Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Nov 1875, p. 3

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77 ."~ ~â€"-7... WINDOW SHADES of all designs. I BORDE RINGS of all kinds and the latest patterns on record, All kinds Cabinet Ware N'lalxllfactured. Chairs Re-cz‘ Also the Des: qnulily of Fluur, Bran. Shorts. Potatoes and Anplea, at the lowest prices. | ()rrlcn : Corner of Yunge and Centre Su . Ricnmond “in. I > ‘Goods I)elch1-«u Richmond IIiH,‘Sept. 14, 1875. E58 10 inform his numerous patrons that he has received, and will continue to keep a large Hock ul‘ STOVES OF ALL KINDS, Hardware, Carpenters’ Tools, F U R N I T U R 1E , (6 011g “The Peoples’ Store.” SPLEN'DID. VALUE; .QISOr Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, \Ild hm‘iu e .‘Hm’L ‘ R~â€"»\ \V. &S wnuld 1118081111!“ that in cmun-cliuu with ‘he above they have apt-nu] :: New BLAUKSME’I‘H 51-10}? And |l~i g none hu' lhn Hl' R I'l U” V lhrir s‘iucm‘n lhnnks :"or was! pvt-mmgu and would hag lonva m MH', that having , mu] lg. d Un-ir p l~n|i 'es m‘d made- a.r-xugnmrnm lor unviug MINI: ix wo-kdoun under-their ow" Sl![ml'VI.~iOII. me (I u-nuuu'd lu eslflbhah n rvpulnlinll EPI'Und m mum in mu l'ruvince fur magma: Flag’ifitaafl NEW FALLEfiY GflfiDS! Sleighs of all Kinds, )UYSICIAN. SURGEON AND AC- ‘ C UCHHUR An 'or which he will Sell Clirag-n lhun am’ hwso in Tuwu filflTHHEfl-fifihlleBR AND THE HRBEH! CARRIAGES. > 'r Kt} yum ‘7 «N 1;; hi“ ‘h ‘ w." (,1, ,. Richmond Hill Supt . 23 In. 5 3017.2. 1875. l-N HATS; CAPS. A‘Ni) GENTS'FUH- mnnas, The Millinery Department Of all qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Pnint nnd Varnish Brushes of all sizea‘ M. Turnnto Prices. GLASS uf all sins. A large aasonmenl ol Clockcry, ware purchased m the hF-st markets. 'l‘inwure of all kinds. The Uhuzll muck of STAPth & l“AN"Y GRUCE HES, as low in price as anv hnuse in town. Stapie am] P‘nlfl‘y Dry Goods Department STOVE PIPES and STOVE FURNITURE. which herwill sell BELOW T013- 0.\"T0 PRICES, also, - I - 7 NE Subscribar wishes to return thanks to hi4 "Ilm rous customers fur their lilmral patron- nga during tlm eleven years he has been in hllsnless, on Richmond llIll Br mru-l atten- tion Io husmuss, and koflplllfl a Large and Well-"smvrlod Sun-k. such as the Village and sub rounding Cnunlrv rnqulue. and by wlhug them a! the lmweil Ro-munelalivo Prices. hopes to merit I cuntinualion 01mm patronage llilhl‘l‘lt) so Iilmrn ly bouuwed Tnose who favor me mm a call will nnd my “c‘mnsTE muss" Richmond Hill; Oct. 27, 1875. Ricumnnd Hill, Nov. 4, 1875. FIRET-CLASS WORKMEN, LARGE and FASHIONAB LE. GEO. BROWN, M11, Having procaf nd'lhe services of Wu W001). nf Toromu. luln of Landfill Eng , who it 1: Elm Class Cutter. 1 um'prepuved Io sazihiy Ihe tastes of the mosl l‘asxidioln Of All Kinds. ERSE @333, CuNsrs of [MI Mamas. A. ’WRIGHT & SON My Stock is very: Complete. W. A. keeps a Spieudid A-aortmenl of In! Igud u FIRS'I‘J'LAKN JOW'H‘TH, nro prepmed [u do all kinds of Gem inn”: (‘IIAHGI‘LS MODERATE. Vnrv Large Hind Wu” Assorted, hoing rnplaced EVERY Wl‘ EK by W Parcels Delivered. As usual. under lhe immodin churgn of Mn A., willbe tound WFIJOUR AND FEED. Arriving at the FLAG STAFF: u BIG '1‘ v1 \'[‘|'liil \l.. (now feel m-rlnin Hm [hm can’give Mdsfnclion “one. 0.” HI ir \ank inning anm in nu) mhor shop P. G. SAVAGE RIC HMOND EIILL. ANI) HARDWARE WWI. ATKINSON. EMF: DYING NONE BUT 0!“ THE LA TEST SFYIJSS. 902-". A fresh stock of beautiful pallpnn just received. BETHUNE. OSLER a; MOSS, liARKISTERS, &C.. Union Block. Cor- ner lonm'n and Adelaide Stu (opposin- (he new Pom ()filn.) Torumo. F. 0va23. Jun: Bntnuun, W. G Fucouumau. (unauth- Moan. N W . Honu. r J. H. Tums. Toronto. Nov; ‘G, 1875. A. WRIGHT & SON. ALEX. MOODIE. Chairs Re-caned. 9024f I‘unusmcv AB A wummo and for thn bonefn of YnuKG “KN AM) ormus wlm sufiar from NERqus hEm |l‘\. LOSS 0? “AN. lit-0U. VIT \L PUWER. Ric” giving rules of S'olf- Pun. after muvh nufl'eringand nxpanm md soul (row on rm ~ivinu a stamp for raxurn nosunge Addrass NATHANIEL \l AYFAIR 1’. O. Box l53. Broklyn. New York. FRUIT JARS $1.501“! Hana“ Min 3 cu. pt And all other Goods in proportion. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. J.B. Respectfully solicitsa call Good Prrsorving Sugar Choice Mixad Tea. for BUNFESSIUNS OF A VICTIM. Livery Stable Richmond Hill, July 21,1875. Corner of Yonge and Centre Sts The Largest and Cheapest. Stcck in town Cradles. ntario HousE A: the Old Smnd Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopes, bv the ~‘lriclesx nr'nnomvmnm- billed with m. but nmtorEal and worknmnship. xe merit a cnnlinlmncn ofthe pnlrouago- busmwâ€" ed 0-: the law firm. All our pumps are war- routrd, Fl 0!) sh A r r. Ival s N. B â€"‘Vollssunk on the shéflx bjli~l_I;lâ€"i-¢94 Well Curb: conslumly on hand. Richmond H ill. 'I‘IIE SUBSPRI BER HICGS ’I'O INFORM lhe lullnbitnnls of Richmond Hill nud em viroul. that. he will continue to manufacture the lst PRIZE Pump Works, CELERRATEU EXCELSIGB PUMP Jun 25, W75, choice Sugars. Teas, Cofiizes and Tobaccos. Which wiil be Said At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. HARD W ARE : We Quote 3. Few Prices: 1W“? SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES TO All Kinds of “food With great saving of lime and food. It gives strongih work . ans fled With it pludnuu more nulk am: butter and for null feeding can)» in lde is 1nmu£uus Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Gra- ham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Pens, Oats. Bran, and Shows. J. H Richwond Hill. March 3]. ‘75. 87l-1f .Huuu and Fem! Wood Far (1 .' Price list sen! on applicalirn Fizurr JA Richmond Hill. Dec. 31st. ’74 Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and I’igs 'l‘oronlo, August 30. 1875 BOOTS 85 SHOES: GROCERIES : TINWARE; At Toronto Prices. AWOOD YARD, A LARGE ST )CK. V'ERX' CIVIEAP. the Public tlmt he hasroipreilMId- SPLENDID Spades, Shovels Hoes, KT Remember the place @rnrtrim, 8w. And ho will keep on hand Cheaper than ever. RICHMOND HILL. DOLLAR Box CONTAINS 200 FEEDS. HITGH hilLLER 86 CO., 'orls's, In connection. Is the best preparation known for fattening o'ft‘liizne agd food. It gives army}: and life to Horses, even during hard J. BROWN. Soy! hes, rice 25mm and $51 per Box JOHN HALL 152 lbs for $1 ()0 51! cts. per lb. $1.50 per did. 3 cu. por pflll’ 884 6:3 Rakes, 8934f ’I‘HE Snbxcriber Iaknn this opportunitv ofrh- lurniig his >invera thanks '0 Ma Humorous cuslmuorsl’or lhuirprm'onagu uring the part. would soliuila cumin-me of [he r-nmn. and would ca“ their attention to a flohh arrival of SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES AT; THE HERALD BOOK STORE} Green, Black and Japan Glassware,(7rockery&Tin ware FRESH Direct from the Mills. All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicast Brands. Flour and Feed ken! constantly on hand. Best Family Flour. Graham Flour. Buck- wheat Fla-ur, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeul and Oatmeal All kinds of Farm I’mduco taken in exchange for Goods. Best 50 cent Tea in the Val/age Ranging in prlco from 34! cents per ll). upward ingnmi rumnng o-ner Also. In large and l'hrivmg Yoqu “rt-hard. 0”" end of the Farm 15 crowed In' a never tailing Spring Crerk Terms easy A Large B/ic/c House, a Good Barn and athn' outbuilvh'mgs, a Steam Saw Mill BEST FARMS IN THE GDUNTRY, llnilei'rum npiu V|||-|ge.hhd 3 mile from Rivhmond Hull Station, UH the place is And are lucutod at line Norm-wen cone 0! ‘10! No‘ 3."), MI cnuceusion at" Mark! am. in n semi-In where mechanivs null Inbnrorx mm gm standyWurk nun high wag“ Apply fit'hy |etlm.prupuid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria 9, 7 , Squarow} lo HOUSE! U 'ro Weeklv Papers. rvce-ved g! the Hmu'Lâ€"h Book Store. Richnmnd Hil' ‘____.-, ...v...uvuu U Hill. cnnminiug one acre and n qntrlor of Mid, one frmnn dwvlling house. wi lh a burn stables.and mheroutlmil-‘inzsahoroou, Torml, easy. Apply. on the premise- m I". C R A W FORD. J. dale n nuumor of Village lots. situated a the village of Abnut Une- Being par! of lot: 3 and 4. 1:“ Con. Township ofo‘bridgG. GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Riohuwnd Hill. Mar. 24. 1875. A rum or 69 AND A‘H’ALr Mums autos with Guod Dwelling House and Out- buildingsjufl musidc the Richmond Hill Cor- poration. Ayd Vaughan. March 28. 1875 VICTORIA SQUARE! March 97, 1979, UBSQHIPTIONS FOR. [‘HE TORON JACOB MORDEA'. Richmond IlillJnu. 8,1674. 8 7-1!" 1’ E Wen: hall'of Lox‘ll . 4th Con. Vulgth will of [ms Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. '72. HE_ ‘lUBSCl'IIBER OFFERS FOR House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS. STREET, RICHMOND nu. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, F ire I’roof Store, RICHMOND HILL. .1. N Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. also ton TWO HOUSES AND LOTS F012 SALE. A LARGE STUCK OF Village Lots for Sale. firnprrtg for fink, For particulars apply to JAC B RUPERT. Mama 1’. O FOR SALE. ,al (In: rume Lune Increase in flesh Acknowk-dged to ha the Also a fine assortment of UO FFEES RICHMOND HILL TEAS, Tim lols contain WM. G. HINGS'ION. Apply to “jlfl/z of an Acre, Agricullu-al Chouiials. 167 King St. East. Tutoqu and SPICES. STU-M Dingln 9.0 714-” 753-3In we“ 20"" 390“, acts-"(2 C and 90 cu; '. “I. am .l truclinn ol' the Anglo American Hones by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled up than large and comnmdioun premise»- belong in: to Capt 'I‘. A. Milna. oppusitfi Messrs. Speight 5:, Son’s Nnvelvy Works. Markham. Excellent ncl-onnnodnl'ou afi'nrded for the travellingnublic and commercial men. Livery stables in comuction will] the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. WOOTEN. SIT“. 4. 187‘)- 737-“ ‘ I _.... nun-J. A weaklr journal of Carri.” Events. |.i|o'nture. Suimne and An- \gn‘culture and Muchanics. Fashion and AI. .uemont. Sod 5110c a numbaratthe HERALD “M'- “‘W A FRERH 8UPI’I.Y, At 81.5%. $5. $5.50. $43.50 and 99. It tho Hnuw BOOK Srouu. Rlchrnond Hill. -â€"-vvv Can be obtained at the "IRAilIâ€"Book Star It. the following roducod prices xv- FAMILY BIBLES ‘loraes and Vehicles V'nr hirm (‘hnrgea mo coral» Opposite Sanderson &- Sons Whan he wizl keep on hnnd a In! of FIRSTâ€" (ILASS “ RIGS." n1 nwdurute charges. and hopes h\ mrict anon-lion lo nuameu, to merit a share oflhair pain nago. WESLEY HY MNS Can be obtained at the flnuu) Book Hm- I the inhabitants of Mirhihuud llillflnvl‘I-dâ€"Vri: cinin lllnlhe has n NI‘IW LIVERY STAHLI‘. at [he I I B I; E S 0 CI E TY DEPOSITORY . Rwumnnd Hillhr-m-ln .0 oh- Nu..." [{ICHMOND HILL LIVERY 10 to 100 Dollars 'I‘HE SUBSCRIBER. begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Mil-hmnnd llill mud-z. For hire. Funvrnl Furnishings, Cofiinl al.d Cuakc ts in every «010. DOMINION “VERY STABLE» A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL, Rags to nnnuulme to Ihn lnlmhixnnts of Ruchâ€" mond Hii'. and snrrouudmg neiuhlunho: d lha he has built a new Hearse an L :0: n-rnced [he Imnnnmmyn nusmnss. A FINE NEW HEARSE RDZIIIIDZNCMâ€"NGII'IV Richmond Hill. SlVION PROCTOR. Ric hmond Hill. April I5. ’75. 8731f. THOMAS SEDMAN. (“MARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER1 J Undertaker. Jm. *All branches of Dental Surgery N CONSEQUENCE OF THE mas- I ICEVSLD Ann-none" tor the County of York. respvcxfulh solicilp your patronage and friendly influence. Sa'es attended on (he uhor'flsl llflliCh and at reasonable rams PA) nddreb. King. ) .Rm-mund Hillbranch) atvlho Hunt." 10k Slorm ‘ Ab‘IADIAN ILLUSTRATEI NEWS JOHN BROWN. Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. H. '72. 751-31“ ICEVRED Auctioneer for the Cu umy of 1 York. reqvet-ll'ulls' solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Salas unandod on the marina llOllCe and at reasonablo rules. P. U. addrrss Vicluria Squan . . . A DOMINION HOTEL I 4 (‘oumy of Y-vrk. n-qm-UuIIy snlznm your I’leouage and l'riendh in finance Sales al- :0 drd on [he shone-M name and at reason- nhlu vulva. l'. O. Addzea. Teflon. rally b- fouud at [home from '2â€"1'0â€"3 o‘clock. r n. OULD respectfulky announce that he will mail Rial-mend HiH lbs Idlh ofeach momh. ll Palmer’s Hotel: also altonn tho lol- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : NewmarkeL. . . ..,. . . . . 2nd ofeacb month 'Smlun,......... 3rd and 4th " " [’emr'flw.............. 5th “ " \r‘lountAlberl.......... Blh " " inndfvnd, ............ lolh " " ~‘luufl'villo.... Nth " “ .hukham.... . . . . . Hilh " “ SURGEON DEN TIST. Riclnnond Hill,July 23. “574. Satisfaction Guaranteed. King, Sup; In. [5174 “nun-nun... . . .o,o u-u znu nuun" . . . .. . . . 3rd and 4th efi'erlnw.............. 5th Iounl Albert. . . . . . . Blh nudfvnd. ..... .... IOlh lunfl'villo.... ........ 14H] mkham.... . . . . . Hizh urora................ 20m V «nu. x H-nnn . M;;kh;i;lll, [Sept . H). 1574 Tesmn. Oct 5, lc73 Febluary 4th. 1673. F‘mzerll Furnishings supplied m from Charges Moderatg: July 20. 187:). NIPISSING HOTEL MARKHAM. DANIEL KINNEE, IEENSED AUCTIUNEER FOR THE 0. W. KENNEDY, L D.S:, NEWMARKET, emu, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMQNI? HILL, WILL GENEâ€" SAMUEL M. BROWN, JAMES C. STOKES Qtisiccumtrunfi, opposite the P051 0m“ 8934f 842-“ 759olv 84-2-1! 88 Madam chemistry has ventilalad the ques- tion md discovered the ingro’l'ienl! commu- [ingtlw hrnin. must-lea and nervasmhd finds that by Introducing these ingrodiouls in pronev pmponinnn the brain and nervounsyulem are dranmhoned Alnillii‘e-ondowad hodies. whelhorlhoy ha Banal Birds. Reptiles. insems or even Zno whites. and subjects of the Vogelahie Kingdom are gavcrncd In] rilulfurcc, which binds al‘ the springs 01 omslence. and as nothing can rave them I' om desi uclion when this principle leaves them, die discovery of means wherelvy vilnliiv may be snatainad in tha living body is inde a boon to the world. This. then. in substaminlly the basis on which Funnow’s llvvnpnosrm’rus is lmill.its din-em nclion is upon the Hinnd. the Brain and Nervous Sutmn. and the Muscles. .‘ trenglhv suing the nerves. it causes theirhpid dll‘ll‘ihll- tion ofVitalized Blood in the Muscular Organ; of the Body. Rowling-tho Sluggish Heart and Live}. nlrengthouing {ha nclion nfthe Stomach and ‘(owelu and «nnhling the Lungs to be fiullyin- flayed wnh Oxygen. It Is adapted for ALI. cases of Weaknessnnd Emnciation.wheiher arising flom sodemarv We. a tropicalrlimale. from Taver or m-hilit) from anv cnuse, and is efficacious in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cases having been cured and all bouefiued. whore”: uuo um been continued ovrair a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma it gives ralief where ovorv other remedy fails For Nnrvons Debillty it stands unrivalled and may ha nsud with nonfidanco in all (finch. As 'his is entirely distinct and differs"! frnm every other nreparalion of HVPOPIIOBPI‘HOSJII careful (cask for Fuwws' SYRUP. and take no other. IS warranted to cure all dhuhnrgas from flu Urinan Organs, in «illler st acquirnd or constitutipltnl. Gravel and Pain: in the Back. Sold in Bonn. $1.50 “cluby allChoInilta and Patent Medicine Vendors. _ Sula proprietor, F. J. OLA RKE. APOTHECA RIFS' HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in Englan by all Wholesale Paton! Modirinn Houses. Wholunlo Agent: for Province; of Ontarlr Ild Qna'nc: ' -‘ 533. Orfard Strut. W. 0.. l.awdon,JuHI ‘ 7 4 The medicines are sold at tha lowest who's- nn'o not prices. in quantities of not long than £2“ worm ~vi7 . R“, 6d. , 223.:nud 34s per dozen boxas n' l’i'ls or pots of Oimmrul. for which remittances must be sent in advance. ...., r lruullulllll. n. Mr W H Thompmn. erbnr Grace, NJ'TL Mr .I. M‘ Wilev. Frederic-km“. N. B. Messrs W. -\' D Vuila. Muntroal. Chns l Davin. Frederica-n. N. B. One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills Fellows’ Compound g1 RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES . ,- us. More“ k (To . aroma“; he an Avnry. Brown at ('20.. Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsvth 6‘: Co., Halifax. N S Messrs'l'. B Barker & Sons. St John, NB Apothecaries’ Hall (10., Vicloria. l3. Cr v Messrs Langley 6L Co . Victoria. BC. Hossra Moore & (Tm. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pallen,Chatham. N. B. Messrs Munro &, (70.. Montreal. Messrs .l Winev & Co . Hamilton. C'. W. Mr ll. J. Rose. ‘l‘o’rhntn. ‘ Mr A Chipmnn Smith. St John. N. 3‘. Mr John Bond. G ‘drich. Ont. MMer Elliot & C0,. Toronto. Mr J Clmlouer. St John. N. B Meisra llnnningtou llrolhe'rs. St. John, N. B .An , ., ma..." momma. I‘$-JU"", Mr R. S [’Iiddv. Windsor, Ont. Mrs ()rpen. Mordnn. N 3. Mr Gel-rye C. Hunt. Jinn, Fredericton uuvvlu- men! Stamp. wilhl‘ «words "Hulloway's Pills and Ointment. London " engraved uheraun. Uu Ihn label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. Londnu This notice has beeome nece wary. in con- suqnance nl‘ Vila and spurious imi ulious of “ Ho'loway’el’il's mv "‘ "Mimi," being lubri- cated m7H,.\lairl “n Lme, New \ nrk. by puniu- tyling them-' su-Ive-s “ lln’ « & (Io .’, with an assuu g I "fat". mark thusâ€" Mnny respectable firms in the British Prov incos. who ohtaln may medicines dirut from here. have vary properly suggestethlt I ultollld,fdrtl1e bené’fit of themsalves and the public, insert their names in the runners. that it may he know.) that my medicines can he had genuine from them. The l'ollowingiu'l; lit. of the firms alluded lo; and l pn'ljculm'h' recnmmand those who a.“ re to get my medicinu lo upply to some n. ma Unuses named :â€" Unprincipled vendors can obtain (his (rash an: VHry low price. and so deceive ynu hy seHinz the sum" for HIV genuina Hr-ll.)wn}"s Villa and Oiuunam. which are manufactured onlv nl 5233, Oxford Strum, London. In A ._ V.“ ~..v--., "unn- Persons who may be so decoi‘ pleased to communicate with me. Forthe protection of the public of Britiuh NothAmrrian deem it mydun' lo state that my Plus ANI‘ ()m-rmzm are unither "Mll- ul‘m-lured nor sold in any port of the Uniwd Slates. “a ma‘ 8 00- Hound. Mciied to any address on receipt 0! PD‘ 0 BEWARE OF C(DUNTERFEITS. Sold in England by all Wholesale Paton! Medicino Houses. « Wholesale Agents for Province: of 0mm. and Quebec --- EVANS, MERCER 8; 00., Montreal Mailed to any address on receipt ofP. 0. 0. SOLD BY APOTHECARIE! Price.$l-50: Six for$7'50 JAMESLF‘V' LOWS,Choniy 4-8 findonn. 04 B gum! majority oflong slandinE "anomlfY A LL (II-H'IWIS IS and PATENT MEIHCIN E VENDORS lhronglmn! the wnnld. Sula Proprietor. I“. J Cl.§.KKE,Ghemint. \PUTHECARIICS' HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Suld in Dotllosl dollar Much, and in Fans. canlnining 6 tunes the quantity. 4 dollars Pach- sufficiem to alike! :1 perlnnlwm cure in lhe gum! majority oflongjlnllflirng "usenJlY A LL nu n nun .m. 131.001] MIXTURE For cleansing rnd clearing the blood from allimpurites. cannot be top highly recommen- _I .I dud Cures Glandular Swellinga. Clenrsllle Blood from all impure minor, From whatever cause arising. As this mixmw is plenum to the lute. and u’nrlallled free from anything injurious to the most delmaln conslilulinn nl‘dilhersex. the l‘ruprioturxoliclls sulferers to give it a trial to just in vnluo. . Thousands of testimonluh from all parts. Si Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORE}? r or sci-0min. ficurvv, Skin Diseases. and Sares of all kinds il in a never-failing and per manam cure. ll cures old Sores Cum (“aerated Soros on the Neck . Cures UI-eomled Sora Logs. Cures Blackheads. or Pimploson the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. (‘ures Cancerous Ulcers. (Turns "land and Skin Dinonson. For Spry-uh! Scurvv,Skin Diseases "ach Poland Box henrfiw Rritish Govern- OR THE BLOOD ISTHE LIFE.” gaunt aflmlicim, O L A R K E ’S WDRLB FAME]! THOMAS HOLLOWAY deceived will be 583 $1010 1N reference '0 the a‘ soluliuh. Ihe undwrn‘ \hnl he is now filling up AI [niece and on lurms hither l‘arlil-s wnmng pumps will do me lief-ire purt Inning . . , A . RICHMOND HILL 8 '1' E .A. M Pump Works! New and Imp/oval Machinery Richmond Hill. Mnrr-l194 HFADFORD MILLS ! pustom WOrk. SPINNING fl: FULLING In eilhsr hraurh. on the shone-t llolico, I“ in such a nmnmr as lo give the utmost neit- I'ucxion m his patrons. Ho lrusl! to rocoivo the some liba-rul patrollth heron-lore euondod (u tut-m mills. Terms snicth cash. Driven by nmp!e ? llnvmg seuu ed Uu- .‘elvices of Mia jAMEi It, NLILL. a first class workman. he in mdy to do mmon. a: $6 per HHI teal. Also Floor- ingnmi uthel lmullml Dresser: : SI; Buckets Pail-.CiderMills.Washing \lachinesfihin In Waggon Felluns.nnd LumbelSawodtoor u Forpnrlicularmddress JUUN LANGS'I'AFF _ Slog": Mills,leru)ul|l 'I‘I, , I u- I! For making a For sale by $53 To $20 mu 1 .1 U “UK-4‘} Agents wanted I All classos of working people. of either "I. Young or old. ma 8 more monov at work for us in their «part moments. or all the lime, thll at nnvlhinzols: l’nrlicnlars free. l'ontclrl lo Slates covls but one cent. Addleu G S'J‘INSON & ($0., Portland. Mlilo. MONEY TO LEND $2000.1‘0 LOAN on fin U s E T H E NORWICH ‘7‘ -.- J n vuzvv Mortgage Semirltyâ€"iu sum; from_ $500 up- wards. A oply to M. TEEFY. N. LYNF 'I‘T. (An Exocutoxs of the Eslalv ofthe lute Mud. Brennan.) ‘ ‘RTESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZE! :1 tlm Hun“ n Ram: .er‘ U s E '1- H E OFFDIAMOND YEAST CAKE-$30 Rfchm. nd SUPERIOR A RTICLE. mu-s w.- mung pumps will do well to £000. a lief-ire purt liming List of prices sent on applizati‘on. “H E Sulwcriber having refilled his WOW L BA MILLS ha |â€"~nuw prep-red Ion.- cute all 02ders for March 93. 1875. Markhamle 12. ’75. EWELRY ! ‘JEWELRY! FOR 8A.! cheap allhé‘ Hutu; Book Store. OAPER BOOKS OF ALL KiNDS 11' me ll mm.“ Hook Stole. Thornhill.Nov. 3, IUUQ Och 27.1374, REQUTSITES 0F A MES. TOYS, &C cuksflTmoM CARDING. Patent Eave-tzough ND WATENSPUU'J‘S FOR THE no ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUIT.‘ b1: for pus-ant“! tho "In" I.“ kind!“ the H ERA“; eroglI'Stgr; the HERALD Bybok SL’DI‘; Elm 551mm 81mm. at the HERALD Bobk "you want light, swveet liread‘ all kinds of cakes without 0'". e :1: am Powvl‘. and inund- n manuiavx‘urr u C. E. SHEPPARD. 75. 670-15; Richmond Hi" [I‘TIIDS hither-l0 quequ-"od, EGG LOAN on first-clan in sums from_ $500 up- above notice of Din pigned Would nunouneo ALEX. MACKI‘. V50 8779!f- , FUR SALE A1 POWDER PER. DAY. H. MILLER. 5. 87!.“ 849-1, sw-Ju

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