Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Aug 1875, p. 2

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NEW A DVERTISEMENTS. Horse for Saleâ€"J. Bord. Public Notice-J. M. Lawrence. Paintingâ€"“C. Davies. The Gourlay Family. NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RichmondHillStation. Changeoftime cling ofi'ect Monday, June, 2lst. 1875-. Going North 8.13 A.n.....l.02 p.m,..5.13 ' Going South 9.26 a.u. . ...l .28 p.m. . .826 an agony g Ricnuunn HILL. Aug. 13, 1875. could. LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE DEâ€" MONSTRATION. The Liberal Conservative Association of East York, purpose holding a Grand Demonstration, to take the form of a Picâ€"nic, in the Agricultural Grounds, Markham Village, on Wednesday, Sep- itember 1st., when the following Honor- able Gentlemen are expected to be pre- sent and Address the Electors of the Ridiugion the political questions of the day: The Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, K. C. B.,E'§M. I’.; ,Hon. 'Wm.!Macdougall, C. B.,'] M. P. P.; ‘CHon. M.‘ C.-Cameron, Q. C., M. P. Pu" ’ HoinA. Campbell, Senator; Hon. T' SIN. Gibbs,‘ and Hon. Dr. Tupper, M.’I’., 2(i‘r iu' the neighborhood.) th’kind ever held in. the Riding, we hope‘that the friends of good govern- ment, and .all who have the welfare of our country at heart, will take advan- tage of the opportunity afforded them of hearing Canada's greatest Statesmen. The committee of management have made arrangements with the Nipissing Railway to carry passengers to and fro from Toronto for single fare. The busy season with the farmers will also be about ended at that time, and a more profitable day could not easily be spent their listening to those eminent gentle- men, by either the admirers or 0pp0n~ cuts of the Liberal Conservative Party. SOUTH VICTORIA. â€"â€" The election for South;Victoria, which took place on last Tuesday, resulted in the return of Mr Wood, by a majority of seventy-four. Although the result -is not as we would have wished) \iyuwill" be a greatieucouragement to ConServ‘aâ€" tives in that riding to think they hav been able to reduce the “Grit” major- _ ity to its present state. In January last 5,;ng Wood was elected by three hundred ,fif‘a majority, two hundred and twenty. Quiz. more than it is today. A few more ‘igverdicts like this will convince the most ,Amgful Grit in the country that the party I is not in su ch aunited state as the Globe ,, represents. y Rubric; . School Examinations. ' The following is a list of candidates who received certificates at the late ex- . amination hfl’ublic Scff'OOl teachers for lithe County of York :â€" rT-niuto CLAss.â€"Jessie Bkodie, L011- : isavBr-unskill, Helen Cameron, ,RebeCQa \Mn Church, Maria A. Coryell, $11816 Crozier, LiCrossley, Minn‘le E. . CrowlepAunie Davidson, Jessie Don all}, tAgneo‘ Duncan, \Moua Fishburn, Ell-JD Wacky-Emma A: Hill, Helen E. Hoc g- e*- iyoungmen ‘by who dnrrraynafbau. Vaughan, August 10. 1875' Mr Editor. SIR,â€"-I’ermit me again the use of the HERALD. As an individual, I am very der ficient ill scholastic attainments, and, unlike you, never. have had the privilege of ’_a High School next door, so I have never been taught the proper grammatical con- struction ofn sentence, or, like many, ac. quired the requisite knowledge to make a. good correspondent, consequently, through my ignorance of composition and clumsiness ofarrangementiu the letter directed through you to Robert Marsh, Esq., I fear that some of the statements which it contained have been misconstrued. But first, Sir, allow me to say that not one word of that letter was set down in malice and not a single sentence of it dicl tated by the spirit of animus to the individu- al addressed, but on the contrary,-â€"Mr Marsh is a'gentle'men whom I highly esteem and were he a'cundidate for an office there is not an'i‘ndividual within the circle of my acquaintance, "in the whole township of Markham, who 'would more cordially re- ceive myisu'pport, simply because I think that a man’s moral Worth and religious standing in 'a'community ought to be taken into consideration, and influence our votes when ‘we'Pxérci‘se the privilege of the from chise. There was no design on the part of the writer to intimate that Mr Marsh inten tioliaf‘ly siss'mfed any one in the committal of perjury,b'ut that the administering of an oath uodor‘s’uéh‘crrcumstances was. a. ques- tionable policy, as ‘n the opinion of many who were present 1‘ 'e evidence he obtained was difi‘erent to what it would have been if he had remanded the witnesses until sober. This was the logical sequence drawn by un- interested spectators, from the rumor of the statements made, by some of the witnesses ' ' previohs to the'trial.‘ . As this is the .first demonstration of. The whole zestof the letter, Mr Editor, was to show the inutility of Mr Mal sh or any other gentleman giving advice to young men in reference to the evils of intemper. ance, unless that advice is endorsed. by .4 life governed by temperance principles, as those principles are now understood by at least two thirds of the clergymen of Canada and by a large majority of the most intelli- gent men of our Dominion, namely: the temperate use of that which is good, and a total abstinence from all that is evil. 1 am sure Sir, that in this enlightened day there is no necessity, were I ever so able, to enter into a learned disqulsition to prove that al- coholic liquors as a beverage stands at the head of the list of things evil. The argu~ ments subsequently adduced were only so many illustrations to show the inconsistency of all similar temperance reformers, with. out the most distant inference to any par- ticular christian denomination, or allusion to any private individual. Though written without any design of provoking controversy yet if there are any wrong statements con! tuined therein, Mr Marsh holds the pen ofa ready writer and can easily justify himself. Yours, &c., YOUNG MAN. P. S. Invdealing with this matter I have done so with the knowledge that Mr Marsh, .,as a Justice of the Peace, is a public man and his acts are therefore open to public his example is of' grBat *impéirtahdé fie“ the while is's‘urr‘ounded. ‘4 ,gcriticismyand Sis-sum :above his fellows Y. M. Q ,. Elgin Mills, Aug. 9, 1875. To the Edilor of the York Herald. SlR,-â€"“ I claim the privilege which you allow correspondents of using the columns of your paper-No address to you‘the follow- ing lettejtt”. ‘ This is my first attempt at correspondence with a public journal, and being sOméWhat at a loss for a preface to my remarks I took the liberty of cepying one fromlast weeks HERALD, as written “ Young Man,” andhus I have as yet seen no account of him having obtained “ letters patent ” entitling him totthelf‘éxdlusiveiright of said preface. F‘ifrésume I am at pelfect. liberty to do so. It is with the letter of this mysterious individual, which has caused so much comment and indignation in Our village, that] have to deal. Do not think for o moment that I am about to assume the defensive for Mr Marsh, for you, as well as other individuals in our little com- munity have every reason to know that the gentleman is well able to repel any calumi. nous attacks that may be made on either his private character or public career, but being a personal friend of Mr Marsh, having known him for a considerable length of time, and never hearing anything disrespect. .,.sor__i,'Mvinnie.J.miogg, Dorcas A. Hortop, ‘fug of him before, I was rather surprised - lerlamUohnston, Jane Johnston, Marla when I read the “long winded” epistle of nLangton, Emma M. Langton, Sarah lLawrence, Josephine A. Lynn, Margar- oet A. Peers, \Martha P. Philips, Annie 3038, Alberta E.‘Wilson, John Acheson, L. E. Annie, .31. Baird, A. Black, H. Brittain, J. T. Bradshaw, E. A. Chap- man, W. Cherry, J. E. Clubine, R. Coulter, George Cowan, S. A. Crowder, J. J. Elliott, A. A. Graham, De Forest Hugerman, Milton Height, J. M. Hea- nock, W. "A. Humphrey, Claudius Jen- ,nings, Henry Johnston. W. J. Jordan, John Macdonald, S. R. McKague, .Hugh McKinnon, Rufus Marr, Charles Mason, W. C. Matthews, 0. Moore, G. ‘Nattross, D. Poole, R. R. Simmonds, A. B. Smith, J. W.Stephens, A. Stevenson. .Thos. H. Tracy, John Walsh, Charles Watkins, R. White, W. Widdifield, J as Woulfe, M: S. Burkholder, F. C. Colâ€" {iium Tobias Eckardt, Donald Hendry, .CJT. Shaw, W. H. Wismer, Susan Hill‘ ,Annie M. Qucrry, M. L. Rankin, Annie â€" tL.-Woods,-â€"â€"Tota1 77. Snoonn Gunsâ€"Grade A.â€"Ira H. -, rBrents, Franklin Height, Alfred Jacques, iDOnald Marshall, Thomas H. Robinson, ‘ ’21), J. Smyth. Totalgfi. Grade B,â€"W. "GB. Booth, J. A. P. Clank, John Drum- ,mond, W. A. _Harvey,.Jaeob Hoover, R. rWquhnstnn, 7R. Jrudlow, Archibald A. yMcPhail, R. T. Martin, Isaac Pike, J. 'W. Wilmot, Jane Watson,â€"Tot_nl 12. A young girl named Maggie Moyer, living ,at St. Catlmrines, committed suicide on Friday last while suffering from a fit of in! sanity. A lady and gentleman who VlSlled the ' 'Falls of Niagara on Monday last, went into .thc Cave of the Winds without a guide. On ,descending to an eddy, the lady lost her footing and the gentleman trying to save _ ‘_her, both were carried into the river below ,and drowned. 5,0,1,- c orrespondent, laying before the public very minutely hls (according to H young man’;:) u besettlng Sin," and very naturally Wondered what the worthy gentleman had done ,0 raise the “angry passions” of this individual. In yournotel 01‘ apology. which ever on like to can it; that appeared at the end ofihe letter )0“ say “file temperance eople feel very-.muC-h aggrieved at the re- sult of the late trial. and Mr Marsh had, unfortunately, opened the flood gates of dis- cussion in the ranks.” SO this is the cause of all the slander? Mr NETS}! gave _his de. elsion according to the evidence 1316 before him, which did not seem, wh ell Seen through temperance glasses, according‘ to “ the eternal fitness of things.” Now Sir, I do not wish you, fer a moment, to entertain the idea that I-am an opponent to temper-- ance although not a member ofthe I.0.G.T. I go with them heart and hand in the fun theranee-of: the temperance cause, but if these are the principles inculcated in the different tem'ple's,a‘s they are called, through. out the country, ‘andâ€" if it is by a system of persecuti_plf,",such as. Seems to have been in- stituted, in your village lately, they seek to advancemegcause then I would consider it the duty Offivery right minded man to raise his voice‘iaga‘in‘st it. . ‘f'l‘hey feel aggrieved,” and this isotheway in which they proceed to have their grievances righted, trying to bl'acken’a man’s character. The admonition and advice'given by Mr Marsh to one ofthe Witnesses seems not to have met with the approval of this pious caluminutor. Proâ€" bably if be [Mr Marsh) had known that there was any .harm in him, as a Magistrate and a man who had come to years of marâ€"â€" turity, to give another, even a ” young man.” a piece of wholesome advice he would not have done so, and, hereafter, if your correspondent will write over his name I have no doubt but Mr Marsh will be able to show him up in his true colors, but while writing under an assumed name any attempt he may make to lower Mr Marsh in the es- timalion of the people in this community will only have the effect of exciting their sympathy for him and bringing down their contempt on the writer. If he merely wishâ€" es to let the public see what an able writer he is, when scandal is the subject, he can be furnished with plenty of material Within Tun Gonnlar FAMILY. â€" This talented the temperance circle. or else rumor speaks company purpose giving two of their cele- falsely. brated entertainments in the Masonic Hall, ,on Monday and Tuesday evenings next. The press, in different parts of Canada ,where they have performed, speak in the highest terms of commendation. See the fol lowing extracts: “Gonrlaysâ€"Best enter- tainment ever in Ottawa."-0tlawa Citizen. “Music Hall.â€"The Gourlays appeared at this hall last night and gave the best of satisfaction.”-â€"â€" Toronto Mail. “The most exquisitely interesting entertainment seen in Ottawa for a long time”- Ottawa Free frees, Apologizing for taking up so much of your valuable space. I remain Yours, &c., MUGGINS. A lecture, under the auspices of the 1.0. G,’I-, of this village, will be delivered by Jas. Johnson, Esq., an agent of the Order, in the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday evenw ing next, 17th inst. Admission free. A collection in aid of the G. L. Lecture Fund will be taken up. by' l. MINUTES OF YORK MEDICAL ASâ€" SOCIATION. I Thornhlll Au . 3rd 1875. i g l A meeting of the Medical Practitioner8 ofthe County of Yurk, was held here today- Dr. Langstafl‘ in the chair. Moved by Dr. Reid, seconded by Dr. Pluyter, that Dr.McConnell act as Secretary of this meetingâ€"Carried. A letter of apology was read from Dr.. Block, of Markham, stating that owing to bereavement in his family he was unable to be present, but that he most heartily ap' proved of such an organization, at the some time assuring the President that he would most willingly co operate with his fellow‘ practitioners of the County in carrying out such measures as would advance the inter- ests of the profession. ‘ A letter from Dr. Strange, ‘of Aurora, was also received and read, in which he or pressed an earnest hope that the Association would be formed on such a basis as-wnuld elevate the profession to that position its dignity demanded, and further that each individual member would put forth his greatest effort to carry out such measuresas shall, from time to time, be-discussed and resolved at any meeting of his fellow prac- titioners. Dr. Reid, seconded by Dr. Jackes. moved that the Secretary be requested to preserve these letters as minutes of the meetingâ€" Carried. rj , » . Dr. Reid, seconded by Dr. Playter, moved that we do now pro‘ceedvto‘form an Associ' ation, and that it shall‘be known as the " York Medical Association "â€"Cnrried. Dr. Playter, secomled by Dr. Reid, moved that, this Association shallmeet three times each year, and that said meetings shall be held in the months of January. June and October, and that the date of suchmeelmg shall be fixed from time to timexby 4th Air socialion in sessionâ€"_ Carried,» Dr. Armstrong, seconded ,by Dr Jackes, moved that the next meeting be held in the Temperance Hull, Richmond Hillâ€"Carried. A discussion then took place unto the day upoii’twhich such meeting shall be held. l. Dr. Rupert moved, Seconded by Dr. Arm' strong, that the next meeting beheld on the second Tuesday in October next, and that .the Secretary be requested to issue cards to leach member of the College of Physicians ‘and Surgeons of Ontario, residing in the ,County of York, said meeting to take place at 3 o’clock, p. m.-â€"-Carricd. Dr. Reid moved, seconded by Dr. Rupert. that the annual fee of $1 be required from each member of this Associationâ€"Carried. Dr. Reid, seconded by Dr. Playter, moved that the Ofiicers of this Association consist of’ President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, said Officers to be elected by ballotâ€"Carried. A ballot being taken the following gentler men were declared Officers for- tbehensuing ear: :- y Dr. Reid, President; lst‘ ViceaPresident, Dr. Langslafi‘; 2nd VicerPresident, Dr. Ruv pert; Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. McCon- nell. V ‘ An interesting discussion then took place as to practitioners throughout the county furnishing gratuitous attendance on pan er patients It was shown beyond a doubt! at the municipality of the Township of Mark- ham had from time to time poultively refused to award any remuneration to medical men for services rendered to persons living on the Council, and that they were from time to timepcnlled upon to attend upon the poor of said municipality : be it resolved that each and every member of this Association refuse to attend upon pnnpers of said muni', clpality of Township of Markham, unless he or they are authorized by said Council or a majority of themâ€"Carriedunanimously. It has beh'n the requiigaée‘nls of'said mu. nicipelit'y t‘o ‘emplo 'r” W‘jOmniislioners, lawyers, surveyors, c., and they have at all time times awarded to these public oili- ‘cers such remuneration as their» services might deserve, but medical 'men, treating .paupers of said municipality, have not at any time been properly paid for their sen view. A certain knowledge of these facls prompts the Association to the show course. Dr. Reid, seconded by Dr. Rupert moved that Drs. Reid, Hillary, Playter and Jackes be a committee to draft a code of ethics, and said draft be submitted at the next meeting of this Associationâ€"Carried. Dr. Hillary, seconded by Dr. Playter, moved that Dr. James Ross, the representa- tive for the TerritOrial Division, of Midland and York, he requested to call a meeting of the profession in his division, said meeting 2 to be held at the earliest da , and that the Secretary be requested to orward to Dr. Ross 3 copy of this resolutionâ€"Carried. Dr. Hillary, seconded by Dr. Armstrong, moved that the President, Vice.President and Sec-Tress. be an executive committee for the ensuing yearâ€"Carried. ‘ vision and that each member of the AssociZ ution be furnished With a copy of said tariff â€"Carried. , Dr. Ron] moved, seconded b Dr Rupert, that Dr. Playter, of Eglinton, be requested to read a. paper at the next meeting of this Associationâ€"Curried. ’ ’ " Dr. Playter, seconded by Dr.- Hillary, moved that this Association do now adjourn until the second Tuesday in Octoberâ€"Cur. The Aurora Banner, Newmarkei Em, and Markham Economist please notice the meeting, and oblige. ' Yours, &c., ‘Jxo. McConxuu, Secretary. M The Public and High Schools ofour Vii: logo will re'open on Monday,”16th inst. ' The Hen. A. Mackenziewasexpeeted to leave England, for, Genetic, yesterday, the 19th inst. ‘ y f ' .- . No'QvOnuM.â€"-No business was 'done at the Vaughan‘Council meeting last Tuesday owing to the “scarcity” ‘of: Councillors, Messrs Patterson and Wallace being the only members present. 1 ___‘ “ Music hath charms,” &c., dzc. So it - “ hath,” but the two organ grinders that passed through our village last Tuesday, un rolling “ Good-bye Charlie,” “ Captain Jinks,” &c., did'nt seem to have a very soothing effect on the “ savage breasts,” ln‘ fact it would take a full brass band a week at least before some of our citizens would realize any “soothing” influence worth speaking of. W Langstafl‘, 25th July, 1875. DEAR “ Hnnar.n,"â€"In writing to a farmI er friend, up north. I closed with the fol- At home stay, the plow to mind, “ Be not a. laggerd in the race,” I To feed earth’s millions space, With a hearty good will, ' Their hungry mouths to fill. No sordid motives do I plead _ My toiling, moillng life to lead, _ I love the task, my part to take, [bake The flour to get, the world’s lost" to With a. good will hearty, Is not wheat one-thirty '2 Press, IV... V v- Dr. Reid, seconded by Dr. Jackes, moved - that the Secretary be instructed to have t -- printed loo copies of the tariff of this di- What-Spring 96'th lowing original prose. I send it to you for the waste basket :â€" A. B. Let politics go to the wind, - x. Business is “looking up ”' at Thornhill, a man bought ten cents worth of sugar and two dollars worthof whiskey there lately, and yet the merchants of that village ain't proud. ’ , Mn Isaac Caesar, merchant of our Vil- lage, has been chosen by the. Directors of the Provincial Agricultural and Arts Asso- ciation as one of the judges on woolen goods.- at their annual exhibition which will be held at Ottawa, commencing September 20th. Two‘ DESTRUCTIVE FIRES, AND Surcrnn IN WooDsrocx.â€"Woodstock, on Saturday night and early on Sunday morning last, was visited by two destructive fires. Short- ly before twelve o’clock on' Saturday even- ing a. fire broke out in a row of frame houses in the west end, and, despite the exertions of the firemen, burned from abrick building occupied by Mr Brown to the Review print- ing house. The latter place was a solid three-story brick structure, and, though In great danger for n time, escaped with but i though strenuous efforts were put forth to quench the flames, the mastery was not at- tnined until the drug store had been burnt out on top and the Review office thoroughly gutted. , The Review printing house and drug store are in the same block, and both places were completely gutted. The less to the proprietors will be several thousands, but exactly how much cannot 'now be esti- mated. The second fire was by far the most destructive, and will sadly disurrange the business of the two persons whose ma. terials were so unceremoniously tumbled Dr to the street. The Review office is a mass of “ pie ” and confusion, and the drug store, one of the‘ largest in Western Canada, is in an equally sorry plight. A man named Martin Scuulan, labourer on the Credit Valley Railway at Innerkip, committed suicide on Sunday night. last by hanging himself in a stable. He is report- to have a brother on the Grand Trunk, but nothing further seems to be known about hiln.â€"â€"Mal'l. slight injury. The buildings burned‘were. . occupied by Messrs C. dz. E. McGee, cigar , - manufacturers; Butler, confectionery Mun-' ro, boot and shoe manufactureiiand S. Bickle. The Messm McGee will lose from; twelve hundred; Munro’s loss tvas'"c6vered by insurance, and Mr Bickle is not insured.‘ The building‘s belonged to Drs. Scott, Swan, and Dingwull, andwerelfully insured. The loss, to Mr Gissing, proprietor of the Review, was insignificant, owing 'to his refusal to permit anything to be removed. By three o’clock on Sunday" morning the fire was well under control, and no further danger was apprehended. , About six o’clock, how ever, the fire alarm was again sounded, and this time it was discovered that Mr 'White’s drug store was on fire, cindershavingmcvi- .. ‘ “budnlu, The roof was $0911 in a hiilze made great headway. Scarcify'Of water made afliurs 'wear a. (Ilst1 aspect, and D I E D. CLARISOR.-â€"Ai Lake City. Minnesota, US. on the 2nd instant, Mr. Thomas Clarkson, eldest son ,of the late 'l'hos. Clarkson, Esq., of Toronto, aged 48 years. Mmuncrunn or Coco.i.â€"-” We will now" give an account of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps 5L Co.. Innliufacrurere of. dietetic articles. at their works in the [Custom Re'd. l.ondon”â€"â€"Soo arliclo in Caustlt‘s Household Guide Cetobor3l. 1874. . 739-lv m RlUHM’ONDWHIl.D nanxnrn Corrected by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grocer, and Dry Goods .M'brcli‘an'7.;Firb‘l’roof Store.- Richmond Hill, Aug. 12. 187.3, In a carefully'select‘ed programme of Songs. l Burlesque Duetts, Musical Sketches. &c., 6m, two to three thousand dollars."'insuied for I dently lodged in the defects in the iron roof- ' i I I “r ‘ I": ..... z . by the tune the Jaded firemen returned, had I" TWO NIGHTS ONLY! "niday 81 Tuesday, Aug.‘-|B 81 If JOUnLA” r A M I LY Ballads. H u murous Character impersonations, Admission 25 and 50 Cts. Doors open at 7:15 .' Commence at 8:15 , HARRY CORDOVA. Business Manager. For SALE. ,‘ ._ 6 years old,‘ sound on] good to work. fit fm" heavy carriage or loam, I,“'eight,13cvvl.i5illhl, J. noun, CARIVILLE. 3 :~ 3 « 89mm, .. . _ _ .__._.. an. The next Regular Communication of the above lodge will he held next Monday even’g Atho 16m at 8.:c'cloclt, - . o ‘ JAS. M. LA‘VRENCEg-Sec. I lcnnoun Lononuuaami . .No.23,o.n.c.. ‘ â€"â€" .9: .Y, A Mackintosh Coat, Colour, blue hlnck,'with stripped liuiflg. 'Auy' one finding the some will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the HERALD Office or with the Subscriber _ , ‘ ‘ s_ , y JOIIN DUNCAN. ‘ August 4. 1875. -' 0.‘ W. KENNEDY, L»D.S:, nswuxnxnr, crux, ‘ ' ~ SURGEON DEN TISTL \ OULD respectfully announce that he will Visit Richmond Hill the It‘ll: ofeacb molilh, at Palmer’s Hotel: also attend (hotel- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : All brownie} Dental Surgery Ar“ ‘N’inzo _’i‘o. .- | .,,. . ,. _ Satisfaction-.Guaranteed. Charges Moderate. July 20. 1,573. Agentfs ,’ Outfit Free l Large Commissions and Cash Premiums For selling a LIBRARY 01' FAMOUS PIflTIllN, Comprising the telly Jewels of Imaginative Literature '2: Pilgrim's Progress I Vicar of Wakefield l: a 1 . ! 00mph“ in -ONE VOLUME of over IOUO Engraviugs . It is the WI) all want to read 1'. Agent’s Outfit In”. to all who mean business and will faithfully canvass. Flourâ€"Spring Wllcul . . . . . . . . $5 (EU ' Fall Wheat extra“ ‘ ‘ ' . 5 50 Wheatâ€"Spring. per hush. . .. fl 0!) Fall......... . .“J 000 Burley..... ..... 000 000 Outs.....4.................- $045@ 050 l’eaé....... .. . . . . . . . . . 050m) (185 Potatoes. per bush... .. . .. .. th @ I no Apples per barrel . . . . . . . . . ... l 75 @ 9 '25 Dried Applesper lb . . . . . .... U 08 f0 0 (19 Haypcrtou.._.............. l2(10@1300 Straw " ... -..... 001) ((b 000 Butter, it rolls. a so @ 0 20 " large rolls.... 018 @ ' 018 Eggs, per dot; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1.5 ((D 0 15 Dressed Hogs, per “)0 lbs. . .. 8 10 ff!) 8 50 Bacon. Prime. . . . . . . . . . . . It) 50 ((-1) 12 50 'IIams,Curod........-. . . . . . 013@ 0L5 TORONTO. MAnkETs. Toronto. Aug. 1'2. l875. Flour a-Spring Wheat extra . . $5 [5 Superior extra. . . . . . . 5 Bo Oatmeal ....... ..... -o-.- .550 Cornmonl... '...... . 400 SH 22 65 White Winter.. . I) 00 {(3 l 35 Barley..................... 000 @_080 Outs........ ...« ........ 045.@ 041?i Peasa........£.‘.......... , l] BOYD 0 Hay, per ton new‘..'.._...... 19390183 19 50 Straw . . . . . . . ......' . . . . . . . . 7 00/13 000 Potatoes. per bus-"nun... 50 0 [(3 055 Apples.per'harrel.. ........ 200d? 5250 Butterâ€"lb rolls.. . . . . . . . . . . . 020 .73 092 large Rolls . . . . . . . . . 0 l7 fir) 018 Eggs.per,d02....'.;--;..... 01543 016- Dressed Hogs. por'lOO lbs... . SOOTIE 8 ‘25 Bacon”... Prime ..,.....'... 10.50%? 12 00 Hamsâ€"Cured.porln.. . ‘0']3ft'7) 015 Woolâ€"perlb............... 933@ 034 g. firwdrgilatrtiutmmts Public Notice. OTICEis hereby given toggles ratepayl ers of the Township of Vaughan, that a N copy of the v 0,1; 6 ma! List For the said Township was posted illlithe ('38,;gk'5 Office on the 5th day of August, A.D.. ass-M. LAWRENCE, Township Clerk. V August 6. 1875. It C. D A V I ES, OUSE, SIGN, AND ()RNAMENTAL PAINTER. Graining. Glazing. and Paper Hanging. All Orders omen,“ “d V attended too. 3' ‘ Prompt], Richmond Hill. Aug [0. ’75. A lAVHM Hill SALE ACRES. MORE OR. LESS, OF" _First.cluss Laud, being Lot No. 13.] in the l5lh concession of NORTH OttlLLIA.‘ There are about 30 Acres under Improvement ll With 3 Frame House and New Frame Burn 30 x 50’: the rest is wellTimhered wilh Pine , and Hardwood. This is a first-class Wheat Farm. and is Beautifully situated on the Summit Rlvr:n,ccnvenient to Flour and Saw Mills, within hall‘s mile of the Severn Bridge Sta- tion of the Northern Railroad. Price $3.003. 890-tf. _ in easy, payments. For further particulars apply to' ' JOHN HALL. Richmond Hill l’ump Works, Richmond Hill. 890 RS CAMPBELL’S BOARDING AND DAY Scnoont’or Young Ladies, will re- open, after the Sumlncr'Vacation.‘_on Monday, August 1611!, 1875, August 12. 1875. J. B. Ford 8; Co.,0ntario omce. 40 King St, West. "A BLACK HORSE. " ‘osr,:os mouse“, one new . ’- of JULY, ml Yongo Strain-between ‘ Langstntl‘Toll Gate and Lymburner’s Corner, . Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd ofeacll mouth. . . Sullou,. . . 3rd and 4th " " Pefi'erlaw,... u...“ 5th “ " Mount All)er,...,...;. 81h " .“ Sandl‘ord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10th “ " Stoutfvillc . . . . i . . . . . . . . l4lh “ " Markham, . . . . . . . . . . . . . lfilh " " A more. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 2am " " 1/17“ gidiieitgfi‘ itfijiffllil.87l-i‘f.f . a . Robinson Crusoe, Paul‘sndVirginihj‘" Gulliver’s Travels; w Elizahefhf. f L” Vathek, Picciola, f ‘1 Undiue, Tales from Arabian Nights, , ' pages. beautifully Illustrated with 34 full page ‘ Ron's s'ronv BOOK. mil L HOUR. New Advertisement! ‘-. â€"â€"â€" l.) I I The Subscriber has just received a supply of Fine Grenadines I .. .,,. -l.. = i Beautiful patternsâ€"at little more than 5‘"--iI’I'1A I. 1‘. P R I o E ‘L Afresh atoororuiose Fine DOUBLE, WARP, niborn ‘Bl’k 1". r0- Nowt-Sugars, New Teas, Self-sealing Fruit Jars, -- At such prices or will astouiuh the Natives. - J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. .. .,.- ,.. Richmongfiflilh; p, is,_ ms, .r .l R HOMEQnAEPYr I, MACHINE ‘ EMPUHIlfilf V" The Celebrated G. Wood Organ, The Superior fineâ€"toned Warren 81:. Clough Organ W. Bell & ‘Co.’s. Celebrated Canadian Organ. PIâ€"AN.OS = .. hirifi‘shull & VVendall, fi-oni 9.5300 tO $500. v. , Sewing Machines: Wheeler s Willson; Singer, and Henry, 0:}- An Inspection respectfully juvitei. _ ” “ " ‘ " Wm. STREET. ‘, (,lege St. Richm onu Hill .- (U1; . ' 3 fl ._,,. 8...: I] if! i a g S t afl. Ravi. . SPRING- GOODVS‘! .-' A .h M‘R- 'm see “w. pungfingpt. New Spring and Summer HATS AND CAPS and also his NEW PRINTS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW COTTONS, &C;, and” especially NEW r SPRING TWEEDS and COATINGS. - ' 'iRemember the Famous :4: ,1 r "flf",l':"l5, v - d , “Tm”, Rest that can be bought. H In _ ’ _ .20an ERAL GRO O‘ERIES. billiaiiqa‘ Large Stock and will uotbe undersoldh FLOUR vAND FEED. Goods Delivered. L . . . .i Rionuioudjuiu, March 1‘ 1, 1875. A LEX. ZMQQIDJE, .sy'.,_.,,: » an r » , I), I 311:- ..\,1 fit Es: Ml: .‘__.. ’ 125 AW .AND CONVEY “0 Richmond ' j Deposits received, subject to demand. with“ *‘5 .~.,May 31. 19.75. , ,Field, Garden 81. Flower Seeds l .~ lnrsunnrm: srrn runners, -' HAMILTON. OM'. 887-4: ' F." J.. FARNDEN. . ' (can: wlrn w. DUDLEY. "wan.qu ' useful} or- July l8. 1875. a as“ manual?“ 18 NEITHER DEAD non ASLEEP But is ALL ALIVE withr -- .. uniâ€"u J FICE. AURORA. 7 Will be It Hill,ev’e‘ry T hursday' omou'li PALusnls Horn. MODERATE CHARGE. Aurora. July 13. '75. Summer Goods ..,. IN AND GOING our. DAILY. 'A. W'IaL L I S , ‘ ANKER AND BROKER, INSURANCE “mourn. us'n'rn Aonn'r. ‘- . lmerest, ‘ Loans negotiated. Debentures for Sale" ' ' i ‘ ‘ t . Oi-‘b‘lcr. : so; fideluido Street East, Toronto. a few doors West of the Post Ofiiec. ' Whichare sold as Cheap, and in some lines Cheaper , i h than can be purchased elsewhere. The Stock consisting of BSD-if. ‘ PAsngnr 00D PASTURE can be secured for I any number of CATTLE and HORSES at REASONABLE RATES. on Lot 3‘2. 9nd Con. Markham. p ,_ ’A JAS DAVIDSON; Markhanhd u li’é'lIb'TTS'lSJ ' 8824f 1; . \ 1 i _ '3 Staple andFancy Dry Goods, GROCERIE.§, . 15¢. . c Y. AND HARDWARE. . ISAAC CROSBY , . , . ROCKER TORONTO ,_ , AgriculturalWarehouse: SEED STORE, , Corner of Adelaide & J arvis Streets an? ~ 1 ’ "niéhitoua‘il’ill; Apia ‘6, ’75. fl. FOR SALE. ' ' r ‘ 7 ~ ACRES being the East Half of P u m P r I lot/No. 530, in the 3rd Concession: of the Towuibtpb’tV‘a‘ughaufi There is :Elghly â€"- Acres under improvement and Twenty Acres IN reference to the above notice of _D;.‘ in VI‘MW’ “EMU Th“ h““dl“gs "0 E°°d solution. the undersigned would innoum and"axtensi‘vel""'There is'an Orchard of‘ graft- that he is now fining up d ' dlt'fWatr.'Th" d . 0 fruit on pan y o e lets a goog New and Improved Machinery Wheat Farm and beautifully situated; bein within half a mile of Richmond Hill Station Driven»), amp“, 3,0,“, pow,“ and impnd’ ,. manufacture a l on the :Northorn Railway. and within SUPERIOR ARTICLE, ,_ halfa mile from the Village of Ma lo. and At prices and on terms hitherto unequallodg“ within two miles of the lncorpoatcd illngc of' Richmondi-I'lillftin Yonge Street. and in the Parties wantin pumps will do well to count: me before pure using. imm’cdlu'to neighborhood of Mills. Schools and Churches, anmwithin'lh miles of the City of I ‘ List of prices sent on‘a‘pplizntion. mount-En. Toronto. Richmond Hill. March 24. "is. . an." RICHMOND, HILL 5 '1' E A. M ' l have a large and very complete stock of _ Spring Seed Grains, Fertilizers, the. â€"-â€"â€" llS’SEND FOR MY ANNUAL Free to all applicants. Wm. REN N IE, Toronto. Special attention is devoted to Timothy and other Grass Seeds. Red and For further particulars apply on the prom- Alsike' Clover, Hungarian, Millet, Flax tees to the owner. a Seed, Totes, Seed Grain, (150., the. ‘ ‘ HUGH DEVLlN. Junol. ism...- sec-u: â€"â€"-p The Fifth Edition of my Illustrated Cata- logue and Revised Price List of Farm Machines, Garden Implements, Horticultural Requisitu, do, can he find unopplicatioh, ' 'WM. BERNIE. Toronto. Toronto. Mar. 12. 1875.. ' 845 ARM Ti) RENT for ajtem of years. Part of lot No. 44. on Yongo Smut, (West side) 14 miles from Torontolmtlining HINGLES FOR SALE. 70 acres. Good outbuildingsmndnnovobhfia ing Brook. Good Orchard. Apply to JOHN. McQUARIllE. ’ Mamqu Shingles ! Shingles ! l 100.. . Junel7.1875o . Appbl'm J. BROWN. Merchant, Richmond Hill. :5 a:

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