concur: HOUSE,’ RICHMOND HILL. [874. ,New Fall Dry Goods W M. ATKINSON ETURNS his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage in the past and as his Fall Stock is Now Compete P. Would call special attention to the following lines of goods which will be found Extra Value :â€" Plain and Fancy Dress Goods. From 17 cts.â€"=~ a splendid assortment. Black Lustres 85 Stuff Goods, in all the new Brands FRENCH M E R I N OS in all shadesâ€" Good value. Striped Tartan and Plain Shawls, Large Assortment and Cheap. BLANKE‘PS And Red and Fancy Flannels, I der Competition. PRINTS AND SHIRTINGS, VERY LARGE STOCK and prime value. GREY 85 WHITE COTTONS, A full assortment. Table linens and Towelirigsâ€"vaine,something extra. HOS! E RY A N!) G LOVE. ‘. Something Special. (,Clouds and Scurfs, new styles. Wincy and Felt Skirts, Canadian and Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers. A SPDENDID LOT OF {lartlldiflit Knitting Yarn. From 65 etaâ€"All Colors, also, fine Fingering Yarns, in all shades. HOME MADE FI.AN‘€EI. & Stlt‘Kg That will defy Jack Frost. _0_0._ M DEPART [ ENT. Having ï¬tted up a department especially for this line, and under the management of Mrs “ A'," who is prepared to show the LATEST NOVELTIE’S In Ladies’ and Childrens’ HATS & BONNETS. ._0_O_ u'Gents’ Furnishing Department! Manse In this department there will be found 9 large and well-assorted stock of “’est of England and Canadian Twcotls, Broad Cloths and Fancy Coatings, all of the best makes. l Hats and Cops in the Newest Styles. Orders for Clothing Will receive prompt attention Ready-made Clothing, Dress Shirts, Silk Bows and Ties, Collars, botht‘in Paper and Linen, always in Rock. An Ear-1v Inspection is Invited. n . 'GROCERI ES. ," HhRiv'lnssr Single and Double, .874. GOOD & CHEAP, ‘ AT THE Harness Establishment. RICHMOND HILL. :WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. April lb. ['274 l-3m. V prisms: 1i. THOS. B. COUPL AND, I N returning his sincere thanks to his friends and palrous for pus. favor would respect- fully iii‘iinmte llm' he has now 30: his NEW GALLERY! ‘IST PRIZ E' DRY CORDWOOD FOR SALE, Mind. Soft and Hardâ€"Cheap. JOHN HAMILTON. Elgin \Iilil, Dec. 9. 1874. 8554!. Apprentice Wanted. Immediately, to learn the Harness Business. Apply to WI. HARRISON. Richmond IIiI|.Juno 9 1874. 8294f * V l P E R D A Y. $5 Agents wanted I \ll classes of working people. of either sex. nung or old. m: «o more money at work for we in their spare moments, or all the time. than at anything ell: Particulars free. Postcard to Slates coats but one cent. Address G S'I‘INSON & 00., Portland, Maine Oct. 27. 1374. SIB-ly BULBS AND SEEDS Elegant llluslialed Calalugue, CONTAINING Eight Comred Plates, Mailed to any address upon he receipt fltlc. Seeds. Bulbs, 6:0... I n-iih and llelisb‘r. .«ont by mail l0 any part Fuled up in firstâ€"class style, and 'hm lie is now ufthe Dominic . prepared to tulle nil Imids of |IICIII'EB in the latnsi Myles of [hp art. PIQTURES FRAMED, COPIED, 0R ENLARGE?!) 2 All work I0 be Chase Bros o Bowman, Toronto. Ont, groping for $2119. PAID uni Winn ORDERED. F 01‘ SALE 0“ TO LET“ CUARGESYODERATE. Remember the place nearly opposite Sandersons’ Drug store. TIIUM AS B. C‘WH’LAND. Richmond Hill Feb 2“, '74 Photographer. MONEY TO LEND $2000.10 LOAN on ï¬rst-clan Mortgage Securityâ€"«in sums from $500 up- wards. A nply to M TEEFY. N. LYN 'I'T. (A. Executnrs of tho [Comte of tho lute Martin ill-nuns“ ) Richmond Ili‘l, Jniu-l Ir'I-I. illiflrl gigriniltunil @iuplrmcutï¬. T o n 0 N 'r 0 Agricultural Warehouse AXD SEED STORE, l‘orner of Adelaide 8r. Jarvis Streets Grain Crushers, Rvot Cutmrs and Pulpers, Fanning Mills, ThresherS & Separators, Horse Powers, Jacks, &c. FUR SALE BY Wm. Rennie'Toronto. Straw Catt ors, l l I (31'? Send for Revised Price List. WM. RENNIE, Toronto. Toronto, Sept. 3". l87-I. S45 A. \V R. l Gr 1-? T. CA RRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL. logs to nnuliuiu-e to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond “W. and surrounding neighborhood Ibol he has built a new Hearse and conin-i-ncod the UNDERTAKIAIG BUSINESS. A. FINE NEW HEARSE For hire. Funeral Furnislinys. ()ofl'ins and! Cnskrts in every sij le. F‘uizernl Furui~liii2;_r_-z supplied at trom l 10 to 100 Dollars Richmond Ilill,.l--l\ '13. W74 35 If i SAMUEL M. BROWN, 1““ ‘ NFD ‘llclllillttï¬l‘ f‘z-r ilie I -un'y oi" J York, rc- iiw Ilulh .\lllll"I \cur 3:: among and friendly inflow-cv- Sal‘s oltendmt on lllv shortest no? (‘6 and st l‘f‘hStllIIâ€"AIIIU rules I’- addr- i-~ Vu-loz‘in S(pi «,r . l Markham. Soul. Iâ€. on ski-if i JAMES C STOKES ICEVSI‘J) Aunliom-«r for the (‘ounlr of \ ork rrspnclf'llll- solicile \‘our patronage and friendly influence Sal8> attended on tho shor'esl notion and at reasonable. mics P, () addres». King King, Sept In. “‘74 842.: i House and Lot ft): Salt. “ion IIVVI‘JJ IVG IILUSSV M“) 1 over an acre ()l Innd. good orchard. aim. ( 'med on Richmond sirovl. Richmond Hill The A choice supply of Fresh Family Groceries, always on hand" Choice Teas, Coffees and Dried Fruits, l ALSO ‘ and. GLASSWARE. I '- 0â€"0â€"- ARE. W. A. intends making a speciality of this line, and is determined to keep a Full supply of Staple and Fancy iiardere. Door Looks in all sizes, Cut and Wrought Nails in all sizes, Cut and Wrought Tacks in all sizes, Saws and Files, all kinds and sizes, "" " Rules, Squares and Halter Chains, All sizes in Door Butts, Latches, &c P‘wder, Caps, and all sizes in Shot, Tinned & Plated Spoons, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Axes, &o., Manure Forks, Also, a full line in Carpenters Tools. I intend devoting part of my store to this line, and am determined to keep a full Stockbf Hardware. _ ~ Wm. ATKINSON, "CONCRETE noose.†, Richmon‘dï¬ill, Oct. 7, 1574, Emile ol' the true MRS WIGHT. Apply to P «KER (‘RUSBY. ltichninno Iiill. i W. 4'2. "4. 8-in-5: List of Letters )EMAINING IN Till‘l RICHMOND \ IIillI’os' mf‘9.l.‘ll.lflh., IH75! Ackworihy. Frank Jolllmlol). Sum Brownies, James Kighllv. .I. Baal, Robert M. Ludford, Wm Burr, .l vllll Little. John (‘2) Craig, Man Loud, .I, Craik _ Sflf‘ll’l Mud Thoma! i Campbell, \Vi’linm Mum-how, Mr (Took. i‘lllzalimh Cameron. Archy Chris'inn, Mrs .I Coleman, Catherine Duncan. .Iohn Dnhsoii. Thomas .I, Dancv, "chihald Davi~ , Nelson Elliot Su’uh J. Eyer, John H. Eynr. llaitle Fisher, John Fairchild. John Galway. Margret Hugo. Thomas Hakeney, Jane Hopper. Henry Helmkay. Francis Hopkins. David Jones, M. James. David Mlclmn. Wallll Mayer. Samuel ()‘llrien. Timothy n'Brleii. Bridget I'nllilck, Tilllll Price. ’I‘hos. H. I'ngslm ,S. J. l’nlerbnugh Joseph Ryan, Sarah Real. Mrs Stewart . . Stephenson. Joshu Stephenson. Natliniel Stephen . Georg! ‘ Thomas. .Inhii R. u 'I'Iicker. W H. Vandehurgh, Phebe Wakeï¬eld, Mary J- Wicc. Henry Wico. .‘obn ll. TEEFY. 1', l. IIN A Store and Dwelling House Under the some rool'â€" in one of the host busi- ness Corners in Vnuplinin Siluultd on Lot 16.1‘on 3. Vaughan, at liuprrtville. A w to W ' vars RvBUPERT. s... On the premises. or if by letter. Muer I’.O. Doc.lO,18:4. 856-0. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. ()N Yunge Street. Richmond Hill. also ten acres with Good Dwelling House and Out- buildings just outside the Richmond Hill Cur- puration And A FARM Ill' 69 AND A HALF ACRES Being purl oi lots 3 and 4. Isl Con Township of Uxbridpo. Apply to JACOB \‘iOltUlCN Richmond Hill. Jan. 8,1574. 8 7 [I House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND ( Hill. continuing one acre and a quarier all» imam «Watch. «i I I †i , Till lllll ill. llllilll Is made in all sizes suitable for Ladies and Gents, both in gold and Silver. But the accompanying cut repre- sents in proper proportions THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING [EVER WATCH, In sterling silver case and gold points, full jewelled, warranted for ï¬ve vearsâ€" 7; together with a gold-plated 3% Albert chainâ€"which will ' be sent to any part of Can- ada on receipt of $25, or C. O. D.. per express W. E. (ORN'LLL, 1’ Watch Importer, I 83 King Street East, TORONTO. ONT. THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘IARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, J [Indei‘laksn AW. l Rt:sriii.scr:-â€"Nnarlv I),i[i0!~‘ll? lllt‘ Pom ()fl‘ipe iRivllllltilld llill. M.â€"~u-~...N.fl.. m.- . . .. »~..- -:' .u _,“A'I‘TICNS HORSES. COWS. ttALVICS. Sheep and l‘ip~ It Farims in Confront/2 the of land, one frame dwelling house. wiili a burn stables. and other outbuil- lugs thereon. Terms, ensv Apply. on the premise-i '0 l". ('II;\\VFI)RI'I 2"Iclimiiod Hill. I)â€: 24. '79 753-3": Village Lots for Sale. LE sales iii-nicer ol Vi'l go lots suiinzmi in the village of VICTORI A SCQUAREI The lots contain About (hie-ï¬fth of an Acre, And are located at the North-west come of lot No. 35, tth concession of Mnrkl am. in a section where mechanics and laborerfl can re! ll rerun... the TICIIS. pro-mixes the grown. 4i! M" A (Thiiiman Smith. 8! Jo o. N B. AI’I'lV ill by lllf‘ wool. and iiiiiirovis the condiii. II of III}- lriior.prepnid) to Henry Jennings. Victor-m animal steady work and high wages Square.†in “7M. G HINHS'IHN, Dingle P. () March "7. It‘"!. 7I4-tl' FARM FOR SALE. 'ood l'arili. l)v‘ll\¢] lot No 30. in the Sn Con. ot‘ Vaughan, CONTAINING 50 Acres of First-class Laud, There is in good House Burn and n vcrv suv perior ()i'i‘bnrd of Young Fruit 1' tor-s; in good Wi-lL of Wale on tho urn-mines. 3 miles from Richmond Hill Illll nhv-ll '2 miles from To romo. "rice $9.5 ‘ll Appl to .IAS i.ANGS'I‘;\TF. M I). lli’rliinond Hill, April 23 ‘7‘. 8 ‘J-il‘. For sole. illiriullmwuus, DR. JAMES LANGS'T‘AFF. l [(THMOVI) HILL, WILL GENE- rully he found oi home from 2‘ lo 3 o‘clock. P M. John I‘leioit Laugh-tot? is outli- orizod to collect sci-aunts February 4ih. l873 759- ‘\' BLAKE a KINGSF‘ORD. ;ARRISTERS. ATTORNEYS. SOLI ) cilors, CoiiVeyancars. Sm, &c., ‘lFI‘CII-‘hâ€"NO. 56. Church Street. Toronto, nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J.N Burnt. R. E Kisosronb. M A ’I‘nronio Jun '28. 1873 7*4-Xf Union House. TNI()NVII.I.E. P :sses run In connect!" ' with each train. Couimodious sample room. THUS HUNTER. Proprietor. Ilctohal 24. “‘73 797 'r A LARGE STOCK OF T TEAS. Ranging in price from 35) cents per lb. upward. Also a ï¬ne umnrtmenl of Fumin Groceries. I. Crosby. Fire Proof Store, amnnoun HILL. .l. â€"._ -.I. NIPISSING HOTEL. MARKHAM. CONSEQUENCE OF THE DIESâ€" truciion of tho Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those largo and commodious premises belong in: to Capt. T. A. Millie, opposite Messrs. Speight 61. 8011’s Noveliy Works. Markham. Excellent aeroinmodat-ou afl'orded for the travelling public and commercial men. LiVerv stablesin connaction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. WOOTEN. Sept. 4. 1872. . 7374f ll’BSi'lllllER. or‘rnns son 9..."... usual time, and saws Food. Price 25 r-muu Mid ‘Ii'l Ill! per box box coiuniiis tun liundr d l'm-ds (iATERï¬LLA us On ('urrrmt Bushes and Frail Trees. 'I'liF. (“'INIVSI (I \lll)Ei'l "- “TIMI: rill l{||!'l\' u' Insect». Gru’ s and (‘ai Brillllfll'r on (lily-III ‘III‘ Gmwln-r-x BIIHII‘H. Sold N ‘rungiu an SiOlt‘lll't‘IH‘l‘S M 2:3 cools per box, HUGH \EIIJ ER & ("0. \ gr ii-ullu rut f‘homisls. ’I'vironto TICKS ON SHEEP. US Hill’s 'I'ICK l‘ES'l'llOYER A 3.") i-ont box will I3l(‘.'1ll 2“ slit-mp Ill 35 lambs mm†\1ll.|.l£ll.\' (‘llh AGixiCUL'rmiAl. CHEMISTS. Hi7. King Strut-I East. loronin For Sale by Uruugisisand Storekeeper: R ‘C. LAW. Agent Richmond liil’ Patten! EaVeâ€"t. (vugh NI) WATEI’LSI’UUTS FOR Till? DU MINIUN. at $6 our IHt) met. :\ Iso Floor mg "ml oilim Lumber llrosxnd: Sai Ruckels. ‘nils.(.idi-r .\Iil|r . "\ nsliing \lar'hinesï¬hinyles Waggon Vellum rind luiiiiliovï¬nwi‘d‘oordei l7n I lrfl'IlClllï¬" ‘irlili'i‘ss JOH \ LANGS'I'A PI“. Sloan. \llllr ‘¢ lam: I‘Iiornh ill. limuliil' "\‘ov .' RIEHMDNDELL MIhI-SI GEORGE (e DAVID BIRRELL l "Ell IO'II orm \lrrclmnts linkers \ Far-verb I '. lliol lily liov- ulu'o\'~ on hand k stuc‘. of FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! largo: I’ariios '"ovuri g us with gi'isls may rely on a good return and well iiiunul'acuirsd. HIGHEST MARKET PRICI' PAID FOR \VHEAT. Richmond Hill Flour Vlills. ()0! I5. IS73 1.:ICHMOND HILL LIVE BY 8 T A B L E S . "lorries and Voliicles for hire. Morale (‘hnrgos mo- Opposito Sanderson & Sons JOHN I'ROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’79. 751-3m HARRISON. OSLER & MOSS, fAliKlS'l‘EllS. 820.. NOS. 36 AND 3:5 King Siruei hast. Tomino R A Hisiir-ox.Qc. 'I‘Honns Mos<.q.c CHARLES Moss. Toronto. Dc-c. 4, 1872. F. (isms. W A Fosrsk W. G. F‘ALcosnklnmz 7504f bTAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS! FOR SA LE BY R I; I.I\\V.llrugg5r, April II. I87... Richmond Hill. EEK ’ s FLO AI. GUmu For 1875. Post [From QimnriMLLâ€"January Number pisl issued, and contains over l0l' pages, 500 Engravings. descriptions ol more than 500 of our best FIowars and Vegetables. with Direct- ions for Culture. Colored Plale. etc.â€"â€"Tlie most useful and elegant work of the kind in tl‘e world â€"Uul\' 25 cents for the your -â€"Pub- lishod in English and German. Addres- ' JAMES VlCK.‘ nochvitn, RY. A dollar' new: attendees. “FOR THE BLOOD IS'I'HE LIFE.†0 L ARK E ’s WllIlI-Il FAME]! BIIIODIIIIXTIIBE; Trade Mark " Blood Mixture. †THE GREAT BLOODPUBIFIER & RESTORER For cleansing Hid-clearing the blond from allimpuril-os. cannot be too highly recommen- dt’d . For Scrol‘nls. Scurvy, Skill Diseases. and SJI'CS of all kinds ii is a never-failing and per ninnent cure. I It cures old Sores. ('ures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. (‘ures Ulcernled Sore Legs. (‘ures “lac-moods. or Pimp les on the Face Cums Scurvy Sores. ('uros Canceruus Ulcers. (‘ures Illood and Skin Diseases (‘ures Glandular Swallings. Clears [he lllood l'rnin Itll impure iiintler, From whatever cause nri~iniz Asllllnllllxllll‘" is 'I‘ea\fllll1"I|IF!aSIe. and warmiiled free from unyiliing ilijuiinus to the most delicate consti uliou ol‘eiilier sex. Iln- Proprietor solicits sufl'erers to give it a trial to host its value. Thousands of testimonials from all. parts. Sold in Bottles l dollar "rich. and in Vases. containing ll times the quantity. 4 dollars var-b- BEARS ~ «2 diUANS Victorious Everywhere .‘ INC 10 rm.- pimurv- Ila best» we would merely muniiiu the. g '. 0h:â€" A ll 0 Pi \llll'lfti l xbihivion hold n Toronto T" S\ IIS‘F‘Y 'I‘IIOQI’ WIS liniiw ‘l'l‘l‘tl tli' r Inst I‘ll) ni- follow In N" w. lll'HlIll'll rho F‘irsl l‘rizm for tho misc, \h-hdaon :lLEd besi laige Cabinet Organ; also .Im 77) l‘i'†l3? ETPE’O L‘Zlaï¬ Awarde l'or Ilie “f’t‘d Ins i'umenls during tho IAS'I hllv't VII ans. Al the Provincial Exhibition for [-7] no received H“ the First Prizes and sufï¬cient to effect ii permunmll cure in the great majority oflong standing used-MY Al I. ('HI'ZVIIS'I'S ï¬lld PATENT MRUIIL‘IN E VENDORS throughout the World Sole Proprietor. I" .I CLARKI‘LChemist. APUTIIICCARII'IS' HALL. LINI'OLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England hr all \‘Vliolesalo Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of' ()ntaiii and Quebec :â€" EVANS, MER"ER 8; Co, Montreal A PUBLIC CAUTION. Holloway’s Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in tho United States. although they mar bi- obtaian in the 13. 'V America . Provinces. Each Poland Br: of' niv preparation hours the Rritish Government Stamp. with 1‘ e words "Hollownt Pills and Ointment. London " engraved ihereon. Il I as become necessan to make this an- nouncemeni. because the New York Chemical Company(who pm nobody‘. ï¬nding at last that their name has been so exposed, have u- sumed the title of" llollowav and (70.: " but even now no one will bur their medicines div rent from thein.:o that ihni- Ii" mad†vi. rangemenia to ulipli' exclusively the ï¬rm of Messrs Henry and I 0 , of New York. will» their so on led -' llollowny’s P He and Himâ€" men'." It is presumed that, from the large mm 0 ï¬rm Muss» Henri cod ('0. have in the BrilHi l’Iiiiiiiii'o~ and elsewhein, the public is very likely in be imposed upon hr unscrupulous vou- dors and otln-rs unlnss they exercise Erna: ,cnuli'rn to prevent tliei living Inlsled. hr find ing these modiciines bun mg a stomp with the illfllllt‘. o’ " ollowor n: d (‘0 ,New York.†‘pri itr-d thereon. “any resiiectn blr firms in the Briiish Prov inces. who obtain luv medicines direct from here. have I'OI'V pini'erly suggested that I sliould.for ill' benefit of themselves and the public. insor' their names in the papers. that it may be know1 that my medicmes can be had genuine from [hi-m. The l‘ollowiiigi- a li t of the ï¬rms ulludz‘d to: and I pa liculnrl reoonnnond those who; ,desire to get mv iiiedi:ines to apply to snow ’of he Houses named : â€"â€" lvll‘S~‘TH .‘vl-I’)‘. lirown 6. (hi . Halifax. NJ‘. Messrs I‘lnrsi'tb or (‘43., Halifax. V S. Messrs ". B Barker .\' Sow. SI John. V. M“ 'i'. hes lirisnv: ‘ ‘Iiailoile 'l‘nwn. I‘ I‘ll Messrs Langley d: f o Viriorin ll (‘ Menus Monro N ’ o Vir‘iririz. 3.“ Dr. John I’ullI-n. “balloon. V. B V‘lcssrs Munro 8L l‘o . Montreal. Messrs .l Win?! $2170 . Hamilton. (7. W, ' Mr H. .l. Rose. ’uromo. “1‘ John Hoiifl.G Illltjll' (Int. Messrs E-lior Ni Co , 'I‘oi" nto \Ir .I ('ha D‘IPI‘. NI John. V B Nle<srs llaiiningmii livoihers. St John, N. B Mr R. S l’liddv Windsor, 'llli» \‘Irs ()erII. VImdr-n. N S Mr (:6l'I'QP C. Hunt Jun. Fit-derision. l . ll Mr W ll Thomp on. Harbor Grace, N.F.L Mr .I, M Wiley. Frederiokloo. N. R, Messrs W I) \ uile. Montreal My Pills and .lintnieoi are sold at the Iowa wholesnla net piicss. in quantities of not low than £2†woithâ€"viz. 8s d. 99:: . 34s .pei dozen boxe~ ot' Pills or pots ol ()intrnr-ul. foi which l’f'llllll net-s must he sent in advance Iiemirls and fuller Vendors of Hollowui’s genuine PMS and Ointment may have thoii names inserted in 1h» oval pnpers it the» will phrase apply heroâ€"â€" Tlltllll ‘S HOLLU“ A}. 533. Orf'orr/ Nlr'rzo IV (T Iondow. March 3's! 1974 P30 Fellows’ Compound g. 1 RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPIIITES As alllil‘u-ondowud bodies. whether her III lion-<1 Birds. Illipllli-s. Insert: or "Von ZOI‘ phile and subjects of [no Vegetable Kingd-n. are governed by rilul force, Wllit'll binds all the springs 0! ex sir-lice. and as nollling can saw them fool dvsl “Clio†Will‘ll this pi'illl'iple leaves them, ilie discovnrr ol means wliorelu vilfllll‘ maybe Sustained in tho living body is indeed a boon to the world, Modern choinisln hfl.‘ ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingr. dieol eon titli- ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and ï¬nds that by Inirmlncing these ingredients in promo -proporlions the brain and nervous syslem are strengthened This. then. is substantially the basis n“ which meow’s Hvrnroosrnrrrzs is liuili.its direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous Sisteni. and die Muscles ‘ trunglhv eningthc lien-veS. it causes the rnpid disliiliu. tion ol‘Vitalizsd Blood in the Muscular Uranus of the Body. Rousing the sluggish Heart and Liver. strengthening the action ol’ the Nomrirtb «no Bowels and enabling the Lung: to be ï¬ull} in fluted wuli wan. It Is adapted for ALI. cases of Weakness an- Emacintion. whether arising lion: suite-man life. a lropii‘alt'liniale. l'roin fever or «in-hilm from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in l’tiLMo- NARY CoNsUMP'rmN. many confirmed laser having been cured and all benefitted. where its use has been continued ovm~ a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Asthma it gives relief where even other remedy falls For Nervous Debillly it stands unrivalled and may be used with confidi-iire in all - aws A: ihis is flnlll‘eh' distinct and difl'srvnt l'ioli every other propuiauui- ol llvliopluispliiles. IN careful to risk for Pinyin-5‘ SYRUP. and :al-: no other. 8014!) BY APU'I HECAHIEE Price. till-5H; Six toi $7 50. JAMES! F†l.()“’S.Cnen.._' ‘l. ionn. .\ n W One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills S inrrontvd In t'n-o sill dis: home.» from 'he U ‘IARI‘Y (ii-guns. iu ei'l-er ux acquire" or coii~tituli0i al Gravel and Pain» in ihe Bar-Ii. Sold in Boxes, $l.5(l all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Solo proprietor, F‘. J. CLARKE. APO'I‘HECA RI FS’ HA LL. LINCOLN. ENG LA N I). Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. WholesaleAgents for Provinces of Ontario and Quebec: ' EVA)? ER 133 8 0% Montreal. the Only Model Ever Awarded To our (lrgan Munul'acxuier ol any I‘lxliibltiw ill (‘unudn Al llio llniurio Provini-ial I‘Txhiliiiion and the Gur‘lph t'ci irai Exhibition for 1572. we :- izain received EVERY FI RS'I‘ PRIZE Al the (entr'il and Provincial Exhibition» for inâ€, we received every Firs“. Prize 0: Canine! Hrgans. At balh Exhibitions several linnricriu Firms, including Estey and l’olonbei& l’alion (lrgon Companies, wort (N‘lllpi‘lllOlS. also all the most prominent Conn. dian limiiut‘m-riii-eru, In all the details of 'l'one. llurnliililv, and Excellence 0; Sn 'e we slioll pay Ilie sum cl- lvnllon as heretofore in nr'er in hove» liur 1.. sirumonls continue the. has! in .he market. I' van Instrument fulli‘ “'ari'nliled tar Flt. \ ears Salisfailion guaranteed WM. STREET. Agent t‘: r llii-hmund Hill and Vicinity. Also Agent for Vthrlvr & “Wilson, AND F L UEI.’ Y Sewing Machines. Wuirh may he had at Low Prim-s and but Turms ï¬nd/[0W ROOM. Adjoining the British Flag Nluï¬'. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill. kept ‘29, 1574. Sui-If MILITONS rHliIcill’gnliin. l snnpme llll‘le is not in the whole couruof a Musician’sixperim-ca fllHIllIIlg in human .ufl'eiing whll'll culls forth Iiis sympathy and, pit\' to such an (‘Xlï¬ul m to witness the excruo sin my pain» ol'a poor innrtul, suffering from that femfnl dis-i use. Rheumatism lleroloforo there has bwn n (-onsidmahle diversity of opinion among (‘dltï¬ï¬‚l man. as to the lrn. igliarnctorot' Ibis ill-case: roll]? locating it in the fibro ls or innsoular tissues of the system. and others vii-wing it as :in nisulo. iiervuosdil. e:I\0.llllI it is non :em-ral \ admiitrd to be I dispaw arising from o poison circulating in Ill. blood. The circulation ol‘ llii- blood in the lite (if the bud“. niiu its stoppage is death. I. IliF‘dSH ran ln- in Ilie hodi' without ï¬rm [mint geiiernmd III the blood. and no dbl-use can lill\f~‘l|i\ he in llii- l-odi il' ilu- blood is par. Rho“ Munrmi never ha thoroughly enrol willioui i-xwl'iiiiiiuling the person cirloluin in the blood In a mii~tiiniionnl internal remit i-di- \‘Vr- lee! confident that none wIl' I). llvr s21 lbï¬l’d :ind rejoici- Illtll‘l' (llnll the stfirllllollï¬ ph\~ii:i «n u" 0 has (I svnvel'ed thlI‘ ‘ sure Cole for Ibis stubborn (list-aw linl uooo‘ ibuml. TI 9 fol (iwlll-j io~tunoiii from a (el- i'mnqu -ii -loiili iig mm high respei-tobilily,nn‘ “all known to Ho (‘anadian public clnnot tail in»f\ all \‘m the DIAMIINI] BHEIJMATIII SURE A WONDERFUL MEDICAL sis. COVEKY. Mouti'eav. ï¬lls! March. 187‘. Messrs Nevins Av llolton : Ilmn Sins .< ~I with pleasure winced. N the ngunl’r- wish ihat I give niv eiiuoilation N the- immediate reliefl experienced from I for doses of the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. bov- iiig been a sufl‘eii-r trom rho efl'ects ol Rheu- matism, I am nowmfter inking lwo haul“ of this medicine. ontiri-ly free from pain. You are at liberty to use this letter, if Yo‘l doom it advisdbm to do so. I am Hl‘. fonis respectfully. JOHN “ELDER lSAACSON. N. P 1“ Thu propriolnr of" lth‘ medicine has wnlk“ the aisli-s of me hospitals of London. En... for tho pa>l iwoiiiy tears, making rheumatism c specialily. and tho im-soupii in from which this rim-«(h is com i‘ou -dsd Is all be evor and Ill the irsnimeiit ol‘ this oiwase. In simple «any smut-lion‘s “"9 or two dOl-U milieu In No inns chronic ('uNol it ll our. l') Low way In Illo use of two or there bottloi. lly llllx » fliwii-m and rllllplt‘ rmm-dv hundrob .u dlillars me anHi to those who ran least I!- l'urd to throw iI away as surely it is by tho pl!- chose ot' usel- s prcsvr-ptiom. 'l his medicine is prepared by a careful, perieiicvd rind conscir-iitious physicilll i. obedience to the d- sire of vinii-herlosv incl“ n the profession. in the trade and among lb. maple leerr bottle is warranted to cotlcit me full .iruogih ol’ilm medicine in Illl high-0‘ sl‘ilo ot' puiiir and drveh pinent. Ind io .- no lol‘ In our .Iiot‘lll‘lllo avor compuundod {or this ierribln onmpluiut. , 3’ lhis [Hiltlll'llla is for sale II all the I) ugglsts Lhr- uglinui (lanads. If it happen who your Iii-iigg-si ha< not got it in stochul him to send for it to NORTHROP & LYMAN. AGENTS FUR THE PROVINCE 0N!†SCOTT STREET. TORONTO. DEVINS & J BOLTON, AGESTS FUR QI'IBFZC ARI) MONTREAL. Price, $1 per Bottle. Llr‘o Bottles. $2- Mai- 14, M74. 8 5 6n ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA. ble tor presents oi the Hams Boon M Stare.