About midnight the wind rose to a gale, accompanied by a thick shower of snow, while a succession of thun- dering, grinding and crashing noises gave fearful evidence that the ice wasin motion. The vessel received violent shocks every moment; for the haziness of the atmosphere, pre- vented those on board from discover- ing in what direction the Open water lay, or if there actually was any at all on either side of them. The night was spent in tacking as often as any cause of danger resented itself, and: in the morning aptain Warren found to his great joy, that the ship had not sustained any serious injury. He re- marked With surprise that the accu- mulated icebergs, which had on the previous evening formed an impene- trable barrier, had been separated and disarranged by the wind, and in one place a canal or Open sea wound its course among them as far as the tie could discern. One erene evening in the middle of August, 177 5, Captain Warrens, the master of the Greenland, a whale ship, found himself becalmed among an immense number of icebergs, in about 46 degrees north latitude. On one side, and within a. mile of his vessel, these were of an immense height and closely wedged together, and a succession. of snow-covered peaks appeared behind each other as far as the eye could reach, showing that the ocean was completely block- ed up in that direction, and that it had probably been so for a long perâ€" ‘ ' - -- N I - m-.. 4:: iod of time: Captain Warrens ‘did not feel altogether satisï¬ed with his situation; but there being no wind he could not move one way or the other, and he therefore kept a. strict watch, knowing that he would be safe so long as the icebergs contmued in their respective places. 11 was 'two miles beyond the en- trance to this canal that a ship made in: appearance about noon. The sun [hone brightly at the time and a gem. tie; breeze blew from the north. At first some intervening icebergs pre- Ten’oed Captain Warren from distinct- ly seeing anything but her masts ; but he was struck with the strange manner in which her sails were dis- posed, and with the dismantled aspect If the yards and rigging. She con- ‘tiinuexi to go before the wind for a “few furlongs, and then grounding on the low icebergs, remained motion- less. Captain Warren’s curiosity was so: much excited that he immediately leaped into his boat with several sea- men, and rowed toward her. On ap- proaching he observed that her hull was miserably weather-beaten, and not a soul appeared on the deck which was covered to a considerable depth. He hailed her crew several times, but no answer was returned. Previous to stepping on board, an open portâ€" holo'nea-rï¬o mairchai-ns etuqu eye, and, on looking into it, be per- ceived a man reclining back in a uvxvvv- v7 .._-.__ __, chair, with writing materials on the table before him, but the feebleness of the li ht made everything indis- tinct. he party went‘nporx deck, and having removed the hatehway, which they found closed, they went down into the cabin. A LEGEND OF THE POLAR SEAS. They ï¬rst came to the apartment which Captain Warren viewed through the porthole. A tremor seiz- ed him as he entered it. Its inmate retained his - former position and seemed to be insensible to strangers. He was found to be a corpse, and a green deep mould had covered his cheeks and forehead, and veiled his open eyeballs. He had a pen in his hand, end a log-book lay on the table #L -h- before him, tic: last sent'énce in whose unï¬nished page ran thus : “Nov. 14, 1762. We have now been enclosed in the ice seventeen days. The ï¬re went out yesterday, and our master has been ever since trying to kindle it again without suc- cess. His Wife died this morning. There is no reliefâ€"†Captain Warren and his seamen hurried from the spot without utter- ing a word. On entering the prin- cipal cabin the ï¬rst object that at- tracted their attention was the dead body of afemale reclining on a bed in an attitude of deep interest and at- tention. Her countenance retained the freshness of life, and a contrac- tion of the limbs showed that her form was inanimate. Seated on the floor was the corpse of an apparently young man holding a steel in onei hand and a flint in the other, as if in l the act of striking ï¬re upon some‘ tindewhieh lalbeside him. In the l lore part of the vessel several sailors were found lying dead in their berths, and the body of a boy was crouched 'at the bottom of the gangway stairs. Neither provision nor fuel could be discovered anywhere; but Captain Warren was prevented, by the su- erstitious prejudices of his seamen, rom examining the vessel as min- utely as he wished to have done. He therefore carried away the leg book, already mentioned, and went back to his own ship and immediate- Nothing can be a real pleasure or cure to the human soul, but that which is made solely by its own ap- probation. 1y steered southwérd, deeeply im- pressed With the awful example he had just witnessed of the danger of navigating the polar seas in the high northern latitudes. On returning to England he made various inquiries respecting vessels that had disappeared in an unknown Way, and by comparing the results of those with the information which was afforded by the written docu- ments in his possesion, he ascertained the name and history of the impris- oned ship and unfortunate master, and found that she had been frozen thirteen years previous to the time of his discovering her among the ice. The Frozen Ship; The completion of the “ Direct Ocean Cable,†as it is technically called, gives North America telegraphic communi- cation with Europe through ï¬ve differ- ent cables. The new cable is much longer than most of the others, as the following table, showing their points of termination, the dates of their comple- tion, and their length, shows :â€" Year. Len th. IBM-Ireland to Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,8 6 1869â€"Brest to Duxhury, Museum: St.Pierre 3,320 1873â€"Valentia to Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . 1.900 1874â€" “ “ . . . . . . . . . . 1,900 1875â€"Direct Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,060 1374â€" " -- . . . . . . . . . . MW 1875â€"Direct Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,060 The new cable is laid from Ireland to Nova. Scotia, and thence to Rye Beach, New Hampshire. It was ex- pected that it would be completed last year, and it was then laid from Ireland to Within two hundred miles of Nova Scotia. Unfavorable weather and the misfortune of the ship Faraday, which had it on board, springing a leak, made it necessary to cut and buoy the cable :at the last named point, from which it 1has just been completed. Not the least wonderful part of the achievement is the rescue of such a comparatively tiny strand from the ocean depths after it had lain there for months. The new cable has been made with every View to its utmost efï¬ciency, but its length will not permit so rapid ser- vice as that secured by its predecessors. The estimate has been that it will trans- mit about nine .words per minute, which is about half the capacity of the old ones. The deep-sea part of the new cable is composed of a. case of thick cop- per wire, surrounded by eleven ï¬ne copper wires, the whole being coated with three-eighths of an inch of gutta percha. Over this is wound Manilla. ‘ hemp until a diameter of three-quarters ‘ of an inch is obtained. Ten iron wires, closely wound with hemp and coated with a compound of pitch, are twisted around the central part, and the whole is then wound with hemp. The shore ends are from two and aâ€"half to sevenâ€" eighths of an inch in diameter. From an interesting article by Mr. George B. Prescott in the Journal of the Telegraph, we condense the follow- ing table of statistics in regard to ocean cables now in working order, other than those mentioned above, which ex- ceeded ï¬ve hundred miles in length. There are also seventyâ€"one cables in operation which are less than one hun- dred miles long, and forty whose length is between one hundred and ï¬ve hun- ‘ dred miles. Date. From in 1867â€"Maltato Alexandria Eï¬ pt . . . . . . . , . . . . 1869â€"anhire, Persia, to as , Beloocliistan St, Pierre to Duxbnry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1870â€"Suez to Aden, Arabia. . .. Aden to Bombay India . . . . . . . . . . . . a. Porthcurno, England, to Lisbon . . . . . Gibraltar to Maita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madras to Penang.. . . .. . Sin pore to Batavia . . . . . . Ma ta to Alexandria, Egypt . . . . . . Batabano, Cuba, to Santiago, Cuba.. J ava to Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. lBTlâ€"Singapore to Cochin China. . . Saigon to Hong Kong . . . . . . . Hung Kong to Shanghai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shanghai to Japan, thence to Siberia. Antigua tubemerara, West Indies. . . Porto Rico to Jamaica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1873â€"Falmouth England, to Lisbon ........ France to benmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pernambnco to Para, Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . Alexandria Egypt, to Brindisi, Italy. 187iâ€"Lisbon to Ma eria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maderia to St. Vincent. . . . . . . . . . . n gg,yï¬ir_1_centto Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . amalcaTo EMILE. I. . . . . . . . Brazil to Rio J aneiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamaica go Porto Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rio Janexro to Rio Grande do Snl . . . . . Luyrumuvu ......... Maderia to St. Vincent. 1,360 ,Â¥ gg,yigcegt to Brazil. . . 1,953 amaicaTo cams. x. 660 Brazil to Rio J aneiro . . . . . 1,240 Jamaica to Porto Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582 Rio Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul . . . . 4 . 840 The same authority gives the follow- ing list of the capital of the principal submarine telegraph companies :â€" V Anglo-American Telegraph Company -â€"â€"Ire1and to Newfoundland, two cables ; Newfoundland to Cape Breton ; Brest to St. Pierre ,- St. Pierre to Duxbury, United States, ï¬ve cablesâ€"$35,000,000. Brazilian Submarine Telegraph Com- panyâ€"Portugal to Brazilâ€"$6,500,000. Cuba Submarine Telegraph Company -â€"Santiago to Havanaâ€"$800,000. Direct Spanish Submarine Telegraph Companyâ€"England to Bilboa, Spainâ€" $650,000. Direct United States Submarine Telegraph Companyâ€"Ireland to Nova Scotia ; Nova Scotia to the United Statesâ€"$6,500,000. Eastern Submarine Telegraph Com- panyâ€"England to Bombay by way of of Mediterranean and Red Seaâ€"â€" $15,000,000. Eastern Extension, Australian and China Submarine Telegraph Company â€"â€"Madras to China and J apan ; J ava to Australiaâ€"$8,315,500. Great Northern of Copenhagen Tele- graph Companyâ€"England to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Russia~$2,000,~ 000. Great Northern China. and Japan Extensioaniberia to Hang Kong and J apanâ€"$3,000,000. International Ocean Telegraph Com- panyâ€"Florida to Havanaâ€"$1,500,000. Mediterranean Extension Telegraph Companyâ€"Sicily to Malta and Corfu â€"â€"$760,000. Montevidcan and Brazilian Telegraph Company â€"â€" Montevideo to Brazilian Frontierâ€"$675 ,000. Platino Brazilian Telegraph Comâ€" panyâ€"Rio J aneiro to Uraguay~ $2,000,000. Submarine Telegraph Companyâ€"â€" England to France, to Belgium, and to Hollandâ€"$2,093,200. Western and Brazilian Telegraph CompanymCoast of Brazilâ€"$6,750,000. West. India and Panama Telegraph Companyâ€"Cuba to West India Islands and South America-$9,500,000. Few indeed are the places which can be called far off any longer, and short will be the time before the girding of the earth with wires will be complete. Rev. Sydney Smith says there should be “ a. certain amount of shyness when a kiss is proposed, but it should not be, too long â€â€"--the shyness, not the kissâ€"â€" “ and when the fair one gives it let there be soul in it. She should be care- ful not to slobber a kiss, but give .it as a. humming bird runs its bill into a honeysuckleâ€"deep, but delicate,†Just so. And if any of our fair readers de- sire to master the oscillatory process according to Smith, in forty-two easy lessons, we can give them the address ‘of a subject to practice onâ€"a young man who is willing to make great sacri- ï¬ces in the interest of social science. And his terms are ridiculously low, too. The New Ocean Gable. Len th in ml 33‘ 92.5 749 1,460 1,818 ’823 1.120 1,408 557 934 520 1,032 975 1,100 1,200 1,028 581 1,150 1,383 930 “ Why,Jennie, you look good enough to eat,†said a loving husband to his Wife one morning at breakfast. " Well, I’m eating as fast as I can, ain’t, I 1†“ I don’t think you were born to re- form the world,†said a married Boston lady to the new pastor, who was in- clined to praise her beauty rather too warmly. “Well, I always make it a rule to tell my wife everything that happens.†“ Oh, my dear fellow, that’s nothing I†replied his friend ; “ I tell my wife lots of things that never happen at all.†The newspaper is to the individual what hearing is to the deaf, or seeing to the blind. It teaches him what is going on around him, and puts him in communication with people and things, which would otherwise be lost. “Now, my son,†said a Brooklyn fa- ther, “ take this castor oil, 01' out you go through the window.†“ Booâ€"hoo- 1100,†said the little man, after applying the point of the spoon to his lips, “ Me can’t take it, papa. F0 me out de win- ner !" You couldn’t get one man out of ten to carry a bath brick along the street unless it were wrapped up in paper, but you may havo observed that the man who pays six shillings for a box of strawberries takes them on his hand and walks along as proudly as the King of Borneo. How sweet is a perfect understand~ ing between man and wife. He was to smoke cigars when he wanted them, but he was to give her ten cents every time he indulged in one. He kept his word, and every time she got 50 cents ahead, he’d borrow it and buy cigars. And so they were happy. When a householder, struggling to get a panel bedstead down stairs, loses his grip on the railing and brings up against the hall door, and the bedstead brings up against him, nine wives out of ten will open the sitting-room door and ‘mildly inquire : “ Richard, didn’t I hear something fall 1†There is a story of two families iul Stewart county, Georgie, whose lives were saved by a presentiment. The father had a forboding that a storm would visit that section and that his house would be in its path. He duga, hole near the house and had no sooner ï¬nished it than the storm came, and barely had he and his family sought reâ€" fuge when the tornado tore his house to pieces. All in the hole in the ground escaped. Twenty years ago, says the Brooklyn Argus, a poor boy, after attentively per- using the life of Lord Nelson, secretly left his parents’ roof with a pocketâ€" kuife, a sandwich and a bunch of twine as his sole capital, resolving to go to sea and become an Admiral. Five miles away from home this brave, am- bitious lad was kicked into a duck-pond by an exasperated mule, and he is now one of the wealthiest and most devoted agriculturists in the State of New York. It was only a line or two in the daily l paper, says the Detroit Free Pressâ€"a few words to the eï¬'ect that Central Station had been newly whitewashed. Goodheart of Sixth street came hqme after a night’s absence with whitewagh on his back, and as he met his Wife he said: “ Hang my luck! Got carried off on a Lake Shore train.†She picked up the paper, placed her thumb on the word Whitewash, and there were icicles in her voice as she replied : “ Don‘t let that happen again, William Goodheart.†Veni, Vidi, Vici, are memorable words equally applicable to the now justly celebrated “ \Vanzer F †sewing machine, upon being thoroughly exam- ined by any practical and competent judge, as he is at once struck with its extreme simplicity, utility, and practic- ability, equally serviceable in the work- ,shop as in the family, and possessing 380 many valuable points that it is now being eagerly sought after in preference to the older American systems oï¬'ered for sale in Canada. Apply to the man- ufacturers, Messrs. R. M. Wanzer & 00., Hamilton, Out, for a prospectus. A fearful suicide occurred in Paris the other day. Gerard Anthoine called his little boy, aged six, to him and said : “ Little one, you have often wished to play with this pistol,†showing the child an old pistol. “ Oh, yes, papa.†“ Well, we will play with it now,†and loading the weapon the father handed it to the boy. “ New, look,†he said, “I will get down on my knees before you ; you will point at me right be- tween the eyes and pull the trigger ; you’ll see hover funny it is l†and he knelt down. “ Aim well, in the head, between the eyes,†he said again; “ but ï¬rst embrace me." The poor child em- braced his father, then pointed the pis- tol as told, and ï¬red. Gerard fell back dead, and the boy seeing the terrible result, ran out of the room sobbing. A Parisian, more noted for his avar- ice than for ï¬delity to his wife, was driving the other day with an actress to Whom he is particularly devoted, when in order to put on her gloves she was obliged to take of? four rings, worth at least $4,000. As she had no pocket in her dress she entrusted the rings to her escort, Who put them carelessly in his pockets. After the performance at the theatre was over our friend re- turned home, and entering his wife’s room, without thinking, emptied his pockets, placing their egntents on the marble mantle. The glittering jewels immediately caught the conjugal eye and trouble was imminent, when the gentleman said: “My dear, business has prospered to-day. These four rings are a present for you.’ ’ Distrust van- ished,'and joy took its place. At day- break a messenger came from the act- ress to reclaim the rings. He was immediately sent away,‘and at noon the avaricious victim explained to the actress, and was obliged to pay her $4,000 in bank notes for the jewels. As for his wife, she new never wearies of eulogizing her husband, and while showing the rings to her friends, ex- claims: .“ They say that he is avariei; ions, it is a calumny, tor loelc at these.†Miscellaneous Items. Charles Warren Stoddard writes to = the San Francisco Chronicle of the F Leaning Tower, and . says :â€"The tower has such a strange effect on you. You begin well enough; you see that the stairs are very steep in A some places, and that the inner wall crowds down upon you in an unplea- sant way. The effect is a little like J being in the cabin ofa ship at sea: you realize a kind of undulating mo. tion without having the visible cause A of it before your eyes. We stopped w to rest; a small window was at hand and we looked down into the interior of the tower. It was like a deep shaft that had been sunk slantwise; N there was just enough slantto it to be unpleasant. The tower was begin- P ning to move a little ; we both saw it and felt it. The walls sagged very much; it was with some difficulty that we kept from slipping out of the door level with the stairs when the . tower reeled over on our side. I Sr wonder that we had the courage to w complete the ascent. Towers have fallen before now; leaning towers are â€"â€" not expected to stand any longer than they choose to. The earth has sunk about the tower of Pisa, so that 1 you go down several steps to get to the door on the ground floor. We ' were near the top; the roofs of the . city lay far below us; we caught gid- I : dy glimpses of the world from the Opening in the wallâ€"the tempting doors that invited us to step into eternity without waiting our turn. By this the tower looked like a men- strous funnel. We were stumbling over the stone stairs in an unpleasant manner, when we came to the cham- ber where the great bells hang. We breathed more freely here. The big bell, Weighing six tons, hangs on the upper side of the tower; the smaller - bells take their chances on the down grade. This little fact relieved us, for we were still affected by the unâ€" steadiness of the long, spiral stairs. While we were looking upon the country from the turrets above the bell-chamber, all the bells began ring- ing right under our feet. The sensa- tion was as if the tower were about to be shaken to pieces; every stone trembled perceptibly, the air whistled about our ears, and one man did it all. He sprang on to one of the bells bells and set it swinging, then leaped gayly on to another, and at last caught the big bell to windward and got its thick, black tongue in motion, so he skipped lightly from one to the other, dodging the roaring monsters as they heaved about him. Escape was impossible while this concert was in progress. We had only to wait and stop our ears,_ meanwhile trying to get interested in the land- scape. The green hills were about us on the inland side; the country was as flat as a floor from Pisa to the sea. Away off in ascorner by the shore lay Leghorn. Should we not go to Leghorn when it lies but an hour hence by rail ? We thought it‘ best, and as soon as the bells were quiet we went down that corkscrew stairway and came to the outer door in capital order. I had thought to receive the ï¬nishing touch on the ' way down, but on the contrary, hav- ing become somewhat tangled during the ascent, I had only, to descend to unravel it all, and come out precisely as I entered. V: 7' nï¬npflvwv The Leaning Tower of Pisa. No man who has once heartin and wholly laughed can be altogether and irreclaimably bad. The man who cannot laugh is only ï¬t for trea- sons, stratagems, and spoils; and his whole life is already atreason and a stratagem.‘ The remark of De Maistrc that “the wicked man is never comic," a truly Wise, as also is the converse, “ that is truly witty man is never wicked.†A laugh, therefore, to be genuine must flow from a joyous heart and a clear and unfettered conscience. Archdeacon Hare observes that “some of those who have been richest in wit and humour have been among the simpl- est and kindest hearted of men; and be instances Fuller, Bishop, Earle, Lafontaine, Cladius, and Charles Lamb. This life would be but a, dull and monotonous existence were} not the ordinary and every-day in- tercourse of society enlivened by sallies of wit and good humour, and there is probably no enjoyment SO innocent out of which we derive the same amount of gratiï¬cation and pleasure as a good hearty laugh. There is wisdom, then in a laugh. Philosophers and wise men may exer- cise their risible muscles without fear of being accounted fools. Laughter and smiles have been favourite themes of the poets, who invariably use this metaphor when describing nature in her most beautiful and varied aspects, Beauty is never so lovely as when adorned with a smile, and conversation never sits easier upon us than when we now and then discharge ourselves in asymphony of laughter. It is difï¬cult at ï¬rst to feel “at home†with a comparative stranger, however brilliant and learn- ed his conversation may be, until we strike some mutually sympathetic chord. We then know him to be human; he possesses one vulnerable point through which to reach his heart; unreasonably conclude that he is also sensitive to other and better influences. ‘ “ We read in do good book,†says a colored Baptist brother down South, “ of John de Baptisb~never of John de Methodist.†And that. says at Charleston correspondent of Lhe New York Observm', is the reason most of the Southern colored people are Bap- highs. A cow in lowa by the name! of Maud brought $7,200. â€"â€" Cqurierâ€"Joufnal. The animal probably acquired her name from a. tendency to (“flame into phe Sudan, †yyhenever the front gate was left open_. " N Laughter. FIREH FIRE !! W hpn writing to advertisers please say that you saw their advertisement in this paper, 7_ R EELMEV Aâ€? j ; ALL RIGEI AGAIN! M. A. PENNINGTON & 00., A our Stores by ï¬re at Lhc Nicholson Block, we secured the Large and Uommmï¬ ions Premises Next door to MESSRS. WOOD & LEGGAT, where we have now on hand A COM- PLETE STOCK 0F PAINTERS’ SUPPLIES! PAINTS, OILS- Vurntahes, Brushes, Mixed Paints, (the rainbow colors) ready for use, in cans. Decalcomzmia or Transfer Ornaments. &c., 6110., Have also a Full Line of Shelf Hardware :â€" Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Ont Nails, &e., which we offer at lowest prices. TOOL GQMPANY, Banal Sawing Machines, liutson’s Gang Lath Ma- chines, Steam Hammers, I‘m-en": Diamond M in- Stone Dressing Machines, Machinists Tools IN CLU DIN G 1 LATHES, PLANERS, DRILLING MACHINES, &c. r “’0 STORIES, CONTAINING SEVEN- tecn large apartments, large cellars, hard and Soft water, and all modern conven- iences. There are 2 acres of land attached, also a. good supply of choice fruit. Situated in the thriving town of Port Dover, (the terâ€" minus of the P. D. 8: L. Hr R.) on that boauv tiful hill overlooking Silver Lake, (for ï¬ne scenery this is unsurpassed.) Also 2 BRICK RESlDENCE F'I‘ER THE DEST {UG'I‘ION OF A FARM CONTAINING 4S ACRES, 4 acres of good hard Wood, large orchard, graftcd fruit, barns and outbuildings in good order, will be sold with the above residence if desired./ The farm is separated from the brick residence by a. road. For further in- formation apply on the premises to and further infm‘nwl‘ion, apply 10 For Price ‘ FARM FOR SALE. 358-3111 'Mns. L. Bfl‘W’LBY, Or at the NEW DOMINION oï¬ice, Hamilton. STEAM ENGIN E WORKS T Manufacturer of n , PORTABLE AND STA- ’I'IONARY STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Steam Pumps and Boiler Feeders; also Drops for stampmg Sheet Metals, Steam Engine Governors, &c. 370. 4B KING STREET EAST, HAMILTON Hamiiton, April 27, 1875‘ All Saws Wurrantod. MATHUSHIEQ PIANOS! STILL UNRIVALLEDI Mussns. BARLOW & MATHUSHEKâ€" I cannot refrain from a {rank avowal 0f the very great superiority of the Mathushek Pianos, as in ever respect superior to all others. The “ Or- chestra " is a muer of powgr and sweet WWW“ w .. mm W. v. r“. v, “a - V. , 7 , , , in all res acts equals any Concert Grand; while the “ Collbri†possesses the power of any ordin- ary square piano by our best makers, and really has no equal in purity and sweetness of tone. (Signed) CHARLES FRADEL. Composer 12nd Pianist. to His Royal Highness the Due Gustave of Saxe Weimcr. Is Without exception the best medium priced in- strument in the market. Mr. Fischer commenced his business in 1824, and may claim rank as the oldest in New York in the Piano trade, Theirsnc cessfnl business of half a centcry enables them to offer a ï¬rst-class piano at unapproachuhle prices. Theioldest anp host, and gives better satisfaction than any other organ in ths market. Catalogues and testimonials sent on application. Every Insmxment warranted for ï¬ve years. Agents wanted in every County of the Domlnion. The oldest Established House in Canada. PIANOS AND MEANS. Chicken-i111; & “sous, Steinway dc Sons, Dullham dc Sons, Haines Bras. The Mason dc Hamlin organ Company, Boston. Geo. A. Prince 5: 00.. Buflmo. Alarge variety of new and second hand Pianos and Organs constantly in stock, varying from Fifty to Tw’d 11111195951 {ma ï¬fty dollars. Instruments manufactured by any of the above houses are GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS‘ WSeud'Ebg'Circulars’; Ppice Lists, Terms, &c.. before purchasmg eISewherg, A. a; s. NOBDHEIMER, HEAD OFFICEâ€"15 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. BRANCH OFFICEâ€"26 SPARKS ST.. OTTAWA. DEPOTS ATâ€"W. L. Carriesâ€,Londou5 J ‘ Clench’s St. Catharines; Lanceï¬eld Bum, Hamllton; A. L. Middlemiss’, Port 110 e; R. VunNorman's Belle- vllle; J. McCrae’s, masor; John Owen’s Strut- ford; Wm. Mathias. Pcterboro'; J. Lcthbridge‘s, Brandon}; R, S Pprter‘s Lindsay; G. F. Counter’s Simeon. THE FISCHER PIANO! KING STREET WESTA F. W BEABMAN PROPRIETOR. GENERAL gTAqE OFFICE HAMILTON, ONT. 8 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Aug. 7. H174. (30;.701‘7 \VELLINGTON & KING WILLIAM S'rs H A M I L T O N . AMERICAN HOTEL ST. CAT HARINES, ONT AND ORGANS MANUFACTURED BY ENERAL AGENT§ IN THE u-‘ 4-..---“ __- Dominion of Canada for tï¬Ã©ï¬iï¬owirng Pianos HAMILTON, ONTARIO PRINCE ORGANS I THE HA M lLTON N ORTHEY’S NdRB IS dc SOPElï¬, FOR MANUFACTURERS 012‘ BEAU i‘ll9UL A. JAIVIESON. ï¬mw Yonx, June 24, 1867. (Successor to J. Flintg Manufacturer of a1 .kiuds of SAWS, Straw Knives, Pufï¬n} Plaster- S ’1‘. CA'I'HARINES SA\V \VORKS. ing meels, &c. knln \‘I’unu fur-f golc Manufacturer of the J. Flint Patent 1m, proved Champion Cross Cut saw; also the lightâ€" ning Cross Cut Saw. RHSMITH 351 Manager 226:0.0W-1)‘ 368-3111 [3704f Toronto AYER’S HAIR VINE, . . Arm’s HAIR VIGOR, by long and extensive use, has proven that it, stops the falling of the hair immediately ; often renews the growth, and al\\'2t_\‘s surely restores its color, when faded or V ‘ gray. 1t stimulates the nutritive organs to healthy activity, and preserves both the hair and its beauty. Thus bmshy, weak or sh;le hair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost hair regrows with lively expression; falling hair is checked and stnblished ; thin hair thickens ', and faded or gray hair resumes resumes their original color. Its operation is sure and harmless. It cures dundruï¬, heals all hnmors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean and softâ€"under which conditions, diseases of the scalp are impossible. ,. ALA xrmnn {a vn-uicml fnr TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. unpuvalulc. , . As a dressing for ladies’ hair, me anon Is pralsed for its grateful and agreeable perfume, and valued for the soft macro and richness of tone it imparts. Northrup A? Lyman, lYmcast General Agents. MvSold by all 'Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. ’ WILLIAM HA ’\ D, Pyrotechnic Agtist ! Signal §ocketvs§qd Lights for Ship , , "AWL. mflmmnnnl Collectlons ï¬tted up w1th the great- est ability for PnblicPleasure Gardens 01' Wed- ding Parties. Christenings, Revatms, Harv- est. Homes and all other ejoicings, from $25 to $1,000. Gentlemen’s Yachts Illuminated m a Superior Manner with Bengal Lights. $5.fl$go .011: I$29_LE_ACI£AGES .H A nnnAM. ‘w W v v â€" ~ 7 .. for Private Parties, including a. Balloon and small display. Q?†Firewerks of every deseri )tion for Theatri- cal and Stage cfl'eet. PD.)CI‘ Ba 100115 from $1.00 each. Illuminations with V ariegated Lamps, Trans- parencies, &e. Storekeepers and Retail Dealers (to whom a liberal proï¬t is allowed) supplied with every description of Fireworks, from the smallest to the lamest article. Brass and Quadrille Bands supplied 101' Garden Parties, Picnics, &e., on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. All or- (lers carefully and expeditiously sent to all arts of the country. Terms, cash. Price list on application. flIanufarctorgAHead SL, adjoining the Cry- stal Palace. 365-3m CERTAIN AND POSITIVE. For Restoring Gray [lair Mlcssns. Dm’ms & BomoA I willineg certify to the relief and perfect cure af- forded me, contrary to my expectations, of a severe attackof Rheumatism, by the use of the Diamond Rheumatic Cure. Suffering with it for years, and with increasing severity in each succeeding year, I gladly availed myself of the use of the Diamond Rem- edy, with the result as above stated. I have conse- quently reconnnonded It with equal success to several of my friends who have been similarly attacked with Rheumatism. Proof After Proof. (From the Maratime Sentinel) Amherst, Nova Seotia, Jan. 28, 1874. We would call the attention of our readers to the Diamond Rheumatic Cure, advertised in another col- umn. We do this having some experience in the mat ter. Being slightly sceptical as to the results promise ed, we purchased a bottle of the Cure for a friend of ours, who was much troubled in the shoulders and hands. Hardly three months have elapsed after using a single bottle, and she has not had a recurrence of rheumatic attack, although previously she suffered with it almost constantly. We scarcely could hope her to be cured from using only one botile, bl t it has convinced us that it is a sovereign remedy. We believe a couple more botLles will effect a permanent cure, and would urge our readers to give it a trial also. SYDNEY, CAPE BRETON, Jauuary, 20, 1875 Massns. Foxsvm an 00., Halifax : Please send, on receipt of this, two bottles Diamond Rheumatic Cure. I have had two bottles and am very much relieved. Enclosed ï¬nd Two Dollars for the above. Is a disease of the blood, and no substantial relief can he'aï¬orded without cleansing the blood from the ï¬bâ€" rin substances which obstruct Lhccirculution, causing inflammation and pain. Practical and Analytical Chemists The great success of the DIAMOND RHEUMATIC CURE in curing this disease is owiug to its‘ power (if converting the blood from its diseased condition to a healthy circulation, It also regulates the bowels, which is very essential in this disease, and no one will read the following statement, from a well-known Dart- mouth gentlcnmn, with more interest and pleasure than those physicians who have a real desire tobcneflt their suffering patients ; 3.....- ping, Tcmplzs', Humâ€; Crc'sTts, Triumphal Arches, &c., in Fireworks. Gentlemen :â€"-For the past two years 1 have been severely troubled with Rheumatism. I have suffered the most acute pain, and at. times have been perfectly helplessâ€"being unable to walk, sleep, or even sit up. I have tried many physicians, and used numerous paâ€" tent medicines but I still continued to grow worse. It is now about four days since I commenced taking chc DIAMOND RHEUMATIC CURE, and the pain has all left me, and the use of my limbes is rapidly re- turning. I bless the day that the DIAMOND RHEU- MATIU CURE was called to my attention. FORSYTH & Co. Hallifax. allowed by architects. builders, and practical stain builders to be the best and simplest work yet pub- lished. Every carpenter thatwantg-ta 1.19911; 11;; with the times shoold procure a cogy. ‘ The no contains fort ' three plates‘ also an pprontice De. Partment. Tm best of tesumonials furnished from cading architects, builders and mechanics. Pub- lished at the low price of $5. Subscribe» to local agent, or adï¬ress J. c. ‘waxgrg, ‘. It is £10m such results and every day proofs like these than physicians are now prescribilw the DIA» MOND RHEUMATIC CURE as an infalli le speciï¬c for removing the cause of the Gout, Chronic, Acute, or Muscular Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Ner- vous IIhadaclm,Nenralgiaof thehead, heart, stomach, and kidneys, Tio‘ Doloreux, nervousness, flying pains, twisted joints, swollen joints, pain in the back and loins, weakness of the kidneys. ï¬red feeling, languid, weag‘yprostmtion, and all nervous and chronic dis- 021508. General-Aggan 'Iiox 507, Hamilc’on; Ont. W†AGENTS WANTED.â€"'â€"The wOrk is Copyrighted, and cm only"be had from the local agent, or general agent. ' " ‘ This medicine is for sale b) "an qugglgts throughout. the Dominion. If it happens that your Druggist has not got it in stock, ask him to send for it to Agents for the Province of Ontario, Scott Street. Toronto. ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©ï¬ï¬ai HUNDREDS DAILY BEAR EVIDENCE, REï¬ULTS. Hamilton, Jun. lat. 187; NORTHROP db LYMAN. [IAAII L TON, ONT. RHEUMATISM Sexton, I’M-ï¬sh Church of Notrc Dame. PREPARED BY chemists, Montreal, Yours respeï¬tfpux DARTMOUTH, N. S.‘Se1>t. 14, 187»! Gratefully Yours, JAMES GRQVE§ NETECE PROOF J. B. WOODLAND, Editor. lchdVichillg yours, sick mss, mm, disappoint out, and hereditary predisposition. all turn the hair gray, and either of them incline it to shed prematurely. ,, u. AS CHAPMAN SWAINE “7 Gill‘s Mechanil l c_a1 Staiyâ€"bpildgr. WM . BRODXE‘ Jileï¬l’gbliï¬hed. A PUPULmhsnGcEgSg AND -Healt11 Regulator, â€"â€"â€"â€":o:â€"-â€"â€"- N0 MEDIGJEE‘ EQUALS IT. DON’T FAIL TSIPURCHASE IT. A GREAT BLOOD PU RIFIER -â€"â€"'202â€"‘â€"" Possessing most Astonishing Curative Properties hitherto unknown, and only obtainâ€" able in the Medical Victory. Its Properties are such as to rapidlï¬l insure Sound Healt and Long Life. The best scientiï¬cally prepared medicine In America. Pleasant lo the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most dcligate constitu- tion of cnher sex. Read the certiï¬cates of wondeiful cures given in Dr. Depew’s Treatise accompanying each battle. as well as those constantly appearing in the newspaper press of the Dominion. 1J1!» .UJJJ. u "’51... ............., _.___._r V, I an eminent ph sician, is the discoverer of this Great Blood Remedyâ€"a. Purely Vegetable, Compoundâ€"named by physicians, Depesv’s Medical Victory, that cures every kind ‘ f unhealthy Humor} and eve disease inst depends on Imprint of the B ood, where the Lungs, Liver, and ï¬dneys, and other vital organs. are not wasted beyond the hope of repjir, ‘ n N,,,,!LJI. N/iTï¬N v an†1 For the cure of Scrofula Erysipclas, Salt-rheum, Eczema Scaldâ€"flead, Sculy ï¬lcers, and Fever Sores Eruption of the Skin of all kind Boils Humor in the Mouth and s Stomach or Eyes, Sore Ears, Eruption on the Head, and Pimples or Blotches on the face it stands Pro-eminently at the head of ali other Remedie§L_ n .7 T ,7“_ U uch .l wuu uuuuuuu In the cure of Rheumatism, Dyspe sia,Liver Complaint, and diseases of the Ki neys and Bladder, its effects are surprising to all. For Regulating the Bowels, and curing Biliousâ€" ncss, Headache, Sick-Headache, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, N crvousness, Pains in the Side, Loins and Back, and general Weakness and Debill‘ty, its curatwe powers are remarkable. __ .,. 4" .. E MENT of diseases and (liflieulties of a private and conï¬dential natureâ€"0f both sexes. Hemor- rhoids or Piles, diseases of the skin and blood, female difliculties, seminal weakness, nervous de- bility, and all diseases of the urinary and sexml organs, speedin and permanently cured. Pati ,uts treated at a distance and medicine sent by mint cxyress. i, annuu "n" A hmmmmllv um...†"um." It is a. Gentle Regulating Purgative, as well as 9, Tonic. &c. Possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a. powerful agent in relieving Qonggstion, and Chronic Inflam- AM .1 -11 u.“ I mation of the Liver and all we Hscerm Organs, For Female Complaints, whether in young 01' old, married 61‘ single, at the dawn of womanhood, or at the turn of life, the Medical Victory has no equal. A Perfect BQIEOXIIIO‘E‘WI‘Ind Invigornlor UA}}1UBD- ‘ _ Persons Wlshln to consult Dr. A. personally, should bear in mind that he has removed his Dis- pensary from Toronto, Ont., to 382 CLINTON ST., CORNER OF WALNUT, BUFFALO, N. Y. Patients from a distance accommodated with board and medical attendance when it is necessary for them to remainln Buï¬alq‘for trcawt‘i‘nent. Judi A: AVA. mud“ u, “mmâ€. n. y DR. ANDREW‘S FEMALE PILLS. he effect of certain medicines having been ciearly ascertained in such cases, females are surely relieved from their distressing complaints, the speciï¬c for these being invaluable in correcting irregularities, removing obstructions from any cause whatever, and the only safe, sure and certain remedy for all thoseafllicting complaints so peculiar to the female sex. They are nothing new, but'have been used by the Doctor forinzrny years. _ .â€" .. -__~-- __ of the System. On: Bottle of Depew’s .Medical Victory will convinoe the most incredulous ofits curative properties. Sold by Drugaisï¬ï¬Ã©rzékflerï¬ w. Jutu “mu. Explicit directions, stating when they should not be used, with each box. Pills sent to any address on receipt of One Dollar. All letters must be addressed to R. L. ANDREWS‘ 382 Clinton Street, Bufl‘nlo, N. Y. Consultations free when personally obtained at the oflico. [3601y Uhours; day and evening on all chronic diseases, Diseases of Women and Children, Midwifery, otc., together with .those of a rivate nature. - :‘THE GOLDEN FEMALE PILLS, Can be had at his ofï¬ce. Sent by mail to any part0: thgworld. $1 per box (1 Ewo postage stamps. ' ' in." _~ .. “ANNA ,urm no“ 1m no uuuu. u in“ My“ _. Youn men, take partlcular noticeâ€"you can be restdrc to health by applying (either in person or by letter.) All female complaints skilfully treated. All letters must ‘be addressed to A. Davis, Box, 1030, 'l‘orrontoI Onï¬ariq. ‘ ‘ ,1 u... n- A “E‘REBLE’S Dominion Shlrt Factory ! No. 8 King St. East, semi FOR DESTCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. ADDRESS. Sills :2 Gm, BATH, ONTARIO. ULLUJJULLULIIJ 1. u u uou. *muuuunu‘m--. _ . Size around Neck; size around Chest; size around Waist; size around Wrist; From centre of Back Ito end of Cuï¬â€˜; for Studs. Eyelets or Buttons 1n Front ; for Studs Eyclets or Buttons in Cufl": plum giant, 01' 3 or 5 I’laits; when wanted; price; quan- .y. ' S. G. Treble’s Mammoth Fur- nishing House, Hamilton, Ont. Luau .Luxuuw vumqu. V _ We, the unécrsigned, have been cured by Dr. A. Davis, Toro‘nto _ Ont.:~J. H. Williamson, P. H. Mulgrcw. C. D. Preston .Anthony Kassmll, Heng' Thorne, L. Britton,Pat. ".Carr. Chas.G.Ocis,Jas. . Pisnamus and six‘hundred others haVe been curpd. HAMILTON, ONT m: nï¬ï¬nm: £411.13, MAW! , Mann-Am“. n DIEEOTIQMB EOE SBLF-MELASUREMENEE OR THE MODERN 11115513 CONSULTED AT .nonayuzmmm no 25. was muaEuEw 98 m DEPEW’S DR. ANDREW’S éï¬edical flispensary 39 Comomm Sm, TORONTOâ€" UP Sums. Entrance on Exchange Lane.| A. DAVIS Medical (mice, 1‘ RIVAT