BichmondHiHStation. Changeoftime nking efl'ecv. Monday, June, 21st. 1875; Going North 8.13 A.M...‘.1.02 p.m,. .5.13 Going South 9.26 LIL. ...l.28 p.m.. .826 was agan “imam. For six long months Mr. Crooks has been holding ofï¬ce in the Ontario Go- vernment without having a' constituency, and he seems likely to remain so for some time. In West \Vellington, they are aboiit to elect a representative for the Ontario Legislature, and the leading “‘ Beformers†thought to do a neat thing, nominated him as their candidate.â€" Mr Crook’s visited the West Wellington people last week, and the Globe, of Sg- turday, tells the public of his rejection in that constituency in the following manner :â€" †Our readers will remember that the “ Hon Adam Crooks was lately nomin- “ ated unanimously by the Reform Con- We commend the iollowing to some of our Grit friends, who are continually praising the various †economics †as practiced by our present Government. Mr Mackenzie bought two and a half millions of steel rails, for the Paciï¬c Railway, which will not be required {or use for three years. The interest on this sum at ï¬ve per cent for three years amounts to $375,000, and the rails can now be bought for $10 per ton less than Mr Mackenzie paid for them. This one transaction alone by the Premier, with- out the sanction of Parliament, cost the country $875,000, and yet he is extol- led by the Grit journals, great and small, as a kind of heaven born statesman, and the present Government as the most economical the world ever saw. This is "‘ Reform !" THE Yonge Street Sabbath School Teachers Association will hold their next meeting at Patterson, on Aug. 16th, at 8 o'clock p. m. Addresses, of twenty minutes each, will be delivered on the following subjects: 1. Child Religion, what is it? †by the Rev. John Hunt. 2. “ Children Inheritors of the Kingdom of Heaven, their title to that Inherit- ance,†by the Rev. J. H. Stair. 3. “ Enewrngements which S, S. Teachers have in the performance of their duties," by Mr A. P. Conger, of Patterson. 4. 1‘ The best way and means of retaining young persons in connection with the Church, 'after they leave the S, School,†by the Rev. J. Dick. MUSIC.-â€"0ur village was enlivened some- what last Monday eVening by a visit from the Patterson Brass Band who rendered ï¬ome beautiful airs in their usual masterly ‘at‘yle. The “ Boys †are hard to beat. mere! \IcKELLAR AND WENTwonrn.â€"â€" The exact standing of Archibald Mc- Kellar in the Cabinet is a subject of much speculation at present. People begin to inquire how long he can retain both oï¬ices and draw a salary for the performance of duties which he makes no attempt to do. His name has been mentioned in connection with the shrie- vality of Wentworth for some months. The position was actually accepted by him nearly a month ago, but up to the present time he has not been gazetted. Of course we know that McKellar is not the sort of man that can change: situ~ aticns very readily, but we think he has had suflicient time now to cover up his tracks and to leave his department in a state to bear a casual inspection. It is to be hoped, for the credit of the coun- try, that something will be done immedi- ately and that the country will be spared the further humiliating spectacle which the Cabinet at Toronto at present pre- sentsâ€"Londow Herald. Fresh Arrivalsâ€"J. Brown; Agent's Outï¬t. Free. Dentistryâ€"0. W. Kennedy. 'O'RTHERN RAILWAY 9F CANADA anuuun Hm. July 23, 1875. NEW ADVERTXSEMENTS. POOR MR. CROOKS. ECONOMICAL. Yillage improvements are progresslng rapldly. Charlie Lawson, Sen., threatens the HERALD with a $200 libel suit. It 15 reported that a daring anempt at incendiarism was made at London, on Mon- day last, by a man named Finch. Mr J. Farnden, Barrister, &c., visits Palmer‘s Hotel, Richmond Hill, every Thursday. See Adv’t. A ï¬re broke out at Dresden, about half past two o'clock. on the morning of the 19th inst., destroying thirteen buildings. A salmon trout. weighing 74 lbs, caught in Lake Huron, was brought into Kincar- dine, on Monday iast. It is said to be the largest ever caught in that lake. What is our Reeve about? It: appears as though there is an unusual number of quadrupeds pernmbulating our streets just now. Awake! Oh .Martin, and attend to duty 1 Dr Daniels, the Indian inspector, has suCI cessfully negotiated a treaty wtth them, which must prove satisfactory to all parties. In consxderation of the sum of $25,000, 0r its eq’uWelant, the Sioux binds themselves for all future time to forego their annual hunting: excursion to the country along the Republican River, and all lands south ofthe Union Paciï¬c Railroad. A reserve is made for them of all lands now occuppied by them extending south to the high divide, between the Niohrara and' North- Platte rivers. It" the treaty be faithfully observed on both sides, there need be no further disturbance; and should gold he found in paying quanti- ties buried in the Black Hills, let the Indi- ans be compensated for their property when it is taken from them as any other people would he. Justice to Indians, even, is a jewel of high price. LOCAL Pumaâ€"£00 the city papers say anything in re ard to your own county? Nothing! Do I ey contain notices of your schools, chnrches. meetings, imptovements, and hundreds of other local matters ot'in. terest which your local paper publishes without pay ? Not an item l Do they ever say a. word calculated to draw attention to your county and its numerous thriving towns and aid in their progress and enterprise? Not a linel And yet there are men who take such contracted views of this matter that unless they are getting as many square inches of reading matter in their own paper as they do in a city journal, think they are not getting the worth of their money. It reminds us of the person who took the lam est pair of boots in the box, simply because they cost the same as the pair smaller that ï¬t. The Colorado potatoe bug has not yet made its appearance in Britain, but in its a‘txsettce another trouble seems to have full- en upon the potatoe crop, principally among the eaï¬v varieties introduced from America. It is esï¬ecjally' noticeable among the Early Rose, the Lage nose, and the Brownwell’s Beauty, and appï¬ï¬‚ls to‘begin with the very seed, and so infects the Pmmoe FP‘VaFde- Hitherto there has been a loss of about ï¬ye per cent upon the crops, and fears are m. dnlged of further damage. 08-0 110 on}? de ï¬ne the natule of the disease, 01' PFOVIde a remedy against its ravages? annsmv â€" Mr O. W. Kennedy, L. S. D., will pay a professional vialt to Rich: mond Hill, on the18th of each month (Sun- days excepted) when he will be prepared to wait on any who may require his services. 0m VILLAGE now affords a splenflfd opening for a Photographer. Mr Coupland, the proprietor, after eeveml years of success, having gone Into the Ministry, has left the business with all that pertains thereto, tor sale. The locality being in a large village surrounded by a thinkly settled country, and no similar eslablishment \Vlthin several miles, makes it‘ilm unexrzeptional opportu- nity to any one who desires to invest. No- thing is asked for the good will of the busi- ness which is now well established and all the requisites in connection with it can be purchased a. great deal below cost. The difï¬culty with the Sioux Indians at the Black Hills ig fgr the present at_an end. Fonemucu‘s Great Show, with all its display of Golden Lhariots, Knights in Armor, &c., visited Markham Village last week, and yet there are some of the Mark- hamites who are not truly happy. It would seem that the great hippodrome was followv ed by a party of gamblers, with “sweat boards,†“three card mont’e,†and other little games wherewith to amuse the “ in. nocents†who are always ready to stake their dimes on such harmless amusements. From what -we can learn the swindlers reap ed a rich, harvest. A number of the “ lead- ing spirits†and strict church members were induced to invest their “Shekels,†with the expectation, no doubt, of getting “full returns,†but. alas, their fond hopes were doomed to dissapointment. We have no sympathy with parties _Who lose their money in this way. and it does not reflect much credit on the Markham anthorities for allowing gamblers to ply their nefarious calling. it successfully. 1n Liz'erpool ï¬nd Shefï¬eld complaints are made that the excitement is subsiding; it must be for the want. of mm per attention and ctTort. A gas well has been discovered on the farm of Mr N. Gorham, at Newmarket, so says the Era. We always suspected there was something of the kind at New- market, but thought it was mostly conï¬ned to the Era building. The revival services of Messrs Moody and Sankey have, for the present, closed in London. Up to the last the excilemenl continued, and the closing services were amended by thousands of of' enthusiastic worshippers. Whatever deductions may be made, it is beyond all question that an un' paralleled religious impression has been pro- duced; and ifthe present zealous feeling should last both the churches and the city will be immense gainers by the movement. The future depends very much upon the conduct ofihe ministers who have been as sociated with Messrs Moody and Snnkey, and who must remain In charge of their congregations, when the revivaluagents are withdrawn. A meeelving has been held of these at which about 700 were present, and when it was resolved to carry on the work. There is no reason why that 8110uld not do ,1 n1 ,MJJ A short time ago a Yale’s Counly man crushed several potatoe bugs in his ï¬ngers. Shortly afterwards he chanced to touch his ï¬nger to his tongue, and in less than two hours it had swollen to such an extent that he could not shut his mouth, his hands were also badly swollen and turned black. Two physicians were called in, who, after several hour’s hard work, succeeded in subdueing the poison. July 17, 1875. Pursuént to adjournment the Council met in the Council Chamber, Unionville. Mem- ‘bejg all pregellt. >The Rceyc in {£16 chalr. Minute's pfprevious meeting read and ap. proved. .. . .. “ The following petitions were presented: By Mr Marsh, from Anthony Size and 18 others, pxaï¬ng for assistance for Jno. Size and wife. By Mr Marsh, from Jas. Langstaï¬' and 7 others, ask'ng for a gram to assistin cutting down a hill in front. of lot 33. 2nd Con. othérg, asking fdr a grant to assist in cub '.ing dlown a Hill on ï¬ne 7th Con. between lots 30 and 31. Mr Marsh moved, seconded by Mr But- ton, that the sum of $21,50 be and is here- by'granted for the payment of building a. bridge in front of lot No. 28, in the 5th 0011., the said sum payable to the order of the commissioners. The work having al- ready been completedâ€"~Carried. Mr Lune movéd, seconded by Mr Millikan, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instruct- ed to pay Wm. Rennie’s account, amountv ing to $6.50, for a mad scraper, as soon as lhe name of the road overseer that procured said scraper be furnished to the Clerkâ€"â€" Carried. ' In a remarkable marine." “‘9 Public 9x' citement respecting the Beeches trial has cooled air, or died out. The Sl‘bJeCl Is now seldom mentioned, or even tlhouflht Of- It is a ï¬tting fate. Silence is the lihi‘dest 80‘- A few incidents, indeed, have Occurred: which form an appropriate sequel ‘0 “18 long investigation. and which shoulo‘ be‘duh’ noted. The alleged evidence of ,Loé‘dffl' and Price against Mr Beecher and Mn: Til“ ton is denied by both upon oath, and the authors ofit are committed to stand tht‘it ‘ triul upon a charge of perjury. The Ply -‘ mouth Church congregation have unamivl inously voted to raise Mr Beecher’s salary for the current year to $100,000, to enable him to meet the heavy expenses entailed upon him by the trial. A public reception )8 also to be accorded to him on his return from PLelib'lilll after his summer vacation. Mr Moulton is demanding that the threat ened clmtge for libel be at once proceeded With; and Tiltonâ€"nothing is heard of him and few seem to care what becomes of him. New TANNING Pnocnss.â€"Mr W. C. Stone, of Napnnee, 0nL, has been in our Village for some days past, engaged in the manufacture of Wool Robes, Wool Dusters, Mats of all kinds, etc., by a new tanning process, for which he has obtained a patent. Mr Stone claims that lie can take a raw hide, tan and dye and have it ready for use in 36 hours. From what we have seen we have no doubt but what he can make his claims good. The work he has turned out so far is vastly superior to anything of the kind we have yet. seen, being more pliable, and having a getter ï¬nish every way than robes dressed by the old process. Mr Lane moved, seconded by Mr Milliken, that the Treasurer he and is hereby instruct- ed to pay the account of Ed. Dickson, amounting to $14.25, being for the plank and construction of two culverts between lots 5 and 6 in the 5th Con-Carried. Mr Lane moved. seconded by Mr Liil'ihven'. [ha] the sum of$15 be paid to the order Or the Rheve by the Treasurer, said sum being‘ for cmn‘sructing a culvert between lots 10‘ and 11, in the 8th Comâ€"Carried. uuu 11, “I u-v v My Lane moved, seconded by Mr Marsh, that the Sum 0f$73.46 be paid bv' the Treas- urer. to the orde 1' of Jim. McCague. said sum-being for the material and building a u bridge in from oflot N0. 28, in the 3rd Con. Mr Marsh gave notice that he would, at the next meeting, introduce a. Bylaw for the purpose 0 t' conveying lo Geo. Miller, Esq» a pomm. of the original road allow- ance on the 101k Con. of this Municipality, in lieu of 13nd ta; ran from him for a Public thghway. The bouncil then adjourned, to meet again on the 28th day Of August- ASSESSMENT [immuneâ€"The villages of Yorkville and Markham joined issue in an appeal against the assessments of the York County Council, on the grounds that the villages are over-assessed and the case was heard yesterday in the County Council, be- fore J’udge Duggan. Mr R. A. Harrison appeared for the villageu and Mr J. K. Kerr for the Council. The case lasted all day and judgment was reserved. Mr Butte}; introduced Lfv'law “‘ amend By'law 257, striking 0}†‘1“ W. H. Hall and placing Rut" D lieu thereof, as Poundkeeper lb“. No. 4. The Bylluw was read a ï¬re» and third time and passed. Mr Mxlliken moved, seconded by Mr Lime, that lhe Treasurer is hereby instructed to pay Geo. Miller, on his order, the sum of $1, being: expenses incured by him in the burial of a strangerâ€"Carried. Mr Marsh moved, seyouded by Ml‘Bntton. that the sum of $10 be and is hereby grant- ed for the purpose of cutting down a hill in front oflot No. 33, in the 2nd 0011., and that Robt. Elliott be appointed commission er to expend the same, said sum payable on order of commissioner alter the work is completedâ€"Carried. To S. Hoover, for cutting down hill be- .Lween lots 25 and 26, 8111 Con., $42.90. To' B. Hoover, for plank for the Rushe Bridh‘q and labor as per account, $36.55. T53. Rurkey, for 158 loads of grave}, m 6 mg per 1" “‘d, ,for Road Div. 42. 99.48. 13'") loads for Road Div. 47, $7.80. 451 loads for Road .(liv. 48. $27.06. 36 loads for Road Div. 56; (“2-162 ‘ _ __ T53. J‘urkey, 6 gts per 1‘. 3d) -f‘ 130 loads for “f loads for Road .4 for Road Div. 56,‘ The Leader says the greatest anxiety ex‘ ists for the safety of Prof. Donaldson and a companionâ€"a foolish newspaper reporterâ€"â€"‘ who went up in a balloon at Chicago on Thursday last, nothing having been heard of them since. The general impression is that they have been drowned in Lake Michigan and rewards are oll‘ered for the recovery of their bodies. Mr Lane moved, seconded by Mr Marsh, that the Treasurer be and is hereby insh-uct- ed to pay to Mr Boyle 8 cts per load for all gravel obtained irom him by the road overl seers,on the certiï¬cate 01 the overseers to the number of loads got by each from himâ€" Carried, Mr Milliken moved, seconded by Mr Lane, thatthe sum of $150 be paid to Wm. Wegg, it. being the amount expended by himin providing clothing for Robt. AnI thonyâ€"Carried. The above surï¬s p.“' Button. Esq.â€"Cm-nea. Mr John Sparling receives $380 a year for ten years, the ï¬rst instalment in advance, for supplying Orillia with water for ï¬re pro~ tectiou. It is to be brought down from the Goldwater spring in, wooden pipes. The Council then adjourned one hour for dinner. Mr Marsh moved, seconded by Mr Lane, that the Reeve and Councillor Button he and are hereby appointed a committee to look after the repairs required to improve rhe road in front of lot No. 30. in the 61h 0011., and report it at the next meeting of this Councilâ€" Carried. Mr Button moved, moonded by Mr Marsh, that the following net-cums be paid by the Treasurer of the Con-[oration], viz: By Mr Buttop, from Jno. Ramgr qnd 15 MARKHAM COUNCIL. AFTERNOON SESSION. vable on order of N ï¬v-Iaw No. 25610 X}, out the name of Emit. Dickson in 3pm. fur Division rand a fim is second The “Effort,†a sixteen ton yacht. ar rived at St. John, New Brunswick, on Sun- day, from Fleetwood, England, whence she started on the 29111 of May. She has been forty nine days on the voyage. and has en- countered some rough weather. She has two six horse power engines. but as her screw got unshiped she had to come out under sail. Jon THE BARBERâ€"Alas he is gone I gone. ' unmistakably gone ! that sable son of ham, our village barber. Deeply will his lass be deplored. “Many a time and oft†have we extended our heartfelt sympathy to those who, before his advent. amongst us, with “ razor made to sell,†essayed to mow the stubborn stubble from their tender “ Phtz,†and how with a smile of satisfaction on their hirsute countenance and a halfdime in their hand they would repair to the “ Dominion†i to have their cheek manipulated by this ex- pert. But he is gone! No more can they expand themselves luxuriously in his great arm chair; No more can they-complacently‘ recline and loolt up into that shining face of ebony and admire his broad grin of satis- faction us hejgelinglv removed their latest crop of unrequtsite cupilliaries. Heigh hol yes he is gone. Who now will shampoo, trim and dust them? Who now will look after their human face divme? Who now will apply the “ seufum †to their dishevel led hair ? Shades ofl’luto, send us another 1President. Mr Switzer; SPCUTI'ERS.‘ Mr A. ,Scon; Committee of Mmmgemenl: H. [Sandersom M. McNuiI', J. Duncan, W. Har' (risen, W. H. Myers, J. Ness. A. Marsh, E. Sheppard, A. Wright, W. Daniels, Lady Collectors: Miss Eva Segar, Miss Minnie Law, Miss Atkinson, Miss A. Conner, Miss M. Sedman. barber. -Iarg8 rolls............ Eggs, per doz............... Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs. . .. A'i-‘g'con, Prime. . Hams,Cured............... large Relish. . . . . Eggs. per doz ..........‘ Dressed Hogs. per l00 lbs Bacon . . . . . Prime........ Hamsâ€"Cured. per fl) . . . . . WOOLâ€"per lb............ TRACT SOCIETY.â€"â€"The annual meet- ing of the Richmond Hill branch of this Society was held in the Presbyterian Church, in this village, on Wednesday evg. last. The President, Mr Wm. H. Myers, occupied the chair and conducted the meeting with marked cleverness. The Rev. Mr Eastman, the agent of the parent society,gave an interesting ac- count of the work throughout the world and particularly on the Welland Canal and also among the Lumbermen in the northern regions of' Ontario. The meet~ ing was not very largely attended, still the village was fairly represented. The following are the oflicers appointed for the current year: SURGEON DEN TIST. OULD respectfully announce that he will wait Rluhmond Hill the l81h ofeach monlh, a! Palmer’s Hotel : also attend the fol- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : Newmnrket,. . . ...l . . . . 2nd ol'_oach month. Sullon,......... 3rd and 4th " " Peï¬'erlaw,............. 5th " H MountAlberl..... 8m " I‘ Sandford......... ... lOth " " Stoufl‘villo............. l4lh “ " Markham,........u... 16th °' N .I 1‘ Aurora................ 20». All branches of Dental Surgery MANUFACTURE or Cot‘OA.â€"-“ We will now give an urcount of [he process adopted bv Messrs James Epps & Co., manufacturer: of. dieletic artic‘es. at their works in the Enstnn Rand. Imudonâ€â€"See arliclo in Gasull’s Housnlwld Gun!» OctoberSl. 1874. 739-]\' ELot-EMt:Nr.â€"-()ur Village seems to have about as much of the “romantic†to the square inch us any other village in the Do' mmion. Only a short time ago a carefully planned elopement was nipped in the bud, and the young mnn placed under a guardian to give him time for reflection' This week we have one carried out more successfully. A young man, nnmerl Gilbert Morris, a painter hy trade, who had been paying his attentions, for some time past, to u young lady. by the name of Miss Hannah Peach. This young couple having (as is usual in such cases] “two fond hearts that beat: as one,†found it impossible to exist asunder for any length ot‘ time. conceived the ro- mantic idea of “an elopement.†Accord- ingly. every preparation having been made for the “event.†on Tuesday night. last, between 11 and 12 o’clock. the youngr man procured a horse and buggy from Mr Brown's Livery Stable, and accompanied by the “ fair one,†who had made her escape through the window. departed for parts un1 known. The next day Mr Brown received a. telegraerom Harrisburg informing him where he Céuld ï¬ild his horse and buggy in Toronto. The happy couple are. no doubt, now in the “ land ot" the free.†where they will be able to g ve vent to their ‘5 gushing †feelings without fear of interruption. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Charges Moderate. Jun-20. 187;. 8874!. flourâ€"Spring Wheat. . . . .. Full Whom. exxra‘ ' ' Wheatâ€"Spring, per bush. . Fall....... .. . . Corrected by Mr Isnac Croshy, Grocer, nud Dry Goods Murcham. Fire Proof Store. O. W. KENNEDY, L-D.S:, RICHMOND HILL MARKETS. 51mm %-ntim. TORONTO MARKETS. NEWMARKET, ONT., Rmhmond HM, A TTENDED T0: Toromo. July 2‘3. 1875. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0700580056.003 04877UUOIIM051 10001020000800 $ 1 I . n at. . o July 2-2, 1873. .. $4 50 ‘. 500 .. (i 00 .. 000 .. 100 l m . $0 47 @ 055 , ciao/(z) 035 ,. 0 70 @ (I 75 . 175@ ‘225 008 m) 0119 12(I0@ 15 on We will now $4 80 5 40 550 4 30 I 152 l 16 000 050 GALLown.â€"â€"At Bu!tonv11ie,on the 2lst inst. Elizabeth Galloway, widow ofthe late Mr William Sanderson, aged 71 years and 1-0 months. LIBRARY 01' FAMOUS PIETIIIN, Agent’s Outï¬t Free! Pilgrim‘s Progress, Vicar of Wakeï¬eld. Robinson Crusoe, Paul and Virginia, Gulliver’s Travels, Elizabeth, Vathek, Picciola, Undine, Tales from Arabian Nights, 00mph“ in ONE VOLUME of over 1000 pages. beautifully Illustratcd wilh. 34 full pug: Eligrpviilgs . ._..\n. v\.n nmnnw nnnv ,_.J "'iYi's'IlSWORLD’s STORY BOOK. and all wanHo read 1'. Agenl’s Outï¬t run: to all who mean business and will faithfully canvass. J. B. Ford 81; Co.,Ontario Ofï¬ce. 40 King St, West. N0 TIC E BUNEERNINE THE VBTERS’ LIST ! Municipality of Richmond Hill. List of Voters I.’ V the Fleclors oflhe Villaye 07f Rvichmond Hill. and to all whom it may concern. that a certiï¬ed PUBLISHED AS A WARNING and for lhn beneï¬t of Yemen MEN AND mums who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILI’I‘Y. LOSS OF MAN- HOOD. VITAL POWER. am. giving rule. of Say-Cure. after much suï¬'eringand expenns and sent free on receiving a stamp for return postage. Address NATHANIEL MAYFAIR P. 0. Box 153, Broklyn. New York. UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the Fleclors of the Villaye of Richmond For the said Village, as appearing on the As- sessment Roll. for l875~obtilled to vote at Elections for Members of \he Legislative As- semblyâ€"is now puslcd in my Ofï¬ce, as Clerk 01‘ the Village, for public inspection; and that the said list was ï¬rst posted in the Clerk’s Olï¬ce on the Eighth Day of July. 1875, 1 do hereby call upon all Electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or olher errors are perceived therein, (0 take i nmedi ale proceedings to have the said error corrected according to law. Clerk's Ofï¬ce. Richmond “in. M 'I‘lCEFY, Eighlh July. l8:5. Clerk. ESEND FOR MY ANNUAL DESEBIPTIVB SEER BATALBEUE, The Fifth Edition of my Illustrated Cata- logue and Revised Price List of Farm Machinu, Garden lmplcmwts, Hurliculturul Rog-uisilu. 4%. can be had on application, ' Timothy and other Grass Seeds, Red and Alsike Clover, Hungarian, Millet, Flax Seed, Tares, Seed Grain, &c., &c. CONFESSIONS [IF A VICTIM. Corner of Adelaide 8; Jarvis Streets l have a large nnd very complete stock of Field, Garden 8L Flower Seeds Spring Seed Grains, Fertilizers, 63c. About If); hands hiin and heavy built. Any person returning him or giving sm-II information as will lead to his recovery willlm suilubiy Iewarued. [TORONTO Agricultural Warehouse OSTâ€"A Note of hand drawn in favor of Geo. Nichols. bv Matthew Morlson. payable in Six Months after Dam. dated April 9th, Amount $130 Parties are forbid negoli‘ aling the same as payment has been stopped- 884 St. GEO. NICHOLS. Buitonville, June: 29, ’75. Richmond Hill,every Thursday OFFICE AT PALMER’B HOTEL. MODERATE CHAIIGE. 00D PASTURE can be secured for any number of CATTLE and HORSES at REASONABLE RATES. on Lot 32, 2nd Con. Markham. .'AS DAVIDSON. Markham. June 16, 1875. 8894f East Side. SnYe to take place at one o’clock. Terms Easy. For furthur particulars enqu'no of Squire Gormley. or to Large Commissions and Cash Premiums For selling a Farm for Sale. To be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION. or Salurday, the 24th day of July, 1875 Al Messrs Coats & Co.’s Room. 'l‘oronln, the Farm known as Colonel Arnold's, containing Thornhill, JuYy 6, 215 Acres of Land, In the Village of Thoruhill. S: Comprising me ten Jewels of Imaginative Literature: July 18. 1875. ONE DARK REOWN IMRSE, June 26, 1875 WM. RENNIE, Toronto. Toronto. Mar. 12, 1875. 845 AW AND CONVEYENCINGI OF- ; FICE. AURORA. †Aurora. July 13. ‘75 July [4.1875 (LATE WITH W. DUDLEY. NEWMAlig'l'; A. W I L L I S , )ANKER AND BROKER, INSURANCE TRAYEDâ€"From the premlses ‘ of the undersigned on the evening of SUNDAY. the llth Inst , ‘SEED STORE, fASTURE! Special attention is devoted to F. J. FARNDEN, Wm. REN N IE, Toronto. Free to all applicants. DIED. DUGGAN & DUGGAN Will be at D. K'I‘c-DOUGA LL. » Thnrnhill‘ AND 885-31 HAMILTON. OAT, 887 4! 884 (in; BA nmsnms. Toronto. “CENTRAL HOUSE,†A fresh stock of those Fine DOUBLE WARP l ACRES being the East Half of a lot No. ‘20. in the 3rd Concession of 1the Township of Vaughan. There is Eighly Acres under improvement and Twenty Acres in Valuable Timber. The buildings are good l'unti extensive. There is an Orchard of graft- ied fruit and plenty of Waler. This is a good iWheat Farm and beautifully situated. being [within halfu mile of Richmond Hill Station Fine Grenadines ! Unicorn Bl’k Lustres At such prices us,will anionish the Natives. MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY !. Richmond Hill! "mu on lhe Northern Railway, and within half: mile from the Village of Maple. and within two miles ofthe lncorponted Vii-lingo of Richmond Hill, on Yonge Street, and in the immediate neighborhood of Mills. Schools and Churches. and within lb miles of the City of 'l‘oaontn. 7 _ ‘ unvu-n For erlhor particulars apply on the prom- ises lo the owner HUGH DEVLIN. June I. 1575. 880-th Shingles ! Shingles ! ! 100 00 SHINGLES FOR SALE. 9 Apply“) J. BROWN. Morehgqg,†Sewing Machines : Wheeler & Willson; Singer, and Henry. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods‘ GROCERIES, ORGAN New S Richmond Hill, March 11, 1875. l‘he Celebrated G. Wood Organ, The Superior ï¬ne-toned Warren 8L Clongh Organ W.. Bell & Co.’s. Celebratad Canadian Org“:- am i 233;: El . F E a g S t afl’ “ FIRE SHIRE†New Sprng Goods Richmond Hi". July 16. 1‘75. June 17, 13875. June I. 1575. April-2|, I375. T 1 "Q he“ Sugars, Richmond Hill, April 6, ’75. T HE COMING IN AND GOING OUT DAILY. Spring and Summer HATS AND CAPS and Ma) his NEW PRINTS, NEW DRESSI‘GOODS, NEW COTTONS, &C., and especiï¬lly NEW SPRING TWEEDS and COATINGS“ Remember the Famous AND Marsï¬n &Tvéilï¬luffl-om$300 t6 $500. New Advertisement! l have 8â€"14; lige Stock and will uulbe undersold. FLOUR AND'FEED. Goods Delivered. » d Hill, Mmh 11, 1875. ALEx,‘ MOODIE. Which are hold as Cheap, and in some lines Che-per than can be purchased elsewhere. The Stock consisting of GENERAL GROCERIES HALF PRICE! PIANOS: IS NEITHER DEAD NOR ASLEEP But is ALL ALIVE with " The Subscriber has just received a supplyof ugars, _ New Teas, Self-sealing Fruit Jars, Go and see ALEX. MO‘ODIE’S RING-“GOODSâ€! Beautiful patternsâ€"at little more than: Oj- An Inspection respectfully invilei. CROCKE RY, 874-“ Richmond Hm Best that can be bought. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. ('VVut. age; Eil;iviro;ivT;foMoo Eoltii V ' 70 acrei. Good nutbuifdinp,nnd umoré a; ing Brook. Goon! Orchard. Applv to 1083. McQUAlltlE. Blast 1'. 0 ARE '1‘ RENT for-ï¬rm of hm «A VlotJNo: fl._on Yong. Al prices and on terms hitherto nuoqlnlhd, Partial wanting pump- will do Well: lo coin†me befmfo Quychu‘mg. u L H, MILL“. Ricth Hm. Murcb 2‘ ’15. 8'! 1-K IN reference to the alum notiet of D5! aolulion. the unfl‘erni’gnod «hard when" {bathe in now ï¬tting up New and Improved Machimry DriVonLâ€"by amphsaanm Power. and inund- IQ manufacture u " Pump Works! AND HARDWARE. ISAAC CROSBY SUPERIOR ARTICLE. Litrcia‘fiï¬'véu um}: nppï¬uti'on. RICHMOND HILL 8 'I.‘ E A M \Vm. STREET. Yongo-Sr. Richm-oun Hill MACHINE EMPOBIUM! SEWING