AN AGED MAN NEARLY TORN TO PIECES BY THE FEROCIOUS BEASTS. [From the Philadelphia Times.) It was while crossing an enclosed lot of Charles O’Donnel at Long lane and Darby road, on Saturday, that Samuel Fulton, 71 years of age, was set upon by four bloodhounds, and, although his cries brought instant assistance, was so terribly torn that he now lies at the Pennsylvania Hospital in a critical con- dition. It is about 18 or 20 years ago that the ï¬rst two bloodhounds, of which the writer is aware, appeared at the beer-house of Engel dz Wolfe, then sit- uated on Dillwyn street, above Gallow- hill. They were of the German breed, a male and female, of a brownish-black in color, and immense size. Since then, by importation and natural increase, the number has grown until scarcely one of the many beer breweries is withâ€" out one or more of them, while the German butchers as a rule take a pride in seeing who can own the biggest and savagest. There are three varieties, the Siberian, the Russian, and the Ger- man, in this city. The best specimen of the Siberian, the most ferocious of all, can be found within the walls of the Eastern Penitentiary, where any one can interview them by becoming a prisoner, and then, breaking out of his cell, skirmish around the yard of nights. The Russian and German, varying in size according to the purity of the breed, are to be found among the man- ufacturers of beer and beef and pork, and are Without exception the most un- grateful, vicious, dangerous and untam- able brutes that exist among the so- called domestic animals. It is as much as one man can do when attacked to escape unharmed from their fangs, and when a poor old man of 71 is attacked by four of them at once it is no won- der that the hospital report says : “ A_ large piece was torn from one of his legs, and his body terribly lacerated, ‘ and he is in a dangerous condition.†3 Some two years since a well-known down-town lumber merchant possessedl (me of these villainous pets that he had raised from pnppyhood. As it grew toward full size he was compelled to keep it chained, because not a workman in the yard dared to lay a hand on even a lath but the dog would fly at him. He had fed the dog always himself, and therefore imagined that he would never attack him. But one day, when re- moving the dog‘s pan, in order to take it away and return it ï¬lled with food as usual, the dog flew at him, and the chain only saved him from a bite. Then he took a stick and soundly whipped the chained bloodhound. But the next day the villain was shot, for when the lumber merchant that night unchained him he barely escaped with his life by a flight to a board pile, Where he was all night besieged. ’ The fact is that these bloodhounds are dangerous, even to their owners, are utterly useless to any one, and are kept only because of a. competition be- tween a certain class of citizens as to who shall own the biggest and most ferocious. The death, a year ago last May, of a well-known and prominent Board of Trade man, M. De Belloy, is well re- membered by many people in Chicago, especially those who were acquainted with the history of the unfortunate man. He was a Frenchman, and scion of one of the oldest and ï¬rst families of France. His name and title in full were the Marquis Aymar de Belloy. He was a man of ï¬ne education, reï¬ne- ment, and good business ability. in his early life he was a wild, adventur- ous youth, who spent his fortune at home, and came to America say twenty years ago. For a few years he obtained his livelihood by teaching, keeping his rank to himself, and going under the unassuming name of M. Marechal. About this time the Marquis aban- doned the fast life he had previously led. He fell in love with a beautiful country girl from Michigan, who was only ï¬fteen years old, and, from the standpoint of the adventurous and high- toned Frenchman, was unreï¬ned and uncultured. But he married her. They lived happily up to the time of his death, and six children were the result of the union. A cmcmo GAMIN TO BECOME A MAR- QUIS 0F FRANCE. The noble family of the Marquis turned up their titled noses at this marâ€" riage with a backwoods girl of Ameri- ca, and refused to recognize it or her. The husband several years ago became a member of the Board of Trade of Chi- cago. He there showed the same way- ward, reckless traits that had been the cause of his checkered life. He made fortunes and lost them. Sometimes he was on the top wave of prosperity, and again he lived in gloom. In one of his periods of depression he took his own life, as is generally believed, leaving his wife and six children in poverty. He had an insurance of $10,000 on his life, which has not been paid, the companies resisting payment on the ground that he took his own life. A subscription among his associates on the Board of Trade realized $1,500 or $2,000, and this was used to defray his funeral ex- penses, and the rest was given to his iamily. A widow with six young chil- dren and no means is a discouraging lot in Chicago or elsewhere. The old- est boy contributed what he could to the support of the family by blacking boots and selling newspapers. He was barefooted and ragged, and his educa- tion was received in the streets. The widow and her children were as poor and comfortless as the Widow and fa- therless could well be. After a time, ï¬nding it impossible to sustain life in Chicago, the widow took her family and went to reside with a relative in Gen- eseo, in Illinois, Where she is living in seclusion; The story thus far is one of early recklessness and waywardness, of self- exile from homeP of an early marriage, Philadelphia Bloodhounds; A Bootblack’s Fortune. of a premature death, and subsequent wretchedness to the family. The con- cluding chapter can now be written. Intelligence has just reached Chicago that the Marchioness De Belloy, the mother of the family and of the Chicago De Belloy, has died. The Chicagoan was the eldest son of the family. All that is wanting now is that the proofs of a legal marriage according to the American law shall be forwarded to France. The French law recognizes foreign marriages contracted in friendly countries according to the law of those countries. Consequently the marriage with the Michigan girl will be held valid, and not only do the titles of the family, but one-third of the fortunes desâ€" cend to the widow and her family, now in Genesoo. The widow herself be- comes a Marchioness, holding the same relative position to the family as did the deceased Marchioness. The oldest boy becomes a Marquis. The family is one of the most distinguished in France. It dates back to the Crusades. It has furnished two Cardinals and two Marâ€" shals to the nation. The appalling teatm‘es of East Indi- an crime are disdosed in the recent re- ports of the Calcutta Criminal Court, from which the Pall Illall Gazette has selected several cases :â€"- In Cuttack a woman draws a child 1 aside, takes the silver bracelets from her arms, and flings the little victim into a tank, on the surface of which the body is found floating a few days afterâ€" ward. In Behar a man strangles a boy ‘ nine years old for the sake of his silver bracelets and gold earrings, and throws the corpse into a sugar plantation. At Moorshedabad Chamoo robs a child aged ï¬ve, and drops her into a deep and rapid part of the river. At Benares a fellow entices a boy twelve years old into his house, and there cuts his throat in order to get possession of his silver bracelets, while a friend looks on and mildly expostulates, but neither seriâ€" ously interferes nor gives information to the police. Another takes a neigh- bor’s son into the ï¬elds, under pretence of helping him to fly a kite, there strangles him with his waistcloth, and strips him of the trashy trinkets with which he was adorned. Yet another conducts a boy aged nine to witness a religious procession, but, passing near a ditch, suddenly throws him down, partially strangles him, tears the silver ornaments from his arms and feet, and flings him into the ditch, which is for- tunately dry, and where he is found be- fore life is quite extinct. By the promise of a melon, Leela in- veigles Debee Dec, seven years of age, from his father’s house, brains him with a hoe, and buries his turban and trin- kets in a ï¬eld, leaving the body where it had fallen, and where it was found by his anxious father. This murderer, like the others, on being charged with the crime, at once confessed his guilt. but pleaded as an extenuating circum- stance that he was prompted by an evil Spirit. A woman holds a. little girl under water until she is drowned, the temptation being a silver collar of the weight of two rupees. Two women one evening ask a child eight years old to come to them on the morrow for some fruit, and, when she eagerly ar- rives, the one holds her while the other passes a rope round her neck and pulls it till the breath has died. The body was speedily found in the midst of some tall grass near the house, and the spoils consisted of a silver collar weighing four rupees. A woman of Tipperah was engaged in cooking her food, when, according to her own account, a child not above six years old came toddling up to her. Suddenly a thick darkness enveloped her, and a voice sounded in her ears bidding her strangle her little visitor. Thereupon she seized the child by the throat and the darkness passed away. So she dug a hole in the floor of her house and laid the body therein, after taking off the few valueless ornaments. A girl, aged nine, herself recently be- trothed, drowns her playfellow in a shallow watercourse, while a boy four- teen years old leads in play a youthful companion to the edge of a tank, smash- es his skull with a flint, possesses him- self of the scanty ornaments, and then lays the crime at the door of a neighbor. Generally when we hear of rich strikes it is in the gold and silver line, but this time it turns out to be honey, pure and sweet. A few days since, as the workmen on the tunnel at (Jajon Pass were hauling over some rocks, they came across a deposit of honey, and taking apole and running it into the mountain were surprised to ï¬nd no bottom. They got a long pole, some twenty feet in length, and were unable to touch bottom with that. Upon withdrawing the pole, the honey began to run out, and soon tubs, buckets, and two barrels were ï¬lled, and still it flowed. Some par ties came in town and loaded up with barrels, and proposed to make a bus- iness of it. They put in a charge of powder, and blew off a portion of the rock, which disclosed tons upon tons of honey. Our informant states that after exploring it from below up to where the bees Were found to enter, it was found to be about a quarter of a mile, and it is his opinion that the whole cavity is ï¬lled with honey. He estimates over 100 tons in sight, and believes that 1,000 tons would not be an unfair estimate. This im- mense deposit cannot be equalled by any ever found. According to the above estimate it would take every barrel and hogshead in San Bernard- iuo to hold it. Mr. Donaldson’s ï¬ancee is said to be conï¬dent of his safety. “What do I think ?†she remarked to 3 Chi- cago reporter; “Why, I think I’ll live to go up in a balloon with him some day myself. He will come back because he said he would.†Terrible Crimes in India. [From the San Bernardino ArgnsJ A Mine of Sweetness. WALKING THROUGH THE WOODS WITH A TREACHEROUS COMPANION. As a test of nerve, the recent experi- ence of a wayfarer, travelling a wood road near Olympia, Washington Terri- tory, was as remarkable as any on record. The man was a speculator. looking out wild land, and he trudged through the forest, following the almost unused path formed by an old road made by pioneers in the wilderness. His mind was devoted to one subjectâ€" the critical examination of the kind of trees upon the land about him, and of the character of the soil, and he failed to notice for some time a “ pitâ€"a-pat †upon the dead leaves near him. He at ï¬rst scarcely looked down, when he felt something rubbing against his legs and heard a slight purring sound, but when he did look his heart came up in his mouth and a cold sweat started as sud- denly as though he were suspended by weak rope over Niagara. Pressing it- self softly against’ his legs, twining about him as he walked, moving its flexile body swiftly, but with never a sound, turning up ï¬erce eyes with some- thing almost like a terrible laugh in them, was a huge cougar ! No chick- en was this man in the woods, but his account of the manner in which his hat was raised by his hair is not to be considered as apocryphal at all. Sleek and supple and muscular the beast glided about, and at intervals it would come closer again, and press its body against the legs of the man, the light touch making gooseflesh of every inch in his form. It was a terrible experi- ence, that interview with the cougar in the torest primeval, and it was well for the man that his nerves were of the kind to do honor to a frontier adven- ture. Steadin pursuing his course with steps that would falter occasional- ly, he kept on, and with him the beast continued its treacherous gambols. At times it would glide a few paces to the‘ front, and roll over and over in the road, and wait for the man to come up, and then it would circle around him again until the impulse, almost too strong to be resisted, would come upon him to spring upon the brute, opposing ï¬sts to fangs, and ending the intolera- ble suspense at any risk. The moveâ€" ments of the terrible animal were but as the playing of a cat with a mouse, and the man knew it. The moment came, at length, when the strain could be borne no longer, and the man kicked desperately at the beast as it passed him. In an instant it bounded it front and crouched for a spring, growling hoarser and showing its teeth. The man stopped and shouted hopelessly for aid, while the cougar did not spring at once, but appeared waiting to gratify its humor a little longer. The shout, fortunately, was not in vain. There were hunters and dogs in the immediate vicinity, as rare fortune would have it, and the hounds dashed suddenly from the covert as the cougar, seeing them, leaped for a. tree. A few moments later the beast fell a victim to bullets, and the man with Whom it had taken a. stroll was telling his story and trying to restore the normal condi- tion of his nerves by internal applica- tions from a small flask. It was one of the episodes which turn men’s hair gray â€"one which would, doubtless, have brought death to a man with less nerve than the hero of the affair. Partial reports of a terrible occur- rence near the line of the Mobile and Montgomery Railroad, reached us by telegram from the junction on Tuesday morning, but we could learn nothing deï¬nite. Yesterday we were called up- on by Mr. W. J. Van Kirk, of MilIvue, a surveyor who was on duty near the scene of the tragedy, but not a witness to its occurrence. He visited the hat- tle-ground, however, was present at the funeral of the victims, and gave us an intelligent report of the dreadful affair. Greenberry Bryers and James Hadâ€" ley, two men of considerable means. and both large owners of stock, had been at feud for some years in conse. quence of misunderstandings caused by the intermixing of their cattle, which “used†in the same range. On Monâ€" day, Bryers, Sn, with his son Larry, was ploughing about one hundred and ï¬fty yards from the house, when Hadâ€" ley, Sin, accompanied by a party of ï¬ve others, comprising his son “ Dink,†two other sons, and his son-in-law, Bub I‘richer, and Thomas Stewart, all armed with shot-guns, rode up near the fence and said they had “come to set- tle the matter.†Bryers and his son were unarmed, but the father, after some angry words had been exchanged, caught up apiece of pine root :1. foot and a half long, and getting over the fence, his son following him, advanced toward the party. As he approached them he was shot down and instantly killed, and his son, who ran to his fa- ther as he fell, was instantly killed. Joseph Bryers then came out of the house with a double-barrelled shotgun, but both barrels missed ï¬re, and he was shot dead. Meanwhile Dink Hadley rode toward the house, sprang from his horse, and got behind a pine tree to await the coming of another son, John Bryers, who advanced from the house under ï¬re with two guns. He dropped one of them and sprang to a post in the road, which did not shelter more than a third of his person, and exchanged ï¬res with Dink Hadley, about thirty- ï¬ve yards 03, the rest of the attacking party meanwhile ï¬ring on him from a distance. At his second ï¬re Hadley fell, got up and attempted to reload, but seeing Bryers run back and get his other gun, he scrambled upon his horse and rejoined his party, and rode away with them, John ï¬ring into them as they left, and wounding old Hadley in the shoulder. Dink Hadley’s wound was in the knce. John was wounded in the head, arm, and foot, but not dan- gerously. Three shots struck the post HOW DISPUTES ARE SETTLED AWAY DOWN SOUTH. A Sanguinary Fight. A Man of Nerve. [From the Pensacola Gazettc.] by which he stood. While the ï¬ght was going on near the house, Wylie, the younger son of the Bryers family, ran to where his father and brother Larry had fallen, and was shot down, the wound being in the thigh, and dan- gerous. The summary of the affair is, a father and two sons murdered, and two sms wounded, on one side, and on the other, a father and one son wound- ed. We are told that Mr. Bryers was much respected, being a leading man in religious affairs in the neighborhood, and that Hadley had always been deemed a. respectable person. The dead were buried on Tuesday, a large assem- blage being present. No inquest was held, it “ not being thought necessary, the facts of the crimes being so plain.†Tuesday a posse of ten men, provided with warrants for the arrest ot the murâ€" derers, went to the Hadley settlement, but found their residence deserted. The locality of these occurrences is near the Florida line, four miles west of Perdi- do station, or about midway between the junction and Tensas bridge. “You run on the ears, eh ?†asked the Court. “ Yes, sir.†“And you belong to that class of men Who open the door as the train stops at Pontiac, and yell out ‘ Upâ€" ontvack,’ at the passengers." The man was silent. “It makes my bones boil to think of how I have been used on these railroads,†continued His Honor. “The seats are looked, the water cooler empty, the windows won’t stay up, and every few minutes you open the door, and cry out, ‘Jawkun,’ for Jackson, and ‘Klazoo,’ for Kala- mazoo. I believe I’ll mark you for six months." The ï¬rst man was abrakeman who had been celebrating his grandfather’s birthday. Giving a Brakeman a. Lesson on Style. “Please, sir,†protested the pris- oner. “ I must strike a blow at Lhis great evil somewhere, and I might as well commence on you.†“Please, sir, I was never here be- fore, and it is my ï¬rst, drunk in four years.†His Honor leaned back and chewed the corner of a blotting pad while he reflected. Finally he said : “ \Vell, I’ll let you go, though I’ll be blamed for it. Now, sir, after this you want to adopt a difl’erent style. When the train approaches a station, you want to go through the car like a cat, smile gently, and say in quiet tones : “ Ladies and gentle- men, this train is now in the out- skirts of the beautiful city of Ypsilan- ti, and such of you as desire to stop off will please make ready, and may health and prosperity ever attend you.†What an innovation that would be, sir! How the traveling public would rush for your road! Will you do this, Mr. Wellington ?†The prisoner promised and was allowed to go. North Mountain is a quiet hillside resort on a branch road from VVilkesâ€" barre, Pa. Adjacent to the hotel are mines and shafts. In a new one of the latter which was being sunk the flow of water at eighty feet was so plentiful as to compel its temporary abandonment. A few days ago the “ boss " descended the shaft to examv ine the condition. He was lowered ï¬fty feet when the sudden slacking of the rope showed that the captain must have fallen from the bucket. The group of guests were of course horrorvstrickeu, and urged the unfor- tunate boss’s gangâ€"numberingmany menâ€"t0 go to his rescue, but they peremptorily refused to take the risk. Their cowardice so disgusted the Rev. Walter Q. Scott, late Professor at Lafayette College, Easton, and present pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Tenth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, that, accoutred as he was, he plunged into the bucket, and insisted on being quickly lowered to the scene of peril. He was reluct- antly let down, and in a very short signalled to the alert and anxious hearts to hoist away. This was done with a hearty will; and the added weight told them that the impulsive and daring exploit had not been fu- tile. On reaehing the surface Mr. Scott had fainted from the great stress that he had undergone, and his rescued burden was a wet, limp, and senseless mass. Mr. Scott was soon restored, and the captain also yielded to treatment, and called for a glass of whiskey, and his pipe fora solace. Mr. Scott reported that the gas was overpowering, and he was cautious to inhale as little as possible. He found the victim under water, and as was a man weighing about 200 pounds, it taxed his strength to lug him into the bucket, and when he had himself climbed in and had given the signal to hoist, he recollected no more until be revived among his friends, He has entirely recovered, and not being of a nervous tempera- ment he experienced no unpleasant effects. Recently a foreign embassy sought the assistance of the English police to ï¬nd a young girl Who had just become the heiress of many millions. The instructions were vague, and the task was necessarily given to one of‘ the Keenest detectives. At the end of six weeks the detective reported at headquarters and handed in his resignation. “ Well,†said the chief, “ and what about the young girl?†“ I found her about a month ago in a dressmaker’s shop,†was the answer. “ And what then ?†“ I married her yesterday, and this morning I have just received her six millions." Heroic Act of a. Clergyman. [From the Detroit Free Press.] [From the Philadelphia Times.] ‘004 A WHIRLWIND IN INDIANA WHICH BOUNCED LIKE A RUBBER BALL. Mr. Loeb and Ike Solomon were at the hotel in Harveysburg when the storm came up which was just before supper. In the town there was little more than a heavy rain, but it was noticed that north of the place there was something of a more serious na- ture. The air was thick with flying debris and the heavens were dark as night, betokening a storm of more than usual severity. Yesterday, on their way home, Loeb and Solomon came through that region and deâ€" scribe the scene as terrible beyond description. Houses were swept off their foundations and literally torn into shreds, scattering the pieces for miles along the path of the storm. Huge trees were twisted off er torn up by the roots, and carried to great distances. Fences and crops were swept to utter oblivion. Wheat‘ shocks were blown into the air, the grain being as completely thrashed out as if run though a machine. The scene was one of utter desolation, and the loss to the inhabitants will :be very great. But the most terri- ‘ble’ feature of the storm was the loss of human life. No less than four persons were killed. We have no means of estimating the amount of damage done. Our informant says the path of the storm was 160 yards wide, and seemed to extend for some miles. Terrible Havoc Caused by a. Furil ous Tornado. The Crawfordsville Journal has the most detailed account yet present, as follows:â€"â€"“ The storm of Tuesday evening, which passed high above us, visited some sections south and west of us with great destruction, passing over the northern part of Vermilion county and the northern part of Fountain, in the shape of'a furious tornado. It seems to have come from the northwest, ï¬rst striking at Perrysville, and expending its great- est force on the farm of a Mr. Mar- shall, about a mile and a half north of Harveysburg, Fountain county. It had travelled in about an easterly direction, and seemed to strike the ground with such force thatit bound- ed like a rubber ball, skipping a farm or two, and then striking again with great violence. It out an average swath of about a quarter are mile in iwidth, which, however, narrowed ‘down at the most destructive point on Mr. Marshall’s farm, to about forty rods. In its destruction of life and property, probably no tornado has ever visited the country with such calamitous results. In the ï¬rst part of its course it took down the resi- dence of a man named Mack, and 1m- roofed barns. “ Of the families in the path of the destroyer, S. E. Sewers, in Fountain county is the most unfortunate. They had just come from the burial ofa child that day, and, out of that household of ï¬ve persons but one is alive a little boy with both his arms broken. Mrs. Sowers, a niece who was temporarily stopping with the family, and another person were killed instantly. Mr. Sewers, sen, died Wednesday night, and his mar- ried son was reported dead on Thurs- day night. The house is a mass of ruins which is the case with about everything on the place. As far as known the only other case attended with loss of life is that of Mr. Semple. As before stated, the tornado was at its fury on the farm of Mr. Charles Marshall. He heard it coming and proceeded to put his family into the cellar. All were in but himself and little boy, when the wind blew the: door shut, and he was unable to open 1 it. They then started for the smoke‘ house, hoping to get into the cellar, but the building was blown over on them, and lodged on a meat barrel, which saved them from being crush- ed. They were all unhurt. Every thing in the shape of grain, timber, etc., was literally swept from this farm. Mr. Marshall says that he had 2600 bushels of wheat on his farm, of which he does not think there are now twentyâ€"ï¬ve. The Wind carried the sheaves up into the air until it ‘Was almost black with them, whirl ling them round in large circles as if ‘they were issuing from a large fun- The woods are ï¬lled and sown with the wheat. All his ï¬ne timber was destroyed. A large boulder, the lowest esti« mate of its weight being 1800 pounds, was moved several feet. One house was blown to pieces and the floor found a mile away. A very valuable orchard, one of two in that section of the country, was completely twisted to pieces. A large amount of cloth ing and bedding was blown into the woods and torn into shreds. One man was lucky enough in his mis- fortunes to ï¬nd an old shoe out by his stable, in which he had deposited 890. He also had some silver pieces which were blown around, but he succeeded in ï¬nding them, all but one piece." The Crawfordsville Re- view gives additionat particulars :~ “In this vicinity we hear that there were nineteen persons wounded and several houses blown down. One man had just ï¬nished setting up a threshing machine, and when he looked 101- it after the tornado he couldn’t ï¬nd it. It is rumored that one man was blown entirely away, and has not since been heard from. One man had just unhitched his horse from his buggy, and the buggy was taken up, capsized, and carried away as ifit had been a mere straw in the wind, The model husband lives in Stras- burg, Lancaster county. He never allows his Wife to do more than half the work. She puts up all the canned fruit in the summer, and he puts it down in the winter.â€"-.Reading(Pemz.) Times. ‘ A murderer in Nevada refused to escape when the jail door was acci- dentally left open, “ because he didn’t have a clean shirt to go in.†[From the Attica Ledger.] $100 IN CASH 382-3111] U SIGNED to sm'ea large portion of the time spent in dressing Millstoncs by lizmfl. and to dress the same with uniformity and exactness. lumping the stone always oven and “in face.†A run of stones can be dresmd in 21; hours. Mzicliimrs sum, 011 30 days‘ li'i: . Apply to THE HAMILTON TOOL CO’Y, MAKERS, The Diamond Millstone Dress- ing Machine! TTHLINGER'S PATENTâ€"IS DE- Auxiliary Publishing Comp‘y, Hamilton, Out. N0. | GURDON PRES“; NOTICE TO MILLERS. LN ORTHEY’.5 STEAM ENGINE WORKS '1‘ I I Manufacturer of . 9 PORTABLE AND STAA TIONAm' STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Steam Pumps and Boiler Feeders; also Drops fm- stumpmg Sheet Metals, Steam Engine Governors. &c. 370. allowed by architects, builders, and practical stuii» builders to be the best and simplest work yet, pub- 1ishcd. Every carpenter that wants to keep u ) with the times should procure a copy. The boo » contains forty three plates. also an Appruutim Dw nrimcnt. The host of testimonials furnished from ending architects, builders and mochnnim. Pub» lislmd at, thr; low price of $5. Subscribe to local agent, or address GARPEEWRSQ (x‘encrgxl Agent. Box 507, llnmiltlm, 0m. W†AGENTS WANTEDpâ€"Tho work is Copyrighted, and cum only he had rrmn 11w, 10ml agent, or general rent. This standard article 18 cmupnumlrd With the gruntâ€" est mm. It, effects are :18 \Vumlm'fu] 11ml SJtiqf-Jvhn‘y us \‘YUI‘. H, roshn‘cs gmy or fudml hair to its youthful whn‘. It removeq all urupï¬nns. itching, mu] (Iazmh'nn' : and the scalp by its use hecum’us \\'I|i1(ful|1l (Zn-1H]. By its tonic properties it nestm‘cs tin: mum] glands to their normal Vigor, prmwmtim, Imhlm-s and making" the hair grow fllick :uul strum This elegant preparation may he relied on tn rlmu-‘e the cnlur of the beard frmn g1 y or {my other nmlosn able shade, to brown, or black, at discretion. It is easily applled, being ill ONE PREPARATION. 11ml quivkl) and effectually produces n permanmn wluv whivh “ill neither rul) nm- Wash 01?. As a dressmg nothing; can he fumu] 5m effectual, or desirable. “Imam '(UX I'm- Dr. A. A. U. S, $1310 A says of †l «on idur it, 1'†intended purposes.†\‘t'l‘ Hf M P UCKINGIIADI’S “Y E FOR THE \VHISKI‘IRS. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. Northrup & Lyman, Newcastle, Genera} Agents. May 6, 1873. (16 MATHUSHE'LIE HANDS! STILL UNRIVALLEDI MEssns. BARLOW & Muxmsnmi~ R. P. HA LII&’7 00., ,NASH'UA7 N1] I cannot refrain from a frank avowal of the very great superiority of the Mmhushek Pianos, as in every respect superior to all others. The " 0r- cheatral †is a. marvel of power and sweetness, and in all respects equals any Concert Grand; while the “ Colibri†possesses the power of any ordin- ary square piano by our best makers, and really has no equal in purity and sweetness of tone. (Signed,) CHARLES FnArmL. Composer 11nd Pianist to His Royal Highness the Due Gustave 0f Saxe Weimcr. Is without exception the host medium priced in» strument in the market. Mr. Fischer commenced hii business in 1824, and may claim rank as the oldest in New York in the Piano mule, Their sue cessml business of half a centcry enables them to Offer a ï¬rst-class piano at unapproacimble prices. The oldest 1111p boat, and gives better flflï¬anCI inn than any other organ in this market. Catalogues and testimonials sent, on applimtiun. Every Instrument, warranted {or ï¬ve yams. Agents wanted 111 every County of the Domnuon. TREBLE’S Dominion Shirt Factory I No. 8 King St. East, HAMILTON, ONT f “'0 STORIES, CONTAINING SEVEN- tccn large apartments, largo cenm‘s, hard and soft water, and all modern cnnvcn~ icuces. There are 2 acres of land attached, also a good supply of choice fruit. Situated in the thriving town of Port Dover, (the ter- minus of the 1’. D. & L. H. ll.) on that beau- tifiil hill overlooking Silver Lake, (for line scenery this is unsurpassed.) Also i A FARM CONTAINING 43 ACRES, 4 acres of good hard wood, large orchard, grafted fruit, barns and outbuildings in good order, will he sold with the above residence if desired. The farm is separated from the brick residence by a. road. For further in- formation apply on the premises to S oundNec , 4 around Chest, and Waist; size around Wrist; From ccntmnf Back to end of Cufl'; for Studs, E clots m- Bllttons in Front ; for Studs Eyclcts 0r muons in (‘nfl'z plain Front, or 3 01' 5 “mm; when wmmul; prim; quan- tity. S. u. Treble’s anmofll Furâ€" nishing House, Hamilton, Gut. All Saws Warrantcd. Or at the NEW DOMINION ofï¬ce, Hamilton FARM FOR SALE. THE FISCHER PIANO! BRICK RESIDENCE Hamilton. Jan. ]st. 1875‘ 8 Adelaide Street, East. DIRECTIQMS 1:03, SELFâ€"MEASUREMENT Con. 0F WELLINGTON & KING WXLLIAM HTS H A M I L T O N . ST. CATEARINES, ONT PRINCE ORGANS! APPLY AT THE OFFICE OF THY IN GOOD ORDER NGRRIS dc SOPER, WILL BUY J. 0. WHITE, FOR. SALE. MANUFACTURED BY B EAIJ'I‘IF RIBS. L. BO‘V LBY, NEW YORK, June 24, 1867‘ (Successor to J. Flint) Manufacturer of mi kinds. of SAWS, Straw Knives, Patent. l’hlstcr- ing Trowcls, &c. §ole Manufacturer 0! the J. Flint I’ntcm 1111» proved Champion Gross Out saw; also the lightâ€" ning Cross 0le Saw. R.H.SMITH HAMILTON, ON’I‘ '1'. CATHARINES SAW worms. UL 35- 1 Just Published, “ Gill‘s Mechani- cal Stan-builder, Town! 0 [370 1r 3m A POPULAR SUGGESE J Li admall, J W. _J \k‘ This mediciim is fur sale 1)) all Drug‘gists Uu'ou'gli'out the Dominion: Jimmie oi Counterfeit conipoundsmh \‘crtised by it ï¬rm lmmvu as Joseph Miller & 00., and passed ofl' (7]! tin: unmspcn-tinw sufferers for the genu- ine. The Diamond Rhuumut Yum is secured by Patent and Copyrights in L Vi‘y civilized country when) it is ianduccvl, and has on the Inlmlche mum ugrum, “ l).l{,(‘,“ without which all othersarc fm'lyls. Fur sah- C\'i‘i'}'\\h Agvuts: for the Province of Ontario, Sentt Street, Toronto. This is the familiar question put to every invalid by his anxious friends. Every pang that racks the sysâ€" tem is e silent pics of nature for help. Just es the collision between flint and steel produces ï¬re, the struggle between disease and nuture produces pain. Rheumatism and gout are very common, ver, painful and sometimes very perilous diseases. Until recently rheumatism was but very little understood by the orâ€" dinzu'ypreetieing,r pl eians. It is essentially a. dis. ease of the blood, \vh h becomes thoroughly eha‘rged with an acid. and eireuletinv vith the blood, it comes in emitset with the ï¬brous ti no This tissue is in- ilmned by the acid mini {1 painful disease results. The poison is Hosted from joint to joint. and one after aw other is attacked in sueeessron. When the disease is fully established the patient presents a pitiable spectaâ€" :ile of helpless sum rint lie is very restless, yet he does not move. The “eight of the bed clothes can barely be borne. The sweat. the urine,iha saliva are all sour. liverv thing ploinly points to the nature of the disorder. an acid poison in the blood. The lining of the hetn't is made of the seine ï¬brous material, and DON’T FAIL TO PURCHASE IT. Possessing most Astonishing Unrativo Properties hitherto unknoum, and only obtain- able in tho ï¬led/lent Victory. Its Properties are such as to rapidly insure Sound Health and Long Life. The best scientiï¬cally prepared medicine In America. Pleasant m the taste, and wai'rnnlcd free from anything injurious [0‘ Ike most delicate .consliln- lion of either sex. Read the certiï¬cates of wonderful cures given in Dr. Dcpew’s Treatise accompanying each battle. as well as those constantly appearing in the Newspaperprcss of the Dominion. sum] ï¬ve hottles DIAMOND RHEUMATIC CURE. Two bottles to Mrs. Jane‘Sn'voy, and three bottlés m] horny W. Savage, nil of this plm'c. 1 have used throu bmtlcsu my! feel that 1 am cure , ' Respccfllflly you A GREAT BLOOD PU RIFIER n' munpnumlcd the preference over an other remedies ever presurihud fur those smhlmm diseases. Every avenue of escape for the Imis n must be opened; the hm >]<, the kidneys nod the skin must he forced into The DIAMOND RIIIiUMATIC CURE acaom; 'lishos ‘11 thi m'while itdes the acid pois'tm plishos all this : fm'while it deï¬ row the acid pois'mf in the hhvod, it 01mm all the gates for the discharge of itâ€"Alm skin, the kidneys and the bowels. 1th; furthosu sull‘wicnt mm that yhysicians are now everywhere prescrin he DIAMOND RHEUA MA’I‘IU CURE as sn infallihlu speciï¬c for removing Um (-nnsv uf Gout, Chronic, Acute, or Muscular'Rhéu- matism. hxnnhug'u, Sciatim, Nervous Headache, Neur- mm of thu hand. “can, kidneys, and stomach, Tic llulm-cux, nervousness, flyingpnins, twisted joints, swnllen juints, pain in the back and loins, weakness of lhu kitllli‘,_\'S. tired feeling, languid, weary pmst'm- (inn, and an nervous and chronic disonscs. GEORGETOWN, 1112.1†Feb. 15, 1875. duos not mm'u. The weight of the bed clothes can barely be borne. The sweat. the urinenha saliva are all sour. liven thing plainly poims to the nahlre of the disorder. :11! fluid poisml in the blood. The' lining of the lictu L is mmle of the same ï¬brous material, and this in turn may he attacked, converting it into a dis, vase of vul'y grout danger 'Whenrccovery takes place affected, there is often in slow future had health. pal- pii inn and drop Diamond Rheumatic Cure. of his pron-<1 whirl; {he JL"‘4': “’L†H LV’ .- ---'-.--y â€" â€"v"* 7 m1 emmentphysxcxan, isthe discoverer of this Great Blood Remedyâ€"a Purely Vegetable, Uompoundâ€"â€"uamed by physicians, Dopew’s/ Medical Victory, that cures every kind of unhealthy Humor, and ever disease that depends on Impurity 0fthe B 00d, whore tho Lungs, Liver, and Kidneys, and other vital organs. are not wasted beyond the hope of repair, . an. A1 1‘ -1 For the cure of Scrofula Erysipelns, Salt-11111211111, Eczema, Scaldâ€"llmul, Scaly Eruption 0f the Skin7Ulcers, and Fever Sow: 01' all kinds Bails Humor in the Mouth and Stomach or 1103703., Sore Ears, Eruption 011 the Head, and Pimples 01‘ Blomlms on the face, i1 stands Pro-eminemly at the head of all miller Remedies. ' 1n the cure othenmatism, Dyspepsin,LiVer Complaint, and diseases of 1110 Kidneys and Bladder, its effects are surprising to all. For {egulnting the Bowels, and curing Bilions- nose, Headache, Sick-Headache, Neuralgia, Female Weakness, Nervonsness, Pains in the Side, Loins and Back, and general Weakness and Debility, its curative powers are remarkable. It is a Gentle Regulating Purgative, as well as EL Tonic, 8w. Possessing also the peculiar merit. ofneling as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion, and ()lironir Inflam- mation or‘ the. Liver and all the Viseeml ()rgans.__ For Female Complaints, whethor’ in young or old, married single, at the dawn of womanhood, or at the turn of life, the Medical Victory has no equal. . A Perfect negotiator qnd Invigornlor N0 MEDIBINE EQUALS IT. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET. ADDRESS Sills & 00., BATH. ONTARIO. of the System. On: Bottle of Dcpew’s Medical Victory will convince the most incredulous qfits curative properties. DR; Dï¬ï¬ï¬whomgms, muggy! AND Health Regulator, N “TI ()1) ’1‘}! E 5: ES U'lll‘bi. NORTIIROP rï¬ LYMAN. ‘ll EEPEW’S YOU? 32% El AT Matter wi'rn .1. i’LIMI‘TON SAVAGE