pertinentâ€"of Ne“? WINDOW SHAPE§ 31:8}! giggignsfl “The-Peololes’ Store.†FURNITUR E, GARDEN SEEDS. ,All kinds Cabinet Ware Manufactured. ()urLines we aiiE‘uH Univornl saliafaction. and having received scores of ï¬rsl prizes, UNPRINCIPLEU parties have hiked to docaive customers bv palming uï¬'lnforlor wolk as our Inanul'nmurw. Parllfll calling and using our VARIED STOCKâ€"as we use every novelty that is known [0 be goodâ€"aw“ not be deceived wlmn thev behold the graceful sweeps and outlines of our wood-work. strengllg and, Iightneseof iron-wouk. elegance, beantx an d softness of trimming. and unsurpassed mirror-like, ï¬nish of painting. Parties cumng from a distance can generally depend upon taking a Buggy Where you can get a Good Selection. We make u specia'ny of painting Old Buggies. and. having adopted a new method. me prepared lo guarantee satisfaction . Una great difï¬a'uhy (0 he sm mounted in panning nld Work as that the cracks in the old paint on the body of a carriage show 1h uugh the new sur run- as soon as it it: ra-paimed We are prepared [0 meet this obstacle by guarameeing a good jnb ; and the Spring of the yen: is the Lima tu see about having you I‘conveyancas put in proper re. pairâ€"it ii. the bes: kind of economy. “'ilh them. “'3 5e“ for‘cash or credil. Panning and Trimming done (‘1) r tlxegiratle and pub- lic. Wood-work furnished to blacksmhhs, or Wood-work lruned for Wood-workers. All kinds of repfxiriug flone wilhom delay. ' ENRY R. WALES, & SONS, the old established and Well known Carriage Manufacturers, having been established for more than twenty.ï¬ve years, and [mill the ï¬rst tight work in this section. and having equal to any, 11' not the but shaps and “dimes of any \V'J'kfl in the Dominion, ore stil. giving their whole energieu to the buiiding of Li tCnrringea, 51c. Being practical workmen in awry brunch, pat'lies in want of Buggies. F0 ding Settle . Ludiea‘ thtous. either covered or open, Light Shifting Rail Top Buggies in ant, and", 3 spring Waggons equal to [he best in the Dominion. Springboards, we" at the psesen time. would ï¬nd iuo their advantage to call and inspect our large and vari d stock. as we have! upwards of FIFTY jobs ofdiflorent varieties, strength. capacity and price. As we Warrant nil our work we do not “oriï¬ce quaiity for price Our rule is to buy and manufacture wall so: 1b“ we can sell well, at the some time making it an object tor customers to buy from us. and at the same time tor us to sell to them. Owing to our Work Inning RICHMOND HILL, March 3|,1875. Richmond Hill, April I. 18753 0f Markham, Fe); 7, 1875 EGS to return his sincare thanks to his numerous Customers for their patronanre dnrl jug the past and would gall their .atlenliou w the fact. that he is on hand with a barge as- mnl‘l 1“ all qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Paint and Varnish Brushes of all sizes at. Toronto Prices. GLASS of all sizes. A large assortment of Cracker , ware purchased 1n the best markets. Tinware of all kinds. Tbs usual stock of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, as low in price as any house in town. Of All Kinds. Also the best qnality of Flour, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes and Apples, at lowest prices. Also, a. fresh stock of NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ! STILL AHEAD ! ads (6 Oils BORDERINGé or all kinds am; the latest patterns on record; BUGG-IES AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES CALL AND SEE OUR P. Gr. SAVAGE RICHMOND HILL. And we are Determined ’aroels Delivered. WM. ï¬â€˜ï¬'KINSON. 67243111 HENRY R. WALES & SONS, The Largest Assortment over new in this Sown. M arklmm Carriage Works. Chairs Re-caned. the TINWARE, a Large Stock, ofGRAIN & SEEDS. Clover, szothy, Flax, Hungaricn and Miller. Seed, Tapes And all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, selecxedfrom the best Seedsmeu in Canada X X X (Eysters iiecmiwd we: kly CROCKERY AND GLA SSW ARE J. B. would specially call the attention of the Fat-mew Viru (lye vicipitzfrorhia stock also, Misses and Childrens’ Slippers. The balance of our stock of Uvel'shoes will be Sold at. Cost Nails 1n allaizes, Scoop Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, Measures, kc. In Grove-rim, we have as good as can he got Chums Teqs, Sugars’ NEW SPHERE 34% Retuuns his mlcero manks to his cumumers and flit-ands for their \en liberal summll in NH- pnsl. and would call [Lear span-in} alum iuu to his Spring Stuck or Boots and h‘huos, Gmcvnes, Crockery, and Glasnvare. Mens’ KH’ BOOTS, ready fur they Sprng Trude, Womans’ PEBBLE xnd CALF BOOTS, with a, choice lot (If Wumena" The best Family Flour, Oat- meal, Com meal, Graham Flour Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and b'fwrts. Always on hand. A Chaim Lot of Early Rose Potatoes Now on hand. Prurnella Gaiters, Lacvd Boots, Slippers Grain. &.E§eeds: 5% 111.15%? _‘}“9§€199t Stock 9f Boys' and Cordwood, Shingles and Lath Richmond Hill. March I, 1875. In any quuuit; and delivered on short notice, All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. Mari?†3m FAMILY BIBLES, A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.59. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9, at the HERALD Boon STORE. Richmond Hill. v-7." , “man...†4 v: u, 1A4! w, and all kinds of Meat constantly on And hopes by strict unenlmn to Dusinesl merit a share M public patronage. Beqf Mutton, Pork, Lqrd, Roads, u" . 'rHE SUBSCRIBER. ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that hm hm» nun-ma All Kinds of “REM! Uuled at 'l‘oromo. this lï¬th of March. 1875, WILLIAM MULUCK. So Iinitnr fotabnve unmod And lake nolEnn that afler Ihn 5a d twentieth nany Ann Windroes. Ilm adunimstrnn'ix of said Moses VViIIdl'OS-n will dishihuie the assets 0! (he said Muses Wiudrow amongq the pur- lies omilied thereto. nthoul rugmd to all): (claims of which she shall not then have re~ ceived notice in mam.†afomsaid. Dated at Toronto. this lï¬th of March. 1875. EVERY Creditor and nvery person having claims against Hm Estate ofMozebs, Win dross, late of the Township of Vaughuan the (bunk: of York. drlcvasvd‘ and whn died on the I '1]: of May. 1574. inledule. are required. on or before the ’l‘WIIN'l‘IE'l‘H of MA Y, next. to spud to JO‘IN BRO WN, of the Vil‘ Inge nf Richmond Hill. n » the Con-Hy of York, nmrchnul, by letter, pr» paid. a almemem of his (claim. and of lhe Post Utï¬ce address of such creditor Waad Var d .' HARDW ARE I Terms $1, payable at time ofservice G & D HIRHELL. Rinhmond HiUFlour Mills. March 19. ’75 8694f ' T 0 the Creditors of JIIOIS'ER WIND 11’ OS S, deceased. (Formerly lhe'propeny of Mr Jas. MCNflil) Will nerve cows this season at Lot 43. lst ’70" Vaughan. Richmond Hill, Dec. 3151. ’74 “MABIIIIIS HF WEB; Richmond Hill. Jan. 13, ’75. FLOUR = THE PURE-BRED DURHAM BULLi Manufactured by the best workmen in Toronto. E69 41 NNUUNCEME EGS to announce to lhu lnlxubilams of Richmond IIIH, and Vicznily that ht- ha, resumed business in tho Vulng's as n BOCTS & SHOES: GROCERIEE : A WOOD YARD, J. BRG‘W’N Clgfecs Spices, Salmon Trout, White Fish, Curlï¬sh, The Best Labrador Earrings, Sardines, the Public that he has upenéd NQTIHB Tfl EHBDITGBS. kinds of Meat constantly on hand. I :.â€"All Orders promptly attended to ROBERT HOPPER. Robert Hopper And he wiil keep on hana A Lingo Huck :12] hand @rnmitï¬, ét. RICHMOND HILL. Which win he Sold ANN WINDROSSK J. BROWN. Dusinesl lo any “I!!! f ’ ICENSED Auclmnoer for the County of York. mspaclfnlly schciw yuur pigtronage and frimzdly influence. Safes nttendvd on (he shnr‘esL notice and at whonabh rams P. U address, King, F ltod hp in ï¬rst-class style. and that he is now propll'ed to take all kind: uf plclu‘fl in the Idea: styles of H18 art. ' PICTURES FRA MED, COPIED; T HOS. B. CUUPLAND, Remember the place nearly opposite Sandcrsom’ Drug store. GOOD & CHEAP, PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED. EHarness Establishment. Richmond am Feb. 26, '74 Panwgmphen lST PRIZ E LIE SHED Auctinnoer fur the Cannly of .1 York, revpatcu'uilv suliciu )nur Dfllz na 7:â€" and friaudly inluoucu. Sales attended on {ha shorted moi-.06 and at mnsouablo 11:03. 1’. U. addrbag, Victoria Sqlmn . Fox-34,59 per brl ,Richmund Hill, Nov. [0 WM} o‘clock. I: I. Febmnry 4th. 1875 Good Family Flour And are located at the Northwest corny uf w: No. 35, uh (:«mcousion of Markl'nm. in a section where mechanics and lubarem mzu gm aleadywm‘k and high wugus Amt“ {ilk by lcncr,prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Viclumi Squm'e.ur lo I over un new of land. (00‘ orchlrd. lim- awd on Richmond street. Richmond iii". The Chlaw of Um Iue MRS “’EST, Apply to PARKER CMUSIY. Ringing in price from 30 cents per lb. upward About ()nc-jz'fl/z of an Acre, 1 sale: uumuor of “flags lulu, situated 11 the villages of Hiâ€. containing one helm and a quarter of land, one l’ruum (Wailing house. wilh r. burn smhlan, and mixer outbulluings llnu'eon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise» m Being part of lots 3 and 4. hit Con. 'l'ownship of Uxbridgo, NE W GALLER Y! A rum (3? 69 MID A HALF AGREE autos with Good Dwelling House and _Out~ ‘uildinge‘just omnide [he Richmond Hill Cor- puraxion And N reulrning his sincere thanks to hlsfrionds and pnnons for mu favor: would respect- fully immune um he hu now got his King, Sup; III. 1874 1001) DWELLING HOUSE“. AND Athbme male or female: $35 Work ’ N0 par wux. dn)‘ or evening. WE SEND A VALUABLE PACKAGE 0F GOODS by nmiirnmz Address. with ten can. return stamp. M. YOUNG. A73 Greenwich St.. N. Y‘ 845-6m VICTORIA SQUARE! Markham, Sept. ‘10. [1574‘ Richmond Hill, April 16. [974 M arch 9,7. 1819. Richmond Hill, pa, 2-. '74. ENLARGED I At J. Brown’s. Richmond Him. 3v ’nmmgxammwwmwwï¬w Richmond Hill, Jan. 8,1574. ‘HE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS FOR. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, =ICHMQND HILLMWILL GENE; I“. CRAVVFUKD. Ricllmoéd Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m SAMUE L M. BROWN, House and Lot for Sale, NHLUCA‘S STREET, RICHMOND N Ynnge Street, Richmond Hill. also ten House and Lot for Sale. C O - OPERATION. Single and Double, TWO HOUSES AND LOTS F011? SALE. HARNESS! Family Groceries. I. Umby, IMJ’roof Store, RICHMOND HILL. x11 CHARGES MODERATE. RICHMOND HILL. :WM. HARRISON. ’rtu be found xx 'home from 2 to 3 JAMES c. STOKES, A LARGE STOCK OF Village Lots for Sale. grazinth for ï¬nk, ï¬iï¬tvllamus, ï¬xatagmgï¬zg. A)“ I ï¬ne “acumen of THUMIAS B. COI’PLAND, TEAS, The (016 canlam All work to be AT THE VVM. G, HIKGS'I (IN. Uiuqu I’. 0 Q. 714-â€- Apply to JACOB MORDEN 759- I v $42.! 842-1! 8' 74f sue-5: l-3m. RIBHMUNB HILL MILLS! FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! » i mmuw. at :36 um WU met. Also Flour- ing and “the! Lumber Dressed: Sap Buckets. ":1ii.~.(,ider.\lill>. Washing \lnchinemShiuglrs W aggon l"n!llms.nnd LumberSawodLoordor Forparliculmsaddrosï¬ J OHM LA N PSW'AF'F, Slag»): MiHSThornhill. GEORGE 0': DAVID BIRREEL Parties favoring us with grist! may rely on- good return Ind we†manu‘acmrod. ll t‘eslrm'.‘ the Tlcks, promotes the growth of Hm WOOLMId improvrs the candilion of “10 animal A 35 cum box wiil clean ‘20 that-p or 3:3 lambs- HUGH MILLER én 00., Amucuurvuu. Gunman. 167. King Street East, Toronto. :“nr Sula by Uruggiars and Storekeeper: _. R E. LAW, Agent. Richmond Hi!) Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72. 151-3m {‘ARKISTERS, (.30., N08. 36 AND 38 5" King Strum East, Toronto. R. A H.«ua1~'oN,Q.c. F. ()aLEn. Tumour. Moss,q.c W A Fosna. CHARLES Mon. W. G. FALconnnmon Toronto. Duo. 4, 1372. 750-“ room. 1 lruction of the Anglo Amaricun House by ï¬re. the subseribnr has taken and ï¬lled up than large and commodlous premises belongv ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speighl 51, 3011’s Novelly Works, Markham Excellent acrommodnlmn afl'orded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stu’blesin connacliou with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. Pyice ‘25 (Junta and 5'! 00 per box. A dollar but Contains two hundn d feeds. ‘ THOMAS BEDMAI‘T, ~MARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, J Undertaker. Jae, Rwslmzxcxâ€"«Nuarlv opposim the Poet Oï¬ice Richmond “Iâ€. It ‘ulrtms in Onefourt/z the usual tame, and saves Food. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. In" ogflg~5¢$€% 3‘ :TA'FTENS HORSES, COWS, CALVES, )EG to inform Melclmuts Bakers & Funum' ) Um! they luv: ulwavs on hlud n large Mock of ' HIGHEST IARKDII' PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. 'N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" Richmond Hill Flour Mina. Oct 15. ID?! HARRISON. OSLER & MOSS, "I‘HOS HUNTER. Proprietor. October 24. I7-73. 7 TICKS ON SHEEP. Us; mum's 1‘ch mzs'ruown, I‘hornkiii, Nov. 3. Sept. 4, 187%. Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND \VATEHSPOUTS FOR THE D0 ICHMOND HILL LIVERY S TA B LE S. NIONVILLEV l’ was run in connectin with each trlin. Commodiqu sample Sheep and l’lpa NIPISSING HOTEL, mm 931155311 Wank. CATERPILLARS Union House. HARKHAM. D. WOOTEN. 510..“ 797 As alllifo-aiidowud bodies. whetherlhoy in Roast. Birds, Reptiles. inseam." or even Zoo phites. and subjects of the Vogetnhle Kingdnm are governed by riialfurcc, which binds all the springs of elismnce. and as nothing cnn mvu them {zom desli uction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of" means whereby vitaiity may be sustained in the living body is indeed I boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingret‘ients commu- ting the brain. muscles and nerves. nnd ï¬nd: that by introducing these ingredients in pronm proportions the hrlin Ind nervous system are strengthened. This. then. is subslaminlly the basis on which FIZLLOW’E HYPOPHOSPHITKS is huilt.its direct lotion is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous System. the] Ihe Muscles. .5 trungthv suing the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vixalized Blood in ‘he Muscular Organ: of the Body. 533. Oxford Street, IV. C Landau, March 3131‘ Fellows’ Compound SIRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Live}. strengthening the action of the Stomach and 'iowe|s and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬nllyinv fluted wnh Oxygen. Mr W H. Thompmn. Harlin} Mr J. M. Wiley. Frederickcou, N. H. Messrs W. G! l). Yuile. Montreal ! hemims and other Vendow of Hollow-Vs genuine Piâ€: and Ointment may have mail names inserted in lha local pap-u if they will plane: apply here-â€" It Is udnptad for ALL cases of VVeaknouvund Emaciation , whether arising from sedenan life. a lropicalclimate. from fever or mbilily rrgm anv cause,and is afï¬cncions in l’vLuo- yihu CONSUIH‘TION‘. many conï¬rmed vases hlving heen cured and all bonoï¬ued. whore Its use has been continued our a fortnight. _. .. ., . w. u Uvun‘ m uulvu, n.» M‘ 'i‘. Has Brisny, Charlene Town. I’.E.I. Messrs Langley & Co ‘ Victoria. [3.0. Messrs Moore .3; (70.. Vicmria, 8.0. Dr. John PING", Chathnm. N. B. Wessrs Munro & (10., Monh‘oal. Messrs J Winer & Co . Hamilton. C. W. Mr H. J. Rose. l'oronlu. Mr A Chipman Smith, St Jo|:n,N. 3. Mr John Bond, G‘dlich, Out. Messrs Eiliot & Cu., Toronto. Mr J Chnlouer. St. John, N. B. Massrs Hunniyglon Bx-oxhers. St. John, N. B My Pills and Ointment ‘nre sold at [he [owes wholesale net prices. in >qunntitif~s of not less than £2†wonhâ€"viz.. 8s “11.. 229.. 343.,per down boxes of PM: or pots ofOinthn. f0: which renï¬it'mces maul be sent in advance. ln Bronchitis it is I npeciï¬c. and i; Asthma it gives relief when even other remedy {hils For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled. and may be Mud with conï¬dence in all (uses. Sold in England by I“ Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for X’rovinces of Ontario. and Quahetx ' Mueser A vary. Brown ‘1' Co.‘, mum. N.S. Messrs P‘orsvth & Co.l Halifax, NS. Meggrsjl‘. B Barker 51 Sons. St John, NB As this is entirely distinct and dnfl'oront from every other preparuion of vaophosphitos, ht careful tank for Funnows’ Snwr. llld mu no other. SOLD BY APO’I‘HECARIEF The followingis a “rt of the ï¬rms alluded lo: and | particular†rccumnmnd those Whu desire to get mv medizines to apply to some uflhs Houses named :â€" Mr R. S‘ I’xid'dlvy'. Windsor, Out. Mrs Orpen. Morden. N ‘3. Mr 900110 C. Hunt. Jun., Fledericton APOTHECAIUFS’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Many respectable ï¬rms in the British Prov incos. who obtun my modicum-a direct from here. hAve Very pmporly suggmvtod thlt J should,er the beneï¬t at" themselvel and the public, insert their names in the (upon. that itmuy be known that thy medicines cln be had genuine from them. S warranted to cum all dimhargos from 'he Uriuan' Organs, in either sex acquired or, Gravel and l’nins in (he Back. Sold in Boxes. $l.5U I“ Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, F. J. CLARKE. EVAN MERGER A: 00; Montreal. Mailed to any address on maipt of P. 0. 0.‘ A PUBLIC CAUTION. It is presumed that, from the large cnnmc lion Mussls Henry and Co. luvs in the British vaincoz and elsewhere, the public is very likely Io be imposed npnn h»; unscrupulous ven- dors and others unless [hay examine great caulion to prevent lhoi: bring misled, by ï¬nd~ ing those nmdxcinos hearing I slump will) the name of " Holloway and 00., New Yurk." prir'lrted thereon. Each Pot and Box of my prnpnrntion hours the “ï¬nish Grover-morn Sump. wilh U 5 words “ Eullowu"s PiHa “a Ointment, London †onyaï¬ed xhvraon, Hollowuy‘s Pills and Ointment are neither manufaclund nor sold in thn United States, although they may be obtained in the B. N, American l’revinces. It has bacome neceunr)‘ to make this an- nouncemom, because the New Ymk Chemical Company(wlm in nobody). ï¬nding It last that their name has keen we axpmed, have asâ€" sumed the title 0!“ Hollow-v and (30.: †but, even now. no ane will buv their medicines di- rccl from them,oo that (boy hue nude ar- rangemenm [a tupply exclusively the ï¬rm of Moasrs Hoan llld (30., of New York. with their sa-cmléd “ l'iolluway’s Pills and Uint- maul.†One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills Snld in Bottles 1 dol‘ar much. and in Cases. colluiniug G [Imus the quantity. 4 dollms Pach- slfliciout tn «feel a pl‘ffllttllonl cure in the. great majority «Hang «landing " ALL (fHEVHS'l'S and PATENT MEIHCIN E VENDORS throughrut the world. Salv- f'uopriemr, V. J ULKKKEJ‘meth', APâ€?HECARH‘IS' HALL. LLNCULN. ENGLAND. So“ in England tw :H W'hoknc‘lo Patent Medicine Hanson. \Vho’eaala Ageuu fur Provide" of Guam aIdQuebac:â€" M‘iled lo my address on row-mi arr. o. 0 EVANS, MERCER £5 00., Monk-ea) Thousands of tesï¬noninls from all. le‘tI. (‘ures Ulcer-axed SoreH on the Neck. ('Il'es (“aerated Sore Legs. Cums lzlacuheads. or Pimp!“ an "tho Flea Cums Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancemus Ulcers (‘um Blood and Skin “images. (‘urus Glandular Swallinss. Clears the Mood from all impure muttonï¬ From whatever cnusu hiking. A»; thin mixture is piousâ€! to tho taste. and waulnzed free from anything injurioua to tho mus! delicate culwlilulinu of either sex, [ha Proprietor nolicits sufferers tu give it a trinl to rust ils value. For Scrofnla. Scurvv, Skin l)§sensos, Ind 3 Has uf all kind: it in a never-failing and per- u'auem cure. Trade Mark “ Blood Miziure.†THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIEII & RE STORE-R For clmmsing r nd clearing lha Mood from all impuriles, cannot be loo highly recommenâ€" (h‘d . BLBOB FWTURE It mqu old Sow-oi. {"011 THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.†Price. 31-50; Six for$7-50. gamut ï¬ï¬icï¬inim, O L -A R. K E ’ S WORLD PAM}!!! JAMES L FF '5 LOWS,Chem‘ TH OM AS HOLLOWAY . 1874 Snaonn'. L‘ B 2:30 ' U'S E T H E; NORWICH l‘ irsl Prize at the Vaughan Agricultural Show. held at VVocdbiidgu ou‘ the |3Lh llld' 14th of‘ Uctuher lust. hotwithstnnding tho‘ knenest competition and most unfaundrd pm“ judice ihcy still continue to gain in public con-r ï¬deuca. and st» rapidly have they innrcandl their sales that thax slam! in a position to boll» iv challvngo com mism with any machiu‘ made or sold in the Dominion. The success of THE ‘ WEBSTER’ Thirty First Prizes for 1871‘ Mnrtgaga Stanlyâ€"in sums from $500 Ip- wardu. A Dply lo M TEEFY. N. LYNI-TT, _ (As Executor: of the Eitltu ofthe raw Hartil‘ Brennan.) is owing to its supnrior qualities an I machine. Ming adapted lo heavy as wail It light wmk, makes it a desirnhla article in even; i‘nmilv To ha com need of its superior qlmhties it only requirrs to b- lhor mghly Ol- amiuod For iurthvr parlicuiar‘ Ind pn’cc list. and dI-Scl’ipliVL‘ catalogue. Address JOHN H, STONEHUUSE, Travoliing agent for Vaughan & Whitchiroi. Hmwiu [29} Also, Robson & Stonehouso M“ Store. For making an kinda of cakes without eggl. For sale by Ag m~ for that Fm Prizn For superiorilv in design qlmltly ofluno. and ï¬msh tha~n Urgnns are uxcellwd hv none in Cit man-km at {he present day They have Mk0! the 1M prizes at [he fol owing fhihl. v'l. .â€"' Markham, (‘nnncnglon and Newmnrket, I“ the fell-wing Instruments were brought ilh compo itimx: at Markham; Plince City. W, Bell 5:, Co†Goodman. A Co.. Toronto ()r'n'l' Co , G. A. Wood. &, Co and the Uxbl'il‘l Organ Co." At (‘auningtnnz W. Bell & Cd; the Bowmnnvmo Oman (‘0 , mud the Uxhrid‘. Uran Co. Al Newmnrlwt. W Bo†& Cm, G A. Wand K: (70., Messrs Plince Tomi†Canada ()rgnn ( o . and Yhe Uxhridge Org“. [n which the ’RI I’Hze was awarded in “ell case. Inns puoving what we assert the! they are sound tn none. May 26. M4 I 997â€"1, _,,. ..._ V. All classes of working people. of Oillnfl“ Hex. \onug or old. ma 0 more money I! work‘ for us in their spare mommfls. or all the lime. than' at nm‘lhing 91s: I’nrlicul-rs free. Post curd lo Slates covts bul mm rant. Addlesu G S'HNSON & (20., l’oniand, Mail“. w 2.4:, 1.‘ 4 849-1] MO Hill? TO LEND $20003“ LOAN on ï¬n U S E 'I' 3}]: E OCPDIAMOND‘ YEAST . CA K}: 60,000 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TICKETS,.O‘ whom Liberal Premiuml will be plld. Single Tiukets $1 ; Six Tickets $5; Twelvr Tickets $10; TweMy-Five $20. Circulars containing a full list of prizes. I description of the mannrr of drawing, Ind other inf rmmtnn in mm. nan In the Diotri- hution, wih be- soul tn am one ordering them.- All leuera mm! be ad rtusfld to ()fï¬ceJanelnior Building Lyn'BINEJOIQ†Conkace & Longwonth chem-“1' 0.. Nov. 4. [H74 8‘25-Gt‘ $5 TO 5520 Number of gifts 6.500. Tlckeu limited to ‘NTESLEYAN HYMNS. ALL SIZES at the HERALD Bunk Slam. $l‘25 each. 10 Ladle-5’ Gold Hunting Watches. worth SIN) each 800 Gulrl and Silvm- Lever Hunting Watéh'u (in all) wort/[from $20 to $300 each. Gold Chains. Silvonware. Jewelry. &r., &.= le'Ie and Buggv, with Silver‘mouutedi Harness. worth $600. I Fine-Ionnd Rosuwhod Pinno,worlh $550. H) Family Sewing Machines, worth $l00 nei- 3 Gold W am 4. ohm... loan/L $300 m5 r 3 Guid American Humng Watch". 'oflh' EXBRIBEE BABINET ORGAN! 85.600 Each in Cashï¬ Tw Priz s .000 I ' L $22? P5112388 E83 5 W†In CASH Rich mum! Gift Enterprise I Two Grand Capitals IN VALUABLE GIFTS!f The only rehuble Gift Distributlon' in “10‘ Country I C. E. SHEPPARD. March 23. 1875. 87lP-ly Richmond Hill sAPER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT Gï¬â€˜ï¬fï¬ï¬ms: CHOOHL REQUTSITES OF ALL ISC ICLLANEOUS BOOKS SUITfl- L. I). ‘SINE’S kinds al tm1 men Bunk Slum ï¬géï¬Ã©b {B496} 00 tne H mum: Hook Stale.- 172ml REGULJR MONTHLY MONDAY. May 3rd, 1875] Ne (01‘ pxesems at the Hnub 300! Il‘you want light. swwt Bread; at the HERALD Book Store. TO BE DISTRIBI‘TED IN TO BE DRAWN 0 ‘LOA'N r on ï¬rst-claw Jul 0 I EGG POWDER. A gents wanted 3‘ PER DAY. "-828