Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Feb 1875, p. 3

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‘7" Gents' Furnishing Department I ‘ Chill Ind Surfs, new styles. Door Looks in all sizes, Cut and Wrought Nails in all sizes, ‘ Cu and Wrought Tacks in all silos, Saws and Files, all kinds and sizes. Rules, Squares and Helen China, All sizes in Door Butts, Latches, 6w Pwdor, Caps, and all sizes in Shot, Tinned J; Plated Spoons, Knives and Fotks, Pocket Knives, Axe, are Menus Forks, Also, a full lino in Carpenters Tools. I intend devoting part of my store to this line. and am determined to keep a full Stock of Hardware. 'J CROOEERY a: Orders for Clothing will receive prompt attention Full supply of Staple and Fancy :éardw A choice supply of Fresh Family Groceries, always on Choice Teas, Canoes and Dried Fruits, West of England and Canadian Tweeds, HATS & BON N ETS. Hui-g fitted up u deputnut olpeeidly for thin line, and under the mango-lent ' of Mn “ A," who in pupned to lhow the ‘ HOME MADE FLANN’EI. & SOCKR Richmond Hi”, Oct. 7, 1874. HOSIERY AND G LOVES. Black Lustres & Stuff Goods, in all the new Brands Would nll IPOOill amnion to tho hllowilg lilo. of .oodl which will be found Exln Value :v Plain and Fancy Dress Goods. [874. ‘ ~â€" 1874. New Fall Dry Goods LATEST NOVELTIES PRINTS AND SHIRTINGS, VERY LARGE STOCK and prime "In. “ meaglwuss." Canadian Knitting Yarn, [I {laid department thou vii! be found 3. largo and well-assorted amok o! HARDWAR E. ITUBKS bio linear. thlnh to In: “moron. cutout»: for their liberal patronage u: v tho put and a ll. undo Clothing, Drona Shim, Silk Bowl Ind Ties, Collm, both in Pup“ 1nd Linen, alvnya in Stock An Early Inspection is Invited. Table Linens and Towelingsâ€"value,something extra. ran Stock 1- Now Compote WM. ATKINSON From 65 Mir-A“ Colon, tho, he Fingering Yum, in all and". FRENCH MERINOS in all shadesâ€"Good value. Striped Tutu: 1nd Plnin Shnwll, Lug. Assortment and Cheap. GREY 85 WHITE COTTONS, Intends making I npeoiality of this line, and is determfn‘ed to keep a GROCERIE‘S. Brad Cloth tad [nay Castings, all of the belt lube. Huts nd Cup. in the New“! Styles. And Bed and Fancy Fluids, I do!) Competition. RICHHOND HILL. Wiley and F016 Shirl, CAI-din and Scotch Wool Shirts and Dunn A IPDIIDID new or From 17 ota.â€"- u splendid “Dormant. In"La&ies’ and Childrens’ L.» AATKINSON, "CONCRETE HOUSE" Thnt will defy Juk Front. Something Special. A full apartment. DEPARTMENT. ALSO on hand. are. Richmodd Hill. Oct, 1. l874, A large aesonmem of Dress Goods, Cobourgs, Wiucevs, De- lains and Pnan Cheaper than ever. Clouds, Scarfs, & other Goods suitable for the Season. Blankets, Horse Blank- ets & Quilts, Splendid in Value. Teas & Coffees FFITISF FLAG STAFF! Wines, Brandies, Gin, Fruh Arrival of all kinds of Fruit: suitable X-MAS mmmw YEAH, Seedless, Valentias, Sultana: and Layer Raisins, Currants, am, 656., F R E S H 10 to 100 Dqllars Richmond Hill, July ‘23. 1874. 335-” MEsmY X-MAS. Fruits. Fruits! For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Coflina and Cukets in every style. Bag: to nnnnunco to ‘h« Inhabitants of Rich'- mond Hi". and lunoundmg noighborhood Ihn, ho has built I new figures and commenced WBBRTAKIES BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE A. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL. t? Send for Revised Price List. WM. RENNIE, Toronto. and Pulpers, Fanning Mills, Threshers & Separators, Horse Powers, Jacks, 8m. FOR SALE BY TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse Corner of Adelaide & Jarvis Streets Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, ggdtultnml gmpltxumts. Mortgage Stcurityâ€"in sum: from $500 up- w-rda. Apply to N. TEEF‘Y. N. LYN F'I‘T. (All Exoculon of the Estate of the late Martin Dunn-n.) $200030 LOAN on And all othor Liquors of the best bnnds Ej- Remember the place nearly opposite .S‘anderwnaV Drug store. THOMAS B. COUPLAND, Richmond H ill F eb. 26, '74 Photographer. PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. Richmond Hill. June [,1874. "-828 PICTURES FRAMED, COPIED, l‘imd up in fim-cluss style. and that he in now propuod to take all kinds of pictures in the latent styles of the ,arl. THOS. B. CUUPLAND, Toronto. Sept. 30, 1874. lST PHIZ E GOOD & CHEAP, Harness Establishment. NE W GALLERY! Finer-I Furnishings supplied a! from DRY GOODS. :WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill, April 16. 1274 1-31 SEED STORE, V returning his sincere thanks to his friends and patrons for past favor: would respect- fully intimate thnt he has now gothia ENLARGE!) 1 Goods DeliVe i-wd. Christmas Grocerzea I CHARGES MODERATE. RICHMOND HILL. MONEY TO LEND Single and Double“, HARNESS! ,. Rennie, Toronto. Best that can be bought. RICHMOND HILL. ghutugmphy. COIPIISIKG All work to be Root Cutters AT THE the AKD Flour & Feed. flfqt-clasa 845 I -3m. I ICENSED Auchoneelr for the County of .1 York. respectfully solicits ynur patronago and friendly influence. Sales attended on the .hnr'est nnlico and It reasonable rule-v P. 0 nddress. glut. ‘ “fine. - â€"â€"--v’ .-A 1. van :2 L U, ovul- D cilors, Conveyance", dun, &c.. nyrcu.-No. 56, Church Streak. Toronto. noxl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. J. N. Bun. R. E. leurmm. MA ITNIONVILLE. P asses l:u'l;ill connoctio with each train. Commodions sample room. THOS. HUNTER. Proprietor:1 n..-L-_ n; I own Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. o'clock. pl 31.7 Jéifiâ€"l‘lfiio orizod to collect account: February 4th. [873. ~‘QOD DWELLING HOUSE AND our an acre of land. good orchard. situ- ated on Richpmud street. Richmond Hill. The estate of [he late There is a good House. Burn. and a Very Ill- porior Orvhard of Young Fruit '1' you; a good Well of Wue on the premises, 3 miles from Richmond Hill and about '2 milos from To- ronto. l’rice $2.500 Appl“ lo JAS. LANGSTAFF. “.0. Richmond Hill, April 23. ’74. 822-“. 50 Awes of Fzrst-class Land, About Una-fifth of an Acre, And are located at. the North-west cornel of lot No. 35, 4th cuncession of Markl‘um. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get sloadywark and high wagon Applv (if by leucr.prepuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Squara .nr 10 For sale, good firm, being lot No 30,in the 2m Con. of Vaughan, jcoxnxxma FARM FOR SALE. .1. sale a number of Village lots. situaléd n the village of U Hill. contuining one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. wi Ih a barn stables. and other outbuilnings thoreon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premisen M I". CRA WFOR D. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots. nit-Inland King; Sop}; w, 1874. Markham. Seplflil.‘ ‘li‘s74 Being part of lots 3 and 4. m Con. Township of Uxbridgo. A FARM 01‘ 69 AND A HALF AflRES October 24. 187:). acres wllh Good Dwelling Hausa and Out- buildings, just muside (ho Richmond Hill Cor- poration And Toronto July 28. 1873 Richmond Hill, Oct, '22. ’74. Eight Comred Plates, Fresh and Reliable, sent by méil [0 any plrt of [he Dominic . All classes of working people. of oither sax. \‘oung or old. man's more money It work for us in their spare moments‘, or all the time, than M auvlhing elss Particulars free. Post card to Slate: costs but one cent. Addrem G S'I‘INSON 6t (20., Portland, Maine. Mailed m any address upon ha receipt If 10c. Seeds. Bulbs, 650., $5 TO $20 Elegant Illustrated Catalogue, CONTAINING VICTORIA SQUARE! Apprentice Wanted. Immediately, to learn- t-he Harness Business. Apply to March "7. “‘72. BLAKE a KIN GSFORD. ABRIS'ILERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI‘ DRY CORDWOOD FOR SALE, Mixed. Son. and Hardâ€"Cheap, JOHN HAMILTON. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8,1874. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHHMQNQ HILLL WILL GENEâ€" SAMUEL M. BROWN, Richmond Hill. Dec. 24, ’72 ‘I'U Oct. ‘27. 1974, House and Lot for Sale, ,NmIiUCAS STREET, RIQHMOND Richmond HiljJune 8 1874. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. .[ House and Lot for Sale Elgm- min, Doc. 9, IBM. N Yonge Street. Richmond Bill. also (on TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. rally be fopndng 'hqmé?‘r:)m “fie-‘3 JAMES C. STOKES A LARGE STOCK OF Village Lots for Sale. BULBS AND SEEDS firming; for 5311:, glificellanwua, Also a fine assortment of Chase Bros. 8; Bowman, Toronto; Ont, Union Hausa. TEAS, John Elliott Ling’éiéi'f i3 aim: The lots comnln Apply to MRS W'E’s’ff'xpfiffnom PARKER CROSBY. WM. G HINGS'I ON. Dingle; P. () ‘2. ' - 714-” ‘. E. leuronb. M.A '3 ' 7844f JACOB MORDEN. WI. HARRISON. PER DAY. Agents_ yanked ! 759-” 842-: f 8‘24! 753-3m 8074f B49-ly 848-5: 8294f 797 .l truckinn of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up thosa large and commodious premises belong- ing: to Capt. 'I‘. A. Milne, opposite Messrs. Speight & Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation afi'orded for the travelling public and commarcial men. Livery stables in connsction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. WOOTEN. Sept. 4. 1872. 787-“ BARHISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A HARRISON,Q.C. F. Oswn. THoMAs MOSS,Q.C W. A Fos'rzn. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALconnmaE Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. 750-tf FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! LUNG LI FE PILLS 1 RIGHMONB HILL MILLS! Parties favoring us with grists may rely on: good return and we” manufactured. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3m f1 mmotv. at$6 per [00 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Pails.CiderMills.Wnshing Machinesflhingles Waggon Felloas.and LumberSawedto order Forpnrticularsaddress JOHN LANGSTAFF, Simian; Mills ’I‘hornhill. -n. . n. .. _ GEORGE (9: DAVID BIRREEL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS. 167. King Street East, Toronto For Sale by nruggistsand Storekeepersv R. E. LAW. Agent. Richmond Hill ~ TICKS ON SHEEP. st ‘tlLLR’S TICK DESTROYER. It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of the wool,and improves the condition of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER §L CO., Sold nruggish and Stomkeepers 3(95 cents per box. HUGH MILLER & 00.. THE CHINESE GA RDER l‘()WD|“.R Desxrovs all kinds of Insects, Grulns and Cat orpillurs on (‘urrnm and Goosebern‘ Bushes: N CQNSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" Price 25 cents and $1 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. It Fattens in Onefom‘t/z the usual tame, and saves Food. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees FATTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVES, Sheen and Plus. April 9. 187a. RmsquNCEâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. THOMAS SEDMAN. ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. 81c. HARRISON. OSLER 8; MOSS, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 173 ‘l‘hornhill.Nov. 3,1865 EG to inform Merchants Bakers «V Farmers ‘ that they have alwavs on hand a large swck of ICHMOND HILL L I VF R Y Patent Eavefitrough ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. Sheep and Plps. @112 31mm” Watch. CATERPILLARS FOR SALE BY A gricnltural Chemists. 'l‘oron-to R. E. LAW. Druggi-l, Richmond Hill. 510-.” APOTHECA RIES’ HA LL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Whohsaia Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provincas of Ontario and Quebec: - S warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or constitutionaL Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes. $l.50 each,by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Solo proprietor, F. J. CLARKE. V7, 7 â€".'Auul5ll|- ln Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma it gives relief where every othor remedy fails For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may be used with confidence in all cases. As this is entirely distinct and difl'erent from every other preparation of Hypophosphites, ht careful tank for FELLOWS’ SYRUP. and lulu no other; It is adapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emaciation,whether arising from sedentarv life. a tropicalclimale. from fever or liability from any cause,nnd is efiicacious in Puma- NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cases having been cured and all benefiued. where Its use has been continued over a fortnight. I“ D.-.‘-L:A:_ ' H, , u- . . , One Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills As nlllife-endnwed bodies. whetherthey b: Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by z‘ilalfm'cc, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them from destruction when this principle leaves them, the discovery at" means whereby vitality maybe sustained in the living body is indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has'venlilatod the ques- tion and discoVerod the ingredients constitu- tingthe brain. muscles and nerves. and finds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nerVoua system are stringlhened. Rousing'the Slugnrish Heart and Liver. strengthening the union of the Stomach and Bowels and enabling the Lung: to be fiullyin- flatgtj Wl‘th Oxygen. This. then. is subslaminlly the basis on which Funaw’s H'nopnosrmms is builmta direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous Svstem. and Ihe Muscles. b‘tranglh' euingthe nerves. ilcauses the rapid distribu- tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organs ofihe Body. _ 533. Oxford Street IV. C London, March Elsi, 1874 Fellows' Compound SI RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES n‘u)" mowers. m. Jenn, IV. 15 Mr R. S. Priddv. Windsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Morden. N. S. Mr George C. Hunt. Jun., Frederieton. N. B. Mr W H. Thompson, Harbor Grace, N.F.L. Mr J. M. Wiley. Fredericklon, N. B. Messrs W. A D. Yuila. Montreal My Pills and Jinlmem are sold al the loWes wholesale net prices. in quantities of not less than £20 wonhâ€"viz . 8s “d” 22s., 34s., per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment. for which remittances must be sent in advance. (‘hemists and other Vendors of Holloway's genuine Pills and Ointment may have their names inserted in the local papers if they will please apply hereâ€"- 7.... syn-“IIIL' uvm mm”. The followingis a lit-t of the firms alluded to: and l particularlv recommend those who desire to get mv mediCines to apply to some ofihe Houses named :â€" Messrs Avsry. Brown & Co., Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsyth 6': Co., Halifax. NS. Messrs 'l‘. B Barker & Sons, St. John, N.B M- 'i'. “e: Brisay, Charlotte 'l‘own. P-EJ. Messrs Langley &, Co , Victoria. B.C. Messrs Moore 61. (30.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pollen, Chalham. N. B. Messrs Munro &-Co.. Montreal. Messrs J Winer & Co.. Hamilton. C, W. Mr H. J. Rose. Toronto. = Mr A Chipmun Smith. St. John. N. B Mr John Bond,Gndrich, Ont. Messrs Eiliot & 00., Toronto. Mr J. Chulouer. St. John, N. B. Messrs Hanninglon Brothers. St. John, N. B M.. D Q D..:AJ.. 1th, I -\ _ Many respectable firms in the British Prov‘r inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here, have very properly suggested that I should,for the benefit of themselves and the public, insert their names in the nnpers. that it may be knownflhat my medicines 'can be huggenuine from them. SOLD BY APOTHECARIE! Price. $51-50: Six for $760. JAMES l. FF Ir LOWS,ChBD ir‘ 4.8 Bhaonn. N B It is presumed that, from the large connoc tion Messrs Henry and Co. have in the, British Provinces and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon bv unscrupulous ven- dors and others unless they exercise great caution to prevent their being misled, by find- ing these medicines bearing a stamp with the. name of “ Holloway and 00., New York." printed thereon. It has become necessary to make this anâ€" nouncement, because the New York Chemical Company (who pnv nobody). finding at last that their name has been so exposed, have as- sumed the title of" Holloway and Co.; " but, even now. no one will buv their medicines di- rect from them,eo that they have made er. rengementeto supply exclusively the firm of Messrs Henry and (70., of New York. with their so-called “ Holloway’s Pills and Uintâ€" men.'!l Each Pot and an of my preparation bears ‘ho Rritish Government Stamp. with the words “Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London.” engraved xhereon. Holloway’s Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in the United Stains, although they may be obtained in the B. N. American Provinces. EVANS, MERCER & 00., Montreal Sold in England by all Wholesale Paton! Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontariv and Quebec :â€" Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Cases. conlaining 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars each- sulficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long standing "aseleY ALL (EHEWIS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor, F. J Cl.ARKE,Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Thousands of testimonials from all part. l For Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kind: it in a never-failing and per- munent cure. ll cures old Sores. Cures Ulcer-med Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulceraled Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads. or l’imples on ‘the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter,‘ From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted tree from anything injurious to the most delicate constilulinn ofeilher sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to gin it a trial to test its value. For cleansing ind clearing the blond from all impuriles. cannot be too highly recommen- ded , Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER &BE STORER BLBODMIXTURE “FOR THE BLOOD 18 THE LIFE.” EVAN MERGER & 00? Mdh'tfifl. PUBLIC CAUTION. gaunt ifltaitinw, C L A R K E ’S WURLD FAME!) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 830 Stare. Price, $1 per Bottle. Bottles, 832. Mm; 14, 1874. DEVINS 85 BOLTON, [5" This which}; is for sale at all Druggists throughout Canada. If it happen that your Druggist has not got it in stock, at him to send for it to NORTHROP & LYMAN DEAR Sum .â€"-| with pleasure concede CD the agent’s wish ihat I give my evacuation t. the immediate reliefl experienced from a “v doses of the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. hu- ing been a sufl'orer from lhe 683619 0‘ Rhon- matism, I am now, after taking two bank: If this medicine. entirely free from pain. You are at liberty to us. this letter, if you deem it ndvisab‘e to do so. I am, sir, your: respectfully. JOHN HELDER ISAACSON.N.‘P The proprietor of this medicine has wllkd the aisles of the hospitats of London. En," {If the past twenty years, making rheumatism a speciality. and the prescriptions from which this remedy is compounded is all ho ever and in the treatment of this disease. IS A WONDERFUL MEDICAL DI COVERY. Monti-“cal. 213! March. 18'”. ML. 7 -‘-- This medicine is prepared by a careth, nu perienced and conscientious physician. in obedience to the desire of nun‘beflnstI frienée n the profeeaion, in the trade and among tho people. Every bottle is warranted to until! the fail strength ofthe medicine in its high-It state ot'purity and deVeiopment. and in au- perior to any medicine eVer compounded f" this terrible campiaint. In simple cases sometimes one or two dose- suflica. In the most chronic cases it in Inn to give way bv the use oftwo or three bottles. By this efficient and simple remedy hundnh of dollars are saved to those who can least of- ford to th row it away. as surely it is by the pg!- chaso of useless prescriptions. "i! - u Mgsm Qevina &VrBolton : 053110 W ROOM, :4 (aligning the British "1,, Wnich may be had at Low Prices and bet: Terms. MILLIONS ' 0 Flag Siafi', Richmoid 11m ’ Richmond HI”. Sept. 22, 1874‘ FL UE R Y Sewing Mac/zines, Even~ Instrument fuin W'arrfitinlé-d ['31: ‘i‘im Years. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wu. STREET. Agent, for Richmond Hill and Vicinity. Also Agent for In all the details of Tone. Durabilitv, and Excellence In” SLyFe we shall pay the sam at- lention as heretofore in order to have our In- struments cominue the best in the market. At the Central and Provincial Exhibition. far [873, we received every First l'rize on Cabinet Organs. At both Exhibitions several American Firms. including Esley and Poloubet& Pollen Organ Companies, were competitors. also all the most prominent Cum. dian manufacturers. Wheeler & \Villson, AGENTS FOR THE PROVINCE ONT.j SCOTT STREET, TORONTO. OR TO To any Organ Manufacturer 11! any Exhibition in Canada, At the Ontario Provincial Exhibition find the Guelph Central Exhibition for 1872. we I- gain received Awarded for the Reed Insu'uments during [ho LAST NINE YEARS. Al the Provincial Exh‘bition for “7]. we received all the First Prizes and the AGENTS YOR QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Al the Provincial Exhibition held in Toronto in ISY‘ , wi- mceived the First l‘I‘IZeH for the Best Malodeun and best large Cabinet Organ: also‘ the ©EYTIEIY IDEIE’ETODMAL DIAMOND RHEUMATIG BEBE TU SA‘I‘ISFY THOSE WIS ING To know whvre they can procure the best Inntrum nts we would merely mention the followi_ g facts:â€" ISICEPLANEOUS BO OKS SUITA- BELL’S URGANS PHYSICIANS EURNEHED. “v vgu uvb‘n' bio for p}e;e}1{avat the HERALD Bod: Only Medal Ever Awarded EVERY FIRST PRIZE Victorious Everywkere ! PEflPLE AGUNY. -03... -m- 856m M34!

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