Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Jul 1875, p. 3

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'“couciiETE STILL AHEAD! HE Subscriber wishes to return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends for their patronage during the past, and begs to present them with his Spring and Summer Circular. He has now on hand the LARGEST and BEST AS- SORTED Stock of r - DR Y Go . Groceries & Ha rd Ware ' i- liasrever been-shown on Richmond Hill, and is determined to sell At l’rices- that Defy Competition. dill" Alralso begs to announce that he has secured the services of a ..F.IR,ST.-GL.AS s CUTTER, fl 7 V I I And is now.prepared to Manufacture , . _ . . . I , . Clothing of Superior Style I And Workmanship, feelingr confident that he can suit the tastes of those who._want anything in this line, both as to -‘-sTYLE, QUALITY and PRICE. â€"mâ€"-â€" A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEET). .iiLL ORDERS FILLED WITH PROMPTNESS. « M W. A. SOLICI #â€"rr .- , y. ,, L" '4 A. Isino'w consisting of all‘thc Latest Novelties of the Season! And being directly under the charge of Mrs A. be is confident that the tastes of the most fastidious can be suited in this line. Wail. Arkiu meimosu utLL. ,iimh 31,1875. ' sea. BUG-GEES ENRY R. WALES,I& SONS, the old established and well known Carriage Manufacturers.- having been established tor more th “I'd built tlio'firsl iighl work in this section. and having equal to any. if not the host shops and facilities ol'niiy w rks in the Dominion, are slii giving: IllPii' \vliole energies to the building of Light Carriages, the. Being practical workmen in every branch, parties in want of Buggies. Folding Seats .- Ladies' I’litelous. either cover-oi or open, Light Shilling Roll Top Buggies in all RlVlt‘s. 3~Spriirg “'aggons equal to (be best in the Dominion, Springboards, See” at the present time. would find it to their advantage to call and inspect our large and vari (1 stock. as we have upwards of FIFTY jobs of diflorenl varieties. strength. capacity and prico. As we warranta'l’ our work we do not sacrifice quality for price Our rule is to buy and manufacture wall so “at we can sell wall. at. the same iinin making it an objxct tor customers to buy from us. and at the some time (or us to sell to them. Owing to on r work baring GIVEN Universal satisfaction. and having received scores of firslprizes,1l.\'Plth tried to doc-rive customers by palriiug oti'infcrior work as our man seeing our VAltIEI) STOCKâ€"as we use every novelty that is . deceived when they behold the graceful swoops and outlines of 'lizlitness ufiron-work. elogance.‘bea,utv and soft finish of painting. 1‘ an years. ‘ h Cll’lihll) parties have ul'ncliirc. Parties calling and known to be goodâ€"will not be our wood work. strength and Moss of trimrtiing. and unsurpassed mirror-like ariics coming from a distance can generally depend upon taking a Buggy AWAY “'itli (h ,m. “’0 sell for cash or credit. I’aintii Iic..;‘:'\ - irod-work l'uauidied to blacksniiths, or W otflftaidnfidohe without delay. "-"iV’ér‘niako u specialily of painting Old Buggies. and, h prepared to guarantee satisfaction. One great difficuliv is that the cracks in the old paint on the body of a carria soon as it is ro-paiutcd We. are prepared to meet this obstacle by guaranteeing a good job; and the Spring of the yarn is the time to see about having you r conveyances put in proper rc- pairâ€"it in the best kind of economy. HENRY P. WALES & SONS. E72-lim Markham Carriage Works. “The Peoples’ Store.” lg and Trimming done fir the trade and pub- ood-u'ork lruned for \l'ood-ivm'kers. Allkinds aving adopted a new method. are; to be surmounted in painting old work go show tli ough the new surface. as i iiuiéhinijr'eu 7, 1875. .3. r. . I l \_ l C RICHMOND HILL P. G. SAVAGE BEES to retain his sincere thanks to his numerous Cusl iiig the pact and would call their attention to the fact [11 reruns“! of y FUB'NITU E, Of All Kinds. ROOM ., PAPER. The Largest Assortment ever seen in this Sown. enters for their patronage durt at he is on hand with a large as- WIN‘DOW SHADES of all designs. y BORDERINGS of all kinds and the latest patterns on record. I trs THE PATRONAGE or ALL: easure Far VISITING LAKE SIMCOE. Fishing and Pleasure Parties CAN BE ACCOMODATED WITH Yao hts (is Boats fly applying’persnnally or by post to It. W. l’ltlTTlE. 880-3111 Lurker, CN'r‘ Wood Yard .' IIE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES TO the Public that he has opened A WOOD YARD, And be will keep on hand All Kinds of “food Which will be Sold At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. Richmond Ilill. Doc. Ellsl. ’74. l is. pfiim Pump Works, lichinond Hill. V ‘IIICSUBSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM the lnhabilanrs of Richmond Hill and en‘ virons. that be will continue to manufacture the tilllllllll] EXCEISIUR PUMP Al the Oid Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopes, bv tlrestriclcsloconomy,com- Irined with tho liostmntcrial and workmanship. to merit a continuance ofthe patronage bestow- ed on the law firm. All our pumps are war- rooted, Price list sent on applieatirn. JOIIN IlALL N. B.â€"Wolls sunk on the shortest notice. Well Curbs constantly on hand. l J. 11. Richmond Hill. March 31. ’75. Bil-if (twenties, 8w. alario lions RICHMOND HILL. a“ Fresh Arrivals m GROCERIES : Choice Sugars. Teas, Cofi‘ees and Tobaccos. T I N W A R E ; A LAIIG‘E STOCK. VERY CHEAP. .EiARD W ARE : Cradles. For/rs, Sag/Mes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels. 11003, At Toronto Prices. BOOTS 86 SHOES: The Largest and Cheapest Stock in town FRUIT JARS: Cheaper than ever. Flour and Feed : Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Gra- ham Flour, Cracked \Vheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts. 5...â€" We Quote 11 Few Prices: 1‘2 lbs for $1.00 5h cls. per lb. $1.50 per dnz. 411 cts. per pal r Good Preserving Sugar Choice Mixed Tea. for FRUIT JARS Ila rvost M its And all other Goods in proportion. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. .I.B. Respectfully solicitsa call 1 ,. IL? Remember the place Corner of Yonge and Centre 853 SPLENDID Livery Stable THE I’URE-BRED DLIRHAM BULL, “Mllllflllll ill llllllll,” CATERPILLARS. (Formerly the properly of Mr Jas McNair) Will serve cows this season at Lot 43, Ist "Ion Vaughan. FRUIT OR NO FRUIT! Terms $1,payable at time ofserviee - G. dz. 1). BIItR ELL. Richmond Hill Flour Mills. March 11), ’75 869-tf Til/'0 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. acres with Good Dwelling Home and Out buildings,just muside the tticlimoiid Hill Cor partition. And lining part of lots 3 and 4, lst Con. 'I'owrzshi] 01’ Unbridgc. Apply to ‘ JACOB MORDEN. Richmond llill. Jan. 8.1874. 8 741‘ House and Lotlfor Sale, In stables. and other outbuilr‘ings thereon. Terms easv. Apply. on the premises In E. CRAWFORD. Richmond Itin. 1300.24. ’72. 753-3”. Village Lots for Sale. HE SUBSCRIBER n the village of VICTORIA SQUARE l The lots contain About One-fifth of an Acre, And are located at tire North-west eoraerof lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steadywork and hiin wages. Applvtif by lettcr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square .or to WM. G. IIINGSTON. Dingla P. 0 March 97. 1879. 714-tf UBSCIIIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON 10 Weekly Papers. race-veil at the HERALD Book Store. RiChmond Ilill P'OR SALE.â€" 1 Cultivator. .l'lunsliaw‘s 2 Blacksmiths‘ llolloWs, And a number of Blacksmiths’ Tools. 1 Gardner Sewing Machine. Apply at the HERALD ()Ilice. FOR SALE. 'i‘ITE West halfof Lot‘llAih Con. Vaughan one of too BEST FARMS IN THE IlllllNTIlY, liiille from .\"aple Village. and 2 mile from Richmond Hill Station, ()n the place is A Large Brick House, a Good Barn, and other outbuildings, a Steam Saw .Mill in good running order. Also. a large and 'I‘liriving Young ()r'hm'd. One end of the Farm is crossed by a never falling Spring Creek, Terms easy. For particulars apply to JACLB RUPERT. Mini: I’. O Vaughan. March 28, 1875. 870-tf T A LARGE STOCK OF T T E A S, . . ,. ,, Ranging in price from 3.. cents per lb. upward. Alsoa line assortment of Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. LL .L ' “Ill EHIST. V ‘IIE Subscriber takes this opportunity of re- 1 llll‘liIJg his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their patronage during the past. would solicit a continuance of the same, and would calltheir attention to a flesh arrival of c H E A I? T E A s, Green, Black and Japan. Acknowledged to be the Best 50 cent Tea in the Village FRESH GOF’FEES and SPICES. Direct from the Mills. Glassware,Crockery 8LTin ware In contraction. Richmond Hill, July 21,1875. DOMIN10N LIVERY STABLES. 11E SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to l l l l I ‘4 Lead] 9 (6 “IRS Of all qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Paint and V 'ut Toronto Prices, GLASS of all sizes. Ware purchased in the best markets. usual stock of STAPLE d: FANG in price as any house in town. All kinds Cabinet Ware Manufactured. Chairs Re-caned. ' Also the best quality of Flour, Bran. Shorts, Potatoes and A lcwest prices. Also, a fresh stock of arnish Brushes of all sites. A large assortment of Crockery, Tinware of all kinds. The Y GROCERIES, as low pples, at the Richmond Hill, Apia 1.1375: the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vi- cinity that he has a NEW LIVERY STABLE at the DOMINION HOTEL Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS “ FIGS.” at moderate charges, and hopes. by strict attention to b tieiuess, to merit a share of their patronage. SIMON PROCTOR. Richmond Hill. April 15, ’7’ Sill-t1. I). WESLEY HY MNS Can be obtained at the HEnALn Book Star at the following reduced prices :â€" lOcts. fillets. 30cts, 38cts.'“,4001s, GOcIs, and 90 etc. stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buckâ€" wheat Flour, Cracked W heat, Cornmcal and Oatmeal All killds of i’armul’roduco taken in otzciiau for Goods. GOODS DELTVERE ,. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. 94,, 187th g8 (Io - OPERATION. Good Family Flou At J. Brown’s, Richmond Hill. For$4,50 per brl Richmond Hui, Nev. 10 1884. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one framo dwellng house, With a barn OFFERS FOR sale a iiumoer of Village lots, situated, l "ON Yongc Street. Richmond Hill. also ton A FARM Ill' 69 AND A HALF AGREE ) r l l address. King. King, Sept. 10. 1874. l , ‘ CA RRIA GE Farmers and Gardeners look out for your Salt; Pillle and lilllllllllll BUSHIS The Chinese Garden Powder Destroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on every description of Shrubs and Planls. HUGH MILLER & CO., 167. Kingr Street East, Toronto. For Sale by the principal Druggists and Store- keepers. Price 25 cts. per Box. alllt‘it‘tl-Iltttt‘n‘ltfi, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENE-A rally be found at home from 2 lo 3 o‘clock. r in. Fehiuary 4th. 1873. 759-18’ .. .» SAMUEL M. BROW’N, ICENSIED Auctioneer for the County of York. respectfully solicits your patrons-7e and friendly influence. Sales attended on [lie shortest norms and at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. address. Victoria St'piarr. Markham, Sept. 10, 1074 842-” JAMES C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shor‘est notice and at reasonable rates. 1’. O 8424f flaunt Enchilada, stator. “FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.” 0 L AEK E ’s wanna PAMEII 31.003 MIXTURE Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOODPURIFIER d‘ RE STOREI‘. For cleansing riid clearing the blood from all impuritcs, cannot be too highly recommen- (It‘d . For Scrofula. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. 1t cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. (.‘iiros Blackheads. or l’imples on :tbe Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure moltenfi From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ofeitlier sex. the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. 1 Thousands of testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Cases. containing 8 times the quantity. 4dollars cachâ€" suliicient to efi‘ect a permanent cure in the great mayorin oflong standing "aseleY ALL (211 EVIIS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICIBl E VENDORS throughout the world; Sole Proprietor. P. .l CIAHKECliemist, APUTH ECA Rll'iS' HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontailr and Quebec ‘â€" EVANS, MERCER & 00., Montreal Mailed to any address on receipt ofl’. O. O. For the protection of the public of British NoriliAmerica.I deem it myduty to state that my PILLS Aim OIE’I‘MHNT are neither man~ ufactured nor sold in any part or the United States. Each Pot and Box bear the Rritish Govern- mentStamp. wiihthe words "Holloway’s Pills and Ointment, London.” engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533 Oxford Street. London. This notice has become nece;sary. in con- sequence of vile and spurious imitations of CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, J Undertaker. 6w. Rnsiiiuscrzâ€"Ncarlv opposite the Post. Otlice Richmond Hill. A. VVRIGIâ€"IT, BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL, Begs to announce to the Inhabitants ofRich- mo‘ud llil‘. and surrounding lltlgllbnl'llond.1lla he has built a now Hearse an (icon menccd the UNEERTRKIEII BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE For him. Funeral Furnishings, Collins and. Caskets in every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at from 10 to 100 Dollars Richmond Hill, July 23. 1874. ('35~1f RIllllMIlNlllILI. MILLS ll FIRST-CL B, s'l‘i-iorvilis Moss, Q.C i . l C GEORGE ch DAVID BIRREELl EG to inform Merchants Bakers &. Farmers I that iliey have always on hand a large stock of ASS FLOUR & FEED! Parties favoring us with grists may rely on a good return and well manufactured. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR \VHEAT. Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct 15. 1873 liICHMOND HILL LIVE RY S T A B L E S . Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson &Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72. 751-3m HARRISON. OSLER 8r. MOSS, RRISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AN1) 38 King Street East, Termite. R. A. II.\uRis0N,Q r. F. Osman. W . A Fosi‘sn. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONERiDGE Termite. Doc. 4, 1872. 750-tf NIPISSING HOTEL, l MARKIIAM. In CONSEQUENCE OF TiIE DES- tr‘uctiou of the Anglo American House by fire. the Subscriber has taken and lined upl those large and commodious prelitlSes belong' in: to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite l-Iessrs.l Spciglit &. Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation alifortled fer the travelling public and commercial than. Library; stablcsiii connection with the hotel. Bottled; Ale and I’orter. ! M I). WOOTEN. Sept. 4. 18:2. Fifi-if B I 13 L E S O C I E TY DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hill branch) at the HERALD ll )ok Store. ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEI: NEWS. A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Sciatica and Arts. \grieullhrc filldr I 1‘ Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod I’aleiit Medicine Vendors. at 100 a number at the HERALD Reels mam. FAMILY BIBLE-s, A ruEsii SUPPLY, At $51.89. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the ' HERALD Boon Srorm. Richmond Hill. : Chas, I. Davirs. Fredericton. N. B. " Holloway’sPills and Ointment,” being fabri- cated at78.Maid - en Lane, New York, by parties V styling them-' selves “ Hello . vay & Co..’, with an assum -d trar‘e mark thusâ€"- Unprincipled vendors can obtain this trash slavery low price. and so deceive you bv selling the some for my genuine Holloway’s PMS and Ointment. which are manufactured only 111533, Oxford Street, London. Persons who may be so deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. . Many respectable firms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here. have ver should, for the b public, insert th y properly suggested that I enofit of themselves and the . eir names in the papers. that itmay be known that my medicines cau'bb bad genuine from them. The following is a list of the firms alluded m; and I particularly recommend those who m5 re to get my medicines to apply to some a. ihe Houses named :â€" tlvnis, Mercer & Co . Kenn-cat. Vin~srs Avery. Brown & Co.. Halifax. N Messrs Forsyth 6: CO., Halifax. NS- Messrs 'I‘. B. Ba rker & Sons, St. John, N.B Apothecaries’ Hall Co.. Victoria. B. Cr Messrs Langley dz. Co , Victoria. 13.0. Messrs Moore dz Co.. Victoria, B.‘C. Or. John Fallon, Clialliam. N. B. Messrs Munro do Co.. Montreal. Messrs .l. VVi'ner & Co . Hamilton. C. W. Mr H. J, Rose. Toronto. llr A Chipman Smith. St John. N. B. Mr John Bond. G‘drieb. Ont. Messrs Eilio‘tdl Co.. Toronto. Mr J. Chalorier. St. John, N. B. Messrs Hannington Brothers. St. John, N. B, Mr R. S. Priddv. Windsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Morden. N. S. Mr George C. Hunt. Jun., Fredericton. N. B. Mr W. H. Thompson. Harbor Grace, N,F.L Mr .1. M. Wiley. Frederickton, N. ll. Messrs W . & D. ,Yuile. Montreal. Q n... The medicines are sold at the lowest whole- sale net prices. in quantities of not less than £20 worth â€"vi7.. 8s, 6d., 22s., and 34s. per dozen hours 01 Pills or pots of Oiniment, for which remittances must be sent in advance. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. Orforrl Street. IV. 0.. London, JuiLI 1874 - 583 Fellows’ Compound ST RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES As alllife-endowod bodies. wbellierllioy bi Beast. Birds, Reptiles, Insects or even Zoo pliitcs. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by zrilolfm'ec, which binds all the springs ofcxisten‘cc. and as nothing can save them from destruction when this principle leaves them, the disebvory of means wherebv vitality may be sustained in the living body is indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients constitu- tiugtlie brain. muscles and nerves. and finds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and iier‘voussysloiti are strengthened. This. then. is substantially the basis on ‘i:i.Low’s Hrrortiosrun'izs is built.its which 1‘ direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous System, and the Muscles. ,f'trenglhr suing the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion ofVitalimd Blood in the Muscular organs! of the Body. > ‘ Rousing the Sluggisli lleart and Liver. strengthening the action of the Stomach and Sowels and enabling the Lungs to be fililtfdnv flared with Oxygen. , It is adapted for natures of Wonkiicsszuu ' Emaciation, whether arising from sedentary] life. a tropical climate. from foyer or debility from an’v cause, and is oli‘ieaeiou's in l’omo-t NARY CoNs'UMP‘i‘Ioir. many confirmed cases having been cured and all hctioiitted, Where Its use has been continued otter a fortnight. l'n Bronchitis it is 1; specific. and in Asthma it gives relief where every other remedy fails For Nervous l eblllly it stands unrivalled, and may be used ~with confidence in all cases. As this is entirely distinct and difl‘erent from every other preparation of Hypophospliites, ht careful toask for FELLows’ SYRUP, and talu no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIEE I’rice.$l'50; Six for$7’50. , 1 JAMES LFFI- LOWS,Cheni,~‘ - 4-8 SLJonu. I‘LB One Box of Clarkeis B 41 Pills S warranted to euro all disrliarg'es fro m the Urinary Or'gau‘s, in either sex acquired or cnnslitutioual, Gravel and I’aiiis in ihé‘ Back Sold in Boxes, $1.50 all Chemists and l _ sole proprietor, I“. J. CLARKE. AI’OTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. 1 Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontario: and Quebec; EVAN MERCERJ: 60- Montreal. Ma i'ed to any address on rteeipi i Pails.CiderMil|s,Wa .‘ . i ‘6‘; l: _ . rim-37" t, r H”. .‘ Fl 'i ‘1' y _ ' ill lllllllll. Willi ls?- ]s made. in all sizes suitable " l" or Ladies and Gents, both iii gold and silver. But the accompanying cut repre- sents in proper proportions lllE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING IEVEII WATCH. In sterling silver case and " ,r gold points, full jewelled, warranted for five years- v together with a gold~plate Albert chainâ€"which will be sent to any part of Can- 'w I‘ Watch Importer, 83 King Street East. TORON 1‘0. ONT. Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATEltSPOUTS FOR THE DO MINION, at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ng and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, sliing Macliiues.Sliin lea d LumberSawedtoordzor. 0 1‘1) articularsaddress JOHN LANGSTAFF, Steam Mills,’1‘lioriiliill. Tliornhill.Nov. 3.1869. Waggon Felloes.aii 1" ‘ F r 1 $5 P E R D A Y. :95!) Agents wanted ! All classes of working people. of either sex. young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything 818.3. Particulars free. Postcard to Slates costs but one cent. Address G. S'l‘INSON & Co.. Portland, Maine. Oct. 27. 1874. 849-ly “MONEY TO LEND $2000J‘0 LOAN on first-class Mortgage Securityâ€"iii sums from; $500 up- wards. A pply to i M. TEEFY. N. LYN E'I‘T. (As Executors of the Estate oftlie late Martin Brennan.) Richmond W. Inn. in. I, . mess USE THE thDDIAMOND ‘ YEAST CAKEc-fit} If you want light. sweet Broad. â€"â€" U S E T H E NORWICH EGG POWDER For making all kinds of cakes without eggs. For sale by C. E. SHEPPARD. March 23. 1875. 870-1y Richmond Hill Sacce'sziil Again w. H. IVIYERS Takes this opportunitv of informing the Form“ ors and the public generally that be has obi mined the fist 22nd Prizes "For: H A R N E S S , Arson... FIRST PRIZE forth'o host Pair of Scotch Collars Shown at the Richmond Hill and Toth Street Agricultural Spring Show, ‘li'cld on May the 24th, 1875. Call and Examine the Sleek I MILLS l E Subscriber having retitled his WOO!)- HFiXDFORD EN MILLS he ISIIOW prepared 1% axo- T“ cute all orders for Custom Wérk. Having seen ed the services of MR JAMES R, NEILL. a first class Workman. he is ready to do CUSTOM GARDING. SPINNING do FULLING In either branch. on the shortest. notice, and in such a manner as to give the utmost satis- faction to his patrons. Ho trusts to receive the saints liberal patronage heretofore extended to thesis mills. Terms strictly cash. ALEX. MACKIE‘. Markham, May 12. ’75. 871nm, __â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"%__,M . ’ EWELItY l JEWELRY!‘ FOR SA 5335 cheap at tho HERALD Book Store. PER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. QC H 0 0:15... REQUISITTES OF ALL. l... kinds a.i.the__H ERALD Book Store. ISCELLA-NEOUS BOOKS SUITA- bio for presents-.2 the HERALD Boon Store. 15A ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES at the HERALD Bo ok Store.

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