Thedion. L. S. Huntington is up to his eyes in libel suits. He has already institu ted three or four, and is on the trail of a fresh victim. His average claim for dam- agés is $50 000. If he makes as much 31 the busmess as Mr Crook’s, did, he will shortlybe able to retire from public life gndzï¬ehupas grocery moralâ€"Sun ' GONFLAQRATION AT NEWMARKErwâ€"A‘few minutes after-12 o’clock, on Llotiday‘last, just after the workmen had gone to dinner, a ï¬re was discovured to be issuing out of the large Foundry of Cane & Elridge. The wind blowing a terriï¬c gale from the west renderedeny assistance by the ï¬re ,Brigude abortive, and in' an hour and a half" the foundry and all the workmen's houses were laying'in a mass of debris. Great efforts were made to save the sash factory and large sawmill recenth7 erected by Messrs Cane & Sons, which were successful. Great sympathy is manifested for Messrs Cane ,& Elridge, and for the ï¬rm of Cane & Sonsu‘“ The foundry had only changed hands from the old ï¬rm of Sykes & Elridge last fall." Mr.Cane has expended a large amount of capital in this town within the last, nine months, and his enterprise promised to con" trilfbu’te to the prosperity of this town. A public meeting will take into consideration‘ the propriety of aiding Messrs Cane & EL‘ ridge to re-erect the foundry. The loss is fully $20 000. No insurance. I Speflozootic at Thornhill on Tuesday next.. “Mulligan Guard †collars at the HERALD variety store. Three old boots, 9 gaiter and hoopskirt in front ofa house indicate that the iamin has moved. “Comet’_’ collars, 15 cts per box at Scott’s. * ' '3st Classe Under 18 years of age. 15!, Prize, A Saddle valued at$18~ J. P Mason. Scarboro. The Richmond Hill and Yonge Street Agricultural Society held their ï¬rst an- nual Ploughing Match, (as per announce- ment) on Thursday, the 29th ult., on the farm of Mr John Palmer, Sr. OW- ing to the unfavorable state of the weather the attendance was not so lirge as anticipated. Aeold drenching rain set in about 9 o’clock and continued (with but slight intervals)during the remainder of the day. Notwithstanding this drawback, the handsome prizes of- fered by the’Society induced quite a number to- enter the lists, and about 11 o’clock they started, seemingly deterâ€" mined to make the best of it. The Judges were Major Stevenson, Aurora; Wm. Rennie, Toronto, and Allan Mc- Lean, ' Newt'narket. , The following is the prize list :~â€" First Classâ€" Wilkd’ron Plough. lst l’rize, Wilson’s Fanning Mill, valued at $28.â€"â€"John Morgan, Scmlmm. 2nd. Set lron'Harrows, Valued at $18â€" Simrm Shrink, Vaughan. 3rd, 3210 cashâ€"«lames’ McMurclney Vaughan. Second Class.â€" With Wrongh/ or Metal Beam Plough, jor I’loughmeu who have taken a lst. Prize. IstPrize, Patterson Plough, valued at $20â€"Georrze Wilkins‘on, Aurora. 2nd. Set Iron Harrows, valued at $18â€"78. F. Quamz, Markham. 3rd. $10 cashâ€"Edwin Picker- ing, Scarboro. l Since. then another atrocious V case comes up in Montreal, detailing how two brutal ruï¬ians deliberately ‘knocked a girl senseless, a total stranger to them, by a heavy blow of the ï¬st and attempted to outrage her person, and, had it not been for a bystander who happened by the merestaecident to pass that way, they would have effected their hellish purpose, as they afterwards freely con- fessed. Yet, because in the indictment it was rendered a. common assault, in- stead of an indecent assault, the magis-_ trate only, inflicted a ï¬ne of twenty dollars. Such cases are not only not rare but they are getting to be infamous- ly frequent. Unless more vigor is in- fused into arm of the law we only see one end to which this is hastening too, and that “is the reign of the revolver, Ifth'e‘law will not protect us we must protect ourselves, such is the straightfor- ward reasoning that will actuate every one who considers the above facts. Let- our law administrators continue in the same nerveless, hairsplitting career as theySeem to be rapidly drifting into, and they will ï¬nd that but few of those gor- dian knots will be presented to them to be unravelled. They will be out in a far more effectual and prompt manner, by the pistol bullet. We hope that Cam ada will be saved from the reproach ofa “lax administration of the law," which is a curse to society and will inevitably end in demoralizing the whole people. At times the administrators of our laws betray so remarkable a want of nerve, and such timidity in dealing with some cases that come before them that we tremble for the destiny of our country. Technical grounds or some slight discre- pancy in the evidence of a witness, are eagerly accepted as an excuse for dealing leniently with some notorious rufl'ian, whose very character and countenance are enough to indicate that he is equal to the task of committing every crime in the Calender it he were only certain that he could do so with safety. Recently, at. Barrie, a man ot'notoriously bad char- acter was on his trial for outraging‘ his own step-daughter, a child of about ll years of age. He was acquitted, not- withstanding that the jury were unan- im0usly of the opinion that he Was guilty, and in face of the fact that the Doctor, ï¬rmly believed, from examination of the youthful victim, that the act had been committed. He was neverthelCSs acquit- ted, and why? Simply and solely be- cause the girl’s testimony was not suppos- ed to be satisfactory. Now we have all of us some idea' how easily the testimony ofa child of tender years is capable ()1 being perverted by a skilful lawer. Some disinterested parties who were present- in the Court strongly aï¬irmed that the Judge did not extend anything like pro- per protection to the youthful witness. The judge in his charge to the jury ex- pressed his opinion that the glrl’s' testi- mony was not consistent, and the jury reluctently brought in a Verdict of “ not guilty,†in accordance therewith. WHAT ARE WE DOOMED TO? Wm €5me “imam. RICHMUNI) HILL. May 7, 1875 PLOUGHING MATCH. The Directors report in connection with the Mechanics’ Institute is unavoidedly crowded out. this week, will appear in our next. Our economical grit government have been adding'fres'h‘lam-els to those already won, by increasing the salaries of about 14 (recently appointing) clerks, in the Post Ofï¬ce department, Ottawa, the told increase amountmg t9 about $9900 per annum. Look to your back yards, the Health In- spectdr in his proclamation states his intention of going on the “war path †in a few days. We understand there is a movement on foot to get up asrelling match in this vil‘ lage some time in June, when a prize, Webster’s Unabridged, will be awarded to the champibh “spellist.†Particulars crowded out this week, will appear next. The Rev. S. J. Hill, of Markham, has an Indlan stene battle axe, which wan plck- ed up on the‘fanh of Mr Anthony Size, at Unionville. diamond shaped, and the bore from the handle, which runs from point p0. pehat.,«ia almost as true and perfect as ceuld be accomflished by means of a modern drflk†Thv’stohe ‘is smoothiy ï¬nisn~ ed and partakes strd’ngiy ofa steatite char! acter. Unfortunately, the youths who found it had little respect for the anti uity of the axe,wh__ich_ possxbly graced the Vitam- pum of Some grim Warrior, and it is not now as perfect as when ï¬rst turned out of the sod by the’ploughshare. Uxbridge police waint defensive weapons and dark lanterns, etc., to make themselves efï¬cient. The Welland Canal was formally op'ehed for business on Monday last. Mr O’Brien moved, seconded by Mr Cros- by, Hunt the Clerk and 'l‘reasurer he and is ‘hereby instructed in pay Messrs Willing & Wilinmson' for the Law Journal for the cur! rent yem'.â€"â€"(‘rmrivd. Mt'wed by Mr Wilson, seconded by Mr Crosby, thacthe Committee on File and Water be and are hereby authorized to 913 vertise for tenders for making four water lanks/â€"â€"Cal‘l"ied. ' Moved by Mr Crosby, seconded by Mr O" Bnen, thal the Council do now axdjourn’to meet in the Court 'Room on Monday, the 71h June, 3L 1:30pm., as a Court of Re- vxsxon. ~ ‘ ' The Clerk read a. printed circular from the Allnmey General's Department, dated 251'] February, 2875, rela‘ing to ballot. boxes. I Moved by Mr Crosby, seconded by _Mr O'Brien, that the Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to request Mr Peter S. Gib' non1 P.L 8;, to survey and lay out the pro- posed new street runnint,nr morth and South from Richmond street to Mill streetâ€"forty feet Wideâ€"on the easterh‘endS‘of village lots numbers sevenlyuone and seventy-three, according to a “Plan of part of the Village of Richmond Hill, formerly situated in the Township 01 Vaughan, surveyed September, 1869, by G. McPhillips, P.L S.â€â€"which survey was made under the authority of By- law No. 226 of the Municipal Council ofthe 'l‘nwnslnp of Vaughan, passed on the .5111 July. AD. 1869; and that said street shall be bounded on the east by Jus. Freek’s vil- lage lot nrmber seventy, according to the aforesaid plan; and further, that the Clerk is hereby instructed to have printed and published the required notices under the Statute in such case made and provided.â€" Ca! rim]. 7' I i Mr Crosby moved, se‘conded by Mr O’- Brien. that the Committh on Streets and Sidewalks-he Beï¬ehx authorized tq‘advergisg for the lambs: n'eé’ez'ssary‘to complete thé plank sidewalks, as set forth in the foregoing amended report.â€"â€"Carried. The petition of John Brown and Simon Pioctor. praying the Council to reduce the license fee for livery slahles from twenty dollars to ten dollars, was presented and read. “ That 40 rods of sidewalk be laid on the east side of Yonge street; also 40 rods of sidewalk on the west side of Yonge streetâ€" Ihe above to be of 2 inch plank, and to be 5 feet 4 inches wide: and that 90 rods of sidewalk be laid on Richmond, Centre, Mill and Arnold streets, to be of 1-; inch plank 3 feet. wide,â€"0r of 2 inch plank laid length. waysâ€"one plank in width; scantling to be 3 I92 Mr Crosby moved,vsecondod by Mr Pogue. that licenskshe granted to Sinon Proctor and John Brown, providing they compr with the conditions of the By-law of this village relating to livery stableswA-Carried. Mr Wilson, as ('hsnrman ofthe committee on Fire and Water, handed in the following report :â€"- ‘ The Committee rose and reported the re port amended, 'as follows: by striking out the amount of plank and scantling, and in- serting in lieu thereof the following â€"- Mr Crosby moved, seconded by Mr Pogue, that the report. as amendligd by the commit- tee of'the whole, be adop‘ted. " ‘ Yeasâ€"z Crosby and Fugue.» 3 Naysâ€"O’Brien and Wilson. The ReeVe voted With the yeas, and de~ clzu'ed Ihe motion carried. Streets and Sidewaiks be adopted. Mr Crosby-moved in amendment, secondv ed by Mr Pogue, that the Council go into committee of the whole for the purpose of amendmg' the I‘gport. The Council went into committee of the whole, Mr. Wilson 111 the chair. Pursuant to adjournment, the Counci! met. The Reeve in the chair.‘ Councillors presentâ€" Messrs Crosby, O'Brien, Pogue and Wilson. _ Minutes of 5th April readvand approved. Two applicationq for licenses to keep liv- ery stables, from Simon‘Proctor and John Brown, were read. "The standing committee on Fire and Water wish respectfully to report on matters referred m Ihem as follows: The Réeve déélared {he amendment car: ried. ' -" To the Council of the Corporation of the Village 0" Richmond Hill: The standing Committee on Roads and Sidewalks beg leave to report‘tlmt lumber of the following dimensions is required for sidewalks: 13 thousand 16 by 2 in. Plank, 10, 'do 12 by 15 “ ' 7 do 4 by 4 Scantlmg, from 12 to 20 feet long. (Signed) D. .C. O'Blien.,Chail‘man.†Moved bv Mr O’Brien, seconded by Mr Wilson, Ilnit the report of the Committee on Sliveets and Sidewalks be adopted. " Your Cmnminoe recommend ihe Conn nil I,†grant lhe sum of ï¬fty dollars for ï¬le CUI'ICIII rem-101119. Fire Cnmpany; and than the said ('ompuny shall pay the caretaker. "Yuur Committee also recommend this Cuuncil to {unit} four water tanks, for the use of the engine in case of ï¬re : Your Com' mittee areuuf Opium" that if the Council pro- vsdg the tanks the panties nppositeto whose prentiseSthgjv gttï¬e $hr>uld pay the _ex' pense of putting them down. 5 †All giggvhigh jï¬i‘respvctfully submitted. (Signed) "AqB. Wilson. Chairman.†Mr ( rnsby moived. soconded by Mr O" Brien, thattthe xepm-t ot'the Committee on Ftre'and Water be adopted.‘0nrtied. Mr U’Brimn,as chaii‘rï¬an‘ oflhe Committee on Streets amLSidewalks, handed in the fol- lowing report : VILLAGE COUNCIL. M. TEEFY, Clerk. April 14m, 1875 May 3, 1875. The Master will fuvrnish blank forms of ap- plications lo intending candidates who should forwnrd the same carefully ï¬lled. no later than the 14th 9f May, to In the »Hggh School Building. beginning at Ni_l_1_e in_ _the morning.†. 8th ck! 9th ofil'une, Out Buildings, Eta. And a never-failing wall of Spring Water. It will be sold in one parcel or in lots of oneâ€" fourlh of an acre each Terms easv. For further particulars apply on the premises to J PROPERTY sill! ated in the centre ol the ln- corpor‘ated Village of Richmond Hill. The property Contains Thrcefourths Qf an Acre, A Splendid Dwelling House, FOR SALE,â€" VFHAT VERY DESIRABLE VILLAGE large rolls. . . .. . . .. Eggs, per dnz . . . . . Dressed Hogs, per NU lbs Bacon. Prime. . . .... . . . . Hams. Cured. . ......... Flourâ€"Spring Wheat. . . . . . Fall Whoat exlra‘ ' ' W heat -Spriug. per hush. . Faunâ€... .. . . MANUFACTURE OF Cocoa.â€"â€"“ We will now give an account of the process ndopwd by Messâ€; James Epps 51, Cu., manufamurerr of. (hetelic m'Iicles. 81 their works in (he Eu-lnn Ru d. l.ondouâ€â€"â€"See arhcle in Gassell's House/HIM Guide Corrected by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grocer, and DrffGoods Merchant. Fm: Proof Store. To the citizens of 1he Village of Rich mond Hill. All should be interested in its sanitary condition, and as cleanliness is essential, I have to inform the Community at largethat at an early date 1 will be amnd,.nnd expect to ï¬nd every place clean and orderly. * The Uxbridge Council are going to make an appropriation to buy shade trees and hgve them planted by the property owners ofthe village. Our village fathers could not‘do better than follow thesr example. TheeX‘ leise would be but trifling, and we C feel certain-the freeliolders would be qu’ite,‘wi_l. ling to plant the trees and otlierwiSe qgsiét them ‘in improving and beautifyingojur' (meets. r ’ DIED. SHAW.-â€"At Whitby, on the 2n] inst. Agnes. beloved wife of Mr James Shaw, late of Patterson, and eldest daughter of Mr Benjamin Davidson of this viliuge,~â€"agod 37 years and 4 months. WEDNESDAY, May 12.-â€"Auction Sale Live Stock, Implements, Furnitune, 650., on lot No. 8, 3rd Con. Markham. The pro party of the late Mrs Ann Holdilch. bale at 10 o’clcok. S. Eckardt, Aucl. I’. Patterson, M. P. P., President; W. Trench. Esq., Vice President; R, Muss, Nun . m c.-Trens. Board of Directors: J. Brown, A. Marsh, SuProc- tot, J. Palmer, jr., W. Russell,,J. \~1:|(0field, W’. Lemon, A. Moodie, W. H. Myers, J. McConnell, J. Reynolds, J. Hall, H. Sanderson, W. Harrison; E. Sanderson, J .- Hodgson, A. Eyer, W;»Gru.inaar, G. Weldriek. D. Boyle, A. B. Wilson, I. Crosby, M. Teefy, J. Newton, jr., J.Langsmfl,M.D., RJï¬lliot, W. 0. Patterson, J. Leuless, J. Duncan, J. Elliott, R. Lymburner, W. Rennie, W.Rnbinsnn, W. POW~ e11, H. Bernard, N. Lynett, J. K. Falconbridge, D. Smilie. D. Gray, E. Sheppard, 11119111011, NJ’IEyâ€" (281', C. Hollinshead, W. Munshmw and J. Brillinger Last Wednesday evening thefR'vChm'ond Hill and Yonge St. Ag. Association», held a meeting in the Court House, irf this village, for the purpose of electing ofï¬cers“ for the ensuing year, and to consider the advisav hility of holding a Spring ShowI on the 24th inst. Owing to the inclemech of the weather, the meeting was not so large as was expected, but the Society has recnived good encouragement from all parts of the Riding. rJ'he directors rreet in the Court House next Monday evening, at 7 o'clock. The following is the list of Ollicers and Directors :â€" MONTHLY Flangeâ€"The usttal'nionthly fair was held In this village. on Wednesday last, and was Well attended. Over 75 head: ‘01" cattle. chiefly in good conditionh‘ “were brought out. The current rates were fibm 4 to 5 cents per pound, live weight; ‘and some ï¬ne milch cows were sold as'high $60 per head‘ bidding being rather, brisher‘ than usual. When the fair» was ahout‘ov'eit?‘ some amusement was Created byva'couplet' men threatening to “ ï¬ght it outff some dispute having arisen regarding a deal he‘ tween them ; the farmer said l‘e badlbeen cheated out of $4 00 by the drawer and threatened to sue it. when the drover, to mend matters, began hanging his outer gar- ments on the sidewalk, and wanted to leave it to “ ï¬stic †arbitration, ï¬nding the matter could not he sett‘ed in that Way lze drove ofl’. but repented before he got very fur and came back and paid the $4.00. Ms'momsr CHURCH.-The fourth Quth terly Meeting will be held in tne Melhriï¬is’t Church in this village. on Sabbath négt-t. Public Service at 10 o’clock, u. m.. to‘bg follo‘wd by the Lovefeast and Sacrainpnt of the Lord's Supper. We learn fromjthe Rev Mr llunt that. within a year and half about $900 have been raised, paying oï¬'the debt, and compensating the other neighbor- hoods who contributed toward the building, but are not now connected with this station. that within a trifle of $700 in ropnrted for the Mission fund and other funds of the church are proportionately in advmtcé‘. [In addition to this! wt? believe, our Methorliï¬t friends pay thetr Minister a libetal salargv, promptly as the quarter’s allowance ' be~ comes due. It. IS reported that the Ontario Goverm ment intend unroofl‘ng the Agricultural Col- lege nnd replacing it wuh a Mansan‘d roof. The Peel Banner suggests that they lé'ave the roof alone and procure a Mansard mead for the establishment. Is the Banner editor on the look out for a “ Government sit.†For Room Paper go to P. G'. Savage‘s, where you can select from over 100 different patterns May 11:. ‘1875. - ’57-6‘2t. Richmond Hi1}. May 5, 1875‘ Uctuber 3|. IB74 F CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION THE EXAMINATION RICHMOND HILL AIAZKETS we THE HIGH scHooL RICHMOND HILL. will take place on the ï¬pwiul gamma. AUCTION SALES. PROCLAMA'L‘ION. Richmond Hill, May 6. 1875. D FOTHERINGHAM, JOHN HARRINGTON. F. CRAWFORD, H EALTH INSPECTOR- .@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@ 5558010202003 777000221H5l 00104000080“ . I. I: a ' ’. S. lusncc'rou. AURORA 739-lv .tf. $4 50 5 00 0 00 0 00 0 (I0 0 50 0 80 (I 80 ‘2 25 0 n9 )6 00 0 00 0 23 0‘23 0 ()0 8 00 12 50 0 L5 , HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of re- luruixg hisisi cere thanks to his numorons customers for Iï¬cir patronage rllring the past. would Solicita ccrï¬innauco of the rams. and would call their attention to a flesh arrival of All kinds of canned, Fruit and Fish Con- . . ‘stantly on hand. To‘baccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour mid Feedl‘kept co'nétuntly on hand; Best. Family Flour," Graham Flour, Buck- wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmea'l and Oatmeal All kinds ofFarm Produce taken in exchhngo for Goods. Best 50 Cent Tea in the Vzllage CHEAP T‘EAS, Green, Black and Japan FRESH Gla's{swaré,C'rockery &Tinware Direct from ï¬lm (Mills. CANADA: .. l’rovim-e nf';0h‘ï¬ri“b‘, County of Yurk.T In the matter‘ï¬â€˜f 0f MiHikén’sa Cd'r'nels, T'réder. an lnsolvcn'. On'Friaay lho 'liwemy-eighih Day of Mm, next. the undersigned will apply to the Judge oflhe said Court-.,~.fur a discharge under the said Act. ,7 . A. Dated April 19th. A. 1)’ [875. s 874 5‘3 ’ NORMAN MlLLlKEN. For Sale by the [ï¬'ilncipul Druggists mid Store- keepers. Destrovs all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Ca!- erpillars on every descnplion of Shrubs and Hams. HUGH MILLER & C0., 167, King Street East, Toronto The Chinese Garden Powder PLANTSand BUBBANT BUSHES At 1:30 pimo of which gall persons interested are required to lake uotit're and govern them- selves accordingly“, , A! lOn m.. for the purpose of revising the Assemment Roll for the prosenx year. By order of the Council. CATERPILLARS. flown-mug" HOUSE! V_RICHMOND HILL. ' llll‘llllT:-.llllllllllllflll. RICHMOND HILL! UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Vlo all wimnljlmuv concern that the Court of Revision for lh‘é'Village of Richmond Hill will be held .in the 09ml Room at said Villnve Municipalitï¬df :Bichmund Hill. (whichv‘M-lvpu‘éï¬usunlelesled {v'ill lake duo n)‘.i"e and govern lhnnsmves accordingly. Blanthbr‘ilrypf‘the Comm“. 1 after the expiration ofON E MONTH from the dav ~01“ the date he'raof the Council of the Corporation ol‘the Village of Richmond Hill. in lhe Chunky of York. will (unless sul ï¬ci'em Causa‘ he sham] to the contrary) pass a BY-LAW to all“? and tslablislifa STREET less than sixty/J13 fact in width, to connect Richmond Sireeléyilh Mill Street: commen- cingnl thaNpi-thrizn liniil‘qf Richmond Street. xhence in a qulhei-ly nnnrse. across the East- ern parts ofiVillagQ'lolslnumb01~s Asevoulyrune and seventy-three. nine chain: and sixlyAï¬ve links (more or lpas) to ,Ihe Southern 4 Iimii of Mill Slrnet,nnd a uugthe Western boundary of James Freek'é Wage lot number savontyâ€" according to a Plan ofpart of ths Village of Richmond Hil_l’(fprmurly situated on the Town- ship of Vaughan) §urveyed September. lb'ï¬g, by G, Mel’hillips'.‘ l’.L.S,..which said plan was surveyed by authority pf By-law No ‘JQG nl'lhe Municipal Council of the Township af Vauglmni pnswg on 1er 5th July, AJ). 1659 . Clerk’s Ofï¬ce Vtiiélklmond Hill May 61h. 1575. HE COURT OF REVISon FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN “w’in be held at ‘Ihe On Monday, 7;}; June, 1875 MUN‘I'CIPAUITY 00F = VAUGHAN! May 6. 1875 ") UBLIC ‘NO’F-i‘Tï¬E is‘ hereby given that nl'ler the expiration ofON E MONTH from Tommflull, 0gb Tuesday, 25th June, ’75 To Valle. whoahuz't may concern .’ G ODDS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmqnd ï¬ï¬‚hyMar. 24, 1875. Riéhi‘mmd “Hiâ€; May 5th, 187;, Farmers anï¬gGa'irdencrsv look out for your Price 2,5.ots. per Box. Norman Millikan. Insolvent Act of 1869. PUBLIC NOTICE FRUIT OR NO FRUIT! PUBLIC NOTICE. Acki) wled ed>to b8 the , b g i COFFEES JAS.‘ M. LAWRENCE. )In the County Conrg. (of the County of Yet-k. KLTEEFY, and SPICES. M. TEEFY. Township Cierk. I'IRK Clerk 876 4! _‘ llj'SEND FOR MY ANNUAL gnnscmmvn snnn BATALuaï¬iz, TWO ACRES Containing5 rooms, beside: Kitchen. Wood- shed, Driving-house. Stable, and half an acre at land. 66 x 264 feelâ€"situated on the ï¬outh side of Richmond Hill and within ï¬ve minutes walk of the Village. 0n the South East Corner of the East Half of L-ot l3,_3rd_Con_ Whitchurch, all At Elgin Mills, each 50 x 132 feet, fronting on YONGE STREET, U Lot|57. lkst Con'. Vauglï¬mv cdl.l‘ai}{i;{é .cresâ€"on Yonge Street, two males north oflhe Village of Richmond Hill,â€" A Comfortable Frame Cottage Whare he will keep'oil hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS “ FIGS.†at moderate chal‘gbs‘, and hopes. by strict allemion to b usiness, to merit a share of their patronage. About Forty Acres are Cleared, cinin that he haau NEW LlVERY STABLE at (he The Fifth Edition of mv Iliustrated Calm ingua and Revised Price List ofFarm Muchinu, Garden. linplcmurls, Multicultural Ragtdsitcs. &c.. can be had on application, ‘ DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. Special attention is devoted lo Timothy and olher G'rnss Seeds, Red and Alsike Clover, Hungarian“ Millet, Flax Seed, Tares, Seed Grain, &c., &c. HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to . tlle'inhabilama of Richmond Hill and vi- Markham. Ma) 6. 1875. Corner of Adelaide 8; J arVis Stx‘e/ets‘ For service. Terms 75 cents. MYERS IS READY I Field, Garden 8L Flower Seeds Spring Seed Grains, Fertilizers, 6w. a TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse And in good condition, A ï¬ne Spring Stream runs through the lot near the centre, Further particulars may be had a! the Law Ofï¬cus «If Mosm Duggan N. buggy). Ven- dors Sol chm-s; Messrs Macdmm'd 5L l’alersun, Toronto, C.Egerlon Rymsou. quuixo. To- romo. Ladies’ Prunella Bobts 'l‘he l’urv-haser shall .attlm. time ofthe snlmpayi a deposit of his ptirchase money to the Vendor-i or his Solicitor. and rhall pa y the balauce‘into Court in one momh from the dnv ul' sa'e. withâ€" ‘ out interest 01: at purchasers option. (I) twu- ‘ thirds ul' the pmchnse mono" may bl: wanted by mqrtgage on the premises, payable in threo1 equal yearly instnhnonts {tom day rf gale with t interest at 7 per cent linyuble yearly. Upon l payment in a month, as aforesaii and giving the mortgage. it'nny,tha purchaser will be entitled to his conveyance mad to be let into possessiun. Tue property will be sold suhjvct .o a reserved bidxï¬xed by the Master. In other respects the conditions of sale are the standing‘ conditions of the said Court. l Mens' French Calf Boots Ladieu’ Fine Pebble Boots CHAN CERY SALE. IN pursuanceV of the decree and ï¬nal, order for sale made bv lle Court of Chancery in uSull. ol HIL'I‘Z VS. llll/l‘Z and will) the approbation of Thomas Wardlnw Taylor. I'ls- quire. Music-Ir olflharmid Court. lhr-re will In» sold hy Public Auction, by Mean: F. W. Co 1e & Co., Auctioneers. at their Ant-lion Rooms, in the City of Toronto, al on» o’c'onk P.M., on A FARM lu one Lot, Thq Valuable Freehold Properly. known as the Ilihz Farm, being the Bus: Half of Lol Number 26. in the fourth Concession of lh‘a 'l‘ownshlp of Markham. in the Coumyof York, conlahling ll) or less. about all clenréd It is sllualod about 2‘2 (Illll-Sflfllnllle City ofv'l‘oronto, and ï¬re- miles from Union- villo Station of the 'l‘oronlu and Nipiming Railway. in aï¬no agricultural district. There are thereon a bqrn, shed and stable and dwell- ing house, a wall of water, a crook, and a small urchmd. Satw'day 8th day of May, 1875 SIMON PROCTOR, Richmond Hill, April I5, ’75 8734f. Much 2,1875, DOMINION HOTEL Toronto. Mar. 19, 1875. Five Building Lots, l have a large and very-complete stock ‘of Daled'lï¬lh April, ISTS. » THOMAS WARDLAW TAYLUR,‘ 873-3t , g M as‘e r. N ca§\ terms of pay.meu_t. S. E. quarter gwf cleared and under cultivatioï¬. Apply to ‘HE SUBSCRIBER keeps at his p1ace,lot thu 2nd concession of Markham. VERY LOW. SEED STORE? G o 0 DS‘ AT PANIC PRICES DOWN THEY GO! 1n (Tw Township of Markham. A WHITE HOG! FOR SALE, Notice to Farmers. Wm REN N IE, Toronto. 1‘ rec to a†applicanxs. WM. RENNIE, Toronto JAS. NEWTON, Sn. . And everything else Elgin Mina, Richmond Hill “so. use. OF AND JACOB EYER 868-4: 845 $4: 00 25 3Eiftï¬iï¬Eï¬-Eiï¬'éikihHEM FOR SALEâ€"One Threshing Machine, (Brampton Glamor) with iPiu’s Hone Power. all complelqud in good order. having run only’.3tldays. Térms Cuh,or cfedit on approved note. F9: particulars apply Io At the Old Stalld;"Clwrch Street, Richmond Hi". and hopes, hvith'erslrictesl aconomy, cam- bin'ed with Ih‘e beeï¬naieriul and workmanship, to merit a cnnlinuance ofthe patronage bestow- ed on the late ï¬rm». All our pumps are war- ranted. .C Price list sent on application. J. the Jnhubiumgp of Richmond Hill and en- virons, that he will continue to manufaclure N, B.â€"Wolls‘élfï¬k‘3h the shaman: Well Curbs constantly on hand. ' .n Pï¬WJ'WOEUKS THE BEST.â€"BEST VALUE. and LARGEST Shown in this; Town for the lasn ï¬fteen years CALL AN D SEE Whilo “though not the “Most Extensive 1n the Dominion†Richmoid Hm, Mu) 18, ’75 ' HESUBSCRIBEflgnEGS TO INFORM the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and en- Stock Hichmnnd , Hill! ORGAN ‘ The Celebrated G. Wood Organ, The Superior ï¬ne-toned Warren 8L Clongh Organ, W. Ben 8; Co.’s. Calebrathd Canadian Organ. Richmond Hill; March 11, 1875. Staple and FancyDry Goods, GROCERIES, MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY! “CENTRAL HOUSE.†sewingflmzieh‘ines : Wheeler & Willsen; Singer, and Fleur‘y; New S TE‘AS w CoFF-EES : as me STDRE Richmond Hm: llra‘rch 31. '75. » “JOHN BRUNSKILL‘ Apr. 14,, ’75. 873 -4t 'l‘homhill 4 TX alum-x v _ I . g5“, ‘ if“ 'Z‘j-r. ; ‘ ‘ yaw if 5‘ g , I? ,2- J flew @prï¬aag Gouds Aprim, ‘ $57.31; ,1, Richmond Hill, April 6, ’75. .j,, Go 3114' see ALEX. MOODIE'S Spring and Summer HATS AND CAPS and also his L’EW PRINTS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW COTTONS, &c., and especially NEW SPRING TWEEDS and COATINGS“ COMING IN 'AN D GOINGOUT DAILY. iRICHbeND HILL AND l havean rge Stock and will nolbe undersola'. FLOUR AND FEED. Goods Delivered. ‘Mavrshall & Wendall, from $800 to $500., The Sgbscriber begs to nunounco ‘0 his friends and customers am he is DAILY RECEIVING- \leiich are sold 55 Cheap, and in some lines Cheaper than. can be purchased elsewhere. The Stock consistingof GENERA'L GROCERIES PIANOS“: NEW GOODS ! IS NEITHER DEAD NOR ASLEEP But is ALL ALIVE with Is to all intents and purposes in every way Remember the Famous aï¬â€" An Inspection respectfully invitei. JOHN HALL CROCKiRY, [8744f 1593!, than. can be bought Additions to his already 87l-tf notice. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. I‘. PM! of lot No. 44. on Yonzo Street. (West side) I4 miles from Toronto, containing 70 acres. Good outbuildingsjud‘h never-{din ing’Brodk.'Good Orchard. Applvlo ' JOHN. McQUARRIE. , Mun qut ' Al prices and on terms hitherto unecjualled. Parties wanting pumps will do well to consult me_ lmfmp pprchaa inz ' IN reference to the above notice of Die: aohllion. the undersigned would 5nnounco‘ that he is now ï¬tting up New and Improved Machinery Richmond Hill, Much 24 ’75. Driven by ample Steam Power, and inlean la manufacture 1: "~‘ i FARM To RENT for a term of years. Part of lot No. 44. on Yonzo Street. Pump Works! SUPERIOR ARTICLE, List of pHcea lent Km appliaation. AND HARDWARE. ISA A C CROSBY. RICHMOND HILL‘ s '1' E A. M: ALEX. MOODIE. Wm. STREET. In Yuma-ï¬n gig-hum)!†EMPUBIUM! MACHINE SEWING- H. MILLER. 5. 7141'