Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Mar 1875, p. 4

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of obscfvation will notice blight symptom: of illness in his animals or pimnts; will readin see the efi‘cct or this or leL practice; will much more quicklydircoveruuuutlcsslillletlniug:. which, it’neglcctcd, may result in u serious loss. “This mutlm- is not one of slight importance. The curel‘ully observant, mun will we things which will be of pecuniary impm'mucc In him, while his ill-Wailon neighbor: \Vlll lose by not seeing. The farmer wiLh habits “ It seems singular that some men pass throgh lilo without; observing; 'things which come before their eyes almost daily. An intelligent farmer once told me that he wou=d nob ree ognize any of the horses belonging to his neighbors, excepting thow notice- able from some peculiarity ol‘ color. A Chicago merchant, who daily drove his own liorae eigle or ten miles told us he had never noticed :uiydillerence in the movement of “01505; did not notice the difference between trotting and pacing. A (college )n‘e~itlent is said to have nmde the question, ‘in which way do the seeds lie in an :11) We ?’,a tent ol'tho habit of Ul).~0r\~'2h tion~ztmong his Student. Our lunll‘.‘ with‘ [his question would indicate that more than one hull' of the aver» age-men or women either don'tknow or will :llld\\'el~' incorrectly We once received at wolldvritten e.~s:ty on the Value of observing closely, yet then was not a capital leLtcr u ' a punctua- tion mark in tho hull'dozcn pages. Many such instances could be givcm Were lb uece>s:lry. 'Similar in nature and importance is the habit of rapid and accurate 0b? scrvalion, the great value of wbic . was the subjecL ot'an address to the Duirymen’s Association, delivered by‘ Hon. Horatio Seymour. 1n the; course of his remarks, he said : ‘ day dreams. Neither'i" hUUll dl>(ll- pline so difficult as mine imagine. it begun in early life. by awakening:r the clixldi~h interest in what is seen and heard alluring the mind to reflection by question and“ answer, and ac- conipanyiné,r the thoughts to dwell for short periodg hut intently. upon i'ainiliar bulljut‘ts, it will become a pleasant exercise, and gradually gmw into the habitual tenor of the mind. What we truly will to do is already halt'aceomplished, and the watch thu: placed over the thoughts will, of itâ€" selt‘, reduce to order and regularity much that is now chaos and confus- ion. It is by no means necessary that the subjects thus mentally dis- cussed should be remote or abstract. On the contrary let them be matters familiar to our minds and agreeable to our tastes. Let the memory please us with pictures of the past, and the imagination revel in beauty of scene or heroism of deed. Let the business, man reviilve the scheme which he longs to execute, and the philosopher meditate on the principles of life. But whatever he the subject, let the thoughts pursue it with a consistent progress that shall eventuate in seine real benefit to the mind.” “ When we are striving forsuccess or excellence in any special pursuit. we think to some purpose. Our will concentrates our thoughts to the point in question, dismisses summarily all irrelevant suljects, presents the mat- ter in its various bearings, with Some degree of logical sequence, and 'iirely allows the mind to drift away from it until some definite result has been ob- tained. There is a considerable porâ€" tion of every one’s time in which nothing but thinking can be done. There is time spent in cars, where even readiné‘r is injurious; and there are times 0t waiting, resting, and en- forced inaction, when the mind has undisturbed opportunity for effective operation. Then, too, there are many cmployments so mechanical as to claim no portion of the mind’s aid. When we havelearned to do anything without thinking about it, the thoughts necessarily run in other channels. Much manual labor is of this description. A distinguished prisoner of war, of large mental re- sources, being allowed to choose his employment while in confinement. selected one so simple as to neither skill nor thought, assinning as a row son that, though his hands would be employed by compulsion, his mind at least would continue his own and remain in lreedom. “’0 all have some ot'such work, and many have much. . Now, it' we have learnel to employ this time in clear and consec- utive thought- it our will could con- trol our reflections. directing them in detinitechanncls, and aiming to reach some well defined conclusionsâ€"dc can hardly compute how great an el- tect Would be produced in strengthen- ing our mental powtrs, in maturng our judgment, in bringing us to the knowledge and appreciation of truth and thus of increasinpr our solid hap- piness and our permanent value to the community. " The best exercise of every faculty is the chief road to true enjoyment, and no one who has once lilblcd Lhc pleasures of thinking to a purpose will ever willing}; allow his mind to dissipate in wandering Lhoughts and day uh-mns. Neither'i" MJUII di>(!i- “ In very early life, the perceptive fachltlcs are the principal channels thmugh which wee: n reach the mind. Chm-1y cunncvted n‘iLh [his subject is thccullivntmn ol'the thinking ])UWCI'S. The two are indeed so intimately blended that neither can be cfi'cetur ally improved without >0mc increased development 01' the other. In learn- ing 10 we and hear will» delicate an» curacy, we insensibly sii'unglhcvi nin- powers ofthought, :Lnd :iccmtum “will to work more cfl'ccichly. Siill Lin; operation of thinking deserves a far more systematic training than in gen- erally obtains. The Art of Thmkmg and the Habit of Observation We have frequently directed the at- tention of'parculs and instructors to the importance of teaching children 10 think. and we n0\vq1mte,fi'0n1the Philadelphia 1‘ edger, bOULO apposite remarks on the buxjecb. “A: “no \luuauuu HilliuuLU ml, more than one hull' of the aver» genien or women eitherdon'hknow ' will answer incorrectly We once iceived :i wolerillen essay on the due of observing closely, yet there. its not, a capital leLier o ' a punctua- on mark in the hull'dozen pages. .uny such instances could be given, ere 1L neee>s:n'y. “This mutier is not one of slight iporhinee. 'I'he curel‘nlly observant, \\ ‘Illlu {III will see things which will be of reunizu’y imporlnnce lo him, while s ill-trained neighbor \Vlll lose by )L seeing. The farmer wiLh habits ' observation will notice slight *mplom: of illness in his animals or tints; will readin see the effect or is or LhuL practice; will much more iieklydiscovereountlessliillethinga hich, it’negleeted, may result in u rieus loss. " As in the case of habits generally The imperial old polenlule of Prus- sia. lilies lo do nioo things when pro per oci-asion oll'ers, Among the inuny beautiful :irLZelea .«enL to him during the holidays was an album containing the evean of the lust wur :ind the eonllieL heLWeen the l‘lnipei- or and the \rillil'fill. The contenis wore written in such an exlruordinv zn'ily line, clear, pearl script. mun:- nienled with pen drawing». that ii excited the curiosity of the Emperor and he caused the donor to be hnn‘ieil up and hellbto him. When [he uthor- ess was discovered she was found to e the widow of a former civil olfieer who, being reduced to pomrly, sup- ported herself by sewing in different houses by day, and employed her evenings in composing and writingr \‘L’]‘ e in this zullnirublo style. M is ineudlcss to ndd Linn Lhe poor widow [received a. generous glib from Lhe good-hearted Emper r. “ to organize a. system whereby we can, with the assistance of capitalists, and the liuhlic in general, suppress oliem- Lions in bogus mining property and miningr shit-ks." But even the lwimn Cullid not assay and find out So hi5r mu] humlsnmc a l'usml :m the Unluxwl. ‘i‘hv \vill'l'Hzlthllts Ui his “pd,” Dr. (,i’UUl'gP Cth-Ltm», is n15” lllihnnwll; hut it is said they havu gum: to New Yuri: City. Chicago Cor. N. Y. Times. Col. McCarty w; s; the original pl‘ojuc- tor, and assisted in the organization of tlnis human; but he never put; up :1 dollar. The objects of this bureau, us :u‘nuuuced in one of their circnl: , is from Term, and alluutcd Uh; ln'UllliHE ferocious military air and dress which are supposed tola: einlilmnatical of that. State. Early in the winter he married the widow of a certain doctor who had committed suicide, owing, it was said, to domestic troubles. The wedding was postponed a few days owing to a disfigurement oftho Colonel’s handsome countenance. The night before the day originally fixed upon, the Colonel became engaged in a bar-room row‘ with some local actors. llo undertook, as a Southcrn gouilwnan, to carry convic tiou by displaying a goodrsizod revol- ver, but he had no sooner drawn it from his pocket than a “ walking ” gentle,- man hardly half his size, floored him with his fist, and followed it up with such a pummclling that ho was unable to call on the widow for a wool: or more. The American Bureau of Mines, of which \V. T. Richmond, E4}, is President, disclaim all knowledge of the Coal Company. The Secretary of that burmu says, however, that he heard of the Company, as it was reported to him by Prof. Clarlio, that. Bassemor, the English steel maimfiicturer, had agreed to take stock to the amount of $50,000. alone, lvuL should extend to timing.» “’0 hour and those we read as wall. In this latter mutter, there is {L great luck. Many read to little profi‘u be- cause they have not trained them- selves to observe ca; ‘ef’uily.” [Hilly], in» induced London. earl y in qbod hith introduced Dr. Cullettsu to friends likely to advance the interest uft‘hc enterprise. Everything was pru- lyihimis, and 11ml the Scllumfl been :my- ching hut :1, fraud. a company on :l stock lmsis of £1,000,000 would have been formed in a very few days. The Dou- L-or, unfurtuimtuly, hm! no menng and as prelilninm'y exlxemes to the tune (ll £10,000 hml Lu he men, he umhcrtonk L4) have 21 draft, on (he lnu‘mn lin $100,000 cashed by son 9 ol' the [Ml'tius with \VllUlll negotiations were pmuling. Bul'uic cashing the draft cnqnirius \vvw sat, on foot through Suutlztml an l, London, and Pinkertun’s Agency, Ohiâ€" uagn, and the result; was an exposure ml the. (entire Scheme. The, doctor was cmnpcllcd to seek surely in flight, the, Sc 'remry recrossml the Atlantic, and is much can he done in childhood, and it certainly should be the duty of' paients and other teachers to help children to learn to observe carefully quickly, and accurately. It. is totd by some one that in his childhood he practiced running Inst :1 shop window and then hll)])1)ll io describt~ as many articles as he could recall, and in this way hencquired wonderful quickness of observation. There :lI‘U hosts ot’ points to which :1 i'zn'iners byshonhl have his attention called at an early age. Suggestions us to the mode ot' growth ot‘plnnts, the form of :L leaf, gmwth ol‘ :L fruit, or the pointing out ot' peculiarities ot'tlii'i'orent elnases ol' :iiiiiiiitl;<,iin1_y do him great good in developing thir1 habit, and MN) HIVC :i Illill'lx’Lftl eti'eet in into muting him in him wilng "'l'nis ttztltii, (2t (ttugam'vntium s! not m: cominth to LM) ttttngx Wt alone, but should extend to t}. We hear and those we read as In this latter mutter, there is {L g mw in this city :1; wiser man, and the (nlmxvl has g no.1“) one knows when» He mu n \w‘y h:Lllkl.\lHI|(‘, inn.” was L'm The “Great Bastrop 0031 Com- pany? H :M'c out thnr. he OHM v Tennyson lives in luxury in a poet- ieally picturesque Country mansion, rich in its architecture, and lavish ‘ and tasteful in its adornmenls and ‘ knieknaeks. There are about it Ler- ‘ raresand lountains, greeneries and ‘ llower parterrcs, avenues and lawns; it is the llltlllmlull of a rich man ol hiin 13510 and culture. Here, for Lhe moat part, both summer and winter, the mosL eminth of Eng- land’s poets panes his time. it is rarely that he appears in the London stl'CCE-S and more rate that his pres» ence is obtained in the hospitable houses of the \Vest End. He is tall, gaunt, shaggy-haired, with a raggedâ€" looking heard, and long, straggling locks ol' a light brown, very Inuuh tinged with gray. lndced, he is al- lllthL shabby to Lhe outwaid eye, and illlh‘ apparent endeavor is to paw along; unlmlit'eal. lle gets bushelsol‘ lcltcl‘s bugglllg‘ l‘or autographs, which he never answers. Those who, few lll number, are received all: the poet’s lire-aide as his friend.». Hpeak in glow- ing terms of his kindly and genial hospitality, and his sometimes almost, lchildlikc playfulness. lie is full or anecdote and likes to fall: of his own literaiy experiences. His library is 'Pllld to be a model of coziness and el- ie__;ant, L'lelfl, and his gardens, which lilo loves, are clewrloed as beautiful (and well kept. heaven." '1'GC captain) locked up the maniac. for such he was, and went to the mom described by him. There ht: fuund that :L mun had bran murdcrcd by having his Lhruab cub while asleep in bml. The lunatic had invented the rest of'the story, and while under an hallucination hml cmnmitwd the deed. A man in San Francisco entered a police station in a state of intense (axâ€" citement and told the captain that he wanted to prefer a charge. against; his room mate. “ \Ve both wanted to go to heaven," he said, “ and we know we couldn’t get there if we Cummibbcd sui- cide. \Vc talked the matter over a good deal, and finally we agreed to kill each other. The plan was for each of us to have a sharp razor reme as the oiher's throat. and at a signal to cut as hard and deep as we could. \Ve got; all really, with the razors at our throats, and I gave the word. I out his throat all right, but he failed tn do as he agreed, and hero 1am alive. I want to make a regular charge of {also preâ€" tyences against him, so he can’t- gel; into heaven." The captain locked up the iiuugniim, ncui- Bury 5L. lflillnuncls, lzul';n|..~c 01' their juining the union. The emigration ugiultion has been zlcliw-ly continued by Mr. Dykc and Mr. Jiingsmill, Canadian Government agents. Eleven homes were broken up in one village, that of Wilkcn, on Monday lust. The Canadian .ZVHL’S says :â€"A party of two hundred emigrants left Unmâ€" hridgc accumpuniml by Mr. John Dyku, Cnnndlun Emigration Uununis ‘lullCl', for Liverpool, where they will mnlmrk this evening in the Allun line a". minor S:n-ani:1n. This party is UnllUUlCJ I'rlnnfinfihllc nndCumbi'idgeâ€" dam, and >1)::rizll:n'rungcmunts have licun made mi' lllOll' rcucpliun by the Canadian (iuvci'nmunL. As duman Im- lnbor has :iriaen ‘le'llel‘ in them i~ >0n than usual, ano'ncr party 0" m-vv cn hundred will follow on the 4H. in March, and this announced as LIN: In the Malayan Peninsula. large apes of naturally intelligent breeds are employed by their numbers much in the same way that human slaves are made use of in some parts of Al'- rieu. The eeeounut palm is valuable lor its fruit, but LlllH is very difiieult to procure, so the landlord of u Lope ol' palms trains his :ipes to climb the trees and judiciously picl; the ripest nutn~ for him. The apes seem to de lighL in the work. The il[)C:‘- thus employed in the neighborhood of Sinnpure and Penung are bred in Alehin,:1nd the uwners itinernle and hire Lhem out. They go up the treeWM] 3 line RlLlZL"l10Ll, and obey the eemmznui of their musLers, choosing the proper fruit. They twist the nut round nnd round tills it hills doxvn from its stalk, when the foul, is hailed on the part 01' the apes by jumps and chuckles ol' evident. satialaeLion. John Wesley says, “Shall Chrisâ€" tians assist the prince of hell, who was a murderer from the beginning, by telling ofthe bemyit of war? Shall th'slmat publications proclaim t0 the nations that war is a blessing of Providence ? Australia has been identified so prmninently with gold discoveries Lhat few have thought of her progress in agricultu ‘al wealth. The \veel in- [CI'CDL has gradually grown in pre- paninnH, till now iL rnnlw only b00- end tokgold m the industries of the countryu ll, has been grown and exported in vast quantities, and efforts are being made to export it direct to eastern ports, instead of England, which has heretofore monoimlized the commerce 01" this her old colony. IJll‘t- September a, million dollars woth of wool was purchased in New Smih Wales for shipment, direct to New York and Boston merchants, and the project has been agitated of sending u. wool ship direct.- to New York from Victoria. Arthur Helps, in his latest work. Social Pre.,~sure, a series of convers: - [inns helwcezn eel-tum friends, makes MIN) 01' his vhzu'uelel‘s say that, in the course 01' his efiieiul «veer there were three pcl‘.~()lIH who slruuk him as perfect hosts: “One wm u mun (It lettersâ€"I may as well my iL \\'m Dickens; thenLhei' was an zu'chhishnp and the third was the Prime Milliau‘l' nt' the day, whose excellence, hmv over, in huxrship was in henttl'il/nted In his \-\'i e.” The Lvlog'xuinh brings {he and imelligunee of the dentin 01' {his fine wrilcr and mush estiumbic mam. He was knighted in 1872,:md ir‘ said 10 haveassisted Queen Victoria in the preparation of her.1}eavesfrom the Jounmls QfOW‘ Life in the High- lands. Miscellaneous Items. :15 Lhu steam- There are thousands of babies whoae vitle powers wuuld respond to favor nble conditions as l'oudnly as this one il'nursesand doctors cared to think or mason. “Al; fourteen monle of age he welcomes his cold bath in tho mornâ€" ing as pleasantly as he dues his bottle of milk. As his strength increasen the water was lelt out and his cream was diluted with milk; 2'. e., he has pure milk cream included. llis teeth are coming. l'e is free from coldn :Lnd emnps \Ve intend to have him grow up without knowing the taste of flesh or stimulants.” \Vu handled {he child and measured its bi'uin. Square built»; broad simulâ€" dei‘s; large main; born of healthy \‘igui'uus parents; great tenacity 01 lit'o all the little one needed was a chance to live. Woman’s Versus Man’s Fidelity “Then sleep, and food and warmth and sunshine and quiet and more sleep followed. Baby begun to grow and crow and coo in the delightful baby language, and our hearts were full of joy. Mother, each mornng with her own hands, bathed and dres- sed our darling. Each mornintar she loWered the temperature of the bath, Lhe first one being one hundred de grees. In one month baby took the buLh cold, and came out of his rub- hing .9th pink as :1 rose. When well rubbed and molded by loving, warm hands, his fleeh fairly glistened â€"-iL was so smooth and velvety. “After a night’s rest an enema, and a full bzuh of lukewarm son wutcr, wiLh 0nd dip in cool water, tbllowcd. *‘ AM the. starchy, sugared, and other preparations of int-ants“ food was put away trusbâ€"Jmtter calcw lured to kill than to cure. “ Look at my boy," said 3. young Father; “see how hard his flesh is; his health is perfect. At one month of age this little one did not weigh :h much as when a day old. Bud mun- ugcment of the mother deprived him of his natural food. The nurses fed the baby with the usqu pt‘epztrution.~ round at. tho drug stores, catllod itil'mxt food. The child did not thrive. Ar >00“ as the young mother could on- duro the fatigue of tho journey, the non voyage home to motherâ€"our ed- uozttotl. sensible hygienic: motherâ€" wzts dcoided on. Baby we thought worth saving, though it seemed to us to he more dead than “live. It was |l1l|ll.iill it” it could survive the tch 1:05 x'rgmuu. Mt ther guvoour wail mg, \\'l‘llll\lctl littlo sturt‘ollng l't‘orlt rrolmi ll‘Uftt the milk of :L health) young cow. \\':t1'ut solt wulor diluth lllla cream to Illl‘ consistency of good milk. \Vurmth from her hands and am open fire soothed tho babe. Per- fect; quietâ€"freedom from all sharp sounds or confusion of voices was in» 5“”"l. :rvl mrl’ea’ rest and sweetest 1e The people are puzzled by contra» dietary causes, and d0 “05801116”!!th know how {0 explain them. LienL should be placed in bed, with bags of warmâ€"mot hotâ€"~saud, bran or meal to the foot and hands. Sleep should be encouraged and invited, that nervous power uhali not. be used by the brain. large Quantity. The bath, lho cxexu rise, and the fund should. vivif'y and cxhilurate. If they do not, than sum-ch out; Um causes and remove them. If breakfast was at, sewn o‘clock, the bath hour should be eleven to twelve o’cluck, after digestion has been completed. If Lhcrc is any ten- dency to blue hand: and feet, Live pa- tient should be placed in bed, with The strongest, healthiest child or [Jet-sen accustomed to the daily morn ing cold bath, should take it. in a warm room. and at- least one hour beâ€" fore breakfast. That hour should be given to vigorous exerciw in the open :tiraud brightsunshine. Iftheslight est chill occurs alter breakfast, there is something,r wrong. Either the ox- orcise has been too violent, the bath too protracted and cold, or the food is «1' poor quality or taken in too With infant or adult, frail, nervous and feeble, groan care should be lgiven to insure thorough reaction ; 1'. 6., cornin'br from the bath and quickly dried with a 502': sheet or towols, the entire. body should be warm and pink flushed. To insure this, the bath should be taken or given in a Van“ room. The warm thLh should all 'ays be followed by a rinse olf, with waior at least three degrees cooler than the bath. Tuâ€"day the extreme of' warm batlr ing is practiced, with little regard to temperature ot'mom or condition 01' child. This habit is quite :13 produc- tivc of bad results as the first. in many instances colds and croups lol- lnw in rapid succession, until death or :uv-«kcncd reasoning powers con- vi (-1-, tho unwise cnl'wlukvrs that .«(HIICWiAé'I'C u grout mistake was made. Turn the other extreme nt' entire neg- lect of lite bath is adopted. A lit! 1e knowledgeof temperament, and temperature or the blood and the room, 2H5” ut the vital power of the child, Would correct Lheao mistakes. Extremes follow. A daily cold bath for an infant, a flaw years ago, vus supposed to be equal to nmrdcr. BY MRS. C. F. YOUNG, BLD. Babies and Baths. When death was hourly vxpcrtud from Corwum» HON, all mmcdius having failed, accident lutl m :. diamvm'y \vln uhy Dr. 11. James cm-ud his only chiio with a prupumtiuu of (,’uu.-ml;m [ml/Rm. He no“ Ltivcs t-hisrmtipc fruu on ruuvip! of two slumps to p11} ,xpunsus. Them . ‘ wk: symptum 01' mm- sumplinn that it (In ' pale.â€" ngm Sweats. lrrimbiun of the Nerves, Uifl '11“ E pumm'mion. Sharp Pains in [11«:erm_;.<, Nunst :u tlm NumnclL Inactiun of the Buwcls and Waslinguf Thullusflm Adar , ,CIiAIme ' & (:0, 1032 m. ,r‘ you] Philadc phiu, l’u.. gn'iux muuu of mm- 1mp< ' , U MEN [‘.-Box containing eighty pictures, 11m teriuls and directions fur trunsferrimg Acm an :fvhgrc 0}} rcccipl of $1.00. CALLENDER & \thn death was hourly HON, all mmcdius having diamvm'y w! my Dr. I]. with a prupxpatlyu of (S m: the Squthc in H (1mm. \‘hih: it «flu-rt.- tlm hmul IPSN, is m" 8] able and rwrh clued/1m: Semi for descriptive Circular with 'i'r’sfhnnuillls of Pin/sitimm from all parts of the country. E? Sfunpla packages fnr ida'x, 5 rents. Prevnrerl by BILLIXGS. CLAPI" & CO..Chemisis, Float/m, Mass. hew York Office, 8 .S; 9 College Flare. I this firm are in many respects superior to an) other made, in \his country being :0 ~1ub1‘icznim throughout, and are rmmu'kubly pnwnrfn], and eco- nomica] on fuel as well as l‘ousm ‘xhlu in price. 'I'lu efficiency may be judged hy the (‘ utimmlly incr iug demand which necessitates cunslum addiu Lo our machhxery and plant. 01 , 501V. Port Uupc. 01:: A JMAN OF A 'i‘HOUSAND A CONSUMPTIVE CURED. Adrh‘css orders €013. E.<,‘EIARL’1‘()N, Hamil Mung“. . A FOR FEVER 8;: AQUE Steam Engines. lioiiem, Salem" amw N!ills,§lnal‘iing, l'uHejs, Hangers. Screw {alumna Machines and Generai Machinery "V'l'anufnclured at the MCQE‘QA ERON ‘NOBKS, An Armory of fonpmw for the nrcs‘vm Rumim (Juzm'ovu 15 full of interestâ€"Saturday Retina. Lonmr (Eng) Abook of unconmmn importance «CRY. Tl-iLzmw. As fascinaking as a 1mm] Toronto JI-u‘l. 5"} pages; 1234 onszmvingra Rent post fx'vc f0 32 50 by mm. W, H. W] ruuow, ’lommj. I was very n uch interesth hist. evening in :; s'orytoU mo h}; :1 lady, of her lilthj hwy, «miy .‘mu' years old. Sne mid he had always huun very timid, and especially all-aid in the. dark, always requiring a light [oil in" the room upon gnng 10 bed. Shc said to him one night, “Jimmy, you have nothing to Iszl-»~-God racers and takes cm'eot' his liLLlc ones in the dark, just the same as i." tho light." “ know it; mmnmu, but I can’t help The Times Um: dcscribc‘s the. con- dition of France in 1571 :â€"“CmtJiL gone, Wal'k ceased, no one burrowing, uoono PEUiIIg, the officials receiving no salaries for half :1 year; the mil- wuys in tho hands of the enemy; the public departments udmiuiatci-cd by hoatilc commissuries; the taxes, flow- ing into the enemy's cashbux; the fluids and i: ighwuyn' marl“; LiCS‘ll’Hlycd; the bridng biuwn up, wlmic Viiinng disappeared, towns hair destroyed; Lhe Whole society to be rccnnstiluta‘d; the whole country to Lu: l‘oconsil'uclâ€" ed by glazicr, cui'pcmm, joiner. and bricklayer." THE TESTIMONY OF THE CATA‘ :0 MES. ' file” I wuuhl.” Not many days after he :isleml his mother tin-an apple. She told him he could have it, it' he W'JUlLl go him- self'aud goL it. A few mum hlsal‘lei' she saw him go i‘.ll()21li()ll‘.(‘i' mum, kneel behind the door, and heard him make this little prayer: “Lord, (1!) you lave ma? i love youâ€"don’t let me be; :Ii‘mizl E lwmiL to he guadâ€"dun’t. let me L-u anti-aid I l have a little bl‘Utli(:i'~â€"~-\Vili you love him 100? Dan". let him he :ili‘uiil either! \thn l ")w up L0 be :1 either! \thn I grow up L0 be :1 man, don’t let me go into wicked places and drink naughty 5le1}; that. makes men had. A man.” Then he :U‘OSO fmm his know, went down into the dark away, and got :m uppic from :t barrel in the i‘ill'uiebl corner. “ Did you get one 7” asde his mmhcr, upon his rum”). “ Yes; but I didn‘t hurry. i wamz’b afraid." â€"â€"‘Evu.ugel{¢t. A pleasant FPOS‘MBUt : “ vanllm‘ (in [relnnd‘h “Iiiâ€"pull her up, nmu. Dan's you see tlm mart: is running .uvny?" Paddy: “ Huulnl tight, ye: ’unoux'. Fur yer life don't mum}: 1,11:- 1‘eius4 â€"s we they‘re as mttm: as yours. HI tum 111.:1‘ hm»! iuin Linc, river Ht: tin- briuigu below hem. Suz‘viy {EMF her,the bhgymw‘..” ,. :1 my I I 110‘? NOT TO BE AFILAID IN THE DARK. “ I know it; mmnmu, but I can’t} beng afraid.” ‘* Do mu ask God 3' “aces Rise 03 Xiomigia Elm-or. !’ PRONOUNA‘CED BY FROF.CRG?T IEXGELLEE‘ET yea Psezmm: E3'am W hen wz'i‘n’ing I." :uiw‘rsémfa's phase may lhifit you saw their advertiseanent In this paper. Hamilton. Feb. 20. 1874‘ x 1v: E 5:: a, "1,, 'HTE‘: KENS 3: q, All Saws “’armnted 5”} ngus; 12-34 fng "vingrz 2L5“ YOUR. Gl€fl€i€i§ FOE; HIS STEAM ENGINES MANUFACTURED PA ECALCOMANIE FOR AMUSE 3T. CATEARINEE, 01‘} ‘1‘ BY REV. \" . BEE???" a: 635 El! {22; L4 . is as 013’“anch a 1' 421013;] Hauliimn, 6': m A Chfld’s Prayer .H Do yuu :mk Gun] tn KILLE Tim? ET ‘81 ES? Sole Munufucluror 0 the J. Flint l’ntcm Im proved Champion Cms (Jul gznv ; also the H M (Successor to J. Flint) Manufacturer of :11 killdri of SAWS, Straw Knivcs, Pun-11! Plaster ivg ’ ‘ 'owulfl, 8:0. R HSMETH T. CA'I.AH1N AW' WORKS. Alri 90 CL nU Saw [J qualify as TELEGRAPH OPERATORS for Umous openlngiu the Dominion. Send for circular. COLEMAX &. BAKER, 855-352] Toronto, Ont, < v i J ‘ Tof‘DIZWUJCJ o/ the Throat and Lungs, sue/L Coughs, Colds, W/mopivg Cough, Bf‘b‘m‘h’ibs AJ/n‘na and Consumption. 1 l to suit borrowers. on Real} Eswto security at 8 per (‘cm'imurusl (m Lin :1 vaucc). V W,‘ ~ Apply m the o cg'of v N - ‘L AL HJEE ‘4; NOE poigxgm’t (36mm _4 Jumé‘s g:ch General Agent. 130x507. lhnuiltim. P3? AGENTS "N'AN'I‘ED.â€"'I'1xo m Copyrighted, undcm only be but] from the lgcut, or gcnuml agent. King; Stu-ms, “fly-iii} ‘ a; a} ‘ £93? agmfinfi (a Jngtf‘ubiialmti, 5 a - v L- E as w.» “(nin- Mud m- “? Egga’ EH" {gym} Muiriiuitlmz alimw-d by architoch, build: 5 mid pram-limb ~" builders It.- hu the bust 11ml simpinsz work M, iii-hud. J-IVL carpenter Hint. want.“ in i with the timx humid pi'umn'c a cnpy. ’J‘l , con nins forty three piznvs, also an Apprvlhicc Du- pnmmmk The bus: nl’ to. ‘imuni 41:1 furnished from ending architects, builders zuiil-mcclxmriw. 5*fgllhfl islxcdut tlu: luw price. (if 545. ‘Sgihsuyibcflgo‘lhgal .igrnt‘ or address ' ‘ Over-100,000 acres 0:" the lands of this grant have. alreaJy been sold! One quarter unly, down, hammer: in easy time pay- mums. During the 5‘ ‘nr 1374 and 1875, anv purchasers 01 wt It: 3 than 25:) aura of farming land, paying onc- gum‘tL. (1mm, who will go upon in fur sunk-11mm .vilhin Four Months xl‘u-x' purchase will lmfurnish» lwilh Eb; PA in for himsul and family mm xc (E. R. I. . It .. frmn whom mm build: l:.( sand, to the station nuur'a'ht Lia purchase, Add HAMILTON, ONT rm 1 u. archiu’n f? ’zammmh Fur“- :szshiug 5302132163., Humanism, ainl, aid is rapidly filling up w n‘wcdcn, Nunmy‘ {Immu- mm in the Cu Is without exccption the MM medium priced in- strument. in the murkuL Mr. I<‘i>ch(-r (mnmvncvfl hi husim'sx in 1824‘ 2|an may claim um: :15 HH. 010081 in Nuw Ym'k in the Piano trade. 'l'hcn sun: cu 'ful husiuus< of half a century (311.1th llwm to 0111" :1 fl‘rstwuxss pizum an, uuupprounhublc pri' -=. ’ hose Jhn and bust mm- flominion Shirt Pactary 370. S King Sf. East, Missm. HARLOW 6c M. rm: 1 cannot rvfmiu from in}; mmml of the very great supul'iurify of thu Muxlmslwk l‘izmns, as in cm ry «new-cl. wpcx'i: " m 2111 mm The “01'- ullcsiml ‘ ix‘ 2| nmrvul of 1mm, um raw mum‘s, mm in 1x1] rcFlmcts (equals zlliy Com-tart (émmi; whilr thy, ‘ (1v hhri“ [)USSCBSO.‘ the pmvm' 01' any m‘diu» my sumu'c pizmn by our hem makul‘s. 21ml rev, 13' hit" no (rqlml in purity and flwevtnums of lunch (Sigurd) CJIAIKM'ZS FnAmzL. Compuwr um! Pianist to Ilirs Royal Highness 1hr Du: Gustave 01' Sum Wuimcr, 11!. 601112111153 :1 population of (‘amngnnszlnfl tostimoniuh sir-m, on application. Every lnam'umvm w: rmnmd for live y ,n's, Agcllh \anmi 111 (A cry (mum; of (m: Dmmniun. MwumAN is non-n! for its splundidUnin, ity :m Nurmzfl Sclumis, all pun 01' u magnificent. “Fm .sn‘mol System." mulmvcd hy the 51m Mu'ul \N is {mm-d for its Mmmlactorics. it Furnucuv. its Huih'mulx‘ its \\':m-r(,‘o1u'su.~" its hum lil'ul Lulu. and stirring culul‘prising Towns, Vi ‘ll MA‘I‘HUSHEK PM NOS \nd are in 21 part of the State unequuHc-I for 11031121 \cll \HllL‘i‘LKL and L‘mltiguous [0 1|“: grunt, Frui‘ ’11 sing Section uf the RAM Show of L:1}_iv:.\licl" 15 blxcmamx is mm: of HM: LEAST [XIEHH'J‘ED zlml 1mm )1‘0>1;m'vu.~' of thus ‘ JIGS. MwuumN is non-n! I‘m" its splmu‘ddlfnivcr t ' um Nurmzfl Sclumis, all pun 01' u magnificent. “Ems whuol System.” mulmvcd by the Elmo. MH‘IUGAN is {mm-d for its Mzmul'actorics. it: Mum' m in Mu: pm'liun ur‘ mu >1:ch near “295‘ Lands, prom :1” kinds of Fm}! . ‘l‘hc Grand i wins and Judi: 1 Rail Road run: 'hrul:gh the centre of the (jan The part of Michigan in which these Lands 1er ‘ound is The Grunt. Rapids and Indignm Ilzlih'nud having 5mm: mnnpluiud from For! “Hyuc to Indi .mlu Thu" May, “our )1: iuuw, vund m ‘1 INS Wan ; (1 I:1h(ib.u\'k‘f LUUUJJCO AC? The wealth of the Country is in Hue soil‘ 5 L110 time to own a sham of such v. with, n bu had kal ages :uulCiIics, MICHIGAN mud hirlvy‘ Punméw. MIL'mqu [mul uzx‘(‘(),.pv1',:'«i|\‘ N SUNS AND FOR PERIODS Frown ,4 270511} and i 01):. r Hamilton, Nov The ohkmt am.) host,‘ and givushunor swtisfszctiun he“ «my 0er 0" m 111 111:: llHU'kt‘L DIR THE FISCHE 14-, Commosor individuals far £874 is. £377; NOT A‘.’v’iLDERNESS BY ANY MEANS, “’AX'I‘EED, ADIES AND GENTLEMEN' TO 8 Adohxidc Strum, East STELL UNRIVALLED I .1.,ou<),000 A C R h AW'S' Etheqyé sfecâ€"lugal, ‘I'Il‘: r w: b 5' 0? Land Fit-pt tlztl Bargains iza lhe Bea! uf Farming PRINCE ORGANS! mugs 170v;SELEMEAS'WMENT 4.3. n *C) W .c‘ELFiD SE'LEJMHES mg: d;- Lyman, {\Clt'é‘l‘le'fln‘ (iv/zcrrll jig/9125.2. H by :11} Drug 1:55 and Duuivrs in Medicine '. 1f ' d3 Lands nrc timhcrml with boar‘h and 11mph; othcr luu'd wuml, urd are :wccsrilflu to m 'kcl, by H" A'E‘ER A YD RHQXL, . Ayer (in 00., Law “§“E%EEL'E’$ Muzuq In Email . 54%!3355‘ .sz AND '91; (LU: (‘HEMI TS mom: & ci' .1: General «3 34+” ,n‘muua WooL mum. Outta C 1M. 1875‘ NEW Ymm‘ Juno 2!, 1807. NiH‘HIGAfi L im-ximusmhle qumuitics 01 0.11 uml Luminn'. Him. ur‘ 111-: >1:ch hem-11:95. EPA“ ED 1' 0 1r Land Commissioner . (' Nix“ :1 {rank mmml of thi‘ :Muxlmslwk l‘imms, as ull mm, The n, .uu‘. raw (:mvr‘ Com" ‘ c pmw of any nuliu» ‘bL IZRIRL‘IF. 21ml 'cully wevtnms of lunch CJIAIKMCS FRADEL. “5 Royal U‘ghucsu 1hr PIANO! :a from Canada. n uimm‘l CVVJ‘) mimics. it: «as, its but.” A ere and mm \\ he“ ii UYOHYO ml; is local] Out In! :3 3m -DEPOTS ATâ€"\V. L. Cnn'los‘,Lonzlon ; J Clench's St. Cuthal‘juus; Luncuficld Ul‘LL‘L, Hamilton; A. L. dediemiss‘, Port 110110; 1:. \':1111\'m'nmu‘s Bellc~ ville; J. Mche‘n-s, Windsor; John. mum‘s smart;- ford; \Vm. Mullins; kclurmro‘rr FJGEblaigc’fi Bruutmrd; R. a Porter‘s Lindsay; C. (“Crouutcx‘s Simcoe..’ - ' ‘r’ ‘ 1" ‘ ' ovflcnmmfifl. EAST, TORONTO‘ BRANCH OFFICEâ€"£6 SPARKS ST., OTTAWA. A larqc \"iricty of new and second and 0 ‘ I: constantly in stock, vm-yiJ to Two Hundred and fifty (10112111115 Insu‘umonts mmiufu'ctm‘ml by any of the abov houses are GUARANT 'ED FOR FM 1‘) \EAA ia‘mt. Efg-ince 9% $0.. E‘; Can be [in at his 0mm. Sen! ‘ Ll-u, world. $1 pm- box and {\nfposl: 51:11:11»; 3 umgmfl mkc particular 11 .Iiw yum L n he rcsml' to he: ‘HI by applyng (cilhm‘ 1:1 )HXI‘SUH or by h-tr AH [01112110 umnp ints gkill'tu n ,urm‘x. All lvm, ., must he uddr (ed to A. Duns, qu. L030, ’I‘m'unm, Unlzu'io. 'mzul many pIrth ‘ A LA L‘ JJAL'JL L1 JXUAAA, Dominionoi‘ ‘u M1 for 1h liahcn’ing (k 5‘59:st Mahiius‘ay ti; mum, J. ..._. Ergvfizzngi' 43; fang . lflniiacwiirog. U hour « (lay and evening «m 211‘. (21mm UISUHH Logan : d ~nl‘ n omen :md Children, Mimn L13 -i’ L those of :1 private ll:l[lll'\'. \Vb, the undoing/“(All have been \'is, ’l‘m'unt‘o, (0m ‘4. II W Explicit (limctlunmstzlting wlxun lln-y should not he used with (ruclx box. Pills EA‘HL to any illldl‘UFE on l‘UCL’ipL of (.1110 Dollar. , _ All ltjnr-rs 1mm he addrc'sslod In It. L. ANDRE, S, ’ Clmlun Hum-l. liull'nlu, N. )3 (funslllmliuus hm when gram“:ny ulmliuul :u the (Allan. [3601_\' {115'36151‘LAL AGENTS 1N Tm 332 CLINTON ST.. CORNER CF WALNUT, BUFFALO. N. Y. Patients from :2 diatmlcu alcmmmm‘nllcd will board and mvdwul :xtlcrldmwu who“ i1, is nucctrnr; fur them 10 i'umain in Blilliilu for 11‘ :ulmont. D11. Axmuzw‘s FEMALE .I’uiis â€"'I‘lm (um-Qt occrmin medicines Inning been cicm'iy usccrrui :n Mich an as. fenmlcszu‘u sun-1y relieved from (iistrmsing (mnpinints. 11w spec? c fnl‘ 11mm: 1 iuvuiuuhlz- in correcting I'X'l‘k’glllul'iiil‘r“ I‘L'HIU : (Ibrh'uCSiUHS from any cause whatever. and tluc only sat}; sure 11nd L'vrmin remedy for (:11 Hqu tullliclin}; complaints m pucnlim‘ m the {Hawks SK'X. 'l‘ln-y us nothing mew, but huvc been used by the Docmr for many years .‘Inlgl'yuw, (J. I). 1”} ‘nn‘nmL, lil'ittm 131:: u|'l< and Si: duhuhflaqd W ' w.» » ‘1: Hm «flags: 1;: "‘ fl sizéfl‘:‘f§ ‘ 4n Persons wishin': to consult, Dr, A. pu‘mx should bvzn‘ in mind that he has removed his Hungary from ’l‘m'unlo, UHL, to and unufidwnt'al 111111111 for )1 rl'Xf' 1‘111111‘5 111‘ l‘ilts discusus 0f H1; SUI] :11 1'1-111ulu (lifllcullics. 1111111le wagkruxw; llL‘l‘ hility. 111111 :1‘1l (HSHXM‘S of 1111‘1‘1'111: 1111 Hrguns. gym-(lily and pu'nmncnlly curvd. 11111de :11 :1 11131111111: and 111cd1c‘inc tL'HL 11y exprurs. (Hzx‘rmmmx “linviwg been (me of the. many martyrs. of Rheumatism that I med, on my rnumls. I was induced (u “'3' the commuted Jlizxmoml .Rheummin Uurc. Ihnd sum-rel lhc last five, or six “cons Lhu mush tenable nculc wins auruxs my luins and 1) wk“ so severe. ink-Lu , Hm I cunH bunny umm; withuu: the help uf'a stuck. I mlu'uc' v: Lhc Diwmund liqmcdy. fulluwin ' thu dxx'cuth \ 'cfully. kiclirf :xme immediate y 'with the tint lmLLluâ€"~i:np1’u\cd with the sccuml, and cmuplutcly «mud and X' 1mm [my after using my Hit-.1 sun” Int" 4 ~‘ - ' You an; at perfect liberty Lu rofixr 10 mg: either wrh namely or publicly, :15 1 1001 very 1h In}:le fur 1‘2: re» lief 21ml sympuinzc with my fulluw suf'fu' “nun rhmmmti: L In thousands oi instances 11m yrumpt and free We uf Llu's IIICIliUiHC 11.15 Nu'ed mm; mm 411v hume [ms Hence, thv Umnmui lkluunmliu \ um 5111mm he i: uvery hospital ur infii. "V. in cw \' d"£‘tul"s Wins, in cvn’y family uml iiglnl‘y, in cvca; shit}! and 3111p, in » ' ' “flies and counting mom. livery butblc is mu .dual to contain the full itre |j,;lll of lhc 1x1 :(lia-inu in its hi :1L’"t: 5mm of purity Mn] (1 clopmcnt, and is supu‘ or 1:) any nudiuino avg-r cumpuulmml fur ghi: turnb'v comp] tim. This undid Ie i: for 51% b) :l. ] l.)ru;,;is‘HL‘:nm (ha Dulll 1L0 ._ If in h :plvc ls Limb your Um. “0L gm 1: m Stuck. ule 111m tn send for M to Iihcmnmism and‘CouC’h‘wc hereinfv-r cm} by flu: Quin-f; ' 1mm » able «hams "4m 1: c ( ed ."vf W’hat bbncmfifo l 1;: N. _\ Ems ui chunks mnsti'ulmdcensor. 1 lhejm'c innovation-J hmmrvd luv-scrintiou the pz‘vprwtor of the This mudkziuc has :LPL'd with perfect su plwls oi Aluutrcdl. m nest mu x’iuul Irma-Ii: i‘ d pusllivu ‘ \ll’i! 101‘ Quasks Gsnfmmdeii Toronto, KEFSr 1d for Cirqularg Price 'Ifi Thom is nu mudiuine which so prumptly ‘c-vivcs thc ioprwwd \’il:|1.:utioh, x‘usmr- s ‘11., genursl and Lqu ' c Al‘xt‘mn, all sys the ])..ih, (lisdp its the c: cum infhnmmtiun, undxmsluks m; hustllh D'cstiun. AUUVH .N‘om‘ulaol’ (c: LYMAN 830nm fur the Province of Uum‘iu. t '- Street, Tomato. micmlui 0 ions»: ; zmd or \\ 1m dofl; H mm (tuliuus course L»IVSU1£1\7.|IWHIU x) A knquch'v that all their] sum 3: cunt when culled upon 10 prussrdzw fur I - :1 from ' rank: lhounutism. '1 he in the fact 111 t the mode M 1m' «11;, -‘..'uu.l\-.x1hi:HAc-r in hmmduhs And Em mliin; m stmlcm-to Ll'u.r?l'111'cc!‘r,xix1we ‘r sum (lib .Luu am! {ncmmnnniuui‘ ,i;, 155' rcspc mHe ordcr 01‘ nwrtuls knuw ml I’m-mm. How often genius; hJS 1): :5 [llgh‘ls mi in“ Siigm Bimmnd Rheumatic Cure, ’(_AN 141% CONSULTE!) AT ALL )IAMOND RHEUMATIC CURB 'l‘HJEGULIHJN FEMALE PI HS DH'INS & Bom‘ox J. I). Prop»me Amlmuy liar-Scull: {Xian-1'13 lirimm,Pm.F.,(Iur1‘,£hns.(;.Ufis, Jus. II and six hmulyetl otht- N Munro" (-m'cd Aug. 7. 1874. 5 xxx-sand diflicuhies nf 3 pr DR. ANDRsza .nLlIy \bmn'sr,‘ hange Lam, man on F ‘Hvl'5 in Hmlc either ‘lmmi :wlfi MANUI‘AC‘TU: ED BY :u'runcl to contain nu in its hi :1L’"t: smtw I is svpu‘ or 1:) any M: u: b'v comp] tim M 0 DJ E R .. i :v: or Saxzr \m‘ l’omr‘n, ) wul, June 38, HT}. ’ vcrul munths past ham nL‘x mtm‘mii v11 iJ me hm;- -,.m|1n,-ni<nl by tn; vex thatcihzmusflc, speed; I‘RH'AT minim, Jimmy m-rvmxs (2w ‘Ll‘il: 'und mxuul 11V (:Ul'n‘d. [Enigma Iil‘r“ n-mt)‘; V and tlucumy 1' RH 1h misting: {mnle NA. 'l‘ln-y Used by the Doctm‘ I’uTluVin; CARDINAL, 61] ' .c streak «pod by Dr._:’t. ll):um<(m,"]’. I}: K- ~1l , Many-y u ‘ hh' lumun bus. .n‘u 5111mm he i‘. c d"£‘tul"5 (Minx, in hm}: :uui slnp, in contain the full 3th 5mm of purity 11; any nudiuino mnpl um. lggis‘chxmwghom AVES Hum be 5' Vms IX bum 1226-caw-15‘ hand Pumas x;; from Hm. Terms. 8; 0., ez‘rggae‘m ufi'uk) u: Lhéu w‘ 1M 1) ‘0" otmsid s incur )n‘armnm H L‘IHUI‘ mil

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