Many times we have vague impres- sions of a certain truth, which will never be brought to our minds with all its force unless brought out by external circumstances. It. is a sad and deplorable fact that we can never fully appreciate a blessing until it is lost to us. A girl comes to woman's estate, fair fresh and beautiful as a velvety rose sparkling with crystals of dew in the ï¬rst blush ofa Summer morning. One, to look at her, would hardly be reminded that the lovely structure is compost of hot. soda- bircuit, strong coti'eo, cake, sweetâ€" meats, etc. But such is the leniency of nature, that one may arrive at, this ago on such fare and appear wholesome. But how transient this beauty its consistency is tested by the stern experience of life l Under the sober cares of womanhood it fades as ‘- tbemorningglory in the hotsunshine. From three to live years after maturâ€" ity we see evidence of decay in pro» portion to the meagreness of the foun- dations. The rich nut-brown hair becomes thin and scraggy; the pearly teeth become decayed and unsightly, so that when the mouth is opened you are reminded of a longclosed srpul‘ chre, "full ofdead men’s bones and uncleanness.†that the skin has lost his fresh and ray hue. The row and the lily have vanished and given place to something that reminds one strongly of the parchment used for drum heads. The law that was so peachy and fresh is now shiny, flabby and wrinkled. Is it necessary lhat this beauty should be. so shortlived, instead of a joy that is commemu Me with life ‘1 No! a thousand times, No. As a rule, look at a man at the agcof thirty-live and a Woman at thirty. Let them stand side by side. What a picture! The man broadshouldcred, straight, stout rosy, smooth-skinned, healthydook- ing. The woman thin, shallow, and wrinkled. But the early degeneracy in health ofthe women of our hind cannot be chiefly attributed to bad dietetic hab- its, for it such were the case it would include the men also. it is, however, due to fashion. How can they be healthy wrapped in such swaddling bands ? See them dragging about heavy, t 'ailing, clinging skirts, some loaded like coats of mail. making it a heavy task for them to be even par- lor ornamentsl Such clothing hin- ders activity, and activity is necess- ary to prevent stagnation of blood. Most of us know that a bounding cirâ€" culation is essential to beauty, and that a bad circulation gives a person a blue, pinched 10ok, like a quail di- vested of its plumage. Another great enemy to beauty is foul air. Men, as a rule, are exposed to the best air that the market afâ€" fords the greater part of the time. Hence it is that their food, although it may not be of the best quality, is better digested and assimilated. How is it commonly with women? With- out suflicient bodily exercise to proâ€" duce a good circulation, they also inâ€" crease the difï¬culty by staying in close rooms heated by coal, and breathâ€" ing the gases that are pent up there» in. One cannot breathe impure air, and long retain the beauty God has given her. . Another great sotircc of premature decay in Woman is want of mental stimulus. Men go forth and buy and sell and get gain. Boys, even at: an early age, are taught to take their places in the busy world of tra to. And by the the time they are twenty they' may be thoroughly versed in .all the ways and means by which they may become useful members of society, and secure to themselves and these dependent on them a. “local habitation and a name.†They have something to look fin-ward to, some thing to warm their heart, tire their brain and nerve their muscles. On the other hand, how is it with our girls and women? In the lower classes, as sent as a girl isold enough she is expected to go out to sew ordo housework, and in these'occupations there is only one road to general pro- motion. if it may be called suchâ€" that of marriage. The girl soon finds that her lot is that of’a. needle slave 0 ' a drudgo, until some man about as ignorant as herself asks her to share his fortunes. Looking toward a speedy marriage, her scanty earnings go for gaudy apparel to decorate hci- self. She has no time forculture, by inheritance no taste for it. This class however, best retain their primitive health. But alas! it is a buried, use less health and beauty, because there is a dearth of that culture that makes “ gods of common mortals.†In the middle classes society per- mits the young woman to rise in the scale ot being. They can sew, take clerkships, or touch. And in cacls case it is tacitly understood that her occupation is but a makeshift until her natural lord comes to claim her as his property. Is there not in this system a fearful lack of noble incen tives ? The sewing girl is poorly paid, and her health is so quickly unâ€" dermined by her occupation that she is almost compelled to accept the first offer of marriage to save herself from pauperism. The saleswoman is obliged to spend all her earnings to make herself suf fiCiently attractive to suit the high notions of her employer. But such an occupation necessitates such a detrimental mode of life that she soon fades, and must also seek other employment or take refuge in mar- riage. The teacher has a wider scope, as usually accompanies a higher in teliigenee.‘ She is more independent. Shc cares less to please in mere mat ters of adornment, and she is usually let severely alone by the men. ' Among the rich the young girl en- ters society at the age of eighteen. She has a few brief months of butter fly existence before she settles down for life. Having attained her object and, like Alexander, no more worlds to conquer, and not rightly appreci- ating the high and glorious 013106 of Next you perceive motherhood, she becomes in a few years a. thoroughly withered and disâ€" heartened woman. The remedy is obvious. First, dress healthfully. Dress so that the precious life current can have free course from the now stultiticd brain to those numb hands and feet. Dress so that the delicate machinery within can maintain its natural position. Dress so that locomotion, work,play, fun, or frolic will become a pleasure. Breathe. Take long deep d raughts of air. pure, vitalizing air. Ilreathe until your purple checks becotnccar- mine. Breathe until your lallowy skin-wwhich no cosmetic can hideâ€"~ becomes fresh as a child’s. until your heart and tongue break forth into song as in the joyous days of sweet sixteen. And let no cure press too heavil r‘. Work. \Vork oti’ languo - and low spirits. Have a heart in it. Seek an objectin life worthy ofyonr noble soll'. Do not seek .1 dozen olvjectsand work a little. at each one. But seek one only and bend all your energies to its accomplishment. â€"_.~.â€" ...... «yo.-»..s-__wâ€".â€"â€"~ The Debt of New York City. Imagine New York city sold under the hammer to pay its debts. Not a likely thing to happen, you think 1 \Vell, perhaps not. I’ut it is a possi- bility that. is often talked about, whc« tlier likely or otherwise, Every once in a. while we hear from certain sources that. bankruptcy is straight before us. \Vo have a population of about one million, and a net indebtedness of over $115,000,000. The security for this is a real estate valuation of about $000,â€" 000,000. According to the tiguros, each man, woman, and child of us owes $115 on public account, not to spc-ik of the $000 national blessing that is dc» bitcd all round. New York is pretty generally credited with being a fast. city. but I don’t know any way in which its fustness is more forcibly shown than in the rapid increase of its debt. Twenty years ago it owed $5,000,000. Ton yours ago the amount was 936,000,000. Five years ago, when Tweed and his friends had full swing, the figures were $73,000,000. Now, in this l)lt’S>1(’tl year 1875, with Tweed in the peniten- tiary, Connolly and chciiy conceal Kl somewhere in Europe, and every vcs< tige of the ring gonc glimmering out of sight, the actual debt of poor Gotham foots tip $115 000,000. I sty the ac- tual debt, because the nominal debt is fully forty millions more. Morrow-r, it appears from all amounts that whih» the debt; keeps growing larger and larger, the means to meet it lit-comes less. The real estate of New York is not toâ€"day worth anything like what it was worth three years ago. The gen» Veral estimate of shrinkage is 25 ptr cent, or about $200,000,000 altogether. So the outlook, you see, is not at all cheering. Evidently, there is great need of economy, but the signs of it. are not very numerous. Ten years ago it cost $l8,000,000 to carry on the city government. Ten years before that it. cost, $6,000,000. This year it is cost- ing $35,000,000. In Twecu’s lastyonr of power it} cost $23,000,000. \Vc are now paying $3,500,000 for education, $5,000,000 for police, $2,000,000 for parks and public words, and $10,000,» 000 for interest on debt. The tax is .ncurly three per cent. on a, valuation of sixty per centâ€"equal to live or six per cent. in many other places. Still, I don’t; feel very uneasy about the pros» poets of New York going under the hammer, even though the Tribune, the Graphic, and some other papers talk about it. But if it ever does come to this, there will be a good chance to buy a big city very cheap. â€"New York Letter. "way . O 9 <‘â€"-â€"â€"»»â€"vâ€" Husbands and Home-made Shirts. The Troy Times says : A day or two ago, while crossing the ice, we over- heard two ladies talking about a new dress, and one of the ladies remarked that, “ When I tried it on, I asked Itoh if it was a good lit about. the waist," and he replied, “ \Vell, I should say not. It tits about as well as a homeâ€" made shirt.†There was a volume in Rob's reply. As a rule, homemade shirts don't. fit at all. They will draw in at the back atid over the shoulder to that extent that a. fellow don’t know whether he is encased in a shoulderâ€" braec or a. strait-jacket. The neck-band may not go twice around and tuck in behind, but it usually laps about three inches, or else it is cut so low in the neck that a 2 l‘lllcll collar is rcquircd to reach the Collar-button. In leaning forward when sitting, the bosom crushes in at the sides and projects in the mid- dle, looking more like a badly-demoralâ€" ized dust: pan than anything else. The sleeves are so short that the large cciil’. pair of cuffâ€"buntons, selected with great care, either tickle a fellow’s clâ€" bows, or dangle around his linger nails, never arriving at a compromise between the cxtrnne. The skirts are generally of an abbreviated character, making the affair resemble an overgrown round about. Men do not like to find fault, knowing that; their wives meant \vcll enough, and worked hard in making the garments, but, when away from the house, they do not hesitate to say that the desire of their hearts is that their wives should go out, of the business. ~o o..- .o w“ rwâ€"A An American lady in Paris recent- ly happened to be in a room adjoining an American gentleman and lady there and very unwillingly overheard a conversation. There was a door between the two rooms, and as they raised their voices she heard the lady say, “ I tell you, my dear, that I must have 5:58.000 next year. It is iinposn sible, with the $5,000 you allow me, to make any respectable appearance. I cannot do it.†She spoke angrily, and her husband remonstrated, “My dear, I have given all I can. I have taken all I dare from my business without crippling it." “ I tell you. sir," she said vehemently, “ I tell you that I really must have 38,000 for my dress, I caniiot‘dress as others as un- less you give me this. ï¬ll/tar." Miscellaneous Items. All the Nebraska aid societies want now is wheat and corn and potatoes enough to plant 300,000 acres and about $150,000 in cash. The climate is so healthy around Bel ton, Texas, that women have to poison their husbands to get rid of them and to have a chance. to go to a funeral. I’rof. Tyndall says that. the bottom of Lake Eric is liable to fall out any day, and our propeller has instructions to keep close to shore and be ready to jump when she hears a cracking. Congressman Lawrence, of Louisiana, , , vets a. thousand dollars an hour for Just I)t"\':lll}0. - .Ecn hoursY service. \Vc'd be willâ€" ing to try and worry through a day or n o of it ourselves, at. that tiguics. The Rev. Collyer says that, men have always sworn and always will swear. and he thinks some one should invent a national bath. \Ve have always thought that. “ by gum l†was good Eng ish. expressive, and an inherent sort, of a swear, and we place it; on the table. The Detroit Free Press says : ()n Bates street yesterday a lubbcr of a boy cuffed a small boy’s ears, and the small boy drew a crowd by his lament- ;ttions. “ Never mind,H said a gentle- man, as he patted the lad on the lie-id. "you’ll be big enough in three years more to lick him.†“I ’spose I will,†walled the boy, “but; I drnther nmul him now while I’m alllired mad I†“ Bub, did you ever stop to think,†said a Michigan avenue grocer yester- day, as be measured out half a. pick of potatoos, “ that these potatoes contain sugar, watcr,’and starch 'l" “ Noah, I didn’t,†replied the boy, “but I heard mother say that you put peas and beans in your Coffee, and about a pint of wa- ter in about every quait of milk you sold.†“ \Villic," said a. dotingparent at. the breakfast-table to an abridged edition of himself, and who had just entered the‘ manhunt-class at the hiin school, “\Vil» lie, my dear, will you pass the butter 3' “ Thirtainly, tliirwtakthes me to patht- anything. Butter ith a common thub» tliantive, neuter gender, agrccth with hot. buck wheat cakcth, and ith governed by thiig:ii'â€"â€"inolatlieth undci‘thtood.†Sydney Smith says, “The greatet curse that can be entailed on mankind is a slate of war. All the atrocious crimes committed in years of peace, all that is spent in peace by the secret cor- ruptions, or by the thoughtless extraâ€" vagance of nations, are more. trifles compared with the gigantic evils which stalk over this world in a. state of war. God is forgotten in War; cvei'y princi- ple of Christianity is trampled upon." A. learned professor predicts that this sort of thing will bye-aud-bye take the place ot some of the present instruction given in schools and lectures :â€"“ First class in l.>cel'~stculr, stand up. Miss Morris, please describe the process of cooking a beef-steak one inch and a hall thick, measured by \Vhitworth’s guugc." broil it thoroughly, without scorching. and serve itl up with salt and pepper." “Wrong. You may step down and out. The process of cooking a beef- otcak of the above dimensions is to place it on a gridiron over a. hot fire until the outside is properly browned, but not scorched; you are then to put it on a plate in a. but even, where you are to keep it five minutes; at the end ol that time it will be found cooked through, and of a delicate, roseate, pink hue, neither dried nor burned in any part thereof. If you dare to salt oi JC‘HIBI' it. before serviiw Von will 5‘“ l IA or. . ceivc no diploma from this institute." A few nights back, a party of ladies and gentlemen were laughing over the supposed awkwardness attending a declaration of love. when a gentleman remarked that if In; ever offcied himsell he would do it in a collected and busiâ€" nessdike manner. “ Fer instai.c i," said be, addressing himself to a beauti- liil lady present, “I would say, Miss S-â€"â€"â€"~, I have been engaged two years in looking for a wife, I. am in the re- ceipt of a. clear income of two thousand dollars a year from my present; business, which is daily on the increase. Of all the ladies of my acquaintance, I admire you the most. Indeed, to speak pluiiiâ€" ly, I love you, and would most gladly make you my wife." “ You flatter me by your preference,†good-humoredly replied Miss. S-~, to the surprise of all present. “Not at all ; I am entire- lv sincere.†“ Then I refer you to my “ Bravo I" exclaimed the gen- tlotnali. “ \Vell, I de-c-l-a-rc l†ex claimed the ladies in one united chorus. The lady and gentleman were married soon. Accounts of the recent escape from destruction of the British mail steam- ship A'ile leave little to be desired foi coolness, discipline, and pluck on the part of all concerned. But the latest developments regarding her cargo are not creditable to British stcvedores and underwriters. It, appears that a large quantity of cotton-wach was stowed in the after-hold in close proximity to casks of machine-oil and turrcd bugs containing “ smithy†coal. The rest of the cargo was made up of dry goods with more oil at convenient. intervals. With the given materials it is not easy to contrive an arrangement better cal- culated to burn well. That oiled cotâ€" ton-waste will always generate heat. and sometimes ï¬re is, we believe, a fact. In the present instance 9. fire started some- how, and was only kept under and finally extinguished by dint oftho most heroic efforts. The ship had us‘t sail- cd for the \Vest Indies with two hun- dred and seven souls on board, and in~ ste id of the confusion which too often prevails in such a crisis, every man did his duty. The boats were provisioned and prepared for launching, and passen- gers were toldâ€"offin the most orderly manner. After all was over, it was found that one ofthe oilâ€"casks had only a quarter of an inch of charred wood left between its contents and the ï¬re. Had work slackened for an instant during the three hours ï¬ght, the flames would have had it all their own way , after this quarter of an inch was burned. I Michael Angelo. Before his apprenticeship had ended by its own limitations he painted a picâ€" ture after Martin Scliongaur r’s "Tempt- ation of St. Anthony,†“'ll,(‘ii was so excellent that. Grillanda'jo is s. aid to have claimed the merit of it. \\ tether he- did so or not. it was the minmcncc- men‘s of their disagreement, which end- ed in the severing of their connection. Through the good ofï¬ces of a young friend he was, however, introduced to the gardens of San Marco, where the art treasures of the Medici family were kept. and having attracted the utten tion of Lorenzo de' Medici by a piece of sculpture he made, was intion. ‘3 the palace, had a. room assigned him, and was given a monthly allowance of live dueats. Here he met the. most cul- timted society of the time. The re- vival of learning had commenced ; human society had entered upon one of those seasons of growth in which the long-maturing processes seem suddenly to assert themselves witha new activity and assume a. new phaso, as the plant does when one of its series of leaves is moditicd, and lo! the blossom appears. It was a wonderful season of intc locâ€" tiial activity in Italy. The art of printâ€" ing had just been discovrred. An Italian had returned lrom a new world across the Atlantic. Gi'erian literature was being introduced to the scholars of Southern Europe. The world of reality and the world of speculation had each been found to be vastcr than had been supposed. The trant-ition from the methods of thought and the manner of life of antiquity to that. of tinâ€"s.†modern days was commencing. In the very seat and focus of all this the young at tist passed the years of his early manhood, the most impressible period of each of our lives. Politian gave him the marble, and .- ested to him the subject of the muttâ€"st of Her- “Put it on a. gridiron and culcs with the Centaurs. which he worked into a bassrrelief that made his reputation. He would never part with this piece of work, and it. remains to- day in the palace of the Iiuonarotti family in Florence. Lorenzo was on terms ofintimatc familiarity with the young sculptor, and consulted with him constantly concerning his pnrelniscs of objects of art. The members of the . . . . l \‘l lien writing to governsers- please say that you saw their, ml verlisement in this paper. latest Novelties. Canada. Circulars free. AGENCY. HAMILTON, ONT. lest. selling: articles in I" :3; 3'7â€? We ft; “it"llE: Address orders to B. E. CHARLTON. Ilamilton. Ont ilflllll l ï¬ll 101*" A GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER Fit) Health Regulator, ' ~~~ :o:â€"â€"~ g: N0 MElClllE EQIIALS ff. : .0. DON’T FAIL To'PURCHASE IT. x Possessing most unknown, and only obfm'n- able in file Mullen! Victory. Ills Properties are snicli as to Platonic Academy, who exercised such an influence upon the spirit. of their times, won: his friends, and in some of his poems evidences are given of the hold which the lofty idealism of the Platonic philosophy had upon him. At the same time, however, he mingled with the followers of Savonarola, the forerunner of the Reformation ; and be- ing naturally of a melancholy temperaâ€" ment, inclined to solitude, and proneto speculation, the turmoil of politics soon grew distasteful to him, and though his life was passed alternately in study and Work, the (rdinary ambitions of men had but little interest; for him. Yet when the need arose for his services he was always a faithful and devoted citi- zen, and his time and talents were freeâ€" ly given to the state. As a sculptor, a painter, and an architect, his works h‘aveksecuretl him a reputation among the few original creative geniuses the world has socii.â€"~Iltl.7per’s illagazinn. ... ._.â€"..__ “.7 _».. 4* o..>â€".‘-â€"â€".â€"-â€" w.â€" rlagiislly insure Sound: Health and Long Life. The best scientiï¬cally prepared medicine In America. Plcnsnnl to tha- tastc, nngl ‘vairrnnlml free from anything; injurious no line [nous delicate conslitu- (ion of either sex. lib/III {lie r‘rrtflï¬rnfcs of wonderful cures {firm in Dr. Ii, 3 Treatise accompanying each bottle, m: r U as those constantly appear/$771; in the .x-papcr press oft/la 1/0771i72ion. D3 DEDEW OI‘ PARIS. FRANCE, an eminz‘ntphvsirian, is thcdisrovcrcrof this Great Illood llemedyma Purely Vegetable Compoundâ€"named by physicians, Depow‘s Medic-.11 Victory, that cures every kind of unhealthy Humor, and (‘\'(‘l‘)’ disease that depend; on Impurity of the IElood, where the Llingl, Liver, and Kidneys, and other vital organs. are not wasth beyond the bone of 000D AGENTS FOR THE; l l | l noinxtox TCOVl-illlYf l Astrim'shing (.‘irrrlitre Properties hitherto , repair . For the cura of Sorol'nlat,I Tyysnrlns, ,. Salt-rlieum, Eczema, S ‘ald- -: .. llcaly Eruption 0f the Skin.Uleers. and l’cvcr Sores of all kinds lloils Hunter in the Mouth and Stomach or Iiyes, Sore Ears, Eruption on the Head, and Pimples or Illotchcs on the face it stands I’m-eminently at. the head of all other Reine/lies. In the cure offlhmimatism, Dysiicpsia,l.ivcr Complaint. and diseases of thc Kidneys and Mark Twain. Coming out of the Erie Railway building, I yesterday saw Mark Twain, whom we used to know in the old Frisco days as Sam Clemens. He wears the same old brig-and hat and cloak, and one is always sure when looking at him that he vould rather look shabby than ' _ ' l. .a'erccat with yellow but- tons. It is nowjust ten years since I sat one day on the step: of the Ameriâ€" can House, in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, with Clemens, and happened to mention that I was writing letters to the New York Herald. lie was then unknown, except as an odd character in San Francisco, and as the writer of let- ters to the Sacramento Union, and he very timidly said he had received an offer from a musical monthly to write a page for it for six dollars. He wanted to know whether it would pay him to go on to New York. I had never read anything of this, and I told him that it he went on to New York he couldn’t earn his salt. Yet there he stood yesâ€" terday, with liislsauey moustache and gimlet eyes. as unconcerned as if he hadn't made a. hundred thousand dolâ€" lars and hadn't married a. girl with more salt lying around loose than would pickle all Honolulu.â€"â€"1V. Y. Cor. Don.- bury News. {(51": .â€"â€"- «-â€"â€"â€" »»»»» v. a» oâ€"uâ€"w Romance and Reality in War. We talk exultingly, and with a cerâ€" tain tire, of “a. magnificent charge I†of “a splendid charge 1" yet; very few will think of the hideous particulars that these two airy words stand for. The “splendid charge†is a headlong rush of men on strong horses, urged to their fullest speed, riding down and overwhelming an opposing mass of men on foot. The reader’s mind goes no further : being content with the infor- mation that the enemy’s line was “ broken "' and “gave way." It dots not till in the picture. \thn the "splendid charge " has done its work, and passed by, there will be found a sight very much like the scene of a frightful railway accident. There will be thelull compliment of broken backs; of arms twisted wholly off; of men impaled upon their own bayonets; of legs smashed up like bits of firewood I; of heads sliced open like apples; of other heads crunched into soft jelly by iron hoofs of horses ; of faces trampled out of all likeness to anything human. . This is what skulks behind " a splendid charge E" This is what follows, as a matter of course, when “ our fellows rode at them in style," and “ cut them up famous] y." -~ Charles Dickens. __.._.r ‘0.--_< -- g.- â€" Mâ€".._.,___..__-. The only divoiee lawyer in Cairo has his ofï¬ce tip five flights of stairs, andl after a woman has got half way up she l is ready to return home and fix up inatâ€" tors. 3.76 "Rail Bladder, its effects are surprising to all. For lcgulating the Bowols, and curing Ililious- ness. Headache, Sickâ€"Ilcadnchc, Neuralgia, Female \Vcakncss, Nervousnoss, Pains in the Side. Loins and Back, and general “'ralmcss and Debility its curative powers are remarkable. ' It is a Gentle Regulating Burgative, as well as II. Tome. (kc Possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion, and Chronic Inflam- mation of the Liver and all the Visceral Organs For Female Complaints. Whether in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or at the turn of life, the Medical Victory has no equal. A Perfect Rollovnlor mail anigornlor of the S) stem. 0m Bottle of Depew’s Nadia/l Victor]; will conrz'noa the most incredulous sz'tx curative properties. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. ADDliESS Sills @; Gm, BATH, ONTARIO. ’ A ’1“ 39‘ Just Published. Q “ Gill's Mechani- “ “f†. cal Stair builder. allowed by architects, builders, and practical stair» builders to be the best and simplest work yet pub- lished. Every carpenter that wants to keep up with the times should procure a copy. ’l‘lic book comains forty three plates, also an Appi‘t’iltit‘t' Du. mrttncnt. The best of testimonials fnrn I('(l l'i‘on. cudilig architects, huilde . and nice .-s. l’iih. lishcd at. the low price of Siibsci' )o to local agent. or address J'. C. WHI'.E‘.F, General Agent. Box 507, Hamilton, ()ut. PE?†AGENTS WANTEDgâ€"Thc work i.- Copyrighted, and C.tll only he had from the local agent. or general agent. Hamilton, Jan. , 1375. illllllllwssnai is as eï¬'ccfeml a, remedy . . a . gm Fï¬R FEVER 8: Abilities. as the Sulphate in the same doses. while it affects the hrud loss, is more palatable and mluw’i (ihl'fl‘f)!'r. Send for descriptive Circular with Teslimmiinls of I’llq/si'rirms from all parts of the country. W Sample packages for trial. 23 rents. Prepared by Bl LLINGS. CLAPP {<3 (10.. Chemists, 'losmn, M how York Ollice, S .c 9 (lull '!0 Place. (Successor to J. Flint) Manufacturer of all '4 kin: of \\\'.\‘. Strait Ki. P .ent Plaster- ing wels. Sac. Sole Manufacturer ot the J. Ii‘lint l'a proved Chainpiot Uutgaw; alsc tho llL iiing Gross Out Saw. EIES. Obs-‘1‘. {31 7.1;.- ST. CATEARI All Saws \i'arraiitcd. “'AA‘TEE). " ADIES AND HENTLEMEN T0 J qualify as TELI'] lltAI’lI OPERATORS for Ufllcrs ops-tilt);r in the Dominion. Send t'or cii‘rular. (‘0LlC.\1.-\\T & BAKER. Toronto. Ont. Money to Iman. ’N SUMS AND FOR. PERIODS , to suit borrowers, on Real Estate security at 1: LIFE per centlinterest (not in advance). y at the o’ï¬ce ot' the NATIONAL A l INxITRANCE COMPANY, rumor of James and King Streets. Hamilton. LIVINGSTON. MOORE & (‘10.. General Agents. Hamilton. Nov. 13. 1874. Ills-9t ECALOOMANIE FOR A M U SE llLEN'I‘.â€"~Box containing eighty pictures. ira- torlals and directions for transferrlnrv. suit mywime ou‘recolpt of $1.00. CALLuNbER at . 501, Port Hope, Ont. M 0 It .li greens Rheumatism and Gout hive heretoiore been consid- cred by the ordinary practi. it; p .ms as incur able diseases. and lit“ utivr has often been pr unl oil. of what heuetit to the helpless sufferer is l their pretended . e ; and or what dot-h 'it availâ€"«their lung and fed us course of studiurif they are obliged to acknowledge that all their 1 sources are. of no ac count when called upon to prescribi- for a patient 8us loving; from ('hl‘o' 'c rheumatism. ’l he, grott trouble Ii i the fact ti t the mode of imostigation is pre‘ ' “ll \vi‘. bin rcrtniii bouiulua' id limitations com- pelling the stu‘: l‘vl to tread in rt n well-Worn paths, or suffer (1: rod c\colnniunicu on from that ' lily re bio ordercf mortals lain was the. Sir-o'- irnl l’ilt'w 4. How often et-niuslias b n curbc in its tliglits of iiivtstigation can be ca-ily imagined. Ant! nltcn really grand and b aicï¬ciil discoveries have been placed under the ban of censur- bv these self in: itut e isors for no reusiin v'. .ttevcr. but that tlic_ are ‘ otypod anti time honored prer intii . t was not so, however, with tin. pi‘eprietm of the ‘ \' . ,, .1 t'i .. : ‘l bianieno alie- artistic. Cure. for llli high standing in the pitiftssnnn, and the learn ii .i-.l science of an able mind, quickly cmnpelled the ci;.\‘soit to succumb, an t now ph) slainus generally all ut'cr the world, where this medicine isiiitrodiired, ad nii‘t of its Wonderful rillcacy. and ofien pres c it for their pa icnts. (Jf course. the use of the l amonc Rheumatic t‘iire, withgnit the aid of r. physician. is a swing iii/10v to the sufferer l . really count“. tiuiis physicianshould rcjoi t this. for the Yc of the general benefit arising to mankind from its use. REA!) WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. Uri‘mnt' ' '4‘ ‘tnuv Forms. 1 .‘v'loiitrtuii dine is, 1.574. f Msssus. quvixs 8.2 homes, GEN’I‘I.E)IRN.â€"II:LVirig,“ hren one of the, man“ ir of Rheumatism that 1 meet on my daily worlds. 1 \\ s induced to try the celebrated Diamond Rheumatic. tlure. Iliad suffered the last ï¬ve or six weeks the most terrible acute pains across my loins and back»â€" so Severe. indeed, that I could hardly walk without the help of a stick. I commenced using the Diamond llcmndy. following the directions (nirrl'ullv. came immediately with the first. hunt. . nproi (-d with the cowl, and completely cured and free from ‘ . on; my tifth sinill bottle. I on are at. p fort liberty to i'c‘nr to un- eitlzzir prl» '. uljv' or p‘ ‘ v. as l tool very tb tiikfiil for the re lief and in thine \iitli my fellow unfit-112‘s from rhenuiatvlsin. llrspeet folly vnurs, J. i’.. CARDINAL, oi Labille street. This medicine has for several months past been used with perfect success and satisfaction tn the hos- pitals oi Montreal. and is recommended by the var) nest lllcrlltlltl pim 'tioners lii thatcitvmmsnfe. speedy and pt‘rsitive cure for either chronic or acute ltlmuina tism. There is no inc ‘Wl vital action, rcsto ‘ the general and local . all tys the pain, di. ip itcs the congestion, vein-s nill.i;n..-iat.ion, and restores the healthy action l DIAMOND RIIEUMATIC CURE. ln thousands of in. of this medicine has d many valuable luinmi lives. Hence, the lLamouiI Jlinuniutie (titre should he in eve hospital or intirniary, in every doctor's ofï¬ce, in cvci family and factory, in every shop and ship, in every ofï¬ce and counting room. Every bottle is warmntel to contain ever compounded for this terrible complaint. This ml the Dominion. not got it in stock, ask him to send for it. to NOR l‘lIROI’ (f'r LYMAN. Agents for the Province of Ontario, Scott Street, Toronto. the can The (littlest Established House in Canada. G Glilclie 'ing & nous. Moiuwny ck Sons, “animus: & sons. Hain‘cs Bros. . - ‘ . Dominion of Canada for the following Pianos OlltlANS ï¬â€˜lae 53' (tarsal. MANUFA CTURED L’ Y ANN won é; Hamlin ill-gnu pasty. Rosie". the». Si. Prince s3: (20.. lsiitl'alo Instruments mam ' ‘tnred by nor of the abort lmitxirs are GUARAAIEED FOIt'FlVE YEARS. A larvc vaiiety of new and second hand I‘ianor and 013;. to Two us constantly in stock. varying from ll‘it'ty iindrcd and tifty dollars. iï¬fâ€l~lhitl for Circulars. Price Lists. Terms. 8313., before purchasing elsewhere. A. dz 1'}. NGRDHELHER, III‘ZAD OFFICEâ€"~15 KING ST. EAST. TORONTO. BRANCH OFFICEâ€"‘20 SPARKS ST., OTTAWA. DEPOTS AT-â€"â€"\V. Ii. (Tari'les‘,Londmi: J Clcnch‘s St. ()utlnirinos; Iiaiicctield llros., Hamilton; A. L. .\li<ldleiniss‘, Port Ilopc; R. VanNormah‘s Belle ville; J. McCrac‘s, Windsor; John Owen‘s Strai- f()l‘ll; Win. Mathias. l‘cti-rhoro‘: J. Lethhrldg ‘s. llrantford; it. h Porter‘s Lindsay: G. F. Counter} sinicoc. Toronto, Aug. 7. ISH. 22Freow-I)‘ I EEBLE’S dominion Shut Factory 1 No. 8 King St. East, H A M l L T O N , O N 1 :v z E r: 4/» ‘ 'l n _. . .- .. it a z ' ll 5" a†‘ $9.? .3 :‘m at“ . uni-v CL". .’ 5m 3.: -' 0Q" .,...â€". 110 es .. y E? . P: w: O . " ~. it e m a C2 C4: 5.. Pa 7‘ n'. r. 'b.‘ E a :5 .«v E y, i' DIRECTIO {'3 F0". SELF-MEASIIRI‘MENT: . round Noel .i7earound Chest; size around . 1 six." around \l.’ st; From centre of Back ti of (‘ufl . for Studs, Eycletu or Buttons ii. out ; {or binds ICyclcts or Buttons in Gulf: pluii. at t. or 3 or 5 l’laits; when wanted; price; quail '. 5.}. 'll‘rebicls Mainlineâ€: l'r‘nr- nishing; House. “annualâ€. Elma. stems: litigixies. Boilers, Manna Saw Eli ills. Sliaftliig, Pulleys. Hangers, screw “stump Ezizchlncs and General Machinery Disniufactured at. the MOzï¬i-‘t IRON ‘NORKS, Ila milton, ('Bnilario. ’g‘llli STEAM ENGINES MANUFACTURED BY this ï¬rm are in many respects superior to any other made in this country icing selfdulirlcatlng throughout. and are reiiiarkahly powerful, and eco- nominal on incl its well as reasonable in price. The t'fl’icinncy may be judged by the continually increas- ingdemand which iii-ccssitates constant. additions to our machinery and plant. J. LII-I. KELLEY 85 CO. ll' :nilton. F-"n. ‘20. 1574. 306 Qtinisieliu norm KING STREET WEST- PROPRIETOR. GENERAL 23AMILT0N. ONT. :3 It. rest _1 i the sealn bi its ‘ Relief icinc which so promptly revives the 'iiices the prompt and free use the full strength of the medicine in its highest state of purity and dmclopmeiit, and is supercr to any medicine c is for sale by a'l Drngg'iststhroughout If it. happens that your Uruggist has ll N It It A L AG ENTS IN THE STAGE OFFICE Davis, Toronto bumâ€"J. Ll. This standard article In many-minded Wllll the greatâ€" est care. It effect. c as ‘».\"Ilidc."5|'l and satisfatory as ever. gray or faded hair to its youthful color. ll «:1 jitio , i liiirr and dandruff: and becomes \. and chain. It remove l Ily its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and making: the hair grow thick and strong. A} a ressing nothing can be found so Maul. or ilesira-L . ' Dr. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts says of it : “ l consider it run Bust PREPARATION for it. l intei dart purposes.†fluctuations. , r n c K 1 iv a: 51.1 are? DY in.- roa TIIE WHISKERS. ' This elegant preparation may be relied on to change 1 the color of the heard from grav or :tnv other iuulcsir~ able shade. to brown. or bla k, at discretion. It is ily applied. ltUlng in use r ll‘AllA‘rmN. and quickly ' . l efleetnallv produces a permanent color Whit-h wi.l neither rub nor wash all. ,. ' ' Manor. mm.) in; 1?. P. .1111 Lfo’7 60., AXIS/I Ll. NH Sold by all Ilrtiggis and Dealers in Niobium-3. ' Northrup 5: l.\'lll’\ll, .‘Ce Liv. Numeral b. laid as l.,tltltl,tltltl ACRES ill-‘7“ 35‘i.l‘.§\l3!il I Ruilflrtid.‘ inï¬ll?!» l i The Grant ltupids and lndl ia Railroad having been completed from l-‘ort ‘n'ayue to Indiana. to little ’1‘ ‘ crso Lluy. near Mackinaw. and earned all of its g Inis ot lands. over LOU-(LOUD ACRES, now ofler Splnalul littlgilllls‘. ll] lllit first «if farming litllllls Tawelimlcsor‘ Individuals foals“ k l8â€. These Lands are timbcred with beach and maple, elm and other hard wood, iu'd are accessible to the best. market, by li‘.&f5‘i-iii A “s in us tit. And are in a part of the State unequalled for lienlt a, well \ tered, and contiguous to the great Fruit ralsxng S ctinn of the East/shore of Lake Michigan. ‘Mionirmn is one of the LEAST INDEBTIQD and most prespcrons ot' the States. Micniosu is noted for its splendid University and Normal behools, all part of a magnificent “Frce School System.“ endowed by the State. MICHIGAN is famed for its lllannhmtorics. its~ Furnaces, its Railroads, its Wat. Courses, its beau- tll’ul Lakes. and stirring, cntci'p .iiig Towns, Vil- lages and (lilies. rliciiiuAN produces Won]. Wheat, Oats. Corn. Barley. Potatoes. 6w. MICHIGAN produces inexhaustablc quantities: of Iron. (topper, Silver, Coal and Lumber. MiciiieAN in the portion of the Statewfln-sc ( . d runs these lands are Lands, produces all kinds of Fruits. The Grand Rapids and Indiana Rail through the centre of the Grant. Thepart of Michigan in which found is N‘OI Alll’llDERNESS BY ANY MEANS, but contains a population of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND 300113 and is rapidly titling up with settle-15 from Canada, Sweden. Norway, llolland. and from almost every titme iii the Union. OvcrlO0,000 acres of the lands of this grant have already been sold l . rl'he wcalzh of the (‘onutry is in the soil, and now is the [line to own a share of sit-h wealth, when it can be had at From $4 to $3 and $10prr Acre. One quarter only, down, bra-lance In easy time pay- ments. During the year 1874 and 1375. anv purchasers of not less than till acres of farming land, paying oneâ€" qnurter down, who will go upon it for settlement within Four Months after purchase, \vlll be furnish- ud “‘illl t'ltHri PAS \Els‘ for himself and family over the (l. 1:. & I. R. It, from where such strike no road, to the station nearest his purchase. Address. W. A. 31 OVV‘ARD, Lend Commi‘ssiener. Grand Rapids. Mic. 320d F. R. 11- PEIRCI’. - Secretary of Land Dept. MATHUSHEK nines: STILL: UNRlVALLEDl New Yonx. June 24, ISGT. Mussns. Bannow $3 .‘tlA'riiUSiinx~â€" I cannot refrain from ii frank avowal of the very gt superiority of the Matliusliek Pianos. as in every respect superior to all others. The " 0r~ clicstrul " i: a marvel of power and sweetness, and in all respects equals any Concert Grand; while the “ (,‘olibri†possesses the pow r of any ordin- a' ' square piano l. our best makers, and really has no equal in purity and sweetness of tone. (Signch , (‘nAnLns FRADEL. (‘t)lll))l):t!l‘ Ulltl Pianist to Ills lloyal Highness the llur Gustavo ol' Haxc Wrinn-r. THEE E‘ISGI’IER PIANO! [5 without exccptllm the host medium priced inâ€" strument in the market, Mr. Fischer commenced hi business in i. -4. and may (laim rank as the oldest. in New York in the Piano trade, ’l‘lieirsno cessl’ul husinrss of half a center ' c ables them to utter a first-class piano at :iiiapploacuahle p ' ,es. PRINCE mSRGAN The oldest anp host. and glvesbctter satisfaction Lhau any other organ in ths market. Catalogues and testimonials sent on application. Every Instrument.warrantml for live years. Agents wanted in every County of the Dominion. NJBRES a? SSPPCEC, 2". Adelaide Street ICastfk. .’:':l Toronto. DR. ANDREW’S I’ll I VA'i'I‘I 7‘? l! v H halal Dispensary on run nonsiiN TREAT- i MIC-NT of diseases and dillleulties of a private and Ctllilltll'lll.lfll nature" of both sexes. l-lcmorâ€" I rhoids or Piles. diseases of the skin and blood. femaledifï¬culties, seminal weakness. nervous dc- hility, and all diseases of the urinary and sexual organs. speedily and per-minently cuer. Patients treated at a distance and medicine sent by mail or express. Persons wishing to consult Dr. A. personally, should hcar in mind that he has removed his Dls‘ pcnsary front ’t‘oi'ontn, Unt., to 382 CLlNTON ST.. CORNER OF WALNUT. ‘- BUFFALO. N. v. - Patlents from a distance accommodated with board and medical attendance when it is necessary tor them to remain in Bittl‘alo for treatment. Du. Avnunw‘s FEMALE Pius â€"’l'hc effect of certain medicines hating been ciearly ascertalned in such cases, t‘emalcsare surely relieved from their distressing complaints. the spccilic for these being invaluable in correcting irregularities. removing obstructions from any o use whatever. and theoiily safe, sure and certain remedy for all tlioscalllictini' complaints so peculiar to the femalt?â€nrx. ’l‘lieL are nothing new, but have been used by tho Doctor for many years. Expï¬'cit. (ll ,etlons, stating when they should not he Ilst'tl, with cacti box. Pills sent to any address on receipt. of One Dollar. All letters must he addressed to R: L. ANDRFAV8, 332 Clinton Street. Uliï¬'alo, -'. Y. Consultations tree when personally obtained at the oflice. [£3le \ A. DAVIS Med ical (311120, 30 (‘0anth 81.. ’I‘ORUNTFF' Ur S'r/tiks. Entranre on Exchange Lane.) tAN Bit} CONSUL’I‘ED AT ALL hours, (lay and evening on all chronic 88 ses, Diseases of W onion and Children, Midwif. v, to, together with those of a private nature. ' THE TOLDEN FEMALE PILLS, Can be had at his oflice. Sent. by mail to any part0! the world. 31 per box and twe‘postuge stamps. Youn ' men. take particular iiotlce-‘you can be restore to health by applying (elthei’ in person or by letter.) All female complain-ts skilfully treated. All letters must be addrersrxl to A. Davis. Box, 1030, Toronto Ontario. ' ‘ We', the undersirvne'd, have been cured by Dr. A. ‘J'illlmiison. P. H. Mitlgrew C. D. l’reeton. Audion vKnseeell, Hear Thorns, Britten. Pat.F‘. Carr, (fins.(}.0tis, Jilg PIBMmIIS- and six hundred others have been our