"The East Riding of York Agricul- ttural Society held their annual Spring Fair at Markham Village, on Wednes- dny last, the let instant. Notwith- standing: the raw state of the weather, .it; was well attended by visitors from all parts of the Riding. The number and quz'lity of Imported Draft and Canadian .bred horses shown, we venture to say, .could not be surpnssvd in the province. The SliJW of General Purpose horses was also need; Mr. Steers, of Sctlrboro’, ,shows a very ï¬ne horse in this class called “ Prince of Scarboro’,†bred from “ A 1.†Blood horses there were only two shown. Durham Bullsâ€"Mr. James Russell, of this neighborhood, succeeded in carrying oï¬" the honours with his yearling bull, “ High >herilf,†although he had to compete against bulls of all, ages. In Poultry there was an excellent collection. Mr I]. M. Thomas, Brook-j lin, showed a ï¬ne assortment of birds gl Mr. Mathews, Brougham, also showed, some splendid f'owls. In Agriculturall Implements, although no 'prizes werel awarded, there were quite a number on the ground, consisting of Reapers, Mow- ‘ers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Land ROL, lers,ete. ()ur limited space will not permit us to give the details as we would Wish. Below we give the list of prizes with names of the successful competitors. 1 EAST RIDING OF YORK AGRI- CULTURAL SOC‘Y SPRING FAIR. The Grange movement is spreadingi rapidly. The farming community seem to be thoroughly prepared for its advent, and receive it with open arms. 'l‘hey re- ocgnise the power ef'the principle of'unily, and thal'independent. though the farmer undoubtedly is, yet he cannot ignore the value of his neighbor’s co-operation with out doing an injury to both. It is a beautiful compensatory law of nature that a man cannot‘advance the interests of his neighbor without materially bene- ï¬ting himself at the same time. It is this law which this important class of the community propose to apply to their own case. It is true that. all other classes have been in the habit of' strengthening themselves by secret associations and unions. iiotn time immemorial, and new, seemingly, the day of‘ the agriculturist has come. ’It is time that he should be emancipated. He cannot. forever remain the Helot of society I He must fling off the yoke of' arbitrary imposition, and if he is to be literally a hewer of wood. a drawer of water, and a cultivator of the ground. he must be rewarded according- ly. But he cannot be admitted among the educated classes, except as an edu- cated and reï¬ned individual, and his power will not be admitted unless he shows that he has mastered himself, his social condition, and the circumstances With which he is surrounded. He must. undergo a season of probation in order to bring him up to this standard, and this is one of the objects of‘ the Grange. This is to train up farmers to under- stand and have faith in the Value ot'syste made and wipntiï¬c agriculture. On account of the detective Education and 'consequent want of enterprise among the masses, there is a surprisingr gap be‘ tween them and the agriculturaljournals. ~How is this chasm to be bridged over ? .E\idently by one who is fully recognized as one of themselves, who enjoys their conï¬dence, and pracdcally illustrates to †them the hidden meaning: which their scientiï¬c educators have hidden beneath what the puzzled rusric dubs, a mass of mnmeaning phraseology and technical conundrums. The greatest enemy of the farmer is the demon of isolation. As. iron sharpencth iron, so does a man the 1 countenance of his friend. When far-l mers come together they have agrcat quantity of valuable ideas to exchange, and It is essential that they should there- fore meet often. The Grange wil‘l enâ€" deavor to accomplish all this, and there‘ is no class of people who are more ca- pable of helping on each each other than those who are struggling onward togeth- er. New ideas are much more easily communicated than old one, and when they are plastic and warm and imparted by eager teachers to hungcrinpr pupils, ,the schnolmaster's work, instead Of'bcing an irksome drudgery on the one hand and an il‘ufl tyranny on the other, is a new and ever inereasmg delight. The pupil is the teacher, and the teacher'is the pupil, alternately, as each may fail or succeed in mastering an idea which is beneï¬cial to the common stock. Through the charmingr intervention of' the Grange the demon of isolation is exorcist and' the emancipated agriculturist forever. made happy. 3 r t I 1 . 'O‘hTHERN RAILWAY UF CANADA Richmond HiHSlarion Chnngt- 0| Lime taking uï¬'eul Monday. April, lith, [575: GoingNnrlh 813 A.M.....12.27 p m,..5 13 Going Suth 9 :‘6 Ln). . ...3,3h‘ 1mm. .8.26 The changes in the postal laws, whiehl will come in force on the 1st of‘ June, and which renders the prepayment of postage on newspapers necessary, the proprietor of the HERALD begs to notify all concerned that from that time for- Ward the advance payment of subserip tions will be strictly adhered to. Sub- scribers in arrears or those who have ntt. paid for the current year are requested to settle tl Cir neeounis as soon as eon‘ venient. On the lst of June the names of all subscribers indebted for over one year will be erased from our books. From that date the HERALD will be sent free of pestage by mail to all subscribers. Parties desiring to discontinue the paper should notify us and pay what is due. List of Licensed Peddlars & Auctioneers. Make your home happyâ€"W. Street. Insolvent Act of 1869. Buggy for Sale. Rummqu HlLL. April. 23, 1375 THE CASH SYSTEM! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS T HE GRANGE RS. | Stephen Whitney. the Was/huge murderer, 1 has been discovered down in Louisiana A 5 person of the name of Bowes.“belonging to ‘this locality. an acquaintance of his, met. 'him there, and he seemed to he in prosper. jous circumstances. He was not. the least i disguised. He had on a light suit and a plu;_r hat, and senmed to be in a hurry to go jsomewhere. He shook hands with our in ‘ formant. in the friendliest manner, cordially iinvited him to come and see him, and ex. pressed regretrthat he had not time to have t a conversation with him just then. A gen- ? tlemen to whom we related the inctdent re- lmarked that, he would not. like to be the lman to go down there to arrest Whitney. i He believed that it wculd be best to let him y’alone. He would most likely have struck up a friendship there with men as lawless l as himself, desperate characters with the mixed Spanish and Indian blood ciclmg ‘ ï¬ercely in their yeins and ready to face any ‘thingr in defence of their peculiar fraternity. He related some instances of the deadly precision of Whitney with the revolver. He (our informant) was in the employ of a Bell Ewart Lumber Company, and used to walk away back about twenty miles or so into the township of Oakley, to visit; some timber shunties in that; direction. He has seen Whitney, who often accompanied him, taking down a partridge while on the wing with a ball from his revolver, on other oc- casions, while the bird was at rest on the ground has ofth shot the head clean oï¬â€œ with a pistol bullet. Whitney could ï¬ll a better game-bag with his revolver than be (our informant) could with his double-barrel though he was no mean sportsman. Z. Clubs may arrange for matches by ali- dressing the Secretary nine or ten days pre- Vious to time of match. All honor to the “Stars,†the Champion Twelve of NorthI ern Ontario†G. E. Savage} Secretary, Jno. VCouIteri Managing Committee, R. Davidson, M. Wil sorlj‘li). Kendrick. A. liugsley, _Jno._TulIy:. Hnn. President, P. G. Savage; President, T. Kelly; Vice-Presxdent, Wm. Hopper» Hon. Captain, Geo. A. Laird; Ficid Capt' R. H. Wilson ; Captain, Jas. Tully; Trens' IMPORTED DRAFT. Judgesâ€"Wm. Hood, sr., Thos. Frisby, Jas Russell, Wm. Young, Geo. Evans. 15:. Wm. Thompson, Prince of the West. 2nd. bimon Bennie, Glcncairn. 3rd. Rodg- er Huwkeus, John Brig/1t. The “Star†Lacrosse Club have re-orv iganized for the season of 1875. As there {are some excellent additions to be made to ‘tthe ï¬rst twelve, it is expected they will he more successful this season than they have Been in tormer years. They will commence l the season with a hotter twelve than they haul heretofore and they are determined to retain the title they have so hmdly won, as the Champion Club of Northern Ontario The hiin standard to which the club lIHS nt- tatned is deserving of great praise; out ot'a series of eight matches they have only suffered defeat twice; this speaks well for the “Stars.†It is to be hoped they will {gave no defeat to record this season. clmtib‘nge, issued by the “Stars†on the 28th of’Aagznst, 1874, and kept open until the 151]] of September, to play for the Championship ol' like North. was acCelmgd by the ()rillia cluh, and the result W‘dS, .the "' Stars†were victorious. thus establishing, hevond all doubt, their claim to the Chem- pionship of the north. They are now 00m meneingtheir third season, and it is to bel hoped they will work hard, retain the honor l so deservedly won. “ Unity is strength," and they must work heartily together and the honor shall be theirs. It is the actions in concert ofthe twelve players that wins the match. and not the vain attempts of in~ dividual players to distinguish themselves. The sooner that a lacrosse player sinks self out of sight. and plays to promote the intel' ests of his own stde, the better for himself and all concerned. CANADIAN 13mm DRAFT. Jndges same as Imported. The young men of our town, generally, should join at once, so that practice my be commenced as soon as possible. The fol lowing are the ofï¬cers for the ensuing year :~ 1st. A. Musoh, Honest Tom. 2nd. John Gormley. 3rd. Peter Boyuton. Jas. Lam rie. 3year old, Strathven Cullen; h1gth commended. John McBngbt, Geo. Pringle, Joseph Ra- mer. Wm. Major, Judges for BloodY Sad dle, Carriage & General Purpose Horses. 1st. Richard Stiers, Prince of Scarboro’. 2nd. Wm. Bell. 3rd. Wm. Mason. BLOOD HORSES. lat. Nelson Gates‘ Jack Bell. 2nd. W. B. Robinson, I’Vagner Eclipse. ‘ SADDLE AND CARRIAGE HORSES. 1st. Jno. Ramer, Royal Brown Georgc‘ 2nd. Arch. Glendinning, Alexis. JI’DGESF‘W. L. Stoots, Wm. Beattie, and E. L. Robinson. Judges.â€"Robt. Stockdale, Wm. Boynfon, Wm. Bell, W. Bell, andJolm Torreuce. DURHAM BULLS. lst Jag. Russell. 2nd. Mr Corker. 3rd. G. Poarsou. April 21. 1875 1st. lst. lst. lst AYRSHIRE BULLS. lst. Jas. Lanrie. 2nd. Jas. McGowan. 1st lst‘ lst. GUINEA FOWL- Isl. J. Beecher. 211d. Dr. Eckardt. lst lst. H. lst. DUCKS. 1st. G. Dickinson. 2116. Dr. Eckardt‘ let. G n t. lst. J lst. ORILLIA CORRESPONDENCE. 131. (From our own Con'esporzdcvli.) DOMINICE. . H. M. Thomas. 2nd' Dr. Eckardt. DARK BRAHMAS. . H. M. Thomas. 2nd. J. Marshall. LIGHT BiuHMAs. L . H. M. Thomas. 2nd. J. Marshall. COLORED nonxlxs. . 0. Matthews. 2nd. T. F. Boynton. WHITE DORKIKS. . J. Marshall. 2nd. H. M. Thomas. BUFF GOCHIN. C. Mathews. 2nd. W. E. Thornton‘ PARTRIDGE COCHIN. John Marshall. 2nd. H.M.Thomas 'ERAL PURPOSE STALLION. WHITE cocnm. II. M. Thomas. 2nd. H. Robinson GAME H. M. Thomas. 2nd. John Beecher LEGHORN- H. M. Thomas. THE “STARS†OF 1875 BEST PEN 0F POULTRY. J. Marshall. 2nd. H. Robinson. BLACK SPANISH. Marshall. 2nd. H. M. GOLDEN IIAMBURGH. Marshall. 2nd. H. M. Thomas. SILVER HAMBURGH. M. Thomas. 2nd. J. Marshall. norms. M. Thomas. 2nd. L. Robinson. POULTRY. HORSES CATTLE. LACROSSE. Thomas. 0R SALEâ€"One Threshing Machine, (Bramplon Cleaner) with I’ih’s Horse Power. all complete and in good order. having run only 30 days. Tarms Cash, or credit on approved note. For particulars apply to JOHN BRUNSKILL. Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- (3LASS “ FIGS,†at moderate charges, and hopes. by strict attention to b usiness, to merit a share of their patronage, HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate t0 the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vi. cinin that he hasa NEW LIVERY STABLE at the BOMIMON LIVERY STABLES. QECOND HAND BUGGY NEARLY k. NEW For Sale. Apply It the ()l‘ Mllliken’s Corners, Trader. an Insolvent. On Friday [he 'l'wamy-eighth Day of MM. next. the undm'signud will apply to the Judges oflhe said Court. for a discharge under [ha «aid Act. Dated April 19â€Â». A. D. l875. _ 874-51. NORMAN MlLLlKEN. l’ruvince of Onlarin. County of Yurk. In 1ho mantel- of CANADA, Markham Township Council meets at Umonville, on Saturday, the 24th inst. A Ml; Dinwoodie has been chosen by the “elevators†to oppose the Hon. leiium McDougall, in South Simcoe. “1225- Per 1102 Dressed Hogs. per 100 lbs.. Bacon..... Prime ......... Potatoes. per buH' . . . . . .. . ... 0 75 (1': D 85 Apple“, per burreL. . .. . .... ‘2 (N) (0) 2 50 Butterâ€"lb l'olls............. U23 ï¬x 026 largo Moll? . . . . . ..... 0‘20 ((3 02 I‘Iggs,per doz.............. 010@ 013 Dressed Hogs. per 100 lbs... . 7 50 f0 8 (MD Bacon.....l’rime......... IOSOIYD 1200 Hmnsâ€"(Iured.per Tb........ 0 l3@ 015 GRANGEâ€"The Langstaï¬â€˜ Farmers’ Club meet this (Friday) evening, for the purpose of orgamzing a Farmer’s Grange. The Aurora Banner and Newmarket Era are havng a little “unpleasantness†just now; the Banner says Erastus uses bad grammar. and the Era says Horace would make a good bell boy to a. one-horse dram- atic club. Amusing! ain’t it? “Make your home happy!†See Wm Street’s advertisement this week. The directors of the Federal Bank are about opening a branch in Aurora. We were very sorry to have to consign that very interesting correspondence signed- “ A Reader.†to the waste basket. We are very happy to receive any communications of local interest from our friends, but they musc have a bonaï¬de mgrmture. Apr. 14. '75. 873A: Flour FSprEng Wheat extra . . Superior extra. . . . . . . Eggs, per duz. Dressed Hogs, Bacon, Prime. Hams, Cumd. DOMINION HOTEL POLITICS MADE EASY.â€"What is a 06" servative? One who keeps what he has and allows mhers to do the Same. What is a Liberal, then? One who wishes In kpr what he has, but Wants to be very liberal mdeed with whth belongs lo others. Richmond Hill, April 15, ’75. The Toronto Szm.says: â€"The expense of publishing the Hayward reports of the debates of Parliament, was $9J)OO, and you can ï¬nd them kicking around any printing ofï¬ce in the Dominion with the. leatvea not out. To every man who has rend them through we are prepared to present a prize chromo, and [my his way on the street cars to the asylum. PLOUGHING MATCH.â€"Tlle inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity have decided on holding n ploughi' g match, on Thursday, the 29th inst., 0n the farm of Mr John Palmer, south ofthe village, when prizes amounting to over $100 will be awarded. Competition open to all the county. This is a step in the right. direction, and a: there is lame talk of forming an Agricultural So- ciety in the vicinity, we hope it may prove successlul. Flourâ€"Spring Wheat. . . . . Fall Wheat oxll‘a‘ ‘ Wheatâ€"Spring. per bush. GAMII.Eâ€"LIVIXGSTON.-â€"At Lemon's H0101, ’l‘hornhill, 0n the )4th inst.‘ by H)? Rev T. S Keough, Mr George Henry Gamble, of King, to Miss Margmet leingston, 0t Vaughan. TUESDAY, MAY 4!l1.â€"-Auction Sale of Vil lage Property, as follows: Waggon Mn- ker’s, Blueksmitln’s and Paint Shop, and two Dwelling Houses, and Half an acre of Land, all in (he flourishing Village of Woodhridge. Sale to Ink? place M Capt. Wallace’s Hutel,Woodlnidge, m 12, noon. Andrew Herbert, Proprietor, N. J. Arm! strong, Auctioneer. Parties gelling Sale Pills printnd at {his oflxce will receive a notice similar to “le'above, mm: of charge. IWANUII‘AC'I‘URE or COCOA.â€"-†We will now (y've an account of mo process adopts-.1 by Messrs James Epps S1 CoH mnnui'aclllren of. dielelic arlicles. at (heir works in {ha l‘lmron Re'd. I.oudonâ€â€"See arlicfe in Casselt's Htmsdmlzl Guulc Corrocfed by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grocer, and Dry Guods Mercham. Fire I‘roof Store, April 20, l875 '824-tf October 31. 1874‘ Norman Milliken. Insolvent Act of1869. Rlb‘ H MON 1) H ILL: MARKETS ï¬prvial Elutitm; TORONTO MARKETS. AUCTION SALES. Rwhmund Hill, April 22, 1875. per 100 lbs MARRIED To ron‘o ,April 29. 1875. SIMON FROCTOR. In the County Court. of the County of York. â€):an Ofï¬ce- mar-“ma omcuc Q©§®® cocoa r 16 00 {(3 NOUQ 105mm; 013@ Thomhill . 8734f. 739-h' 5.4 )5 4 50 5 50 4 30 0 95. l ()5 l 0“ 0 50 0 85 20 no I] (N) I) 85 $4 .60 5 ()0 U (m 0 ()0 0 ()0 050 0 80 h an 2 25 v ME) 16 00 0 U0 6 Uh 8 00 1‘2 50 0 l5 U 26 U 22 (J 13 8 (m Atlhe Oid Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopes, bv the strictest economy, com- bined with the heel mntarial and workmanship, to merit a Continuance ofthe patronage bostow. ed on the law ï¬rm. All our pumps are war- rentad, N. B.â€"Wells sunk on the shontest notice. Well Curbs constantly on hand. J. the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and en- viromiI that he will continue to manufacture mo AVLVAAAIAVL‘H PW WGBTKS "I‘HE SUBSCRIBER BEGB ’I‘O INFORM EELEHHATED EXEELSIUB .PUMP A! pvices and on terms hitherto unequalled. l’al‘lit‘s wanting pumps will do well to cousun me before pun-Imang Richmond Hiâ€, March 24 ’75. N reference to the abOVe notice of' Dis- solution. the undersigned would nnnqunce that he is now ï¬tting up New and Improved ï¬lachz'ncry Driven by ample Steam Power. and intends to manufacture a MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPYLI‘M 10 ‘to 100 Dollars Richmond Hill, March'ï¬l. ’75. 8714f The Celebrated G. Wood Organ, The Superior ï¬ne-toned Warren & Clongh Organ, W. Bell & 00 ’s. Celebrated Canadian Organ. Fur hire, Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬ns and Cubkrts in every style. Richmond Hill! ORGAN UNEBRTAKIEI? BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEAR‘SE l’xicé list sent on application Begs to nnlmunne to the Inhabitants ofRichâ€" mond Hil‘. and mrroundmg neighborhootha he hue built a new Hearse and commenced “I. Sewing Machines: Wheeler & Willson; Singer, and Henry. . A. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE BUILDER 087': ON SATURDAY LAST, THE 1 13m instant. between Richmond Hill and Yi'noris Square, by wnvnf the south side- road, 1 chrummuz. The ï¬nder will be re- wlrdod on lowing it at Mr. Crosby's stare. SWTMG F3 Y1] I Eggs for hatching from Pure bred Fancy I’owls. Light Brahma, per aiming $1 no Dark ‘(10 do 1 (l1) Bllï¬'Cochin do I (M) Pnnridge do do 1 (:0 Grey Durking do 1 [)0 White do do I 00 Black Spanish do I 00 Hurtful do 1 00 ,.While Leghorn do 1 ()0 The Stock is from the importation bf Mos-rs H. M. Thomas and Seattle. Parties dowimus of improying their stock ofkpouhry wank] do wall to call and examine my snack bell)“: ordering eggs from other parties. Address, Don't ueg‘ect \hls opportunity. but come at once and aucuro ét‘KRCAINS! Beats & $iw es SUPERIOR ARTICLE, List of pi'ices sent un application. RICPII‘JONI) IIIL While (hey may be hnd. ' Richmond HH, April 16. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! Richmond Hill, July ‘33. 1874‘ April ‘2}, 187 5. Ap ril G RICIâ€"IMOND ItIILL S '3'.“ E .A. M Funeral Furnishings suppï¬ed ak from, AT PANIC PRICES ELMONTE AVARIES. â€"â€" Two miles north of Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HILL THE LARGEST STOCK 0F AND . H. MYERS, All ofwhich have been bought For CASH and will be cold as RICHMOND HILL. Marshâ€"511 &?7v€££iï¬n, from; $300 to $500. 5. M. Agent. Proprietor. ARE TO Eli FUUND AT WM. C. BELL, R7241 . BELL, 0:}- An Inspection respectfully invitei. JOHN HALL H. MILLER. 5. 871-lf B74-lf ’75. Oak Ridges ANOE: 31') -. :f The Fifth Edition of mv Illustrated ‘Cata' logue and Revised Price List of Farm Machines, Garden Implements, Horticultural Requisiles. 4%., can be had on application, Special attention is devoted to Timothy arid other Grass Seeds. Red and Alsike Clover, Hungarian, Millet, Flax Seed, Tares, Seed Grain, 4310., &c. [ITSEND FOR MY ANNUAL DBSGRIPTIVB‘ SEED EATALIJEIIE, Field. Garden 8L Flower Seeds Corner of Adelaide & Jarvis Streets TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse ingood running order. Also, a large and 'l‘hi’iving Young Orchard. One and of the Farm is crossed by a never failng Spring Creek, Terms easy. For particulars apply to JAC B RUPERT. ; mile from Maple Village, and mile from Richmond Hill Station, On 110 place is A Large Brick House, a Good Barn, and other outbuildings, :1 Steam Saw Mill WM. RENN IE, Toronto. Toronto. Mar. 12, 1875, ‘84â€5 BEST FARMS IN THE GBUNTHY. T ‘AKE NOTICE that an applirnlicn will lm I made to the Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County at" York, at his Chambers. on or after the ï¬rst day of May, 187:3, in brahait’ of Joseph [It-my Held, thn infant son «:I' Bet» j’\ll)i!l HUM]. Jule 01' the 'i‘ownahip ot'Vaughan. in the County of York. farmer, decenaed. far the puryose ofappuim'vng Margaret Hold, the Widow ul'szxid deceaScd. Guardian of said In- fant. F‘AliM TU RENT fora term of years. ‘ Pant of lot No. 44. on Yongu Streot, (West aide) 14 miles from Toronto, containing 70 auras. Good outbuildingsnnd a. never-me ing Brook. Good Orchard. App!" to HE Subscriber lakrs this opportunity of re»- turnijg his sinl'ere [hunks to his mnnerous customers {or their patronaga during the pan. would soIiciln ccnlinzmnco of the same. and would cal! “lair altemion £0 a flesh arrival u] l have a large and very complete stock of CIIEAP TEAS, Green, Black and Japan All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish eon. stuntly on hand. Tobacecs of ‘the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buckâ€" wheat. Flwr, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal Best 50 cent Tea in the Village Al} Lian of Faxm Produce taken in cxekango for Goods. FRESH Glassware,Crockery SLTin ware Direct from the Mills. Vaughan. March 28, 1875. DUMIHIUN l‘OR SALE.â€" GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD Richmund Hill. Mar. ‘24, 1875. SEED STORE, PE West lxalf'of L012] . 41h Con. Vaughan one of me Lahd at Thornhill. 13m Apri', 1875 873-3t I Cultivator. Mnnshnw’s 2 Blacksmilhs' Beliowm And a mnnbar of Blacksmiths’ Tools. 1 Gardnar Sewing Machine. Free to all applicants. Wm. BEN NIE, Toronto. FOR SALE. Spring Seed Grains, MA HU- :\ R E'i' HUIâ€). EXucutxix JAMES SHUTLK. Executor, Acknowledged to be the HOUSE! RICH MON D HILL. COFFEES Fertilizers, 850. Wm. STREET. NOTICE. Apply at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. JOHN. McQUARlUE. Man P. 0. Yonge-Sl. Richmonu Hi“ AND MACHINE EMPUHIUM! SEWING and SPICES. MAPLE 1’. Q5 8704f Righmond Hill. Mar, 18, ’75 THE BEST.â€"BEST VALUE, and LARGEST ' Shown in this Town for the 1as1: ï¬fteen years CAI-1;. AND SEE â€˜ï¬ Most Extensive 1n the Dominionâ€! Large Stock “CENTRAL HOUSE.†Geeorge Siniger.. . . . . . Henry Newsome . . . . . . i Henry Taylor . .. . ... .. Hector Paisley.. . . . . . . A Jas. Scrivéner . . . . . . . . i G. P. Smith . . . . . . . . . . i Samuel McDonald . . . . . . James Abbott . . . . . . . . . Hector Kelly . . . . . . . . James Size . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Clmlloner . . . . . . John F. Elliot . . . . . . . . John Ellswn . . . . . . . . . . Andrew Gilchrisl . . . .- . Timothy Schoï¬eld . . . . . John Palmer. . .. . . William Bye. . . . . . . . A. Borngasser.. . . .. . . . William J. Gillard . . . . William Pointon . . . . . . Michael Lunnlmn . . . . . . Joseph W. Rosenbloom. Benjamin Rolling . . . . . Sunpr and Fancy, Dry Gumlg, GROCER|E$, Richmond Hill, March 11, 1875. F. W, Coalev . . . . . . . . .. Chas. M. Henderson†. Andrew ,Uuzldersvu. . . . Alfred Pearson . . . . , . . .. Goorgn Adams. . . . . . . . John Carter ..“...,.. Josoph Hagan. . . . . . . M John C. Swilzor. . . . ... Nicholas J. Armstrong“ Samuel M. Brown.. . . . . Salem Ecklmrdl. . . . . . .. Juflt'ph Sheppard . . . . . . 4 Francis Button . . . . l 30h“ Yake. . . . .... James C‘ Stokoa. . . . . . . A William Brown. . . . . . .l A 0. Andra-“s. . ...‘ Geo. F. Moore. . . .... .. William Keeleh. . . . . .. Levi Fairbanks. J . . . .. Joseph Gmnd . . . . . . . . Adam Armstrong. . .. Thomas Pouclxor. . . . . . Jushau Arnumge . . . . . . ’l‘lms, Alkiusm), . . . . . . . James M. Patterson . . . & OQFFEEWï¬: Go and see ALEX. MOODI’E'S New Spring and Summer HATS AND CAPS and alsu his NEW PRINTS. NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW COTTONS, &C., and especially NEW I SPRING TWEEDS and COATINGS. Treasurer's Ofï¬ce, County of York, Tomato, April 1st, 1875. Hag g Richmond Hill, April 6, ’75. COMING IN AND GOINGOU'I.‘ DAILY, of Licensed Pedlars and Auctioneers for County of York, Tho Subscriber begs t9 announce (a his friends and customers that he is l have a bulge Stock and will uotbe uudbnold. -FLOUK AND FEED. Goods Delivered. NAME. DAILY RECEIVING ngING GOODS! Which’ are sold as Cheap, and in some lines Cheaper than. can be purchased elsewhere. The Stock consisting of GENERAL GROCERIE NEW GOODS S FAN! IS NEITHER DEAD NOB. ASLEEP But is ALL ALIVE with Published by Is to all intents and purp osas in every way Relnember the Famous CROCKiiRY, {Toronto City. . 1 do .. . Richmond Hill 1Toronto City.. Best that can be bought Additions to his already While Illnough not the AUCTIONEERS. RESIDENCE. J. K. FALCON BRIDGE, Pedlars. Authority of By-Law, [\vsmby. . . Toronln City. i'l'oroulo Gore lBel'ord. . . . . ‘City of Toronto 1 Do ‘ Do Do [Mount Albert rNewMarkel. . jBluomingmn . JNO. K. MACDONALD, Treasurer County of York‘ AND HARDWARE. ISAAC CROSBY. mamas“ Fool. . .. Do One Horse.. Do Do Do Foot 10ne Horse Do One horse Foot One Horse Two Horse One Horse Foot Do One Horse Two horse. Fuot One Horse Foot Do One Horse DESCRIPTION OF LICENSE. ALEX. MOODIE. In Aémm -,-,~« 5‘, . . . . . . May V l t . . . . . Oct. . . . . . . Nov. lï¬th, . . . ..., Dec. 28th, . . . . . . Dec. 291b, . . . . . . ‘ Feb. 3rd . . . . . . Mar. 5th, Apr“ OH], 10! last, " U l‘ H 9â€] u “f. 28:11 “ . . . . . . . I’u‘ne 3rd, “ . . . . . . Aug. 10LhLV" . . . . . . Sept. 22nd, “ u 23rd, n 2711: “ ‘6 ‘6 H . . . . . . Jan. 14th. 187 ," 19th, u “. ‘ 20111 “ “ 30th. “ 3E . . . . . , Feb. 16th. “ H 22nd, “ Hr u 8th (0 Al N 17111. DATE WHEN EXPIRES ,Sepl’r. 14m, u mu, ‘ “ 92nd. October 51!: “ 24th, " 26th . [)ec’r 5:11, Jnny. $39111, 1870, Feby. Hilh. ‘J ‘, ~~ 23m, ~1- ‘1Murch l3lh. ‘-‘ ‘ “ 27th. " 1 -- 26m, « g“ 3lst. " my 8111, 1875. u ‘4â€). u “ ' 3m}; ‘a Aprl 2nd DATE WHEN LI- C-ENSE EXPIRES. Oct. 2711: Nov. 16th, ‘Dec. 28th, :Dec. 291b, :Jan. 14th. A'pril 8th, 1875 May 13;, f: Mar. 5m, ‘ -* 8th “ 17111, lath 2011), 231d. 24m. 29nd, 7th. 8th 8th 10m ‘ 22nd, 23rd, 271k lï¬th, 16th. 14th. 1876. 19th, u 20111 “ 30th, “ 3rd “ gZ‘de, 9‘11 28th H U