Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Feb 1875, p. 2

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A ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RichmondHillSLation. Changeoltirne liking effect Mouda) l\ov. lfilll, lis74: Going North 8.13 A.M. .1227 p‘m,..5.l3 p m Going South 9.26 A.M. 3.3:} p.m.. .“,‘26 p.1n ditty RICHMOND HILL. Feb. 5. 1875. SHOP LICENSES. We are glad to note the strong feeling that exists'iu the minds of the inhabi- tants of this community against the grant iin o1 cei ll‘lL‘n is un- hop ucepses by the Council of ilit' Village of Richmond Hill. There is an almost unanimous opinion that the sale of spiri’uous liquors in shops and groceries iiiillitates great Iagainst the welfare of the Village and the prosi (’Tiiv ol f: niilirs. and that suel .i: cilities for the obtaining of intoXicating drml-s (‘l uld. uitl I iii any slrious iucon V9|lt*1‘.(‘.l.ll' di~peni~ed with. VVll'oit‘Vt'l' tlure may be in favcr of lht (if the sale of intoxncatipp liquors in hotels. as an article Oll‘Ul'litl tainment. do not hold good in rein-elm: to stores and groceries for if kept at all \in plnet-v. other thin those established for flu hufit (iftlw travelling public the} are kept for the purpose of att acting ;. certaii class of customers \iho. rt gen erul rule. think more of adu inisterinu o the Ill‘lllLllliS pt n \itiu (‘ti lllllll'iilt‘ than to the wants ot a neglected famil". Wf» know that there are txceptions to this rule. but we also know that although Ins avillage, We are above. the aicragc for temperance and sobrietyâ€"there are those amongst us who, but for the freâ€" quent replenishing of the it.eVitab.e “black bottle ” or its substitute. int-ht today be livingin houses of their nun. surroiindcd 1) all Commits which attend prosperity. Manv of these. heads of in- tcresting families, would yet hesitate .to gratify the gradually Int'l‘t‘flSlan- desire for liquor if there was no al'ci‘iia vi but the tavern, but the shop license syrtem Steps in and removes the difiicully and, under cover of getting groceries, scores of gallons are purchased and consumed within the home circle, depravmg the appetite, creating a thirst for more of the unnecessary stimulant and causing ex-, amples to be set before the younger branches of the family, fraught With .unâ€" told mischief for the future. . We entirely fail to see the n-cceSSity of any grocer or merchant making the cause of so much ruin and dcstitution a part of his stock in trade. T0 the man who is bound to make money at any price the it may be by the ruin of his customâ€" ers and the misery of their familiesâ€"â€" to the searing of his conscience and the loss of his soul, it is useless to_argue, but it can easily be seen by glancmg at. the history of those who have done busmess under the auspices of the shop license, and have not early retired, that their perseverance has resulted in their gOing through the Bankrupt Court in propor- ti0n to the quality of liquor they have sold, Whilst others, who have been con- tent with the penny honestly gained rather than enrich themselves on the distress of others, have prospered and are now our most successful and respect- ed citizens. Happy for us, as villagers, that the majority of our merchants and grocers are conscienciouslv opposed to the self) of intoxicating liquors in th.eir_e.~lablish ments, which makes the shop license sys- tem a much less evil than might other- wise be, and if these can succeed and prosper we do not see why one or two who have not the moral courage to 1mi- tate the example of their fellow trades- men. should be licensed to deal out, by the quart, a liquid poison to our neiin bore, which is acknowledged by the best statesmen in Canada to be the greatest curse in our Dominion. :irgpmi tits access-it y 4 -W W» A Concert will he iriveu in Mr. J anck rin’S School House on Friday Evening. Feb 12th. by the pupils of the school assisted by several distiujuishod mnuteurs. From .onr knowled re, of Ihe programme we bu- SDeak for the pun is a full it list' and for the audience a. pleasant and instinctive evening. Tim f‘nouisrrit No 2 ol' the flint-719W: ‘ comes to us hri ht and oht-vr'iil with its three choruses: “ Greeting Hm ;” “ 1' Hi not ThfselffY and -‘ Ni nitu llwnie " Our: only W'Mfiv'l is that Vi‘ (l. H. \slnl‘ \rn, of Aniliei'sil'ur -, “Iii , can give svv umtjb pinsio‘ for 56? a year Ht mil lOr' to hin- old hi will send you numbers oue and [no by re- turn mail. Posr OrrIcE Savmos’ BANK â€" Monthly Sintmnrnt:â€"'I‘he followingr is.‘ the exhibit of the transactions iv the , Richmond Hill post-office Savings Bank 3 up to the 3lst Jan. :â€" Total deposits to Jan. 31. 1875 $94139 00 Deposits in month of January 1.574 00 Withdrawals “ “' 766.00 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. disarmament. l MUNICIPAL PANORAMA CONâ€"l TIN UED. (For the YORK IIEHALD.) Now that the lumber and bell Acts are over, the company introduces Act No. 3 which commences as follows :â€" The weighty Member who sits on the left of that illustrious person who occupies the chair at the north end ofthe table, thinking it but right that he should do something for the benefit of his friends who sat around that table, he begins something like this: “ Chumsl I have been thinking it would be a good idea for us to purch, se a few more of them useful books of learning called law mar uuls. Now say we get two. the. little menthol and his partner on his right can have one. and the member who sits on my Hi and myself can use the othei, and as tor His Worship. whv, he can take asquint at the clerks when he feels in need of it.” Now, I don’t mean to say the weighty mem her- how any selfish motive in making this tquestâ€"uo. not any, for I expect he is well u.- in his manual lfvm correctly informed be has been taking his lessons regular for some time. and he gets them where lessons are face and books ful'tiiSlle' yesl anti nuptials attnat l’yut l am told it is an opposition M'howl, at all events it ain’t “ no m.” 11H \vl-igluy friend We don’t intend '0 get any more books. so say two of the company. It only tequu'es “inle and iii) plump friend on my right to study up the ni-oual. aid u' any rate 1 have the first t'llzlllk‘r‘ in this wine. Nob. 1 tell you that knvm ml the we: JlllV member into a " COCK- .zd lull," and he soon tell into the tear ranks ll m i\ be, he. was thinking while falling back into the rear that he had not mode the more propel ly. and that he bail to :11 t a few more less us before itllludllcin: such heavy subjects for discussion. New this ended the llllll'i Act. His Worship allows the members a few minutes to put tht ntsvlres in tsim for the fourth niul concluding Act. Time being Ciilll‘d, the hell l‘lliJS, but not that crack d bell we spoke about before. but. u bevl of a noise lone than any craekrd l)r'll you ever heard. It was the bell toned voice of His Worship calling his men on the stage, for the purpose ot assisting 11 e plump member who represents the north wuid 0‘. our town idiutroduce a few more, points of etiquette. This being about the style of them: 1stâ€" That all the company shall address the boss member as Your Worship. 2iidâ€"To allow any member to lay his arms and head on the table while the play is going on. 3rd â€"To give any member the privilege of winkith at his chum. villiâ€"FOP any mem‘ her to dictate to His Worship, that is if he dosn’t do it to loud. 5th-T0 allow His Worship to take a chew of tobacco when he likes, but that no other member shall be allowed the some chance unless by majority of votes. 6111‘ To force all members to stand elect when they are quotingr passages from the manual. 7th, and lash-To force all members to speak in as low a tone as possible, that is, if the question has anything to do with framing a new but for anything else, speak in the usual way. Now that the plump member went; to a great. deal of trouble to work up these few imv pi‘ovements, it was not fair to go back on him, at all events they did go back on him. and the result was, he felt pretty well chopi ‘ fallen. But that was not all, forI feel lllx cliued to think they tried to shoulder it on the weighty member, but I tell you be shaped out of it in splendidstyle. Bye the l bye, I had better explain to you what theyl intended to shoulder on the weighty memi her, it was this. He should have had these new rules all written on paper so that all the members who were on that side, I mean the side of reform, should be able to advo- cate what benefits would be derived from them, however. he never done it, and hence the trouble. Now, His Worship thinking it about time to quit, called the members all on the stage in rotation, as follows: The Little, Plum. Weighty, and Bell, and while they were standing there His Worship thunk ed the audience for (well, no he did not thank the audience, but he. told the company i t'l “reel again in about two or three weeks,) and by that time- he would have a fresh play to put on the boards. He was not sure whether it Would be a tragedy or a comedy. but some other member spoke up and said let us hare. a nantomiue. for you know there ain’t any member here who cares for these. liltfl‘f‘dis, because you have to kill so many, ‘H d as fl 1' a enrnedr. we are common enough so l think they agreed to have a pantomiue, at any rate we. will see. And the curtail: fell to Cover up those five performers. Thus ended the first play for the season of 1875. P S â€"1 hour there will be. a. big crowd attend the next play, it will be. for the bone fit of all to be there. i Yours, &c., K. Z. Feb. 3. 1875. YORK COUNTY COUNCIL. ..â€"._ lllr l‘oll presented the report of the Edn- cation Committee The (‘onncil went into Committee on the report, Mr Jones in the chair. The Committee recommended that the, Treasurer he authoriZed to pay to the order of the l‘hnirman of each High School Board, the sum of $700 in two equal pavmeuts on .Iulv lst and Jan 1st. The Committee rev commended the appointment by the (louncil of‘a special Committee. to confer with the "hiel Superintendent of Education. as to the advisutil‘tv of the present Hilvh Schools in this Country being done awav with. and the establishing of one Central High School in lieu thereof. The Committee also recommended that the expense incurred in contesting the ap peal made by the Vaughan Council in refer ence to SCl‘Ofll matters be paid. and the some charged to the Council of Vaughan; Forresterâ€"A grand concert will he held in the Maple Masonic Hall, under the ans l pices of the Trustee Board of Maple Melliol dist Church, on Wednesday. Ev’g. 10th ; inst. Prou‘rumme to consist of solos duettsl and choruses. Music will be furnished by the Patterson Brass liand and amateurs from a distance. The proceeds to be ap- plied to the parsonage fund Doors open at 7 o’clock, concert to commence at 7:30. Tickets 25 cls, double ticket 40 cts, child-r rcn l5 cts. W MARRIED. Bri.i.â€"~HARuixorox.â€"Ry the Rev. A. It. Willoughby, M. A., at. the. residence of the bride’s father, Iiichmondhill, on Wednesday the 3rd instant. Thomas H. Bull, Esm, to Nettie youngest daughter of John Harrington, Esq. MCCONNELLâ€"TtnNBULL.â€"On Wednesday the 27th ult., by the Rev. A. Grant oftlie Presbyterian manse, Omeda, at the resi-I‘ deuce of the bride’s father, Capt. J. Mc- ‘ Council of Markham. to Maggie Lillian, eldest daughter of A. Turnbull Esq, J. P., of the township of Seneca, County Llaldiniand. DIED. RnAMAN.-â€"â€"At (‘arrville on the 30th ult, {alph Franklin. only son of Mr Daniel‘ lteauinn» aged mouths, and 2 days. that tho expenso incurred by the School In spectors in equalizing the union sections in North Yolk and South York he paid. but they could not recommend the payment to be paid to Reeves for equalizing assessments in connection with the Inspectors. the Corn mittce being of opinion that the same ought to be paid by the local Municipality. Mr Phillips suggested that the amount granted to each High School should be $600 instead of $700. Mr Stephenson considered the schools could he maintained if $400 instead of $700 was granted to each school. This would rei duee the taxation on land, which in his dis- trict was felt to be too heavy. Mr Jackson refered to the money which] had been raised in Newmarket in support ofthe school there. He considered that $700 to each school was little enough. ' Mr Patterson contended that the schools could not be so efficiently maintained as they l are at present if the sum granted was less ‘ than $700 for each school. Mr Wheler advocated the establishing of. one central school; the expense of which‘ would not be so large as now required for the present four schools. Mr Speiglit considered that if a less sum l than $700 was granted to each High School , they might as well close the schools. If, one Central School was established, it‘ would cost as much as the present; four High Schools did. The Schools ought to be well maintained, and it. would be very de~ rogatory to the county onork ifthe schools had to be closed, which, in his opinion, they would be if the grant to each was less than $700, i i is 8 Weak point. Mr Wallace asked what had been the cost of the maintenance of the schools. He considered it was the desire of the Council to have the schools maintained in an effici- cient manner. Mr Bull said he would give all the infor- mation in respect to the schools he could. The average expenditure of each High School was $1,832'50 for the year. This in- cluded everything, The sum of $4,630 had to be provided for the maintenance of the schools; $2,800 was granted by this Count eil, leaving some $115730 to be provided each school. He did not think there would be. much benefit arising by the establishing of one Central High School instead of the present four Iliin Schools. They had to to employ efficient teachers, and the master of each school had to be a graduate of the Toronto University. The salary of the masters averaged about $900, and the 8801 oud master received $400 or $600. The schools must be supported or they would go down. He. therefore, thoughtit was no Use to continue the discusion as to the amount. to be granted. Mr. Tyrrell spoke of the, maintenance of Weston High School. He contended that none of the schools could exist at, a less grant than $700 being made to each school. Mr. Phillips moved in amendment to the first clause, that. the sum of $2,800 be struck out, and $2,003 inserted in lieu tlierof. The amendment was carried. The other clauses of the report adopted. The Committee rose and reported pro. gress, and asked leave to sit again. larried. Mr. Jackson asked if any communica- tion had been received in reference to one of the School Insoeetors? Mr. Bull said two petitions had been sent. in, asking for the removal of one Of the Inspectors. llut the matter will come belore the Council before the close of the session. We 1'0 AUC"lON 3mg" FRIDAY, Feb. 5.~â€"Auetion Sale Real Estate Farm Stock, Implements, &c., on Lot No 6, 4th ("m Vaughan, at the village 0 t RICHMOND HILL. P. G. SAVAGE As now on hand a large assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries Super/t 0r CANNED A Large Stock Yarmouth Bloaters and y Sardines, Lobsters, &c. liciiuioud Hill, Jan. 3 1875. Mudville. The property ofJ. H. Lyons Esq. Sale at 12. It. Conway, Auct’r MONDAY, Feb. l5.â€"Auction Sale Househol Furniture, Dry Goods, 850., at. .iymburm er’s Corner. Yonge St., 1% south of Rich inond Ilill. The property of Mr Henry Taylor. Sale at 12. J. Gormley, Auct’r. Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this office will receive a notice similar to the above. FREE of charge. Sprout Elation. i EPPS’S COCOA. â€"â€" GRATEFL‘L Aim COMl-‘OR'I‘ING. â€" “By a. thorouin knowledge 0fthe natural lawr which govern thooperaiions ofdigestion and nutrition, and by acareful ap- plication of the line properties of weil~solocted cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicater flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to l'eslSiBV'61‘3‘1811dBIIC)‘ to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there We may escape many a fatal shaft bv keeping ourselves well fortified iWilll pure blood and a properh nourished frame.”â€"~ Civil Service Guzutlc TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, Feb. 4, 1875. Seedless «Raisins .' FRUITS And Brazil Nuts. of Furniture. H Large Assortment of Irish, CONSIS’IING 0F Salmon Trout, White Fish, Finnin Haddies, Black Lustres 85 Stuff Goods, in all the new Brands Smoked Salmon, also, Fresh X X X and Select ism 10$ GBUND GBFI‘BES 8.910115. nesâ€" ParCels Delivered. 2 New Goods for the I“; ii and “inter rl rude. JUST received, from the Best Markets, and bought at the Lowest Prices, 1? ALarge a11d Complete Estock or Staple med Fort COMPR Dress Goods, all patterns, Merinos all Colors. and Black Lustres Ten per cent cheaper than usual price. Colored Lustres, Cobourgs, Wiucys, Pr ma. VV 1.: 5, SH ey flry Goods ISING, -l Splendid in value. llllS, Shillings, &c., &C.. (be A beautiful assortment in Ottoma Stripe, Check and Plain. THE WOOLEN GOODS DEPARTMENT Is complete. English, Scotch and . Clothing made to Order at the Shortest Notieel Readysmade clothing A very fine assortment of Canadian Tweeds. constantly on hand. Ner Goods Coming,r Every \Veek. Staple and Fancy Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, &c. Flow »Supei‘fiiic . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 50 fr? 3 80 Spring Wheat extra . . 3 90 {(D 4 ('0 Fancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00/17) 4 25 Extra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 fill [(3 4 (‘0 Superior Extra . . . . . 4 30 (a?) 4 75 Oatmeal. . . . . . . . ........... 490 it) 500 Col‘umeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 90 RE 4 25 Bran. . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . 13 50 KID 14 00 Wheatâ€"Spring . . . . . . . . . .. . (l 93 fl 0 00 Soules and Delhi . .. (l 97 fl 0 98 Treadwell . . . . . . . . . . U 98 @ U 00 liaricy.......... . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ii rm lOU l’ease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll '79 fl) (it"l Oats . . . . . . . . .. .......... 042/13 043 lla\'.... . . . . . . . ..... ISUUftDQlHlO Straw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 (‘0 RD 0 ill) Potatoes per bus . .. 0 75 rm 0 go Apples, per barrel, . .. . . ... 175 ((3 2 25 Mutton, by 'he carcas‘ . . . , . ll (l5 fir) l llti Poultryâ€"Gees e . , . . . . . (l 50 Km ll 60 Turkms ., ., , , . . . “l till [(3 1 till Chickens. per pair 0 till ((i (l 50 llucks, , per pain. 0 50 @D 0 75 Porkâ€"Mess. . . . . . . . . ...... 0 (ill ((0 070 Extra..... . . . . . . . . . . lSOOffD l8llll Bacon l’rinie ......... 000 ((7) 0 00 lawnsâ€"Salt“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 08 f0; 0 l2' Smoked . 011 [(0 014: Dressed Hogs. . . .. . S 525 [(2 S 50 George ll’oods’ Combined Plel N0 ORGAN. NE of the most beautiful finished Instru- ments and sweetest toned ever iniioduced to the Canadian trade, may be seen and ex- amined at Street’s IVIusic Store, RICHMOND HILL, BlllTllI Fill} ll‘lllil'l RICHMOND HILL. 4! MERRY Xâ€"MAs. C/zi'ismms Groceries .’ a V a I Fronts. E rot/its! Fresh Arrival 01 all kinds of Fruits suitable for X-MlS AND NEW YEAR, COMPRISING Seccllcss, Valcntlas, Sultanas and Lag/er Raisins, Currants, &c., &c., F It E S Ii Teas & telofl'ecs Best that can be bought. Wines, Brandies, Gin, And all other Liquors of the best brands DRY GOODS. A large assortment of Dress Goods, Cobourgs, Wiuceys, De- lains, and Prints Cheaper than ever. Clouds, Scarfs, & other Goods suitable for the Season. Blankets, Horse Blank- ets dz Quilts, Splendid in Value. Flour & Feed. Goods Delivered. A. MOOUJE I’iiclimodd Hill, Oct, 1, 1874, The only reliable Gift Distribution in tne $7530 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN 1. D. SINE’S 17lst REGULAR MONTHLY Gift Enterprise 1 Tl’) 11E DRA WK MONDAY, February 22nd, 1875. TWO GRAND CAPITAL PltlZES 0F $5,000 00 each in Cash ! assesses ; EACH in ngi Five Prizes $100 1 Horse & Buggy. with Silver mounted Har- ness, worth $600. I Fine-toned Bosnvvood l’ieuo, worth $550. '1 Gold Watches and Chains weith $3lllleach Three Gold American Hunting “latches, worth 9,75] 95 such Ten Lndies’ Guld>Huuling Watches. worth $100 each, 1000 Gold and Silvm' Lever Hunting thLtr'lms (in. all) worthfrom $20 to $300 (IILCIL Number cf gifts 7.500. Tickets limited to 75,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS,tO whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets $10; Twenty-Five $20. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a description of ihe manner of drawing, and other information in reference to the Mistri- blition, will be sent to any one ordering them. Al1 letters must be addressed to Office, Excelsior Building L7D'SINEJ301K86 Cor. Race AL Longwurth } Cincinnati, 0 Nov. 14, 1874. 825 (it debted to the undersigned. either bv note or book account, that the same must he settled on or before the 1st day of MARCH next. or it will be put in other hands lorcollectiou: and all parties having claims against the undersign ed are requested to send them in by that date for settlement, ROBT. SIVER. JR., Richmond Hill, Jan- 20. ’75. Shoemaker. EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap at the HERAL.. Book Store. UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON TO Weekly Papers, rece-ved at the HERALD OTICE is herebv given to all parties in Bookfitore, Richmond Hill; l I. CROSBY. Thirty FirstTiTizcs lor 1874. l‘ irst Pl‘l'le at the Vaughan Agricultural Show, held at V’Voedbridge on the l3th and 14th of October last, Notwithstanding the keenest competition and most unfounded pro- Judice they still continue to gain in public eon- tideuce. and so rapidly have they increased their sales thatlliei stand in a position to hold- ly challenge COlill arissn with any machine made or sold in the Dominion. The success of THE 6IWEBS'IPER’ is owing to its superior qualities as a sewing machine, being adapted to heavy as well as light work, makes it a desirable article in evetv familv. To be conv ncod ofils superior qualities it only requires to be thoroughly ox- amined For further particulars and price list. and drSCl'lpliVB catalogue. Address JOHN ll. STONEHOUSE, Travelling agent for Vaughan 61. Whitchurcb. ll AGEMMAN P,O. Also, Robson & StonehOuse Agents for the Frsl Prize UXBBIIIEE' BABINBT flRliAN! ' Forsuperioritr in design. quality of tune. and finish these Organs are excelled by none in the market at the present day They llr've taken the lst prizes at the fol’owiug fairs, viz .â€" Markham. (‘auiiiugton and Newton hat, and the fol] twing Instruments were brought into compo ition: at Markham; Prince (lily. W, Bell & Co.. Goodman, t‘ Co.. Toronto Organ (Jo ,G. \. Wood.& Co and [lie Uxbridge Organ (low. At (‘aiiniugtou : W Hell 51 (lo. the liowmnuville Organ (‘o . and the Uxhridge llrgan (‘0. "it Newnmi-Iu-t, W Bell .tv (1., G A. \Vl-od & (lo . 'Vlossrs Prince Toronto Canada Organ ( o and the [lxhridge ()rgau. to which the st Prize was awarded in each case. thus movtngwhat we assert that they are second to none. May ‘26. M4 827-! y Annouueirunuy Robert â€"Hopper EGS to announce to the Inhabitants of: e’ r’“ BNBHETE,” - 9a, ( ( ../ l . ..r. RICHMOND HILL. [S7 4. E874. New Fall Dry Goods ATKINSON PETURNS his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage in ' k the past and as his Fall Stool: is Now Compete Would call special attention to the following lilies of goods which will be found Extra Value :â€" Plain and Fancy Dress Geods. From 17 cts.â€" a splendid assortment. FRENCH? MERINOS in. all shadesâ€"Good value. Striped Tartan and Plain Shawls,'Large Assortment and Cheap.' And Red and Fancy Flannels, I defy Competition. PRINTS AND SHIRTINGS, VERY LARGE STOCK and prime value. GREY a; WHITE COTTONS, A full assortment. Table Linens and 'I‘oweliiigsâ€"value,somethiiig extra. l rinsinuv Mi; Greys-s... Something Special. Clouds and Searfs, new styles. Wincy and Felt Skirts, Canadian and Scotch Wool hirts and Drawers. A SPDENDID LOT “F K95 F From 65 cts.~â€"All Colors, also, fine Fingering Yarns, in all shades. HAHN F: . “a it: iii. A); FééiilK , That will defy Jack Frost... 3:0 Mid EST BEFAETMENT. , Having fitted up a department especially for this line, and under the management ' of Mrs “A,” who is prepared to show the ELI-l HATS & BONNETS. l ‘ â€"-oâ€"oâ€"â€" Gents’ Furnishing Department! In this department there will be found a large and well-assorted stock of “fest of England and Canadian Tweeds, ' Broad Cloths and Fancy Coatings, all of the best makes. Hats and Caps in the Newest Styles. Orders for Clothing will receive prompt attention Ready-made Clothlng, Dress Shirts, Silk Bows and Ties, I Collars, both in Paper and Linen, always in Stock. ‘ An Early Inspection is Invited. ‘oRooERIEs. A choice supply of Fresh Family Groceries, always on hand. Choice Teas, Coffees and Dried Fruits, ALSO yo and GLA.£6§§§W’ARE~EE. -â€" oâ€"nu-s HARDWARE. ._ --- itichu-ond Hill. and Vicinity that ho ham resumed business in the Village as a B U" '1' C H E R , And hopes by strict attention to 'uusiness to merit a. share of public patronage. Beef. Mutton, Pork. Lard. Fowls, and all :cinds of Heat consmntlj: (m hanrl, N. B.â€"All Orders promptly attended to” ROBElz'I' HOPPER. Richmond Hill. Jan, 13, ’75. 860-“. ONEY TO LEND. A large sum of money to land on Mortgage at Seven per cent. BLAKE & KINGSFORD, Solicitors No. 56, Church St,, Toronto. Doc. 7, 1874. 855-1y. l W. A. Intends making a speciality of this line, and is determined to keep a. rifull supply of Staple and Funny E'iartiw.:re. l I Door Locks in all sizes. Cut and Vi'rought. Nails in all sizes, l Cut and Wrought Tacks in all sizes, Sam and Files. all kinds and sizes, Rules, Squares and Halter Chains, All sizes in Door Butts. Latches, 810 Piwder, Caps, and all sizes in Shot, Tinned & Plated Spoons, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Axes, &c., Manure Forks,'Also, a full line in Carpenters Tools. I intend devoting part of my store to this line, and am determined to keep a full Stock of Hardware. V Wm. ATKINSON, “ CONCRETE HOUSE.” Richmond Hill, Oct. 7, 1874. ‘

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