Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Mar 1875, p. 2

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ALMOST A SUIcmE.~â€"Last Tuesday a wor- thy citizen of ours, numed Andrew Boodle, familiarly Known as “ Andy,” who had been indulgingin the "ardenL ” a. little too freely, tried to shuffle off this mortal coil, by stab' hing himself, and if the pocket knife he used had been 8. little longer, or ‘* Andy” 3 little thinner, the result might have been serious: as it was, the only loss was a little blood, for “ Andy” could'ut shuffle worth a. cem. Coleman-Our readers will bear iu mind that the concert in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School in this village will be held in the Masonic Hall, on this .(Good Friday) evening. A large programme 15 prepared, consisting of sacred music, by two hundred voices, dialogues, recitations. duo. We bespeak for them a crowded house, us this is to be the concert of the season. “ Tm; ('nomsrw.”â€"â€"To all of our read- ers who are fond of good chorus music we Wnuld say.â€"snbscr1be for The Uhoristor. It is Only 560 a year and postage free. Nu'nben tour isjust ouL. containing two fine choruws. “ The Picnic Chorus, and " Hall to the Queen of the Silent. Night,” also a Splcudlu QuatrleLIe for m. le voices “ Oh, I am a Merry Snnvr Lad.” Send 200 to 0‘ H. Ashdown, Amherstburg, and by return _..I ..__, , :0 1113; When the Premier first made his reckless charge against Mr Wallace, it was for the purpose of defeating his election in North Norfolk, and he, no doubt,thought it would end,there. Not so, however, for as soon as Mr Wallace took his seat in the House he mOVed for a Committee of Investigation to enquire into the said charge, knowing full well that they were noth'n more than basei "inwedfices-VQLPMW ‘V‘.”'\"1p ) defied the true grit. in “70,15 gatiou now going on, all the grit ' r "'IHS‘ athatpbe” have been {called to the front' to try and blacken ‘l‘h Wall‘gce’S 0111"" acterlif possible. Even (the E33050“ 'll‘rial of the member for Centre Toronfol had to be postponed on account .of it. Mr Wilkes being such useful man on the Committee, that the. Pairtv could not possibly get along without him, but all their efforts, so far, have been in vain. In abusiness way, no man can know Mr Wallace better than Mr San- ford Fleming, and what does. Mr Fleming say of him: “ If Mr Wallace, he says, fell into any mistake at all it was because he tried to do too much. He endeavored to accomplish by himself, what he could much more easily have done by employing assistants. And again. I decided that any payments made during my absence in British Columbia, and since Mr Wallaces resignation by Mr Forrest and others, should simply be entered as before and included in what we then called and still call ‘ The Walâ€" , lace Account.’ This will explain how sums which Mr lVallace did not handle ltnall appear in ‘Thc Wallace Accounts.’ " In the examination ofThomas tecrs, jr., he said he had a conversation with Mr Redford. in December, in relation to an article which appeared in the Globe of [the 30th November, stating that, Mr \Wallace was a defaulter to the Govern- “ment to the amount of about $59,000, and on being asked on whose authority, he, liadl'ord, gave this information, he replied it was at the solicitation of Mr Mackenzie. VEKJ’) Nzw 0r:x1xo.-â€"-We would direct the at- tention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr J. K. Falcoubridge, which appears in our advernsiug columns. Mr Falcunbz'xdge having been 111 business here formerly and enjoyed a good reputation as n. straightfor- ward business man, and we have no doubt he will still cominue to keep up his name. Give J. K. a. call. “The ladies connected with the Methodist Church, Thomhill, intend giving an enter. tsinment. consisting of readings, recitations, tableaux and singing. in the Victoria Hall, on Friday evening next, the 2nd prox., for the purpose of assisting the Ladies Aid in gocuringe a parsonage for the Methodist iuisxer of that village. Tm: SiDEWALKs.â€"Now that the Inspect- «or has got “ :hawed out,” he wishes to until fy [he inliabimms of our village that. the sidewalks have to be cleared forthwith or they will be prosecuted according to Law. rGoing North 813 A.M.....5713 p m, ‘Gaiuz Snuth 93.76 A.M. . ...4.46 p.m. WI: would beg to remind our readers that the Richmond Hill FluurMille, owned by Messls G. & h. Bin-ell, are again in oper- ation, having been shut down tor some time past, ow ng to the severity of the weather find the scarcity of water. fl Thé Diamond Yeast Cake and Norwich Egg Powder. ‘ No doubt the Premier will get out ofrt. by saying he acted on the representations of Mr Rudf‘ord, and he will, no 'doubt, try and shift it on somebody clse’s shoulder. There are still IIVing 55L Cuuadmu vet‘ eruns of the war of 1812-13. RichmondHillStalion. Clmngeollime “king efl'ect Monday, Feb, 22nd 1875 : The Toronto post office is to be lighted by electricin from the Observatory. GEORGE ALBERT MASON 1N TROUBLE.â€" 'Thxs notorious has come to gl'iefouce more' Thxs time in New York, for passing count. erfeit bills on the Traders’ National Bank, of Chxcago, to the amount of $500. Dominion 'I‘en Houseâ€"C. Sheppard. Election N()li('P-’ E. Bull ' - L. D. Sme a Gift Enterprise. The Fisherman’s Memorial and Record Book. Mm eigmh “imam. THE WALLACE INVESTIGAâ€" TION. ‘1 you will receive the 51:5: fohrifiufiibg}; ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Ru'nnuxn HILL. Mar. 26. 1875 39mm ‘ F \‘ ADVICH [SEMEN’I‘S tin from the country at night, though this weather was so severe, to hear the lectures and replies on both sides. The origin of the affair was this: The Rev. E. D. Sher- ! man, Baptist minister here, sent to the Ex- lposz'tor a report of an Anniversary Sermon, to his own flock, in which these words oc; curred: “Infant Baptism is a (if;ng Of Rome 1” If this assertion meant anything at all, it meant that Infant Baptism was a rite which originated with the Romish Church itself and which did not; descend to it from Apostolic times. The fact that the Romish Church held such a doctrine is no reproach to that doctrine. He might as well reject the Lord’s Supper, because that was also “a dogma of Rome.” ” PHILO.” . ‘ The Rev. H. Harris, of the Primitive ‘ Methodist Church, taking it for granted that ‘the above was the construction which the Rev. Mr Sherman intended should be put ‘ upon his wurds,wrote a letter to the Expose" tor over the sighature of “ Philo,” asking the Rev. Mr Sherman to explain his meaning and prove his assertion. Rev. Mr Sher- man declined to discuss the subject with an ‘ unknown antagonist. Rev. Mr Harris ar gued that the reverend gentleman had made apublic proposition and announced a princi' ple and he should be prepared to defend that principle against all comers, but he said that he had no objection to reveal his name at the end of the discussion. With that under standing a. lengthy controversy appeared in the columns of the Expositor in regard to the question. It did not come to any satis' factory conclusion however, the opinion of the public in general being that Rev. Mr Sherman totally failed in proving his pro- position. so”, of Toronto, would give twolecturésvah “ Baptism,” here, one in regard to ” Infant Baptism,” and the other in regard to “ the During the progress of the discussion, it was Immunced that the Rev. D. F. Hutchin‘ The report to the Board of Trade of the result of the enquiry held by its instructions into the causes of the burning of the 603' patrick. is a document well worthy the attention of all who are interested in the protection and security of lite and property at sea. The unanimous opinion expressed is that the fire originated in the forehold, which was separated from the forepeak by a. wooden bulkhead. It was given in evidence that the two upper boards of this bulkhead had been and could be easily knocked down when required, and, from the rapid marine? in wh1ch the fire spread, the conclusion come to is that some of the crew, or emi grants, must have taken advantage of this access to the forehold for the purpose of plunder, and by usierr naked lights or matches, set fire to the straw or other in- flammable material there stowed. From nhe other evidence it was proven that the Cospatrz'ck carried the requisite number of boats, but that the sudden terror which the progress of the flames inspired, rendered them of little use. In no way has blame been attached to the owners or captain of the vessel. and it is a sad reflection that the petty cupidity of perhaps one or two was the means of'so many meeting with a fearful and sudden death. nnfortnnates who have lostzall claim to their own self- respect or the consideration of so- ciety, by falling from a state of innocence. It is strange that such young girls do not lullieiently appreciate the terrible gulf which separates them from society the moment they become the victims of their own pass. one or man’s perfidyl In the vast majority of cases the latter is the agency. The father of the child, in the present instance, is a bar-tender in Barrie; and the “ lost” girl has not the slightest hope of any justice being done to her by any sort of adjustment or compensation. It is cruel, cruel fate! THE BAPTISMAL CONTROVERSY. The religious tranquility of this town has been greatly disturbed of late by a contro: versy and a discuSsion on the Divine Author. ity of infant baptism and the mode ofadmin- istering the ordinance. It was conducted with great earnestness and spirit and created much interest, not only in the town but in the vlcinity A great many people driving 1.. l‘_n__ ALA ,, It is stated that a Brigade of Artillery and one regiment of lhe line, and probably the l4th Hussars: will be sent to Canada to drill the Volunteer Militia. The Suez Cannl is at present exerting a. good deal of interest. It was built by France against the express wishes of Great Britain, who is now anxious to acquire pos: session ofit. inasmuch as it is on her great “highway” to the East. France. Great Britain and the Khedive own. each, one. third of the shares, and Great Britain wants the Khed‘ive to sell out; but he refuses. The canal, though it costs three or four millions u year for dredging and strengthen' ing, is m a Very unsatisfactorv condition, and the receth last year amounted to only six millions. It will yet require a great deal of deepening and strengthening, at enorl mous expense, before it can be rendered tcommodious, and it is surmised that in or: ‘der to effect this object the canal may yet be transferred to an international commissiI on, and made one of the neutral highways of the world. It seems that there is a sad, secret history connected with the “ birth on the care,” a' bout which I wrote to you last week. The mother is in fact a. young girl, one of those i . . . . i The Soxree ll) connection With the Pres byterinn Church, Thornhill, was held in the Victoria. Hall, according to announcement, on Thursday ev’g, the 18th inst, and we are glad to say was a complete success. The tables were laden with the usual amount of good things to satisfy the inner man, and after tea being served, the following Rev. gentlemen addressed the audience: Messrs Cameron, Montieth, Keough, Cnrmichae', and Dick. Mr A. G. Burns, Scottish Hun morist, gave some scotch anecdotes in first class styile,;a.nd judging from the repeated calls he received was highly appreciated. Miss Reid sang “ We’d better hide a wee” in a. mnnner that would have have done credit to a professional and was heartily eneored, when she replied by Singing “ Dub- lin Bay.” The Richmond Hill choir were present and gave some fine selections. Al‘ together a. very pleasant evening was passed until about ll o’clock when the party broke up. The proceeds, we believe, amounted to semewhere about $120. Mr Gladstone has now taken his seat in the House of Commons us a private member, and paid homage to Lord Hartington, the re. cently elected chief of the Liberal party. So long as the present state of celestial calm continues to be the feature of British poli‘ tics, it does not matter much who acts as leader of the Opposition, but after it has passed over, and vital questions become the order of the day, there is no doubt but it will be Mr Gladstone, if then a member of the House, to whom the Liberals will turn for assistance and guidance. Even now, we are told the exiPremier is studying the i' 't' t o estion of local taxation in all Government intend H ,’1,'_‘"_‘-' v- _.-t n that i'fiiij’cct this Session. «é may sour. expect to hear 0'1" Mr Gladstone being again at the front, in direct opposition to his great rivalâ€"the present Prime Minister. URILLIA CORRESPONDENCE (From our own Correspondent.) A PUBLIC DEBATE- 14 13le iusnum. between Ruchmuud HI” and Victor]: Square, by wav 01 the south side- road, a Vnm'oumw. The finder wfll be re- wuded on leaving it at Mt. Cmby': More, All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best. Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buck- wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. G1assware,Crockery &Tin ware Best 50 cent Tea in the Village FRESH Direct from the Mills. C H E A P T E A s, Green, Black and Japan ’l‘HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of ro~ lurnilg his sincere thanks to his numequ customers for their patronage I uring the past. would .xolicila ccnlinunnce of the same. and would cni! their attention to a. flesh arrival of remark. at the end of the lecture. Rev. Mr Hutchinson is a clergyman of the thumb of England, intimate‘y acquainted with every turn and twist. of the subject, which he has made a lifelong study; a cautious and alert debuter. ready for any emergency, and not to be surprised into an admission or a mis take. He gays two powerful lectures rex plete with irresistible argument illustrations and appealed to prove that "Infant Baptism" was a condition of the Abrahamic Covenant inasmuch as it was substituted for the Jew:- ish rite of circumcision which was never repealed ; and that sprinkling was the divine- ly appointed mode. Rev. John Terrence, of Toronto, was there during the lectures, on the Baptist side, and gave two lectures in reply. Rev. Mr Torrence evidently is not at home on the controversial platform. and he made some very bad moves and egregious mistakes which were taken advan' tage of by his wide-awake and skilful opponent. Finding himself in a tight place he, at last, began to quibble about words and the construction of Mr Hutchinson’s propositions and other side issues unimpor tant in themselves. Mr Hutchinson finally challenged him to a public debate on the subject. but Mr Torrance could not be satisfied. and the meeting having been lappointed, Mr Hutchinson alone appeared ‘und explained to the people why his oppon- ent, although he was in town, declined to appear. mode.” He invited criticism, question and} l Porkâ€"Mess. . . Extra. . . . .. Bacon . . . . . Prime Bacon... . . Priu Hamsâ€"Sail. . . . Smuked.. . Dressed H ogs . .. Lard........... Butlerâ€"lb . . . Mmumctrmg “F COCOA.â€"“ We will now give an accuunt of the prCE‘Bss adopted by Messrs James Epps & Co.. manufacturer: of. dietetic m-licIes. at their works in the [Custom Rwd. l.oudon"-â€"-See urticie in Gasscll’s HUusr/mltl Guula Flour ~Superfiue. . . . . . . . . . Spring Wheat extra Fancy............ Extra. . . . . . ....... Superior Extra. . . . . TUESDAY, March 30.-â€"-Anctiun Sale Farm Szock, Implements, &c., on lot No. 47, let Con. Vaughan, Richmond Hill. The property of Mr John Menton. Sale at 1 p.111. W. H. Major,Auc. WEDNESDAY, March 30.â€"-Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements. &c., on lot No. 30, 3rd Con. Markham. The property of Mr John Nigh. Sale at 1 o’clock. S. M. Brown, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, March 30. â€"Ancti0n Sale Farm Stock, Furniture, Store Goods, ($0., on lot No.11, rear 2nd Con. Markham. The property of Mr John Heron. Sale at 12 noon. S. Lckurdt, Auc WEDNESDAY, March 31....Importunt Credit sale of Farm Stock, &c. on lot 19, in the 3rd Con. Vim- hlm, near an10. The property of John C. 1 cQuarrie, Esq. Sale at 1p.m. J. M. Putter- son, Auctioneer. Parties getting Sale Bills prxnted at this office will receive a notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. IMPRESSIONS. ‘ It strikes me that the Baptists had better let argumentfil’dfie‘mML {haul fianYS entertained a firm belief that they cduld produce an overwhelming: amount of prod from the sacuw cl volume in defence of so peculiar a ddctrine, l1\w surpx set] was 1 then to find that they could not :tduce one single shrgd of direct proof in its support, ‘ it being all lnf'et'ential and sentimental], The intention of the Baptists, at first, was to bring forward Rev. Mr Davidson, of Brantford, who is accounted the most agile and experienced of their theoligical gladiu ators, but he was otherwise engaged at the time and could not. come. MARRIED. HUTCHINSON.--ROLLING.â€"Un the 15111 inst” by the Rev. C. Cookman, at the residence ofthe bride‘s mother, Berlin. Mr John Hutchison, of the Chronicle, Waterloo, and formerly of this village, tr MISS Hanl nah Elizabeth Rolling, of Berlin. UUMINIUN HOUSE! RICHMOND H1 GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmuud Hill. Mar. 24, 1875. October 31. I874. OST. ON SATURDAYiLAS'I‘, THE 5‘11cc‘izti TORONTO MARKETS Acknowledged to be the COFFEES AUCTION SALES. REV. HR. DAVIDSON. TuromoJ‘lnr. 25 . l875. per pair per pair” I» .V n) Eigfltirtfi. and SPICES. OUUUOUUUOU4UUBUOUOGOUGEVOMUOH€4UOS7 7UQ¢nllUl “09004000006067700115092 3444.0 aU4000000W000b010OUSOUOHTJU .l | u @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@®@@®®@®@@@@@@@@®@ 5.2.)55fifl 003287000050000‘...008i5054 69137m359“98.14000005645500012“0:2 33444543“loooumwouuoonousooasson l. I 739-1v 0 7O 8 (K) 0 00 [J 12 0 l4 8 5t] 7 ()0 4) ‘28 U ‘27 3 70 4 (10 «I 20 4 40 b 10 a l“ U “U I Election for the West Riding ’ 0fthe County of York, 1875. Boots (9‘ Sim es THEY ARE COMING! WATCH FOR THEM! Be sure you Call and see Them THE LARGEST LED Special attention is devoted to Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Red and Alsike Clover, Hungarian, Millet, Flax Seed, Tares, Seed Grain, &c., dvc. The Fifth Edition of my Illustrated Catl- Iogne and Ravisad Price List. ofFarm Machinu, Garden Implements, Hmliculmml Requisitu. 4-9. can be had on application. WSENU FOR MY ANNUAL DBSBRIPTIVB SEER ~BATALUEUH, I have a large and very complete stock of Field, Garden 8L Flower Seeds Spring Seed Grains, Fertilizers, «be. Corner of Adelaide & Jarvis Streets TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse UCPDIAMOND YEAST CAKEcéJI} Stntompnt of expenses incurred by Peter Patterson. 51 candidate for the election in the said Riding. in pursuance of section 11, cap. 2. 36 Vic. There have heen no Pxnomes incurred by the said Candidate, or by me, as Again. oftho said Candidate at he said Vim-tin“. This is inserted by ma. pursuant to Slatule, in that behalf USE THE NORWICH WM. U. PATTERSON, Ave“! for PETER PATTERSON. M.I’.P, The l-hh day of March. 1873. For making all kinds of cakes without eggs. For sale by 60,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETSJA': whom leeral Premiums will be plld. Singlp 'l‘ii-kpts $1 ; Six Ticlwls $5; Twelve Tickets $10; 'l‘wemy-Five $20. Circnlars containing a full list of prizps. a descrinlinn of the mnnnn of drawing, anr‘ other lnf‘rmnllon in rnfnrwncn to 1h:- “intri- bulion. will ha mm! In nnv one ordering them, All letters mus-t ha adllrM-sed to Oflice.Exceli-ior Building L.D'SXNE,Box§32 Cor. Race & Longworth cinching, o. $123 emeh. ’ _ 10 Luflies’ GoM Hunting Watch»; “'on $1”) each 800 Gold and Silvnr Lover Huntirg “71111115: (in (db wm'thfrum $20 to $300 each. Gold Chains. Silvswwarc. nge‘r)‘. 61c , 52c. Number cfrgxf'ts (3.500. Txckets limited to GlVBB yon interesting facts reiativo to the fishv erins. How fish are caught, and where they are caught. oiden time and modern time fishing. ofi‘ hand sketches, big trips, statis- tics of the flshenes, tales of narrow Escapes. Fearful Gales, Maratlme Poetry, and oiher maiters of interest concerning this important industry. Very handsmnly illus- trated with original nngravings. Prin $l OH in paper covers. $1 5” finely bound in Cloth. Slut anywhere on receipt of price. Agents wanted. to whom oxelmive terriivry will be given Liberal commissions. Write for par- tichim's. Two Priz 8 $1,000 I Five Prizes $500 A Ten Prizes $100 1H0rse and Buggv, with Silvor~mounted Iaai-Inegs'V worth 1 Fi,,e.131xed Resnwmod Pinnn,worlh $550. w Famny Sawing Machines, wonh $100 each 3 Gold mm,“ 5, ’C/mi’n‘fi. won/l $300 each! 3Com American Hunting W‘dd’es' _w°"h THE FISHERME‘V’S Memorial and Record Bunk The only relmble Gift Distribution in the Country I Toronto. Mar. 12, 1875. Gift Enterprise ! IN VALU A BLE GIFTS I Two Grand Capitals of 01E?Em%“2§“%§‘5§§?fllalsa C. E. SHEPPARD. March 23. 1875. 870~1y Richmond Hill Nov. 14.1974 March '23 1‘35. SEED STORE, BEST ASSORTED STOCK 0F L. D. SINE’S $60 000 00 l72nd REGULAR MONTHL Y 0N RiCHMUND HILL. AT MONDAY, May 3rd, 1875. USE THE Ifyou want light, sweet Bread. PROCTOR, 8803,. Publishers. Cape Ann Adverliser Ofiice, GLOUCESTER, MASS. (-h '23 195. 870- 4! Wm REN NIE, Toronto. Free to all applicams. WM. RENNIE, Toronto- TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN $5.000 Each in Cash! TO BE DRAWS W. H. MYERS’. EDWARD BULL. EGG Relnnmig POWDER ("flicer 845 8:25-61 [The best Family Flour, Oat- ' meal, Commeal, Graham Flour ' Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, l l Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. All kinds of Farm. Produce taken and fur pnoea paid. Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. In any quantity and delivered on short notice. Always on hand. A. Choice Lot' of Early Rose Potato“ Now on hand. Cordwood, Shingles and Lath J. B. would specially call the attention of the Farmers in the vicinity to his stock of GRAIN & SEEDS. Clover, Txmothy, Flax, Hungarian and Millet Seed, Tares And all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, selected from the been Seedsmeu in Canada Nails m all sizes, Scoop Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, Measures, &C. Grain & Seeds: TINWARE, a Large Stock, BRITISH FLAG STAFF! X X X 0ystcrs Received werkly CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE A Large and Select Stock of Boys’ and Mena’ KIP BOOTS, ready for the Spring Trade, Womans’ PEBBLE and CALF BOOTS, with a choice lot of Wumena' Prunella. Gaiters, Laced Boots, Slippers a150, Misses and Childrens’ Slippers. The balance of our stock of Ovorshou will be Sold at Cost. In Grorories, we have as good as can he got Choice T can, Sugars, 00 cos Spica, Salmon Trout, White Fish, Codfish, The Best Labrador Hern'ngs, Sardines. Roluins his smcero thanks to his customers and fliendu for their \ery liberal support in the past. and would call their special attention to his Spring Stock of Boots and Shoes. Gl'ocuioa. Croukery, and Glassware. Spring Goods ! A. MOODIE’S HATS AND CAPS ! NEW SPRING EflflflS! New Prints, New Dress Goods, New Cottons, &o.; And especially New Spring Tweeds and Coatings. Remember his famous GENERAL WILL NOT BE UNDERSUH] ! March I , 1815, Teas & Coffees Richmond Hill. erch. II. 1875, Heavy Duck, &o., «E0 Then mine. AT COST, will cease wnh the His entire stock of dressed and undleued Winceys, Flannels, 860., New Prints. END OF MARC I], 911%“ ME VICTORIA SQUARE. R. P. HOPPER LARGE 8T0 OK HARDW ARE I FLOUR = Manufactured by the best workmen in Toronto. COST PRICES. Victoria Square, Feb. BOOTS 85 SHOES: GROCERIES : 16’ CALL AND SEE. J. BROWN New Spring and Summer Goods Delivered. A. muoum. (favourites, &1:. Large Stock. A Large Stock on hand. To MAKE ROOM fora RICHMOND HILL. Beat that cIn be bought. GROCERIES RICHMOND HILL Heavy Shirtings. CASH G0 AND SEE A ND ALSO HI! Will "11 {or lHAvB A AND Dress Goods, Flour & Feed. 857-5! All Kinds of Wood Which will 5. Sold At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. At J. Brown’s. Richmond Hill. For$4=,5° per brl ' HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that be has opsned o o - OPERATION. Good Family Flour Sardines. Lobstm, 510- GRWND MYERS & SHE“. ‘ All kinds Cabinet Ware Manufactured. Chairs Re-cpnch All Ov'dcrrAttcnded to. IS” Parcels Delivered. Salmon Trout, Wh1te Fish, Finnin Haddios, .11 Large Assortment of Fish; Wood Yard .' Staple and Fancy Groceries Superwr Seedless Raisins CANNED FRUITS “CENTRALHOUSE.” The Stock is Large, New and Well Assorted Purchases have been made in the Best Markets, “The Peoples’ Store.” Richmond Hill. Mat. IS. '75 Richmond Hill. Dec. 315:. '14. EWELRY ! JEWELRY! FOR SALE 9mg: the Han»? 309$ Store. Richmond Hill, Nov. [0, 884. Richmond Hill‘ Jun. 8 I875. INSPECT THE STOCK AND COMPARE PRICES. A W0 QD YARD. And he will keop on hand THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RESPECTFULLY T0 ANNOUNCE Yarmouth Bloaters and Smoked Salmon, also. Fresh XX X and Select A Large Stock of Furniture. RESUMED BUSINESS RICHMOND HILL. P. G. SAVAGE If“ M ENS E STOCK §priqg Gnods ! M %%%%%% RECEIVING As new on hund a llrzo “scrunch: of And on the most advantageous tom. Inspection is Invited. RICHLIOND HILL. FIRE PROOF STORE. And he earnestly invites buyers And Brazil Nuts. IN THE ABOVE FLAG]. 0F SPRING GOODS. Ho hood not any first his That he has CONBIB'I [NO OF AN EARLY Ii JUST J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Money to loud on Fin: Hang-p 0! lb. provod Farm Property, It Bonn pol “II.” 3. Commission Chnrpd. Apply to ‘1 SUBSgRIfi’TgONS FOwHEhTOBON To e9 y aponam u" [M. Bookfiton. Richmond ER; ' And hopes by uric! Ittenlion ioJ'uinou' O; merit a share of public pullout... Baaf, Mutton, Pork, Lard; Posh. and all kinds of Mont constantly on had. N. B.-All Orders promptly attended I». ROBERT Hon”. Dec. 7, 1814. 855-11. Richmond Hill. Jun. 13, ’15. NNOUIYEEMENT EGS to announce to uh; rub-binn- of Richmond Hill. and Vicini‘y tin} kg in. resumed bn-inosl inlh Villap u u BLAKE a. KINGSFOIID. loll-Shh No. 56, Chain 83., Tough, ONEY TO LEND. Robert Hopper 8‘0»

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