Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Feb 1875, p. 1

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All lettefo addressed to the editors must be post-paid. Advertisements without written direction nserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. All transitory advertisements from rcgu~ lar or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. One inch, one year... . Two inches, one year” Three inches, one year.. . Advertisements for a shorter period than one year, insertion.. Each subsequent insertion ....... . .w, 22 inches to be considered one column THE Yom: HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Local News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Famin Newspaper. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid ; and parties refusing papers with- out paying up will be held accountable for the subscription. r' will be promptly attended to : Fancy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars,Law Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads,Fancy Cards,‘Pamphlets, Large and Small Posters, and aver)? oiher kind mg]: And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest 1113119 or other conveyances, when so dcsn‘ed TERMS: On}: Dollér ‘per mmum in (ML vance, if not paid within two months, One Dql_la.r and fifty Cepts will b}; ckarged. 'IHID HEEEALI) BOOK 6; JOB PRINTING "Having made large additions to the print- ing material, we are better prepared than ever to do the neatest and most beautiful printing of every description. Every Friday Morning, Orders for {any of the undermentionod des .‘ cription of icensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on the short- est notice and at reasonable rates. 1’. O. ndfigess, Buttonville. Plain & Colored Job Work Corner of Young and Centre streets East, have constantly on hand a. good assortment of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Varnishes, FancyArticles, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines md all other articles kept by druggists generally. Our stock of medicines warrant- ed genuine, and of the best qualities. Richmond Hill, Jan 25, ’72 705 . H. SANDERSON 8.: SON, . PBOI’RIETORS OF THE RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, PUBLISHER AND PROPBIETOR OF \Viues, and Liquors, Thornhill, By oyal Letters Patent has been appointed ls- suer of Marriage Licenses. pealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, New method of extracting teeth without pain, by the use of Ether Spray,which eets‘the teeth only. The tooth and gum niofihdin'g becomes insensible with the external agency, when the tooth can be ex- tracted with no pain and without endanger- ing the life, as in the use of Chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be at the following places prepared to extract teeth with his new ap- paratus. All office operations in Dentistry performed in a. workmanlike manner : Aurora, 151:, 3rd, 16th and 22d of each month Newmarket . . . . . , . . . . i . . . . . . . 2d “ “ Richmond Hill, 9th and 24th “ “V Mt. Albert Thomhill . Maple” , Burwick... Kleinburg N obleton . Nitrous A urora. Aurora, P always on lmnd the best of Beef,'l\111tt011, amb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Jun. and sell at the lowest prices for Cash. heap Book and Job PrintingEstabliahmmt‘ Boots afid shbes made to measure, of the best material and workmanship, at the low- cstiremuneratmg pric Also, Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. ' The highest market price given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, 5:0. FARMERS BOOT AND SHOE STORE OHN BARRON, 111anufacture1' and dealer in all kinds of boots and shoes, 38 \Vest Market Sqqar‘e, Toronfio. f Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Orders by letter should state the Concesasion, Lot and character Of Survey, the subscriber havi'fig “ the ‘old Field Notes of the late D. GIBSON and other surveyors, which should be consulted, in many cases as to original monuments, 310., previous to commencing Work. Oflice at \VxLLOWDALE, Yonge Street, in the Township of York. Jan’y’ 8, 1873. 755 TF1CEâ€"~YONGE ST., RICHMoxn HILL U ver \Vatches, Jewelry, &c., 113 Yonge Street, Toronto. Markham, July 24, 1868 D Soucxrox 1x CHANCERY, CONVEYAXCER; ' ' &c., kc. , 01?le ;â€"No, 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of Toronto and Court Streets, “onto, Ont. lung 15, 1873 HE YORK HERALD Richmond Hill, Oct. ‘24, UTCHERS, RICHMOND HILLK HAVE PETER s. GIBSON, .ROVINCIAL LAgw' D iSURVEYOR, September 1, 1871 nuns: $1 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE (Late of Duggan é‘ Meyers,) ,ARRISTER, iATTQRNEAYâ€"A'ILLEOV, J. SEGSWORTH, |EALER IN FINE GQLD AND SILâ€" ‘orontn, Dec #3: 1867 VOL. XVI. NO 34 ALEX. SCOTT, FRANCIS BUTTON, JR., \V ADAM, H. MEYERS, JR, ADVERTISI § R ATES '( A, ROBIESON’S, L. D. S (SUCCESSORS '10 w. w. c011,) AUCTIONEERS. " THE YpRK HERALD.’ ESTABLISHMENT. THOMAS CARR, Oxide Gas always April 28, 1870 DRUGGISTS. H. J.» R. PUGSLEY, DENTISTRY. H l' [‘ IKLXSHED 5f Letter-Press Print 24th 15th 23rd 26th 28th 29th .30th on hand at I'EI‘. INCH SIB-ti" $4 00 3 50 3 00 7-15-1V 756-1y 6'84 VETERINARY SURGEON, Graduate of Toronto University College, corner of Yonge and Centre Sts. East, Richmond Hill, begs to announce to the public that he is now practising with H. Sanderson, of the same place, where they may be consulted personâ€" ally or by letter, on all diseases of horses, cattle, 8L0. irrAll’orders from a. distance promptly at- tended to, and medicine sent to any part of the Province. Horses examined as to soundness, and also bought and sold on commission. Riehmond Hill, Jan. 25, 1872. 507 CUOUNTANT, Bookâ€"Keeper, Convey- ancer, and Commission Agent for the sale or purchase of lands, farm stock, 850., also for the collection of rents, notes and ac- counts. Uharges Moderate. OFFICE-r?Richmond srreet, Richmond Hill. 700â€"137 U old iron, rags, &c.,'&c., Richmond Hill All orders promptly attended to. Sold by Druggists generally. The Dominion “7mm Candy is the medicine 0 expel worms. Try it. TOO-y \VM. MALLOY, BARIKISTER, Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chan cery, Conveyance); &c. 0FFICE-N n. 6 Royal Insurance Buildings, Toronto street. Toronto, Dec. 2, 1859. 504 RCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINELR, AND Surveyor, Trust and Loan Buildings, cor- ner of Adelaide and Toronto streets, To- ronto. 719â€"tf Stands permanently above every other Rem dy now in use. It is invaluable. LSO, the Pain Victor is Infallihle for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flox, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Pain and Cramp in the Stomach and Bowels, 3:0. Directions with eaCh b0ttle_and box. Manufactured by H. MUS'IIARD, “ ‘ lUb‘TARD’S Uatan‘h Specific Cures A «21ch l and Chronic cases of (,‘atarrh, Neural- gia, Headache, Colds, Coughs, Group, ‘A sthma, Bronchitis, &c., it is alsoa good Soothing Syrup. D, USTARD’S Pills are the best )ills you can get for Dys epsia, Sick eadache, Billiousness, Liver, Iadney Complaints, 8m. AVE you Rheumatism, \Vounds, Bruises, 01d Sores, Cuts, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, \Vliite Swellings, and every conceivable wound upon man or beast '? The Troy ’ ‘imes of Thursday even- ing says :â€"The little two-pound spe- cimen of humanity that was menâ€" tioned yesterday as having been re- ported before the Medical Association was born in this city about a month ago, and when the child first appear- ed into the world it had much the apâ€" pearance of a very aged person Its skin was shriveled, and its eyes cov- ered with a film, as though age had dimmed them ; but, by careful nurs- ing these peculiarities have disap- peared, and its skin is now smooth, its eyes bright, and it has every pro- mise of a long life before it. Its proud mother can entirely hide the little one from View by coverinw it with her out-stretched hands, Tut this is not a solitary instance. There is now residing in South Troy a lad seven years of age, stout, rugged, and hearty, who, at the day of his birth, weighed only one and three fourth pounds. A physician residing in this city relates an instance ofa child born in January, 1874, of a mother who was in the last stages of con- sumption, which weighed one and a half? pounds. This little one was perfect in formation and lived eight- een days. Another old physician re- lates the circumstance of meeting a short time ago in Detroit, Mich, :1. young man upwards of fifteen years ofage, tall, robust. and well-formed, who, when he aided him into the world, weighed two and three-quarter pounds. The above births all occur- red in this city. Another instance is brought to our knowledge of" a case that occurred in Albany, of a little one that weighed at birth only two and three-sixteenth pounds. This child was also well formed and was doing well until seized with croup, which terminated his life. As mementoes of critical moments two pistols lie on Prince Bismarck’s tableâ€"those of Kullman and Blind It w as the latter which recently went off accidentally, during a Parliament: ary reception at; the Prince’s house. ‘ The revolver of Blind is a present ofg Herr Delbruck’s who had purchased 1 it at the regular auction of objects sequestered by the Court. In the same way the Prince tried to get Kullman’s pistol.» He addressed his request in the first instance to Herr Rudel, the State Attorney, who findâ€" ing he could not give it up on his own responsibility, applied to the Finance Chamber at Wurzhurg, and the latter, in its turn, referred to the Ministry of Finance at Munich, which Efinally decided that the pistol might be handed over;to the Prince at the market price of such articles. Thus the Chancellor came into possession of Kullman’s murderous weapon, and the Bavarian treasury of 1 thaler 20 silbergroschen. November 12, 1872 F. WHITLOCK, iHIMNEY SWEEP, AN]; QEALERHQ Small Editions of Humanity PATENT NIEDFAJE 5’6 ES. PIEOCIJAMAT1( ) ;\‘ (LATE JAMES & FOVYLER,) J. H. SANDERSON, THE KING OF OILS I). (,1. O'BRIEN, s. JAMES, Proprietor, lxlgcréull from fear; I have seen it ha pen, and if you don’t mind listening, II)will tell you the story. I was apprentic- ed to a builder when I left school, and soon get to like the trade very much, especially when the work was perilous and gave me a chance to out-do the other boys in daring. “Spider” was my nicknamein those days, given partly on account of my long legs, for I had outgrown my proportions, and partly because they said I could crawl along a roof like my namesake. When I was about twenty-three years old, I was workâ€" ing with the famous Mr. Riggs, and went to Newark with his picked hands to carry out a contract he had made there. While there, I fell in love with the prettiest girl I had seen in New Jersey, and that is say- ing a good deal. For atime I fancied she liked me, and that I was getting on very well with my love-making, but I soon found my mistake, for an old lover of hers joined our men, and Mary gave me the cold shoulder di- rectly. You may believe this sweet- heart of' hers (who was called Ben Floyd) and I were not the best friends in the world ; but I am not the sort of a fellow to harbor malice, and when the biddings to the wedding went, round, and I knew that there was no chance for me, I made the best of it; I kept my sore heart to myself, and determined to beat down jealousy by being great chums with Ben. .1 went to the Wedding, and there were not many days when I did not steal half an hour to sit by his fire- side, which was as bright and cosy and home-like as you’d wish to seefi Mary being the soul of order and in- dustry. It is not, perhaps, the usual way of driving out envy, to go and look at the happiness another man has done you out of, but as the proâ€" verb says, “ What’s one man’s meat is another man’s poison ;” and so it was, 1 got to look upon Mary as a sort of sister, and Ben had no cause for jealousy, although there were plenty of evil tongues ready to put him up to it. The contract was nearly up, when a lightning-conductor upon one of the highest chimneys in Paterson sprang, and the owner of the works ofl'ered our employer the job. “ It’s just the sort of thing for you, Harry,” said Mr. Riggs. when he told us of it. I accepted it offâ€"hand and then Ben stepped up and said he‘d volunteer to be second man, two being required. “ All right,” said the boss, “ you’re the steadiest-headed fellows I have. The price is a good one and every cent of it shall be divided between you. We'll not fix a day for the work, but take the first calm morning 10 get it done quietly.” So it was that some four or five mornings after we found ourselves at Paterson, and all ready for the start. The kite by which the line attached to the block was to be sent over the chimney was flown and did its work well 3 the rope which was to haul up the cradle was also ready. and, ratep- ALONE WITH A MADMAN. A man wil_1 go blind, and mad too, Only Bring, from one whose love 1 pnze all earthly things above; So do not deem it a trifling thing, For the love of the giver came unit the ring Only a ring, but I love it. well Better than words can ever tell ; ‘Tis a pledge to me of afi'ection true“ Best and dearest I ever knew, Only a ring‘ but if you knew The heart. so brave, the love so true, You would not wonder that to me Ilia ring is more than the world could be Only a ring, yet I prize it more "han all the gems from India‘s shore' Not all the wealth of the world untola ls dear to me an this band of gold, Only a ring, and yet In this Is centred all of m y earthly bliss; All my hopes of the future. yes~ Every dream of happiness‘ A word of good counsel We ne‘er should forget; And to keep out. of danger Is 10 keep out of debt! It peace and contentment And joy you would know Don’t live upon credit, Bntpay as you go. No lose like the losing That comes of delay, In binding tho wounds that Are bleeding xo-day! For where is the comfort of tears that are shed On the face of the dyinrrâ€"r The grave of the den ! He loses the sweetness That life can impart, Who locks up 9. treasure Of wealth in his heart; To reap a rich harvest 0! pain and re rot, When, too late, e discovers How great was Ms debt. A man to be honest As merchant or friend, In order to have, Must be willing m spend Is it love or aflection, Or faith they bestow ‘r teturn their full value, And pay as you go. "1‘15; folly to listen To those who Issert That a system or Credit Does good and not hurt. For many have squandered Their incomes away, . And hearts have been wrecked by A \vurd of good counsel We ne‘er should forget. 19 that which forewanu us To keep out of debt~ For half of life‘s burdens That man overthrown Who starts out determined To pay as he goes. PAY AS YOU GO A promise to pay ONLY A RING‘ RICHMOND HLLL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1875 Ben shriekcd out; that he was a dead man, and cried,“ Tell me where I can kneel, Harry; show me where I can pray to Almighty God, forI can not die this way.” “Hush! Ben,” I said, “don’t lose heart; God can hear you just», as well sitting as kneeling; and if you try to get up you’ll tumble to a moral cer~ tainty. Think of" Mary, man, and keep up." But he only shook and swayed more, groaning, and crying out; that he was lost; and I could see that if he did not mind he would ovcl‘bal- ance himself. “ Gethold of the red,” I said, think- ing that sprung as it was, the touch of it would give him courage. . “ Where is it, boy ?” he said, hoarse- ly , and then looking into his face, which was turned to me, I saw that his eyes were drawn together, sqint- ing and bloodshot, and knew that the fright had driven him blind. So pushing myself to him, I placed my arm round his waist, and worked round to the rod, which I placed in his hand; and then I looked below. to see Whether they were trying to help us; but there was no sign. The yard was full of people, all running hither and thither; and, as I after- wards knew, all in the greatest con- sternation; the cradle having fallen on one of the overseers of the works, killing him on the spot, and so occu- pying the attention of those near, that we unfl>rtunates were for a time forgotten. I was straining my eyes in hope of seeing some effort made to help us, when I was startled by a horrible yell, and brought to a sense of new danger, for looking round, 1 saw Ben ohamping with his teeth, and foaming at the mouth, and gee tieulating in an unearthly way. Fear had not only blinded him, but crazed his brain. 'l‘he cradle came on ; than, as I an- ticipated, the rope gave a shrill, ping- ing sound, like a rifle ball passing through the air, and snapped. Down went the cradle, and there were we left, nearly three hundred feet in the air, with nothing to rest upon but a coping barely eighteen inches in width. “ You’re not frightened, old f'el- low ?” I asked. 7. “ What’s that to you ?” “Oh, nothing; only we’re getting up pretty quickly, and you’d have a better head for work if you’d get gradually used to the height.” He said nothing and never moved. Then looking up, I saw we were close to the topâ€"a few yards more, and we would be there; yet those that were turning the Windlass were winding With unabated speed. A sudden chill ran through my blood,, and set my flesh creeping. They had miscaleulated the distance, and with the force they were Winding at, the rope must inevitably break when the cradle came in contact with the block. There was no time to at- tempt a signal, only an instant to point out the danger to Ben, and then to get hold of the rope, and by going hand over hand, reach the cop. ing before the cradle came up. This was done almost quicker than T can tell you, Ben following. “ Cannot you keep quiet ?” answer- ed Ben, speaking in a strange tone; and turning to look, I saw that he was deadly pale, and sat in the bot- tom of the cradle, huddled up togeth- er with his eyes fast shut. Scarcely had 1 time to comprehend this, when he began edging his way toward me; and every hair on my head seemed to stand on end, as I moved away, keeping as far off as I. could, and scarcely daring to breathe lest he should hear me, for see me he could notâ€"that was my only consolâ€" ation. Oneeâ€"twiceâ€"thriceâ€"he folâ€" lowed me around the mouth of that horrible chimney: then, no doubt thinking I had fallen over, he gave up the search and began trying to get on his feet. WVhat could I now do to save his life? To touch him was certain death to myself as well as him, for he would inevitably seize me, and we should both go over to- gether. To let him stand up would be to Witness his equally certain do« struetion. “ There’s plenty of starâ€"gazers, Ben,” I said, waving my cap to them. “I dare say they’d like to see us come down with a run.” There had been very few people about when we went into the yard, but as we got higher, I saw that the news Was spreading quickly, and that the streets were rapidly filling,r with sightâ€"seem. png into it, Ben and I begun our as cent. I thought of poor Mary, and I re- membered that if he died, she might get to care for me. The devil put that thought in my mind, I suppose; but, thank God, there was a stronger than Satan near, and at the risk of my life, I roared out, “Sit still, or you will fall, Ben Floyd." He crouched d0wn and held on with clenched teeth, shivering and shaking. In after days he told me he thought it was my spirit sent to warn and save hIm. “ Sit still,” I repeated from time to time, Watching with aching eyes and brain for some sign of aid. Every minute seemed to be an hour. My lips grew dry, my tongue literally clave to the roof of my mouth, and he was never fit for his old trade again, so he and Mary went out West, and the last that I heard of them was that Ben had got a large farm, and was doing capitally. ground, scarcely a man dare look in. The first, who did saw a horrible sight, for, exhausted by the struggle and excitement, as soon as the cra- dle stopped I had fainted, and Ben feeling my hands relax, fastened his teeth into my neck. No wonder the men fell back with blanched faces; they saw that Ben was crazed; but they thought that he had killed me, for, as they said, he was actually worrying me like a dog. At last, the superintendent got to us, and pulled Ben off me. I soon came round, but it was a long time before he got well, poor fellow; and when he did come out of the asylum I gave up the trade [00, soon after, finding that I got queer in the head when I tried to face height. So, you see that morning‘s work changed two men’s lives. A neverâ€"satisfied demand forsomeâ€" thing sensational has produced the descriptive reporter. This variety of nuisance has replaced his less florid predecessor, who had one set of ex- pressions for each class of occurrences. A great fire was a “ disastrous conâ€" flagration.” Now it is “ravages of the fire fiend.” And the aforesaid fiend, in the hands of a truly great descriptive reporter, and on great oc- casions, is a remarkable character. He devours with “avid eagerness ;” he “ roars tumultuously,” or “ flashes his flaunting banner to the far-ofl" skies.” He did all these things in a Chicago paper not long ago, and some of our nearer neighbors have done quite as well to the fire fiend. The descriptive reporter is never content to call a spade a. spade. Far be it from him to write plain English. A rich farmer is not so much an “ opuâ€" lent agriculturist" as he was in the hands of a former generation of phrase-mongers; but he is one who has “ garnered his rich, full stores of wealth from the smiling fields of hus- bandry.” This is elegant; it makes more lines in the “copy,” and it is more difficult to the mind of the average readerâ€"all of which is de- sirable to the descriptive writer. Then a supper is not a supper ; it is a “ bounteous feast, where the golden light pours liquidly over the amber, translucent jellies, sparkles in the rich brown juice of Xeres, toys with the costly floral decorations of the table, glints in the crystalline purity of the oysters,” and so on. A ball . used to be “ the mazy dance,” or at the worst, it made occasion for some mention of “ the light fantastic ;” but now, several of the Muses are made to do duty on such an occasion. On these occasions there is not a crowd; it is “an ocean of satin, silk, velvet, lace, and diamonded billows” that ra- vishes the eye of the Homeric report- er and engages his pen. He is so sureharged with emotion that he lacks words big enough to wreak his thought upon expressionâ€"JV. Y. Times. The block was fixed, the cradle came up again, and Ben, obeying my order, got in. I followed, but no sooner did I touch him than he began trying to get out. I got hold of him and taking it into his head that 1 was trying to throw him over,he struggled and fought- like the madman ho was wgrappling, tearing with his teeth, shouting, shrieking and praying all the way down, while the cradle was straining and cracking, swinging to and fro like the pendulum of a clock. As we came near the ground, I could hear the roar of voices, and an occa- sional cheer; then suddenly all was silent, for they had heard Ben’s cries, end when the cradle touched the I could not shout hurrah, even had I dared; but, in every beat of my heart was a thanksgiving to the God I had never truly known till that hour, and whose merciful Providence I can never doubt again. the perspiratimi running down nearly blinded me. At lashâ€"at lastâ€"hope came. The crowd began to gather in the yard, people were running in from distant parts, and the sea of faces was turned upward ; then some one who had got a speaking-trumpet shouted : “Keep heart, boys, we’ll save you.” A few minutes more and the kite began to rise; higher and higher it comes, on and on. How I watched the Whiteâ€"winged messenger comparing it in my heart to an an- gel ; and surely, as an angel was it permitted to some to us poor sinners hanging on the verge of eternity. Up it came. nearer and nearer, guided by the skilful flier. Soon the slack ropej crossed the chimney, and we Were saved. They do say that the windows of Mrs. Fred Grant’s soul, set at noble distance apart, open wide and Win- nineg, filled with soft; green hazel lights. The door to her palate, equal- ly capacious, is set; up and down with milk-white teeth, which next to her eyes make the especial beauty of her face. This, olive tinted, is set in a haze of fleecy brown hair, above which, on reception day, waved a rose pink pompon. Take the chormo. wBoslon Post. The Descriptive Reporter. What a. Picture When he had spoken these words, he stooped down and lifted up the stone. Directly underneath it. was a round hollow lined with White peb- bles, and in the hollow lay a small leathern bag. The duke held up this bag that all the people might see what was written on it. On a piece of pa- per, fastened to the bag, these words were written :-“ for him who lifts up the stone.” He untied the bag, and turned it upside down, and out upon the stone there fell out a beautiful golden ring, and twenty large golden coms. The day came, and a great crowd gathered at the Dornthou. Each side of the cut was thronged wiih people overlooking the road, and there was a crowd at each end of the cut. Old Habns the farmer was there, and so was Berthold the merchant. Hahns said, “I hope my lord duke will find out now What a lazy set of people he is duke over.” “My friends, it was I who put this stone here three weeks ago. Every passer by has left it; just where it was and has scolded his neighbor for not taking it out of the way.” Then everybody wished that he had only had diligence enough to move the stone, instead of going round it, and only scolding his neigh- her. They all lost the prize, because they had not learned the lesson, nor formed the habit of diligence. And we shall lose many a prize, as we go on in life if we don’t formLEthis habit. That bag of money was the duke’s promise of a. reward to diligence. But that promise was hidden away under the stone so that no one could see it. God’s promises to the dili- gent are not hidden in this way. They are written plainly in the Bible, so that we may all see them and un- derstand them. Itlay there for three weeks, and no one tried to remove it. Then the duke sent; round word to all the peo- ple on his lands to meet at a deep cut in the road, called Dornthou, near Where this rock lay, m; be had some- thing to tell them. H “ Indeed it’s :1 great shame, an- swered Berthold. And now a wind- ing horn was heard, and the people all strained their necks and eyes to- ward the castle, as a splendid caval- eade came galloping up to the Dom- thou. The duke rode up Into the cut and got down from his horse, and with a pleasant smile spoke to the people thus :â€" Then came a company of merchants with pads and pack-horses, and goods on their way to the fair that was to be held at the village near the great duke’s palace. When they came to the stone, the road was so narrow that they had to go off in single file on either side. One of them, named Berthold, cried out, “ Did anybody ever see the like of that great stone lying-here, and no one stopping to take it away '3” Next came a gay soldier along. He had a. bright plume waving from his helmet, and a sword dangling from his side, and wont singing merrily on his way. His head was held so far back that he did not notice the stone, so he stumbled over it and fell with his sword between his legs. This stopped his song, and he began to storm at the country people around there, and called them “ beers and blockheads, for leaving a huge rock in the middle of the road to break a gentleman's shins 0n. ” Then he went on. From Charente Infericuro, France, a terrible story is reported. A few weeks ago, the police of Gernozac, were informed that a madman had shut himself up in a lonely house,‘ whence he fired upon the passers-by. The brigadier, accompanied by two gendarmes, went out at once to arrest him. They found the madman by his door, armed with a double-bar- reled gun. He warned them that if they approached he would fire, and did so, breaking the brigadier's wrist and blinding one of his men. The other, supposing him now disarmed, sprang forward and received a re- volver bullet in the heart. Sum- moned by telegraph, all the magis- trates of the neighborhood arrived, with the captain of gendarmes, and a. large force of policemen. All day the siege lasted. Shut up in his house, the madman dared any to ap- proach, firing at the least movement. Toward evening, seeing that another brigadier had lost his life, and a neighbor was severely wounded, the ‘magistrate ordered fire to be put to ‘ the house. It was done, but thepoor maniac would not yield. He was burned alive. Next morning a sturdy peasant named Hahns came that way with a lumbering ox-cart. “ Oh, these lazy people i" said he, “there is this big stone right in the middle of the road, and no one Will take the trouble to put it out of the way.” And so Hahns went on his way, scolding about the lasiness of the people. There was a German duke once Whodisguised himself, :mddm-ing the. night placed a great stone in the middle of the road near his palace. In some of the new styles there is no change. Poor relatives are cut the same as last yeah Lessons About Diligence. A Maniac’s End .00 1 A Quebec doctor ofl‘ers bills having a face value of $9,000 for sale imt $700 cash down. This latter sum would probably give him thirty per cent. profit on his work. All the axes and buck-saws found in the ruins of Pompeii are of light make, as if constructed for women’s use. Those 01d ancients knew their little business. There’s where a man has the ad- vantage. He can undress in a cold room and have his bed warm before a woman has got her hairâ€"pins out and her shoes untied. A Paris merchant who refnsed to advertise was challenged by an edi- tor and shot. The man who says anything against advertising deserves to be shot on the spot. A genteel farmer in Massachusets, a retired Bostonian, didn’t know how to take a wagon wheel ofi to grease the axle, and so he bored holes through the hub and poured in the grease. One night over thirteen years ago Hannah Crane, of Iowa, spoke up and said she should die January 11th. 1875, and Hannah was correct. A horse ran away and tore her head ofl'. “ Prance ouLsome more pancakes !” warned William McDufl", as he sat at a. table in Kansas City, and as the waiter wouldn’t prance ’em Mr. McDufi" had to split his ear with a Bowieknife. That farmer understood human naâ€" ture who said : “ If you want to keep your boy at home, don’t bear too hard on the grindstone when he turns the crank.” They tell of a Judge in Washing- ton who is so small that he never takes a. bath without the fear of being drawn through the water pipe. A clergyman in Iowa stood in his door and warned a donation party that the first; one who entered his gate would be a dead man. He said it was bad enough to take half his pay in beans, without having his house dcs‘ax'oyed. The resolution “to do or die ” is never so much to anybody as to the young man who bursts a suspendor button in” film midst of the “ lancera.“ “Make you a coat, sir?” said a suspicious tailor to a suspeeted cus- tomer. “ Oh, yes, sir, with the greatâ€" est pleasure.” “ There, just stand in that position, please, and look right upon that notice While I take your measure.” Customer reads the no- tice : “ Terms cash.” When a St. Louis man loses $50 on the street he offers 3545 reward for it. He knows what St. Louis human na- ture is.â€"-â€".Detroz't Free Press. "The first bird I shotinAmeriky,” said an Irish sportsman, “ was a. pork- ypine. I treed him under a hay- stack, and shot him with a barn shovel. The first time I hit; him I missed him, and the second time I hit him in the same place where I missed him the first time.” There are only three women in Milwaukee who can direct an envel- ope straight without first drawing a line with a pin. Since the high hats forladies came into fashion, a trapeze performance is the only thing that can be seen at a theatre Without hindrance. Men who travel barefooted around a newlywarpetcd bed-room often find themselves on the wrong tack. Patti, on her appearance at Moscow was presented with five stars of dia- monds and rubies. Two thousand bouquets were thrown to her during the night, and she was called before the curtain sixty times. This is en- thusiasm at White heat. We hope Moscow may escape a second great conflagration. A book has been published called “Half Hours with Insects.” The author was not a regular boarder. A Brooklyn editor pays $800 per year pew rentâ€"cash down on the nail. D’ye hear that? Never give u bad name L0 an inno cent creature, not even to a baby. A philoso her has discovered that men don’t 0 ject to bg overrated, ex- cept by assessors. “ Somebody’s stove fell down here, I guess,” remarked a boy as he saw ashes on the sidewalk. IL is reported that a man went home about three o’clock one mornâ€" ing, and, using his umberella for a billiard-cue, smote his sleeping wife in the short rib, crying “ pool I” and sunk into a sweet slumber. He has since explained to his Wife that wom- en have no idea how the cares of business will sometimes affect a man’s brain. To kill time~~~~Takc a horse and sleigh iL. Hogs are generally well-dressed uL this season of the year. Lady Dudley, whose jewels, esti- mated at $25,000 in value, were re- cently stolen at: a railway station, is a sister to Lady Mordannt, defendant in a famous divorce case. Lord Dudâ€" ley was made an Earl by the ‘Vhigs for satisfactory votes. His income averages $1,500,000; but last year, owing to the great increase in the price of‘ coal, was $5,000,000. THE YORK HERALD Termszâ€"AOM Dollar per Annum in Advance M. Tcefv Esq. .UBLISHED AT THE OFFICE Issued W'eekly on Friday Morning Yoxcu: Sn, RICHMOND HILL Miscellaneous Items ALEX. Soon; Pnoraxm‘ox WHOLE NO. 863.

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