Universal satizfaclion. and having received scores of' ï¬rst prizes, UNPRINCIPLED pxmiea have ‘ried to decnive customers bv [mining oï¬'infarior work us our manufacture. Partial calling and seeing our VA RIED STOCKâ€"as we use every novelty that iv known to be goodâ€"will not be deceived when thev behold (he graceful sweeps and ouflines of our wood-work. strength and lightness of iron-walk. elegance. Mum and soï¬noss of tl'imlninw “A ..........m......: .... -_ IZLA Carriage Manuï¬tchirers. having been established for more than twenty.ï¬ve years. and built the ï¬rst light work in this section. and having equal to anv. If not the best shops and facilities of any W'il‘ks in the Dominion, are still giving Ilieir whole energies to the building of Light Carriages, &c. Being practical workmen in every branch,parlies in want of Buggies. ‘FWingSeats . Ladiea‘ Plimtons. either covered or open, Light Shifting Rail Top Buggies in all slvles, 3 Spring Waggons equal to the best in the Dominion. Springlmards, &c.,al the present lime. would ï¬nd it to their advantage to call and inspect our large and varied stock. as we have upwards or FIFTY johs ofdiflorent vavietias. strength. capacity and price. As we warrant all our work we do not sacriï¬ce quality for price Our rule is to buy and manufacture well so (hut we can sell well, at the same timn making it an object for customers to buy from us. and at the same time lor us to sell to them. Owing to our work lining â€" 4 u 7. V7 "5' our work we do not sacriï¬ce qualny for price Our “In! we can sell well, at the same timn making it an at :he same time lor us to sell to them. With them. \Vo sell for cash or credit. Painting and Trimming done fat lie. Wood-work fumished to hiacksmiths, orWuod-work lroned for Vi’ood of repairing done without delay. We make a speciality of painting Old Buggies. and, having adopted a prepared to guarantee satisfaction . One great diï¬iculiv to he surmounted i is that the cracks in the old paint on the bodv of a carrinon ï¬hnw oh nnnh .1 U , ,,, . V. o - ...... unuuu .u .munulg ulu WOrK is that the cracks in the old paint on the body of a carriage show th ough the new surface as soon as it is ro-pninted We are prepared to meet this obstacle by guaranteeing a good job; Ind the Spring of the yen! is the time to see about baving you r conveyances put in proper re- pairâ€"it in the best kind of economy. About 16 years of age. to learn the Harness Making. Apply to ï¬hish of painting, ‘VANTED, IMMEDIATELY1 A Smart Boy, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, Sewing Machines : Wheeler & Willson; Singer, and Fleury. New Fall Quads! “ FIRE Pnoarsne" The Celebrated G. Wood Organ, The Superior ï¬ne-toned Warren 8L Clongh Organ. W. Bell & Co.’s. Celebrated Canadian Organ Richmond Hill! ORGAN Markham. Feb. 7, 1875. August 17. 1875. All .‘kinds Cabinet Ware Manufactured. MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY! WINDOW SHADES of' all designs BORDERINGS of ROOM PAPER Richmond Hill, Sept. 2, ’75 FER N 1 1‘ U R E, BESS to inform his numerous patrons that be has received, and WM continue to kec a large stock of STOVES OF ALL KINDS April 21, H375. “The Peoples’ Store. 35“ Parcels Delivered. Richmond Hill, Supt. 23 ISSS Of all qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Paint and Varnish Brushes of all sizes. at Toronto Prices. GLASS of all sizes. A large assortment of Clockcry, ware purchased In the best markels. ’I'inware of'zill kinds. The usual stock of STAPle & FANCY GROCERIES, as low in price as any house in town. COMING IN AND GOING OUT DAILY, STOVE PIPES and STOVE FURNITURE. which he will sell BELOW TORâ€" ONTO PRICES, also, ENRY R. WALES, & SONS, the old established and we“ know: T 1113 AND 'Also the besi quality of Flour, Bran. Shorts, Potatoes and Apples, at the lowest prices. Of All Kinds. Marshall & \Vendal], 1'1-0n1i‘ï¬38k)? 115 $500 r, 7 W, . .H. v. v“. wvuu-wuln. strung"! -\vmk. elegance, beauty and softness of trimming. and unsurpassed mirror: . Parties comin from a distance can aenerall do and u on [akin a Bu g E 1-, Y P P 8 Which are 301d as Cheap, and in some lines Cheaper than. can be pulchased elsewhere. The Stock consisting of BUG-GIES WM. HARRISON, R ichmoud Hill IS NEITHER DEAD NOR ASLEEP But. is ALL ALIVE with P. G. SAVAGE CROCKERY, 871-“ RICHMOND HILL. IANOS: An Inspecï¬on respectfully invilei. A fresh stock of beautiful patterns just received all designs. RINGS of all kinds and the latest patterns on record. 872-6m RY R. WALES & SONS 1) AND “EAL ES'I“TI-‘. AGENT. Depoma raoeived.m|~jecx to demand with lnlareut. Loans negotiated. Debentures for Sale. AND HARDWARE. ‘ ISAAC CROSBY A.\'KF.R AN!) BROKER. INSURANCE rimming done for [he trade qlldpub- l_.\._,.) 1- , A. WILLIS, he wilrmot'lnled in painting old work \Vln. STREET. Markham Carriage Works Yullgu L“. Rcllmmul Hill Chairs Re-ca ned. a new method. are EMPUHIUM! MACHINE workers. Allk'inds SEWING ‘or-Iiks Buggy keep 9’ng Pic-Nic& Pleasure Parties Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS “ RIGS.†at moderate charges, and hopes. by strict nllemion to business, to merit a share of their patronnga. 10cm. 20¢“ 30m, 3%“ 4 and 90 ch. ‘ ' '. 0c": Goals, 1 the inhabitants of Richr'ï¬ond Hill and vii: cinitythathe hasa NEW LIVERY STABLE at the WESLEY HY MNS Can be obtained at the HERALD Book Stgr at the following reduced prices :â€" Richmond Hill, July 2|,1875. ' BE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill andvi. Livery Stable DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. Good Preserving Sugar Choice Mixed Tea. for FRUIT JARS H: was: Mits J.B. Respectfully solicits a call Corner of Yongc and Centre Sta Ric hmond Hill, April I5, ’75. 8734!". The Largest and Cheapest Stock in town Cradles. DOMINION HOTEL A! the Old Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopes, hv the stricteswconomy,com- hined with the beet material and worknmnship. to merit a cunlinuauce oflhe pnlronuge bostow- ed 0'] the hue ï¬rm. All our pumps are war- rented. flntario HousE Fresh Arrivals JOHN HALL N. B.â€"Wells sunk on the sham-st notice. Well Curbs constantly on hand. Richmond Hill. ' HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 INFORM the lnhubilams of Richmond Hill and en- virona, that he will continue to manufnclure the CELEBRATE] EXCHSIUR PUMP We Quote 3. Few Prices Choice Sugars, Teas, Cofl‘ees and Tobaccos. 151: PRIZE Pump Works, HARDWARE : At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. Flour and Feed : Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmea], Gra- ham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Outs, Bran, and Shorts. All Kinds of \Vood LAKE SIMCOE. Fishing and Pleasure Parties By applying personally or by post to R. W. PRlTTIE. FRUIT JARS: Wood Yard .' Pride list sent on application Richmond Hill. March Richmond Hill. Dec. 3m. ’74 BOOTS 85 SHOES: And all olher Goods in proportion. GROCERIES : TINWARE: At Toronto Prices. 880-3m achts w Boats A WOOD YARD, the Public that he has opened SPLENDID E SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 Spades, Skovels. Hoes, It? Remember the place CAN BE ACMMODATED WITH (Emtrriw, M. Cheaper than ever. And he will keep on hand RICHMOND HILL. A LARGE S'[‘«)CK, For/cs, RY CHEAXI’. In connection. Which will be Sold SIMON PROCTOR. VISITING J. BROWN. Scythes, 3]. ’75 12 lbs for $1.00 5“ cts. per lb. $1.50 per doz. 40 cls per pair Lunacy, (A Rakes, 871-1! PUBLISHED AS A WARNING and for thn beneï¬t of YOUNG MEN AND OTHERS who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILI'I‘Y. LOSS OF MANâ€" HOOI). VITAL. POWER.elc.. giving rules of Self-Cure. after much suffering and 'axpense and sent free on receiving a stamp for return postage. Address NATHANIEL HAYFAIR, P. O. Box 153. Broklyu. New York. CONFESSIONS OF A WETIM. GlassWare,Crockery &Tin Ware All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buck» wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal Direct from the Mills. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. FRESH Best 50.cent Tea in the Vzllagc ’I‘HE Subscriber takes this opportunity of re- llll'llijg his sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their patronage during the past. would solicita continuance of the same. and would call their attention to a fresh arrival of C H E A P ‘T E A s , Green, Black and Japan Ranging in price from 33 iugnod running order. Also. a large and 'l‘hriving Young Orchard. One end of the Farm is crossed by a never failing Spring Creek. Termseasy. A Large Bzick House, a Good Barn, and other outbuildings, a Steam Saw Mill BEST FARMS IN THE BOUNTRY, ; mile from \‘aple Village. and 3 mile from Richmond Hill Station, Un the place is nummmn HOUSE! RICHMOND HILL. June 526, i875: ' ‘FE ‘Vcstl1alf0fL012l,4lh Con. Vaughan one of me GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. 24, 1875. And are located at the North-west corner of lot No. 35, m: concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applv(ifby Ieucr.prepuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square .or to UBSCHIPTIONS FOR THE TORON T0 Weekly Papers. race-ved a! the Hr.an Book Store. Richmond Hi" 1. sale a number of Village lo‘s. situated n the village of About Oneï¬flll of an Acre, HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Villzma lots. nilunlad U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. with n barn stables. and othermulmiluings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premian M hing part of Iona 3 and 4, [st Con. Township of Uxbridge. Vaughan. March 28, 1875. 8704f acles with Good Dwelling House anddOut- buildings,jusl muside the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. And A FARM 01' 69 AND A HALF AGRES Terms $1,payable at time ofservice (Formerly the property of Mr .188 McNair) Will serve cows this season at Lot 43. Is: "Jon. Vaughan. VICTORIA SQUARE I 'I‘HE PURE-BRED DURHAM BULL, “MARlllIIS [IF LflllNfl," M are h 'OR SALE.â€" Richmond Hill. Jan. 8,1874. I". CRAVVFURD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m Richmond Hill Flour Mills. March 19, ’75 8694f Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Storej RICHMOND HILL. ‘1‘ House and Lot. for Sale, NWLUCAS STREET, {ICUMOND N Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. also ten TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. A LARGE STOCK OF I Cultivator. Munslmw’s 2 Blacksmilhs' Bellows. And a number of Blacksmith' T0013. 1 Gardner Sewing Machine. Village Lots for Sale. For particulars apply to £1111:th fur Salt, FOR SALE. Acknowledged to be the COFFEES Also a ï¬ne assortment of 5‘7. 187?. TEAS, Apply at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. The lots cohnlaln WM. G. HINGSTON. Apply to JAC B RUPERT. MAI-m: P. 0. JACOB MORDEN csuls per lb. upward. and SPICES. & D. BIRRELL. 884 ~r6m Dingla l’. O 714-†8‘ 74f A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.82. $5. $5.50. $3.50 and $9. at um HERALD Boon STORE“- (VANADIAN TLLUSTRATEF NEWS. ’ A weekly journal of Curt-mt Events. Lile'ature. Science and Art! \griculture and Mechanics, Fashion and A1...Isoment. Sod at 10¢: a number at the HERALD RM" mm- l truclinn of the Anglo American House by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. 'l‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speigh! &, Son's Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent acuommodnlion aï¬â€˜orded for the travelling public and commarcial men. Livery stables in connaction will) the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. U King SlreetIEut,lToronln. 7 WV R.A.H\RRIs0N,Q¢-. F.03un. 'I‘noMAs Moss, Q.c W . A Fos'rmt. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FAchnnleuE Toronto, Dec. 4, 1873. 750-17 (Ru-Imwnd Hill branch) at the Hxï¬gily " )ok Store‘ Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charge! mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson &. Sons. Pnrlies favoring us wlth grlsts may rely am: good return and well manufactured. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR 8; FEED! BIGHMIIND HILL MILLS! GEORGE d’b DAVID BIRREBL For hire. Funeral Furnislxlnga, Coï¬inn and Caskets in every sqle. 10 to 100 Dollars Begs to announce to the Inhnbltants of Riclw mond NW. and surrounding neighborhood.lha he has built a new Hearse an (icon menced the A. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- ARRXAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Underlnker. &c. thsnmscnâ€"Noarly opposite the P031 Oï¬ice Richmond Hill. Sem- 4. 1872 HARRISON. OSLER & MOSS, {AERISTAERS,_&C.,_NOS. 86 AND 38 JOHN BROWN. Propriolo‘r. Richmond Hill. Doc. 14, ’72. 75l-3m LICENSED Auclioneor for the County of York, respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shor'esl “Mice and at rusonnblo tales. P.U address, King. King, Sept. 10. lR74. 842.1! mamas? MARKET Pluci: PAID FOR quAT. Richmond Hill Flour Mil!» 0c! [5. l873 AMILY BIBLES ICENFED Auctioneer for the County of York. reapeclfullv solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Saks attended on the shortest nonce and at reasonable rules. P. U. address. Victoria Squnrt . Markham, Sept. 10, [574. 849-†o'clock. r, M. February 4th, 1873 Richmond Hill, July ‘23. 1874. I BiL E S O C I E TY DEPOSITORY SURGEON DEN TIST. VVOULD respectfully announce that he will wait Richmond Hill the lam ofeach monlh, a! Palmer’s Hotel: also attend the fol- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : Newmarket,. . . .... . . . . 2nd of each month Smlon,......... 3rd and 4th “ " Pefl'e rlnw,. . . . 5th " ‘ ‘ Mount Albert. . 81h " “ Sandl‘ord.............. mth “ " Stonfl'ville............. l4lh “ " Markham,............. [61h " " Aurora................20m " “ EG to inform Merchants Bakers JL Farmers ‘ that they have always on hand a large stock of All branches of Dental Surgery 100,000 ICHMOND HILL LIVERY Satisï¬action Guaranteed. Funeral Furnishings supplied a! from NIPIss;NG_ HOTEL, Charges Moderate. July 20. IBM. June 17,1875. UNDERTAKIAIE BUSINESS. FINE NEW HEARSE ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENE- ‘ rally he found at home from 2 to 3 O. W. KENNEDY, L-D.S:, NEWMARKET, 0NT., SAMUEL M. BROWN‘ JAMES c. STOKES, Shingles ! Shingles ! ! THOMAS SEDMAN, ,. JAMES LANGSTAFF, gjtiï¬tcumwmm, MARKHAM. ...3rd and 4th .......... 5th 81h mth Huh ......... [61h ..........20m A I'TENDI‘ZD SHINGLES FOR SALE. Apply to J. BROWN. Merchant, Richmond Hill. D. WOOTEN. 7374f Richmond Hill ('33-01' 759- I v 887-lf. Sole proprietor, [‘13. CLARKE. A'POTHECARIES’ HALL. LlNCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by a" Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontario and Quebec: 2vâ€! MERGER a 00- month“. 10 511}"5ld]f:2'1 “1:11:1[1 IS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Bows. $1.50 eacli.by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendo'rsk As this is entirely distinct and different from every other preparation of Hypophosphitss, b1 careful to ask for FELLOWS' SYRUP, and ml“ no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIE! Price. $l-50; Six for$7'50. JAMES1.FFI- LOWS,Chen(‘~' 4-8 hhumnn. NB In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and i; Asthma it gives relief where over\' other remody falls For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may be used with conï¬dence in all cases. It is adapted for ALLCIEBS oi Weaknessand Emnclation,whelher arising from sedentarv life. Mropicnlclimnte. from fever or debility from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cases having been cured and all beneï¬ued. where Its use has been coptinued ovenr a fortnight. 1.. 73..-..-LG One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pilis Rousinguthe Slugglsh Heart and Livev. strengthening the action of the Stomach and Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyinr ï¬ngetj wlgh Oxygen. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and disceVet‘od the ingredients constitu- ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and ï¬nds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and immune system are strengthened. This. then. ls substantially the basis on which FmLow’s HvPoPHosPHlTEs is built.its direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous System. and the Muscles. Strengthr ening the nerves. itcanaes the rapid distribu- tion ofVitnlized Blood in the Muscular Organ: of the Body. As nillil‘e-endowed bodies. whelhorlhey bu Beast. Birds, Reptiles. lnaacis or eVen Zoo phiies. ‘an‘d snbjecis of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rilulforcc, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them from destruction when this principle leaves thbm, the discovery of means whoreby vitalin may be sustained in the living body is indqed a boon to the World. Fellows’ Compound St RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES 533. Orford Street. TV. 0., LondaniJunI 1874 "nu-mgmu uvuumrs. at. noun, 1‘ . IL Mr R. S. Priddv.Windsor, Ont. Mrs ()rpen. Morden. N. S. Mr George C. Hunt. Jun., Fredericton]. N. B. Mr W. H. Thomp‘rnn. Harbor Grace, N,F.L. Mr J, M. Wiley. Frodericklon, N. B. Messrs W. 62 D. Yuilo. Montreal- Chns. l. Davirs. Fredericton. N. B. The medicines are sold at the lowest whole- sale net prices. in quantities of not less than £20 worm ~vi7... 8‘, 6d., 223., and 34s. par dozen boxes 0! Pills or pots of Oimmant, for which remittances must be sent in advance. Mr A Chipman Smith. St John Mr John Band, G-‘drich, Ont. Messrs Eiliot & C0,, Toronto. Mr J Chaloner. St. John. N. B. Messrs Hannipgton Brothers. St. Ev! 119, Mercer & Co . Montreav. Meesre Avery. Brown & Cn., Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsth & Co., Halifax. NS. Messrs 'l‘. B, Barker & Sons, St. John, NB Apolhecnvies' Hall 00.. Victoria. B. Cr Messrs Langley & Co, Victoria. 8.0. Messrs Moore &, Co.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pollen, Chatham. N. B. Messrs Munro & Co.. Montreal. Messrs J. Winer 61, Co . Hamilton. C. W. Mr H. J. Rose. Toronto. Meny respectable ï¬rms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here. have very preperly suggested that l shonld,forthe beneï¬t of themselves and the public, insert their names in the napere. that it may be known that my medicines can be had genuine from them. The following is a list of the ï¬rms alluded to: and I particularly recommend those who desire 10 get my medicine» to apply to some oi the Houses named :â€" This notice has beoome nece;sary.in con- sequence of vile nnd spurious imitations of “ Holloway’s Pills andOintment," being fabri- cated at 78.51am on Lane, New York, by pa rmr flyling them-’ selves “Hall; ! ay (E Uo..’, with an assum : g d trade mark Ihus~ Unprincipled vendors can obtain this at a very low price. and so deceive r selling the same for my genuine Halo Pills and Ointment. which are manufm oulv at 533, Oxford Street, London. Persons who may be no deceived w pleased to communicate with me. For the protection of the public of British North America.I deem it my duty to state that my Pram AND Ora-mm" are neither man- ufactured not sold in any part of the United States. Each Potand Box beat-the Rritish Govern- ment Stamp. with the words "Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London." engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Wholesale Agents for and Quebec 'â€" EVANS, MERCER 8; 00., Montreal Mailed to any address on receipt of P. 0. O. ,n. --...-u . uvllul one", nun lll bases. containing 6 times the quantity. 4dollars ench- sufï¬cient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority oflong standing "anea.BY ALL (IHEVHS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world; Sole Proprietor. P. JV CLARKE,Chemist, APOTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Paton! Medicine Houses. Cures Blackheads. or Pimples on [the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Illnesses. Cures Glandular Swollings. Clesrslho Blood from all impure matter] From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ofeilher sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thounndl of toulmonlsls from all. puts. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. nullin Cases. run-uh. ... n u“ , , BLOOD MIXTURE For Scrofnla. Scurvv,Skin Diseasev, and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and per- manent cure. ll cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated_Sore E0281 Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.†THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RE STORER For cleansing :nd clearing the blood from allimpun’tes. cannot be loo highly recommem AHA dud SS 3mm Samarium, C L A R K E ’S WURLII FAME]! THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.†THOMAS HOLLOWAY. and so deceive on rrny genuine Holowny’s which gre manufactured IOA deceived will b9 Provinces of 0mm. John,N.B £83 trash Store ‘ ESLEYAN BYM‘NS, ALL SIZES at the Hum“ n Ran]: Sum... SPINNING & FULLING In either branch. on the shortest notice, and in such a manner as lo give the utmost satir faction to his patrons. He trusts to receive the same liberal patronage heretofore extended to these mills. Terms strictly cash. l)APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT me Hmuu) Bnnk Rum. BRADFORD MILLS Custom WOrk Having seen ed the service; oâ€"f Mn JAMES R. NEILL. a ï¬rst class \VOrkmall, he is ready to do Shown at the Richmond Hill and Street Agricultural Spring Show. held the 24th, 1875. Also the FIRST PRIZE for the Best Pair of Scotch Collars Successful Again Takes this opportunitv of informing the Farm- ers and the public ymerally that he has 05- tained the NORWICH (As Execut Brennan.) Richmond 'luu LU “UK/U Agents wanted ! All classes of working people. of either sex. voung or old. ma so more money at work. for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything elm. Particulars free. Flashcard to States costs but one cent. Address G. S'l'INSON & (30., Portland, Maine. Oct. 27. 1874. 849Ԡ$5 TO $20 Mortgage Secu'rilyâ€"iu shin; fl';l’;l;l$-5bvoi up- wards. A pply to M. TEEFY. N. LYN E'I‘T',. (As Executors of the Estate cf the Fate Martin MONEY TO LEND $2000fl'0 SAN on ï¬rs U s E '1- H E UCFDIAMOND YEAST CAKECQI} AND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0 MINION, at $6 per IUD feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed: Sap Buckets. Pails,CiderMills.WashingMachines.Shingles Waggon Felloes,axld LumberSawédto order» ["0 rp articulars address Markham, May )2, ’75‘ c E; Q o L REQVUISILI‘ESfl OF ALL 'ol' making all kinds ofcakes without For sale by ‘all and Examine the Stock ! EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE March 23. ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITAE bio for press'ntmé tho HEMLL» Bow ThornhilLNov. 3,1U869. HE Subscriber haï¬g reï¬tted his WOOL- EN MILLS he ienow prepared to axe- cute all orders for cheap atthe HERALD Béok Store kinds at the H E‘l’lALD Book Store me HERALD Book Store. HARNESS at the HERALD Book Store; Ifyou want light. swoet Bread. Wu: 31:55:11 Wank. Patent Eaveâ€"trough JOHN LANGSTA FF, iS‘tggm Mills ,Thornhill '. H. MYERS C. E. SHEPPARD. 1875. 870-15! Richmond Hi" FOR EGG ALEX. MACKIE. '5. 8774f; AN 7 on ï¬rstzelass POWDER PER. DAY. ‘l and Yonge . held on May 11-ng 510-.“ eggs.