, will be sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to Office, Excelsior Building L,D‘SINE.Boxes Cor. Race & Longworth } oincinnau, 0 Nov. I4, 1874. 825-6t MONDAY. February 22nd, 1875. TWO GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES 0F $5,000 00 each in Cash 1 BOOK KEEPING 33:, 22";23132233 gum“ in W g Five Prizes $100 1 Horse 81 Buggy, with Silver-mounted Hart The only rehable Gift Distribullon in tne Country I UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON .v To Weekly Pafiérs. rece'ved It the Hmuu) Bookfitore, Richmond Hill; Gift Enterprise ! IN VALU ABLE GIFTS ! THE WOOLEN GOODS DEPARTMENT PROOF STORE, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8 1875. UST received, from the Best Markets, and bought at the Lowest Pnces, EWELRY] JEWELRY! FOR SALE L. D. SINE’S mm? - M‘ 215013! newtâ€"«rmmxsammmmm cheap a1 the HERALL, Book Store. 1718!. REGULAR MONTHLY $75,000 00 A Large and. Complete Stock OF Sardines, Lobsters, &c. 8. I 36" Parcels Delivered. Yarmouth Bloaters and Smoked Salmon, also, Fresh X X. X and Select TO BE DISTRIBUTED 1N MADE EASY. H. Gouldmg Bryant, Toronto, Ont, A beautiful assortment in Ottoma Stripe, Check and Plain. TO BE DRAWN Large Stock of Furniture. P. G. SAVAGE As now on hand a large assortment of 13 complete. A very fine assortment of RICHMOND HILL. And Brazil Nuts. Wiucys, Prints, Shirtings, COMPRISING, EROIJNB ENTERS 8. SPIEBS. And hopes by strict mention to businua u; merit a share of public patronage. For superiority in design. quality of tone. and finish these Organs are excelled by none in the market at the present day. They have taken the lst prizes at the following fairs. viz .â€" Markham. Cannington and Newmarket, and the following Instruments were brought into compo itien: at Markham ; Prince City. W. Bell 61. Co.. Goodman, «8- Co.. Toronto Organ Cm, G. A. Wood, & Co . and the Uxhridgo Organ Co... At Cannington : W. Bell & Co. the Bowmnnville Organ ,o . and the Uxbridgo Urga‘n Co. At Newmarket, W. Bell in 00., G A. Wood & Co.. Messrs Prince Toronto Canada Organ Co . end the Uxbridge Organ. to which the 'st Prize was awarded in each case. thus proving what we assert that they Ire second to none. May 26. 1‘74 897-] y - Beef. Mutton, Pork, Lard, Fatah. and all kinds of Meat consumly on hand N. B.â€"All Orders promptly attended to. ROBERT HOPPER. Richmond Hill. Jan. 13, '75. 8604f. 9' irst Privo at the Vaughan Agriculturn' Show. held at Wot dhrldga on the Kid! and 14th of October last. Notwithstanding the keenest competition and most unfoundnd pre- judice they still continue to gain in public cou- fideuce. and so rapidly have. they increased their sales that that stand in n posilion to bald- ly challkngo con) arisxn with any machitne made or sold in the Dominion. The success of THE ' WEBSTBR’ A large sum ofmonoy to lend on Morlgugo at Seven per cent. - . BLAKE 8p KINGSFORD. Solicitors No. 56, Church St.) Toronto. Thirty First Prize for 1874. is owing to its superior qualities up a sewing machine. being adapted to hn-avy u wev! as light work. makes it a dssirnhlo arliele in «vs-iv fumilv To ha couv need of its superior qualities it only requires to be thoroughly ox- amihed For further parliculun and price list. and d--scriplivu catalogue. Address JOHN H. STONEHOUSE, Travelling agent for Vaughan &VWhitelmrch. H AGERHAN P,O. Agents for tho Frat Prize yxnnmnn‘ numnT Imam: Dec. 7, 1874. 855-1y. NNOUNCEMENT EGS to announce to the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill. and Vicinity that ho hr. resumed business in the Villaga u a. Also, Robson & Stonehouse ONEY T0 LEN D. Robert Hopper I. CROSBY. 8m, &c. BELL’S ORGANS r (I SA'I‘ISFY THOSE WISHING 1‘0 know wharethey can procure tho but Instrum nts we would merely momion tho followie g facts:- ......:. A... ‘- an ISO. [he Awarded for the Reed Inulrumonu during the Mir NINE ymns. Al the Provinctal Exhibition for IH'H. we received all tho 1“th Prinz bud the I- it uh; Prévincial Exhihitinn hold in Toronto in H57. , We receiVe-d the First l'rizou far “I. Best Melodenn and best large Cabinet Organ: Only Medal Ever Awarded To any Organ Manufacturer at my Exhihlliu in Canada. Omario Provincisl Exhibition tn. the Guelph Conlral Exhibition for 1819. w. w gain received At the Central and Provincial Exhibition for “$73. we received every First Priu o- Caninet Orgnns. At both Exhibitions nvonl American Firms. including 119to and Poloubeldc Peilon Otgan Companion, w-ro competitors. also all the moat prominent CIR-v dian manufacturers. ln allthe details of To». Durabililv. Ind Excellence or Style we shall pny the sumx n- xemion as heretofore in have our In- atrulnenls continue therbeagi in the mukot. "iixgrgflfiétifiilnent fully Wnrrnnled for flu Years. Salisfactionguuranteed. Wu. STREET. wSIIO W ROOM, Adjoim’xiig t3: Brih'hl Flay Stafi', Richmond‘Hill. Agent, for Richmond Hill Ind Vicinii} Also Agent for Which may be had at Low Prion nd but Terms. FL UER Y Sewing Machines, Whevler &, VVillson, MILLIONS DEVINS a BOLTON, Store. mam ron mm an nuts-nu. Price,- $1 get Bottloc Larg- ,. mm. 8.3- M“ 14, 1874. a 5 s... l supper Ihem |s nol e'n Um whulo course of a VIUMCHHI’S nxpvrwnce anything in human suffering which imH5 forth his a} mpsxhy in!!! pilv m such an extent as to witness Ihe excru- bin mg pains of a poor mortul, sufi'eriug from 11ml fearful dun-350, R'wummism Horeluforo thum has (“on a: considerable «liveliin of uplniou (Huang medical men, as to the mu ixm‘zutturnf111:5 unease; mum iocnting it i. {am filu‘ons 0r mumniaz Hanna: uf lhe system. and others viewing it as an acute. nervous dis- ease. but at is no“ gem-rah} admitted 10 h I fisoasn arising ham a poison circulating in "u blond. 'i‘lw eivc-ulalion of the bland in 00. life of (ha bndfiv. and us stoppagcis death. '0' dismme mm lm in the body withqu first built generuzed in the Mood. and no Gist-nu "I" Imn‘si ; Iv he in (hr hody If the blood in puri Rhnn nlzsm can uuvor be thoroughly cunt without exmrminuling the pun-on ciflzululin. in the blood by a constitution-l internal româ€" ed)‘ Wu feel confident I'hul no». \IuH M)“ better su‘isfied and rejoice more (hull the «In scis-mious phyiuian wLo has diacovored (hit a sure cure for [his stubborn dim-no hu bun found. The following Minimum from n [on- l'elnan ul' Slalldlllg and high "spout-bilily, Ill well known In the Canadian public ell-0| fall In snlisfv all has! the Dun Slns .â€"â€"l with pleasure ooncodo to the agent’s wish ihat I give my ondorulion to the immediate ratio! 1 oxporioncod from u for doses ofthe Diamond Rheum-tic Cure. Inv- ing been a sufl‘arar from the afoot: of M matism,I am now, after taking two mm.- of this medicine. entire] free frbm pain. You are at liberty to use I in letter, if you deal it advisable to do so. I am, sir, yours ns oclfully. JOHN HELD]! ISAACSON. l. P The proprietor of this medicine has walked the aisles of the hospitals of London. Eng" for the past twenty years, making rhenm-tmn a speciality. and the prescriptions from which this remedy is com pounded is all he ever Ind in the treatment of this (tissue. In simple cases sometimes one or two dOIGI suffice. In the most chronic cases it is sure u give way by the use ofmo or three boulu. By (his efficient and simple remedy hundre‘e of dollars are saved to those who cen lent If- ford to throw it away. I: surely it is by the pur- chase of useless p_rescription_s: This medicine is prepared by e careful, ex- perienced and conscientioue ph 'eiciel‘l. in obedience to the desire of lumberieee Made in the profession. in the trade and among the people. Every bottle is werremed to oemein me full strength ofthe medicine in in hixhut awe of purity end development. end in or perior to any medicine ever compounded for this terrible camplnint. IF This meaicino' is for oil. at I" tho Druggisu throughout Cunadn. If it hypoa- that your Druggist hu not got it in luck, at him to send for it to NORTHROP a. LYMAN IS A WONDERFUL MEDICAL DIS- COVERY. Moguoal. 21:: March. 1814 Messrs Davina 6L Bollmi : Richmond Bull. Sept. 22, 1874. AGENTS ron Inn 330171119: our" scam smut; toner-re. DIAMOND RHEUMATIG “I! Victorious Everywhere I ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SB TA: . bio for mount! at tho Hum) 00; FHYSEIANS BURNEREI]. ©1161 E3? mflPE’Ql‘flA EVERY FIRST PRIZE PEOPLE ABUNY. AND _OF_ _[N.. 843-“

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