Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 Sep 1875, p. 3

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Universal smixf’nclion, and having received scores of first prizes, UNPRINCIPLEDpanies have tried to deceive mlstumnv's ln‘ mining utf'xnfm-xor walk as our manufacture. Parties calling and neaiug our VARIEI) S FOCKâ€"us we use every nove‘ly that is known to be goodâ€"will not be deceived when thev helmld (he grumful swaops and outlines of our wood-work. strenglh and lightneus of iron-walk, elegance, lmautv and sofun'ss of trimming. and unsurpassed mirror-like finish of paiuLing. l‘arLios cuming from a distance can generally depend upon taking a Buggy 1L Carriage Manufacturers. having been established for more than twenty.five years. and built the first light work in this section. and having equal to anv. If not the best shops and facilities of any w .Iks in the Dominion, aro stii: giving heir whole energies to the building of Light Carriagns, Sac. Being practical workmen in evvry branch, parties in want of Buggies. Fulding Seats. lmdim' l’hmtone, either («weird or opmt. Light Shifting Rail Top Buggies in all s|\'les,3 Spring “'agfrnns equal to the hesl in the Dominion. Springhnardn, Km” at the prosent time, would find it to their advantage to mail and inspect our large and vnri‘ d stock. as we hnve upWards of HFTY joh< ol'tlifiamnt vatiuttns. strength. capacity and price. As we warrant all our work we do not sacrifice qqality for price Our rule is to buy and manufacture wall so that we can sell tvell, at the same timn making it an object tor cnstomereflo buy from us. and at the same time tor us to sell to tham. (Jwitm to our \vnrlx luath “'ith Ethem. We 96“ For each m- credn. Painting and Trimming done fur the trade and pubâ€" lic. Wood-work furn'hhed to hlacksmilhs, orWoodeork lroned for Wood-workers. Ailkinds of repfiiring {Jone without duh)" We make a speciahly of painting 0h] Buggips. and. having adopted a new method. are prepared to guarantee sali<faclion . 'Hm great Jifiirtuhv to he surmounted in painting old work is that the cracks in \I‘m old paint on the body of a carriage show lll nugh lhe new sur'ace as upon as it is resâ€"painted \\’e are prepared to meet this obstacle by guaranleeing (1 good job; and the Spling u! the yarn is the Linn [u see about having you 1* conveyancos put in proper re- puirâ€"it‘in the best kind of economy. . HENRY R. WALES & SONS, ll-..l.l..._« [PAL '7 10"? run .- . . A “'ith E(hem. “'e 98“ For each or credil sortmenf of Staph? mad Fancy Dry Goods, CROCERIES, Sewing Machines: Wheeler & Willson; Singer, and Fleury. “The Peoples’ Store.” ROOM PAPER WINDOW SHADES of all designs. ~ BORDERINGS of all kinds and the latest patterns on record. New @‘EME fiamds! The Celebrated G. Wood Organ, The Superior fine-toned Warren &. Clough Organ. W. Bell & Co.’s. Celebrated Canadian Organ. All kinds Cabinet Ware Manufactured. Chairs Re-c; Also the best qnality of Flour, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes and Apples, at the lowest prices. Also, a. fresh stock of Richmond Hill! GARD] ARRISTER, ATTO RNE YA Tâ€"LA W, Solicitor in Chancery. Notary Public and Conveyanccr. 64 Adelaide St. East Toronm. Aug. 19, 1875 , MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY! ORGAN Markham, Feb, 7, 1875 April ~21, 137 5, Richmond Hill, Sept. 2, ’75 Of all qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Paint and Varnish Brushes of all sizes. at, Toronto Prices. GLASS of all sizes. A large assortment of Crockery, ware purchased 1n the best markets. Tinware of all kinds. The usual stock of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES, as low in price as any house in town. Richmond Hill, April 1 H375 EGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Customers for their patronnae durl ing the past and would call their attention to the fact that he is on hand with a laci’ga as- mnul nl' COMING IN AND GOING OUT DAILY, EN‘RY R. WALES, & SONS, the 01d established and well known Of All Kinds ALFRED HOWE LL, AND Marshall & \Vendall, from 345306 t6 $500 r _ , V_ r m. .... ..- . Hm”... not sacrifice qqality for price Our rule Is to buy and manufacture wall so well, at ‘he same Limn Inflkmz it an ohjgct tor customersto buy from us. and the same time tor us to sell to tham. Owing to our work Inning Which are bold as Cheap, and in some lines Cheaper thm. can be purchased elsewhere. The Stock consisting of ads (6 Oils IS NEITHER DEAD NOR ASLEEP But is ALL ALIVE with P. G. SAVAGE 3:? An Inspection respectfully invitei RICHMOND HILL. CROCKiRY, 874-tf arcels Delivered. 672-611) TORONTO. 890-3: The Largest Assortment ever seen in this Sown 1) AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Depoann received. subject to demand. with Interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for Sale. AND HARDWARE. ISAAC CROSBY Orrmr. : 20; Adelaide Street East,Toronto. a few doors West of the Post Office. May 31, 1875- 880 U". ANKER AND BROKER, INSURANCE A. WILLIS, Wm. STREET. Markham Carriage Wot ks. Yonge St. Richmonn Hill Chairs Reâ€"caned. EMPUHIUM! MACHINE SEWING Atlhe Oid Stand. Church Str'eot, Richmond Hill. and lmpos, by the strictest (monomy, cnm- hined with the heel material and workmanship. to merit a Continuance ol'lhe patronage bestow- ed on the late firm. All our pumps are war- reutvd, Cradles. Good Preserving Sugar 12 lbs for Choice Mixed Tea. for 50 cts.1: FRUIT JARS $1.50 pe Harvest Mits 40 cls pt And all other Goods in proportion. JOHN HALL N, B.-â€"VVells sunk on the shoxtcst notice. Well Curbs constantly on hand. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. J the lnlmhilams of Richmond Hill and an- Virous. that he will continue to manufacture the ntaria. Eons J.B. Respectfully solicits a call CELERRATEU EXCELSIOH PUMP 181: PRIZE Pump Works, 'I‘HE SUBSCRI BER BICGS TO INFORM Corner of Yonge and Centre Sts Livery Stable At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. Fresh Aa'rivafis Richmond Hill, J , BROWN. July 21,1875. J the inhabitants of Richifiond Hill and vi- cinity thnlhe has a NEW IJVERY STABLE at the ' HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES TO the Public that he has onnnpd All Kinds of Wood Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- (ILASS ” FIGS.” at moderate charges, and hopes. by strict attention Lo business, to merit a share oflheir patronage. DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vi- WESLEY HY MNS Can be obtained at the HERALD Book Stor at the following reduced prices :â€" 10cts. Qflcts. 30cls, 38¢ts.'§40cls, 600(5) and 90 cts. Yachts (*3 Boats By applying personally or by post (0 LAKE SIMCOE. Fishing and Pleasure Parties Choice Sugars, Teas, Cbfi‘ees and Tobaccos. To Pic-NM Pleasure Parties HARDW ARE = Ric hmond Hill. April If), ’75. 873-”. Wood Yard .' he Largest and Cheapest Stock in tOWn Price list srn'. on applicatirn Richmond Hill. March 3!. ‘75 Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Gra- ham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts. Richmond Hill. Dec. 3lsl. ’74 DOMINION HOTEL FRUIT JARS: BOOTS & SHOES: GROCERIES : 880-3m TINWARE; At Toronto Prices. “our and Feed: A WOOD YARD, the Public that he has opened Richmond H ill. Spades, Shovels. Hoes, Quote 8. Few Prices: SPLENDID CAN BE ACCOMODATED WITH And he will keep on hand @rnrxcriw, 8w. III? Remember the place RICHMOND HILL. Cheaper than ever. A LARGE STOCK. For/cs, Which will be Sold In connection. VISITING SIMON PROCTOR. cht/zes, R. W. PRI'I‘TIE. 12 lbs for $100 5001s. per lb. $1.50 per duz. 40 cls per pair LEFROY, ONT J. [1. 871-1! Rakes, in good running order. Also. a large and Thriving Young Orchard. One end of the Farm is crossed by a never failing Spring Creek, Termseasy. For particuIars apply to JAC- B RUPERT. - MAY-LE P. Or Vaughan. March 28. 1875. 870-“ And are located at the North-west coraerof iot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a sectinu where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applv (if by letter.prepuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square .ur lo BEST FARMS IN THE UBUNTRY, g milefrom \Taple Village. and 3 mile from Richmond Hill Station. ()1) [he place is A Large Bn'ck Housg, 3 Good Barn, 71‘“ E Subscriber takes this opportunity of re- turnixg his sincere thanks ‘.0 his numerous customers for their patronage r'nring the past. would solicita continuance of the mama. and would call their attention to a flesh anriva] of 1 sale a number of Village lots. situated n the village of Ranging in price from 30 cents per lb. upward. c H E A P T E A s, Green, Black and Japan About 0729 D To Weekly Papersn‘ece'ved :1 (he HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hi!) - Best 50 cent Tear‘in the Village FRESH U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. with a barn stables. and other outbuilnings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on tho premise“ ‘0 ' Direct from the Mills. Glassware,Crockery &Tin ware All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccoa of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buckâ€" wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal Being part of lots 3 and 4. lst Con. Township of Uxbridge. acres wilh Good Dwoliing House and Out- buildings,just onuside the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And A FARM 01' 69 AND A HALF ACRES PUBLISHED As A WARNING and for thn benefit of YOUNG MEN AND OTHERS who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILI'I'Y. LOSS OF MANâ€" HOOD. VITAL POWER. etc.. giving rules of Sag/1 C'ure. after much sufl‘eringand expense and sent free on receiving a stamp for return postage. Address NATHANIEL MAYFAIR P. 0. Box 153, Broklyn. New York. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in ekchange for Goods. DOMINION HOUSE! RICHMOND HILL. BUNFESSIUNS 0F AVIETIM‘. Terms $1, payable at time ofservice G. & D. BIRRIsLL. (Formerly the properly of Mr Jus McNair) Will serve cows this season at Lot 43. lst Con Vaughan, “.MABIIIIIS 01' “IBM,” VICTORIA SQUARE I March 97. 1879. ‘PE West halfof Lot21.4th Con, Vaughan . one of me JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hill. Jun. 8.1874. 8-'7-xf ‘OR SALE.â€" June 26, 1875, GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. 24, 1875. UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753â€"3111 Richmond HiHFIour Mills. March 19, ’75 869-tf HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR and other NHLUCAS STREET, RICHMOND 1 ’ N Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. also ten TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. LII House and Lot for Sale, I Cultivator. Mnnshaw’s 2 Blnclismilhs' Bellows. And a nnmbar of Blacksmiths’ T0016. 1 Gardner Sewing Machine. Village Lots for Sale. A LARGE STOCK OF E PUREBRED DURHAM BULL, firumrtg fur 5m, FOR SALE. Also a flue assortment of Acknowledged to be the COFFEES TEAS, Apply at the HERALD Office. The lots contain 6 zitBiLTlIlinfi'a‘SZm S a w M il l Apply to WM . G. [llNGSTON. fifth of I". CRAWFORD. and SPICES. 884 Gm an Acre, Diuglu P. O 7144f 7on. Bag: to announce to the Inhabitants of Rich- 'mohd Hil', and surrounding neiglnburhooddha he has built a new Hearse an (con menced the RICHMOND HILL MILLS! FIRST-CLASS FLOUR & FEED! THOMAS SEDMAN, ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. &c. For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Coflins and Caskets in every slyle. Rnalmmcnâ€"Noarlv opposito the Post Office Richmond Hill. Parties favoring us with grists may rely ona good return and well manufactured. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons. ’ JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72. 75l-3m ARRISTERS, 830., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A Hamunoufl r. F. Cam-1R. THOMAS Moss,Q.c W . A FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE Toronto. Dec. 4, 1872. 750-“ A. W RT GHH T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. UNDERTAKIHE BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE GEORGE (fl DAVID BIRREISL R 10 to 100 Dollars LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York. respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shor'est notice and at. reasonable rates. P. 0 address, King. 1- tructinn of the Anglo American House by fire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. '1‘. A~. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight &, Son’s Novelly Works. Markham, Excellent accommodation afforded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. addrese, Victoria Sqmm . o‘clock. P' u. Febluary 4th. l873. \' A weekly journal of Current Events. Lile'ature. Science and Arts, \gricultnre and Machanics, Fashion and Annement. Sod at 10c 21 number at the HERALD RM” q‘f‘rs' FAMILY BIBLES, A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.82. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at (he HERALD BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill. u SURGEON DEN TIST. OULD respectfully announce that be will visit Richmond Hill the Jmh ofeach month, at Palmer’s Hotel :- n'lso attend the fol- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : Newmarket,. . . . . .. . . . . 2nd of each month Sutton,......... 3rd and 4th “ " Pefi'erluw,............. 51h “ " 81" u u Sandford,............. lOlh “ " Stoufl'ville..........--. I4Ih “ " Markham,. . . . . . . ...... lGlh " “ Aumm................20m " “ All branches of Dental Surgery 100,000 Satisfaction Guaranteed. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR \VHEAT. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- Richmond Hill Flour Mills. Oct I5. 1873 HARRISON. OSLER 8; MOSS, Richmond Hill,July 23. 1874. ‘1 ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NE WS. King, Sepf. 10. [874. Sept. 4. 1872 Markham, Sophia} i574 I B L E S 0 C I E TY DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hill branch) at the HERALD )ok Store. EG to inform Merchants Bakers 5:, Farmers i that they have always on hand a large mock of Charges Moderate. July 90. 187.5. June 17, 1875. ICHMOND HILL LIVERY Funeral Furnishings supplied at from O. W. KENNEDY, L-.D.S:, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMQNQ H‘ILLL WILL GENEâ€" SAMUEL M. BROWN‘ NIPISSING HOTEL, fully be found a! [home from 2 to 3 Shingles ! Shingles ! ! JAMES C. STOKES, RICHMOND HILL. @Iimllmwmm, NEWMARKET, ONCE, ...3rd and 4th ........ 51h ......... 81h lOlh I4lh .........161h ..........20t|1 MARKHAM. ATTENDED TO. SHINGLES FOR SALE. Apply to , J. BROWN, Merchant, D. WOOTEN. 737-tf Richmond Hill 759-lv 842-” 842-” 887-”. 35.” Each Pot and Box bear the British Govern- mentStamp, wilhthe words "Hollowny’s Pills and Ointment. London.” engraved thereon. On the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street, London. This nolice has become nece;sary. in con- sequence of vile and spurious imitations of “ Holloway’s Pills nnrlmntmonl,” being fabri- cated at 78,Maid an Lane, New York, by pal‘tiw alyling them-' selves “ Holl g ay & Co", with an assun E 5 i trade mark thusâ€" As alllif'e-endowed bodies. whetherthey bl Beast, Birds, Refitiles. Insects or even Zoo phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by vitalfm'w, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothinzcan save them from destruction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living body is indeed a boon to the world. , _.--....,-.. A Mr R. S, l’xiddv.Wiudsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Morden. N. S. Mr Genrgo C. Hunt. Jun., Fledericton. N. Mr W. H. Thompwn, Harbor Grace, N,F.L Mr J, M. Wiley. Frederickmn, N. B. Messrs W . .(v D. Yuile. Montreal- Chas l. Davirs, Fredericlr‘n. N. B. many respectable firms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here, have very properly suggested that I should, for the benefit of themselves and the public, insert their names in the napers. that it may b3 known that my medicines can be had genuine from them. The followingis 8.1th of the firms alluded w; and I particularly recommand those who assure to get my medicineb to apply to some 0} ihe Unuses named :â€" The medicines are sold at the lowest whoha- sale net prices. in quantities of not less than £20 worm â€"vi7,. 8e, 66., 929., and 34s. per dozen boxes 01 Pills or pots of Ointment, for which remittances muslbe sent in advance. 533. Oaford Street. IV. 0.. London, JunI 1874 Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients constitu- tingthe brain. muscles and nerves. and finds that bv introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are strengthened. Evrns, Mercer GL Co . Montreal». Mo'srs Avary. Brown 61 00., Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsx'th & Co., Halifax. NS Messrs 'l‘. B Barker & Sous, St. John, NB Apothecavies’ Hall Cm. Vic1oria. B. Gr Messrs Langley &, Co , Victoria. BC. Messrs Moore {k 00.. Victoria, 3.0. fl--. .u um. v ununu, 04,. Dr. John Pallen, Chatham. N. B. Messrs Munro & (30.. Montreal. Messrs J. Winer 5L Co . Hamilton, C. Mr H. J. R099. Toronto. Mr A Chipman Smith. St John, N. B Mr John Bond, Gndrich, Ont. Messrs Eiliot & Cm, Toronto Mr J Chalo-ler, St. John, N. B Messrs liauninglon Brothers. St. John, Unprincipled vendors can obtain this trash atavery low price. and so deceive you hv selling the same for my genuine Hollawny'h Pills and Ointment. which are manufactured onlv at 533, Oxford Street, London. Fellows’ Compound SK RUP OF BYPOPHOSPHITES This. then. is substantially the basis on which FELLOW’S HYPOPHOSPHITES is huilt.its direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous System. and ihe Muscles. b‘trunglhv suing the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion ofVitalized Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Body. For the protection of the public of Br'uish North AmericaJ deem it my duty to state than my PILLS AND OINTMENI’ are neither man- ufactured not sold in any part of the United States. w... u. "w, \uuulu mrou, London. Persons who may be so deceived “ pleased to communicate with me. Many respectable firms in the British Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Liven. strengthening the action of the Stomach and 3owels and anablingtho Lungs to be finllyinr Hated with oxygen. l! is adapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emaciation,whether arising from sedentarv life. atropicaiciimate. from fever or nobility from any cause, and is efficacious in PULMOv may CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cases having been cured and all benefitted. where Its use has been continued over a fortnight. As lh‘is is entirely distinct And dlfl'erent from every other preparation of Hypophosphites,bt careful ‘oask for P‘ELLOWH’ SYRUP, and Iain no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIEF lu Bronchitis it is a perific. and in Asthma it gives relief where every other remedy fails For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may be used with confidence in all cases. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each, and in Cases. containing 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars each- sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great irmjorily oflong standing r~ases.BY ALL ()HEVIIS’I‘S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole Proprietor. F. J CLARKE,Chomist, APOTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN. - ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontatlt and Quebec 'â€" EVANS, MERCER & 00., Montreal BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Mailed to any address on receipt IS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, $I.50 all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, F. J. CLARKE. One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills For Scrofulu. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. lt cures old Sores. Cures Ulcer-ated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on {the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matterfl From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of'either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of testimoniall from all parts. lfi’OTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agenis for Provinces of Ontario and Quebec: EVAN MERCER a; 00- Manfred. BLO0D MIXTURE Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER &RESTORER For cleansing rnd clearing the blood from nllimpurites. cannot be too highly recommen- AHA dud Man“! it :mlhzu fitment afiteztriviuw, Price. $51-50: Six for $7-50. C L A R K E ’ S WURLB FAME]! THE BLOOD ISTHE L}FE,” JAMES LFFI LOWS,Cheni,~* SLJonn. NB TH OM AS HOLLOWAY art; can obtain this trash and so deceive you by my genuine Hollawny's . Hamilton. C. W. deceived will be "ll." being fabri- an Lane, New ‘lyliug them: ay & Co", } i trade mark Jolm,N. B ofP all parts 883 AND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0 mmon,at$6per100feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sup Buckets. Pails.Cider1\Iills.WashingMachinoa.Shil lu Waggon Felloes.und LumberSnwodtoor . Forparticularsaddresa JOHN LANG-STAFF, m. . __ Sitfgm Mills ,Thornhifl. QllllJ .LU KID-(JV Agents wanted 1 All classes of working people. of oilher on. young or old. ma a more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything also. Particulars free. Post can! to Slates costs but one cent. Address G. S'I‘INSON & 00., Portland, Maino. Oct. 27. 1874. 84951! $5 TO 33520 $200030 LOAN on firm»... Mortgage Securityâ€"in sums from; $500 If" wards. Apply to M. TEEFY. N. LYNETT. (As Executors of the Estate ofthe late Mutin- Brennan.) Successful Again For making all kinds of cakes without: eggs. For sale by USE T H E NORWICH Takes this opportunitv of informing the I'm".- ers and the public gcnerally that he Ill! 05' named the 0C?DIAMOND YEAST CAKEcéfif} Shown at the Richmond Hill and YoI'O Street Agricultural 9 ring Show hold on lily the 21:1),1875. ' HFADFORD Best Pair of Scotch Collars Custom WOrk. Having secu ed the services of Mn JAMES R, NEJLL. a first classdworkmun. he in rudy to a In either branch. on the shortost notice, Ind in such a manner as to give the utmost Illil‘ faction to his patrons. Ho trust! to rocoive the same liberal patronage heretofore extended to these mills. Terms strictly cash. lst 22nd Prizes S [079. ESLEYAN BYMNS, ALL SIZES at the HERALD Bo 0k Store. Richmond 1)APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT me HERALD Book Store. Thornhill, Nov. 3,1869. C. E. SHEPPARD, March 23. 1875. 870-137 Richmond Hill all and Examine the Stock 1 Markham, May 12, ’75, EWELRYI JEWELRY! FOR SA’aE cheap ntthe HERALD Book Store. C H O 0 L REQUISITES OF ALL kinds at the HERALD Book Store. H E Subscriber having refitted his WOOL- EN MILLS he isnow prepnred I. no: cute all orders for CUSTOM CARDINGe HARNES& ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA= ' ble {0: present“! my Hm” p... Wu: 5531mm” Wank. U’SE THE Also the FIRST PRIZE {orlho Ifyou want light. sweet Bread. Patent Eave-trough MONEY TO LEND SPINNING & FULLING '. H. MYERS EGG ALEX. MACKII. '5. 8774!. POWDER PER DAY. 510-."

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