NOTICEâ€"We shall be glad, at all timed, If the young men who visited our village to rocuive itenm of Local News, accidents or on Thursday night, of last week, are a fair our incidents which may bcititorestiug,eitlier sample of' hornblll citizens, we don’t want In'lhe locality in which it occurs, or in the to live there. Countv generally. Matter of this kind may be sent as “ Printer's Copy." at the rate of . ' _ I . om- rant per unites, if ~o marked and not «onl- i Editor Of this Journal a box containing three ed ; but to insure iti- appuarnnco. Would re- ; shirts, a full set of shaving utensils and a quire to be recoived by Woduostisy morning. 1 box of moustache dye, will send a double below l’uh'lw‘llml- "l “'0 VHF lfllfl'l- I barreled tooth-pick and a crescent saw. ac- W l companied by his address, we will put his saw ADVERI‘ISEMENTS. ‘ name on our list ofsubscribers for life. " The Biz Pushy-L Croflhy- . Tar: Gutsosu Cass â€"'l‘his grievance has Imlne'lse Pl'epamllo’“ at we Herald 800k at length been settled, we hope, for all time and Fancy Store. to come. His remains were conveyed to Address ltrlllP elecmrs.â€" Fred. Crawford. {he Catholic Cemetery on Tueada'y last, (300d Fulï¬ll“ “WP-“J- BTOWn- Ample preparations had been made by the Striatedâ€"M- Mcauflh- authorities in case any resistence should be offered. but. fortunately, everything passed (if quietly. If the party who sent (by mistake) the NOJTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Richmond HillStatlon Change oi titno «king effect Monday, Nov. l5th. 1875 : Going North 8.13 a.n....12.27 p.m...5.l3 Going South 9.26 Lb]. . ...2.IU p.m.. .826 i Carcinomaâ€"Our readers are. all ham. or with the circumstances commuted Wm, an accident which happened yamsumme, ,0 “,1†you‘ll mu“ SIB'COG. whereby he lost both his arms. Th , .1: family being in destitute circumsmflces. some of our villagers have Ol‘lt-{Illlkted a fund for their relief, parties Finaâ€"0n Monday morning last, between ‘, 3 and 4 o’clock, a ï¬re broke out in rear of,‘ the shop and dwelling of Mr Patton. Main l St.Newmarket,burning it and the house occu- “ pied by Mr Kennedy, insurance agent. Also the dwelling and tin shop occupied by R. l _._L'. -V,,,.,,m,__ Special (51101le Masurtcrunn or Cocoa.â€"“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps & (10.. manufacturers of. McLaughlin, and the saddle:- shop occupied x dletelic articles. at their Worksin the Eat-ton by Henry Thompson with the room above. used as a billiard room. All of the proper ty belonzod to Mr McLaughlin. About $4,000 insured; $400 in the Liverpool. Lon- don dz Globe, and $800 on the building and $400 on the. stock in the Provincial. Henry Thompson was insured for $300 on the stock in the Liverpool. London & Globe, which covers the remrval of gotids. Mr Kennedy had no insurance. and his loss is ubotit $300. Mr Patton had no insurance, loss not known. ' Fins.-â€" On Monday night last, about 8 o'clock. n ï¬le broke out iti D. J. (Shubb’s stable, Guelph, containing six horses. Three of the animals were got out, and the others perished in the flames. In the building there was a quantity of scaffolding. building tackle, etc., which was destroyed. Loss $2,500, on which there was an insurance oi '. Re d. l.oudon"-â€"Sos arlicla iti Canon's thrust/told Guide October Ill . I 874. 739.“: gnu: @tlrrtiisnnntts. STRAYED. From the premises of the Subscriber. lot No. 30. 2nd Con Vaughan. about lst Nov. SEVEN SHEEP. (tour lambs and titres ewes) and ONE RED CO W, Nearly Dry. Any person giving such infer. mationas will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. MICHAEL MCHUGH Vaughan. Nov. Hi, '75 904 at. MR. CRAWFORD’S Address to the Electors of the Munici- pality of Richmond Hill: Grts'ruznr.n,-I have to inform you that I has 'BCI'IVdd a numerous signed requisition of the noble elect rsuf our Village, to offer rm'ieli as a candidate for the Ileaveship at the foitbcnming election To cumpr with the wishes of my frieiidsl do so. My anteco. dents is Well'knawn to you all, Gentlemen. Br trade I am a Conservative, but the poor Grits, I sometimes give them a lift,so Gautie- _. -s," ,......_.___ ._.______,..._ G I†as THE FIIIE PIIOOF STORE†The Subscriber would invite his numerous customers, and the public generally, to an in- spection of his large and varied assortment of New and Seasonable Goods, Suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade. An Elegant Stock of Dress Goods. In Great Variety, Pattern and Shape. STYLISH MILLINERY~Velvot and Pelt Hats, Bonnets, 610.. on igsrli “ï¬nals. Rit'nuusn HILL. Nov. 19, 1875. PAY YOU It TAXES. Ratepayers will assist to keep down ex- penses by calling at. the Clerk‘s oiï¬ce and paying their macs; what is the use of delaying until a collector has been ap- pointed? he will b uve to be paid thereby causing ixptlnse. Pay up and be done with it, we say. INCREASE OF CRIME. Anyone who has been in the habit of perusing the newspapers, with any regu- lartty, lately, must have noticed the alarming increase of crime, not only in the neighboring republic. where, in many cases, the lax administration of the law is only an incite to commit further de- redations, but in nearly all parts of our Eominion the rowdy element has been on the ascendant. For proof of this we have only to turn to the criminal record of the assize courts of' Toronto, Guelph, Barnia and other towns throught Ontario. Different causes are assigned for this unfortunate increase in lawlessness, and amongst these the ï¬nancial depression is made responsible for a large share of the burglaries and defalcations which are daily taking place. There can be no doubt that the forced idleness of a por- tion of the laboring class may lead some of them to a course of crime. which por- bups, with better times and plenty of Work, they would never have been tempt- ed to follow The graver charges, how- ever, we may rest assured. are not com- mitted by the workingmnn driven to des- peration by lack of funds and forced idlenessâ€"they are the work of the hard- ened criminal. We are all interested in the progress society makes in repressing crime. Every design may be affected by it in some direct and unpleasant way. Nobody knows who may be the next. vic- tim. Thieves are not discriminating, and with them, as a rule. one opportu- nity is as good as another, and hence every law»abiding citizen is anxious to have these lawless acts suppressed. The sure and speedy vindication of the law by the infliction of the severest penalties allowable, would do much to intimidate and keep at buy the criminal mass. Too often a light sentence or an easy escape from justice is the cause of encourage- tnunt to the criminal, and only embold- ons hint to his incursions against the laws ofthe land, and the rights of‘others. With regard to criminals, who. for some atrocious deed, nre sentenced to undergo capital punishment, there is al- ways a certain amount of sympathy aroused on their behalf, and although the crime may have been of such a chat†actor as to cull down the execrntions of] the whole coinmuni'y at the time it was committed. this feeling gradually wears off. and before the time arrives for carrying out the sentence of the law. a petition, for the commutation of the sen- tence, is drawn up, widely circulated, and uumerously signed: The end is that the criminal instead of suï¬'cring the just. penalty of his crime, is sent to prison for a lengthened period. and offers few years of good conduct. is pardoned, and let loose to prey upon his fellows. A number of our modern philanthro- pistl advocate the abolishment of capital punishment altogether, on the grounds that the carrying out of the death sen- teuce » on the murdererâ€"cannot bring the murdered person back to lifo. nor .Convey any bent-ï¬t. on society at. large. We all know that the taking: of one life cannot bring back another, but we think that it is necessary an example should be made, if nothing else. of desperate char. actors, for the beneï¬t. of others of the same class. A few yorrs' imprisonment has no terrors for a man who will take the life of a fellow being. To fondle criminals Is to bi-fonl them and injure society. Public interest demands purify among the factors of humanity, and be who offends has no right to expect. toler- ptinn. Criminal laws were instituted for the punishment of criminals, and it is' justiï¬ed in putting them down. with striciness. modiï¬ed by mercy, if possible ; if not, by unrelenting stcruness and se- verity. ‘ l "I‘ho Methodist Subbth School in this village intend holding a tea and entertain- ment on New Year's Day. Remember the nopulrr lecture. to be; delivered by the Rev. John Bredin, of? Bariie on Monday evening. in the Mason' i Hall, on “Irish character." to t Subscriptions for the Montreal Minus. weekly, tri-Weeklv and daily etlitinns; also‘ for the Panadinn Messenger and New Dovl minim: Alon!th received at the Hssawl Ollie". Psusostt..~ Last Friday evening. our Brass Bat d turned out to serenade Mr T. S. Savage and wife. pr-vinus to their departure from the village. Mr Savage has been a resident of this pluce since boyhood, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He left. on Wednesday Inst, for Port. Perry, where he goes to commence the Gro- cery business. We w‘sh him every success. The most perplexing thing in a youth’s life is when a girl gets mad and returns the numerous trinkets that he has bought her. He hardly wants to sell them: he can’t palm them off on his next choice for new goods with any degree of satisfaction or safety ; they’re probabl things that he can’t wear himself, and he’s left with them on his hands. and so he can only stare at them and couotup how much they cost. Does this :‘rpirscnt your CH5“. Charles 1’ . . mon guol. Who feel disposed to coritribute thereto will [be kind enough to leave it at, or send it to ‘ Mr Crosby’s store. As this is a case of real charity, we hope the people will con- tribute as liberally as possible. Coscsa'r.- The Fire Brigade Band Con- cert, which came off in the Masonic Hnll, on Wednesday evening, was a grand suc cess. The hall was well filled. and the various amateurs acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner. The singing of Messrs Willson, Walmsley and Bilton was deservedly admired. Mr A. Carley gave some comic selections which were enthusi- asticallv enéored. “There’s a letter in the candle,†by Mr Walmsley. received a ' doubleheaded †encore, and wain'esponded to by that gentleman withucomic solo, with guitar accompaniment. Miss Stoi-y sang “ Come my beloved†in a sweet and effecb ive style. The piano operatic selections. by Mrs Swales, was a musical treat in itself. The cornet solo, of Prof. Mortimer, was deservedl encored. The Bagpipe Quick- step and emories of Scotland were ren- dered by the Brass Band in a manner that reflects great credit or: the perseverence of the young members, and on Prof Mortimer, their teacher, for the great care he has taken to bring them to such a state of proficiency. “ McPherson’s 1n- ment,†by the Patterson String Band, brought to a close one of the most success- ful musical entertainments held in our vi!- laao for some time. Wm SENTENCE OF PRISONERS. .â€" On Fr'day morning, the 5th inst" Mr‘, Justice Morrison pronounced sentence on the "* following prisoners. who have been convict-' ed at the recent assizes: Wm. Irvine. convicted of the mam slauuh‘er of Samuel E Burke, to 14 years in the Kingston Penitentiary. John Miller, convicted of the man- s'anghter of'James and Mary Nash, received a similar sentence. F. C. Schofield. for stealing,r a piano front A. At S. Nordhetmer 6 months in the com- Wm. Skelton, forgery. two indictments, 3 months in gaol, for each charge. John Leighey, one of the men who com~ mitted the indecent assault on Rachel Rush Icy. at the island. somd'time ago. was sen- tenced to 6 months with hard labor in com. mon .zaol. Wm. Henry, convicted ofbeing a an ac- complice in the burglary on Samuel W ilton, in Wbi-tchurch. a short time ago, was sen~ tenced to 7 years in the penitentiary. Thos. Evans. for larceny, 4 years in the in the penitentiary. Wm. B. Williams, for larceny, 3 years penitentiary Allan Rayner. for larceny, 2 months in goal, with hard labor. .mayâ€"missed a large bowl of starch; her 'betier half got up ‘ Jas. Mullen. larceny, 1 month in gaol. Wm. Haney, “ 1 “ “ Wm. Brooks, “ 3 “ “ hard labor. M Kelso, “ l2 " " hard. labor. Michael Groaney, attempting to rob a till, 12 months in goal. Jno. Bonnet, larceny, 12 months in gaol with hard labor. Mary Shields, larceny, 2 years in the pen- itentiary. Margaret Johnson, n2: accomplice, 6 months in gaol. Edward “Pâ€, embezzlement, 3 months in gain, with hard labor. Wm, McKay, bicamy. 3 months in zaol. Jno. Howler, bigamy, 1 week in gaol m.“ . CRAWFORL 'S RAMBLES. Mn EDlToa.â€"I have not "Gable" 1°“ lately. and so, like a kind olu‘ soul. give me a little space in your columns lllll week The folks think that I must have gone 10 my resting place; but “Old Fred†is alive I vet. I have rambled a little lately North of our village, as I was returning I happen-I ed to see a man in a ï¬e d. I thought he was Tm, picking apples as there was an orchard hard i by. but guess what he was doing? Pickingl stones and bugging them for Yonge Street. I said to myself that he was making money like dirt. I have to inform my readers that the Croquet Club is closed for the winter. It was in a flourishing condition, under the leadership ofmy old friend “Archy †There will be a vacancy in the Spring for about halllasdnzen smart young fellows. No ladies need apply. except very good looking, as there are lots of belles here at present. There is a young man in the Village who would like to 20 Into the Photograph busi- ness btit he. is afraid the ladies would notl pagronize him because he happens to be ' ug y. A lady on Mill Street-to her great dis: 1 through the night and ‘ IMMlllllll 8160. men. you see in v Views I am Liberal. If Tucson, Nov. 23.â€"Auciion Sale ofStand' . The work of restoring the British grove- yards in the Crimea is fast being completed. Lieut Ansley. the ofï¬cer deputed by the W Ir Ofï¬ce to superiiitend the work. reports that he has met with every consideration from the inhabitants of the distriCt. While tunneling in the side of Mount McLeIlan, Colorado. recently, the explorers came upon ground solidly frozen ninety feel from the surface The question is how thv frost got. in, as there was no crevice through which it could enter. The sailors of the Canadian ship Lennie, s"spected of murdering the ship’s of- ï¬cers, will be sent to England after a formal examination in France, the testimony show- log that the crime was committed in British waters. The cholera in the Neilgherry district in- terferes serioust with the movements ofthe Prince of Wales. llis visit to Tnpoor is uncertain, pending an investigation of the reported cholera in that vicinity. There will be less distress in Newfound- land duringr the coming winter than was an~ ticipated The crops have turned out well, though the ï¬sheries have not been encour- aging. The election petition against Mr McCran ey. of Halton, was dismissed on Saturday, at the trial at Milton. CANANAN DIARIES for 1876, twenty vari- eties, cheap. at the HERALD Book Store. Ontario Local Legislature meets on Wed- nesrlnv next, 24th inst NEW LITERATURE. Joan Bittisos' ALMINAX ran I976.â€"I’ub‘ “shell by Belford Bros, Toronto. This animal is to hand, replete with the! usual amount of bad spelling. humorous say» inns. wise saws. etc.. which have made this,1 old philosopher so famous A man than can resist a smile on the perusal of Josh's Alminax for 1876, would make a first-class tombstone agent. Damon’s Maoazixs rou Dt-zc. -â€" Publish-l ed by Thomes Jr, Talbot, 23 Hawl‘ey; Street, Boston. at $1.50 per year, includ- ‘ ing postage. Evezy subscriber receives a Chromo. For sale bv all news dealers. The December number of this magazine, is a nice one, with its superb engrnvnigs, its elected I will get Richmond Hill the County Town as it is the most central place. and it will also got a few more tav~rn Iisencos taken out, so the few we have wont monopolize tin- wlrolo of the trade. M' IIeXt consid-raiioit Will be to get Lucas- Slreet plunked right up to the heat! of'tt For the accommodation of our Village I also intend to grad. 'I‘ronrh Street Iwnni to keep taxes down. I will econoinise in all d- partmetits tint I may have control over My experience in tnntiir‘ipnl affairs is w ll known to you all.-m\‘ contract Ions Wllll the Government is good, for] “av.- been attached to them nearly half a century Gentlemen. I am tint l-ke other candidates. they our thcr will do this and do that, and rifle} all do nothing, 'I his rear our in... lâ€. high and it -on «loci me I will rt-dnc. them ‘to one half; I will reduce .avoru liconge and also shop license and put ti on to the saw mills and fanning mill estab‘ishtnon's. an I um mm of getting the store ltreporr and l'Wt‘I’II keep- N. to vote. fur tn", and “WV WI" any ‘ Hurrah ‘ï¬tr Craw'nrd I†I Will confine tmseli' to [Ilv gnod oi'tltr- Village a» I don’t ilk hard work Now Grni‘otnon. some 0' \vu might an“ “Crawford is coming out in 8 hurry," but I may the " Early Bird gets 0'6 limit Worm " l Now my friend: as we are 203â€: to rot‘ bi ballot, I. suppose some of you are not a' quaint- ed with the rules of ballotingâ€"I will inform you: all oi [Ila voters get into one box together hnd then come out one by on. and the Return- ; ing Officer will a- It You who ~\ou vote for. and be rare and any “Craw 0rd ." I believe it is tha- intaiiiiivn of Mr Low to opptve me at the coming CIOCIIOII; but. Gan tlemen. ' :liink Ican stump him, ho'had Iii~ turn untl WIH' not give another smart man a chance and a trial I hope the ladies of our Village will use all their influenco in my be- 'hnll'.i‘nrl intend to compensate them will‘ luring down planks to Right Mills (‘ornors toi- tlio purpose of tin menntliug. I hope it ‘ muv ho (Ii iinnilv und lEtl~0tIIII11 I want no agents its I might be unsantrd afterwnrds, be sides the Vi'lng» losing my ~civices us an ’ ("diver Now Gentlemen than in nu lion: in what I am Eoinl- to tell you than «lent me Itvill pet the Village lighted with gas befnrn ? luv term rxiiri-s, as one of our pasti‘mrncilloi'n promise-d Io supplr me with some, and I will give a pion- I-t'oround myself for a reservoir . After the Ela‘ction is over I am going to give i all my Honda ladies and all.nn m’stor supper. that in ifI get in, and it I don't none of you bend not come. Down with Taxation! llllllllllllllllll THE APPROAC HING HOLIDAYS. AT The “ Herald†Boole AND Fancy Store l 'I'oys for the Million! BOllKS'Suitttblc for Presents IVor/r Boxes, 001m 711'†as, Writing Des/rs, Fancy Boxes, Jt’LI’C‘lny, Hurrah for , FRED. CRAWFORD. 1"" ‘5‘“"d‘b Richmond Hill. Nov. I6, nus. t Vases, , Scrap Books, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, THE EXAMINATION iOf Candidates ‘for Admission to the High School, Richmond Hill, new type and heavy white paper. The cor.» tents are as varied as ever, embracing iliril- inp; sea stories. domestic sketches and cir- qnent poetry, all of ih° finest quality. and such as will interest the render, old and“, l l young. The January number will com« motion a thrilling serial by M. Qunri. oftlie Detroit Free Press. the most popular writer in the country at this time. “â€" BIRTH. AI‘FSI'.IY.-’-At Victoria Square. on the 8th inst.. the wife of Mr ’l‘bos. Ainsley, of a daughter. MA RRI‘ED. BET'soNâ€"-:oxr.8.â€"â€"At the residence of the bride's father. by the Rev. J. B. Moore, on the Itlth inst . \Or John Iiuttnu, eldest son of N. Button. Ills . to Miss Alma Berta, daughter of Norman Jones, Esq. All of Ringwood. DIED. AleLEY.â€"-At Victoria Square, on the h5rth inst., the infant daughter of Mr Thos. Atnsley,â€"â€"aged 7 days. m AUCTION SA LE. ing Timber, Beech and Maple, on lot No. ' 17, rear 3rd Con. Markham- belonging to MrMilton Fierheller. Sale to begin at' 12 o’clock. S. M. Brown, Auctioneer. nsmr. Nov. 25.â€"Executms’ Sale ofa Superior Farm, Goods and Clinttels. being the west half of the west half of lot No. 31. in the. 5th Con. Markham. Sale at 1 o’clock. p. in. F. Button, Auctioneer Tanasou'. Nov. 25.â€"Auctinn Sale Store Goods, &c.. at. Almira, belonging to Mr Arthur Spafl‘ord. Sale to begin at 7 p. In. F. Button, Auctioneer. [13- Parties getting.y Sale Bills printed at his office will receive a notice similar to i the above, FREE of charge. RIUIIMON II ,HILL MARK ETS. Corrected by Mr Isaac: Crosby, Greet-i, and , Dry Goods Vlorcltan, Fire Proof Store, Richmond Hill Nov. '8. I875, Jet. JeWcllry, _ Will take place on the cripture Texts, Framed, L l l S l 8th and 9th of December In the High School Building, beginning at .\III8 in the "turning. The Master will furnish Ill-Ink Forms of Ippxicmions to intending Candidates, who slit-it‘d forward tln- sauna carotullv ï¬lled. no later than the Mill NOV , in I). FO'I‘III'ZRINGIIAM, Nov. '3. It. 1875! P S. IK>Pt2CTom 903.1% ) Antoni, Family and Pocket Bibles, Pipes, a great variety, Dolls vftrll sizrs, Picture Puzzles, Revolving Chiwcr, Drums, Bead Pin Cushions, Necklets, Bracelets, EXECUTORS’ SALE 0" Parlor Croquet, Puzzle Blocks, Conversation Cards, Ludies’ Companions, Scarf Rings, l Goldine Watch Guards Guttuprrclia Guards, Charms, Pocket Cutlery, A Superior Farm IN MARKHAM. I â€"0 by Public Auction. on tho premiums. on Thursday, November 25, 1875 Draughts’ The West Half of the West Hall’of Lot No. Dominoes, 3|, tn the 5th Concession of the Township of Vlarkhain. County Ohess, .fank. containing Kalidescopes, Photo. Frames, Music Folios, 50 ACRES &c &c More or less The land is of Excellent Quinl- " “ ity. cnnwnient to ( hurches and Mum. and &c. within 5 rnlIrs if the Unionville Station on the 'l ammo and Nipit-sing R. R. 'I itlo I’orloct ' ' Thrownâ€"“no halt Cash: the other half to secured hx Mortgage on the promises. pa: able in four rqnal annual installments. & with Inteth at six per coinum par un- MAGMNES AM) i ’ll.'L"..i':;if.’i‘;33322,:#:2113333; PlllllllllClllS and in be In! intn possrssion upun pu- rnenl oi the one Inni'. as abi-va, and no outing a mottgago for the other half 3:? Sent Io Subsrribro's, Post Paid. on receipt of Subsrrt'pt- ion, which must be paid in . â€"â€" Sale at One o’clock p. m. At the same time and place. the following Goods and Chattels win he offered :or Sale :- I Hora“. l2 years old. 2 Fat Heifers. 3 Fat Lambs. I Milt-.h flow. I Box Stove. l I'arlor . ' F. __s -,, w|,om"nn__ $5 5t! ' Save, I Large Furnace I Springboard 5U ‘ drank it, the. poor fellow thought it was 0‘" 5.3,? 5,1,â€, u,,....._ 5 0“ advance. A Lzbm-al Di _ I-‘nt Dun-ks, 3 l...†“9951., I Thorough-tired S . ‘bultermllkâ€"ll did not stiffen him, he is rm. wh°.,_s,,,i,,g. p" bush,†ti on , Berkshire Boar. 1 Gun. 1 Stallion Bridle. proyms l Fall......... . "0“ count allowed to S. S, l ‘ WW"- 'I be greatest feat on record has been per- Barley. . . .. . . . . . , . . . . .. ii 00 0 U" _ ' Trusts :-â€"Ali sumsof 310 and under. Cash: formed on Richmond Hill. by Mr James Oats. . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. $0 3.3 @ ll 43 S uper 1 n tendents’ ,oyer that amount 9 months' _crodit will be Lealass, of Markham. he has thrashed the I’ear. . . . , . . .. . . . .. . . . . . II 70 fl 0 75 given on furnishing approved 1 int notes. whole ofa farmers crop in 75 minutes. Pnllloes- P“? Mb"- -- v- - - ~ -‘ 0 4“ @ " ’5“ Teachers othprs F BUTTON. I rambled into our Schools ihe other day i‘)l’i'§’“§°rlh“'r°l‘ï¬v -- ~ ~ - - - ' L 38 g (I, ' Auctioneer. and'found' them well filled and all the teach- “I311†P" " ' ' ' "" ,6 m, @ ,8 0,, On all boo/cs purchasedjor prizes J. G' ‘RVILEY. Exocutors to the estate eys llndtlwgrcylam (New gar: “#8,??th 8",": .. " ' 'f_'"' m .. a, .. 2;, Wu FERRIS. anti. late Isabella Farris. tie a tea epuriments on t in ey ".' °°' " ' ' n . u . h . . . p _ will continue so. unless some matrimonial B““°",,',",;?.",‘,;,i,""' u "a U g i) gt Rwhmoud Hlu’ Nov' 17’ 1875‘ mnkmm. No" ‘0' 75’ 903 2‘. engagement takes place, for the winter E , d z. _ l '_ u .33 m, 4, 24 nights are cominar on and it is very cold for lï¬ï¬Ã©drltuhsi per lot. ms†, 8 t 0 (a; ii 51 a person to sleep by themselves. Bacon, Pritne.. ........... .. l3 Mi ((7, 13 on _ N O T I C E . Mr George Soules has purchased that IIams Cured“ . i. 15 @ 0 lot , ‘ . . .. . . , Klinck property and is filtiugit up with (W0 ’ ._ ..WW.-.#_ , ' l "I’l‘niItlv‘ï¬â€˜K‘Ot-mTfa’hqyijowiil| aJpliI:(i'51(ll\e large ovens_and a host of other improve- TORUNTO MARKETS. G‘UOd Fa m [Iy Flour ' Legislature of Ontario out the next session merits; he is bound to keep the staff of hfe __ . thereof tor an Act to amend the Mn incorpor- 3032- f , l , - Toronto, Nov. 18, “475. 3 AT pornllllg IIN' flail:I Ctm‘pam', empowc’riughthe ow my air reat ers you mus excuse my . . i same to oxton t a sat ll wat‘ to he s are dictation. for I must confess that my geo- no“! gï¬pzlgsrltlxxftflllu a: J- B R O W N t S of Lake Ontario. wiihin the County of On- ,zraphical knowledge is somewhat defective, on",an _ _ _ _ _ ' ' . H _ '1': 4 I,†, ' tarin. andl to cngnect or .amp‘ligauiartawith any I never went to school but one dav, and Comm“, . _ __ _ ' "O H . H 4 “0, FOR ot he; wilwat ompnm mi in sat County. that was In the CVBHIIIE. and we had no wheatâ€"Spring pa. bush... . Si 00 a I ll] , a" 01’ 0‘ W Purim!“- 'candlc and the master did'nt come. Wnito Winter. . . .. . I 02 It) I 07 $3 P e r B ar r e 1 . J N. BLAKE. My next. will be better. Harley.. . . .... . . ... . . . . . . . . 0 III‘ 0 86‘ Toronto, Oct. 7. ’75. 899-6t President FRED, cmwmm' 0atr........ 03nd» “Sta, 0, O. D_ TheRambler I’ease.......... . . . . . 120,71-3 207ml? hmond Hm Nov 16 ,7? 90413., ' Hay or ton now.......... it lit) to , . , a. m, Sushi: ....... ......... floor.» .200 -‘ A. WILLIS, - 45 0 0 0 50 ‘ ‘ . . A deapatch from Omaha states that a Patrice-.1)†bag ANKER AND BKUKER,INSURAI\CE most extraordinary storm is reported to have Apphh'p" barrel" a 2g: LATE FOR SALE)“ 1 arm asst. arr-1a scam. set in along the line of the Union Paciï¬c Bun°r_iiiiig;°liibiii""" " o 20 '2) 32-2 A t ARGE QUANTIIY in lots to suit D°l'° '" "‘“iv'd- “ELF†‘° “W†W" glestttiflï¬reen lIll.iver,totn niglht last}; Eggs. P9,. doz . H ""131; "n 80 :19 g 320 Purchase". Apply ,0 ’ _ Isn’tleerait. Loans uogottstod. Debentures for ee (3 in suc sun 1 tea a e e e rs - , l) . t1 0, ‘ ' ' . . wires are reportdil as large around a gulls 335:“ “OTIriiiioer .lo 5 . It) 50 ftb 1230‘ JOHN JONFE' . 0'7"": l 20* Adam“ 8m °t but'T’mmb' wrist. Snow to the depth of one foot had HatnsLOtirod. per 0 13 fl 0 l4. WWII†Mm". .4 ("I dwn wnl of “I. You 05°" full-3n. ,at Allitlt‘t‘ CrccltE Woolâ€"per lb. . . . . . . . t i . . ... O 33 ‘0 35, Nov. l875 .- - May 31, I875- 8804f. . The undersigned h s INN] Instructod to "I , SUPERIOR RE A DY-M ADE CLOTHING, CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER A Spo‘l'lallu’. Having the services of TWO Experienced Cutters. I good ï¬t may In OIpOCIO‘I‘ A Sllpt‘linl’ ASI-‘Ql'lnlolll oi Overcontings, (‘oniu gs. Vostinpa and Trowsoiings in Stock, and every article guaranteed as represented a so a large assortment of Staple and rancv CROCERIES, CROCK RY, AND HARDWARE. An earnest invitrtion is oxlonded to all to come and In for manuals". Richmond tnii, Nov. 14, '75. ISA. A C C ROSBY AT “FALCONBRIDGE’S†A fine assortment of LADI lS’ FURS - I . J From $40 to $50 per set, Best QUoIIiv and Latest Styles. ...â€"...... Ladies Come and See Them. ...-«47* Lower priced Goods to follow immediately. 3. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond Hill. Ni v, I9. l875.| l.- )th “BOSS†Billll Silllil! FRANK MEEONAGHY 1‘ EGS to return his si‘neeru thanks to his numerous eustnniers for their past favors. and Iii-th to Mun once to than that ha ha ventured to his N E W S '1‘ O R E . I‘m door south oftl-a Haitian (lieu. when ‘ be will continue to >MIMI‘ his former top“ taiioa. Riebmoud "ill. Supt 31'. "‘15. TORONTO lliHlEUllUllll WAREHOUSE STRAW AND ROOT CUTTERS, Grain Crushers, Combined Feed Mills, P U L P E R S , Cider Mills and Presses, tin; “ liLANCIIAIlIl†Citrus. fl I [ABM ma SALE m ACRES. MORE OR 1188.0! Dog Powers, Ploughs. Farming . t I ~ v I- v . Fintmlar Land. being Lot No I3. Mtll , [re lools, blughx, ['org in “I, Hâ€, co,,,...,i:".,my,fl1.u (MULLIQ. a, Rustic Work, Statuary, 'Ilu-ro ar» about 30 Acres undo:- Improvemont I With a Frame House and New Frame In: 30 n 50 : the test I! well Timbtrod with Pi" and Hardwood. "his is a ï¬rst-cin- Who“ Farm. mud in beautifully situated on the ï¬rm on Rm2rt,cnn|onielt to Flour and Saw Milk, within half: mile of tho Severn Bridge NI- t:oti ol’ the Northern Railroad. I’rico $355.1. in out payments. For further particulars only to JOHN MALL. ’aut, Farming and Draining Tools, (‘76., For Sale at AERIOOLTOML WAREHOUSE, (Tor-ner- of Adelaide 8; Jarvis Streets WI. BEN NIE, Toronto- Toronto. Oct. 5. IBIS. 898 Richmo-d "m rump wcvkm Richmond Ht bANNER DIALOGUES, All!“ 12. 3075. 090 I? MRS R. P. HOPPER. 115 Pages for 30 Cents. r. .r. FARNDBN, (ens sun It. ouster. saw-salsa.) aw AND convaruxctxo or. . rice. wanna. Wilt In at Richmond Hillgtmy T bunday Omcs n PALIIB'I Bout“ MODERATE CHARG‘I. Amara. Jolt )3. ‘15- IllIllIlSl Illlllil ll Beautiful Assortment AT w. H. H Y E R ’a 03° No Apprentices? Work. NONI 01.3.: "1' First-class Hulda Kept. l’rices as Low as the Lowest A package conta.ns the following Dialogues: Opening Address. for a boy . Lilla (‘hriutim â€" Recitation for a boy of ti or H years: Little Alholl.â€"R¢C|llllfln torn but or girl 6 or u yours: A bow platform sport-II.-fot a boy It! or [:2 years ; Rocitntioa on l-ollantry v-b" a boy of III years, or tutu: Closing; Addy-- by girl: A Good Bargaiu.â€"A dialogue to:- two burn: The birth-le partyâ€"A dialog..- hr 3 hots. 3 g rls.‘2gen'lemeu and a lad\ ; B ok- on down 'I'radvntnan.-â€"A dialogue tor ‘2 boy-l and 3 girls; IMF-rent Opinion .â€"A dialogue; for‘bovs; Girl"; to God -â€"~A dialogue for 3 boys and? girls : Jolly Jim. ur a soft au- Iworturnoth away Irmaâ€"A dialogue for 3 boys. 83' Will but unit in any address. in package form, post-paid, for 30 cents. Addreu, POS'I'MASTER. Victoria Square. Sept. lsi. In75. rail-tr. FOR _S_ALE. fl ACRES being the East Half of, lot No. 2". in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Vaughan. There is Eighty Acres undr-r improvsrnent and 'I'wouty Acres in Valut-blo Timber The buildings are good and extensive There is an Orchard of graft- ed fruit and plonti of Water This is a g. od' Wlicat Farm and benutifullv situatud. being within halfa mile of Iiinlimond IIiII Station JUST RECEIVED: on the Northern Railway. and within A LARGE STOCX Or halfa mile fiom the Village of Maple and wilhin two mitt-g nt‘tha lncnrpoat d VII-ago of, h 1' Richmond Hill, on Yonge Street. and in t. o, 4 s H... i Which will b. .3qu Very. Cheap immediate neighborhood oi Mills, Schools until .0- Churchos, and within lb milu of the City of- Toronto For further particulars apply on the PICâ€! is†to the owner HUGH DEVLIN. Juno 1. 1575.} 0004f.