Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Sep 1875, p. 3

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Carriage llIunnfactni-ers, having been established for more than twenty.five years. hlld built the first xigln work in this election. and having equal to anv. If not the best shops and funnies ofans' w Iks in the Dummion, are inI, giving ilairwhole afiergieeto the building of Light Cauriagns, &c. Being pracll"al workmen in evm‘y brunchqmrlies in want of Buggien. Fuldiufl gents. Lndies- phmmps. either annual or open, Light Shilling Rail Top Buggiés in all sl\'|en, 3 Spring Waggnns equal to the best ilflhe Duminion, Springlmards, &c.,nt the present time, would find ilio thei r advantage to call and inspect our large and v.7ri- d stock. as we have upumrds of FIFTY jabs ol‘ (lufim-ont va'lfilles. strength. capacity and price. As we warrant all our work we do not Sa('llfi",8 q miily for [nine Our rule is to buy and manufacture wall so that we can sell “Hall, at the same limn making it an object tor customers to buy from us. and at :he same time for us to sell to them. Owing to our work hating Universal smi faclion. and having received scoresol‘ first prizes, UNPRINCIPLED parties have mod to decuiva cuslnnmrs hv valuing ull‘lnt‘ernor work as our Ina‘hul'nclurc. Partial calling and sewing: our VA ltl lill) S FUCKâ€"as we use every novelty that ii known to be goodâ€"will not be (leCHivell whun they hulmld Ihe gl'uccful sweops and outlines of our wood-work. strength and Iightnew of iron-work. elegance, bnautv and sofinvis of trimming. and uniufiiasz’hd IrfirrorJike finish of painting, l’ul’iios coming from a distance can generally dapond upon taking: a Bdg'g'y The Celebrated G. Wood Organ, The Superior fine-toned Warren 8L Clongh Organ. W. Bell & Co.’s. Celebratad Canadian Organ. 1V1 arshull & \Vendall, from $300 to $500. Sewing Machines: Wheeler & Willson; Singer, and Fleury. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, CROCERIES, With them. We <0“ For cmh or credil. Painting and Trimming done for the trade and pub- lic. Wood-work l‘uill‘hhed m blacksmilhs, or Wood-walk lroned for \Voodecrkers. Allkinds of repfajning {ione wilhout delay. Richmond Hill! ORGAN We make a spn-ciahly of painting Old Bllgail‘fl. and. having adOpted a new method. are prepared £0 guarantee samfactiun . Una gram dificulw to he unmounted in pninling old work Is that [he caacks in (he old paint on the body of a carriage show lh ough tho new surface us soon as it is reâ€"paimed We are prepared to meel this obstacle by guaranteeing a good job; and UN Spliug u! we yea: is the tiuln to see about having you rconvoyancas put in proper re- pairâ€"it is the best kind of economy. HENRY R. WAT,ES__& SONS,- ‘- II n. a .n... ,;.N . New “ Fifi? STORE” nortmouz of MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY! “The Peoples’ Store.” WINDOW SHADES of all designs. (BORDERIN GS of all kinds and the latest patterns on record. ROOM PAPER. FURNITURE, All kinds Cabinet Ware Manufactured. GARDEN SEEDS. 84 Adelaide St. East Toronto. Aug, 19, 1375., ---. -u’ .‘;v.u;‘u.n."LLâ€".un Iv .Dusmicilz): iu‘Chnncery. Notary Public and Conveyancer. April 91, l875. Markham, Feb, 7, 1875 Richmond Hill, Sept. 2, ’75 Of all qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Paint and Varnish Brushes of all sizes. at, Toronto Prices. GLASS of all sizes. A large assortment of Clockery, ware purchased m the best markets. Tinware of all kinds. The usual stock of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, as low in price as any house in town. Richmond Hill, April 1 1875 EUS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Customers for their patronage durl ing the past and would call their attention to the fact that. ho is on hand with a large na- ‘m-..5 ‘1‘ COMING IN AND GOING OUT DAILY. ‘Agrgsrm, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ENRY R. WALES, & SONS, the old established and well known AND Of All Kinds. ALFRED HOWELL, Also the best quality of Flour, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes and Apples, at the lowest. prices. Also, a fresh stock of Which are bold as Cheap, and in some line! Cheaper ' that. can be purchased elsewhere. . The Stock consisting of BUGGIES ac] (6 oils PIANOS: IS NEITHER DEAD NOR ASLEEP But is ALL ALIVE with P. G. SAVAGE 3:? An Inspection respectfully invite}. RICHMOND HILL. CROCKERY, 874-tf ‘arcels Delivered. 872-61“ TORONTO. 890-3! The Largest Assortment over "on in this Sewn. AND HARDWARE. ISAAC CROSBY U AND luau. manna AGENT. 1 Deposits received. subject to demand. with Interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for Sale. ‘ Ohms : 90; Adelaide Sm at Eut,Tor'onto. a few doors West of the Fall Office. May 31. £87; ANKER AND BROKER, INSURANCE A. WILLIS, Wm. STREET. Markham Carriage Works. Yonge-Sl. Iichmonn Hill Chairs Re-caned. MACHINE EMPUBIUM! SEWING 83045. At the Old Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopes, by the strictest neottomy,com- bined with the heat material and workmanship. to merit a Continuance ofthe patronage bostbw- ed 0:] the late firm. All our pumps are war- rentud. N. B.-â€"Wellsaunk on the shontvsl notice. We” Curbs constantly on hand. Richmond H ill. “‘88 SUBSCRIBER B EGS T0 INFORM the lullabitanls of Richmond Hill and en- vlroul, that he will continue to manufaclure "I8 181'. PRIZE Pump Works, flntario HousE Cradles. At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. EELEHBATED EXEELSIUH PUMP The Largest. and Cheapest Stoék in tovi'n Good Preserving Sugar 12 lbs for Choice Mixed Tea. for 50 its. p FRUIT JARS $1.50 pe Huvesl Mite 40 ale 9': And all other Goods in proportion. L A K E S | M C O E. Fishing and Pleasure Parties Fresh Arrivals Ya o hta w Boats By applying penennlly or by post to R. W. PRITT IE. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. All Kinds of Wood Tn Pic-NICK: Pleasure Parties J .B. Respectfully solicits a call Livery Stable Corner of Yonge and Centre Sts Richmond Hill, July 21, 1875. Wood Yard .' Choide Sugars. Teas, Cofi‘ees and Tobaccos. .l the inhabitants of Richfiwnd Hill andvi- cinily Ullth has a NEW [AVERY STABLE . at the Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS ” RIGS." at moderate charges, and hopes. by strict attention to business, to merit a share of their patronage. Can be oh‘tnified at the linuw Book tor at the following reduced priceu :â€" mets. 20c“. SOcta, 38ctujyi0clu, 60¢“, and 90 cts‘. m, HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill andvi- DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. WESLEY HY MNS Pride list sen! on applicmicp HARDWARE: 'radlcs. Forks, Scythes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels. Hoes, At Toronto Prices. J . [L Richmond Hill. March 31. ’75. 871-“ Ric hmond Hill. April [5, ’15. 873-”. Richmond Hill. Dec. 3lat. ’74. Flour, Oatmeal, Commeal, Gra- ham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts. DOMINION HOTEL .Flour and Feed: FRUIT JARS: 880-3m BOOTS 8b SHOES: GROCERIES : A WOOD YARD, TINWARE: 'E SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES TO the Public that he has opened CAN BE ACCOMODA'I‘ED WITH Quote 2. Few Prices: SPLENDID And he will keep on hand firutcrim, &c. RICHMOND HILL. I? Remember the place Cheaper than ever. A LARGE S'mcx. Which will be Sold In connection. hsmxa SIMON PROCTOR. J. BROWN. JUIIN HALL 12 lbs for $100 50 Eta. per lb. $1.50 per dol. 40 at: per pair Lunacy, Ou'r' And are located at the North-west coraor of lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applv (if by leucr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square .or :0 WM. G. HINGSTON. 1. sale a number of Village lots. situated n the village of BEST FARMS IN THE EflUNTRY, U Hill. containing one mire and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. wi ll) a barn stables. and other outbuildingsxhereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on lhe premisea m ’ HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of VilL-ze lots. situated About Oneflflh of an Acre, A Large Blick House, a Good Barn, and other outbuildixgs, (1 Steam Saw Inlll in good running mder. Also, a large and 'l‘hriving Young Orchard. One end of the Farm is crossed by a never failing Spring Creek. Terms easy. For particulars apply to 0 TO Weekly Papers. race-ved It :he HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hi“ lmile from \‘aplq Village. and E mile from Richmond Hill Station. (in the place is 'I‘HE'West lxalfof L012) . 4111 Con. Vaughan dh'é bf me’ ages with Good DWelIing House and Out- buildinga,junt omside the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And A FARM 01' 69 AND A HALF ASHES Being part of lots 3 and 4. Isl Con. Township of Uxbrldge. Rangile iii price from 30 cents per lb. upward. '1‘ HE Subscriber lakes this opportunity of ro- lurnis‘g his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their patronage during the past, would solicita continuance of the same. and would cell their attention] to a flesh arrival of Terms $l,payuble at time ofservice G. & D. BIRRELL. Richmond HillFIonr Mills, March 19, ’75 8694f (Formerly the property of Mr Jae McNair) Will serva cows this season at Lot ~13. 151 Can Vaughan. TEE PURE-BRED DURHAM BULL, c H E A P T E A s , Green, Black and Japan "MARINE llF LllflNB,” Best 50 cent T ea in the Vallage FRESH Direct from the Mills. Glassware,Crockery &Tin ware All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buck- wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal UUMINIUN 1' HOUSE! RICHMOND HILL. Puausuno As A wnmtm and for thn benefit of YOUNG MEN AND mums who sufl'er from NERVOUS DEBILH‘Y. LOSS OF MAN- HOOD. VITAL POWER. am. giving rules of Sol/1 Cars. after much suffering and expense and sent free on nceiviu 9 stamp for return goings. Addron' ARIEL MAYFAIR in 073°: 153,31‘oklyn. New York June 26, 1875, 884“ All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. CONFESSIUNS OF A VIBTIM. VICTORIA SQUARE! Mnrcl197,1872. MAPLE P. O. Vaughan. March 28. 1875. 870-“ Richmond Hill, Jan. 8.1874. ‘OR SALE.â€"â€"- UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON I“. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. 24, 1875. House and Lot for Sale, ‘N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND N Yongo Street, Richmond Bill. also ten TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. Famiiy Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. LL Village Lots for Sale. l Cultivator, Munslmw’a 2 Blacksmiths' Bellows. And a number ofBlacksmiths’ Tools. 1 Gardner Sewing Machine. atxupcrtg for 5:112, A LARGE STOCK OF FOR SALE. Also a fine assortment of Acknowledged to be the COFFEES The lots contain TEAS. Apply at the HERALD Office. Apply to JAC B RUPERT. JACOB MORDEN. and SPICES. §8£A6rq Dingla P. 0 714-1! 8- 74f 7011. ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER,‘ Undertaker. &c. RnslUEficvzâ€"â€"Noarly opposite the Poél Office Richll’fdiid Hm. ICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, reapectl'ully solicits your patronaga and friendly influence. Sales ultendod on the shortest name and at reasonable mien, P, 0. address. Victoria Squan . ' LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York. respectfully solicits ynur patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shor‘est notice and at reasonable rules. P. O adgfeas. Ifing. A Begs to unnnunce to the Inhabitqnts of Richâ€" mond NW. and snrroundmg nei ghboyhootha he has built a new Hearse an «‘ccnmenced the “A. WRIGHT, ___ CARRIAGE BUILDER. For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Coffins ax.d Caskets in every 9910. RIUHMIINI] HILL MILLS! LL rally be found a! 'home from 2 to 3 o'clock. P M. mummy BUSINESS; A FINE NEW HEARSE FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! SURGEON DENTIST. GEORGE (12‘ DAVID BIRRELL Parties favoring us with grists m‘a‘y faly ona good return and well munu’acmred. 10 to 100 Dollars Horsés and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons‘ JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. '72. 75l-3m ARRISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Torumti. Huuusoufir. I“. OSLER. ’I'Howu's Moss,Q.c W. A POSTER, ‘ CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE OULD respectfully announce that he will visit RIuhmond Hill the 18m ofeach momma“ Palmer’s Hotel ; also attend the fol- lowing! places. professionally, Sundays ex- c'epiedf Newnia‘rket,. . . . . .. . . . . 2nd of each month Sflton,..... 3rd and 4th " " Pefi'erlaw,..... ...... 51h “ “ MountAlberl.......... 8m " “ Sandford.............. 10m “ “ St‘outfvillb‘............. l4lh “ -‘ Ma'rkham,....’..-....... 16m -- u Aflroru......... -. 20m 0 u .1. truction of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commodious premises belong~ ing to Capt. 'l‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight «Sr. Son’s Novelly Works. Markham. Excellent nceommodatlon afforded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connaction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. All branches oj‘ifiental Surgery lit 100,000 \n‘ A weekly journal of Currhlt Events. Lile'uture, Science and Artm \gn‘culture and Mechanics, Fashion and Almlsement. Sod at We a number at the HERALD mm" “‘m- . A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.82; 35; $5.50, $3.50 and $9. at (he ' HERALD Boon STORE. mcxm'a‘and Hill. Satisfaction Guaranteed. , Charges Moderate} July 20. 187:). 887-11“. 1) (Richmond Hill branch) at the HERALD P 7‘01: Store. ANADIAN ILL-USTRATEIS NEWS. .r' A weekly journal of Currhlt Events. FAMILY BIBLES, King, Sep?. 10. 1874. HiéHEsT MARKET PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. Markham, Sept. '10; i874. Richmond Hill, July 23. 1874. Febxuary 4th. 1873. Richmond Hill Flour Mills. 00:15. 1873 EARRISON. OSLER a; MOSS, ri'oronlo. Dec. 4, 1872. Junel7,1875. Sept. 4. 1872 EG to inform Merchants Bakéfs & Farmers > that they have always‘ on hand a large stock of 0. W. KENNEDY, LAD.S:, ICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMQND HILLK WILL GENEâ€" Funeral Furnishings supplied at from SAMUEL M. BROWN'A IBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" NIPISSING- HOTEL, MARKHAM. Shingles ! Shingles ! JAMES C. STOKES, THOMAS SEDMAN, RICHMOND HILL. gtificmmwmw, NEWMARKET, 0N'l‘., ATTENDED 1‘0. SHINGLES FOE Apply to J. BROWN. Merchant, Richmond Hill D. WOOTEN. 737-“ 759-lv 842-1!" 8424f E35-1f 7504f SALF. " Holloway’s Pil's and Ointment,” being l'nbri- cated at 7U.Maid en Lane, New York, by parlias styling them-‘ selves “ Holl: vay & Co .’, with an assun‘ ‘d trada mark thusâ€" Each Pot and Box bear the British Govern- ment Stamp, with the words “ Holloway’s Pills and Ointment, London." engraved thereon. On the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London. This notice has become necessaw, in con- sequence of vile and spurious im’ilalions of For {he protection of the public of British North America.I deem it my duty to state the! my PILLS AND OINTMENT are neither man- ufactured nor sold in any part of the United States. Unprincipled vendors can obtain this trash atnvery low price. and so deceive you by selling the same for my genuine Hollnwny’s Pills and Ointment. which are manufactured onlv at 533, Oxford Street, London. . Mau‘y respectable firms in the Brifish Prov- inces. whb obtain my mdd‘icih'es direct from here. have Very properly suggenad that l éhbuldflor the benefit of themselves and the public, i'nserl their names in ("he napors. that (it may be known that my medicines can be haggenuine from them. Persons \i’ho mayflbe so deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. v llvlll Luv-u. Thfie followingis a lid of the firms alluded w; and l particularlv recommend ‘thoge who aesere to get m'yyme'dicif'tea to‘ a'p‘ply to some 0; m6 Hnu'séé named ;â€" Hvrns, Morcor & (Io . .‘iontr'eai. Measrs Avery. Brown & C0,, Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsyth & Co., ‘Halifax. NS. Messrs 'l‘. B Barker & Sons, St. John, NB Apolhecavies’ Hall Cm, Victoria. B. Cr Messrs Langley &. Co . Victoria, BC. Messrs Moore 61. (30.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Fallen, Chmlmm. N. B. Messrs Munro & Col. Montreal. , Mess'rs J. Win‘er & Co; Hamilton} C. W. Mr El. J. Rose. Toronto; . . Mr A Chipman Smith, St. John. N. B. Mr John Bond, G-‘drich. Ont. Messrs Eiliot& 00., Toronto. Mr J. Chalonor. St. John, N. B . l . Messrs Hannington Brothers. St. John, N. B_ Mr R. S. Priddv.Windsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Morden. N. S, , . Mr George C. Hunt. Jun.. Fredericton. N. B Mr W. H. Thompson. Harbor Grace, N.F.L. Mr J. M. Wiley. Fredericklon, N. B. Messrs W. & D. Yuilo. Montreal. Chas. 1. Davirs, Fredericton, N. B’. , , .,r.._.v., . . .. vu1,:nlrl\u,vllullll8l APOTHECARI’ES} HALL. LINCOL’N. ENGLAND. Said in England by ail Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses, Wholesale Agents for Provinces of 0mm and Quebec 'â€" EVANS, MERCER 8a 00., Montreal Mailed to any address on receipt ofP. O. O BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. As alllii'e-endowed bodies} Whethorthey b1 Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rilalfarce, which binds all the springs, of existence. and as nothing can save them from destruction when this principle leavés‘them, the discovery of‘ means wherehy vilalitv mav be sustained in the living bodyis indeed a b13011 to the world. The medicines are $016 at {he lbfimét Midte- sale not prices. in quantities of not less than £520 worth -vi'z.. 85, 6d., 223., and 34s: per dozan boxes of Pills or_ pots ofVOimmemt, for whiéh remittancés must He sent in advance. 533. oxford Strzel. IV. C.‘ London, JunI 15574 Sold in Bottles 1 dollar eaéii, gmd in Cases, containing 6 times the quantity. 4'doliars each- sutficientto efi'eqt a permanent cure in the great majority of iojig st’uuding basesJiY ALL (JUEVIIS'I‘S _a|id PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS thr‘oughout the world. Sole Proprietor, l“. J CLARKELhemist, A nl\mrlnr‘ . Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingrediénis constitu- tingthe brain. muscles and nerves, and finds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are strengthened r Felilows’ Compound Si RU? 011* BYPOPHOSPHITES This. then. is substantially (he basis on which FELLoW’s “Norman-fins is buin.its direct action is upon :he Blond. the Brain and Nervous System. and the Muscles. t‘trungthv suing the fierves. it causes the rapid diqtribu- tion of Vitalized Blood in tho Muscular Organs of the Body. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on [the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swallings. Claarathe Blood from all impure moltenfl From whatever cause arising. As this mixtur‘e is pleasant to the taste. and warlanted free from anything injurious to the most delicale constitution ofeiiher sex. the l’mpriotor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to [set its value. Thousands of testimonith fi‘om' afi pai‘t's. 6‘ Rousing the .Sluggish Hgart And Livex. ntrengthening the ucliop ,of the,Slomnch and ‘Jofilels a'nd anabling the Lungs to be fiullyinr Hated wnh Oxygen. BLOOD MIXTURE Trade Jllark “ Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER 65 RESTORER For cleansing snd_clearing the blood from allimpur'rtes, cannot be :00 higth recommen- It is alla'pted for ALLcaées o'f Weakness and Emaciation, whether arising from sedentarv life. a tropical climate. from fever dr debility from any cause, and is efficnéieus in PULMO- NARY Conway-non. many confirmed cases having been cured and all benefilted. where Its use has been continued over a fortnight, dud . Fo‘r Scro‘l’ula. Sc‘nrvx", Skin Diseases. and Saras of all kind! it is a never-failing and perâ€" manent cure. 1! cures old Sofas. Cures Ulcefated Sores on the Neck. Cures UlcergredSore _Legs. n ... lu Bronchitis it is a specific. 5nd in Asthma it gives relief where ovary other remady fails Par Nérvo‘us Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may be used with cpnfidenpq i_l_| all cases, As (his is entirely distinct and different from every other preparmion of Hypophosphites,b¢ careful toask for FLLLows’ SYRUP,and takt no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIE!‘ IS warhmted to cure all disLhargas from the Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or constitution], Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes. $.50 $111 Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills ’ ‘ s'éfe'iir'éfirist'éifé. 'J. 0 LA uKE. A'POTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. . >_ _ thlemle Agents for Provinces of Ontario and Quebec: EVAN MERGER & 00- Montreal. Ma ilcd to any Ir‘dxub m rem-i; gaunt WWW, Prico. $l-50; Six for 37'50. C L A R K E ’ S WDRLD PAMBD THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.” JAMES l. FFI- LOWS,Chen (:9 St..lonn. Nb THOMAS HOLLOWAY . £83 11 MINION, at $6 per lOOIee't. Also Floor? ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets; Paila,CiderMills.WashingMachines.Shin Iel‘ Waggon Felloes.alid LumwaaWodtoorgfir. Forpurticularsuddrésé' 385 TO $20 'lUU LU VDXC'U Agénlé Wanted ! All classes of Working people. of either 801., young 0|: old. maxe more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than‘ at anything els3. Particulars free. Poet card‘ to Slates coals butone cent. Addre§s G. S'l‘INSON .52 Co’., Portland, Mnind. Oct. 27. 1974'. l 849-” M. TEEFY.‘ ,. 5 ( N. LYNETT.‘ . , .. (As Executors of tha Estate ofthe Late Mutid' Bren‘nnn.) T‘O on first« Mortgage Securityâ€"in sur'ns from‘ $500 wards. A pply to Successful Again I USE THE NORWICH QEPDIAMONfi YEAST a V 1 (LAKE-=51)a Takes this opportunitv of iizforming tho fanfi’fi' ers and the public g‘nerally [hut he has ob; mined the Call and Examine the stock! BRADFORD MiLLS 2 Best Pair of Scotch Collars Shown at the Richmond Hil‘l mid Yongq‘. Street Agricultural Spring Show. héld on May the 24th, 1875. custom. WOrk; CUSTOM CA RDINGa SPINNING \& FULLING In either branch. 6n the‘ shortest, glotiéé, in such a madner as to give the utmost antib- faction t‘o hié patrbns. Ho trustd to récéiv'n'i the same libel-a} patronage horetofo’ie eitél'tdéd to these mills. Terms strictly cash, Richmomf Having seen ed the services of MR JAMES: R, NULL. 3 first claés workman; ha is may to do lst 22nd Prizes Sloré. 3 VVESLEYA‘N HYMNS, ALL Sims at tlié HEAR”) 86 ok Sfm‘é. Thornhill.N6v. 3‘, ‘or making all kinds of cakes without egg-2 Fm" stile 13y _ C. E. SHEPPARD. Ma'uch 23. 1875. S‘70-1y Richmoxfu’Hn'r 1,)AFER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS if we HERALD‘ Book Store. Markham, May 12'. '75.- Patent EaVeâ€"firough ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE 150" EWELRYI JEWELRYI‘, FOR SALE chéap at the Hun“): Book Stéré. CEO 0 L REQUISLTES OF ALL H E Subscriber héving refitlgd his WOOL; EN MILLS he isn‘ow prepued to on; cute a" orders rm 35112 31155211 Watch.- HARNEsm ISCELIJA‘NEOUS BOOKS SUITA- kinds at the Hliilbb Book Stan. USE THE If you want ligh‘t. swe'et Brb‘a'd. Also the FIRST PRIZE forthé MONEY TO LENfi ble for preseulsat tho quyp 30033 it tlié Hamil.» Bi) ok Sine} JOHN LANGs'r'An“, ,, i ‘ Steam M'insa‘l‘amhin; ; Iâ€"I. MYERS EGG FOR. JIM ALEX. Mach?! '5; 8714!. AN ‘ on fifqtfdaad‘ POWDER PER DAY. H'- 5'1’0-.'tf

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