Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Jul 1875, p. 3

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mflmbn? of Univorml “ti-faction. anti having received scores of first prizes _1_.l ‘_ J- A» A I I ~ .m. A . . V _ , , , , , V . ,H. v", Ule .unwu “nu parst IIHVC tried to decalve customers bv palming ofi‘infarx'or work as our manufacture. Partial calling and eating our 'AlUED STOCKâ€"as we use evol'y novelty that is known m be guodâ€"will no! he docoived when thev behold the graceful swoops and outlines of our wood-work. strength and lightness of iron-walk, elegnnm, boaulv and sofi ness of trimming. and unsurpassed mirror-like finial: of painting. l'unios coming from a distance can generally depend upon taking a Buggy With them. “’0 we“ for‘cai‘h or credit. Painting and Trimming done fur the trade and pub- miw‘ood-work furnished to blacksmiths, or Wood-work Imam! (or “hug-workers. Ankiuds Mnfiring doua without delay. .. a ' , ' " We make a speciality of painting Old Buggies. and, havng addp(ed a new method, are propaer to guarantee satis’fac’titm . Uno great difficulty to he surmounle in pniming old work ii that tha cracks in the old pain“. on the b0 dy of a carvings show 1h ough the new surface ns soon as it is re-painled We are prepared to meet this obslacka by guamnmein'g a good job ; and the Spring of the yen! is the Limo to see about having you rconveyances put in 11mm” ria- pairâ€"il in the best kind ofvconomy. ,, .. v. ...., n’ vn-V u. qu AruunHIUIv,nIUNUI1glVlllgfllfill’ whole mmrgiasto lh high! Cnrringos, die. Being practical workmen Ill every branch, pni‘lios in wall! Folding Souls . Ludies‘ Phwtous, either coverel or open, Light Shifting Rail Top 1 livlou, 3-Spring Waggnns equal to the best in the Dominion. Springboards, 3‘7 c., a time. would find it to their advnnlngo to call and inspect our large and varied stool upwards of FIFTY johs ofdifierom varieties, sireugth. c'qmcity and‘pnic‘e. As w hflr:w‘nrk we do not sacrifice quality for price Our rule in to buy and manufnc “II! we can sell well. at the same time making it am obj-Act ior cumomers to buy 1 at the same time [or us to sell to them. Owing to our work having‘ ROOM PAPER. 1.1 Carriage Manufacturers. having been established for more than lwentyfive years. and built the first light work in this aeclion. and having equal lo amt. If nm the has! shops and facilities ofxmy w rks in the [)omlnion, are still giving lileir whole mmrgias to the building of high! Cnrriagos, fizc. Being practical workmen in every branch,pnhios in wanl of Buggien.' Folding Souls . Ludies‘ Phwtous. either coverel or open, Light Shifting Rail Tnp Buggies in all slvlou, 3-Spring Waggnna equal to (he besl in the Dominion, Springboardfi, .V c., M the present lime, would Rm! :1 on .1.-:.. .A.. W, . . . _ A , .1--- 0.. ...II _.‘.1 . FURNITURE, All kinds Cabinet Ware Manfifactured. “The Peoples’ Store.” WINDOWSHADES of all designs. BORDERINGS of all kinds and the latest patterns on record. ‘ Leads «6 oils And being directly under the charge of Mrs A. be is confldént that the tastes of the most. fastidious can be suited in this line. THE: Subscriber Wishes to return his sincere thanks to Iiisi'numcrohs friends for their patronage during the past, and begs to present them with his Spring a 319d Summer Circular.- He has now on Imnd- tho LARGE-ST find BEST AS- SORTED Stock of», ALL ORDERS FlLLED WITH PROMPTNESS. W. A. SOLICITS THE PAT {ONAGE OF ALL Clothing. of Superior Style! mud-um. Feb. 7, [875 DRY G000§9 _Of all qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Paint and Varnish Brushes of all sizes. al:Toront0 Prices. GLASS of all sizes. A large assoi'tment of Cxockery, ware purchased ln the best markets. Tinware of all kinds. The usual stock of STAPLE & FANCY GROUERIES, as low in price as any house in town. mcimONi‘} HILL. March 31,1875. “comm: HOUSE ” Mr A. also begs to announce that ho hasvsccuxtcd. the services pf ‘FIR SIPâ€"CLAS S EBB. to return his fincere thanks to his numerous Customers fontheir patronage dun! ing the past and would call their attention to the fact that he is (in h‘a'hd' with a large as~ mun nf ENRY R; WALES, & SONS, the old established and well known And Workmin’aliip, feeling confident that 116 Eur) suit the tysfitegpf thogc (7’ . who want, anything in this line, both as t6 " ‘ ‘ a Of All Kinds. Also the best quality of Flonr, Bran, Shorts. Potatoés and Apples1 lowest prices. Also, a fresh stock of That has ever been shown on Richmond Hill, and is determined to sell Latest Novelties of the Season! Groceries & Hardware STILL AHEAD! STYLE, QUALITY am PRICE. BUGGIE’S At Prices that Défy Competitibn. ERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. P. G. SAVAGE Is now complete, consisting of all'thé And is now prepared to M‘anufllcturc RICHMOND HILL. arcels Delivered. WM. ATKINSON. 872-6m aceived scores of first prizes, UNPRINCIPLED parties have :12 ofi‘infarx'or \v0rk as our manufacture. Partial calling and we we evol'v novelty that is known m be guodâ€"will no! he _..f..l A 7") ,,.|- n n ‘ flpENRY R. WALEsjdiz SONS, His stock of The Largest Assortment ever goon in [Ms So'wn; Ispocl our Ia§ge 17nd varied stock. as we have gth. cflmclty and‘ijc‘e. As we warrant all 'nle into buy ind manufacture wall so obj-let ior cumomers to buy from us, and Markham Curréage‘V’Volks. Chairs Re-caned. at the J. B. would specially can the attention of the Farmers in the vnicirnitzzorhis stock Clover, Tlmothy, Flax, Hungarian and Millet Seed, Tares Andall kinds of' Fleld and Garden Seeds, selected from the best Secdsmen in Canada The best Family Flour, Oat- .mea], Commeal, Graham Flour Pads, Oats, Bran and Shorts. Always on hand. A Choice Lot of Eddy Rose Potatoes Now on hand‘ In any quamity and delivered on short notice‘ Richmond Hm. March I, 1875. Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS “ RIGS.” at moderate charges, and hopes. by strict attention ‘0 b usiness, to merit a share of their patronage. WESLEY HY MNS All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. cinily that he hasa NEW [AVERY STABLE at {he Can be obtained at tho Hymn) Book Sm; at the following reducnd prices :â€" lOcts, QUcts. 30cts, 330:5,54Octs, SOcIs, and 90 (:18. Nails m all sizes, Scoop Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, Measures, &c. Cordwood, Shingles and Lath HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill andvi. In Groverics, we have as good as can be gm. Choice Teas, Sugars, Cnfces Spices, Salmon Trout, White Fish, Codfish, The Best Labrador Earrings) Sardines, X X X 0ysters Received Weekly TINWARE, a Large Stock, Grain & Seeds: DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE also, Misses and Childrens’ Slippers. The balance of our stock of Overshoes will ‘ be Sold at Costl A Large and Select Stock of Boys’ andf Mens’ KlP BOOTS, ready for the Spring Trade, Womans’ PEBBLE and CALF BOOTS, with a. cb0_ice lot of‘Womens’ I’rmzclla Gaiters, Laud Boats, S‘I-quwr‘s Returns his sincere thanks to his custers and friends for their very liberal snplvofl in the past. and would call their spm-iul nttcn‘ion to his Spring Stuck of Books and Shoes, Grocarios, Crockery, and Glassware . 1111111 31111111 211111111 1 maria.“ Eons At 1le Old Stand.'Church Stront, Richmond Hill, nnd hopes, by theatrictoslmonomy,com- bined with [he beat mnteiia] and workmanship. to merit a enminuance ofthe pmrmmgo bestow- ed 0': the Into firm; All our pumps are war- Iontud, JOHN HALL N, B -â€"Wel|s sunk on the shouvst notica Wall Clubs conslantly on hand. SIMON PROCTOR. Richmond Hill. April 15, ’75. 873-”. HABDW ARE = ’J‘IH’I SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 INFORM Ihe Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and em virons. that he will continue to manufacture . the I BElEHHMEfl EXEHSIDH PUMP DOMINION HOTEL Pump Works, Which will be Sold At the Lowest Market Price JOHN BROWN. HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that he has opened FLOUR : By applymg'persolmlly or by rest to R. W. PRITTIE, All Kinds of Wood Fishing and Pleasure Parties Manufactured by the best workmen in Toronto. Richmond Hill, March 3] Price list sent on application To Picâ€"Nic& Pleasure Parties Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bamn, IIams, Patdtocs, Richmond um, Doc. 31.25:. ’74 the inhabitants of Richfimnd Hill and vii: GROCERIES : BOOTS & SHOES : J. BROWN 880-3115 A “7001) YAR 151: PRIZE Riclnnond PI ill of GRAIN & SEEDS. A LM‘go Stock on hand. CAN BE ACCOMODA’I‘ED WITH (firnmiw, M. AKE SIMCOE. find lm will keep on hand RICHMOND HILL. VISITING r0 ~l J. BROWN. lernov, ONT J. I] 87lâ€"1f All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobacco’s of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buckâ€"â€" wheat, Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal Good Family Flour At J. Brown’s, Richmond Hill. For$4=,50 per 10,21 [IE Subscriber lakes this opportunity of ro- turnimg his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their patronage during the pas-t. would solicita continuance of the same. and would call their attention to a flesh arrival of Best 50 qgnt Tea in the Village Glassware,Crockery &.Tin ware c H E A P _,’I‘ E A s , Green, Black and Japan FRESH Direct from the Mills All kinds b1" Farm Produce taken in exchangb for Goods. STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT the H,anLn Rnnlz ficm-n in good running order. Also, a large and Thriving Young Orchard. One end of the Farm is never failing Spring Creek, ’l'ermseasy. V For particulars apply to JACLB RUPERT. gmilefrom Maple Village,,nnd 3 mile from Richmond Hill Stggion. ()n thou-place is A Large Blick Homm‘a 000d Barn, and other outbuildihgs, on Steam Saw Mill Ranging m pribe from’30 cents per lb. upward BEST FARMS IN THE ‘BHUNTRY, D To Weekly Papers. race-ved at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hil} DOMINION HOUSE! And arerlocated at (he Norm-west cornerof lot No. 35, 4th concesaion of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers cuu gel steady work and high \vagns Applv(if by lotlcr.propaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square,or lo l salea number ofTVi'llhgp byte. situated n the village of "‘Y‘" ‘ > I v About Onefi/th of an Acre, Village Lots fer Sale. _â€"..- HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR. sale a number of’Vi'lhge Iota. aitu‘uted U Hill. containing one acre and a'quurter of land, one frame dwelling house, with a barn stables. and other outbuildings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on tho premisqu M Richmond Hill, Nov. 10 1884, Being part of lots 3 and 4. Est Con. Township of Uxbridge. GOODS DELIVERED. _ CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. 24, 1875; acre: with Good Dwelling‘ Hons-o and Out- buildings, just muside the H ichmond Hi" Cur- poration. And A FARM GP 69 AND .A HALF AGREE V ‘ MAPLE Vaughan. March 28. 1875. 870-tf VICTORIA SQUARE! (Formerly the properly of Mr 133 McNair) Will servo cows this season at Lot ~13. 15!. Con. Vaughan. Terms 81, payable at time ofservice G. at D. BIRRELL. "IT'E West haIfof L012] , 4th Con. Vaughan _ one oftne f March 9'7. 187?. lOR SALE.â€" “MARINE BF LflHNE,” UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON JACOB MORDEN. Richmond lIill,Jan. 8.1874. 8 7-xf m mm. Richmond Hi“. Dec. 24.172. Richmond Hill Flour Mills, March 19, ’75 BBQ-[f ' C O - OPERATION; House and Lot for Sa‘le, . N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. \T; N Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. also tbn TWO HOUSES~ AJVD LOTS FOR SALE. A LARGE STOCK 0F 1 Cultivator. Munshuw's 2 Blacksmilhs' BeHows, And a number of Blacksmilhs’ Tuo's. l Gardner Sewing Machine. Egmmtg for fiat, E PURE-DRIED DURHAM BULL, FOR SALE. Acknowledged to be the Alsn a fine assortment of " HAL!) Book Sloré COFFEES RICHMOND HILL. TEAS, Apply at [he HERALD Office» The lots contain WM. G. HINGS'I'ON. , Diligla P. 0 r2. 7144f Apply to F. CRA WFORD. and SPICESx 753-3m \J A weekly journal Lfilemture. Science and_ . Mechanics, F’ashf‘un m“ m 100 a 11",:11‘hnr4m Hm H ARRISTERS, ML, NOS. 36 AND 33 King Street East, Toronto. ' R. A. 11mins:on r. F. 05mm. THOMAS Moss,Q.c W . A Fosmn. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALcormmDm: Toronto, Dec. 4, i872. 750-“ J. lr‘udtion of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up those large and commodlous promises belonga ing to Capt. T. A. Milne, opposite Mesm‘s. Speight & Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation afiorded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in counsellon wllll the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. P )ok ‘Slore‘ ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED ’ A Weekly journal of {Em-w, At $183, $5, $5.50. $3.50 and $9, at tho HERALD Boox S'romz. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor, Richmond Hill. Doc. 14, ’72. 751-3m FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! RIBHMIINI] HILL MILLS! Parties favoring Us with grists‘ may ron on a good return and well manu'aclured. For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Coflina and Caskets in every style. Begs to_ announce to the Inhabitants of'mchâ€" mond Hil', and anrroundmg nei ghhmhocd.thn he has built a new Hearse an ('Iccn nuanced the Humming; BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE GEORGE db DAVID BIRREBL A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE . BUILDER. Rnsxnchâ€"Nearly opposite the Post OflictI Richmond Hill. lb ‘to 100 Dollars THOMAS SEDMAN, ARRTAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertake r, Sic. 13' ICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York. respnclany solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on [he shor‘est nntice and at reasonable rates. I’. 0 address, Kingy LICEN8ED Auctioneer for the Counly of York, reapectfullv solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales nttnndod dn_the shun-test nolxco and at reasonablo rates. P. 0. address, Victoria Squarc . N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" 89121.4, 1872 rally he found at 'home from 2 to 3 o'clock. p. m. ’ HARRISON". OSLER 85 MOSS, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 For Sale by tho principal Uruggists and Store- keepers . Richmond Hill,Ju1y 23. 1874. Destroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cut- erpmars on every description of Shrubs and Plants. HUGH MILLER & 00., The Chinese Garden Powder PLANTS and BUBBANT BUSHES AMILY BIBLES, A FRESH SUPPLY CATERPILLARS. EG to inform;Morchants Bakers Farmers D that they have always on hand a large stock of King, Sepf. 10. 1974. I B L E S 0 C I E TY DEPOSITORY I (finchmond Hill branch) at tho HERALD Markham, Sept.llU. [$74 ICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y February 41h. 1873. Funeral Furnishings supplied at from Farmers and Gardeners look out for your DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, 'ICHMQND HILLk WILL GENEâ€" NIPISSING- HOTEL, SAMUEL M. BROWN, ‘rice 25 cts. per Box. JAMES C. STOKES, FRUIT OR NO FRUIT! RICHMOND HILL, ‘JAN flJLUSTRATEE REWS, “my JOWM' 0f Current Events. 503?"? and Arts. \griculture and , {’35th and Amhsement. Sod Tuner at the HERALD “rm” Q‘f’fl!‘ m _ 1‘ ‘ ' gtmvllzmrmm, MARKIIAM. 167, King Street East, Toronto. D. WOOT‘EN. 7374f 0.. if 759- l v 842-tf S4241" ln Bronchitis it is a sporific. and i; Asthma it givas roliof where over\' other remedy fails For Nervous Debilily it stands unrivalled, and may he used with confidence in all cases. As this is entirely distinct and different from every other preparation of Hypophosphites,b( careful toask for FELLOWS’ SYRUP,m1d talu no other; It is adapted for Atlfi'casbfibf Woaknesa and Emaciation,\vlmlller~ arising from sedentafv life. a tropical climate. from fe‘wr' or debility from any cause, and is oflica‘ciéns in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION, many confirmed cases having been cured and all benefitted. where Its use has been continued over a fortnight. Modern chemistry has v'qntiialod the ques- tion and discovered the‘ ingredients colhtitu- ting tho brain. muscles and” nerves, and finds that by introducing those ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are strgnglhonvd. ‘ Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Whn!osule Agents for Provinces of Ontario and Quehoc: As alllil‘oâ€"ondowod bodies. wliollmrllley bu Boast, Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo plil'tes. and subjocls of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by vilalfm'cn, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save tlmm fl om destmction when this principle leaves them, [he discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living body is indeed a boon to the world. This, then. is substantially the basis on which FELLOW’S Hvrommsrm'rns is lniilLits direct action isinpon the Blond. the Braifiwnd Nervous System. and the Muscles. Struu’élli?’ euing the new 8. it pauses the rapid lesyfi'ibué lion ()fVitullze‘ Blood iii the Musculn} D'rfiafis bf the Body.” Rousing' the sluggish Heart "and 'Liver. strengthening the action of the Stomach and Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiullyin- Hated with Oxygen; _ . One, Box of Ciarke’s B 41 Pills S ,warrautod to cure all disdmrges from 1qu Urinary Organs, in Hither sex acquired or nonstitntioral, Gravel an‘d I‘nins in {he Back. Sold in Boxes. $1.50 malnby all Chemists and [’alent‘Medicino Vendors. .7 Sole proprietor, F. J. CLARKE MTHECA m [68’ m LL. LINCOLN ENGLAND. 533. 01ft)”, Slrcnl. TV. 0.. Mullen, JmLI 1874 7%: ns, Mercar 5L Co . ntovnrem. ‘ - to~5rs Avory, Brown & Co..' Ufi’irax. N.S. ‘Jessrs Form‘th & Conn Halifax.- N S Vlessrs T. B Barker &, Sons, St. John, NB ipothecaxios’ Hall 00., Victoria. B. 01‘ VIe-sém Langley 62, Co , Victoria. BC. \fessrs Moore 61, Co., Vicloria, 13.0. Dr, John Fallon, Chatlmm., N. B. Vlessrs Munro & Co.. Mo‘ntrenL‘ ' Messrs J. Winerdz Co . Hamilton. C. W. VIr H. J. Ross. Toronto. ‘ Hr A Chipmnn’ Smith. St John, N. B. Vlr John Bond, Gndrieh, Ont, Messrs Eiliot & C0,, Toronto Vh‘ J. Chabner, St. John, N. B Messrs Hann’ingtcm Brothers. St; John, N. B_ Mr R. S Pliddv. W’indqor, Ont. VIrR Orpen. Mm-den. N S. ' Mr Geo'rue C. Hunt, Jun., Flederictnn. N. B. Mr W. H. Thomp'znn.‘Harbor Grace, N,F.L. Mr J. M. Wiley. Frederickton, N. B. Messrs W. & D. Yuile. Montreal Chas, l. Davirs, Fredericton. N. B; The medicines are 501d at the lowest whole- sale net prices. in quantitios of not loss than £20 worth -vi'/.. 8Q, 6d., 223., apd 34s. per AN"... L__._~ A: ntu, , dozen boxns 01 Pills or pols which remittances must be Each Pot and Box bear the Rritish Govern- ment Stamp. with the words " Hvlloway’s Pills and Ointment, London.” engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London. This notice has become UCCCLSHI'Y, in con- sequence of vile and spurious imitations of "' Hoiloway’s Pills and Ointment,” being fabri- cated at 7N.Maid en Lane, New York, by pn rues styling them-' solves “Holt: 3' vay & Co .’, with an BSSUHA ' ad have mark thusâ€"- Unprincipled vendors can obtain this trash M a very low price. and so deceive you by selling the same for my genuine Halloway’s i'ills and Oinlmnnt. which ‘ are, manufactured onlv at 533, Oxford Street, London. Persons Who mav be an dnnnhmfl mm In rersons who may he so deceiVed will be pleased to communicate with mo. Many respectable firms in the British Prov’ incos, who obtain my medicines direct from Here. have very properly suggested that l <Iiould, for the benefit of themselves and the vuhlic, insert their names in the haven. that itmay'be known that my medicines can be ‘vad genuine from them~ ‘ i The following is a lll-t of the firms alluded .; and I particularly recommend these who :3 re to get my medlclnee to apply to some , .he Houses named .‘Jâ€" ' For the protection of the public of British North Amorica.l deem it myduty to state that my PILLS AND OINTMHNT are neither man- uf'nclured nor sold in any part. of the United States. SOLD BY APOTHECARIEF Price. $160; Six {01$7'50e JAMES LFFI LOWS,Chon (y. 4-8 SLJonn. NB Mailed to any address on receipt BEWARE OF CGUNTERFEITS. Wholesale Agean for and Quebec 2â€"- EVANS, MERCER & 05.;Montreax Sold in England by‘an Wholesale Paton! ‘ Medicine Houses, Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Cases. containing 6 times the quantity, 4 dollars paellâ€" sufficient to efl'oct a permanent cure in the. grant majority oflong slim-“Wing oasoleY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the worm,“ » Sole Proprietor. F‘. J CILAKKflChomist, APOTHECARII'ZS’ HALL, LINCOLN. v ENGLAND. Clears the Blood {rem ail impure n1atlor,§ 7 From whatever causs arising. As this mixture is pleasant to tho tasic‘, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitulimi ofeither sex, the Proprietor solicits sulferers to give it a trial to test its value. ‘ Thousands of testimonials from all part5. For Scrofnla. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. Trade Mark “Blood Illz'xiure.” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER &RE$TORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impuritcs, cannot be too higth recommen- dud . Fellows’ Compound :1 RUP 0F IIYPOPHOSPIIITES BMW WHERE EVAN MERCER & CO- I‘lontreall 1! cures old Sores. Cures Ulceraled Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or I’imples on Etlle Face Cures Scurvy Sores. (lures Cancerous Ulcers. (‘ures Blood and Skin Diseases. (,‘ures Glandular Swellings. (29mm Eficfiitinw, C L A R K E ’S WQRLB FAMEB THE BLOOD ISTHE LIFE,” Pills or pots of Ointment, for ms must be sent in adVanca. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. Provincos of Outarlq “H,” being fabri- en Lane, New styling them-' i "‘3’ & CO .’, d have mark of P. O, O. 883 Store In either branch. on the shortest notice, and in such a manner as to 'giVe the utmost anti!!- fflcfion tohis patrons. “Q trusts to receive the same liberal patronage heretofore extanded 'lo thpse mills. Terms strictly cash. C'all‘én'd Examine thélStlock I HEADFORD MILLS r Tm: Subscriber having refitwd M- Worn» EN MILLS he isnow prepm’ol u M cute all orders for Custom work. Having seen ed the services of Mn .'J ‘ ‘ES R. NEILL. a first class workmail. M is eady ' to do ‘\ ESLEYAN IIYMNS, ALL SIZES at the HERALD Bo 0k Store. Shown at the Richmond Hi“ and Yongo Street Agricultural Sprng Show, held on May Aha 24th, 1875. Successful Again Takes ihis opportunity of informing lhq Finn” ors and the public g. Homily that he has ob- tained the ‘ ’ Also the FIRST PRJZE forlhe Best Pair of Snatch Collars )APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Sloxe‘ M. TEEFY. N. LYNE'I‘T, (As Executors of the Estate of the late Martin Brennan.) ' . USE THE NORWICH Est EgndPri’z‘ps «DZ/UUUJ'O LOAN on firstâ€"class Mortgagc Securityâ€"in sums from; $500 up- wards. A pply to ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO _ MINION, at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Pails,CiderMills.WashingMa'chines,Shin lea Waggon Felloes.and LumberSawodto or or. F0rparticulursaddmss JOHN LANGSTA FF, Stglz‘xm Mills,Thornhi|L TLAMJJII vn ‘ n .n. tulu .LU (WA/U Agents wanted ! All classas of working people. of either sex. Voung or old. ma'-e more money at" work for us in their spare moments, or all the limo, than at anythingols» Particulars free. l’oatcnrd Lo Slates cows but one cent. Address G. S'I‘INSON & C0,, Portland, Maine. MONEY 'I'O LEND $200030 JEAN fin USE THE USDDIAMOND' YEAST GAKECQO AEOIEtR Richmond ‘or making all kinds of cakes widlout egga‘ For sale by Markham, May 12, '75. EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SA'JE CHOOL REQUTSITES OF ALL TImruhiH.Nov. 3.1151353 Oct. 27, 187 CUSTOM CARDING. SPINNING & FULLING ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- blo for presentszt the HERALD Boon cheap at the HERALD Book S|ore. kinds at the HERALD Book Slam HARNES$ at the HERALD Bo 0k Store. Ifyou wunt light. sweet Broad. mm gamma swank. Patent Eaveâ€"trough ‘. H. MYERS FOR EGG I]! ALEX. r MACKIE. '5. 8774f. POWDER 'rr-828 849.1,: 510-.“ DAY.

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