'_ from the workshop and cornâ€"ï¬eld to . ‘4‘ .._...__._‘._-_- .â€"â€"-â€"- Muscle and Brain. Miscellaneous Items. A recently patented automatic lock is about to be placed on the door of a Fulton county bank vault. The lock is so constructed that it can be un- locked by no person except during bank- ing hours. The lock was purposely in- vented to obviate bank oflicials from being taken from their beds at night and compelled to open their vaults by burglars, as has been frequently done in many parts of the country. The lock is said to be no longer an experiment. Dr. Gillman, of the Ninety-ninth street reception hospital, while walking in Eighth oven :9, near Ninetyâ€"sixth street, with a steelâ€"ribbed umbrella in his hand, on Monday night, slipped and fell. One of the ribs of the umbrella ran in his eye and penetrated the brain. BY R. CORDLEY. A great deal of the talk about the superiority of brain over muscle is cal- culated to mislead. There has been growing up a. morbid sentiment which is doing mischief, and which threatens disaster. There is a common feeling that there is some antagonism between brain and muscle, and that he who has the ï¬rst is a fool to live by the second. If a man do not get his living by his wits he is supposed not to have any. Those who live by physical labor are supposed to lack mental power. The harder a man works with his hands, the softer we suppose his head to be. A young man who had imbibed these high toned sentiments Was visiting on a farm. He was invited to take a fork and help to load hay. He declined the invitation with the remark, “that it needed a man strong in the arms and weak in the head to load hay." When last heard from this young man was employing his “strong head †in the delicate service of “runner†for a cheap hotel. \Vith a great many, to have brains is to be too sharp to work. The result is just what we might ex- pect. The ï¬elds ‘ of muscular toil are being left to the most degraded, while those of mental labor are over stocked. No girl of any pretensions thinks of doing “ house work,†or even “ plain sewing.†She must “teach school " or give “ music lessons.†No young man of any pluck thinks of being a farm la- borer, and hardly a. mechanic. He must go to the city and measure tape -â€"or sit on a high stool with a quill be- hind his ear and write. This cannot be because the work is lighter. If we should once compare the pale, wearied look of our teachers and clerks with the ruddy healthfulness of servant girls and laborers, we should be convinced that the contrary is the truth. But it is thought to be so much more digniï¬ed to work with the mind than with the hands that no one who can do the one will think of doing the other. We are told that all our cities are crowded While farm hands can scarcely be obtained. The professions are all full and running over. Every school committee is overrun with applications, while a competent girl to do house- work, or a reliable nurse for the sick room, is sought for as for “ hid treas- ures.†I was on a city school board for several years, and for every vacancy there was an average of six applicants. A poor woman called on me one day, desiring to ï¬nd a place to do house- work. I only named the fact to a few friends, and yet there were three urgent applications for her services before the next night. A clerk left one of our mercantile establishments on the three o’clock train. Before sundown eight- een applicants had appeared tor the vaâ€" cancy. A workman fell from the scaf- folding of a new building about the same time and disabled himself. The contractors had to search the whole town to ï¬nd a man to ï¬ll his place.â€" Every town in the country is full of young menâ€"candidates for clerkships â€"â€"â€"lying round idle, “ waiting for some- thing to turn up.†That is, they are waiting for somebody to die or resign that they may be “put into a clerk’s ofï¬ce and be able to earn a piece of bread.†On the other hand, almost every kind of manual labor is at a pre- mium. Every one must have noticed the in- creased demand for muscular labor. The housekeeper is at the mercy of her “ help.†The contractor is at the mercy of his men. The laborer can defy his employer ,- for there are more asking for his services than he can serve. He can demand his own price, for the bid- ding is lively over him and he himself is the auctioneer. The world’s physi- cal work must be done. Not a. pound of bread or a yard of cloth can be pro- duced without it. Hence the sceptre of the world is passing into the hands of muscle. The man who has mental labor to sell must go begging for work, while he who has physical labor to ofâ€" for will have competitors for his ser- vices. Counting the time and the cost of preparation, no men are now paid as well as common laborers. No class of men are as independent. They are in demand. Muscle is in the ascendenoy. We heartily believe in thorough cul- ture and complete development. But we do not believe that the end of all culture is “ bread and butter." W'c do not believe that every accomplishment is valueless which does not help to earn a man a. living. We believe that a man of mind may honorably and pro- perly worl: with his hands, and that it is no disgrace for a man of brains to earn his living by the sweat of his brow. Because a girl has an education it is not necessary that she should teach school, and because a boy knows algebra it is not necessary that he should mount a three-legged stool and scran characters on a ledger. \Ve deprecate all the cheap rhetoric of newspapers and school lectures and public gatherings which represents education as raising men \Vhen the steel was drawn out of the wound the ivory tip came 03‘ and re- mained in the brain. The doctor has been unconscious since Tuesday even- ing, and his injury is probably fatal. Ar this season of the year, when so many of our people are suffering from colds we call attention to ArnR’s Cm:an Pnc'rORAL as a sure cure not only for coughs and colds, but all affections of the throat and lungs. Having used in our family for many years we can speak from personal knowledge of its efï¬ciency. There may be others that are good, but in all our experience this has proved to be by far the best. Its qualities are uniform and wholly reliable. It is pleasant to take, and should be kept at command by every family. as a protection against a class of com- plaints which seem harmless in the outset, but become dangerous if neg- lootedâ€"JV. H. Register. Advertising is fast being reduced to a science in Paris, and some of the me- thods used by tradesmen to divert at- tention to their wares are worthy the study of Barnum himself. The latest dodge recorded throws rhinoceros ï¬ghts and lion hunts far in the shade. You are quietly walking along the Boule- vard, pensivcly meditating on life and your mother-in-law, when suddenly you are astonished by a kick from behind. You turn, and meet the impertinent gaze of a stranger. If you area “ man of honor,†and most Frenchmen are, you at once demand satisfaction. “ Cer- tainly,†says the assailant, bowing coolâ€" ly. “ Your card, sir,†you say, while your eyes burn with rage. “Here it is, sir,†he responds, handing you a pasteboard. You look at the card and are stupeï¬ed to read, something like this : “ The largest stock of winter clothes can be seen at No. â€" street.†In a. little village of Southern France the physician quarrelled with one of his friends, a merchant, because the latter had said that physicians were asses. The merchant soon after this was ill, but the doctor refused to see him unless he would take back his opinion of the medical profession. Ten years passed on, and one day as the semi- paralyzed merchant was sunning him- self before the door, he saw the doctor pass. “ Hullo, Dr. Bussaraguc,†he cried, “ you can come to see me now ; I have changed my opinion.†“ So much the better,†replied the doctor, “ for unless you had I should never recog- nize you.†“ Yes, I’ve changed my opinion, entirely changed it,†continued the merchant ; “ formerly I said physi- cians were asses." “ You were wrong.†“I know it; it is the patients who are the asses.†“ Why so ’l†“ Because if they were not asses they would not send for the doctors. A Sacramento paper says that Dr. Huin J. Glenn, of Jacinto, Colusa Co., California, has raised and harvested the past season, on his own farm, 600,000 bushels ’of wheat. This would load eighteen 1,000-ton ships, or three hun- dred canal boats. All this wheat he has now in his own warehouses, ready for shipment when the water in the Sacramento river rises sufï¬ciently. The Doctor is a. wonder to the agricul- tural world and to himself. He runs ninety gang-ploughs, and a whole coun- try’s population in the harvest ï¬eld, with a dozen threshers. His farming, is not conï¬ned to wheat alone. He markets $100,000 worth of stock each year. Dr. Glenn is a practical farmer, and manages all his immense business himself. He can mend a trace and make a key to an ox-bow with hisjack- knife, just as easy as drawing his check for $100,000, which he can do every day in the week. Dr. Glenn was born in Augusta county, Virginia, and does honor to the “ Old Dominion.†An old' man, well known in Brus- sels, who would appear every after- noon with a mathematical regularity in the Saint Hubert arcade, where he would walk for exactly one hour from 4 to 5 o’clock, died recently in that city. The oldest dwellers in that quarter of Brussels remember to have seen him take his daily promenade for many years back without ever conversing with any one. Among his papers :3. will was found in which he asked to be buried in a neighbor- ing cemetery by his wife’s side, and requested that a. person who now ï¬lls an exalted position in St. Petersburg might be informed of his death. It appears that when young he had been employed in a. diamond-producing district of Asia. One day he found an enormous diamond and determined to secure it for himself. The diï¬'icul' ty was how to escape the lynx-eyed agents. He made a. deep wound in the calf of his leg in whieh‘ho con- cealed the diamond. He then pre- tended that he had been wounded and his leg was bound up and he was au- thorized to leave the district. He succeeded in escaping to Russia, where he sold the gem for a large sum. It is now one of the crown diar moods of Russia. Having thus ac- quired wealth, our hero travelled all over the world. In England he mar- lried a young lady. who died in Brus- , I sols some years ago. After her death Amatchless maid-«An ancient un- he did not wish to leave the city married lady. where she was buried. “places of honor and respectability." Any place is honorable where honor- able men work.â€"-C’hristz'an Union. 540.4â€... Mr. Bergh Attending to the Rich. In New York, the other day, Mr. Bergh made a. little breeze in high life by a raid on clipped horses be- longing to fashionable owners stand- ing in front of A. T. Stewart’s retail store. Among them was a span be- longing to one of the Appleton’s, the book publishers, whose driver was arrested, and, after a long examinaâ€" tion, held for trial. It was only last Sunday night that out of seventyâ€" eight carriage teams standing in front of churches examined b Mr. Borgh’s officers, forty-one had eon clipped, and the blankets provided by the owners for the animals were found wrapped around the drivers’ legs and feet. m A Scene in an English Court. Mary Lancaster and her late husâ€" band, John Lancaster, livcd together in Beckwith street, Birkenhead. John Lancaster was, it appeared in evidence, a drunken, idle fellow, and his Wife supported him by her own industry, keeping a greengrocer’s shop and a stall in the market. On Sunday, the 13th of September last, Mrs. Lancaster" was roasting a small joint for the family dinner, when her lord and master came home three parts drunk, and in a con- siderable state of displeasure. His first proceeding was to kick the meat into the dustholc. His next, as a mere matter of course, was to kick his wife. He kicked her in the side, and she fell. Then he kicked her out of the house into the street, and as she lay helpless on the pavement, he kicked her in the face. Then he laid hold of her by the hair, andlugged her back into the house. Now the roots of the hair and the skin of the scalp are a sensitive part of the human organism, and even if a woman has been, to use the customary phrase, “ kicked stupid,†she will probably re- cover consciousness if dragged a sufï¬ci- ent distance by the hair. Mrs. Lancas- ter was insensible in the street. \Vhen dragged into the house she revived, and her husband, whose sense of justice and family discipline was not yet satisï¬ed, proceeded to re-assert his marital rights with the kitchen poker. There lay on the table a heavy steel, such as is used for sharpening knives. This Mrs. Lan- caster seized, and threw at her husband with such little strength as she had. It struck him in the forehead and splin- tered the frontal bone. He was taken to the inï¬rmary and his wound was dressed. Had he been an industrious and temperate man, he would have been discharged in a week or so as cured, and could haVe at once proceeded to mark his sense of Mrs. Lansaster’s mis- conduct. But alcohol has a tendency to sap the vital forces, and instead of recovering, Mr. Lancaster died. The case being clearly one of manslaughter, if not murder, his wife was arrested and taken to the Birkenhead Bridewell to await her trial at the assizes. To inepector Muir, who, before he took her into custody, warned her that any- thing she might say would be admissi- ble as evidence against herself, she said, with strangely feminine inconsistency, “ l have killed the only man I ever loved.†To the female searclur, who found her body covered with bruises that told only too plainly a tale of long- continued and persistent brutality, she said, “ That’s nothing.†Such were the facts as laid before Mr. Justice Brett, and upon them His Lordship, in a. dry and unimpassioned manner, directed the jury that unless they could ï¬nd that the woman was in rea- sonable peril of her life, and had used the steel to defend herself, the use of it would be an unlawful act. “ There is no evidence,†said his Lordship, “to show that at that moment it was reasonably necessary for her to use such a weapon ; and therefore on the prisonâ€" er’s own statement it is your duty to ï¬nd that she is guilty of manslaughter.†Thus charged the jury had no resource but to bring in the verdict they were directed to ï¬nd. Mr. Justice Brett’s sentence we can only giveâ€"without note or comment of our ownâ€"in his Lordship’s own word’s. “ I believe,†said his Lordship, addressing the pris- oner, “that if I thought it right to act according to your own feelings I should say nothing about this unhappy hus- band of yours. As far as I can see, you were a respectable, hard-working. well-behaved wife, and I feel bound to say a greater brute than your husband was I have seldom heard of. Even on the last day you were together, you were doing all you could to make his house comfortable, and to make him happy. With a brutality which made me shudder when I read it, he threw away that which you had prepared for him. He has been beating and ill- treating you for months, probably for years ; and it is nothing but the tender- ness and forgiveness of the woman and Wife which prevented you from having him punished for crimes he committed against you time after time. It is only when he has driven you to desper- ation by ill-treating you the whole day and I dare say was on the point of ill- treating you again, that you, in a mo- ment of passion took up a formidable weapon and threw it at him, I believe without any intention of striking him. It did strike him, and you immediately ran for assistance and did all you could to save him. All the real right in this case was on your side, all the real wrong on your husband’s, and God forâ€" bid that I should punish you. I will be no party to it. I will not even make thisjudgment complete. 1'. will not allow it to be said by any one that you are a convicted felon 3 for a conviction is not complete until a sentence is passed, and I mean to pass no sentence at all. I shall merely ask you to enter into your own recognizances to come up for judgment if called upon, and nobody in the world will ever call upon youâ€"God forbid that anyone ev er should. _ flanâ€"404*. Did You Ever- Did you ever know a sane person who liked having his hair cut. Did you ever know a man that was not delighted at being excused from serving on a jury. Did you ever hear of a will which gave complete srtisfaction ‘? Did you ever publish a small vol- ume of poems and ï¬nd it turn out a proï¬table speculation? Did you ever pay your taxes with cheerful alacrity ? Did you ever spend a. happy day. Did you ever experience the joy of an unexpected legacy? Did you ever hear a bulbul ? And ladiesâ€" , Did you ever know a dressmaker that could make you a dress at the very earliest before the week after next? V ; gallon an rcceotpt of $1.00. . Morin“ . 7 ,. . .. .. .,.,n.,.,,.. 7- 'useflmqiMVuamcx-sdï¬j E'i-mmm‘m ' . 15".? m. than;.cahrsévra‘cfumsaeus. Steam Engines. Boilers, Steam Saw Mills, Shaftlng, Pulleys, Hangers, Screw Stump Machines and General ‘ " ‘Muchinery‘. Love and Lucre» AYER’S HAIR WEBB ‘ I Miss Ross is thirty-one years old and & lives in Chicago. Either of these facts is sufï¬cient in the minds, of some cvil- T0 disposed persons to debar any wish for further acquaintance. But Miss Ross! has not lived long enough in that city} - of palaces and dens to have her maidenl purity tainted, and N inon Dc I’Enclosi was far older than thirty-one when she brought princes to her feet by the spell of her strange beauty. Miss Ross for: , I merly backed in the ripening suns of w a the Paciï¬c coast. There she met ’ " Fancher. Fancher was a man. He For Restoring Gray Hair ITS NATURAL VITALrTrl' AND COLOR. . . neAdvancing years, sick mss, care, disappoint out, and hereditary predisposition. all turn the hair gray, and either of them incline it to flied prematurely. Arm’s Ham f‘..'anufactured at the FAQs: a IRON WORKS, EH maxilla“, Ontario; (rill; STEAM ENGINES MANUFACTURED BY , this ï¬rm arc. in many respects superior to any other made in this country being self-lubricating throughout; and are rcmarkabl y powerful, and eco- nomical on fuel as well as rcaso ' ble in price. The efliciency'muy be judged by tlicï¬iutiuually increas- in},r dcmandqvhich necessitates constant additions to our machinery and plant... -~ _ LIN-II. KELLEY :52 CO. Hamllton,Fob.20.1874. .» 5 :. 306 “ Gill‘s Mechani- cal Stair-builder, allowed by architects, buildcrs, and practical stair- builders to be the best and simplest work yet pub- lished. ,Evory» carpenter that wants v to kcc u with the“ times slioold=procurc a (lupin The 00{ contains forty three plates, also an Apprentice Dc- urtmcnt. The best of testimonials furnished from. ending architects, builders and mechanics. I'llb- lishcd at the low price of 35. Subscribe to local agent, or address J. c. WHITE, General Agent. Box 507, Hamilton, Ont. W AGENTS WANTED.â€"Thc work is Copyrighted, and can only be had from the local agent, or general agent. Hamilton, Jun. lst, 187:3. ._ ‘é'ETEELE’S iDommlon Shirt Factory 1 No. 8 King St. East, VIGQR, . by long and extensive ‘- use, has proveu that it stops the falling of the hair immediately ; often ‘ renews the growth, and always surely restores its color, when faded or ~ - gray. It stimulates the organs to healthy activity. and Preserves POI-h He at once won the hair and its beauty. Thus brashy, weak or sickly Just Published, I (f: the lady had every 1-0339], to believe checked and stablished; thin air thickens; and faded heals all humors. and keeps the scalp cool, clean and . . ' . , . . themseh es Still more 6103815 tOgethm As a dressin for ladies’ hair, the Vxeon is praised for East with me; come to the great city PREPARED BY and we shall live in a. brown-stone, and ‘ l Jlmrraét 1 Ross ! She should have known better General Agents. 1 and a good . hair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost the young affections of Miss Ross, and mm. n,ng Wm, lively ex regs-,0“; (suing hair 15 or gray hair resumes resumes their Drivinal color. Its that she had complete sway over the operation is sure and harmless. It bures dandruff, love 0f FanCher' They deemed to bind softâ€"under which conditions, diseases of the calp are impossible. by the hOIY ties 0f wedIOCk- Handler its grateful an agreeable perfume, and valued for the said lovingly to Ross :__“ ROSS, come soft lustre and rlchness of tone it imparts. of Chicago, and you shall‘bc my wife, 7 I and I shall be your husband forever, DR- 27- C'- A l E R CO - - P i 11.1 and Anal ical Chemists. have .s11ver, and servants, and horses, not C yt . , ‘ n - and perfect happlness. Conï¬ding Northrup (f, Lyman, than to trust a,nlan’ especially Fancher’ ï¬Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in a. gay old deceit. They came to Chica- Medicine_ o. Fancher refused to marr the too -7. .. _â€" H- , w- * grustful damsel, and she applyied balm 1 H M l L i N r O i: T to-hcr wounded affections by institutâ€" , y 7, E 3 ing a suit for breach of promise. The â€"0Fâ€"- g F, :03} suit has been in the Chicago courts for SPLENDID lllCHlGM' LANDS l l i /v' months, and .ï¬nally after innumerable The Grant 1,15,,de “1,7,1 Itan Ramimd'lmiug . ; we, and and and av- he asesaJrauaasis s. a. peals, and new trials enough to discour- ofits grants oflandi, over 1,000,000 Minus. now ,* a. g 99. age any heart but that of an orphan of “Yer . , V _ l ‘3 2.5 thirtyâ€"one, a ï¬nal decision was reached Bargains 111 the Best of farming Links 5 3: P a few days Since, Whlch l'equlres To Colonlcsor ludividualsfor I874 8.1875. ,5: V 'g Fancher to pay Ross ten thousand dolâ€" ; ,2 i“ w lars. Both parties are to be congratu- latedâ€"Faucher that he escaped matri- mony so cheaply, Ross that she got what she really deserved, in view of that trip from the Paciï¬c coast to Chi- cagoâ€"Cleveland Leader. W “Havanaâ€, .9. 4 . _......_ ._.. The “ wickedest man in the world †has been found. His name is \Velker, of Fremont, Ohio. He went \Vest, and swindled his partner in Toledo out of all the goods he had taken with him to sell ; he deserted his wife, who has a young baby , scooped his father out of $1,500 and his mother-in-law out of a Smaller sum, and when last heard from was still going \Vest. When writing to advertisers please ay that you saw their advertisement in this paper. WW Alfllfll'thAN Iiil'fllll. KING STREET WEST "53V BmAlflMA.m rucrarnren. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE kahuna-m. no.1. Flues up uncut. The Oldest Established House in Canada. ENERAL AGENT IN THE Dominion of Canada. for the to swing Pianos : Chickering an Sons, Steinway a: Sons, Dunlmm 5: Sons, flames Bros. ) with settlers from Canada, and, nnd from almost every 39". The wealth of the Country is in the soil, and new is the time to own a share of such wealth, when it can be haunt , ‘ Fr0m_$4 to $8 and $101)€1' Acre. One quarter only, down, balance in easy time pay- ments. During the ear 1874 and 1875, any purchasers of not less than 0 acres of farming land, paying one- quarter down, who will go upon it for settlement within Four Months after purcbas will be furnish- ed with PBBB PA BBS for himsel and family over the G. R. &I. R. ., from where such strike the road, to the station nearest his purchase. Address. W. A . H OWARD, Land Oommlssleucr? F. E. L- PEIRCH Grand Rapids. Mic Secretary of Land Dept. and These Lands are timbered with bench and maple 1 w _ V ' ' . â€"1' elm and other hard wood, ard are accessible to {lid 1 DIRECTION†FOR SELF MEASUREMbNTl g Waist; ville aroundSWrist; Frcim centi-cBoftBack lo . R end of ‘uff' for tuds Eve ets or ut one in “LATER AND RAIL, ‘ ‘ ,1 Front, or 3 or 5 l’laits; when wanted; price; quan- And are in a t of the State unequalled for health. ; lity. raising Sectlon of the East Shore of Lake Michigan. . ‘ MICHIGAN is one of the LEAET INDEBTED and most “mining iiouses “53 Fnlnon’ out" MICHIGAN is noted for its splendid University and P1 rV ‘ 3" i 1 Normal Schools, all part of a magniï¬cent “Free l chchN is famed for its Mann-factories. its ' Furnaces, its Railroads, its Water Courses, its beau- la es and Cities. _ ICHIGAN produces Wool, Wheat, Outs, Corn, NEW YORK, June 24,1801. Mnssns. DARLCW & MA'rnusnEKâ€" MICHIGAN produces incxbaustable quantities of 11‘011‘ 001713913 Silver, 0°31 and 141111106!“ yery great superiority of tlic lyiathlu slick lgilauosbaa : v - i; " . . " r- Lands, reduces “1'1 inds of Fruits. in Holy respectsupcuor to a ct mm 10 The mud RBI)Ids and Indiana “3†now “"15 in all respects equals any Concert Grand; while the “Colibri†possesses the power of any ordin- The art of Michigan in which those lands nre found a has no equal in purity and sweetness of tone. (Signed) CHARLES FnAnEL. Dnc Gustavo of Sure \Vcimcr. but. contains a population of H... TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND soULs T H E F I S C H E R ’ P I A N 0 l strument in the market. Mr. Fischer commenced gaggegi ,ï¬grggzgnï¬o his business in 1824, and may claim rank as the ccssful business of half a ceutcry enables them to oï¬â€˜er a ï¬rst-class piano at unapproncliablc prices. this grant have already been sold l The oldest imp host, and givcsbettcr satisfaction than any other organ in tbs market. best market by 1 Size around Neck; size around Chest; size around 1 1 Front ; for Studs Eyclcts or Buttonsin Cuff: plain well watere , and contiguous to the great I‘l‘llll ‘ S H. Trebiezï¬ igzuggnkoul lung prosperous of the States. School System.†endowed by the Stntc. l , tiful Lakes and stirring enterprising Towns, Vil- ' S I l Barley, Potatoes &c. I cannot refrain from a frank avownl of the MICHIGAN in the ortion of the State near those clicsirnl " is a marvel of power and sweetness, and through the centre of the Grant. nry square piano by our best makers, and really r v , . , A ANY Composer and Pianist tollis Royal Highness the and 18 rapidly mum, ,, 15 without exception the host medium priced in- oldost in New York in the Piano trade, 'l‘hcirsuc Over 100,000 acres of the lands of PRINCE ORGANSI Catalogues and testimonials sent on application. Every Instrument warranted for ï¬ve years. Agents wanted in every County of the Dominion. N'JRJEEE (St SIPPER, 8 Adelaide Street East, 351 Toronto. A . D A V l 8 5:3 cit icul o moo, 39 Cornonxn Sr, Tonoxroâ€" Ur STAIns. Entrance on Exchange Lane. ’1‘. CATHARINES SAW WORKS. R. H.§T\/IITH AN 15E CONSULTED AT ALL hours, day and evening on all chronic diseases, Diseases of Women and Children, Midwifery, etc†1, .- i .- . . _ (Successor to J‘ Flint} oget or “11.11 those of a Innate nutuie Manufacturer or a 1 THE GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS, kinds of SAWS, Straw Can be had at his Office. Sent by mail to any part0! Knives, Patent Pluster- the world. $1 per box and two postage stamps. i215 Trowels, &c. Youn men, who particular noticeâ€"you can be ole Manufacturer of restore to health by applying (either in person or the J. Flint Patent Im- by letter.) All female complaints skilfully treated. rovedChampionCross All letters must be addressed to A. Davis, Box, ut saw; also thelight- 1030, Toronto, Ontario. ning Cross Cut Saw. we, the undcrslgped, have bech cured by Dr. A. ST. CATHABINES’ ONT. Davis, loionto, nt., J. 11. It illmmson, P. H. Mulgrew, C. 1). Preston, Anilion Kasseall, Henr Thorne,L. Britten, I‘utI“. Carr, hasG. Otis, Jas. . All Saws War-ranted. [317-1y Pisuamus. and six hundred others have been cured AND ORGANS The Mason do Hamlin Organ Company, Boston, (.‘eo. A. Prince a: 00.. Buffalo. instruments manufactured by any of the above houses are GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. A large variety of new and second hand Pianos and Organs constantly in stock, varying from Fifty to Two Hundred and ï¬fty dollars. WSend for Circulars, Price Lists, Terms, &e., before purchasing elsewhere. A. d: S. NORDIIEIDIER, HEAD OFFICEâ€"15 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. BRANCH OFFICEâ€"26 SPARKS ST., OTTAWA. DEPOTS ATâ€"W. L. Carries‘,London - J Clench‘s MANUFACTURED BY [ESTABLISHED IN 1850.] SIMMON$ dc CLOUCH ORGAN CO3$ IMPROVED St. Catharines; Lanccfleld Bros, Hamilton; A. L. , , r, 99% I , i I ; ( Mlddlemiss‘, Port 11093212. VanNorman‘s Belleâ€" , . I “ v ’ p f i ville; J. McCrae‘s, Windsor; John Owen‘s Strutâ€" . ~ g t . - J; l V} ford; Wm. Mathias, Petcrboro‘; J. Lcthbridgc‘s, Brantford: R. S Porter‘s Lindsay; G. F. Counter's «AND Simcoe. i ~ Toronto, Aug. 7, 1874. ,226-eow-ly we 7 . m 1,1 Q) , 4 i e g ,, cc . I ’1 is as effectual a remedy E... W], . , 1’: FOR FEVER 8: AGUE -9- 1'3 as the Sulphate in the same (loses, while it affects (4" ' V a ‘ the head less, is more palatable and much cheaper. O ,,., ,. ,1 v w Send for descriptive Circular with Testimonials ’ I w .. « M of Musicians from all parts of the country. % . S'MM°"5&C“"““ o o a o ‘0 o a o s '°“G*‘NYC0]lllVH‘tNl‘ m- Spunple packages for trial, 25 cents. 4;, W. 7 , ‘ <5 Ca. . repared by BILLINGS. CLAPP 85 00.. Chemists, - -â€"4 , ‘ v ‘ ' ‘, g . «combines. NewYork Oflice,8&QGQllegoPlace. F5: H H: lll‘ H i L, F; 1‘; ii I,' , - " ' i 5' y 1 1 )â€"1 . . a D4 'l H H 'l I ll 1 1mm umHW'“ ll 12' 5 A MAN OF A’I HOUbAND ‘ ~ 1 i “H - ‘ l ‘ l CF A CONSUMPTIVE CURED. .0 . , , . , , When death was hourly ex ected from Consumm- *" ; ‘ ‘ ,‘ 1 g . TION, all remedies havin fsi ed, accident led to a ,le .2, N, g" , discovery whereby Dr. .James cured his onl child +9 pl , 1 ,All " . ‘ (a . with a preparation of Cannabis Indica. l 6 now a ,1 I} ‘ ‘ 1., ' fl gives thisrecipe free on receipt of two stamps to pay a) ‘ l , l , l expenses. There is nota single symlptom of conâ€" |ll N ‘ :9 sumptiou that it does not dissipateâ€" iglit Sweats, E I ,1 , I : Irritation of the Nerves, Difllcult Expectoratlon, "â€"1 ,l l I 1 . l 9 Sharp Pains in the Lungs, N son at the Stomach, i <3: Inaction of the Bowels,and‘ asti of theMueelcs. l g, l D Address, CRADDOCK St 00., 10 2 Race F reel. 0,) = 6+ Philadelphia, Pa, giving name of this paper [21.15 QI) _ , 1' o . m t- .. ,. -L,..,_.,._ H, A _-,-.. I v A 5-1 __ ,~' 7 W W . 3‘) ‘ r v \ w ,.._..._,___,,_AH . _ . 5 _ _ Brown, $301153. 5:. (,0 0-; .3: “Known mm“? M I- -- _ . M I I , 9:3 ' GRAND comeruarion - : a census 2 ' . r‘r'i . M. . .- .- i . I 5 , ,1, f. 3, u, FITTED “1TH Tm; NEIKIA Isinsirn; £- . I r ‘ SCRIBNER’S PATENT QUALlF‘YlNG'T‘UBES . ., _ . , ). REC’I‘ IMPOR 11* 1% a . l I l I An invention havingemost important bearing on the reputationbf ‘Recd InstruuientsylW menus or "01‘" which the quantity or volume of tone is very largely increased, and the quality of'tone' rendered . Til/M's, $551615 RH. late-u hf; October 1, i873. Equal to that of the best Pipe Organ oi‘ the some. Capacity! ’ 0 W1 «(vâ€"3.: .....a Money to 110311., N SUMS AND FOR PERIODS to suit borrowers, .011 Real Estate security at 8 per cent interest (not in advance). A ply at the oï¬lce of the NATIONAL LIFE INSLRANCE COMPANY, corner of James and King Streets, Hamilton. LIVEGSTON, MOORE 6’1; 00., Our celebrated '3 Yo; Celeste,†“Vex Humane." “Wilcox Patent,“ " Octave Coupler," the cli:n-iuing~ ’ ‘.' Cello," or “ Clarionet†stops, and ,f 2' The latest improvements can be obtained only “.70.â€- inthese Organs 1932:? 'I‘Yf ty szï¬â€˜erent Styles, Hamilton, um, 13. 13:14. GonmlAgehifl-u ' W For the Parlor and W3 allure/lg I _ i i H r: I I ___ .. ### __ .................. To 3%“ T he Best ï¬faterial und War/mutuality). ‘- ' “’ANTED, WiQuah‘ty and Voluumc of: Tbneilk'neqnallerl. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO qualify as TELEGRAPH OPERATORS for Uflices opcnlngln the Dominion. Send for circular. ....--Q. A.“ COLEMAN 8.: BAKER, . S PRICE ‘, .. a $50 855-3111] Toronto, Ont, ‘ ' . _ . AGENTS WANTED 1N EVERY COUNTY. ECALCOMANIE FOR AMUSE~ KENTâ€"Box containing eighty pictures, mn- terlals and directions for h‘lélB‘ffl'l'ln Isn‘t Factory 6t Warerooms, Cor. 6th & Congress Sts., Detroit, Mich. ' Addreflfl,~“SIMMONS £5 CLOUGH’» ORGAN 00., Detroit, Mich. , Port Hope, t. ' foring from chronic rheumatism. ‘ ,of this modiciuelms saved many 'Hence.‘tlie.D‘ia'moiid Rheumatic Cure should be in snvéu‘rï¬i Au'r'itim. STATEMENT NATIONALLIFE 11mm) sums or AllElilCA. ‘ WASHINGTON, D. C. > ' i xx , . g , ASSETS. ' Cash in Bank . . . . . . ..$ 95,950 07 United States bonds . 412,354 00 State and city bonds. 137,500 00 Real estate (building) .. . , . 400,000 ()0 Loans secured by ï¬rst man go on real estate . 2,l19,562 60 Loans secured by collatcr . 43,267 80 Loans secured by policies in force. 67,382 11 Ccumiutcd commissions . . . . , . , . . . (25,701 93 Interest and rents accruei . 51.193 45 Premiums in course of col lon (net) 82,724 50 Deferred semi-annual and quarterly premiums (net) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84,479 38 China furniture, lcdgerbalancc, and all other assets . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.109 47 Guess Assure, JAN. 1, 1875 . . . . . . . . $3,580,235 31 LIABILITIES. Reinsurance Reserve on policies in force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,044,522 00 Reserve on policies lapsed and liable for surrender and restoration.. 22,319 35 Present value of premiums due in 1875 and future years, paid in advance 8,192 76 Death claims reported, but not due.. 79,902 99 TOTAL LIAAXIJTIES, JAN. 1, 1875...$2,l55,027 ll Svanns, numb Snctnrrv ADDITIONAL 'ro THE Russuvn........._ . . . . . . . $1,425,108 20 Surplus Jan.1,1875 .................... $1,4%,1{\8 20 «Surplus Jan. 1, 1875 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,254,403 84 INCREASE orScanUs nunmo THE YEAR $170,791 36 Number of policies issued during the year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,601 Amount of policies issued during the year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,770,591 00 The loans, secured by first mortgages of real estate, amount to $2,119,562 a sum considerably in excess of its total policy lia ility. . The surplus, 1,425,198. is entirely for the securâ€" ity of policy-ho ders, bein additional to the relu- pnsprancc fund, which a one ufl‘ords ample pro- cc ion. During thc last year the company has paid to re reeentativcs of deceased policnholders $279,- 06 , and for surrendered policies $037,104, has paid adividend upon its stock, has met the expenses. and now has a surplus of $1,425,198, an increase of $170,794 over the surplus at the beginning of the your. ' The Low Rates, the Lar e Capital the Deï¬nite Contracts, and the L1 cral Policies of the NATIONAL, renders it especially worthy the con. fldcnce and patronage of the public. Chicago. ' OFFICERS. President, JOHN IV. FARWELL, ,. _ . .. D. COR'I‘RIGIIT, l'“ Pr“ ’5' . PAUL CORNELL. Secrztm-y, J. F. CRANK, Actuary, E. W. FEET, Medical } jG. EMMET HALL, M. D. Directors ( H. WEBSTER JONES, M. D. “ Attorney, 1". H. KALES, " CANADA. BRANCH. President of Canada Board.â€"-â€"Hou, A. Mackenzie. Prime Minister of Canada, Ottawa. Chief Medical Adviser,â€"â€"J. M. Drake. M. D. Modi- csl Faculty, Univ. McGill Coll. Montreal. General Manager for Canada,â€"T. C. Livingston, I’. L. S., Hamilton. .1 u n u N.B.-The Company Wants several Travelling A cute for Canada. With suitablepersons remunerate an per- manent engagements will be made. This is a favora- ble opportunity for trustworthy men to secure a de- sirable and permanent connection with a Fiist Class Company. Previous experience in the business of Life Insurance not considered essential. Applications for Agencies, or for Insurance. and all Correspondence relative to the Company's Canadian Business may be addressed to T. C. LIVIN GSTON, GENERAL MANAGER FOB. CANADA. H AM I LTON. Quacks Confound‘. Rheumatism and Gout have heretofore been consid4 ered by the ordinary practising physicians as incur- able diseases, and the query has often been propound< ed, of what beneï¬t to the helpless suï¬erer is all their ‘ pretended science ; and or what doth it availâ€"their long and tedious course of studyâ€"ll they are obliged to acknowledge that all their resources are of no ac- count when called upon to prescribe for a patient suf- The great trouble lies in the fact that the mode of investigation is pre- scribed within certain boundaries andlimitatious com- pelling the studentto tread in certain well-worn paths. or suffer disgrace and excommunication from that highly respectable order of mortals known as {be Med‘ {ml Fandtu. How often genius has been curbed in its flights of investigation can be easily imagined. Anl often really grand and beneï¬cial discoveries have been placed under the ban of censure by those self: constituted censors, for no reason whatever, but that they are innovations upon a stereotyped and time honored prescription. t was not so, however, with the proprietor of the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. for his high standing in the profession, and the learn< ing and science of an able mind, quickly compelled the meme]: to succumb, and now physicians generally all over the world. where this medicine isiutroduced, adâ€" Hill of its wonderful efï¬cacy, and often prescribe lt fur their pa‘icnts. Of course. the use of the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. without the aid of a‘ physician. is a saving infcea- to the sufferer, but the really conscien- tious physician should rejoice at this, for the reason of the general hencflt arising to mankind from its use, , , . . . RCA-D WHAT .THE PEOPLE SAY. , OFFICE or SANlTARY Power, 1 Montreal, June 18, 187-1. i Massns. f91~2‘\'lNS' .r Botrox, (Gm-rtitmix,â€"Zlaving been one of the many martyrs of l’t-heuxuzttismtbat I meet on my daily rounds, I was imluccil to try the celebrated Diamond Rheumatic Cure. 1 had suffered the last five .or six weeks the most terrible acute pains across my loins and backâ€" ‘so severe, indeed, that I could hardly walk without the help of a stick. I commenced using the Diamond temcdy, followiugthe' directions carefully. Relief ~ cume immediately with the ï¬rst bottleâ€"improi ed with the second,'and completely cured and free from pain after using my fifth small bottle. . You are at erfcetrliberty to refer to me either pri- ' vet'er or pub lcly, as Illeel very thankful for the m- lief and sympathize with my fellow sufferers from rheumatism. - - Respectfully routs, J. B. Caucus“, 51 Labille street. 'l'hisfmedi'clnc has for several months past been used with perfect success and satisfaction in the hos- pitals ol Montreal. and is recommended by the very best medical practitioners in that citv,asa.safe, speedy 2nd positive cure for either chronic or acute Rlicuma‘ 15111. There is‘no medicine which so promptly revives the depressed vital action, restores the general and local . circulation, allays the pain, dissipates the congestion, ‘ prevents inflammation, and restores the healthy action {is DIAMOND.- RHEUMA-ric CURE. In thousands of instances the prompt and ' ' value. 1e humanhves. every hospital or inï¬nnary, in every doctor’s oï¬ice, in every family and factory, in every shop and ship, in never)? ofï¬ce and-counting room. Everyjbcttle is warranted -tc contain the full stren h of the medicine in its highest state of purity and evelopmcnt, and is superior to any medicine ever compounded for this terrible complaint. " ‘ ‘ This medicine is for sale b) all Druggistithroughout ' the Dominion. ‘ If it'liaplpens that your Druggist has not got it in stock, ask 1m to send for it to NORTHROP‘ a: LYMAN. Agents for the Province of Ontario, Scott Street, Toronto.