Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Apr 1875, p. 2

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There can be no question now that the Hon. William Macdougall is destined shortly to appear on the stage of Ontario politics as the representative of South b‘imcoe, and the leader of the Conserva- tive opposition. A necessity exists for such a consummation, and the opposition will breathe freer when led by so enter- rising,energetic and able a spirit. Hon. . C. Cameron’s old-fashioned courtliâ€" ness, fastidious to a fault, smacks too much of the old gentlemanly, knightly chivalrous, school of politicians, and, al- though it is useful as a means to gain respect and public confidence for the Opposition, yet it was always felt to be unsuited to the tactics of the times.â€" Mr. Cameron will be atower of strength 'to the Opposition on the score of peerless personal character, and will always in reality be the main chief; but Mr. Mac- dougall’s abilities are remarkably well adapted to that enterprising, energetic and dexterous mode of gucrilla warfare which is so popular among a certain class of politicians. He will take a com- mending position at once, and will {grasp the situation with the mind of a master. The snakeâ€"in-the-grass cunning and treachery of the Grits will be met with an enlightened and alert sagacity and their dishonest slight-ofâ€"hand will be made as clear as the light of day. Mr. Macdougall is a man of the peopleâ€"â€" sprung from the ranksâ€"a man who car- ri-es with him the remembrance of a time when he was but a poor boy, when the wings of venturesome. genius had not even begun to flutter, and when he might possibly have doubted their exist-l ence. But his forcible talents, indepen~. dent dauntlcss spirit, and fearless geniusl have already won him a name of which thermatturcst statesman might be proud. Did he not win the gratitude of a whole people by his fearless stand at the time, of Confederation ? He went heart andl :soul into that great scheme along with George Brown, and pledged his honour togive it a fair trial, and, although that, great impracticable turned tail to the} unfinished work and drew after him a. powerful followingâ€"who were intimid-l ated by the lash of the Globeâ€"yet Ofl such was not William Macdoug‘flll- He} bade them a proud defiance, repaid their“ scorn with redoubled scorn, and gave, them to understand that. William Mac-‘ r'dougall was never intended to be at any none’s beck and nod. He was not capa- ble of being the puppet of another man’s whim. Had he not shown such firmness on that memorable occasion, the scheme of Confederation would still have been a dream of the future. But not he saw with the instinct of genius what was the right path for him to follow and he stuck to it. The Government of Ontario may well tremble at the thought of an op- ponent so enterprising, so able, and so firm entering the political arena as an uncompromising enemy of their misgo- ‘ vernment. Mr. Macdougall is beyond all question the most finished statesman, the readiest debatcr and most powerful orator of the day. He will be head and shoulders above all in the Ontaro Legis- lature, and will certainly lead the 0p- position to victory. He comes at the right moment, and at a time when there is the greatest need of a man of heroic mould. The present Government may bring forward a nominee to face Mr. Macdougall in South Simcoe, but their man will sustain a crushing defeatâ€"A defeat that will he onimous of their own fate. The writing is upon the wall. ME gfiflmfla 393mm. ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Richmond HillStation. Change oftimo uking effect Monday, Feb, 22nd 1875 : Going North 8.13 AM. ....5.13 p.m, Going South 9.26 A.M. . ..~.4.46 p.m. ‘LIBEL Stunâ€"The action brought against the Markham Economist for libel, by the Hon. Wm. Maedougall, is entered at the present Assizes. It will be remembered that during the late elecâ€" tion campaign for the Local legislature, when Mr. Maedougall came out in op- position to Mr. Laneâ€"â€"the government candidateâ€"the Economist charged him (Mr. Maedougall) with fraudulently conspiring with the Hon. M. 0. Ca« meron to obtain possession of a mining location near Silver Islet, and in fact put to his account almost every crime on the calendar. We thought at the time that it showed rather an ungrateful spirit on :the part of the Economist to say. any- thing against Mr. Maedougall’s char- acter, either private or political, when we look at the past history of that sheet. No doubt the Economist got its informati~ on from grit headquartersâ€"the Globc,but CARRIAGE WORKSâ€"We would call the attention of our readers to the adv’t of Messrs Wales & Son, Carriage Builders. Markham, which appears in another column, The Messrs Wales are enterprising business men and enjoy a reputation second to none in this section of the country for carriage ‘building etc., both for style and durability. RUNAWAY.â€"Last Wednesday, n. span of horses helongmg to Mr P. G. Savage ran away, going down the Hill, south, at a breakneck speed, when about half way down Lhey managed to break away from the waggon and pitched the driver, “Andy,” out on to the road, who fortunately escaped unhurt. The horses were soon checked i their Wild career. ‘ CENTRE Tononro.â€"~It is now about fifteen months since Mr MaeKenzie called on a General Election for the Dominion Parlial ment, for the purpose, as he said, of “ purg- ing the House.” From the result of differ- ent Election Trials since then. we conclude that as a “ Pin-gist,” Mr MacKenzie is any- thing but a success, but it seemed so very hard to lose Mr Wilkes,he was such a “use ful man.” His trial has been put off from time to time until it. could be put off no longer, but now the trial is over and the "‘ useful man” has gone the way of the “elevator.” Now is the time for the Lib eral Conservatives of Centre Toronto to “ Wandéring Willie,” as they call him, will prove to all that even the Globe is poor authority on such matters. “ be up and doing,” for the Grits will leave no sto:e unturned to secure the return of Mr Wilkes, but if the Conservatives work with the same zeal in the Centre as they did in the East and West during the late elect. ions,Mr Wilkes will be left at home to attend to the sale of his oreide watches, instead of “ (‘levuting the standard.” OPPOSITION LEADERSHIP. RlCHMUND HILL. April. 9, 1875. What do the " Stars” thinli about lacrosse this Summer? If they want to retain the championship it is time to re-organize. MARKETS.â€"Mr Isaac Crosby has Kmdly consented to furnish us with a list of Rich- mond Hill Markets each week, which will be found in another column along with Tol ronto Markets. POST OFFICE SAVINGS’ BANK.â€" Monthly Statement :â€"â€"The following is the exhibit of the transactions in the Richmond Hill postofiice Savings Bank up to the Blst‘. March :â€" Total deposits to Mar.31,1875..$96,830 00 Deposits in month of March 1,222 00 “ for3 months ending 31 Mar. 3,265 00 Withdrawals “ “ . . . . 3,211 82 M. T EEFY. Postmaster. SERMON TO YOUNG PEOPLEâ€"The Rev. John Hunt will address the young people, next Sabbath evening, in the Methodist Church, on the importance of early piety, as illustrated in the case of Josiah, one of the Kings of Israel; specially taking into account the value of religion as a solace as well as a safeguard, suggested by recent painful providences in the community. We bespeak the at tention of our young friends on the occasion, whom we thlnk, cannot fail to be benefitted by eflorts of this kind specially adapted to their present oir- cumstanccs. ' THE HEIGHT OF Hrs AMBITION.â€"- And so the Member for North York has attained the height of his ambition,=and the naughty Liberal has been accusing him of being a candidate for the Clerk- ship to the Northwest Council. But he has written to the Banner and says he has attained the highest position to which his ambition “soared,” we are glad to hear that, we thought when he wanted to abolish “hanging” that he was aspiring to something higher that he might possibly attempt to remodel onr constitutionpr even draft another treaty, but now that he has got done “ soaring,” the electors of North York have great cause to be thankful. There are a number of the electors of the East Riding of York that do not seem half satisfied with their member in the Dominion Parliament, because he has never made a speech during the whole Session. Now we are not disap- pointed in the least, we never gave him credit for having an extra amount of brains, and it takes brains to make a public speaker. Mr M. might be able to say a few words while “stumping” the Riding, but we think he shows a little sense in remaining mum While in Parliament. And again we do not con- sider the electors are entitled to any high toned speeches anyhow. Of course they have done him the honor of electing him,f but there it ends. They have never made any fuss over him, .such as giving him a complimentary feed, nor as much as a Grit picâ€"nic, where he could have had a chance to “spread ” himself. If they have any objections to pic-nice, they might get up a ploughing match and inVit-e Mr McKellar, it would an- swer the purpose as well, and, we have no doubt, that Mr Metealf’ would con- sider it an honor to preside at a plough- ing match with the yeomen of East York. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met. The Reeve in the chair. Councillors presentâ€"Messrs Crosby, O’Brien, Pogue and Wilson. Minutes of 26th February read and ap- proved. Mr Pogue rnoved, seconded by Mr Wilson, that the Clerk and Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructr‘d to deliver up all Bonds to this Corporation entered iuto by Assessors and Collectors and their sureties. as well as: Innkeepers and their sureties, dated previous to the first day of January LBWâ€"Carried. l Mr Wilson handed in an account from Mr Benjamin David on, Inspector ofsti'eets and sidew ,lks, 'amgunting _to_ _eight dollars. The Clerk read three\ letters from the Provincial Treasurer’s Department, T01 ronto, dated respectively “ 15th Maich," " 17Ih March” and “ 19th March,” relating to the Surplus Distribution Fund. The Committee rose and reported the By- law. Mr Wilson-introduced By-law No 38, “for licensing, regulating and governing “Transient Traders, and other persons,” etcl, and to repeal “ B‘y'lazv No. 22.” Mr Crosby moved, seconded by Mr O’- Brien, that the Reeve and Treasurer are hereby authorized and instructed to Dr: chase City of Toronto Debentures wi‘ the surplus funds at the disposal 01 this Council set apart by By‘laws for special purposes.â€" Carried. The Council went into Committee of the whole on the Byllaw: Mr O’Brien in the Chair. angyasgfgqin dgplicqte. Moved by Mi O’Brien, seconded by Mr Wilson. theta street shall be opened and established running north and south from Mill street to Richmond street, at the east" ern boundery of Doctor James Langstafi’s village lot number seventy one, according 'to a plan of part of the Village of Richmond Hill (formerly situated in the Township of Vaughan) surveyed September, 1869, by G. McPhillips, P. L. S.â€"said street to be forty feet wide; for which Doctor Langstafl‘shall be paid the sum of one hundred dollars as soon as the same has been laid out by a sur- veyor and a. good and sufiicient title thereof given by Dr Lnngstafi' to the Corporation2of Richmond Hillâ€"upon the condition that Doctor Langstafi“ erects a fence running north and south on the western boundery of said street, from Mill street to Richmond streetsâ€"Curried. Mr O’Brien moved, seconded by Mr Crosn by, hat a road shall be opened from Rich. mond street to John Arnold’s line fence, passing through William Powell‘s land, pro- viding)r that the Vaughan Township Council will open the road from Mr Arnold’s North line to the side road, and that William Pow- ell shall receive one hundred dollars per acre for said land, said Powell to fence the same. â€"â€"-Carried. Mr Wilson moved, seconded by Mr Pogue, that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the sun! of nine dollars to Thomas Maw tin, an indigent person, in six monthly payx ments of 851,50 eachâ€"Carried. Mr Crosby introduced Byilaw No 37, in duplicate “To set apart for Educational purposes that portion of the Surplus Distri' bution Fund, payable by the Provincial Treasurer to the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill.” The Bflaw was read a. first and second time. L'qu uuu lU “spun. U] . v Avv' __. The By law was read a first, second and mild timfi, an_d_ pagsigdi * The Council adjourned to meet in the Ccurt Room on Monday the 3rd May. at 8 p, m . The Byjlrawfiafi then read a. third time VILLA G E CO UNCIL. M. TEEFY, Clerk. April 5., 1875. ‘ VV nue VV luwr...... I 0l Barley..................... r: Oats........4............. ‘, Peasa.......n- S Hay, per ton....u......u- {0‘ Straw................r---- Potatoes. per bus‘. . . . . . . Apples. per barrel.. ;... .. Butterâ€"lb rol!s.a........... large Rolls...” .... FAIR.â€"-Tlle usual monthly fair was held in this village, last Wednesday. The stock of cattle, sheep, &c., was larger lhan usual, but buvers were not very brisk. The subject of this notice, Miss Moggiel Miller, died on the 3rd inst.â€"aged 19 years, 11 months and some days, being the (laugh- ter of H. Miller, Esq., of this place. She was a young woman of great promise, a dutiful daughter. an affectionate sister, a steady friend and a true temperance woman. She was universally respected and beloved by all who knew her, and at the time of her. death was a member of the I. 0. of G. T..‘ ofthis village. The members ofthe Temple walked in their proper position in the funer- al procession, followed by the hearse, mourn- ers, friends and sabbath school children, to whom great credit is due for their very ex- emplary conduct on this sad and melancholy: occasion. After the very impressive burial service, of the Presbyterian Church, was} over, the members of the temperance so-‘ ciety took possession of the remains. and lthe chaplain read the burial service of the order, after which all retired to the church where a very touching sermon was delivered by the Rev. Mr Dick, at the conclusion of which the temperance society again formed l in procession and in reverse order conducted the friends of their deceased sister to their lplaee of residence. And thus ended one of ‘ the most imposing and mournt’ul spectacles that our villagers have been called upon to participate in for some time. “ Good-b 6, Maggie. now we miss thee. In thy awe and Temple here. But we wait expectant, hopeful, For thy greeting words or cheer. When we cross the giver gear: BIRTHS. GRANT.â€"-At Richmond Hill, on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr Jesse Grant. of a, daughter. SCOTTâ€"MOSCRIP.â€"On ‘he 17th March, at the residence of the bride’s mother, St Mary’s, Ont, by the Rev. I. McAIpine, assisted by the Rev. R. Hall, the Rev. John Bain Scott, Edmondsville. to Mar- gret Elliot, eldest daughter of the late WEDNESDAY, April 14.â€"Credit Sale Farm Stock, Implements, Butcher’s tools, &c., (in lot No 21, 3rd Con. Vaughan, in the village of Maple. The property of Mr Henry Trowbridge. Sale at 1 o’clock Sharp. Jns. C. Stokes, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, April 14.â€"Cash Sale Farm Stock, Implements; file. The under. signed has received instructions from Mr John Palmer, to sell by Public Auction, at Thornhill, south of Mr Henry Lemon’s Hotel. Sale at 1 pm. 8. Eckard-t, Auc. THURSDAY, April 15.â€"lmportant Credit Sale of Horses, Waggons, Buggies, Cub ters Sleighs, Harness, &c., at Mr John Brown’s Livery Stables, Richmond Hill, Sale at 1 p. m. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, MAY 4th.â€"â€"Auction Sale of Vil- lage Property, as follows: Waggon Ma- ker’s, Blacksmith’s and Paint Shop, and two Dwelling Houses, and Half an acre of Land. all in the flourishing Village of Woodbridge. Sale to tnke place at Cupl. Wallace’s Hotel,Woodbridge, at 12, noon. Andrew Herbert, Proprietor, N. J. Arm! strong, Auctioneer. (If? Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this office will receive a notice similar to theabove, FREE of charge. MANUFACTURE or COCOA.â€"“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messxs James Epps & Co.. mauufaclurere of, diemtic articles. at their works in the Euston Rmd. London”â€"See arlicle in Cased”: Housdmld Guzde October 31. 1874. 739-lv Fall Wnoat exxra"". Wheatâ€"Spring. per bush. . .. Full......... . ... Bar]ey......""" Oats.............. Peas . . . . . . . Potatoes. per bush..... u... Applesper barrel............ Dried Apples perfla......... Hay perton.......... ..- Straw " ........... ... Button-,1!)rolls............-. large rolls............ Eggsmordoz............... OSTâ€"At the Presbyterian Church 80- . cial, a place of A LADY’S GOLD CHAIN about 12 or 14 inches long. Any one finding it and returning it to tho HERALD 0fiice will be suitably rewarded. Flourâ€"Spring Wheat extra . . $4 15 Superior extra....... 450 Oatmeal...............'..... 550 Cornmenl.................. , 430 Wheatâ€"Spring per bush. . . . $0 90 [a 0 95 White Winter...... 0970 105 Barley..................... 090 a 100 Oatg_l,,....4......--..... Pease_..u..,.u-..-u----..- Hay,porton....n-~---o-'-1600® 2200 Straw......... ..r----1000@”00 Potatoes. per bu . ., O 75 fl) 0 85 Applee.per barrel.._........ 200@ 950 Butterâ€"lb rol!s.,........... 024m 027 large Rolls . . . . . . . . . 000(5) 000 Eggs packed. per doz ....... 020 ((D 023 Dressed Hogs. per 100 ibs.... 7 50 rm 8 ()0 Bacon...“ Prime.........1050@ 12 00 Hamsâ€"Curad.per1b........ 013/0 015 Flour-~Spring Wheat extra . . Superior extra. . . . . . . Outmeal........ .......'..... Cornmenl.................. Wheatâ€"Spring per bush. . . . $0 White Winter. . . . . . 0 0 Barley..................... 0 Oats........4............. 0 Donna A......---.-...- I5 COO 0‘ QO 2: @§@@@ S. M. Agent. Proprietor. Eggs'for hatching from Purebred Fancy Bowls. Light Brahman per sitting $1 00 Dark do do I 00 Bufl'Cochin do I 00 Partridge do do 1 00 Grey Dorkiug do 1 00 White do do I 00 Black Spanish do 1 00 Houdan do 1 00 'White Leghorn . do l 00 The Stock is from the importation: of Messrs H. M. Thomas and Bonnie. Partial desirous of improying their stock of poultry would do we" to call and examine my stock before ordering eggs from other parties; Address, Corrected by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grocer, and Dry Goods Merchant. Fire Proof Store. Barley Oats. . Peas. . Flourâ€"Spring Wheat. . . . . . .- Fnll Wheat exxra' ' ' ' . Wheatâ€"Spring. per bush. . .. Full......... . ... oE'zéi’ffLIIi...“.113..." s, Peas . . . . . . . ‘............" Potatoes. per bush..... u... Applesper barrel............ Dried Apples per bun”... Hay perton.......... Straw " ........... Buaor,fi;roHs............-. largerons............ Eggs,por doz............... Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs. . . . Bacon. Prhne...............l é o u- ._. _ ca SigcQO . >owooooncmoo nunsâ€"c .â€" MMOOOQQqh -mcâ€"m Icowmac pcoaowoomumo‘u ®®®®®®©§®©©® p... momoocomcmcow Hams-Cured. . . [€75.316éé’rip, Esq., Si'Mary’s, and form- erly asst. teacher in the High School m this place. - Richmond Hill. April 7. ’75. bctober 31. 1874. April 6. "ESIE-e‘hgfilg 8:38 Temph there, We will greet then, We will share In that home and Temple there." ELMONTE AVARIES. â€" Two miles north of Richmond Hill. Wm. BELL. RICHMOND HILL MARKETS. gum: mm. TORONTO MARKETS. AUCTION SALES. IN MEMORIAL. WM. 0. BELL, 872-41 Richmonc Hill, April 7. 1875. MARRIED. Toronto ,Aer 7. 1875. Oak Ridges 013@ 015 872-2! $4 50 5 00 o oo 050 80 0 800 2 525 009 1800 000 0525 625 0 I8 F‘OR SALE.â€" ARM T0 RENT for a term of years. Part of lot No. 44. on Yongo Street, (West side) 14 miles from Toronto. containing 70 acres. Good outbuildings,nnd a never-fail. ing Brook. Good Orchard. Appr to A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. Bogs to announce to the Inhabitants of Mohâ€" mond Hil‘, and surrounding neighborhood.l.ha he has built a new Hearse and commenced 10 to 100 Dollars Richmond Hill,July 23. 1874. e354: For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Cofiinn and Caskets in every style. . NOTICE is hereby given that the partner- nhip heretofore subsisting between an, the undersigned. as nump makers. in the Vil- lags of Richmond Hill. in the (301111}: of York . has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are ‘0 bepnid [0 JOHN HALL. at Richmond Hill, aforesaid. and all claims against the said par- nerahip are to be presanlod to the said Jon)! HALL. by whom tho same Will I)» settled, Dated at Richmond Hill. this lwanty-fifth day 0( March. A. D. 1875. Witness. 7 11 Emwr‘MH, mm. N reference to the above notice of Dis- solution. the undersigned would announce that he is now fitting up New and Improved Machinery Â¥%orksl Pump Drivenfiy ample Steam Power. and intends to manufncmre a At pxices and on terms hitherto unequalled. Parties wanting pumps will do well to consult me before purvhming. PfifiF‘V‘WGERS OST. ON SATURDAY LAST, THE l3th insxant. between Richmond Hill and Vietoria Square, by way of the south side- road, a. Vrc-romuu. The finder will be re- warded on leaving it at Mr. Cxosby’s store. Acknowledged to be the Best 50 cent Tea in the Village Richmbnd Hill, March 24 ’75. Direct fiom me Mills. All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buckâ€" wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal All kind: of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. At the Old Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopes, by the strictest economy, com- bined with the but material and workmanship. to merit a continuance ofihe patronage bostow- ed on the late firm. All our pumps are war- rented. Sent on receipt of fifteen (15) cants in stamps. HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of re- tnrniag his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their patronage during the past. would solicita continuance of the same. and would call their attention to a flesh arrival of C H E A P T E A s , Green, Black and Japan F RESH Glassware,Crockery &Tin ware HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 INFORM the Inhabiiauls of Richmond Hill and en- virons, that he will continue to manufuclure the CElEBRATEfl EXCELSIUH PUMP N. B.-â€"-Wells sunk on the shortest notice. Well Curbs constantly on hand. RICHMOND HILL. SUPERIOR ARTICLE, List of piices sent (in application. GOODS DELIVER ED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. 24, 1875. TILTON VS- BEECHER. April I. 1675 Price list sent on application. Richmond um. March 3]. ’75. 8714! Pinon] Furnishings suppfiod I! from mummy BUSINESS. FINE NEW HEARSE RICHNIOND HILL 8 'I.‘ E A M J. M DAVIS, JOHN HALL. JAS. MyLAWRENCE. l Cultivagor. M unshnw’a 2 Blacksmiths‘ Bellowa. And a number of Blacksmiths’ Tools. 1 Gardnu' Sewing Machine. Addrass, McLEOR, &. CO.. Notice of Dissolution. MUSING AND WITTY! The Latest trick out on RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL, COFFEES Apply at the HERALD Office‘ JOHN. McQUARRIE. ' MAPLI P. 0. and SPICES. Markham. Ont. JOHN HALL H, MILLER. 5. 8714? 871-“. V HE West halfof Lot21. 4111 Con. Vaughan one of me BEST FARMS IN THE GUUNTRY, gmile from Maple Village, and § mile from Richmond Hill Station. ()1) the place is A Large Brick House, a Good Bum, and other outbuildings, a Steam Saw JVlill in good running order. Also, a large and Thriving Young Orchard. One end of the Farm is crossed by a never failing Spring Creek. Terms easy. For particulars apply to JACUB RUPERT. FOUN D. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying for advertisement. About the lat of February last, no at Mr Cros- by’s Skom. I’Lichmonnd Hiil. WDIAMQND ! YEAST ‘ WEWI U s E T H E NORWICH For making a“ kinda of cakes without eggs. For sale by Memorial and Retard Bonk Gives you Interesting facts relative to the fish- eries. How fish are caught, and where they are Caught. olden time and modern time fishing. off hand sketches, big trips, statis- tics of the fisheries, tales of narrow Eloapos. Fearful Gales, Manflme PDe’Lx-y, and other mailers of interest concerning ihlS important industry. Very liaiidmmly illus- trated with original engravings. Prioe $1 00 in paper covers. $1.5“ finely bound in Cloth. Svm anywhere on receipt of price. Agents wanted. to whom exclusive territory will be given. Liberal commissiuns. W;ilo for par- liculars. PROC'I‘OR. BROS" Publishers. Cape Ann Advertiser Oifige, GLOUCESTER, MASS, March ‘23. 18" 5. 870- 4t Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Red and Alsike Glover, Hungarian, Millet, Flax Seed, Tares, Seed Grain, &c., &c. [13’ SEND FOR MY ANNUAL DESERIPTIVE SEED UATALBEIIR, The Fifth Edition of Ilhxstrated Cata. logue and Revised Price. Lis of Farm Machines, Garden Implcmcnts, Horticultural Requisiles, &c., can be had on application, Corner of Adelaide 8: Jarvis Streets Field_ Garden 8L Flower Seeds TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse 60,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL 1101mm,» whom Liberal Premium: will be paid. , Single Tickets $1 ; Six Tickets $5 ; Tn?" Tickets $10; Twenty-Five 820. Circulars containing a full list of prizes. a description of the manner of drawing, and other informatton in reference to the Distri- bution, will be semto any one ordering them. All letters must be addressed to Office.Excelsior Building L,D'SINE,Box432 Coance & Longworth l mnolnnau’ 0_ Nov. I4. 1874. 895-61 Number of glf'ts 0.:5_0Q._- Tlckets limited to Vaughan. March 28, 1875. 8704f The only rehable Gift Distribution in the , Country I affiliasggggemningnsu Ten Prizes $1003 1Horse and Buggy, with Silver-mounted Harness, worth $600. 1 Fineâ€"toned Rosewood Pinnomorlh $550. 10 Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each 3 Gold "7:111:05 t} Chains, worth $300 each! 3 Gold American Hunting Watches. worth $125 each. 10 Ladies’ Gold Hunting Watches. worth $100 each. 808 Gold and Silvm‘ Lever Hunting Watches (in all) wm-lhfrmn, $20 10 $300 cach. Gold Chains. Silvenware, Jewelry. &c., &c. Gift Enterprise I IN VALUABLE GIFTS! MONDAY, May 3rd, 1875. Two Grand Capitals of $5,0fl0 Each‘ in Cash! March 30, 1875. _V_ d C. E. SHEPPARD, March 23, 1875. 870-ly Richmond Hill WM. RENNIE, Toronto. Tel-Onto. Mar. 12, 1875. 845 1 have a large and very complete stock of Nov. 14. 1874. L. D. SINE’S mama? m SEED STORE, 1727101 REGULAR MONTIIL Y A Mink Fur Tippet. USE THE FOR SALE. If you want light. sweet Broad. THE FESHERME‘S’S Special attention is devoted to Free to all applicants. Wm. BEN N IE, Toronto. Spring Seed Grains, Fertilizers, &c. TO BE DISTRIBUTED 1N TO BE DRAWS DANIEL WHALLEN 87l-tf. EGG AND POWDER MA rm: P. O “FIRE mnF mayI New Spring Gwmls Staple and Fancy Dry Goods; GROCERIES, “CENTRAL HOUSE,” Winceys, Flannels, 850., New Prints. Heavy Duck, &e., 850 These sales. AT COST, will cease With the END OF MARCH. 3%” CALL AND SEE. “ea Vicloxiu Square. Feb. 27. ’75. 867-51. His entire stock of dressed and undressed LARGE STOCK While although not the “ Most Exten51Ve 1n. the Dominion” VICTORIA SQUARE. THE BEST.â€"BEST VALUE. and LARGEST Shown in this Town for the lasn fifteen years CALI.- AND sEE WILL NUT BE UNUEBSULD ! Richmowd Hill. March, II. 1875. ERITESE Fm STAFF! New Prints, New Dress And especially New Spring Tweeds and Coatings. Remember his famous GENERAL Richmond Hill. Mm. 18, ‘75 HATS AND CAPS ! A. MOODIE’S fining Gaods ! Teas & Cofi'ees Richmqhd Hill, April 6, ’75. COST PRICES. COMING IN AND GOING OUT DAILY, ,.P. HOPPER Goods, New Cottons, &c.; New Spring and Summer Goods Delivered. ' A. MOODXE. Large Stock. To MAKE ROOM fora The Subscriber begs to announce to his friends and customers that he i: firnrcriw, 8n“. Heavy Shirtings. GBOCERIES Best that can be bought. RICHMOND HILL. CASH G0 AND SEE Which are sold as Cheap, and in some lines Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. The Stock consisting of AND ALSO H15 DAILY RECEIVING» Will sell (or I HAVE A IS NEITHER DEAD NOR ASLEEP But is ALL ALIVEJwith AND NEW @0998 2 Is to all intents and purposes in every way CROCKERY, Dress Goods, Flour & Feed. Additions to his already J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. In any quantity and delivered on short notice‘ All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. Richmond Hill. March 1, 1875. Always on hand. A Choice Lot of Early Rose Potatoes Now on hand. A)... A Cordwood, Shingles and Lath Buokwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts. The-best Family Flour, Oat- meal, Cornmea], Graham Flour J. B. would specially call the attention of the Farmers in the vicinity to his stool? of GRAIN & SEEDS. « Clover, Timothy, Flax, Hungarian and Millet Seed, Tares And all kinds of erld and Garden Seeds, selected from the best. Seedsmen in Canads Nails In all sizes, Scoop Shovels, Spade” Hoes, Forks, Rakes, Measures, Arc; AND HARDWARE.‘ ISAAC CROSBY. TINWARE, a Lafge Stock, also, Misses and Childrens’ Slim“. The balance of our stock of Overshoes will be Sold at Cost. Grain & Seeds: X X X Oysters Received weekly CROCKERY Afi- GLASSWARE NEW SPRING mus ! A Large and Select Stock of Boys’ and Mens’ KIP BOOTS, ready for the Spring Trade, Womans’ PEBBLE and CALF BOOTS, with a. choice lot. of Womena’ Pmnella Gaiters, Laced Boots, Returns his smcero thanks to his customers and friends for their very liberal support in the past. and would call their special uttemien to his Spring Stock of'Boots and Shoes, Grocaries. Crockery, and Glassware. In Groceries, we have as good as can be 11- t Choice Teas, , Saga/n, Coflees Spices, Salmon Trout, White Fish, Codfish, The Best Labrador Earrings, Sardines, HARDW ARE I FLOUR = Manufactured by the best workmen in Toronto. BOOTS 86 SHOES: GROCERIES : J. BROWN A- Largo‘Slock on hand. RICH MOND HILL. J. BROWN.

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