Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Feb 1875, p. 3

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The proper depth of drain: in strong tunn- cious clay: in 4 to 5 feet, with a dietance of about 33 feet between O‘IOll drain In loose friable. wet SOD]. deeper drainage with wider intervrls will be {outta the cheapest and Inost profitub 0 when: I tell can be got I fancy there is not much generally known as to the depth annual plante will eend down their root. in search of food and moislu 0. 0n n gentle. man's land in England, where a pit had been cut through whilst cropped with parsnips. one root was traced 13 feet 6 inches end then Inken ofi‘. Thole is alwavs moisture in dv ~ivmd land but it vanes at difi‘orent tunes. it is like a great sponge. after much dry weather it absorb and retnm a great quantity or rain water. nor will it putt with any of it to the drain until its pores have received more than they have the power to retain by capilliwy attraction. no th-t heavv rain may descend without an 3‘ water passing out of :‘ie drains- In dry weather the moilture is drawn to the surface by capilliarv attraction. caused by evaporation. the driest particles 0f earth which are nearest the surface. depriving their lower neighbors of their moisture, and these again acting en a lower stratum. The deeper the drain, the higher will the Wale .. have to ascend. and the longer it will bet 1. reaching the surface, gravity. space and friction acting as de‘aying forcel. consequently. the slower will be the evaporation and the warmer and drier the soil, Deep draine discharge earlier than sha'lo ones in the same soil. and this is the reason. The capilliary or euspeneivo ie more easily counteracted by the gravity or weight of no large a body of water, as can be held in a large sponge or deeply drained soil. The pressure of failing water disturbs the ca- pillarytbalauce and force: out the lower water until that balance is restored. there in greater tendency to drip in a large sponge than a smaller one. New. Gentlemen. whet ll the object of drainage. to carry ofi‘ the Water we see, that i: only a very small part ofila operation. Water has generally been considered an enemy to the agriculturiet, on heavy land. Nomi am prepared to prove that water is the verfibest friend we have. and that if our lands be thoroughly and deeply drained, we never can have too much ofit, ex- cept at harvest. I will endeavor to prove to Conclusion of the essay read by 1“. S. Smith, at late meeting of the Langstafi' Far- meta’ Club: you, as it is well known to chemists, that wat-' erin the richest manure we have. [I is well known. practicallv. that irrigation for minimum is coveted by every farmer. and thnt it is very beneficial. What is rain but the ltind oi irri- gation. providing we nllow it to percolnte the toil. Rain water is charge d with ammonia, carbonic and other gases, and disintegrating the subsoil. descend: and form; new chemical combination: ; and there is another particular use in the descent of water through the soii. and that is. that it is the only vehicle by which heat can be carried downwnrds. therefore it re- lieves the air and top soil or the heat, and warms the subsoil. This is one of the most important operations at Writer. In lummer the eurfece of the ground is from 130: to I40: 1 while the subsoil“ at e depth of4 feet, is from 45° to 50: But. waterfalling on wall drain- ed land‘ passes down to the drains, leaving he- hind it the heat it contained. This I believe, is afoot prettv gene rnllv ltnuw:.. and mu :2“ ltnnw the warm- r the suhsuil the he'lm‘ the crane grow. This hen.) the c we. I c -n~idr-r it grunt fully to make Water tum)“ 3. open flir- rnw.~ on the ton tn «tarrv it ofi'. instead of mark lng drains be ow, which not only u-nrr- "nu the rain. hut n luv-yr. prr nrtlou of the wolnh'e p rts of the manure. which I'm: Item the tun If laud istlmrnusghlv drained. nnrl pnrnl like a vpnnpenhe Pnrliclrs ufimnnnr find their wm dawn the r0015 'v i' wwt‘t‘“ I2" this tuenllfl'. Immense sum& 1 am "convinced are wnsted i on uud'eined‘tnndx in manure «xm. manual and nnimnl labor. With an uuuufitul ‘u rulurn --f capital. “any pan-nus tilt tall you that their lend is s-ifl'. the| it is uf no use dreiningi it, I should like to convinCv such Ihnt water; «cannot go down unleufl they make a way for} it. how. with reference to the question-E whether We ehau|d h-ve furrows and AnterI furrows, end. Gentlemen in the remarks! em going to make. I wish you to clearly under- stand that I refer to strong adhesive cleye. dur- ing the w nter season It is important in Heavy soils to have a friable need bed. lfyou Iey the land flat. the surface roilxwitl be nor more diflicutt to work in the epring,nnd ; 1 nine leest‘rleuie. Gentlemen, I have got n we end of my tether and lincerely trust um the few remnrlts I hrve been enabled to address to you this evening hlve been acceptable, the subject I have epokn-n upon,ie.l am convinced of the utmost importance to farmers in 11' countries. being, an lconsider. one ofthe chief ueene ofincrnein‘ the fertility of the soul- Ind,therefere. the finite 6! the egriculturist. H 'H"! n ‘0 luv.‘ u!- H "\ hr! 21 i! lv " A Wilhom drwirngo l‘w uni «‘M' .- fm- -- .i is \n vwa'mmlmu rllivh R - M k "own 0’7“ us eM'o-ssivn ran as llfirid'n‘ wM Ian ,m-I huing poms, a dvuriu-d n" [in my- »I lug!” and hung, and l|~0 atmmnhere whivh would muurnllx- N‘- cmw the pnro- thnwd by tln- water in it» down Wfll’d COIHNO Japanese Peas, 200 Bush. per Acre. SOHETEIIG XIV. FARXIES LSD BARBENBBB nun THIS. AGENTS WAIT”. These Peas have been recently brought to this country from Japan and prove to be , the finest known for Table use or for Stock. They grew in the form of a bush from 3 to 6 feet high and do not require sticking. They yield from 1 quart to a gallon of Peel ‘per bush. A package that will produce from?) to 10 bushels of Peas with circulars giving terms to Agents and full directions as to time and manner of planting, will be sent postpaid, to any one desiring to act as‘ Agent, on receipt of 50 cents. The seed I offer are Fresh and Genuine, this year’s production. Now is the time to order, so you may be prepared for early planting. Address, L. L. Osumr, Cleveland, Tenn. TESTIMONIALS : We have cultivated the J nuns: Pu the past season on a small scale, and we are convinced they are a perfect success. Their .- yield was enormous. For the table and for stock, they are unsurpassed by any other -~ Boar They grow well on thin land and are onnd to be a No. l. fertilizer. A. J. Wm“, Trustee, Bradley County. A. E. Bwur, P. M., Clevolnnd, Tenn. I hnvqcultivated the JAPANESE qutbe at year and raised them at the rate of 200 gushelu co the acre. The bloom excels buckwheat for been. 1". E. Hunwwx, J. 1’- Bradley, Count]. Land Drainage. ONTARIO HOUSE White Fish, Salmon Trout, Oysters and Canned Fruit THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR BOOTS & SHOES THE TEA CHEST A! greatly reducad prices. HE Subscriber-takes this opportunity of ram turning his sincere thanks to his numerous friends for their Liberal Patronage while occu- pying the store known as the " 'l'ea Chest. " Richmond Hill. and would state that he has Iold out his inte‘nst in the abm'e Establishment to Mr 0. SHEPPARD. and would liespeak their patronage and support for his Fl ' - r. Overshoes and Rubbers, M prices that cannot fail to please all, Goods leivgrqd _Prompfly l v-ery lulveral patronage I have recuivud since commencing hu>iness in tho villugn would re- spectfully solicit a call. DOMINION TEA. HOUSE Bacon, Hams, Pota was, Peas, Oats, 377171 and Shorts. Always on hand. Cordwood In any Quantity. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1 ,1874. FAMILY GROCERIES 1 Suitable for the trade of Richmond Hill. and vicinity and willalways andeavor {0 be up to the times with And hopes in receive the continued patronage oflha Customers (.1 his l’rodecvssor, ln' aneu- lion to their wants vnd selling as cheap as it is possible lo d0. 40 Cents to $1 per 1b. SEASONABLE GOODS BEAN, EYER’S SUPERIOR FLOUR Alwm's nu Ila-Id and v $4,50Per Barrel. D. c. O‘BRIEN, (fo-opelan've Flour Store, Richmond Street Good Family Flour At J. Brown’s, Richmond Hill. For$4,50 per brl A! hume, male or “male: $35 pe" WEEK. day ur c-ve-ning.‘ No for all WE SEND A VALUABLE PACKAGE 0? GOOIIS *u' mnierm-x Address. with ten can. loluru slump. M. YOUNG. .73 Greenwich 81.. N. Y. 845-Um Choice Christmas Groceries. ll Parties-are hereby cautioned not to pur« chase a note given by me to Mr Daniel Homar for $61.50,an endorsed bv Peter Bril- lingor. and due on or about (he Isl of October last, as the same has been paid in full THOMAS COOK. [1 Wanted imlmdialely. an apprentice to learn Bluckamillling Apply :0 WILLIAM TREN(‘H. An Immense Stock 04 NVRETURVING THANKS FOR THE HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES TO the Public that he has opened At>the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. All Kinds of Wood N reference to the above the Subscriber begs to say that he will keep a large and fresh stock of Good Frame House, and otl‘er buildings [hero on For particulars. apply to Wood Yard .' Richmond Hill. Nov 5 IN“ Richmond Hill, Nov. 10, 884. 'Fr() 1’) GREEN TICA ‘RTESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES ' at tho HERALD Book Store. Whitchurch. Nov. 20. ’74. Richmond Hill. Dec, 31st. ’74. Desirable Property for Sale. N APP RENTIUE WANTED. Maple, Nov. II. ’74 :APER. BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT , moflnuw Book Store, TUBE AND LOT FOR SALE in the ‘ Village of Maple. containing (10“0‘3ERATIHN. A W0 0.13 YARD, the Public that he has opened (mum- DELIVERElf t‘HAlHJ-TS I“ SHM'PARD um um Feb :9. «74. One Acre of Land, CHANGE OF HANDS. (firumicfi, (W. RICHMOND HILL. Fall Arrivals. And he will keep on hand md aud WW he g»! star.» in [he vulage. When Ordered. Which will be Sold Notice. FNH“ ALEX. MOODl E. J. C. McQUA RRIE 85I-lf J. BROWN. "I 8534f HI) 8.30â€" f GOOD & CHEAP, lST PRIZ E 0f;- Ix’emember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. THOMAS B. COUPLAND, M. TEEFY. N. LYNF'I‘T. (As Executors of the Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) Richmond Hill, June 1, 1874. TF-BQ‘S TH OS. B. C(JUPLAND, Fitted up in fil’st-C‘ass style. and lhathe is now prepared to take all kinds nl‘ pleures in the latest shles of [ha m‘t. Richmond Hill Feb. 26, ’74 $200030 LO PICTURES FHA MED, COPIE D, PAID F01! WHEN ORDERED. Mnrlgagc Sucu'rityâ€"iH sums from $500 up- wards. A uply to Harness Establishment. gg'rimltuml flaupmumtrs. Straw Cutt 91's, Grain Crushers, Root Cutters TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse and Pulpnrs, Fanning Mills, Three-hp!“ & Separators, Hora» I’OWPrs, Jacks, &c F‘GR SALE BY Corner of Adelaide 8L Jarvis Streets (I? Send for Revised Price List. WM. BEN NIE. 'T'monto Fur-mm, >3 It 3' . 18.4 N'15 "0er to wn unre tn thn- Inhabitants of Richâ€" mond il‘. and surroundan neigh‘mrhond Iha. he has huih a new lit-arm and couun “co-d tho CARRIA GE BUILDER. For hire, F‘une-ml Furnislings. Coffins nl.d Carkt‘tr‘ in every slj le. Wm. Rennie, Toronto. UNDERTAKIAIG BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARS-3E 10 to 100 Dollars [HEYHICD \nctinneer for the (‘m umy of 1 York, I'e~par-Il'ull\' sulicib _\eur nan-(mag- and friendly infiuancc- Snips ultendnd on the shortest "once and at reasonable rates P. ' L addrt‘ss Vsctnria Squar. . ICEVSED Auctioneer for the (‘mmty of York. respectful!) solicits _\'nur patronage and friend‘y influence. Sales attended on the shor'est notice and at reasonable rates P. 0 address. King. OOD DWELLING HOUSE AND I over an acre of land. good orchard. situ- filed on Richmnud street. Richmond Hill. The estate of the late MRS WEST, Apply to P \RKER CROSBY. NE W GALLERY! N returning his sincere thanks to hls friends and patrons fur hast favor wouId respect- fully intimate tlm' lw has now gothis Richmond Hill April lb. [‘2‘4 List of Letters 1 EMAINING [N THE RICHMOND‘ Hill Post Ackworlhy, Frank Brownlee, James Baal, Robert M. Burr, John Craig. Mary Craik. Sarah Campbell, William Cook. Elimheth Cameron, Archy Christian, Mrs J Coleman, Catherine Duncan. John Dobson. Thomas J. Dancy, \vchibald DaviS, Nelson Elliot. Su’ah J. Ryan John H. I'lvm‘, llmtie Fisher, .luhn F‘nirchild, John iGalwnv, Muvgret llngo. 'l‘hmnas Hakaney, Jane Hopper. Henn- Helnnkay Francis Hopkins. DBVId Jones. M. James, David flice. lsl Jam. 1875: Johnston. Sum Kighllv. J. Ludl'ordY Wm. Little. John (‘2) Lnnd, J. Muir‘ Thomas Munshaw. Mr Michaa; Wallis Mayan. Samuel O‘Brien. Timothy n’Brit‘n. Bridget Pollock, Tillie Price, Thos. H. l’nqslm , S. J. l‘uterhnugh. Joseph Rvnn. Sarah Heal. Mrs Sn-wm . Stephenson. Jnshu Stephenson. thniel Stephan . George 'I‘homw. John R, 'I‘Iicknr. W H_ Vnnrlehuml', Phebe “’nkefield, Mary J. Wice. Mann Wice. John an R'u-hmoud Hill ENLARGE]? 2 Markham, Sept. Ill]. 1574 King", Sepf. m. 1974 Richmond Hill, Oct, 2‘2, ’74. SEED STORE, HARNESS! Single and Double, Funeral Furuiddngs suppfiod at irom SAMUEL M. BROWN, RlCHMOND HILL. (WM. HARRISON. CHARGES MODERATE. House and Lot for Sale MONEY T0 LEND A. “7 R, T G FY T. JAMES C STOKES RICHMOND HILL, ghetugmphg. All work to be AT THE AND AN on fifsfit-class ‘3. M74 .M- P/m tug mphcr. 842-1 1' 1.3m. 842-1 35 H‘ 848-5: Mixed. Soft and Hardâ€"Cheap. JOHN HAMILTON. @ZU Agents wantedi All clasws of working people. of eithe' sex. \‘ouug or old. ma 9 more mole at work for us in their wart moments. or all the lime. than at mn‘lhingels: Particulars free. Postcard Lo Slates casts hul one cent. Addres< G S'l‘INSON & Co” Portland, Maine TO $20 Immediately. to learn the Harness Business. Apply to Wu. HARRISON. Elegant Illustrated Batalogue, Eight Comred Plates, ’IIM PETER BUPER'I‘. Sn, On the premises. or if by letter. MAPLE P.O. Dec.10,187 4, 856-41 A Store and Dwelling LIouse Under the some roofâ€"- in one of the best busi- ness Corners in Vaughan_ Situatrd on Lot 16. Con. 3, Vaughan, 511 Rupurtville. Apply to uan A “nun-v" n. acres wilh Guod DweHing House and Out- building’s‘ just muside the Richmond Hill Cor- pol'atiou And A FARM 01‘ 69 AND A HALF AGREE Being part of lots 3 and 4. Isl Con. Township of Uxbridge. Mailed to any address upon hA receipt of 100 Fri-sh and Reliable. sent by 1mm lo" shy part ofthe Dominic . Hill. containing (me acre and a quarter of Mud, one Frame rlwulling house. will: a burn stables. and other ombuilx ings illereou. Terms, easy Apply. on the premisen m And are Immind m the NOI’Ih-wesl come of !ot N0. 35, ilh enurtnszsinn of Mark! am. in a sentiun wimre mechanics and laborers cnu get sleadywnrk and high wages Apph‘ (if by lencrdnrepuid) to Henrv Jennings. Victoria Square ,ur lo ’ sale .1 nu-unnr 0| n [he villagu 0f About hneâ€"fijt/z of an Ame, For 97.19. road farm. b any lot N1) 30.1111119 211 0011. Of‘ Vaughan. CONTAINING 5O Aues of Fwsz-class Land, 'l‘here is a 90- d Hume Ham and a very su- uerim ()rvhard ‘ l' Ynuuu Fruil 'l' was; a guud Weli nf VVale ov- Lhu nremises, 3 miles l'mm Richmond Hill and about 2 "11193 from To romo. “rice $2.5M! App] to JAS. “ANGS'I‘AFF. M 0. Richmond Hill, April '23. ’74. 8‘ Qâ€"lf. rally be found at 'home from o‘clock. P m. John Elliott Langstafi‘ orizad lu cullacl accounts. Elgln Wills, Dec. 9, 1874. ) cilors, Conveyanuers. 61.0., &c.. “Frommâ€"No. 56. Church Street. 'l'monto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. BLAKE Oct. 27.1:74 Richmond Hill. June 9 1874. Union House. I NIONVIIAJ“. P1<ses run In connwtln with each irniu. Commodlous sample room. TOR SALE OR TO LETâ€"- VICTORIA SQUARE! Ranging in price from 39 cents per lb. upward. .7 ARM FOR SALE. JACOB MORDEV. Richmond Hill. Jan. 8,1574. 8“7â€"1f J truclinn of the Anglo American Hausa by fire. lhe subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commudious premises belong inc to (‘an 'l‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speiglu & Son’s Noveluy Works. Markham. Excellem acvommodalmn afforded For the travalling puhlicand commercial men. Livery stable» in connaction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Vorter. ’ “arch February 4lh. 1873 Richmond Hill. [he 24‘ N Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. also ten TWO HOUSES AND LOTS F013 SALE. Toronto Julv 28, 1873 THUS HUNTER. Proprietor Octebe124. lh73 "t House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND BE @UBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, 'ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" BLAKE 61. KINGSFORDY ARRISTERS. ATTORNEYS, SOLI 80m. 4‘ BULBS AND SEEDS impertg for fink. Seeds. Bulbs, Apprentice Wantad Village Lots for Sale Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. .1. NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. CORDWOOD FOR SALE, A LARGE STOCK OF Chase Bros & Bowman %Ii$cv1hmwu5, Also a fiue assortment of lP-I'T‘Z Thx- Vols cnmain Apply to TEAS. CONTAINING WM. G HINGS'HIN R. E. Kmosroan. M.A I". CRAWFORD PER DAY‘ D. WOOTEN. 73M! go Inns simume Toronto. Ont, Dingla l’. 0 714--1f 85b-1f. 849-!3’ 753-3”) 759-lv 829-lf ‘2 to 3 is auth- 71-4-11' 797 \J Underlaker. GLO. RHSIm-zh‘cuâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. It Fattens in Onejfau7‘t/z the usual Mme, and sums Food. \ MINION. 3-! $3“ um' HHI Ieel. Also Floor- lIlL' and ulhm Lumber Dressad: Sill Rnckals. "nils.(,idor)lill.~.\Vnshing \1achille=.SlxilIglos W aggro“ Fellons‘nnd anlmlSawedto order Fm particulnnaddl'ass FATTENS HORSES, COWS. CALVES. Sheep and l’ms Price 25 cents and SH nn per box A dollar lmx (:uulains two hundn d femis THE (‘IHNICSI‘I G \HDER I'HYVDER [)vSIrMs all kinda- of Insects, Grulm‘ and (Im- erpillnh on‘ ll‘l'nlll and Goosubern Bushus Sn'd M' "rnggiw- and Siouokespers 3195 cunts per box. TICKS ON SHEEP. [st ILLR’S 'I‘ICK DES'I‘ROYER It (leslnws the Ticks. promotes the growth ol lhn wool. and improves the condilinn of tha animal A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep 0' 3 lambs RIBHMDND HILL MILLS! O-n Warrant Bushes and Fruit Trees HUGH MILLER xv. (10., Aamcunruxmu, CHEMISTS. H47. King Strmu East, lorumn Fm Snlu by Hrugginsnnd Smmknnppr: R "T. LAVV Agent, Richmond Hill FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! GEORGE (Q DAVID BIRRELL Parties favoriu 2 us with grisls may rely on a good return and well manu'hclured. R Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate Oppnsile Sanderson 5L Sons l .‘ King Slreet hast, Torumo II. A H.\lu{l>‘0N,Q c; F. Osurn. 'l‘nonus Moss, (1.0 W A Fos'rEn. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRHNEE Toronto, Dec. 4, 1872. 7504f Pum 19mm QUARTERLLâ€"Jflllual'y Number JllSl issued, and contains over l0“ pages, 500 Engravings. descriptions of more than 500 of our hesl Flowers and Vegetables. with Direct- ions for Culture. Colored Plale. emuâ€"The most useful and elegant work of the kind in (1-9 world.-â€"â€"(lulv 25 cents for the yaar ~â€"Pub~ lished in English and German. Address LONG LIFE PILLS! THOMAS SEDMAN, NARRIAGF. AND WAGON MAKER, VICK’S FLO" Al. GUIDE For 1875.- HIGHI‘ MARKET PRICF PAID FOR WHEAT. l'hom|IiH.Nov Richmond Hill Flour Mi‘ls. Uct15. !873 mu: giuf-‘mll Watch. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751â€"3m HARRISON. OSLER 85 MOSS, EARKISTERS, &C.. NOS. 36 AND 38 EG m Inl'orm Merchants Bakers xK‘ Farmers lhatlhey have alwavs on hand a large stuck of April 9. 187... ND WATENSPOUTS FOR THE D0 ICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y Sheep and l’1ps Patent Eaveâ€"trough CATERPILle RS JOHN MANGSTAFF, Steam Millb 'l‘homhill. LNOV. 3,1859 510-.” RIAYOR’S HUGH “HJ ER & (70., \gricnltul'al Chemists. Toronto FOR SALE BY pair“ R. 1'). LAW. Draggin, Richmond Hill. JAMES VICK.’ Each-nun “J'- “DOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.” BLOOD MIXTURE Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOODPURIFLER & RE STORER For cleansing 1nd clearing the blond from allimpurims. cannot be [00 highly reconnnen- drd For Scrol'ula. Scurvy, Skin Disensm. and Sores of all kinds i! is a neverl‘ailiug and per manenl cure; ll cures old Sores. (.‘ures Ulceraled Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. (‘ures Blackheads. or Pimples on llie Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. (lures Glandular Swallings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever causq arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and wannnted free from anything injurious to the musl delicate conslilutiull ofeiiher sex, the l’ruprietor solicits sufl'erers to give it a trial to last its value. Thousands of testimonials from 311 parts Sold in Bottles 1 dollar mall. and in Vases. comaining 6 tunes lhe quantity. 4 dollars each- sufficient to efl‘ecl a permanent cure in the great In' ‘ y oflqngfistanfiing 'ases.|’)Y ALL (YHEVHS'I‘S and PATIENT MEDICINE VENDORS lhrnuqhnul the world. Sole Proprietor. i‘\ J (YIAKKEXIIINMM, APUTHICCARIICS‘ HALL. LIN(‘OI,N. ENGLAND‘ Sold in England bv ail “'holesaie Paton! Medicine Houses. Whoiesnle Agents for Provinces of Omani and Quebec :â€" A PUBLIC CAUTION. EVANS, MERCER 85 00., Montreal Holioway’s Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in tha United Stalsa, although they may be obtained in the B. N. American Provinces. Each Pot and Box of mv preparation bears the Rritish Government Stamp. with (La words "Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London." engraved lhereon. It l'as become necessary to make this an- nouncement, because the New York Chemical Company(who pav nobody). finding at last that their name has been so exposed. have as- sumed the [me of“ Hollowm‘ and Co.: ” but, evnn now. no one will bm‘ their medicines di- rect frum them,:o that [hay huv:~ made ar- rangementstu supply axelusiveh‘ the firm of Messrs Hem-v and (‘0, of New York. widl their so calléd "‘ Holloway’s PINS and Ointâ€" mam.” The I'ollowingis a |i~t of the firms allnd. to: and I particularlx recommend thth wlv desire to gel mv nmdldnes to applv l0 sml' oflhe Houses named :â€" Messrs Aver Hrnwn A (7n , Uu'ifax. ND, Messrs Forsrth «V (10., Halifax. N S. Messrs 'l‘. B Barker A‘ Sam. St Juhn. V M- 'i‘. Hes Brisny, (Thallmm Town, 1’ EJ. Messrs Langlm‘ & I 0 Victoria [10‘ Mpsws Mnow dz ( o Vicluria, 3.0. Dr, John l’allen, Charlmm. N. B. VleSSrs Mum-u &. (‘0 , Montreal. Messrs J Wiuev & Co . Hamilton. C. W. Mr H. 1. Row. Koronln. Mr A (Thipmml Smith, St Jo n. N. B. Mr John Bnlld,G drich, Ont. Messrs Eiliotdz Co., Toronto Mr .I Chalouer, St John. N. B Messrs Hanningron lirmhsrs. SL John, N. B It is presumed that, from the large connl‘c lion Messus Henry and Co. have in the British l’iovinces and eisewhere, the public is very iikely 10 be imposed upon bv unscrupulous ven- dors and olhurs unlesw thev exercise gran: caulinn lo plevem lhei being: misled. bv find- ing mesa medicines lwaing a Slanlp with [In: name of " ‘ ollowav and (70 ,New York." pri-Ited thereon. Many respectahie firms in‘the Brilish Pl'uv inces. who obtain HIY modich-s direct from here. have verv pmuvrh' suggested that l shonldJorths bannfil of lhemsnlves and lhe public. insar' their names in the "upon. that it may he knuw 1 lllal my nwdicmes can be had genuine from thnm, Mr R. S I’Iiddv VVindsnr, ()nt. Mrs Orpeu. Murden. N S. Mr Ge' rye C. Hunt Jun.. F‘mderiemn. N. B Mr W H Thovup~ml. Harbor Grace, N.F.L Mr J. M Wiley. Frederinklon. N. B. Messrs W. D \ uile. Montreal As alllifu-endowed bodies. wlmlimrlhey bl Beast Birds. Reptiles. Insems or even Zoo phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rilulfnrca, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them flom dest‘ notion when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means wherehy vitalih' may be susmined in the living body is indeed a boon to the world. 533. Oxford Strum IV. C London, March 3151,1874 My Pills and .limmen! are sold at the lawn- wholesale net prices. in quantitivs of not loss than £2” wmthâ€"viz . 8s ' d. ‘ 29s . 34s .per dozen boxm~ ol' l’iHs or puts ot‘()immr-nl. fox which ra-mirtnce-s mus! lm Svnt in advance. hemirls and Oliver Vendors nf Hollowm’s genuine PMS and Ointment mar have theiv names Inverled in the iooal papers if the) will ph-aso apply hereâ€" Fellows’ Compound SI RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES Modern chemism hfla ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the high dienl‘ conxtilu- tingtiw brain. muscles and nerves. and finds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are strengthened. This. then. is subslamially the basis on which FELLOW’S HYPOPHOSPHI'I'EF is built,”- direm action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous S\'stem. and the Muscles. E'trenglhr suing the nerves. it causes xhe rapid distribu. tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Body. Rousing the Slnggish Heart and Live). strengthening the action of the; Stomach and ‘iowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiullyiu- Hated wnlh Oxygen. It IS adapted for ALLcases oi Weakness anu Emaciation, whether arising hem sedenlan' life. a tropical climate. from fever or (lability from any cause, and is efficacious in l’ULMo- NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cases having been cured and all benefiuod. where its use has been continued ovur a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a specific. and iii Asthma it gives relief where even other remedy tails For Nervous Debillty il stands unrivalled and may he used wilh confidence in all l 3898‘ As (His is emirer distinct and different from every other preparation of vaophnsphiles, In careful (cask for Vbuows' SYRUP‘ and ran. noother. SOLD BY APO'I'HECARIE5 S warranted to cure all distharges from the Urinaer Organs. in anher .«ex acquired or constitution-ll. Gravel and Pain: in the. Bark. Sold in Boxas, $1.50 ean|1.hy all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, F‘. J. CLARKE. APOTHECA RI l-‘S’ HA LL. LINCOLN, ENGLA N 0. Sold in England by all Wholesale Paton! Medichw Housei. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontario and Quebec: One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills gum fitmfifinm svm an £3 a; da- Manize‘at C L A R K E ’ S WORLD PAMEII Price. $1.50; Six for$7-5U JAMES LFFI LOWS,Chen“-‘ hinmnn. N B THOM AS HOLLOWAY 2‘30 BE.§.’S LhUANS 0 SA I'ISFY 'l‘HOSlC WISHING 'I'O knuw “hm-31h” can procure the but Inst "In nl~ wa would merely mention tho following facts:â€" A' the l’rnvimzial I‘thihilinn hold in Toronto in ’18?! , w:- wueivvd the First [wins for the Best Vluludeuu and best lalge Cabinet Organ: also. [he Awarded for the Reed lusvrumanm during lho I.AS‘I'N1NI<: YEARS. Al the Provincial Exhibition for 1’71. uereceived all lhe Fu'sl Prizes sud the Only Medal Ever Awarded To anv Organ Manufacluxer al any Exhihtipn in Canada '"Iitfifltl’m Ontario Provim-ia‘ Exhibition ml the. Guelph (301 ll'ul Exhibition for 1872. we I- gain received At the (‘entrnl and Provincial Exhibition. for i873, we received «very Firs“ Prize 9| Cabinet Organs. At holil E‘Ixhihitigus aevorll ‘mei'imin Firms. Inrtluding Estey and l’elouhel& l’eliou Organ (7m‘npanies, wort compalilms. also all the most prominent Clun- diam inanul'acturars. In allthe details of Tone. Durability. .gd Excallence of Sn ‘e we shall pay the sum Il- lemion as Ileralofnre in m'ier to have our In. slruments continue the bum in the market. I‘Iverv Jnslrmnonl fully \Varrumed for “'0 Years Salisfacliunguaranteed WM. STREET.- Agent. for Richmond Hill and Vicinity. Also Agent for figs U0 If pop/11. 411131171ng the British \Nuirh may he had at Low Prices and boat Terms Y'Tlag Siafl'. Richmond Hill FL UE I! Y Sewing Machines. ‘Wholer & \Villson, MILLIONS I suppose there is not in the whole conned a l’hysmian’s (‘Xllel‘lflliCB anithing in humll nifi'ei-ing which calls l'ortli his sinipathy and pity in such an extent as to wiiness the Qxcru~ sin iiig pain> (il' a poor mortal, suffering from that fearful lllSénSB, Rheumatism Herold-r. there has been a (jollSldUlaNO divnreity of opinion among medical men, as to tho trno (:liarncterof ihis «lisenso: mine locating it in the fibre is or muscular tissues of the opium. and others viewing it as an acute. nervonsdil- eamhut it is now generalh ndniiited to be O dim-ma arising from ii pnison circulating in tho hlund. 'i'lie uiiculntion of tho blood is the lite of the body. nnd its stoppage isdnnth. NO ilisnnse min lm in the lmdv without first boin‘ genoralgd in tho blood. and no dist-nae cu pussiu Iy he in the hotly if the blood is pure Rimu atism can never he thoroughly our“ without extm‘ntinating the poison circulating in the blood by a constitutional internal rom- edy We feel confident that none Will fool bc‘llal‘ saiislied and rejoice more than the con- scienlious physician w|.o has discovered lhlt I sure cure for this stubborn disease has boon l'nund. The following testimony from I gon- tleinan nf'standing and high respectability”!!! Well known to the Canadian public cannot fail lu satifiv all hat the IS A WONDERFUL MEDICAL DIE- COVERY. Dmu SIRS .â€"l with pleasure oonceda to the agent’s wish that I give my endotsatiou to the immediate relief I experienced from I '0' doses of'the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. huh lug been a sufl'ervr from the efi‘ects o' Rhcuo malism, I am now. after taking two botllu 0! this medicine. entirely free from pain You are at liberty to use this letter, if you deem it ndvisabiu to do so. I am sir, iygtsiesgectfully. Messrs Devins Lk Bolton : The proprietor of Ihis medicine has wnlkod the aisles of the hospitals of London. Eng” {0! the pint lwenly years, making rheumatism t speciality, and the proscriptluns from which [his remedy is OUIIIDOUHdBd is all he ever and in the tremment of this disease. In simple cases smlmlimes one or two duet suffice In the most chronic cases it in sun to give way b\‘ the use of two or three bottlu. By this efficient and >imp!e remedy hundro‘l of dollars are saved to those who can least I!- ford to throw it away. as surely it is byth. pur- chfise ofusnlms IH'OSI‘J'IPHDHS. This medicine is prapared by a careful. ox- perienced and conscientious physician. i, ubmiuenw lo the (It-sire 0f Hun‘berlocs' Many n the professinn. in the trade and among tyq people. Everv bottle is warranted to ennui me full qrangzh orthe mcdicino in Its high-cl slate ofpuri‘ty and development. and in 0“ pe-ior to any [Medicine ever compounded, “I this terrible camplaim. DEVINS 85 BOLTON, Price, $1 per Bottle Largo Bottles. $2- May 14, H74. 8 5 6m Store. If?” This medicine is for sale It I" 15. Druggists throughout Canada. II‘ it imp”). [hat your Dl‘uggist has not got it in stochuk him to send for it to NQRTHROP & LYMAN Richmond 111”. Sept ‘22, 1874 DIAMDND BHEUMATIH [HIRE Victorious Everywhere ! AGENTS F“R THE PROVINCE ONT., SCOTT STREET. TORONTO. PHYSICIANS EOHNEREU. AGENTS FOR QC E E0 AND MONTREAL. ©‘NTITV‘S‘? EDWPJTrmâ€"L‘JIA EVERY FIRST PRIZE ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS' SUITLv ble for presents at the Uzuw Boa JOHN HELDER ISAXCSONJLP Momreal. 2151 March. .1874 PEOPLE â€"â€"01 Q- w BUNY. -IN-

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