Mmt of' our rnndors. especially fhosel of' them who reside in this vicinity, will say that W», (and we may say we parâ€"I (icularlv) had rather more than an alarm of ï¬re on Friduv evening of last. week. owing to the proximity of' the HERALD buildings to the School House. Shortly after six o’clock on the above evening. some one living on Arnoldstreet observed a bright light in the north and of the senior department of the Public School. An alarm was immediately given and on gaining an entrance into the house it was found that the ï¬re in the stove had ig- nited some lighbwood which had been placed too close to the furnace and the ï¬n: thus caused had dropped, through a (lcfccl in the floor: into the air coudu ctor; ' 'Inuunn ‘nrnlm ll! nu \‘Vheal- Barley. Psase Oats . . “ma. . Straw . l’utaloe \ pples. Mutton Poultry Pork- Bacon . Hamsâ€" S Dresset Lard. . Bullet- Egm f: chmsday Afternoonâ€" (‘hairat 2 o’clock- Opening Fxm'oisvs . President's Address; Mass mvpting 'f' the Sahhalh Sobnnl schnl ars. I hour; Addressns Bv the Rev. W \V, Smith. Rev. Mr Large and Rav. Mr McDi: r- mld; Infant class by Miss H Foster; Dis- tnssmn. 30 minmm. Wedaasdvty Evening. â€"- Chair taken at 7 o’clnck; ()ywniw! “XML-ism: Adrh‘ms nl' we’onme. hv Hw RM' L 9 Kmm-th; Spni. or class lnnqnn. hv J Puvkisu. Esq. thP In tw-navimml [mwtm fur nu-prepdin r \‘n' hafh : thnsuirm 30 minmm ; Ros! muthnd of in stl'm'l‘nn. vmmwd hv .3va J Hum; Iii" cussinu‘ 30 Mumps; (‘nllectinm Thursday Fnrennmz â€" (‘hniv- lulu-n :n' 9 o'clmck: ()lwninr Eva-(dens; AmmiminI plum- nf' msz meeting: Th9 rleinn of [hp Thursday ifherrmnn n'cV-u-k; m»an r EV The annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association of the Eaet Riding of the County of York. will he held at Milliken’s Corners. 6th conces- sion Markham. on Wednesday next. the 17th instant. at one o’clock pm" for the election of nï¬icers and other husi ness connected with the interests of the Association. Sabbath \‘rhnul 10 [hp Phuwh. nnonpr! hv Raw J Lem-m“; Dremlwimn 30 minim-Is: Raw J I‘,p;1v-nv'; hmmlsuimn 30 minutps; fiuw lhu vem'hnr <huuM wrunnl'e Ihp IPSWY’“ op“ ed hv {an R Grav; Discussion 30 ml'lntPS Wednesday Fnre'noonâ€"(‘hair to be taken at 10 o'clock, by W. Clarry Esq. President; Devotional Exercises. 30 minutes; President Appoint Committee on Nominations; Report of Executive Committee read. The Sabbath School Association of" the East and West Ridings of this county. has been doing a great worki during the past ï¬ve years. Their sixth annual Coriventioo will take place in the Methost Church, Thornhill. on Wed- nesday and 'l‘hnrdny next. the 17th :md 18th inst. Minis-ens of Evangelical Churches “Rivers and Teachers of Sabâ€" bath Schools, and aged S. S. Teachers o! former \'~ are are our siull)‘ invitrd to nt tend thi‘ Convention. A like i‘nvitu'ion is extended to those helougin! to 'ln varllt Riding mud t'vendjwi m1 Counties of' Peel md 0w trio E ch ‘iabh nthl School in 'llt‘ E wt and \Vost' li'itlings ot York nny wnd two or more Ut‘lu-gatw.‘ Evorv Rubhuth Schoul is earnestly re quest to be represented. Those intend i ing to be present are asked to sand thril‘ names at least, a week oefore the Con. vention to Josiah Put-kiss. 'l‘hornhill. Accommodation will be provided in the christian homes of 'l‘hornhill and \ icinity for all attending the Convonlion. Min- isters in. the Ridi-nns are particularly rn. quested to announce the Convention from their pulpits, and Sabbath Schools are requested to appoint their Delegates without delay. Delegates will also ac- quaint, themselves with the history and statistics of' their respective Schools, as opportunities Will be given for verbal re- ports at intervals. during the meetings of the Convention. Former Conventions have been beneï¬cialto the Sabbath School interests in these Riding“. We hope and pray that the present Convention will be no less so. The work is a noble and blessed one. and if' we can help it on by thus spending two days in council, we conï¬dently ask the prayers and co-opera- tions of all christian: in the Ridings. The meetings will be open the public. Residents of the village and adJoining townships are particularly invited to at- tend the evening meetings. Those at- tending the Convention, will please, on their arrival, report themselves to the committee on accomodation in the vestry of the church. Collections will be taken up at the eveningr meetings to defray in eideo-tal expenses. The following is the Programme : 1) p 4 WV H1» (‘nmw Inimu rm snh .q hh 1h QnL‘ .n‘Q mp lud hng; Rnwluviuus . F4 "WPHS THE FIRE ‘N THE SCHOOL HOU‘E. h'li'wlm/ “pkg H n rxq J P‘wa , -. {m V‘w 30 mhuhs nhli“ taken m I'Pqu: " "‘pmn: hF‘ C-fTP: Us wnun'm. “Huh- hm llrwvin 21nd dollars a dew sinus vhp onmmencvmpnf of .119 \‘Pm‘. and 1711's is not a: very good year ‘for advertising either. ()atï¬........ . lla\',......... Potatoes. per busw . _ _ \pple.~.]78r barrel . . Mutton. by he cums Poultryâ€"Gees a. . . Turkms . . . Chickens. ‘ Ducks. . pe AUCTION SALES. MONDAY, Fe'n‘ 15.â€"Auction Sale HousehoId Fur-Mmre, Drv Goods. 330‘, at. uymburm er's (‘m-ner. Yonge St, 1% south of Rich‘ mnnd Hill. 'l‘lw prnnerty of' Mr Henry Tavlm'. Sale In 12‘ J Gorvnlp), Auct'r. THFRSDAY. Februarv 18,â€"â€" Auction sale of Farm Stock and Implements. on Inc No. 30. in 1}]:1 rear nf‘ NW 5th concession of Vnnwhun. Hm wm‘ev'tv of Mr. George Pvtnrman Sal“ at 11. J C Stokes, A110. Mommy, T71 ‘1 [MW 22- “MPH? 52]» '\f me gr (-1; Ym=19nwls &(‘ rm lot No 35, in [Hz 5111 ('nnvrrssinn of Markham Hm ymmpnor nf Mr Rivhm-d anm. VII? ’1’ 12 ‘Hwn I. Cmmley. Auciimwer. J‘? " Ixiw mm; S‘ale Bills nrmtnd 3! mi mv-n xvi" racy-3w :I notice similar-Io lhl vhe DIED. «QTDREV.â€"A1Richmï¬n’i Hi“. nn Phe 7th insi . Mrs Mary Storeyâ€"aged 63 years. Vnu'rl‘an. will hp hold on Sahhath. 14th inst. when two Sermons will he preached hv lhn Rev. M H‘ Matlwws. of Bolton, in (hp aï¬m'rmon a! 2 o’clock. and in the evem ing at 6:30‘ The Annual Tea méeting will he held on Mnndav the 15th inst. 'l‘ea to hr‘ served from 4- ln 6 o’clock. Chair 10 ha taken hv P Patterson. Esq.. M. P. P. Addressos to he delivered bv several eminent sneakers Mr Thomas Thompson. of “ the Mammoth.†ï¬ll give a series of readings. Tiplwm 25 manta. oln'lrlmn 15 cents. Porkâ€" Mess . . Extra... An ounce of prevention is worth a pnund of cure any time. The American Newspaper Advertising Agency of' Gen. P Rowell (f: 00., New York is the min establishment of the kind in tho United Status whioh kenns itsnif‘pev-sisfenttv lwf‘vro thP worth: by advertising in news papers. 'l'lmv mtidmniy 1‘90?in their IQ ward. f‘u" Wu i‘HVF‘ it it'nm :1 reliahie source that :Ider‘tising‘ orders issued 1w thnm Fm their custom s haw exceeded three thous- Hmcu Sm'lAL.-\\’u 1.. m» that the P'f'h- 'm’v nuns (minim-h d “ilh [hr Chuwh 11] his 7' :Igv mp lnnluvg “I'HIHL'PHH’IHS for huld~ l - a Ru-i‘nl. «\n the 25th inm. Severn: vmi .- wt Mmislv‘ls. im-lurh-wz Mr kohh and Mr l‘mnmmu. I'rum 'I‘umnto. l‘uvt‘ prumised to deliver addrv-sses. Th“ Post Ufï¬vp n1"nng€mpnl$ on the N R. R. nre sluhl'y nut nf' m-dvr just now. I‘ll" [th‘HiHfl‘ mail, due hm'P. at 9 a. m.. M! \Vvdllc‘sd‘1V and Thursday last (“[1 no! mrlve :i113'30 ‘ m. It may suit the R. R buI vlw urrmuenwnt is very inconvenient to the bllsimss 1119“ here. A Cancm't will be given in Mr. J. Brack‘ m‘a School Hanan on Friday Evening. Feb 12th. M the pupils of the sohuol assisted hvseveml dishnguishvd mnaLeursi From our knnwlvd 5e oi" the programme we be sneak for the pup2|s a full hnuse. and for the audience a pleasant and instructive evening. The following are the Ofl‘icvrs that were duly Installed in “ Prohibition "’ Temple. for the ensuing quarter, by Ero. Melish. . IX: G. J. Cook, W. C. 'I‘..j Alice Coombs. W. V. Tn. W. J. Mcmenll. W. 8.; M. Den- lon, W. A. S; Eli S‘mder. W. T.; George Wood. W F. 8.; E. J. Sheppard, W. 1.; Jane Demon, W. D M.; J. Coombs, W. O. G.; W. Hart, \V T. G.; W. Mellish, “1'. C G. J. Reeve, P. W. C. 'I‘.; W. Snider, W nr1nvvn. .v-v-vvâ€" TannnnILI.. Feb. 8.â€"We have had a few very nice social gatherings in connection with the temperance cause here. All the socials were we†patronized by the mem- bers and friends, and were most successful The evenings amusements were 3‘] that enu’d he desired, consisiing of choice wad- ings, recilmions and smging.â€" W. H. W. The Fm)th anniversary of the Primitive “ulh-uiist Qf1>ufchtnnpm 4th (Ynncr‘ssmn Inur -Superï¬ne. . . . . . . . .. Sprmg Wheat extr Fancy ............ Fxlra.... ...-... Superior Extra. . . 1colls....§{..; ’3"? {115%, per damn. H. s.; H. Clement, W'. L. H. "s" TORONTO “ARKETS xiv: gmt‘n! 3‘83 xvi" rpm-iv:- :I run; of charm . per pair per pair†mn‘o. Feb 11. “~75 @@@@@@@@ 000000(( 59083925 33434443 U ()5 E2) 0 5H {(7) 0 60 fr?) 0 30 (ti; 0 50 (a) (i 93 5050 7024. 4544 @@@@ lfll 0 H0 0 “H (l 00 I 01: 4 00 3 80 4 ('0 MANUFACTURE OF COCOA-m†We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps 6L CoH manufacturers of. dietetic arlicles, at their works in (he Euston Ru d. l.ondonâ€â€"See arl‘icie in Casscll's Hmtsrr/Lnlll Guzdc 'lr‘he‘ non Regular Communincalion of He above lodge wull be held next Mondav evening €51h lnst., a! 7 o’clnck, THOMAS NEWTON. Sec’ BY-LAW Richmodd Hilh Oct, I. 1874. BY-LAW for the purpose of Funding thatportion of the Municipal Loan Fund, coming (0 the Township of Vaughan, fi‘r the use of 86710013. ‘ HEREAS by an Act of the Legislative Assemle of Hm Prnvince of Ontario, \iv Assemle of ihn Prnvince of Ontario, passofl on the Twenlynimh day of March, One Thougand Eight Hundaod and Seventy Three for the purpose of making a ï¬nal settlement, nf the Municipal Loan Fund inv debtedness by the several Mmiicipalilies in Ontario: and whereas in making a final senlmnentof Quid Municipal Loan Fund indebtedness. it was deemed expedient to make a grant unto the Municipalities not iim‘phtad in H19 Govm‘nment in the sum of Two Duilms pro Taiio HPOflldinlf to 1110 Inst ppnpm: and whm'vna M an Art pussvd at, Hm hm sr-ssifm of‘flw Limia‘ntive ASSthly .ii'thrx Pi-nvinwn of Ontario. an Act was passed Pmrnwm‘ing Tv\\vn<l:ip4 in invest said mrmPVR. mining fmm said \iunioin-ai Loan A large assortment of Dress Goods, Cobourgs, Winceys, De- lains, and Prints Cheaper than ever. Clouds, Scarfs, & other Goods suitable for the Season. Biankets, Horse Blank- ets & Quilts, Splendid in Value. 2nd That the intr‘v‘Psi accruing from said Fund shthe‘eqimHv dividpd annQ‘ the several School Sections within the Town. ship, yearly. That the above is a true army of a nropnsed Rv-Law. which will ho taken into consider! atinn by the Mum'mna] Counm] of this Muni oinnHtV Within one month From the ï¬rst nnhlinnh’nn in tho YORK HERALD tho dam of' whioh ï¬rst mwminnï¬nn was on Friday. thp Twelfth dav of Fobnmrv. A D. 1875, and that the votes nfthe Electors of the said Municinality will be taken thereon at the {0110\an p1nms.viz: ( NE of [he most beautiful) ï¬nisth Instru- ments and .«we‘etmt toned ever introduced 10 [he (‘mndian Iradu. may be seen and ex. amlned at FFFFISH FLFF STAFF! X-MAS AND NEW YEAR, Int. Thnf that nm’Hnn of‘ (he Municipal Loan Fund now due- to the Township of Vaughan. nmnuntinr] m FnurmPn Thousand Thrsp Hundred and Sixtoen Dnl‘vars, he in: vnsied in Dvhnn'ures or other Freehold set curitips. for the nurnnso nf‘ f'nrmimr a Fund for the use and beneï¬t of Schools within the Townshin Fund. for the“ mm of \‘ehorfls: and whmwls Hm nvnrmnf nnrmrtiovmd to the Tnxvnshin nf' Vnuqhnn nmrmnis tn 5514.316. And whomns it wnuld M 1110 moat col-- dnr-ivn to 9hr! mturrsr of the ratepayers of 0he annshin (if Vnnu’hzm to invest said a‘ mmmf f'nr H19 beneï¬t and use nf‘ Schools within the Townshin: and \vhnrpas if is ex nr’diorl nnflnr thp m'oï¬sinns of said Act. to submit a Bv-Iaw to the mtmmyere of ï¬le annnhin. for 11mm to determine whether said mmmv shall he pormanentlv invesied FM 0119 1139 04‘ Qv‘mnls whhin the Township. Be it tlmrpf‘m‘e enactnd by tho Municipal Council nf‘fhe Comm-Minn of (hp Township of" Vanrrhnn. hv and WM) the consent of (he rafnnavï¬â€˜rs. as annws: For Dish‘iot Number Onm at Pam‘rsnn’s Ofï¬ce. PaHersonâ€"J. M, Lawrence. Return inq Ofï¬cer. For District Nuthr Two. a! 1119. Temperance H2111. \Vnnrlh;~idgo-â€"~.Inel Renman. iunr. Refuminw ()ï¬â€˜mmz I’m-Dis, h‘ir‘f \Vnmhr‘v Thrrm. at Mnnnllnm": \Vtmnn Wm“, Khinhurrrâ€"Jnhn Mnnnflnm. Rntnvn in" Ofï¬r'm‘: wind that :1 Val] Wm he mwrmfl :1? I‘m nhnxvn mon‘immfl Mar-nu rm 2WD)“.â€" 7)4V NM 9/7: day of M4 Np†A I) 1875. m Hm hour ni‘ Nina n’oInok h! Hm f'nv-enrmn. and Wm ’19 kan nnpn until Fivn o’clrmk in the afternoon of the same dnv. and no longer. Flesh Arrival u[ all kinds of Fruits suitable fill Dntod thn Ninth dnv nf' Pebrunrv‘ A. D. 1975. JAMES M4 LAWRENCE, Clerk of {he Township of' Vaughan PI \NO ORGAN. Seedlcss, Valentias, Sultanas and Layer Raisins, Currants, &o., &c., Wines, Brandies, Gin, T933 & Coffees MERRY X-MAS Fruils. E‘ruits! October 31 . l872 And a]! otlier Liquors of the best brands Street’s 1\/Iusic Store, RICHMOND HILL. glen: gitlmtimmnm Gr’m'ge W’onds’ Combined DRY GOODS. TAKE NOTICE Goods Delivered. A. MOOOJE. Christmas Groceries! ï¬petial flutim. ICHMOND LODGE,A.F. &A.M No. ‘23, (%.l{ (l Bot-t that can be bought RICHMOND HILL. No. 820. FRESH COMPRISle Flour & Feed. 739-1v “The Peoples’ Store. 3 Large Assartmeni’ of Fish. NOTICE is helebv given to all parties in dehted to the undersigned. either bv note or book acnoum, that tha same must be settled on or hefore the lst day of MARCH next or II. will b? put in other hands tor collection: and all purines having claims a ainst the undersign ed are requested to send t Iem in by that date for settlement. D To Weekly Pepeâ€. rece'ved at the mew Bookistore, Richmond Hm; Suprrwr Sadltzssv a, 83 k: Salmon Trout, White Fish, Finnin Haddies, Circulars containing a full list of prizes. a description of the manner of drawing, and other information in referenca to [he Distri- bntion, will ba sent to any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed lo Ofï¬ce. Excelsior Building L,D'SINE,Box86 Car. Race & Longworth Cincinnati, 0 Nov. ‘4, 1874. 825 6! Number ofgif'ts 7.500. Tickets limited to 75,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETSJO whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets $5; Twelve Tickets $10; Twenty-Five $20. Ready~made clothing constantly on hand. New Goods Coming Every \Veek. Staple nnd Fancy Hardware, Groceries, Crockery, 85c. MONDAY, February 22nd, 1875. TWO GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES 0F $5,000 00 each in Cash ! worth $195 each Ten Ladies’ Gold Hunting Walches. worth sum each, 1M 0 (v‘nld mvd Silvnr Lever Hunting IValc/Les (in all) wm‘thfrum $2" to $53!"! each. Two Prizes $500 One Prize $1,000 a Five Prizes $1005 Dress Goods, all patterns. Merinos all Colors. and Black Lustres Ten per cent cheaper than usual price. Splendid in value Colored Lustres, Cobourgs, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Clothing made to Order at the Shortest Notice 1 Horse & Buggy. with Silver‘mounted Har- ness, worth $600. I Fine-toned Bean-Wand Pia-no, worth $550. ’41 Gold Watches and Chains worth $3H()each Thret Gold American Hunting Watches, The only rehable Gift Distï¬butlon in tne Country I IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! Gift Enterprise ! Staple and Fancy Dry Gaods, THE WOOLEN GOODS DEPARTMENT it" E_ Egflflflf “81035: Richmond Hill. Jan 90. ’75. Shoemaker. Ricnmovd Hill Jan. 81875 EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SA’JE UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON UST recoiVed, from the Best Markets, and bought at the Lowest Prices, L. D. SINE’S cheap in the HERAL. Book Store. -w Goods for the Fall and Wintér Trade. 17131 REGULAR MONTHL Y $75,000 00 $§izz°es$1é333§EAEH in [W ! Prizes $100 AIL-arse and Complete Stock OF Sardines, Lobsters, &c. & J 38’ Parcels Delivered. TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN Yarmouth Bloaters and Smoked Salmon, also, Fresh XX X and Select NOTICE. Staple and Fancy Grnwrius A beautiful assortment in Ottoma Stripe, Check and Plain. TO BE I)!!wa ROBT. SIVER. JR... RICHMOND HILL. large» Stock of Furniture. As now on hand a large aswrhnonl of Ia complem. A very ï¬ne assortment of RICHNIOND HILL. . G. SAVAGE And Brazil Nuts. Wincya, Prinls, Shirtings, CONSIS'IING 0F courmsma, GEMINI] BflPPEBS & SPIGBS. to which Hi6 '3! Prize was awardei in o-nch- cnsoï¬hus proving what we assert that they no second to none. May 26. 1874 897â€"] y Beef. Mutton, Pork, Lard, Fowls. and all Kinds of Meat constantly on hand. N. B.â€"-All Orders promptly attended to. ROBERT HOPPER. A lmga sum of money to land on Mortgage at Seven per cent. And hopes by strict (Mention to businass u; merit a share nf public patronage. For superiority in design. quality of tone. and ï¬nish these Organs are excelled by none in the market at the present day. They have taken tho lst prizes at Ilia foltowing fairs. viz.â€" Mnrkham. (‘anninglon and Newmnrket, and the following Instruments were brought into compo itien: at Markham ; Prince City. W, Bell & Co.. Goodman, é C0,. Toronto Organ Cn , G. A. Wood. & Co . and the Uxbridga Organ Co.,. At Cannington; W. Bell & Co, the Bowmanville Organ (Io . and the Uxbridge Organ Co. A! Newmnrltet. W. Bell & (30., G A. Wood & Co., Meesrs Prince. Toronto Canada Organ Co . and the Uxbridge Organ. is owing to its superior qualities rm a sewing machine. being adapted to huavy as well as light work, makes it a desirable nnicle in every i‘umilv To he convinced of its- superior qualities it only requires to ba thoroughly ox- amined For further particulars and price list, and du-scriptive catalogue. Address 'lhirty First Prizes for 1874. irst I’ri'le at the Vaughan Agvirrnllura! Show. held at W0: dbridgu on Ihe I3 I: and ch of ()cmher lust. Natwilhstmdine Ihe lwnnest compelition and most unfounde pru- judice they still continue In gain in public cou- ï¬deuce. and so rapidly have they increased 'huir sales lhalthex stand in a position 10 bald» ‘v challunge com: arissn with any machine made or sold in the Dominion. The success of THE ‘WEBSTER’ Travelling agent for Vaughan 6L Whilchurch. Hummus P,O. Also, Robson & Stonehouse Agrnts for the Frst Prize IIXBRIDEE BABINET OMAN ! Day. _7, 1874. 855433 Richmond Hill. Jan. 13, ’75. NNOUNCEME EGS to announce to the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill. and Vicinity Ihat ha ha; resumed business in lhe Village as a BLAKE & KINGSFORD, Solicitors No. 56, Church St†Toronto. ONEY TO LEND. Robert Hopper JOHN H. sTONEHOQSE, £6! 83 HS" 1. I. CROSBY. &c., &c., &c BSD-n", n H i x 4 7 i Ne w Er d! I) Gm 161 ‘95. Door Looks in all sizes, Cut and Wrought Nails in allusizes, Cut and Wrought Tacks in all sizes, Saws and Files, all kinds and sizes, Rules, Squares and Halter Chains, All sizes in Door Butts, Latches, a Pwder, Caps, and all sizes in ShOt, Tinned 8; Plated' Spoons, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Axes, Manure Forks, Also, a full line in Carpenters Tools. I intend devoting part of my store to this line, and am determined» to leap I full Stock of Hardware. ' ' ~ Black Lustres 85 stuff Guods, in all the new Brands Would call specml attention to tlw followmg linrs of gnods which wi|| be found Extra Value: 1 CROOKERY and' GEASSWARE. Ready-made Clothlng, Dress Shirts, Silk Bows and Ties, I Collars, both in Pgiper and Linen,valways in Stock. An Early InspectiOn-is Iï¬vited. Orders for Clothing Will receive prompt attention Gents’ Furnishing Department?! Full supply of Staple and Fancy Hardware. Clouds and Scarfs, new styles. MILLINERY In this department there will bg found}. large and. Wéll-aégortedvstock of \‘Vesl Of England arid ‘ (7aufwlian‘.Tweeds Broad Cloths and Fancy Coatings an of the best mï¬kes. Hats und Gaps in the Newest‘Sters. HOME MADE FLAN‘QEI. & SOCKS HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Having ï¬tted up :I départmem oapvciallv furztlui» line, and mo? uf Mrs “ A," who is: pm pared to show the Richmond Hill, Oct.» 7; '1-874. PRINTS AND SHIRTINGS,“VERY LARGE STOCK and‘prime value. ETHRNS hls sinm-u: thanks I the [nu-I "ml n» his choice supply of Fresh Family Groceries, always on hand. Choice Teas, Coffees and Dried Fruits,- W. A. Intends making a speciality of this line, and is determinedto keep a Canadian Knitting Yam, Fall Stool: is Now Compete Table Linens and TowelingSrâ€"evalue,something extra. WM. A“ BENBBE‘TE HWSE,†RICHMOND HILL. “in and Fancy DN‘SS Goods. Flz‘ENCH MERINOS ivn'all slzadesâ€"â€" Good value. From 65 cts.â€"All Colors; also, ï¬ne Fingering Yarns, in all shades. GREY & WHITE COTTONS, Striped Tartan and Plain Shawls, Large Assortment and Cheap. GROCER I E S. And Red and Fancy Flannels, I def'y Competition: Wm. ATKINSON, “CONCRETE Home!" From 17 cts.â€" a splendid assortment Wincy and Felt Skirts, Canadian and Scotch Wool" Shirts and Drawers. That will d‘ef'y Jack Frost. Something Sp ecial. A SPDENDID LOT OF A full assortment. Ins | um mus Cusunners l'm 1]]vir lihnral patronage m DBFAWEEENT. ALso u- . ‘91?†1| m :nmgemem