Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Nov 1875, p. 2

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The -‘ our}; Simmer films, in the lrst. issue. contributes its in-m towards con- futing the scandal. We can imagine with what eagerness the News man “(Quitl scan the columns of the Globe, day um. day, in the vain hope of finding anythingr to disprove the statements, and What a look ot'dissappointment would overspread his countenance when he found that no action had been taken in the matter, and he hasat last been forced to give his sentiments firsthanded on what he terms the “ marc’s nest.” He says “Mr Brown’s letter reveals nothng that was ever considered a secret, and also, that his (Mr Brown’s) statement “was a complete and crushing answer." lfit was to be accepted it killed the slander at once and forever. It has not been shown, nor can it be shown, that one dollar of‘ such fund was used corruptly Iffu'," Brown's answer failed to “crush” any who might be disposed to doubt the :trutihtiullness of it. the statement of our 'contemprmry ought to have the desn'eu cfl'ect‘of' “ crushing " any who may have survived the dictator's answer. But there-vane men, and we dare venture to .saytthe majority of electors in Ontario, Who-will not believe George Brown, and wilt even doubt so high an author-in as the South M'mcae Nrwr, when either of them Say that a “grand stand" or a “ big push " meant $3,700. That the Reform party “expended all their strength ” in raising that sum; that they ‘- done all they possibly could do ” and had to ask outsiders to assist them in raising 33.700. The News readers must be a very innocent set indeed it' they can be induced to believe such twaddle. The Westflurham News is in possession of further information, which will be forthcoming at the proper time, that will prove that instead of finding a " mare’s nest " they have found a nest of corruption which will cause even the self-styled purist to blush for shame. (30mg North 813 A.M.....197 p m...5 13 Going ‘uuu‘ 9 :6 A.M.. ...2. 3 1L!" ..8.26 Elm {glam fiermw. Raiopayers will assist to keep down (-3 , penses by calling at the Clerk’soflicc and paying their tvaXus; what is the use of delaying until a collector has been ap- pointed? he will have to be paid thereby causing eXpense. Pay up and be done with it, we say. Although the Globe has maintained, in the minds ot many, a. very discreet silence on what is known as the “ big push ” letter. none of the country jour-l nals, of the Grit stripe, have seen fit to use the same discretion. On all sides they have hastened to the dictutor's as: , sistance, and endeavored to show that any amount of mnney could be spent by the " Reform ” party in an election without a cent being used to:- corrupt purposes. When the letter first received publication Mr Brown hastened to state that he had written several such letters-‘ and that the tull amount subscribed to- wards election expenses was $3,700. The West Durham New, in which the letter first appeared, immediately chal- lenged Mr Brown to have a commission appointed to investigate the charge, and it‘ they failed to prove that instead of $3.700 being spent by the Reform party $370,000 was the amount, they Would pay all costs of the investigation. This challenge Mr Brown has never seen fit to accept. It was expected by the various Befotm sheets throughout the country. who derive their political nurture from the Globe, that the challenge would be accepted, or something cquivocatory would be done that would foreier put an end to such charges. "l’ltey have, how ever, been sadly disappointed, and non they are forced to make the best they team of‘it without any assistance from the “ head centre." mcmuumlfllllb‘luuou Chungeollinu g Inn . .vu-mIo) June 4i>l, :..): Subscriptions for the Montreal W'z‘tness, weekly, lri~wvekly and daily editions; also for lb!- Canadian Mcssenger and New Do- minion Mon/My received at the HERALD Book Store. " Father bring home your money .to~ .nighl,” anew temperance sung and chorus. For sale at the HERALD Book Store. ‘Yaughan Council meets on Tuesday 9th iuat. SALE or VILLAGE PuoPIcn'rx. Tuesday, a number of Village Lots, peny u! Dr. Langstufl“, situated on and Trench Slreels, were sold by Auclion. The Lots brought fair varying from $50 to $150 each. PERSONALâ€"We regret to ham that our esteemed townsmau. Ur. Dunuomb, is spy-i. uusly ill, having been confined to his bed {01' some days past. Omng to his extreme age, which we believe to be somewhere about 78 years, bm hule hopes are entertained of his recovery. CATTLE FAttt.--'l‘he usual monthly Cattle ‘Fuir, which was held in the lair ground, in this village, on Wednesday last, was very well attended. An unuqu number ofhuy ers were on the ground, and quite a number of cattle chnnged hands at lair prices. A couple of young sharpens came up from Toronto on is “speculation.” Cl hey played the little game 411' “ now you see it, and now you don’t.” After some ofnur “innocents” had been relieved ofn'uout $18, they began to lind out that they utd‘nt know enough about the game to play it successfully. Ber fore the 'l‘oronto "boys" took their deâ€" parture some of the youths, who had in. vested their wealth. tried to get it back by moral suusion (one holding the horse M'hlit‘ another plied the sunsion) but without any favorable result. And now these young men are anxious for next. fair day, in hopes that the promoters of' that “ leetle game ” will [my t ur village aunthct Visit. V mm ADVERTISEMENTS. This Week at Fa‘conbridge’s. 1 Uhcwle lxuusvâ€"NHV Guods. Curdâ€"Geo. Brown, MD. (‘mdâ€" Belhune. Osler & Moss. R‘K'hlnulld Lt-rlge .Qrawfurd’s Rambles next week. ORTBERN RAILWAY 0F CANADA RH‘IIHUNU HILL. Nov. 5, 1875. PAY THE “BlG PUSH." YOUR TAXES. â€"- Last the pnr Centre Public prices, I assure you gentlemen I have experienc. ed no small degreeol‘ ditfidence in enu'eavur- ing to comply with your expressed wish at July meeting, that I should rend a paper on‘ the present occasion, and I must confess that l should hardly hwve attempted to pre- pare one had I not felt that, after having been the first honored by being requested to present a paper before our newly organized Society. I could not take the responsibility of neglecting to establish a precedent for that which is so useful. so conducive to the welfare of such organizations, as is the read- ing of papers, a precedent which I trust others more competent may regularly tol- ‘Iow. You kindly permitted me to choose ‘my subject, and I have selected the one most deeply interesting to me. I have no l particular facts or notes to bring before ‘ynn, no statistics, no new lheOI‘ll‘S to offer. and propose simply to make a few remarks, which 1 hope may not prove altogether un- interesting. upon the relations of our pro. fesston to Public Health, touching upon the prevention of disease. [Read before the York Medical Association, as Richmond Hill, October 12th, 1875.] ON THE. RELATIONS OF THE MEDI. CAL PROFESSION TO PUBLIC HEALTH. Though a commonplace saw, it is an old one end a true that “ prevention is better than cure ;” and it applies more directly to our occupation than to any other. No one of course supposes that all or nearly all diseases can be prevented. So long as er- iing humanity exists. disease will prevail, more or less; but that a very large proâ€" portion ot'the pievailing diseases may be prevented. no one I suppoae will deny. Strictly speaking, it may be said there is but one disease, which in its essence is not preventable, namely. old age. which is iii- deed hardly in the proper sense a disease at all. There are many diseases however, oi which we can conceive the possibility of prevention in the future, of the etiology of which we as yet know but little; hence the present division into preventable and iion~ preventable disease. It is quite reasonable 1 to believe that. with additions to our knowl-‘ edge as to their causes, the ratio of the former to the latter will constantly increase. Mr Simon. the well known medical healthj officer, Great Britain. and we have no bet- ter authority than Mr Simon, in 1871, writes, "It seems certain that the deaths which occur in this country are fully a third more numerous than they would be if our existing knowledge of the chief causes of disease were reasonably well applied throughout the country.” He estimates that. 120,000 preventable deaths take place annually in England and Wales. Now, I take it that Mr Simon estimates that this proportion of deaths may be prevented by the application of proper Public Health laws. What proportion then of deaths iirisingirom infiaininations and numerous iorms of chronic disease may be prevented by individual hygiene? probably another one-third. Then Mr Simon speaks of our then existing knowledge; as our knowiedge in this respect increases, probably a still larger proportion of deaths m-iy be prevent- __ .. . ‘ n 1‘ I ‘7‘. nut in a hetter sanilary euudition than is Great Britain. We a I know full well that most diseases are sell-created, that, while we cannot prevent the natural and gradual decay ul age. and death in lht‘ e'td. health and life are to the uttertnost in our own in~ dividufli keeping. We, us members of the medical profession, know this better than any others ;‘ we, tn0re f'mniliur than) any others. with the marvellous structure and actions of God’s noblest work. and with the actions upon it of the numerous and lttsidu' nus external agents of disease. know better than any others how to deal with these agents, with these muses of preventable death. What a field then is before us for the exercise of our knowledge. Does not the field for cure (all into compurutive in. significance? For after all, natuie mail.- tuins her supremacy in the healing: art. She will rield but little to us there. Her power to heal is vastly greater than ours. Our most legitimate field appears to be that of prevention. What then is our duty? Dr. Benjamin Lee, of Philadelphia. in a report to the twenty-sixth annqu meeting,y of the Medical Society of Pennsylvania. in July last, declared that the phvsician whosimply devoted his energies to the treatment at a natient. With typhoid fever for example. was morallv guilty of manslaughter should the disease her-nme fatally epidemic. His first duty was to Set on font investigations as to its origin. Which investigations, says Dr. Lee. “ he should pursue nntiringly. calling in the aid nf‘ experts if himselt‘unsuccesstul. compelling the members of the family to aid III the search. on the pain of losing his services, giving himself or them no rest un- til he has satisfied himself nfeither the ab. sence or presence of a local source of pestil- ence. and. if the letter. has devised and in- stituted measures for its removal. Nothing short ot‘this will relieve him (it his respon- sibility, ir. the eyes of the hygienist.” rd.” “thn yet.” said Dr. Ushnl‘ne, Vice- President of an Association for investigating the preventable Causes ot'd erase, at a N.- cent meeting of the Assric'etion. “ Not yet.” was there by any means a full com- prehension oftlie slow, silent, and disast- rous entISe-queuces of the, habitual use, adul- lengted land and drink, ()t'tlie very lights humt, and; as regarded cert in colors ol'lhe very 010mm worn. Bunms were decorated with [avers :vh se delicate and beauteuus hues charmed h'ge eye. while there was efflu- ent from them a Q‘L‘Ildt'f puison. It had set " chronic lli'heflllll to he learned how much 9. was due to these t‘est18('lt."*’ 93‘13“sy “"d hUW f-l! ChangeI nl :lll‘ “Wt-5d llS Shilllh‘fiilxus (‘fie‘ 1,3; to 1m escape from these noxious ."”‘“e','ces‘ Numerous examples of the br “ems 0‘ sanitary measures are upon record. .0'! m" other side of the Atlantic, wl‘erein the dua'll mte nt tnwns has been reduced directly am: in a marked degree by the practical appli- I'atinn of Public Health measures. But i Need nut dwell upon this point. Cnnuda is It is the duty ’of all men. as it appears to he the aim of all right thinking men, to place themselves in that position in the world, to employ themselves in that capac ity. In which they can benefit in the highest degree their fellow creatures. The aim mav 'be regarded as almost instinctive in its character. and to have its Origin in some ingenerute principle akin to that. of self- preservation; for the most natural result of benefits conferred is a propOrtionate amount of'bcnefits received. Usually. What is true of individuals is true at numbers of classes or individuals. It appears to me that the position of the medical profession in its re- lotions to health and disease is not tlnt which confers upon socrety the greatest amount of benefit, nor that which will ulti- mately command or secure to the profession 1mm the public the maximium of good. The nhrsrcian is associated in the minds of the masses, as he is in reality, with disease rather than with health. Is this as it should he. or as medical men desire it to he? Do they wish to be associated in this way with misfortune, with what. Chambers designates as partial death, with defectivv life. with contugiums and parasitic germs with the loathsome pestilence? Would it not be much more agreeable, more enuob- ling. more profitable, to he regarded as us- sociatea, defenders, worshippers of Hygiea, the “sweet smiling goddess of health ?" The stience 0f medicme appears to have been built up. so to speak, on the wrong side of disease. Physicians occupy the po- sition of an army standing indilferently or idly in the rear, and only commencing to act when the country is invaded, and the cm‘mv is in the midst of the citizens active BY EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D. in destruction, rather than that of an army j at the front, ever vigilant and ready to pre- l vent the first encroachment: of the enemy. Is this an honorable or a profitable position for the members of our noble profession ? ' The duty of the physician is far from being limited to expelling disease; he must as far an posmble expel or temove the causes. The science of cure is but a small part, n- d indeed a secondary part. ot'the science of medicine. 0n the occasion of a public Ceremony in King’s College, London, in June last, Dr. Lyon Playfair said. and most truly. “the physician has to cure his pitti- ent, truce the origin of the disease, and pre- vent its recurrence.” Without presuming: to alter thzs eminent and liberal physicinn‘s definition of the duty of the medical man, may we not entertain a hope that his duty may ultimntely he regarded rather to truce the origin of disease and prevent its OCeur- rence. Let prevention re her than cure be regarded as thefirst duty of the physician. NWMinutea of former meeting read and apprnved. The following accnums were read 2â€"â€" Frederick Crawfordâ€"suudle3 8e. vuses â€"â€"as Inspector, &(~.. . . . . r . . . . . $8 50 P. S. Gibson, Esq, P.L.S.. Report. and Plan. per nonunt 20:}. Oct. . 4‘00 Alex. Maudie, for two axes and handles for Fire Department. . . . 3 50 and on mutiun of Mr O'Brien. seco: ded Ly Mr Crosby. the Treasurer was ordered to [my the same on recripl of an order signed by the Reeve. The following communications were read . 1. From the Clerk of the Municipality uf Holland Landing, Saving that he is ix.- an'ucled by the Cnuncil to make inqmr} as tn what the Cnnncil of Richmund lllll Intend to do in respect to [he Cuunty Rate for the present year. Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met. The Reeve in the chair. Councilbrs presentâ€" Messrs Crosby, O‘Brien, I’ogue and Wilson. School Trustees for this Union School Sec tion, dated 9th October, 1875. stating that he has been “instructed by the Board 02‘ " School Trustees to demand from the ("m- " partition of the Village of Richmond Hill “the interest accruing from the Clergy lie- " serve Fund of the Village. (1): the rate at “ the Public SChOIt'I of this Section." 3 From Hurt 8L Rawlinsnn. of Tut'OattO. offering to supply the Municipuiity With a Ballot Box and Ballot Farms tor Eleclmu put'ptEes-â€"lylrd. 5. The petition of Hands Casanova, dated [at November. 1875. praying the Council to grant n cerlificnle Io mm‘vlv lmn to ubunu a transfer of lit-ense from Waller Lemon. who has sold his interest in the Ridnmmd Hill Hutel to the said C(mgrove. â€"l’rayer granted . 4. From Thomas McDonald. uf'lhe “D - miniun Tin Works." dulrd 8th ()(‘tvlwu 1875, offering“) furnish Bullul Box tor the coming Municipal Electionâ€"filed. guy lee rH-eivt-d for similar servrces rendew ed .‘gt-fure the passage of this resolution.â€" (lam ieu’: aned‘ _“V Mr O'Brien, sect-ruled by Mr Wilsou' that whereas a sutVey and plan of that mum," of the Village of Richmond Hill simule 0" am Went side of Yonge Sweet, running pm” “3' the front parts of the original Township Lot; "ulnlwrs loll.“ six (46). forty-Seven (47) and (lir'l'e‘lllt (48) in the first COIIt'f‘t-‘Slou ot' the Tn‘m‘bh'l’ Ul Vttugh‘tlt. was made by uuthority of 3." Law No. 226. passed on the 5th day Oi July. A. I). 1869. by the Council of the Carport-lion ol‘the Township of Vaughan, and anterior to the incorporation of the v1l use: And whet-em village lots have been Sold and conveyed under such survey and plans: And whereas it is necessary that such plan shull be. lodged with the Registrar of the County of York, in accordance. with the statute in such case made and provided : Be it therefore resolvod that the village (“lei-k be and he is hereby instructed tu write to the Reeve of the Township of Vaughan and respectfully request him to ask the Council of Vaughan 'I‘owitshin to take the necessarr steps to have the said plan lodg- ed with the Registrar Of the County at an early convenient time, as required lty 3‘st Vic.. Cap. 26, Sec. 75 statutes of Ontario. â€"('arried. Mr Creighton, Ilw (‘nnservmivv candidate in North Grvy. has been returned hy a mu- jority of 97 over his opponeI.Mr McKnight. W. D. Lyon, Ministerialist. has bPen jelected to represent the County of Halmn in the Local Legislature, by a majorin of 87 over his opponent, Col. Clay. The “ Reform ” majorin last January was 152. In leler ncv m the cnmmnniculinn fi'n.n the Clerk of lhc Village of Hulland Lmnl- lllJ. the Cnuncil of lhu Village of liivlvm md Hill hereby instruct lhc Clerk to reply m‘d say that! it is the intention of this unnv'il tn pay the amount Hf l'nuvny Rule as demand. ed‘lzy the County Clerk for the v urrPnt year. The Council adjourned to meet in the Court Room on Monday the 61h day of Dec., ngxI, at 7 p. m. Mr O‘Rriea mum-d. seconded by Mr Cros- by. (but thr cummunicminn of the Secrmd‘ry of the Board of School Trustees. datvd 9xh October, relating to [he imenesx accrumg frum the Clergy Reserve Fund. he land over for conmdermion at. next naming of Ibis C(IDIICiI.â€"(‘8‘|ifd. Mr O’Brien moved, seconded by Mr Poguo, that the Reeve and Clerk are how- by authorized and instructed to mgn n (-r" - ficnte for a lransfbr of Tavern Licmlse l'WH Walter Lemon to Francis Coagrove.â€"â€"Uar A! the Sarnia Assizen Wm. H. Smith has been found guilty of the murder of R. S. Finlay. and sentenced to be hanged on the 23rd Dec. Mrs Finlay, who is suspected n! being an nocnmplice. will not receive her trial am the present assizes. C’JNCERT.â€"A grand Concert, of vocal and instrumental music will he held in the Mn- sonic Hall. Eglington. thxs(Fv-iduy) evening. underthe auspices of the ank Masoniv Hall Company. The Richmnnd Hill Bra» Rand. several amateurs. local, and {mm a distance are expected to take part in Ihe entertainment. A musical treat may be ex- pected. Proceeds to he applied towards liquidating the debt of the Hall. Mr Croshy mm’ed. secondp-d by M1 O'L’uien, lhnl pal‘lit‘fl u-quifin! Ihe ('h‘rk to draw eupin s nf Pylmws nr other l-auem ho- Iouging In 1h :1 Council shall [my to him. tor his ow” use. [he churgp allowed by Ma'- Ma; and [hm the Clvrk shall hv elHil‘lHi m The persons committed for trial by the Police Magistrate, on the charge. of partici- pating in the late pilgrimage riots. in Tor- onto, were arrainged before Mr Justics- Morrison, on Saturday morning lust, and pleaded " not guilty." The trial was post- poned until the winter nasizes and all the persons admitted for bail. Mr Workman. the Ministerial Candidate for West Montreal. has been elecled. Mr White had a majority 0F170 at the English polls. It is said his defeat is mainly due to the prominent position he occupies in the Masonic fraternity. ‘_l. Ellyn the' Secretary of threrBom'd 0 (CONULUDl-JD IN OUR NEXT) PIHJ'I‘ICAL NOTES. VILLAGE COUNCIL. M. Twn’, Clerk. Nov. 1, 1875. Minutes ofprevious meeting read and up proved. The fullowing petitions were presented: By Mr Button, from R. N. Tnaze and 18 «)Ih"rs, asking for change of road overseer in St-nufi'ville. By Mr Millikan, from G. Pringle and 11 Others, asking the Council tn grant $50 to assist. in gravel'ing road division N0. 31}. Pursuant to adjournment the Council met in the: Council Chamber, Unionville. Mem- beus all present. Mr Jas. Robinson, Reeve, in the chair. By Mr Marah, ‘frnm N. Lynett. and 14 others. praying for aid for Jacub Dnner. M'r Marsh moved, seconded by Mr But- mn, Ihm the sum of 75 cents per week be and is hm-vby Pgranted for Ihe support of Jacob Doner and wife, an indigent couple having: no other means of Support. The said Sum payable to Jnhn McCaguP, who will give one half of said sum 10 each I flhe {above parties, and cnnlinue during the. pleas- iu‘e 0f,th CuunciIâ€"Cnrrwd. M, Miilihen Iunvtld. seconded by Mr Lune, that 1}]e‘qllm of $51) be granted to assist. in zmwmhr‘r rum! division Na. 31, and that Mr Geo. Painuie', Sr. be appointed com- missions-r [u eXIJ‘IIfil [he dame, szud sum pay- able 01- his ()ldvl"‘ (3m ril'd. Mr me moved, seen. dl .4 by Mr Marsh, ihm the accuunl of H. R. Us s-‘n for plint- ing 300 cullei-tms’ receipts. unwilm‘illél “1 $5 50. be mid to his order by the '1'. CHSUWI‘ â€"(‘m-ried. Mr Lune moved. seconded by M r Milliken. than the Twasuxer pny m the order of lhe Heeve the sum uf'$7.60. being 1hr 760 feet nfplunk hm]ng fran Speigln & Sun (or mud divisinn N0. 54â€"Currimi Mr Miliihen muvvd. wounded by Mr Lane, that the sum uf$10 be granted !or clearing out the ditclws on Milne‘s Hill, opposite the 9th COIL, 0n the tmvnlme bvtween the Mu nictpulities 0f Mdflilmm and Scan-hora, on the «(mdititm that the Munwitmlity of Scat- hma. grunts un equal numuut' and [bath]. G. Von I". t m flt‘el‘, bu apuoimed cummis- alw‘rf‘l m1 "uu Emlt'ut' thxs Munictlmlily. sand grunt t-zn)‘.t::te on his m‘dvrâ€"Um‘rifil. The Council then adjourned one hour fot dinner. Mr Marsh moved. second‘d by Mr Button, [hat lhe sum of $1 pvr week 1w and is hereâ€" by gunned ion the summit nf'John bizemld :n, all old :m ill(H_"-I\l \‘(Hllrkl whohzn'e n0 diner means of support. The sand grunt mm and nhvr the 1s! day nvapL lust. and ll. be paid to the order of Geo. Duvilisnn. and to continue during xhe pleasure of 11m C-umml -- Curried. Mr Lune mm'ed. sycnndcd by Mr Milli~ ken, that the sum uf$7 be paid by the Trans met-tn Samuel Burns. or Oldt‘l'. for the huriul nf' Kate Andet'snn, u pauper, than being the highest mnnunt allmwd by ares“- Iuliun of the (‘uuncil for such butiulsâ€" ('mrted. Mr Mlllih'k‘lll. thuved soconded by Mr Lune, first the Reeve and (dark be and the) are hmghy appointed a committee w exmnine [he Enhankment approaching the bridge 0” the 3flet‘uad between luts 25 and 26. 71h (tum, a”) make such a. rangements us they "My mink “Hx‘waq to have the same put in a state cundili,0n-*Cal'rttd. The Council It?” “dj‘ml‘nEd, to meet again on Saturday 2‘f1h NOV. IQ-Enw No‘ 261, to amend By-‘aw No. 253 erasing the name of Levi J Law frnm said Bylaw and hxstel'ling the name of Wm. “night in lieu Ihmeuf, was H’s-d :L filst, 58':- (md and mild 1mm and pmswd. ' Mr Lane moved. u-cu'nded by Mr Marsh. lhm lhe Revve mud Clerk be and um hert- by instrucled to issue 2| cvrliiivule l'or Hans- hw 01' tavern License 1mm Elisha Harris 10 Wm, While, {m- lhe hnlcl knuwn us the “ Commercial,” shunted a1 Viewriu Square â€"â€"(Tm~uivd- Mr EllHikfln moved. m'cmxded by Mr Lune. 'fiml xhe undeumentitmed persons be paid th. sunm opposim :their respvclive names, being the lWL-llli'dS value (If their sheep that h. ve been killed by dogs: Rev. J. G. Reeve, P. M. MiIIiSWV 0'1 Laskay circuit, hns hem making a Visit to England, during the pus! :wo monihs. He returned this week. hale and hem-Ly. Mr Reeve brlugs a young wife to share his Mr Lane u‘mvvrl. socm‘dvd by Mr Mnrah. that [he 'I‘ueasmer he and is_hv ehy instruct- ed In rvfund to Slepnen l’riddle the sum 1)! $3 03, hvmg :m overcharge of taxes for the veal 187 â€"â€"-(‘arried. To N. 0 Wallace. Esq, Deputy. Reeve of Vaughan, Woodbn'dge. Dun Slugâ€"Allow me to thank you for your prompt and civil reply to my late! ndflressed to youthmugh the YORK HERALD of the 24th ult. In your letter you “ regret “ to state, however, that the Township " Council in years gust instead of assessing To Lmin MlIh-r. $10; To Jus (Hender- inu' $13. ’l‘ho- “Hun: value having been n4- t:flrdm| (mlhâ€"(‘univi ' V V J n “Joys and sorrows.” Wu W151) him long like and much muh'imnmal happmf‘ss. HURST.â€"On 301}: ()cL., at King Creek, of consumption, Mary Ann, beloved Wife of Henry Hurst, formerly of Patterson, aged 30 years, 7 months and 14 days, MI" Milhken mode. seconded by Mr Marsh, lhm the sum of $51 he wank-d fur dilching and grading opposite In! No. 10. 6Ih C1m.,i:tid grunt payable on order of n m. Eakin. Salem Eckm'dt and H. P. Crosby. they having 1109:. insllncted by this Council In superimend Ihe wmk~~CarrieIL Mr Millikm anVLd Swerrnded by Mr Marsh. thm Ihe sum of $12 be pnid 10 Alex. Duncan by the Treasurer. hein;.r for damage done in sheep by dug nr d()g‘xâ€"(‘fll'l'it€d. M¢IKAYâ€"â€"Ht)GG.â€"By the Rev. James Wok, Richmond Hill. nn the ls! insl., Mr Ben- jamin McKay to Miss Rem-ecu Hogg, both of the Township of Vaughan. “ for the amount they wished to expend -- during the year. had expended part of “this sum (the Clergy Reserve Fund) a- dmuunting to uhnut eighteen or nineteen ‘ hundred dnllars to meet the ourrent expo-n- “st-‘8 of the Township." This unnnunce- ment takes me by surprise. and I have no no doubt. it will Surprise many of the farm- ers and ratepayers of the township.- it is u .rlimmerin: of light. Will you kindly give "more light '1” Will you please say what is the number and date of the By-law approv priming the Clergy Reserve Fund, in the first, place, and in what year’s accounts will be found the entries which will show when the $1800 01 $1930 was horrowed from that Fund? lam quite confident you will not withhold the required information, which :mhle the i'ntepayers outside of the :immn'l circle to judge for themselves. AJAHI thanking you for your letter of the 29th September, I remain. yours truly, Teston, Oct. 29. ’75. DANIEL lexsx POWELLâ€"At Riubmmd Hill. on Friday. Oct., 29111. lhe wife of Mr Wm. Powell, of a son. @m’mfipanflmm MARKHAM COUNCIL. AFT ICIHCOON SESSION. MA RRIED. DIED. BIRTH Oct. 30, 1875. Pnrlieq getting Sale Bills printed at mi alike will recvive a notice similar [0 ch. :ilmvP. FREE of charge. MANUFACTURE. or Coco«.â€"" We will now giva an attcmun ol' [ha process ndoplerl by Hassls J =meu Epps N Co.. munnfncxurer: of, dmlelic urlicles. :1! their works in the Eusmn Mu d. l.ondon”-â€"-See arlicze ill Gasscll': Hnusrhulll Gnu/r, Barley” Haw. .. . WADNESDAY, Nov. 17.â€"Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c.. on lot No. 21 41h Con. Vaughn”, uelunging Vto» Mr (Inrrec'od In‘ Mr Isnac Crosby. Grace]. aur‘ Dry Goods Merchan . Fire l’ruof Store. Flourâ€"Spring Wheat. . . . Fall Wheat exn‘a Wheatâ€"Spring. per lmuh Flour FSpring “'hem extra . . Superior axlra. . . . . . . largu Moll!“ Eggs. per «102 . . . . Drnwnd “020:. per Bacon. . Prima [Imusâ€"(unfit pc‘r Woolâ€"per lb. . . . . HARNESS! HARNESS H ner 'l'omuln and Adelaide SL3 (opposito the new Past Office.) Toronto. P. “sum. JAM”! Bu'nth, W. G VALcnanman, ('HAuncs Moss, N W . 110mm. J. H. 'l‘mm. I Rnil\v\ (‘omnany will nva (0 ‘he Legislators of Unlhrin M the next sossinn there)" "or an ct to amend the Art incorpor- pnrang lhu snil C4 mpnm‘. empowering the same ‘u extvv d [ha mid Radwm’ to {he shnro of Lnks Ontario. within the (Jounlv of Du- tnrio, n-u' to r nan or nmu'gamn‘e w’th mn' m-‘er R uilwm Cunlpmn' wilhin said County. and for ulllu' purpusoa. W. H. MYERS’. First door south of the HERALD Ofl'ice. where he will continue to sustain his former repu- mion. 'I'he mu! Regular Communicmion ol' the nhnve lodge wu’l Im held nvxl Moudav even'g the th. 31 7 o'clmk, JUST RECEIVED ! EGS to return his sincere thanks to hip numerous customerH [or their past favom, and wishes to nun-.uuce'lo them that ho hnl removed to his I' 1‘: UCHHH: “Fl-wort: (‘m'ner of Yuuga a nd Contra Sta Richmond HiH. Irv-m 1h}, Uniouvillr Slnliun, nu Iho anonto 51 Nli'isriug Hailwa) and IS miles from 'l'ornnlo‘ GEO. BROWN, M. D., }_)IIYSI(‘IAN. SURGEON AND AC- "‘ UUIH‘ZUR Toronto, Oct. 7, ’75. 899-“ (TLN'I‘AIN 9 7-0 A(‘RKS. liEtNG ZS'I' Purl of Lnx P40. '7 in the 4”! (7m: ()anrkham ; 70 Amos in a High Slaw M'Cullivalion. Gond Buildingw, I’Iemv uf Waiver; siluvmd 3 unIes THE “ BOSS” BOUT STORE! {)1}: N0 Apprentices’ Work. First-class Hands Kept. I’rices as Low as the Lowest ’l‘HC LAKE SIMCOY‘I Jl‘\('T!()N EXEEHENT FARM FUR SALE ; BOOTS 61: SHOES H Which will be Sold Very Cheap Octoherm . I874 J. Nelson. Sale'tn bH‘IiH at ~12‘b'clock. J. M. Puttersun & D. Kinne-e, Auction’rs. Toronlo. Nov. 4‘ 187-3- BETHUNE. OSLER & MOSS, Richmond Hill. Sept 30, 187.5. FRANK MCCONAGHY ARHISTERS. 51.0.. r Urlirnllrmock, Cor- Tomnto. Uc'. 7. '75. “gnu gdmrtimumtrs. ‘NEW STORE, RIUHMOND Beautiful Assortment AT W. H. MYERS finerial islet-ins“. TORONTO MARKETS A LARGE STOCK 01“ ICHMOND L()DGE,A.F.& A.M No. ‘23, GJLU. 1875 AUCTION SALE. Ruclnnund [I'll Nov 4. I875. JAS. M. LAWRENCE, Sec. NONE OTHER BUT A. F. MoDUNALD, [‘28 Snurm ST. Turun‘o. 001. ‘23. '875‘ HILL J. N. BLAKE, MARKETS .. u an . $0 3.3 9944f. SI (1461) “564?; 008 rib 035/13 H ()0 {it St nu a 40 H @ ) 41‘” ((D 026 f3 02') (ID 019 fa) 8 (M: £3 1' 5|) (0 013K?) 9 33 fit) 10 @ nus/m mnu@ 000%? 0‘2\@ 023@ nl'ifw RIO/d) 13mm, ‘15@ u 7:» a) r. 4n @ 'ouosro. 739-” President 9094f. 9 ~2-lr $4 60 5 (D 4 5“ 4 (HI I F5 | (n- ll 81-» 0 3’4 ll 73 9| I“ -2 “(I 0 45 2 (1| 0 2~ n 22 0 Q“ R 5') 1' 5n 1 5h 0 H9 1800 u 25 0 ‘2!) O 25 0 IF 9 5| [3 U I) l. 12 on 0 l4 0 3:3 ;5 5n 6 (In 0 (ll: 0 (M‘ u «m 043 n 75 :STRAW AND “CENTRAL HOUSE.” ’ THIS?) W'EEK At Falconbridge’s New Goods, every description J. K. FALCONBRIDGE» HE thpcfibur wish" to return lhunks to his rumrronl cnllmnorn fur We}! “bard pumnv ag-s during the eleven yoaru he has been in bminuns. on Richmond Hill Hv utrictcnnn- [inn '0 nusznsus, and keeping a barn-- and Well-rammed Stork. such m: the Villngu and my. rounding I‘mmlry rnquiw and by snlhng [ham at the Luwosl Runmwntivn PI'iCOI. Imp“ In rm-ri' n cnnUnunlion oth-l palralmgr hhho‘rlo so libern‘ly b9“luW$-L Thane who favor II. will a call will find my New Shawlsâ€"Latest Styles, Nt’w Felt Hats. New Mens’ (9- Boys’ Caps, Ntw Ovcrmmls and OTHER GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING. U AND mun lcs'r-n: “mm. Deposits received. sul‘jecl (o demand with Interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for Sale. WISH“ : 90} Adellido Sm at East,ToroMo. I few doors Welt of tho Poll Ofico. Corner of Adelaide 8; J arvia Streets WM. BERNIE, Toronto. Toronto. Oct. 5, [875. 896' “cumm House” ELflTHINl},--BEABY-MAIIH, AM] T0 011M“ THE “ BLAH-HARD ” CHURN Opening Address. for a boy . Lille (Ihriulie. â€" Knoll-lion for I boy of ti or R years: Lililo Alhmt.â€"Recilnuon lorn hm or girl 6 or 8 years: A bow platform speechâ€"for - boy Ill or I? your. : Recitaiiou on Gallautry â€"b)' a buy of It! yenrs, or less: Cloning Addrasa. by girl; A Good Burgnin.â€"A dialogue for two hnyl: The birth-ng partyâ€"A dialogur for 3 oms. 3 g rim? gvu'lemnn and a lad} : Brok. on down 'l‘ndasmunâ€"A diuiogua for 2 boys and 3 Eli's; Diff-«nil Opinion .â€"A dialogue for 4m"; lemg to God â€"A dialogue for 3 how and? girls : Jo|ly Jim, or a soft anâ€" awor turnolli Iwai w Ilh.â€"A dialogue for 3 boys. It? Will bu um! to my address. in pncklgo form. pout-paid, far 30 cents. Adda-Is, POSTMASTER. Victoria Squire. The Millinery Department Sta k) and Fancv Urv Goods De )nrtmem . y I Grain Crushers, Combined Feed Mills, 115 Pages All of which he will Bell Cln-apor than nnv ht.qu in Town BANNER DiA'LOGUEs, A packnge contains “no following Dialogues: ®m®%%‘m%% ABHIEUHUHAL WAREHOUSE. IN HATS, CAPS. AND GENTS' FUR- NISHINGS, Richmond Iii". NM, I. 1‘75 Muy 31. ms” Sept. lu. IP75. AERIGULTUMI. WAREHOUSE, Ricnmond Hill, Nov. 4, 1875. LARGE and. FASHIONABLE. A. W I L L I S , mm: AND nnoxsn. INSURANCE MRS R. P. HOPPER. Humg procluod (he urvicoa of Mn WOOD. of Toronto. III. of London Eng" who in a first (‘- lnn Caller. I am map-rod to satisfy (ho taste: .I tho mun {uxidiouu Dog Powers, I’loughs, Fanning Mills, Ice Tools, Sleighs, Forg- u, Rustic Work, Statuary, Vases, Farming and Draining Tools, 4%., For Sale at Cider Mills and Presses, £3,383 GOQDBQ TORONTO My Smck is vor: Campieto W. A. kaops - Splendid .\-Iorlmom of Ven‘ [urge a d Wall Autmvd, being "placed EVERY WP‘FK by ROOT CUTTERS, As usual. under the immediate chargo of Mn A., will be found for 80 Cents. New Lamps, Bronze, &c., in Elegant Designs, AND HARDVVARE WM. ATKINSON. UP THE LATEST SI'YI.ES. ESE-u. 880‘ If. ,1 “U lot No. 1’". in the 3rd Concepcion If tho Township of Vaughan“ Thou in li‘hlx Acres uudvr improve-non I'd Twenty Acm in Vlluhble 'l‘imher The buildings an [00‘ and axmusive. Thor. is In Orehud of gag. ed fruit and plauu‘ of anr Thin is I I.“ When! Farm and beautifully shun-d. Min. willliu half: min. of Richmond Hill Cutie... on \ho Norhhorn Ruilvuy. and it“! hulfa nulo from the Village of anlo. all within two mih‘a uflho lneurponl'd W“... of Richmond Hill. on Yonge Slreu. Ind in r a imlurdiauo neighborhood 0! MilIn. Schonla II‘ Church“. me! within lb mil.- emu City I" Touonln' A FARM. FOR SALE fl AW AND CONVEYENCING 0" “CE. AURORA. wm b. It Richmond Hill,every Thursday Orrxcn A1- PALXII’B Bonn. MODERATE 03.5333. Aaron. Julv 13, '75. g «PRES. MUIKI‘: OR LESS. 0’ Flt! rlass [And being Lot No la in the 1413' cunrosaion uf NHK'I‘H DRILLIA. 'l‘hero am ntmul August 1!. 1375. With 3 Frame House And Now Franc BM. 30 u 50: the IQ!!! II well Timberod with Fine and Hardwood. This is I Gut-cl”. What Farm. and in beautifully Iiluntod Mt tho Bun- Rlvru,cmnouianl to Flour and Sui Milk, within halts mile of the Seven: Bridgo Bk. non of the Northern Rnilrold. Prieo .3303.‘ in any payments. For further namcuhn apply to JOHN HALL 30 Acres under Improvement 2 _\N application will be made to “in Iter Insrion of tho Leg'ulntu re of Unturio {or an act to amend all not pINQd in the 35th your of HM Majesty'- rvign (Iltnptn 77. omith “ An Act to incorporllu the Yorkvillo Loop- lino Rnilwy Company." by oxtondin'thotino for the comtrurtion oftho uid Ruilwlv ud for the completion tlwruf. for two you. lol- gor than the times rupoctfully pvovidod (or n. the mid ncl and to add to and champ tho Provisional Durectors. IOU FARM ' “:3 FOR SALE. m 'l'oronln. Sophmlmr mm. "75. (Ln: mm W. Dunn". uwunur.) I". J. FARNDEN, ACRES being the East Rolf cf Rivhmond llill l‘ump Work, Kickmaud I NOTICE. Solicitor for Applicnu and 3 Provincial Dtrocur. ALFRED HDBKIN. a} “(I 59 J:

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