All transitory advertisements from re'gh- lam or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. than one year, insertion†Each subsequent insertlon ......... ... ,. 22 inches to be considered one column lecy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars,Law Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads,Fancy Cards, l’mnphlets, Large and Small Posters, and every other kind of Letterâ€"Press Print- CHaving made large additions to the print- ing material, we are better prepared than ever to do the neatest and most beautiful printing of every description. Alrlwlktrtrtélfs addressed to the editors must be postâ€"paid. ()ne inch, one year...†Two inches, one year†'l‘hree inches, one year.. .. Advertisements for a shorter period 'FHE HEIQALD BOOK ‘& JOB PRINTING Cornerof Young and Centre streets East! have constantly on hand a. good assortment of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Vurnishol, FancyArticles, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicine , md all other articles kept by druggists generally. Our stock of medicines warrant- ed genuine, and of the best qualities. Richmond Hill, J an 25, ’72 705 No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid ; and parties refusing papers with- out paying up will be held accountable for the subscription. Advertisements Without written direction userde tillrfox‘bid, and gllarged accordingly. ESTABLISHMENT. (KJOX'S for {any of the undermentioned des cription of New method of extracting teeth without pain, by the use of Ether Spray,which affects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding becomes insensible with the external agency, when the tooth can be ox- tracted with no pain and without endanger~ ing the life, as in the use of Chloroform. Dr. Robinson will be at the following place- prepared to extract teeth with hil new up! paratus. All Ofï¬ce operations in Dentistry performed in a. workmanlike manner : . a And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails or other conveyances, when so desired. , u . . . ‘ llliLllS Ul"UhllUl UUHVC‘yWLAhUa, "JAVAA 9v uuun. w“: ’l‘m: You}: HERALD wlll always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Local News and. Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. Plain 6% Coiored Job Work L. . ,, rurora, lst, 3rd, 16th and 22d of each month fewmarket.....‘... .. 2d “ “ Richmond Hill, 9th and 24th “ “ Mt. Albert . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . lSth “ †Thornhill ....... ..23rd ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ...26th “ “ ...28th “ " ...29th “ ‘ ...30th “ †Maple.. . . Burwick ...... Kleinburg ... N obleton . ... [msfiSnB iDollér Lper annum in ad- vance, if not paid within two months, One Dollar and Flfty Cents v_vill 1-)}? cllarged. RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, ealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceriol, Wines, and Liquors, Thoruhill. By Royal Letters Patth has been appointed 1:- suer of Marriage Licenses. Nitrous Aurora. Aurora, D always on hand the best of Beef, ’Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, &o., and sell at the lowest prices for Cash. ROVINCIAL LAN D SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Orders by letter should state the Concesnlon, Lot and character of Survey, the subscribor having the old Field Notes of the late D. GIBSON and other surveyors, which should be consulted, in many cases a: to original monuments, kc., previous to commencing work. 'OHN BARRON, manufacturer and dellor in all kinds of boots and shoes, 38 Walt Market Sqqaxie, Toron_t0._ Boots mild shbes made to measure, of the best material and workmanship, at the low- est relnunerzjtingiprjces. Also, Corned. and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. The highest market price given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, 3w. Richmond Hill, Oct. 24, ’72. 745-ly FARMERS’EOOT’ AND SHOE STo'fl: Ofï¬ce at WILLOWDALE, Yongo Street, in the Township of York. J an’y S, 1873. _ 755 ARRISTER, ATTORNEYâ€"A'LLAW’, B SOLICITOR IN OHANCEEYZ CoxvnyAxcxn, ’ &c., kc. OFFICE ;â€"No. 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of Toronto and Court Streetl, Toronto, Ont. J. H. SANDERSON, ETERINARY SURGEON, Graduate of Toronto University College, cornor of Yonge and Centre Sts.East, Richmond Hill, begs to announce to the public that he in now practising with H. Sanderson, of the nmo place, where they may be consulted orson- ally or by letter, on all disease! of orlu, cattle, &c. All’orders from a. distancg promptly “- hnded to, and medicine sent to my'pnrt of the Province. ' Horus examined as to soundness, and qllo bought and sold on commilsion. ' ' Blehmond Hill, Jan. 25, 1872. 507 Fri i4] YORK HERALD Every Friday Morning, heap Book and Job PrintingEuabh'ohment. l-‘F11'Eâ€"â€"â€"XVO>TJE Sax, RICHMOND HILL Toronto, Dec 73“, 1867 (SUCCESSORS T0 w. W. cox,) UTCHERSz RIQHMQND EILAL,‘ EAVE January 15, 1873‘ ‘UBLISHER AND PROPBIETOR O‘F TERMS: $1 pm: ANNUM IN ADVANCE VOL. XVII. NO to ADAM HQ MEYERS, JR., will be promptly attended to W‘ A. ROBINSON’S, L. D. S ALEX. SCOTT, ADVERTISING RATES H. SANDERSON 81: SUN, (Late qf Dugyan é" Mayer:,) PETER S. GIBSON, “ Tm: YORK HERALD.’ April 28, 1870 THOMAS CARR, Oxide Gas always H. & R. PUGSLEY, PBOPRIETORH OF THE DIRUGGISTS. DENTISTRY . [S PUBLISHED on hand at PER INCH 615-tf 756-17 $4 00 3 50 3 00 0rd 52 00 “Section 2.-â€"â€"That any person who shall discharge, without injury to any other person, any ï¬rearm, while intentionally, without malice, aimed at or toward any person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to a ï¬ne of not less than $100, or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year, or both at the discretion of the Court. CCOUNTANT, Book-Keeper, Convey- ancer, and Commission Agent for the sale or purchase of lands, farm stock, &c., also for the collection of rents, notes and ac- counts. Charges Moderate. OFB‘ICE*RiCllm0n(l srreet, Richmond Hill. 700-ly U ver Watches, Jewelry, 810., 113 Yong. Street, Toronto. We (Montreal Star) have frequent- ly urged that a. law should be passed making “ fooling with ï¬rearms †an indictable offence. We notice that such a law has been in force in the State of Michigan since 1869, and, according to a resident correspondent, with the best results. We give a copy of the measure herewith, in the hope that our law makers will give the subject their attention : ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chan cery, Conveyancer, 8w. OFFICEâ€"N 0. 6 Royal Insurance Buildinga, Toronto street. Toronto, Dec. 2, 1859. 594 “ Section 1.â€"â€"The people of the State of Michigan enact that any per- son who shall intentionally, without malice, point or aim any ï¬rearm at or toward any other person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to a ï¬ne of not more than $50 and not less than $5. “Section 3.â€"Any person who shall maim or injure any other per~ son by the discharge of any ï¬rearm pointed or aimed, intentionally, but without malice, at any such person, shall be guilty ofa misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a ï¬ne ofnot less than $50, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period ofnot more than one year; and, if death ensue from such wounding or maim- ing, such person so offending shall be deemed guilty of the crime of of manslaughter. “Section 4.â€"Any party maimed or wounded by a discharge of any ï¬re-arm as aforesaid, or the heirs or representatives of any person who may be killed by such discharge, may have an action on the case against the party offending for dam- ages which shall be found by a jury ; and such damages, when fOund, may, in the discretion of the Court before which such action is brought, be doubled.†Stands permanently above every other Rem dy now in use. It is invaluable. LSO, the Pain Victoria Infallible for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, 1“on, (Jolie, Cholera Morbus, Pain and Cramp in the Stomach and Bowels, 6Z0. Direct-ions with each bottle and box. It is stated on good authority that the circumstance attending the loss of' the Schiller were such that if the Captain had escaped, he would have been put upon his trial for manslaugh- ter. B USTARD’S Pills are the bent pill: you can get for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billioulness, Liver, Kidney Complaints, 8w. AVE you Rheumatism,W'ounds, Bruin“, Old Sores, Cuts, Burns, Frost Bitu, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, White Swellinï¬i, and every conceivable wound upon mm or beast ‘2 Sold by Druggists generally. The Dominion ‘Vorm Candy is the medicine 0 expel worms. Try it. 700-y Schoolboys will be pleased to learn that Miss J ames, a teacher in Pittsï¬eld, has been ï¬ned $15 for whipping a scholar boo severely. MUSTARD’S Catarrh Speciï¬c Cures Acute and Chronic cases of Catarrh, Neural- gia, Headache, Colds, Coughs, Croup, “Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., it is alsoa. good Soothing Syrup. ' People tell the story of a man who called at the house of a neighbor, half a mile from his own house, early in the morning, and after the usual salutation, seated himself on a chair, and on being asked to eat some breakfast, answered, “ I don’t suppose I ought to stop, for our house is on ï¬re, and they sent me to tell you.†As the steametug Samson, of Ham- burg, was towing a vessel down the Elbe to Cuxhaven, the other day, her boiler burst and she was blown to pieces. Of the crew of ï¬ve men not a. trace was found, and nothing was to be seen of the hull but fragments floating down the river. One of the best douhle puns we have ever heard was perpetrated by a clergy- man. He had ust united in marriage a couple whose Christian names were respectively Benjamin and Ann. “ H ow did they appear during the ceremony 1" inquired a, friend. “ They appeared both Anni~mated and Bennie-ï¬tted,†was the reply. September 1, 1871 Manufactured by J. SEGSWORTH, EALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL PATEA ‘T MEDICIN ES. PROCLAMATIONâ€" An Excellent Law. THE KING OF OILS D. C. O’BRIEN, \VM. MALLOY, Proprietor, lugernoll H. MUSTARD, “ How kind of you. Consider me a mauvais sujet.†“ I doubt if you over many at all,†said Mrs. Ashley. “Indeed.†“Yes, my dear, and I have done my best for you.†“ When I say that you may never marry, I do not mean for lack of op- portunity, and the most brilliantly attractive women sometimes remain single. Depend upon it, there is no more thankless task than that of the married woman who attempt to esâ€" tablish others as happily as herself.†“ I would not sneer, Elizabeth; it does not become you,†responded the little matron with dignity. “ I have brought up Whole platoons of eligible men for inspection, but you would nOne of them.†“ Every one can not ï¬nd an Ed- ward,†replied the girl at the Window. “ Did it ever occur to you that this very marshalling of forces might be repulsive at the outset ?†asked Eliz- abeth, composedly. It; was Mrs. Ashby’s turn to flush now. What were her tact and ad- dress in such delicate matters of dip- lomacy to be doubted I “I have done my best. When youth beauty and wealth come to- gether, it is natural to endeavor to forge the chain, for cold and lonely old age succeed only too soon.†The girl came swiftly to the armâ€" chair, and gathered the little woman in her embrace. “ Oh my wee Queen Mal), do not bother your pretty head about such things. You secured the adorable Edward, and is not that enough? Why do you try to manage the world.†“ I give you u?†said Mab, smiling. ‘»‘ After all I sha l have the more of your society as an old maid ; only promise me, dear, not to discover a vocation, nor to take to charity schools and poodle dogs in a violent form.†Thus Mal), bending over the sheet, tracing a delicate vine-tendril in the water color sketch before her, at the same time shot a tiny feather- ed arrow, venom-tipped. “Perhaps I can manage you, my lady. if I have not put you on your mettle for the evening I am mistaken,†thought she, while her downcast face revealed nothing of her thoughts “I have sometimes fanciedâ€"†began Mab searching among the rainbow tints of her porcelain pallet for a fresh eolori This dressing gown acts like the dâ€"l ; These Slippers run down in the heel : Strange, nothing can ever look decent: I Wish you could know how they feel. What’s this bill from Morgan’s? Why, surely, It’s not for another new dress? Look here I I‘ll be bankru t ere New Year. 01' your store bills will ave to grow less. Eight o’clock 1 Meg, sew on this button As soon as you ï¬nish that sleeve ; Ilei h-hol I‘m so (leneedly sleepy, I†l pile oï¬' to bed, I believe. .Aftm‘ Marriage. Oh 1 Meg, you are heavyâ€"I‘m tired; Go sit, in the rocker, I pray; Your weight seems a. hundred and ninety When you plump down in that sort of way. You had better be mending my coat sleeve-â€" I‘ve spok‘en about it beforeâ€" And I want to ï¬nish this novel And look over those bills from the store. All mine, little pet, I will shield you From trouble and labor and cure, I will robe you like some fairy princess, And jewels shall gleam in your hair ; Those slippers you gave me are perfect, That dressing gown ï¬ts to n Tâ€" My darling, I wonder that heaven Should give sueh a, treasure to me. Eightwnineâ€"tenâ€"eleven 1 my precious. ‘ime flies so when I am with you. It seems but a moment I’ve been here, And now. must I say it ?â€"Adicui My Maggie, my beautiful darling, Come into my arms, my sweet, Let me fold you again to my bosom, So close I can hear your heart beat. What 1 these little ï¬ngers been sewing? One‘s been prickod by the needle, 1 see. These hands shall be kept free from labor When once they are given to me. of life outlivng hope. I wish I had been far to night What time the dew fell silver whi (c Upon the heliotropc, Since that Sunshiny hour, When, for the sake of hands that brought And for the lesson sweet it taught, I chose it for my flower. Faint-scented blossoms I long ago X our purple c111§ters came to Show My life had wider scope; They spoke of love that duyâ€"tn-night 1 stand apart from love‘s delight And wear no helium-0pc. Between toâ€"night and that far day Lig lifg‘p bright 130.0}: anq twilight gray, But I haveriivcd through both : And if before my paling face The midnight shadows full npuco 1 scc them, nothing 10am. Only tomight, that, faint perfume Rgpï¬lels mg‘qf .the_lone1y gloom Ah me !. the yam-g have come and gone quh Wit!) its mel‘ogly qr moan, Of dainty heliotropc, Which smote my heart with sudden powerâ€" My favorite scent, my favorite flower, In olden days of hope ! A PALACE 0F GOBWEB‘ It full 011 beds of purple bloom, Frpgnjyhenqe qyose the rare perfume Along the garden walk ; The summer twilight wrapped mc round Through open windowa came the Sound or sound and pleasant talk. The odor-stealing dews lay wot A1351 heavy pn‘the Amignguqtte That crépt about my feet ; U mm the folded mossy vest ’1‘ lat clothed the ruby rosc‘s breast, It fell in droppings sweet. I loitcred but an hour ago, V Wi_t_h lagging foptstepg‘tired and slow, They come upon us unawmfe. In 0 'decd hn1_1 angl open mr, And 1n our chumgei'é still ;' A song, an odor, or a bird Evpkgs Elle spelkand'gtrj‘l‘ws the chord How strong they are, those subtle RpCIIS That lurk in leaves and flower bulls, â€" Viilslug frglilvfairï¬t perfumes, Or, mingling with some olden strain, Stg‘ikp thropgh tho; music shafts of pain, 'A'ifci 51131171361séEthï¬n And peoplé’empty rooms TWO PICTURES HELIOTROPE. Before flIarriaye‘ RICHMOND HiLL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1875 “ I am thinking what a stupid old dear you are.†“Thanks, my charmer.†“ Besides, there is Elizabeth.†“ Yes, I doubt she will prove too many for you,†said the husband, ad- justing a hook. “ Why not leave the girl alone? Here’s a telegram from Huntly Sprague; the Lurlz’nc maybe up toâ€"night.†“ I will never give up,†she solilo- quized, setting her small White teeth ï¬rmly together ; “ t1) ey shall all tread the path of my choice. I am a spi- derâ€"such ah ueg little spiderâ€"and I Will force my friends to tarry pris« oners in my palace of cobweb. Ar- achn‘ae has many fellows in the human A very handsome man, the adorâ€" able Edward, with regular features, ï¬ne eyes, and a yellow moustache drooping over a sensitive mouth. A gentleman of leisure, who only just escaped being bonhomme by reason of a good mind and some pet literary theories, as we shall presently see. Mab perched herself upon atable, looking like a rose leaf that had drifted in from the garden on the summer breeze, and watched him pen- sively. “ A penny for your thoughts little woman.†This ebullition of wrath did her all the good in the worldâ€"it made ashamed of herselfand restored her equilibrium. race, after all. â€" Do we not use our Wits on the other insects, and do we not spin our webs to catch our prey? And I must entangle a butterfly, that’s Elizabeth; a blue-bottle, that’s Edward; and a waspflHuntly Sprague. Oh! what a fool I was to bring the girl here.†She shook a very tiny ï¬st menacingly, and trip- ped away to the library, Where her husband, the adorable Edward, was sorting ï¬shing tackle. “ You like Huntly Sprague ?†She was looking at him steadily. Edward shrugged 'his shoulders. “A good fellow enough, only we were very comfortable without him to my fancy. Women are never sat- isï¬ed to be quiet and alone.†In the meanwhile Elizabeth Wayne had gone to her chamber with the distinct intention of fathoming that mysterious gulf, self, for the ï¬rst time in her life. Passing the mirror her attention was attracted to her- self with sudden horror. She pluck- ed a gray hair from her abundant black tresses, and sank down, sick at heart, twining the harbinger of age around her foreï¬nger. She was growing old, themâ€"perhaps was al- ready sneered at as a passe beauty. What did it matter? She would join Miss Orne in the project of founding a school for poor needlewomen at onceâ€"redeem her wretched life by one act of good. The gray hair brought a terrible reaction of humil- ity; it was a conscience before which handsome Elizabeth abased herself with needless severity for her wasted years. She despised herself for her vanity and coquetry, and she was in no mood to meet this Huntly Sprague, a man literally hunted by match- making society. When one is fourteen years old, awkward, shy, and painfully con- scious of the shabbiness of one’s gown, one does not forget easily ayoung man blessed with the opposite of these qualities, especially if he be as- sociated with ridicule. Elizabeth Nature were her most dazzling smile of beauty that day. The Ash- by cottage, with its gables, pointed roof, bay~windows, and balconies, was only separated from a miniature beach by a slope of lawn, and beyond iaharbor extended to Open Sound, one sheet of deep amethyst blue, to blend with the sky. Here was none of the purple haze of the Mediterra- nean days, but the crisp, sparkling purity of the capricious American climate seen at its best. The mis- tress of the house had only to glance through the open windows to see the steamers plodding past, or the white sails skimming before the breeze, or if wearied of the familiar prospect, to rest contented with acharming interior of neutral hues and muslin draperies, cool-tinted walls relieved by exquisite pictures, and flowers blooming everywhere to add the reâ€" quisite color tone. She observed none 01 them. A sob rose in her throat and choked her. She poised her brush over a branch of blossoms, the labor of many a patient hour, and hurled it at the sheet, obliterating delicate grace with an unsightly blot. It was a very pretty exhibition of pure temper, but then Queen Mab had her trials which blinded her to the golden frame of her existence. “ These big clumsy girls I†she said, with blazing eyes, as she tore up the ruined sketch, showering the frag, ments on the hearth. l Mab swung one satin-shod foot negligently, and made no response. Mab’s face grew hard, and she was very ‘quiet as she continued her work. The girl hesitated as if on the verge of conï¬dence, then moved away, a stately ï¬gure with flowing drapery. Elizabeth’s eyes sought the carpet; a deep flush suffused her cheek ; her ï¬ngers twined nervously in the links of a gold chain at her watst. “ Perâ€" haps,†she answered rather irrcsolute- l y. “ What: have you “fancied ?†“That you were already in love with somebody. Am 1 right? †she demanded, with pouncing eagerness. A man who killed an Indian in Nebâ€" raska was recently acquitted by the jury. They found a verdict of “justiï¬- able Siouxicide.†As for Huntly Sprague, she often met him in society, herself a mas- querader. He knew nothing of John \Vayne and his legacy ,' years of tra- vel had erased all the trivial incidents of human life. She detested the very thought of him, self-satisï¬ed million- aire, who could laugh at a poor young nursemaid because she was shabby and poor. Let the match-makers hunt himâ€"a man brutal and cruel beneath the surface. Why could not Mab have left her Elysium undisturb- ed. Gray-haired passe beauties always have recourse to art. Elizabeth’s maid must display many dresses be- fore a suitable one could be chosen, and the coiffure must be especially elaborate. Queen Mab’s little arrow still rankled ; she had put the girl on her mettle for the evening, as she predicted. A young man pecped into the nur- sery door, jaunty, insoucriant, and our- iousâ€"in a word, a college Sopho- more I “Who sings here ?†The nursemaid turned red and pale. “ I do,†she stammercd. “ It never can be you.†Tilly Slowboy rose to her feet, her tongue refusing further utterance in the presence of this merry, well-dresâ€" sed young gentleman, who turned away, laughing boisterously. She l did not discover that she was holding lthe baby upside down in her confus- ‘ion, until a gurgling sound from the ‘aï¬iicted infant warned her of the dan- ger of apoplexy. The laughter had stung Elizabeth to the quick. It was all very well for Huntly Sprague to laugh, born with a golden spoon, the inheritor of millions, while she was mean and poor and neglected. The merriment of the student might have been forgotten long ago, had it not been associated with a dreary period in Elizabeth‘s life, When she was cast on the world by the death of her pa-f rents, to ï¬nd a place in her aunt’s ‘ nursery. Since then times had changed; old John Wayne, most cyn- ical of bachelors, adopted the orphan niece, and swept her away to a dingy house full of massive plate and quaint china, educated her according to his own fancy, and on this stalk of crab- bed system bloomed the magniï¬cent blossom of maidenhood, full, luxuri- ant and unexpected. Old John Wayne exhorted his young heiress at his best: “Beware of fortune hunters ; 'never let your own vanity blind you to motive in your fellowâ€"creatures. A ï¬g for beauty 1 gold attracts more suitors any day.†This was the frost doubt that nipped the bud. Charming heiress in whom the emâ€" bryo Tilly Slowboy was no longer recognizable, scanned her world crit- ically, and being endowed by nature with the flexible weapon coquetry, measured While never lowering her lance. She had come so near loving several men, believing in the devo- tion, When old John seemed to rise from his grave with gesture of warnâ€" mg. The Lurline was coming up the harborâ€"daintiest of yachtsâ€"and a. man on her deck swept the distant cottage with his glass. Elizabeth sat on the balcony outside her win- dow, two White arms folded negligent 1y on the parapet. A gorgeous por- trait framed in the telescope thus un- expectedly, the lustrous black of hair and eyes contrasting vividly with the creamy brunette tints, which merged softly into the golden carmine hue of robe, and the pink flush of Opals clasping wrist and throat. Felons usually follow a bruise or other injury to the hand which does not cause bleeding. As soon as pain begins to be felt take a small quan- tity of salt, apply it to the bruise, and pour on enough spirits of turpen- tine to make it moist. This Will us- ually drive the felon away Without pain. If the felon has progressed so far as to become inevitable, wrap it in sassafras root, pounded ï¬ne, and moistened with water. This draws the felon to a head, With but little pain, A third remedy is to make a salve by dissolving a piece of saltpetre the size ofa bean in a cup of sweet cream. Then bruise the inner bark of sweet alder in the cream, and sim- mer slowly until it makes a thick salve. Apply to the felon, and it will give almost immediate relief. l was sure she must have looked like a sort of Tilly Slowboy in that nursery where she was permitted to take care of her more prosperous cousin, Fred- erick Wayne, then a. purple-faced, surly baby. How plainly could she trace the pattern of the nursery car- pet even now, and as for the shabby gown, none of the rich fabrics worn by her in these days could ever ef- face that from her memory. She was singing to the rebellious Franklin, weaving together strains of melody after her own fancy, as she often did almost unconsciously. She sang be- cause she could not help it, some- times with rapture and exaltation to herself. The quality of her tones did not concern her. To Cure 3. Felon. [TO 131: CONTINUED] And in the hottest autumn days he leadeth the ï¬sherman beside the bab- bling waters ; and up the steep moun- tain side ; and over prickly pears; and through soap weeds ; and among thorny bushes 3 and when at last the ï¬sherman falls upon his knees and puts his hands upon Mr. Hopper, where is he? Alas, he is not there ; but he soareth aloft; and cracketh his heels together ; and laugheth out of his left optic at the ï¬sherman, who is seated on the hillside, digging cactus thorns from his hands and knees, and framing cuss words. Alas, he will never kneel any more. And when in the fullness of time the wintry days have come ; and stilled his voice in death ,' with Frost's icy mantle about him. he goeth hence to his fa- thers, content with the ï¬tting close to a wellâ€"spent life. Truly, I say unto you, he sitteth up- on the potato Vine and singeth all the gladsome summer day ; he climbeth up the com~stalk and loppeth off its ver- dant branches 5 he taketh no heed for the morrow ; nor of the groans and curses of irate ranchman. And the eggs are they not ranche eggs 2â€"wich double yolks? and war- ranted to hatch? yea, verily, and the warranty is good ; and the lady grass- hopper’s mate, what of him 5’ And the lady grasshopper maketli straightway her nest; “ down in the corn-field ;" and in the wheat stubble,“ and upon the hillside,- and all over the sandy plain 3 and everywhere else under the sun, and she ï¬lleth the nest with eggs; and she continueth to make nests and ï¬ll them likewise with eggs, every day, until the winter days cemeth and the ground freezeth hard, when no grasshopper can make nests. And happy in the reflection that he will live again in his children, when gentle spring shall come again. And again, and again, forever, in the returning cycle of returning years ; ’tis sprind. Drown him in the floods that would have appalled Noah ; bury him in Arctic snows; subject him to frosts that freezeth the ears off a brass mon- key ; encase him in the heart of an ice- berg ; let Old Boreas caress him with Chicago winds, or fondle him in his icy embrace, the little martyr calmly folds up his arms, draws up his nether limbs and waiteth ; waiteth for the next sunrise, then he cometh forth to breakfast gay as a school girl, and with an appetite that is always apositive luxury. Winter hath loosed his icy fetters 3 Robin Redbreasts carol in the cotton- woods ; the beechertilton trial is well on ; Jenkins busyeth himself writing pardons. As the waves come when navies are stranded. Like unto a Democratic victory. He aliglitetli on the potato-vine ; and on the fragrant tomato-tree ; and on the succulent roasting-ear, while it is yet in the milk and toothsome ; and upon all other fruits of the field that cometll late into market; and they all disappear and are seen aft-er that evil day no more forever. And genial sunshine again bathes the earth. Are those eggs spoiled ; not bya jug- full. In the earliest warm sunny days ; forth come a, few millions of the juvenâ€" ile hopper: Tiny, mitey, midget; the pickets, the scouts, the avant couriers of countless hosts that soon will follow; Ye “ honest ranchman " laugheth in his sleeve, and sayeth : “ The hoppers are hatching, spring frost and snows will ï¬x them.†Alas, the fallacy of man’s faith ,' the little hopper relies on Providence 3 and his reliance is sublime ; it putteth the “ shoddy †religion of man to shame. The patriotic grasshopper cometh from the mythical western land, where the glorious orb of day sinks in roseate splendor to his evening couch ; the realm of Brigham; the land of Mor- mons ; whence cometh many bad things and some that are good. The hopper is one of» them ; several of them ; but he is not good. He cometh in the latter summer days; in sun darkening myriads; as the winds come when forests are rended. Ask the prophets of Kansas ; and the wise men of Nebraska; and they will answer likewise; but the relief com- mittee agent lifteth up his voice and calleth the hopper blessed. The ranch man mourneth for his green ï¬elds that were, but; are not ; mayhap he sweareth ; possibl y he speaketh audi- ny, and crieth aloud. What Gareth the hopper-grass? It troubleth him not. His pathway is the abomination of desolation. The grasshopper ; he cometh ; he comet-h numerously ; he bringeth his family; also his friends; likewise his motherâ€"in-law ; and her friends ; as well as all that hate her ; and they are legions ,' the wisdom of man computeth them not ,' they spread over the land ; and there is no place where they are not 5 they nip the springing grass; they devour the fragrant oninn sprout ; and the savory celery; the wheat ï¬eld is left desolate, and no green thing re- maineth where the hopper has been. A ROCKY MOUNTAIN PASTORAL EPIC. You can't kill him; neither can you The Hopper Grass. This is the way we did it : We pro- cured from a druggist three quarts of boiled linseed oil, and the same amount of shellac varnish. Also a paint-brush. This quantity of material will cover as much- floor as forty yards of carpet, and cost only $3.50. The floors were cleaned as thorough- ly as possible, and all spots that would not wash off were planed oï¬'. We put on the ï¬rst coat of the oil in the evening, and the next morning it was dry. The following evening we put on a. coat of the shellac varnish, which was dry by morning. Then, after two or three days, we put on the ï¬nal coat of oil, but as the wood will absorb very little oil this time, we put it on with a flannel and rubbed it in as thor- oughly as possible. It was soon dry and ready for use. Now we have beau- tiful floors, ea-sil y kept clean by wiping off the dust with cold water. Once in three or six months we can go over them with a little of the boiled oil and have them look as well as ever again. In the winter if we choose we can lay down rugs to take away the “ cold †look that some object to. A recently painted automatic lock is about to be placed on the door of a Fulton county bank vault. The lock is so constructed that it can be unlocked by no person except during banking hours. The look was pur- posely invented to obviate bank ofli‘ cers being taken from their beds at night and compelled to open their vault by burglars, as has often been done in many parts of the country. The lock is said to be no longer an experiment. Let me illustrate by my own experi- ence. We have just moved. Every person who has passed through the trial, knows what worry of cutting and piec- ing carpets that signiï¬esâ€"to say nothâ€" ing- of new ones. Before moving I made up my mind, not only from pecu- niary reasons, but from motives of health as well, to dispense with carpets in certain parts of the house. There are three‘ halls. I did not want oil- cloth, for it is hard to keep clean, is as cold as a bare floor, and not half as pretty in my estimation. Carpet of any kind holds too much dust for hallâ€" floors. Then there was the dining-room. Grease‘spots on my dining-room carpet had often vexed my soul and brought gray hairs to my head. No more carâ€" pet on that floor henceforth for me. I resolved to have the flows before men- tioned oiled. An old lady passing down the streetxnot long ago, observed a box of collars lying on the footpath, Which had evidently been lost by some one. She stooped to pick it up, but alas for her calculations a young lad es- pied the prize about the same time, and running over gave the box akiok just as the old lady’s ï¬ngers were about to clasp the article. He then picked up the box and was out of her sight in a moment. The old lady can be excused for feeling savage in the matter. All a. mistake, I do assure you. The truth is, we do not know half the beauty there is; in our common woods, and we have little idea how ornamental, as well as sweet and clean, a bare board floor can be made. You do not want paint to hide the beauty of the wood, but some process that will bring out the grain, and ï¬x it before our eyes in its own wonderful beauty of curve and wave, and concentric circle. Why, every separate board thus treated be- comes a study in itself! Nature has painted a different picture on each, and the eye never wearies of studying pat- terns more beautiful than those of AX- minster or Persia. Such floors would rob cleaning time of half its terrors, and add largely to the purity of the atmosphere of our houses, already poisoned by air-tight stoves and furnaces. It is a cheap re- form and easily tried.â€"Mrs. A: F. Rqï¬â€˜emperger in Christian Weekly. “ But bare floors! ugh! It makes one shiver to think of the thing ! Be- sides they make a room look so unfurâ€" nished and poorfolksy.†But why all this solicitude about carpets? And Why are we so afraid of bare floors? As far as cleanliness is concerned carpets are very reprehensi- ble. Think of the dust they accumu- late, of the unsavory odors they take and hold and give out! The air of a. room is frequently contaminated by a foul-smelling carpet, and every footstep raises a cloud of vile dust, to be inhaled by the sensitive lungs. The fact is, it is almost impossible to keep a carpet absolutely clean. JTHE YORK HERALD The season for spring house-cleaning is at hand. The prudent housewife looks anxiously over her belongings. Particularly carpets. There are thin spots that begin to loom up ominously‘ on her vision. Day by day the chasxn yawns larger. She lies awake at night, planning how she Will put the frayed breadths under the bad, or back of the stove, or behind. the lounge, if, happily, the defects be not too great to admit of such concealment. If so, the carpet is condemned to a. smaller floor. scare him ; nor can he be discouraged ; he dieth only of old age, and very late in the fall. Tmnzâ€"Onc Dollar per Autumn in Adamo: MBLISHED AT THE OFFICE YONGE Sn, RIGHMODID HILL. Issued Weekly on Friday Naming. Carpets or Cleanliness. ALEX. Scan, Pnomm‘os. A Sharp Boy. A New Lock. WHOLE NO. 891.