ORTEERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Richmond HillStatiou. Change ol time taking usher Monday, April, 12m. 1575 ; Going North's.†A.|i.....12.27 p m,..5.]3' Going Sombflsflfi Am. . ...3,3o‘ p.m. . .826 garb “calibrate. RICHMUNI) Hum. May 21, 12575. l ri"’ '" THE CASH SYSTEMI The changes in the postal laws, which will come in force on the 1st of June, and which renders the prepayment 1‘ of postage on newspapers necessary, the' proprietor of the HERALD begs to notify all concerned that from that time for- ward the advance payment of subscrid tions will be strictly adhered to. Sub- scribers in arrears or those who have 'not paid for the current year are requested 7 to settle their accounts as soon as con- venient. On the 1st of June the names of all subscribers indebted for over one year will be erased from our _ books. From that date the HERALD will be sent free of pastagc by mail to all subscribers. Parties desiring to.(liscontinue the paper ‘ should notify us and pay what is due.‘ WHAT WE FEAR'I We 'go hand in hand with the Grange 'movement as far as regards its purpose as a. Mutual Improvement Society for the farmers, what we fear is that it will be inexpcdient for even so powerful a class as the farming community to inter- fere with the laws of trade. Of course what the farmers have to consider is merely how it affects themselves as a class. This is the only way toapproach “sit. for a class, like a selï¬sh individual, will only consider a matter of this kind as far as it concerns itself. ‘Now, it is ‘ well known to the farmer that the nearer the market is to his own door the more valuable it is to him. There are a thous- and and one things which will sell in a pear market which will never reach a distant Que without a great deal oftirnc, andtrouble, a‘I‘d 005‘ 0f can'lage- well what is the tendency Of the (11131136 move ment as regards man’ufactl‘réi’s ? There can be no doubt that the manifest ten' deucy is to centralize them iii some gi'fal manufactory, in some great: city. The .Grangeis say, the manufacturers that _ offers us the best terms will receive our ‘ custom,and quite right too as far as that transaction itself is concerned; But “supposing, for example, a hug'eAi-iianiiQ factory in Montreal, with any quantity of capital ,at its back, should offerlower terms than is possible in any other. city, on the strength of receiving:r the custom of the whole of the Grangch of the Do-‘ aninion, what then? Well it would .cventually kill out. local manufacturers ’ everywhere, the result would be that it would. g1 eatly beneï¬t farmers in the im- mediate vicinity of Montreal to the sari-- ousï¬etrimcut of the rest of the Domini- .on.‘ Manufacturers make a inarketl II the farmers of this quarter enter upon a. -.policy that will driie manufacturies a distance away from them they are not :working for their own good. We do not write in this way to throw a damper .upon the Granger movement, far other wise, we only wish them to think seri .ously upon the subject, and to hold it up before them in every possible light. Thu movement, if used wisely, is des tincd to do a great deal ofgood but it re- quires to be handled very carefully. m Death of Licut. Gov. Crawford It is with extreme regret that we chi-om "Kale [be death of Licut. Gov. Crawlord, which took place at lhe Governor’s rcsi“ deuce, on Thursday, 1119 13th inst The alesceascd gentleman had been ailing f0" H considerable lenglh'of time, but his illness was not thought to be serious until almul 'lhree weeks ago when it assumed a more serious aspect,and since then he sank rapid: ly. His funeral took place last Tuesday afternoon and was one of the most impres- sive sights ever witnessed in _Toronto. Mi .Criiwfordhus, at different periods, occupied some of the most prominent positions, in public life, with credit and ability. In p‘ol- itics he was a staunch (‘onservzitiveu - Communication from woodbridge rcr ‘ ccived too late, will appear next week. The prize offered by Mr Harrison, to thr- inhabitants of our village for a spelling competition to be held in the Masonic Hall. on the 1st. day of June, is the latest edition ‘of'Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, con-' mining nearly two thousand pages, Willl‘ several, hundred engravings and worth $12. The Dictionaiy inuy be seen at Mr Scott’s. Book Store next week, where lhe names of the competitors will be received. ' Mr Dymond has added another name to ' l l.“ CARRVILLE. To the Edilbr'oj the York Herald. SiR,â€"Will you please grant me a. little 'space' for a few items about Carrvz'llc. The question of Temperance continues to be brought before the minds of the inhabitants of the village. The P. M. Church comes out boldly on the side of Temperance. ll was the first to hold a. public temperanco meeting iiirconnecliOn Willi its annual Czill' ference; and it is strongly recommended by its conference, not only to practise temper ance by its ministers, ofï¬cials and members individually, but. also to use every prudent effort to spread the temperance cause, and to hold a public temperance meeting, or have a temperance sermon preached at each appointment. A "public temperance meet ing was held in the I’. M. Church. on Ibis diiy'eveiiiii’g, April 3:d; the chair was taken by Mr W. Mellish, who, in a neat speech. told his belief in the principles of total ai’n' stinence, and .his practise of them. the use or Jenipeiance organizations. and urng their claim upon the older members of so cielyw The Rev. G. J. Reeve spoke upon the evils of inlcnipernnce, lhe need of per- sonal effort toelfcct temperance reform, aizd ‘lhe “en‘rful‘ ‘el'ft-clsoften resultingr from the moderately drinking habits of professing Christians. The Rev. 'W. Reid showed the IIGEeSSltVOf ‘lPiohibi-lion †as the only proI liable moguls; of .cmnplelely ridding lhe counli‘yrof viuteinperance and its CUIICOniil' _nnt vie-psyexposiugnhc incompleteness of the ‘fDunliiii liill.†and hiin licensing, and moral reasoning to effect temperance reform apart frorrlProhibilion and condemning the :ibscntiug conduct of the legislators when this matter was introduced into the House for discussion. . The members of Prohibition Temple, 1. O. _T.. endeavor also by praiseworlhy efforts to compel the inhabitants of this community to recognize the i-xistance of a temperance organization in lheir midst. Under their auspices, in the school house, on Friday, the: 7th inst., was held an enter taiiiuiciil,.wliicli, notwithstanding the well and dark evimitig, was well attended. Mi", Ill. Gardener vcry’sulisfactorily fulï¬lled lhe duties of President. The speeches given by ' Messrs A 'P. Conger and J. Nos-s, of Puller- soii,3were kindly in spirit, temperance in character, and practical in aim. The die: l wei‘e‘m'editably icndered, although some of the speakers suffered somewhat from that embarrassment usually experienced by per sons unaccustomed to public appearances. The readings, while amusing principally, contained usaful lessons, and were very well given. The singing, consisting of ductls‘ and choruses-was given by members of the temple and volunteers, and appeared to please all. The members ol'the Patterson ‘Buiid also Contributed largely lo the pleas- ure of the evening by their gratuilious ser- vices. A liberal collection in aid of lhe â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"_ i undcrslaifld that it is not [he imen -- merchants to cl05e their stores film of on. , . llus‘f‘less Will be open. on Monday» tie-XL BAND CONCERT. â€" On.“ “ Band BOYS H pumme 130Mng ï¬ne,de Com?†of vocal attendant. logues given by membeis of the temple- MARKHAM COUNCIL. ' _ May 15, 1875. Pursuant to adjou'rnment the Council met in the Council Chamber, Unionville. Mem- DelS all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap. proved. The following petitions were presented: By the Reeve, from H. P. Crosby and 13 others, asking the Council to procure a peddlar’s license for the Widow Watson, she beiiu.r unable to support her large family. By the Reeve. from J. Gowland iiiid ll others, asking the Council to assist in grav elliiig the road allowance between lots No. 15 and 16, in the 81h Con. By Mr Marsh, from John McCague and 40 others. asking the Council to procure a pedla.’s license for Duncan McLean. Mr Marsh moved. seconded by Mr Button, that the sum of $10 be and H hereb grant. ed 101' the purpose of iniprovmgr l 3 road through the swamp on the sidevroud between lots 15 and 16, in the 2nd Con. and that John Helmkay, Gel). Phillips and the mover he Commissioners to expend the Same, said sum payable to the order of the mover after the work is completedâ€"Cal ried. On Motion, Mr Lane introduced By-luw No, 255, m “mend By law 253. striking out ihe name of Ric-held Bull and inscrliug James Riddle in lieu thereof. .The Uy-luw was read a ï¬ist, second and third time and passed . . M 1- Lane moved, seconded bydllr. Milliken, that the sum of $75 be granted 10 improve lhe hill on the east Side oftlie li‘lm, 0†lot 30, in the 1st Cou.. and that W. W. Harris. J.-\Vclsh, J. McGowan and the mower be appointed commissioners to cxliciid the some, said sum payable on Oider 0t com- missioners- Carried. ton, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay to Chas. Spoï¬â€˜ord, or his order, the sum of$107 56, being for timber and lumber. used in the bridge at Union- villeâ€" Cnriied. ‘ Mr Milliken moved. seconded by Mr Lane,th-.1tihe sum ol $75 be granted to improve the road crossing lot 5, in the 31d Con. north of the road known as the Gerv man Mills Road, and that Chris. Gohn, W. Cox. Jas. Lundy and Sam. Cummer be cuinmissoners to expend the same, said sum payable on order of commissionersâ€" Lal‘lltld. Mr .‘dilliken moved, seconded by Mr Marsh, that the sum of $75 be granted to improve the hill road between lots 10 and 11. in the 8th Con., and thatthe Reeve and Thos Armstrong be appointed commissioni ers to expend the sameâ€"Carried. The Council ilien adjourned oneghour for dinner. Mr Lane moved, seconded by Mr Marsh, that the Trees he and is hereby required to pay to order ofthe Reeve the sum at $38, be. ing the nuount disbursed by him for the sup- port of two destitute females and the inter: ment of two infants, and also $6 paid by him for the support of lhe Widow Doheny, said sums having been paid by him under l Eggfrance movement was taken up 8‘ Hie instructions from lhis Councilâ€"Carried. I Yours 6“, Mr Marsh moved, seconded by Mr Milli- . , " ken, that the resolutions passed by this CRITVIHGI May 17v ,75' AMICUS- (bunctl granting aid 10 the following per. sons: Rubi. Aiilliuuy, Jno. Size, Mrs Rid- dle and Jacob Doner, be and the same is Carried. Mr Button moved, seconded by Mr Milli- ken, that the sum of $25 be paid by the Treasurer to the order of Thos. Armstrong, and inst'runientul riiusic. Oll-Moliduv eve-1‘â€? next, the 241h inst , in aid ol the band rind- We hope to see a crowded house as they are deserving of every encouragement. Finnâ€"Last Tuesday morning about 5 o'clock, the dwelling house oceupicd by Mr? P. Connors, at Bond’s Luke, was totally de- l strayed by'iile. It appears that Mr Connors had started for Toronto oti some business about an hour believe and the ï¬re must have caught from somefrlel’eci in‘ihe ‘sioye pipes MrsLConucrs and family barely escuucd l {villi their lives, Saving nothing. The house was the property of Robt. Marsh, Esq, and was uninsured. PROLONGsu Ansrixcxcn -â€"Mr William itiuiii, an agriculluizil implement agent, It" siding near 1‘ lusherlnn. has eaten nothing whatever during,r the past four years, milk tulone constiluling his sole diet. Noluilh standing’tl’iis‘lre looks as hale, hearty and l'icshy, as if he laid fared on the best of must bcel'undflmulton chops. Disease oi'llic stomach is the“cause of his prolonged ab slinence, lrom solid foodâ€"Sun. 'ALiuos'r A. F11ir:.â€" Last Tuesday. about 2 p. in, an album of Fine was sounded, which ()I‘tiffld l0 be the dwelling of Mr John Hull. some sparks from the chimney having ig. oiled. the shingles. 1'ortiinnteiy, it, was viliscovcred before it had gained much herd why, bind with [he assisltince of a few pails“1 of warm" was speedily extinguizhed. Our Fire‘Brigiiide was quickly on the Spot and ready for action. but their seryices were not 1 required to any great extent. ‘ ' The/"following me the Officm‘s elected and installed for lhe present quarter, in the 'i'fea'dfurd'TetnplP, N0. 427, I. O. of G. T.: V'\V‘.'C‘. T.'. N. E. Scott; W. V. 'l‘.. (‘hnin lotto Leek; W. 8.. Gen. Leek: W ’1‘, J'rimPS Climplin; W. F. S.. John Leek; W. if, Win. Sulloii; W. 1. G., M. Viinlioni, \V. O. .‘G.. S. Leggct; W. Chan. Geo. Vfllllllll‘n ;~P. W. C. T., F. Helmkay; W, ,3 H, S, M. J. Bnynlon; W, L. I]. S Haggis Scott; W. D. M., A. Butler. '! 1rnpm,â€â€™b‘l';.ui lâ€"‘Lrist Saturday morning as L1,;li;,bé,.p~§l>tl§h Was on his way to the Markham Council 1‘39 aiscoverea. ‘he'bOdY 0f it man, lpliltgzlgltlf way. i.“ the, all“) 0" lhe .Side oftheipoad near the 2â€â€œ 00â€" “'l‘lChv unon'closer examination, profï¬f «ladle “If†nfflnhuflfdn’dnlialï¬" old man baniâ€l Dilvm; l'Iiiiï¬n‘ myï¬â€™n1 linsbesii waiideriug n:'."‘113 i" this set-nmi’in the country (in a half idilflil-1 stale) Iona number of years. Life was quite CEIIICI‘WDCI‘I Mr Marsh found him, and hoiimiicdiulely sent the informalion to some friends of the deceased living in Mark- ham. Dr licid. Coroner, was llien notiï¬ed and proceededvto hold an inquest on the body. A post morletn examinnlimi was ordered to be made, and the inquest was ad- journed to meet at Proctor-’s hotel, Richv mond Hill,~ tli'is'éFv-iday) evening. It was thought that lhe'old man had been fouly dealt \vilh owing to a large scar on his head. but it. proved to be an old wound. There is nodoubt lliut. old age and exposure was the "causeof his death, he being about 80 years' i l . l l S ' 'the’ionl; list 'ofgrits who have been makingr themselves ' famous by -‘ elevating the ’- smndnrd of morality" over the left. He . did not wait for an investigation but "slop rtpéd' COW†and out †at the first warning. we are rather inclined to sympathise With this “Gem,†there are so very few men, 'who, like him attain lhe height of their: ambition, which he acknowledged to have done when he was elecled for North York but___those wicked Tories seem to have no - 1 The time having arrived when in accord! .ence, our respected ministers are to be re lowing resolution was passed by the Quar- nld and hubs habit of sleeping out in all sorts 'of weather,~ wherever night overtook him. once with the arrangements of our Confer- moved to other spheres of labor. The fol ierlv Board of the Yonge St. North Circuit nt-their meeting held at Richmond Hill on the lOlli inst: l overseer of road division N0. 52, for making . 3 culvert in said diVisionâ€"â€"Carried. M; Lane moved. seconded by Mr Marsh, “,3, ‘ohe Treasurer be and is hereby author- ized to p..', flank his account tic »- v under instructions 3"“? who was lhe Reeve 0i ll“ Carried. Mr llullon moved, seconded by x m that the sum of $50 be granted for tile PM» furnished by him Win. Eiikitl. Esq., '~ Municipalityâ€"â€" D f o r . Mr Marsh, .pose of gravclling the townline betwee;l Pickering and this Municipality, on con- dtion that the corporation of Pickering grant an equal amount for the same purpose. The grant to be put on opposite lols, No. 7 and 8 in the gore in the lllh Con, and that Jas lluyd, Col. llutto-i, Win. At'm' slror.g. Jr. be commissioners lo expend the runner and superintend the work, said sum imvnble on order of the commissioners~ . Carried. Mr Button moved. seconded by Mr Marsh, that the account of R. Williams amounting to $42 83. beirg for nails, lumber and sum payable to order of the mover by the Treasurerâ€"Carried. Mr Lune moved, seconded by Mr Milli1 ken. that the sum of $50 be and is hereby granted for the purpose of improving the Imvulinc between Markham and Wliitchurch enslnfllic 81h Conn and that Councillor . Bullon he a committee to expend the same, lhe incorporation of Wliitchurch having granted a like sum for the same purpose, and that Iii“ s"ni of $100 be and is hereby granted for improving the town line west of 3rd Cod, and that Mr Robert Marsh be a committee appointed to expend the same, the incorporation of Whitchurch having granted it like sum for the same purposeâ€" Cnrnied. Mr Milliken moved, seconded by Mr Marsh, that this Council do now resolve its self into a Court of Revisimi-Cnrried. Onlv two appeals were received, one from Hugh McPherson, Ring-wood, and one from Allan While, town-line, claiming to be :issesed to high. after making some cor- rection in the assessment roll, Mr Lane 5 moved. seconded by Mr Milliken, lha‘j the Court of Revision do now adjourn unfil the next meeting of this Councilâ€"«Carried. Mr Milliken moved. seconded by Mr Lane, that lhe following sums be paid by the Treasurer: To the Overseer of road divi- sion No. 45. for plank fuynishedrin 1874, $2 50; to John McCaul, Overseer for said division, for building culvert for 1875, $10 , â€" Carried. The Council then adjourned, to meet ,gms‘ on the 12th day of June. ‘ _Wâ€" If mu want “1,; lafest style in collars get he " Mulligan Gaurld "' in 800‘“ variety tore .._vâ€"â€"â€"â€" A GRAND GRANGE Donors-flung“ ("l the form _of a. pic-mic) is to take place on the 2nd June next. From 12 to 15 Grmlfes are expected to take part in the proceedings and several bands of music have been on» gaged. All who take an interest in the welfare of the Society are cordially invited, and requested to bring their “ baskets.†It has not been ï¬nally decided yet whether it will be held in Aurora or Newmarkot. Particulars will appear in our next issue. I SPRING Snowâ€"The Specia. Committee appointed by the Board of Directors in con. Mr Mizliken moved, seconded by Mr But-l rescinded and the grants shall cease from: and after the 1st of June, now ensu1ngâ€"’ v m H. P. Crosby the amount of, gravel laid on in road division No. 69, said. ' MARRIED. SHEPPARD.â€"FIELDS.â€"At Niagara, on the link inst., Mr Charles E. Sheppard, mer. chant, of Richmond Hill, to' Miss Mary Fields, of Niagara. ' - , .DI E D. SNOWDQN.â€"ALA_QI‘QX‘3, on the 18th inst., Mr Wm. Snowdonâ€"aged 67 years, 3 months. and 21_days. Funeral will leaye his late residence Aur- ora, to-duy,‘(Friday) at 10 o’clock, for Thoriihil'l'burying ground. ‘â€" '_ AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY, May 21.-â€"Auction Sale Furniture and effects, on Centre Sreet, West. The property of the late Mrs Ann Velie. Sale to begin at 1 o’clock; J. C. Stokes Auctioneer.. ‘ ' (if? Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this ofï¬ce will receive a notice similar to the .ibove,’.sittr.u of charge. [Milli . . 3!! other. . v, 1 lVlanur-‘icruui-t or CocoA.â€"“ We will now give an ne'cotrituol“ iiié’ process adopted h_.\l(\ssls Juries llpps Qt Co.. inaiiufaclursrs ul'. dietetic arlicles. at'tlieir Works in the Huston Re d5: l-OIIIldn-‘iâ€"See ai‘licle in Gusscll’s Utmsdzuld ,Guadvp October 31 .‘ {$14. ‘ 739-1»: Corrected bfr’lsnac Crosby, Grocer. and \‘ ' Ricii-iiiorru III-ht. MARKETS. Dry Goods Merchant, Firo l’rool’Sturc. . ' '3; ~ V Richmond Hill, may '20. 1875. $4 5o 5 till 0 (lo ll 00 I III) I) 55 FlonreSpring Wheat. . . . . . .. Fall Whoatexira' . ‘; per: liliin Burleyt'il..."" Oats.....uuv---- -' :‘$048@ 7l’eas.....:. ileum) use Painless. per biish'. . .,.I_ '. . . I. 0 Elli @ II 55 Applcsper barrel, . ...... .... I 15 @ ‘1 25 Dried Apples per 1h......... ' llllrs Iii) Ul19 Haypanes...J...,.....‘..~ l4tlll@ 16 (ill Straw " ..............u OOH/(D Ullll lButiei, fl, rolls. . . .... ll ‘22 (l 25 , largo rolls. .'... 0 :2o @ 0 '23 iliggsmer dez . . . . . . . ..; . . . . . 012 ((3 0 00 IUI‘cséed llogs. per ml) lbs. . .. 8 hi) fl?) 8 50 llacuu. Priiue............... It) 50ft 12 5t) llaiiis,’Curcd............... til3@ Ill-‘1 l TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto. May 20, l875. Flour ~Spring Wheat extra . . $4 20 Superior extra ... . . . . . 4 7.") Oainioal....... .....t..... 55“ Cormiisal .........'.;...... 430 l NOTICE. ’ All persons indebted to the late MRS ANN HOLDITUI‘I' ni'eli'eroliv .iiollfied that said debit. are to be paid to the uiidersigii‘ed' on or before The lst DAY OFJULY, ’75 ..Aud all persons having any claims ugainsuhe propertr of the same. to put in their claim after which no t-laimcm'b‘A met. ’ ‘ WILLIAM MILIKEN V’ll.LlAM GOIiN, Markham. n. ‘15. I875. m. 1 § Executors. PUBLIC NOTICE. ' UBI.'C norm: is hereby given to all parties having am‘ Claims against the estate of the LATE; M RS ANN VldLlE, are recui «1 aforward them In the undersigned within one month from date; and all persons indebted to the Said estate are required to seitle the saniefm-liiwith. with the undersigned. J.C. .\th 1 tunic, J. 1’ JUN; "tT, May ii. 1875. NW- HFADFCBD MILLS ! il E Subscriber having reï¬tted his VVOOL- EA MILLS he i=nuvv prepared to exe~ cute all orders lor Custom W Ork. llaving‘secu ed the services of Mir JAMES R. NILILL.a ï¬rst class workman. he is ready lo do CUS‘I‘OM CARDING. Sl’lNNl‘NG 5L FULLING In either bi‘flllt'l]. on the shorts! notice, and in such a inanno-r as to give the utmost sntis friction loliis patrons. Ho ,lrusls to receive the some liberal patronage lierctolorc exlsiided to ttiese mills. Terms strictly cash. ALEX. MACKlE Markhamhhlay 12. ’75. 877-tl'. E ercutors. i‘ GATFRPILLARS- Esqia' on women: \"J l .. L. , , «u _ _ , Farmers and Gardeners look out for your PlllNlSpd EUlillllNl BUSHES The‘bliiiies'reliiirdeii Powder Municipality of Blcmnnd Hll. PUBLIC NOTICE T 0 all whom it may concern .’ "INJBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that shot the expiration ol'ONE MONTH from the day of the date hereof the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill. in lhl' County of York. will (unless sul ï¬cieut cause be shown to the contrary) puss ii BY’LAW to 0pm and establish a N 'l‘li’EE'I' less than siziy'sa: feet in width, to connect Richmond Sireet with Mill Szroel: commen- cing at the Norlhern limit of Richmond Street. thence in a Nurtlierly course. across the East- orii parts of Village lots numbers seventy-one and seventy three, nine chains and sixty-ï¬ve links (more or less) to the Southern limit of Mill Sin-nt,nnd along the Western boundary of James Frcok’s Village lot number seventyâ€"- according to a Plan of part of the Village ol‘ Richmond Hill (fornicl'lv situate-ll ill the Town ship of Vaughan) suivmed September, lhlill by G. Mcl’liillips, |’.L.S., which said plan was surveyed by nutlioritr of liy-law No 226 ofllie Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan. passed on the 5th July. A.D. lelit) fwhicli all persons inlel'nsled will lake duo notice and govern themselves accordingly. By authority ol'tlie Council. M. ’I‘EEFY. CLERK Clerk's Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill May 61h. 1875. MUNlElPIllll 0 PUBLIC NOTICE. 875â€"4t THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN Will be held at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, 13: June, 1875 A110 8 m.. for the pirpose of revlsiirg the Assessment Roll for llll‘ present year. By order of the Council. J.\S. M. LAWRENCE. Township Clerk. May 6. 1875. RICHMOND HILL! UBLIC NOTICES HEREBY GIVEN to all whom il may concern than the Court of Revision for the Village of Richmond “ill will be held in the Court Room at said Villave Wheatâ€"Spring per bush'. . . .' $0 95 ft? 1 (l0 , ' .White w inter. . . 0 as re l 05 On Monday, 7th June, 1875 Barley'â€â€œ'â€""‘ ' ' ' ' ' g A1 [:30 p.m,. or which all persons interested 0 85 rib 0 87' are required to take notice and govern them- lIaY, par ion............... 17 Ill) (5) 2nd!) 8°11,“ accordmg'yf 7‘ Straw ........ .. ......... 10 no a» II no M~TEE: Y. I’otalocs, perms-2...... .... O 75 ((3 ll 85 Richmond [1]â€, Chili. Apples. per barrel . . . . . , ... 200/1?) 52 LI) Mar 5th. l875. 876- Rutterelh rolls. ,, . . . . . . . . . . 03’ f1) 0 28 ' largo†Rolls . . . . . . . . . 0 20 rd! 0 23 w "â€"7 Eggs. per 'doz 014 o) o 16 Insolvent Act cf1869. Dressed llogs. per lot) lb . . 8 00 {ID 8 50 __ ,BflCOII...â€Prill]6....,.... 10 500 1200 CANADA, h Hamsâ€"Cured. per lb. . . . . ... 0 13/12 0 l5 Province or Omar‘m' g!“ “19 C0011.) COUI'lu Coumv of yum u! the County of York. 111 Ilie matter of Norman Milliken. 0f Milliken’s Corners, Trader. an .lnsolv’oiit. On Friday the 'l‘wsniy-eightli Day of Mar, next. the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court. for a discharge under the said Act. Dated April 1911.. A. D. I875 874 5t. DOMINION HOUSII. RICHMOND HILL. -.. Til liar. HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of ro- lnrniig his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their patronage I tiring the pint. wouxld solicit it-ccntiuuaiico of the nine. and would call their attention to a flesh airival ol , C H E A P T E A S, I Green, Black and Japan Acknowledged to he the Best 50 cent T ea in tie Village l , l rassu COFFEES HE COURT (fr-REVISION i‘on curl Ill llllllllllll, 0mm. NORMAN MlLLlKEN." a Richmond'I*Iill,>March ii, 1875. CC ::' » A‘ HO" ,lF YOU WANT Black Silks. , Silk Warp Litstres, Haiti and Fancy Dresses. Lustrines, Craps Squares, Fre'ich Trimming Ribbons. W:de Stiin Ribbons. assorted, Dainnsu Moleeii, \‘Vulnred Moreen, Cords and Tassels for do While dz Bro’s. an inch Sheeting, Wail l’npers & Blinds. Wall [’8 )er Bordoriii French Kid Gloves. Window Hollands, I g. Fancy Lisle Gloves, Ludics’ Gauntlets, Ladies’ While Skirts, Ladies’ Collars Gr. Cuï¬'s. Ladies’ and Children's Hosiery, Fins Fruits. Ladies’ Hats Elegantly Trimmed, . alldflFle Hundred oiiier articles. AI L NEW GOODS. - Complietd assortment of Gentlemens’Furnishings ‘ Comprisiii'g- Fli‘b Shifts. Collars, Socks. Ties. Han», Handkerchiefs. Underclothing, kc. Plain and Fancy Para-0k. Uni birllas. Aniimncussaru. Table Napkins, D'oloio, Mnisrillus Quit... ' Toilet Covers, Towelliiip, American (‘on-ais, Damask 'l‘abls Lillefll, Hemp Carpeting. Kiddo: minister Curpotill, Union Carpeting. Oil‘Cluths. Good Cotton. A Firstrals assortment of Grocerlr sI Large Stock of Cross & Blackwell's Saneâ€. hermetically: ‘5 sealed. FlSll,&c. ‘ “ISAB‘L‘HENWAREI Crockery. ( 1min Sets, the . lu’iIIIUS with bronze and imrh'e pndi-stals‘: Common Lumps: 6.1.4165, Chimneys and Burners and alniou everrtliin re niche for the do ' ‘ . . . ‘ .o (z ll:5 of beautiful puller" . ' g q l r ‘nd to. “bk'm IN HARDWARE ;; Nails, Shovels,- Spades, Fpik..,.ualmo. Ham Screws, __ _i’ F Goto the Store of ‘ l J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. YOUR ROME} HA9PYI 'ltlcbnioddï¬llilliéfdd: 185:7?) ' 7‘ Richmond Hill! MACHINE EMPlllilll'M; ul'l .jll l ' illsl ti AND i‘he Celebrated G. Wood Organ, 1' VThe Superior ï¬ne-toned Warren 8L Clongh-Organ _W. Bell & C.o.’s. Celebrated Canadian Organ. P K A. N O S 3 l‘tIarshall & \Vendull, from $5300 to $500. Sewing Machines: Wheeler & Willson; Singer, and Fleur}. . 91';- An Inspection respectfully invite i. ST REET. Yen‘s-Six Richmoim Hill April '2], 1875, ‘ 874-1! "~. ._..2‘ ’.......4.._....._... ., _-_,..~.M- Bli'iiisiiw Flag Sttifl’ ' 0-0.â€" SPHING- 'GOODS'!" "37 l. 3â€. .1 .t’ ï¬Gem-se‘e A-LEXu-‘MOQDIEE. New Spring and Summer HATS AND CAPS and also his NEW PRINTS, NElV DRESS GOODS, NEW CO'l‘TONS,,&C., and especially NE‘V " SPRING TWEEDS and COATINGS. ' (.3 Q I T mementos? the Famous . db C-OFFEES r > Best" that can be bought. .iii GENEliAL GROCEIIIES‘ y “l liuveisLs rge Stock and wi=l not be undersold. ' FLOUR AND FEED. >_ Goods Delivered. ALEX.MOODIE. v )4 “ FIRE l sroi: ' is. NEITHER DEAD NOR ASLEEP ' But is ALL ALIVE with W 3†c S p Pi at g. Golf) (I S Glassware,Crockery &Tin ware All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the. Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buckâ€" wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeul and Oatmeal All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. GOODS .DELIVERED. ‘ , CHARLES E. SHEPPARD, Richmond Hill. Mar. 24. 1875. Notice to Farmers. IlE SUBSCRIBER keeps at his ol: ce, lot :23, in the 2nd coiicessuii of M nil ham. WHITE CHESTER HOG, For service. Terms 75 cents. JACOB EVER. Markham, May 6. 1875. 5 Destroys all kinds ofliisects, Grubs and Cut- m crpillurs on er'ery description of Shrubs and Plants. 7 HUGH, MILLER 5r CO., I-- 167', Street East, Toronto For Sale by the principal Druggists and Store- keeper»: ‘ 1 . DOWN THEY GO! Price £55 ctsuper Box. FOR SALE;- 7 HAT VERY DESIRABLE VILLAGE l G O O D S AT PANIC PRICES i to merit a Continuance ofthe patronage bestow. ‘.,_v-1 ,..3. IN AND some our DAILY. Which are sold as Cheap, and in some lines Cheaper ’ that. can be purchased elsewhere. The Stock consisting of _ st. ‘- sun Staple and Fancy airy Goods, GROCERIES, -- CROCKE RY, ' RICHMOND HILL Uliryoirs r was SUBSCRIBER uses ’I‘O INFORM . Jhe’ilnlisbim'nts of Richmond Hill and en- virons. that he will continue to manufacture the EElEllllllll'llIXllllSlllll PUMP At the Old Stsiidf’Cliurch Street, Richmond Hill, andhupe's, bv the strictest Mennomy, cniii-_ billed with the heel. material and workmanship, .‘l v Richmond “H AND HARDWARE. ill, April '6, ’75. ISAA C _ CROSBY, iiicHMoND. Hug. 3'1.- 13 A 1n: Pump Works l reference to the-’dâ€"bove notice of Din N. I solution. the undersigned “claimâ€. math: is now ï¬tting up New and Improved Machinery Driven by ample Steam Powor. and in manufacture I ’ SUPERIOR. ARTICLE. At prices and on terms hitherto Iiioqllllllod. ..\. ed on the late 'ï¬nn. " ‘All our pumps are war- ' He‘llion With the RiiChmond Hi“ 30d Yonge PROPERTY silunted iii thoceiitreol the lii- rented, ‘ , _ I mercy. and the henchmen has gone the way H Moved by Mr Wm. Harrison, seconded St. Ag. Society held a meeting last Tuesday corporaled Village of Richmond Hill. The Price: list sent- onupplieaticn. ~ Pam†WNW"! Pupil. "ll 9° W0“ “WIN†ofthe elevator. , “Next I†by Mr Wm, Lawson, and Resoived that, the evening for the purpose of making ï¬nal an property contains __ .:- " : JOHN HALF ‘ 5“ Nb" R“""’l'“"‘ - ,i_ i . ' members of this Quarterly Board extend rangemeuts, and appointing Sub-Committees .Th e {h A N, B.â€"Wells sunk on the shortest notice. List of prion sent on opp out on- . b;LAqr‘9§SE--Our “ Star †Laeross Club their, lieartfcltthanks to our beloved» minis. ti: Prepare “11% Fair Ginund, Hall» (ï¬le-i for r cfour s Qfan 08’ w°†Curb? coilslumly on hwd' J H I ‘ . H M h M is“; 3V8 given ll slinvin “ catgu’t †on so lers, the Revs. John Hunt and Edward F. l Eir‘ Spring air, to e held on onday V ' ' i . - ' ’. ‘ ' ' Richmond ill. In: _ ' . - - _ - _ -couut of sickngss of T8056 of~ the players, for their efï¬cient and, under God. sucr Hex“ QUlte '1 number 0f entries have 31' A Tpleudld Dwelhng House’ mens French calf Boom $4 00 .RlchTO'ld. .H'lll March 31' '75“ 87"“, l I . I 3., _ â€"- -' ‘ and not being able to procure _a. suitable cesslul services on'Yonge St. North Circuit read)" bee“ made alldlhe sometyls conï¬dent; out Bulldmgs’ Etc" Ladies’ Fine Pebble Boots 1 25 OR SALEâ€"One: = Threshing Machine ARM To BENT {0’ ‘ "mgo’ "' .3- ï¬eld, and intend forming a oi'ickc't clubpduring the‘ "time a kind Providence has per. Should we‘llhel' Permit. they Will have one And 3 "ever'f‘lll"! we“ of SP'lllll wall"- Il (Brampton Cleaner) wilh l’iti’s Horn; h." "f I". “0' ‘4' 9" Yâ€â€- ~ "‘7 A pubiic meeting will‘ be ham 0,, Smurday mined “Jam ,0 _be .wilh ‘13:†and ,1,“ we of the» most successful Fairs ever held in will be sold’in one parcel or in lots of one» Ladies’ Prunelln Boots 70 ' power. I" complem aud in good order. hum: (West side) Mmilol from'l cinnamon“ . Terms easv. For pply on the premises to ions; "HARRINGTON. Riehnioudï¬ ill. May 5'." 1875, '876-tl'.. fourth of an acre each. further particulars ii .. . w . 70 acres. Good‘outbuildinptund .. ing Brook. Good Orchard. Apply to 1 ions. moonlit. a ~ 1 ammo. ."-f:é'§'e_ning the 22nd inst, for that purpose.- A . PCMOiiS’haviiig claims asainsiltlle “ Stars †\ .Millplease hand them~iii to Ithe Secretary ‘inside 'of one week, and no later. " " (Ebrdiallyfreéommend them t9 the kind con. this section. The Richmond Hill Amateur sideration and brotherly regard of all the Brass Band has kindly come“le ‘0 be Prgs' . member‘sloï¬ï¬‚‘ie" out on the grounds‘during the day and em Methodist Church wherever . . . . .. . . weir“, maybe “my; 00,-â€; y“ liven the proceedings With choice mimic. run only 30 days, Terms Cash, or credit on approved nota c1329; particulars apply to 7' ' JOHN BKUNSKILL- . 8734i » Thornh ill. And. everything else "VERY Low. or. 14. ’75.