Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Nov 1875, p. 1

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Oxi'eix‘xfdly 0310 ycar... . 'l‘wa lesx, one year Three ifivhos, one your”. Avh'ertismucnts for a shorter pcriod No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid ; and parties refusing papers with. out paying up will he, llllll‘l accountable for the subscriptiqn. -- - 1 ‘ u 1~L “F AHNIVeNtvb-e-r;"Evilhnaqsml to Hm editors must bu post-paid. All transitory advertisements from régh- law 01' irregular customers. must be pmd im- \\‘hen handed in for inscrtiun. Ann! «lixpzuichuil Lusuh-scriberwshy the earliest mai r; 01‘ other cuuveyanucs, when so desired. Tu 1-: YORK HERALD will always be found to cunbuiu the latest and mos? important Fm‘cign and Local News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it Adflrtismneuts without written direction merged till fu'rbixl, fwd charged accordingly. ESTABLISHMENT. Urdum {m- inuy of the undermonii01ml «’ms wriptim) (if amfiéitable’ to the man of business, and a, valuable Family Newspaper . TERM": Um: Dollar per ammm in ml- vanc’e, if not paid within two months, One Dollar and Fifty icnts will be charged. than one year, insertion. . . . . . . . . . Each subsequent in' :rtion . . . n . H ’25}, inches to be considered one cplumn {n'il‘l‘lw plmnptly attended to : Fancy Billfl, llusingss ( 'muls, l‘irculursfllaw Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Flier-ks. Drafts, Blank Orders, Rocviptsglaettor Hea<ls,l*‘a11cy l‘emls, Pamphlets, large and Small Posters. and every other kiml nl' lmttcr-l’ross l’rint- THE YORK HERALD Every Friday Morning, BOOK & JOB PRINTING ‘ “Ming- made large additions to the print- ing mate “'0 are butter prepared than ever to do the "cutest and 1mm beautiful nriutind' nf m cry dowriptiun. liENTiST]{Y . A. ROBINSUN’S, L. I). H. e\\ method of extracting teeth without l pain, by the use of Ether Spraynvhich :Lfl'ects the touth only. The tooth and gun surrounding becomes inscnsihlc with the extunml agency, when the tooth can he ex- tracted with no pain and without endanger- ing the life, M in the use of ()hlorofurm. Dr. Robinson will be at the following place- pxepm'e‘l to extract teeth with his new ups paratns. All office operations in Dentistry performed in n, workmanlikc manner : Aurora, 1st, 3rd, thhand 22d of each mont Newxnm‘ket.z..,. .l 2x1 " “ Richmond Hill, 9th and 24th " ” ("oi'lwr of Young and Centre streets East have cmmtzmtly on hand a good assortment of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, (‘liemicals ()ils, ’I‘uilut Snaps, Medicines, Varnishes l-‘nncy.-\1'titles, Dye fitnll‘s, .l’atunt Medicines I'Kl all other articles kept by «lruggists r_.;er1u1':1llj,u 0111‘ stock of medicines Warrant- "ed genuine, anrl of the lsesp qnalitiea. liiL-hmmM llill, Jun ‘27, ’T'l 705 H eulcx‘ in Drugs, Mmlicinos, (ix-ucmics, D Wines, and Liquors, Thornhill. By Royal Letters l’a‘cnt has been appointed Ts- suur of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, 'l‘hornhill . Maple“ . )Lu‘wick . .. K leinhurg Nobletnn . Nitrous. Aurora. heap Book and Mt. Albert The highest nmrket; price given for Cattle, .a'heep, Lambs, &c. bagpth announce to the public that he is now ’fpra'ctising wifly H. San‘demon, t_he same UT‘CHERS; RICHMOND HILL, HAVE ‘ alwa vs on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, meb, \ cal, Pm‘k, Sausages. &c., and so]! at the lowest prices for Cash. Also, Corned and Spiced “ref, Smoked and Dried Hams. l‘l‘lt‘}? Boots and shoes made to measure, of the host material and \\-'01'knmnship, at the Imvv est remuneratng prices. Toronto, Dec“ 3, 1867. IVARMERS’ BOOT AND SHOE STORE OHN BARRON, manufacturer and dealer 9 in all kinds of boots and shoes. 38 \\'cst Market Squfnie, ’.l‘m-on"co. having the old Fit/d A'olgs of the late I). GIBSON and nther‘snrvq nun, which should he consulted, in many ens-s4 as to original mo‘humc'nfs, 630., previous to mnnmencing \mrk. PETER S. GIBSON, lex'INCIAL LA N D * summon, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. I ya, . . I (‘n'xl Engmecr and Draughtsman. (Refers by let gr should state the Concession, [mt mid char. 9f? finyycy, the fin'hfwribgt Office at \VILLOWJmJa, \ngu Street. in thc”|‘mvnship of York. (Hits of Dzlggan Meg/em) V ARILISTE i, A'J"l‘0RI\'EY~ATâ€"LA\\', _ Smfl‘nm: IX ('HANUI‘IRY. ("oxvxxxwvmy 81.6., &L'. ()FFIl‘E ;~~N0. 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of Toronto and (hurt Streets, Toronto, Ont. January 15, IS73. TSG-ly cattlg, «Sac. Afl‘ordors from a distance promptly at- tended to, and medicine sunk to any part 0! ,the‘Proyince. Hoi‘ses examined as to soxmdneas. and also bought and auld on commission. “V ‘ 1 "on 1 n:â€" Irv-.i unâ€" 'prgbtising Witli' H. Sanderson, of the same place, where they may be consulted perenn- ally orbyleticr. m1 all diseases 01' horses, cattle, «Sac. .sz‘v S 18"}; . , L ‘fiJTEmNARY SURGEON, (irmluato of V Toron‘m University College, corner of ’ .Risihlln‘t’uld Hill, Ynngc and (‘vntrc StsJ L '7'?“ Tim Yom; HERALD.“ ) I’IIOI’BIETOR OF UBLISHER Richmond Hill, ()‘qt. ‘24, 7T ALEXS SCOTT, .'\ 11 tom 'rmms: SJ mm ANNUM'IX ADfiANCE 1231mm mm: Jan, 25, 1972. VOL. XVII. NO ‘36 Coiored Job Work J. H. SANDE HON, ADAM IL MI‘IYJ‘J {8, J 1%.. \‘v‘r ADV ERT l S' I SH RA’I‘FA‘ H \Cf‘ ‘ @3011,“ T0 \Y. \V. (‘OX,) L‘ H 10 H 1C [C .x\ [41) 'l‘ H ( D MAS (EU; [1, SAN‘HERNUN (7; HUN Oxide (ins always on hand at “RUG (1} 1951‘s}. \pril ‘28, 1870 *E’RIHTOHQ 0!" TN 1‘ \' 1‘17 [HASH EH Job- Printing Establislmaent ill. 1’ U GS L EY, Ru‘mxoxn .HILL 24th 15th ‘23nl ‘26th 28th 29th .30th 1'11}: [SCH BIS-ff 9,44 00 2: 50 2: 00 0 507 C(fUL'N'J‘AV'l‘, Bunk-Keeper, ('onvoy 1', :mcer, and Cnnnnissinn Agent for the sale 01‘ purchase of lands, farm stock, &c., nlsnfor the collection (If rents, nntes and m:- uvuntx. Charges Moderate. (ll-‘Htil’ rlllvlnlmlul srl'c- t, Richmond Hill. bold by Druggists rencx'ally. The Dominion \Yurm (‘mnly is the, medicine 0 expel worn a. Try it. TOO-y Stands permanently above every other Rem dy now in use. lt is invaluable. U40, tlm l’uin Victnris lnfullilrlc for f‘ Diarrlmua, ,l)yscntcry, Flux, Colic, (‘lmlem Morbus, Pain and (Tramp in the Stomach and Bowcls', &C. [)iractinns with (each lrottlu and box. Blmmfactunul by H. MUSTARD, vcr “hitches, .J ewelry. M Street, Toronto. Preparations for improving the (’Olllple.\iull » hoth in the form of powders and liquids - um very numerous. Every one. in its way, is extolled as supwior to 1hr: other»; and all are represented to he lmrmli-ss. \Ve supposed, in point of fact that Home of {hum are harmless. l’m'haps it will he mid lhuro is nothing hurtful in rice powder, the. most (-mnmon of them all. That may he so if the so-cullud rioo powder contained no other ingrmlicutw -uothing poiaonous mixed with it. But the objection, air lanai. will lie 7,0 rice powder, that it is in roality not a. benutificr. A woman looks far better of her natural color than she does covered with meal, like a miller. 'l‘hui it is not neat or clean. It is not nice to hare powder of any kind rubbed into the skill. V J‘ARD‘S Uamn‘h Specific Uurcs Acute ll and (Tin-(mic cases of (‘utm‘rll, Neural- giaL,Head:\chc,(‘ol«1s,(’oughs, (11-0111», Asthma, Bronchitis. &c., it is aka-4 gnud Soothing Syrup. VIUSTARD'S Pills arc the best pills you i can get for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billiousncsa, Liver, Kidney Complaints, &c. HAY E you Rheumatism,\meds, lruises, V Old Sores, (Tuts, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, \Vliite Swellings, and every conceivable wound upon man or beast 1’ Sonic (if thu tuilct powders in usu an: «lclw {minus to the heath in a high degree. 1: is Heated in one of the daily papers that mm of the leading playmctma 0f the day has had unu side of his face paralyzed by :l paste which he has been in the habit of applying to,» it. The old-fashioned partizility for exces- sive whiteness has given away largely among (‘ultivntml people in :1 more rational taste in the matter (If comfdcxinn, and amung them n healthier skin of a darker hue in now con- sitlcred hnndsomer than the nppeumnm» mf an artificial line like meal. Clear rain water and out dour air may 111L- tux'e's cosmetics; and \x’umun will 1)? hand taunt-1: when thn) resort. to no othenn We published the other day an amount of taking paasengers on hoard trains runnin ' at a, mile a. minute. “'e now wish to exp ain how to land ‘ein without slacking speed. The plan is not original, as it is one heinz,r evolved from his inner coimcionsness hy n (‘eder street man. A few days ago this man observed that in time, passenger trains will he run at the rate of a mile :1 minute. A good plan, he thinks, for taking on passengers without stopping the train, and thus save this time in running, is to have a xaek formed of a 8000p made of netting, with .‘L hack to it, and :1 horizontal liar 10 inches below will do it. This is to he attached to the car and worked on :1 powerful hinge. lie was in Austin’s grocery with a. rough model of his machine last evening, explaining its working to an interested auditory. His idea. is to have the passengers stand in :1 line on the station platform, with their backs to the ap- proaching train, and near enough to where it will pass to bring them within range. of the scoop. 0n the approach of the melt the l]()l'< izontnl bar strikes the expectant passenger in the hollow hack of the knees, which causes him to lop backwards, when he is caught in the scoop and whirled into the our, and the next rack hack takes the next forward pus- Henger, and no on until all are taken up. n / .. “ How are you gomg to land them people who stop at way statiox " Y" asked a. disagrue- able person \vhn was sitt 1;; on a soap box. “ Land ’mn‘:" cried the inventor iii a tone of unqualified disgust. “ “'110 said anything about landing ‘ein‘! 'l‘hat's their own look- out, T guess. A railroad takes them to the place whore they are going, an' that's all it agrees to do. 1 'spnse you‘d expect u rail‘ road company to hunt you up a hotel, 311' mrry your trunk up to the room, an‘ cool; your supper, an‘ tuck yuu in bed. an' wind up your watch, wouldn’t yo 1'" and the speak- er glared at the interrupter with such inten- sity as to cauae him to shrink up fully one- half. “A hf!ng a hog, when-var you've- a miml to put him,” exclaimed the inventnr, as: he picked up his model and straightway left tho More. [From the (‘ouri cer'onrnnH 'l'hc (‘Ul‘OXIlOlly WM performed liy :l colored clergyman of the Methodist church. The bridal party and a few invitwl guests assem- hlell in the parlum. The clergyman Opened two sheets of foolscnp, from which he said the service andpmyers. “ “'0 are agicmhlml here," he said, “to join Miss Beck and Mr. Sims in the holy order of matrimony. If any one knows why they should not be married, let them speak now, or the objectim will he Valid and of no aeoount." As no one did oh- ject‘ he proceeded with the utmost gravity to marry the couple. He never :uhlremed them by their (‘hristion names, but always as Miss Beck and Mr. Sims, or this lady, or that,ng- tleman, delivering quite :1 harungue. Then he made :1. Characteristic prayer. At its ('on- clusiou he fitated by “hail? authority he “an; em mwered to marry ladies and gentlemen, mh iiig -. “ And now, Miss fleck, you are no longer Miss Beck, hut Mrs. Sims. Mr, Sims, nllow me tointromluce you to M rs, Sims. " I wish I could remember the toast that was ofi'cred hy the gromnsnmn. It snrpafimul :mvthin: of the kiwi that l m‘vr henrd, Tan have found a pctrificd Mormon in Utah, and from the number of dents in the head, evidently made with :1. poker and flat iron, it in judge] he had at 102m? thirbufivn “'Htld J. SEGSWORTII, I‘JALER IN FINE (:OLD AM> S]! PATENT NI EDIUIN ES. Applications to the PROCI1ADIAX’1‘1()N A Washington Wedding. THE KING OF OILS A Mile a Minute. l) O‘BRIEN l’rumiotgr, lngersoll, . H3 Yonge TOOâ€"ly h i“ Come,” again interposed Dubai'lc, ” let i. us )lny our game." “ 'l he play began, andâ€"num- lhit 1 will E dwell no longer upon this terrible passage in i my police experience. Frequently even now ‘ the iiueidents of that. night revisit me in my dreams, and l awake with a. start and a cry of terror. In addition tn the mental torture : l endured, l was suffering under an agonizing " ’thirst. caused by the fever of my blond, and the pressure of the absorbing gag, which still remained in my mouth. It was wonderful 1 did not lose my senses. At last the game _ was over ; the Swiss won, and sprang to his ? feet with the roar of a wild beast. [t'uwu'ruilnl The report that they had been drowned was then a. mistake, and they had incurred the peril of returning to the country for the purpose of rcvenging themselves upon nu: ; 21ml ho w could it be doubted that an oppor- tunity. achieved at such furflll risk, wnuhl be effectually, rcumrselessly 113M? _\ pang of mortal terror shot through me, and then 1 strove tn awaken in my heart :1 stern en- durance, and a resolute contempt (2f death, with, I umy now confess, very inulifibreut success. The woman Jziuliert WM, 1 21150 saw, pics.- cut; and a man, whom 1' after ards :wccr- tainéed tn he Martin. was Standing near the dnurway, with his back towards inc. 'l‘hcno two, at it brin intimation from Levasscnr, went down stairs, nnd then the llt‘l’CG exult- :itinn oi the two escaped convictsiof Lem,» SUIII‘ «Especially~br0he forth with wnltish ferocity. “Ila w 113*“113-3” shouted the Swiss, at the same limo striking me over the face “ith his: upon hand, “you find, then, that others can plot as well as you can» dog, traitor, xcoundrcl that you are 3 ‘ Au. rairoir allow l' was it, (uh? “"011. here v. e are, and I wish you joy (lf the meeting. “:1 “ha! llmv dismal the coward looks, Dulmrle (Again the onward struck 1110] m” HC is hard- ly grateful to me, it scans, for liming kept my word. I always do, my line fullmv.” he added, with :l- savage chuckle ; “ :md nuwr neglect to pay my debts of lmnnr yours, (-2;- ially, he continued, drawing a pistol from ixwket, “shall he prmnpt pnynwnt, and with intermt, ton, acclemt /" He held the muzzle of the pistol t0 within a yard of my forehead, and placed his finger on the trigger. .l instinctively shut my eyes, and tasted in that moment thefull hitternes of death; but my honr was not yet cnmc Instead of the flash and report which I cx puck-d would herald me into eternity, :1. taunting laugh from Levasseur at the terror he had excited, rang though the room. Htonns haw- pnssod over us; the earth in chm Pale leaves now flutter in the dusky green : In uplands where or old the wild bee mnng A grout wind Highs. “No more shall those ho “503:3 ’l‘hvrcfom to hollows of the llcld 1 go, To lowly placcs whom the sun livH warm‘ \th‘c 1 can hear the voices of thu farm. The nouuduy cricket, chirp, thl: cuttlv low. I um mntont to 10L the 5mm"! plum, For still 1 Tool there is some sheltered nook, Home corner that the mm must 12\‘(‘rl)lt~ssa, ’l‘hnngh lilies lllt',11‘{)()ll the (lying «rust on, never is this! yum'nin ' earth rrsuuk. Nor severed low herult n blosaodncsx. “ Come, come,” Quid Damrle, m‘er whoae face :1 gleam of commiseration, almost of re- pentance, had once or twice passed; yuu will alarm that; follow down stairs with your noise. “'0 must, you know, wait till he is gone, and he appears to he in nu hurry. In the meantime lot 11:; haw. a game of piquet fur the first shot at the traitor‘s carcass." “ Excellent ~Ciillltal E" shouted Levasseur, with M 'zigo glee. “ A game of piqnct ; the stake your life, \Vaters I A glorious game E and mind you see fair play. In the mean. lime, here‘s your health, and better luck next time, if you shmlld chance to live to see it." He swallowed a draught of wine, which Unbal‘le, aft-er hel Jing himself, had poured out for him : and tiien approaching me, with ihc silver cup he had drained in his hand, he said: “ Look at the crest! Do you recog- nize it fool, idiot that you are 7" I did so readily enough : it was a portion 01 the plunder earned of} from l’urtman Square. At this moment Madam Jaulwrt entered 'the apartment somewhat hastily. “ This man lmlow," she said, “ is getting insolcnt. He has taken it into his tipsy head that you mean to kill your prisoner, and he won’t. he says, be involved in a murder which is sure to be found out. I told him that he was: talking absurdly : but he is still not satisfied, M) you had better gm down and speak to him yourself. I afterwards found, it may he as well to mention here, that Madam Jmlhert and the man M artin had been induced to assist in en- trapping me in order that I might be out of the way when a friend 01' Ilcvusseur, whu had been connnitted to Newgate on a seiions charge, came to he tried, '1 being the chief ’witnees against him ; and they were both as- sured that I had nothing more serious to up. yrehend than a few days detention. In ad- dition to a considerable money present, Lc~ vassenr had, moreover, promised M adam Jaubert to pay her expenses to Paris, and an- siet in setting:r her up in husinms. Lemsseurinuttered a savage impromtiun on hearing the woman‘s message, and then mid : “ Come with me, Dubarlc; if “'0 can- not convince the follow we can at least sil- onoe him ; Marie Duqnosno you will remain here." As soon :19 they were gone the Woman eyed Inc with a compassionate, (-Vprcfision, and appmmhing me, said in a low vain", “ Do not he alanuod at their tricks and munm'os. Aftor'l'hursday )juu will he sum {in he re leasud.” Islumk my head, and as distinctly as was possible made a gesture with my lettered arms toward the table (in which thewine was Standing. She understood mo. “ ll," said she, “ you will promise nut 10 (‘flll out, I will relieve you of the gag." I eagerly nodded com )liance. The was rellchd, and she heltg a cup of wine to my {(-Vcn‘a’l lips. H, was :1‘ draught from the waters of l’aradiso, and hope energy life, wow, renewed Within me as I drank. “ You are Aleccivml,” I said, in a guarded voice, the instant my burning thirst was sat- isfied. “ They intent] to murdvr mo, and )‘011 will be involved as an nectnnylico." “ Nunscnm,” alw mpliod. “ l‘lioy lmvc l'eocn frightening you, that's all." “ l again I‘Clk‘ut you are (lcccivml, lic- lcusu me frmn those fathers and cards, (rive me but :1. chance of 1 1; least selling my 1i 0 as dearly as I can, and the money yon tulrl me you stood in need of shall be ynurx.” , "n “ Hark !” she exclaimed naming 1" ~ "1:14:11; do“ 14 a ramp]: of 1 THE GRAMAYRE OF TWILIGHT S A LHNDOX DETEf‘TIYE (‘I’IM‘EI It should in truth be yours 1W0. And might he, love. yearn T101160; Why must I wake in dololu] mood. And in the present tensv‘r I'm sitting at the window. low. Just where we need to sit. And lookin * through the lepy vim-s That clam )m' up w it. I‘m Finintr at the window, In" And rwfiy do not know The reason why it is not now A dnzcn years ago. I‘m sitting: at the window, 10w, No was-on can I NEG HIM why I am not dreaming; in 16 that are tn be. THE REVENGE. n: do“ n a r‘nupli of hottlcm of wim THE LATTER DAYS RICHMOND IIRLL, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 187:) “ They are “ True wtmr- "‘ H‘m'; mum-red - “ how else should he kum' { When: is slu ' added the woman. in tunes of agonized cutlenty. “ tel] mewtell me, as you hope for lifn or mercy, whore may I find my Child “ vamse Inc, and give mo :1 chance of ca- cape, and tn-mmmw ymn- child shall be in your mum Rx-fnem. :uxd Hm scorch dies with me." She sprang quickly In hm’ feet, ullk‘lflSPUd tho handcnllk, snatched a knife from the t3« hle, and cut the mrds wliivli hound me with anger hnsdo. “ Anubhui' draught of Wine,” she said still in the, same hurried, almost in- smm manner. “ You have Wurl; to do. va whilst I M‘HII‘U the dour, d0 you ml: and chafe your stifi’unwl joints.” The door wax soon fastened, and she aysimted in restoring the circulation to my partially henninhed limbs. This; was at lmt nL-nzniplishul, Llld Marie anncsnc drew mo. towards awindm", which she sultly uponod. “ It is useless," she said, “to (lttclnpt tn struggle with the men below. You must dc» ,end by this," and she placed her hand npr'n ii lezul water- pipe. whit-h rmchml [nun {ho l‘rml to within it few feet 01" the ground. The woman fairly lcupt tmvzmls me, clasp- ed mu fiercely by the arms, and peering in my face with eyes on fire with excitement, hissed out, “ You lie-“you lie, you dog! You are striving to (lCCCch me. Hht- is in heaven; the angels told Inc an long since." I do not know, by the way, whether the fnléxchnml l was cndcnvoriug to palm ofl‘upon the woman was strictly justifiable 01' not; hut} am inin to believe that there an) fcw moralists that would not, under the uircmm atanccs have acth pretty much as I did. ” If your child “'an lost when going on an errand to Coventry Htroot, and her name is Maric-LmliscDuqucsue, I to“ you she‘s found. How should 1 other-wise have learnt these) particular " It was min to urge he]. She grew “{le and menacing: and was ins'isting that the gag should be replaced in my mouth, when u thought struck mo. ‘ n ‘ n “ lavasscur culled you Marie Du uesnc inst now ; but surely your mama isJau mi 7â€" 13 1t not ?" A Wild light broke from hm‘ dark eyes, and and :1 supprcrmed Hcrcam frnm her lips. “ I am that Marie Duquesnu,” shu sum in 21 x'oive {191111110115 with emotion. “ Then I luu’o. to inform you that the child so long supposed tu he lost, I discovered but three weeks ago." “ It is vain talkin , ‘ said the mmnan. “ I do not believe that t my will harm you ; but even if it were as you say, it is too latu now for 1110 to retrace my steps. You oannnt m. capc. That foul below is already three parts intoxicated ; they are both armed, and would hesitate at nothing if they but suspected any treachery. " “ Do not trouble yunrsvli about my name," she said. ficrccl ; “ that is my affair, not you 1's. " "' locmmc, if ydu M0 the Marie Duquosnc who once kept a. shop in L‘ranlmurnc Alley, and lost a child nnmml Marie lxmisc, I could tell you something." 1‘1 will toll ynu. [)0 you hasten 0n tu- wzm'ls Hulmlmtuml, from which we are dis. tant, in a northerly direction, about 3 mil There is a house at about half the distance. l’rucurc help, and return as quickly :15 pus- sihle. Thu door-fastening will rm it 3mm time, even should your flight he discoveredi You will not fail me ‘1" said Levasseur, from the bottom of the stairs. Madam Jaubert obeyed the order, and in a few minutes returned. I renewed my supplicatiuns to be released, and was, of course, extremely lfl‘rcml of pm- Imscs. '{Lpe n “ 30 assuer I will not. The descent was a difiicult and somewhat perilous one, but it was safely accomplished, and 'I set 0?th the {up of my Rpocel tnwm'lls Hamp- stead. 1 had gone perhaps a quarter of a mile, when the distant sound of :1 hore‘a feet, com- ing at a. slmv trot towards mu caught my car. Ipzmscd to make sure I was not deceived, and as 1 did so, 1) wild scream from the di- rection I had left, followed by another and another, broke upon the stillness 0f the night. The Scoundrels had no doubt discnvorcd my csonpe, and were about t0 wreak their ven- geance upon the unfortunate creature in 1 their .power. The trot of the horse which l had heard was, simultaneously with the breaking out of those wild screams, increased to a rapid gallop. “ Hallo !“ exclaimed the horseman as he came swiftly up. “ Do you know where these screams come from I" It was the horse patrol who thus prmv'identially came up. 1 briefly stated that the life of a woman was at- the mercy of two escaped con- victs. “Then, for God‘s sake, jump 11 ) heâ€" hind me 1" exclaimed the patrol. “ lVe’ll be there in a couple of minutes." I did so ; the horse a powerful animal, and not alto- gether unused to carry double» started off, as if it comprehended the necessity for in-‘ creased speed, and in a very short space of time we were at the door of the house from which I had so lately escaped. Marie l)u- quesne, with her body half out of the winâ€" dow, was still wildly screaming as we rushed into the room below. There was nobody there, and we swiftly ascended the stairs, at the top of which we couldhear Levasseur and Dubarle thundering at the door, which they had unexpectedly found fastened, and hurlâ€" ‘ing a storm of impreeations at the woman within, the noise of which enabled us to ap‘ proach them pretty nearly before being dis< covered. Martin saw us first, and his sudden exclamation alarmed the others. Dubarle and Martin made a desperate rush to pass us, by which I was momentarily thrown on one side against the wall, and very fortunately, as a bullet levelled at me from a )istol Lew assellr held in his hand would pro ably have finished me. Martin escaped, which I was not Very sorry for; but the patrol pinned ,lhlbarle safely, and l gripped Levasseur with a strength and ferocity against which he was as utterly powerless as an infant. Our vic- tory was complete ; and two hours afterward the recaptured convicts were safely lodged in a station house. J calmed Mmlznn lhiquesne to he as gently nndeceivod the next morning with respect to her child ; but the. reaction and disappoint- ment proved too much for her wavering in- tellect. She relapsed into positive insanity, and “as plaeeJ in Bedlam, where she re- mained two years. At the end of that time she was pronounced convalescent. A suffi- cient sun: of money was raisedhy myself and others, not only to send her to Paris, but to enable her to set up 11:: :i milliner in :1 small but reapectuhle way. As: lately as last May when I saw her there she was in healthlmth of mind and body, and doing comfortably. With the concurrence ufthe pnliccuuther- itics very little “as said publicly about my entrapment. it might, perhaps, have ex- cited a monmnania among liberated convicts colored and exaggerated as every incident would have heen for the amusement of the public â€"to attempt similar exploits. l was also anxious to conceal the )0in l had on- cnnntcreil from my wife ; Huh it was not till I hml left the police force that she was told of it. Levasscur and Duhu‘le were convict- cd of returning from transportation before the term for which they had been sentenced llfl-(l expired, and were this time sent across the seas for life. The reporters of the morn- ing papch gave precisely the same account, even to the ruins )elling of Lemsseur‘s name, dismissing the rief trial in the following paragraph, under the head of “Old Bailey <iessxmm :" “ Alphonse Dnharle (24), and Se- And you," I said, “ how are In: t4 “ how else ' added the (‘loso to the (lair): is the poultry hmiac, which contains 801110 very good gold (“Id sil. Yer pheasants, some Andalusian fowls, and a few of the old-fashioned “Scotch gmys." the centre of this poultly-hnuso, or HXUU‘Y, is a little cottage in which the (Queen used to come for her five o'clock ten, but since Frog'- more has hum empty Hhe hm: nu inrthiu‘ 1150 for it. .ln reference to the laborers urnplnyed on the farms, it. may safely be said they are very well care-«l fur. 'l‘hongh the money payâ€" ments are only fourteen shillings a week for ordinary laborers, it is estimated that, what with house renty fuel, milk, and other advan- tages, their wages {arc equix lent to little less than one pound :1 week. Nor is this all, for the hailifl' has amrt n1" savings bank fund for the men who learn to road and writ-v. and some of them have done so well that tlmy have as much as twenty pounds standing to their credit. baatian Levusson, (49), were identified as un- lawfully returned convicts, and sentenced to transportation for life. The prisoners, it was understood, were connected with the late platu robbery in l’orhnau Square ; but as a conviction could not» have increased their punishment, the im‘lictment was not wowed against them." A short, walk through the pastures at the back of Frogmore House takes one from the farm buildings to the royal dairy, which is of itself worth a visit: when llCI‘llelSiOI‘l 12111 be had. This dairy is a perfect gem, and far surpasses anything which Marie Antoinette achieved at the l’etit'l‘rianon. The majoliea, and mosaic of the walls, which are studded with medallions of the Queen, the Prince (,‘onsort and their children, the double roof and three-fold wirulouu+~ the inner window being of stained gln's' wthe milk‘pnns in white and gold, and the L II‘iOIIH inlaid floor, rclue. sent a large sum of money, All the butter made there is sent to the Isle of Wight daily, and to Scotland three times :1 week, when the (.‘ourb is at ()sliorne or Ba‘lmoral, and fruit and Vegetables are always dlsyntched at the same time. The cows whie 1 supply this dairy stand in a long range of stalls close by. There are a few hulls standing in these sheds, inong them being two Swiss hulls prosontml to the Queen, :1 huifuln, ruid “King Kalli " The lust named is an Ashuntee hull, scarcely as large (is a goat, brought hack from (‘oonuw- sie, and he is only kept as a curiosity. Queen Victoria's favorite farm is that neur- est “'indsor Castle, and called the Prince (fonrmrtfi Shaw Farm, consisting of about eleven hundred acres. This is one of the nicest holdings in the kingdom, and is, in- deed, as perfect a specimen of a grazing farm as any one could wish to see. The entrance to the homestead is from the road leading to Old \Vindsor, about two hundred yards be- yond where that road crosses the Long “Talk. Large shafts are nowheinhy sunk all alungthis road in connection with the sewerage opera- tions which are going on, for it is intended to carry all the sewage of \Vindsor out to a farm in the parish of old “'indsor, about a mile and a half dist-ant. The homestead it- self in a very good one ; thehnilifih housennd a very pretty cottage now occupied by two of the Queen’s gm‘dem‘rr: are really model rosi- denr‘es. o Levasscnr, I had almost forgotten to state, admitted that 1t was he who wounded me in iydor's Court, Lelcester Square. realizing on his property to keep him gaing, but for 1:11 that it was considered that he must at length succumb. He was a most enterprising man, hold and daring to a dc. gree. He erected a great cattle market with ahattoirs, at Berlin, covering some 150 acres of land, the finest in the world. In two years after he finished the works, he sold out to the (L‘ity (‘orpumtinn at :l‘ profit of $895,000. “'hen his financial tmuhlcs were accumuâ€" lated he sold his house and its contents in Berlin to Prince l’utlms, for £350,000, and wont to London to reside, :18 it was mid at the lime, to 951m DC importunity of his: (Jer- mun creditors, it would appear that at lus’r he has conic to grief, and in hi3 fall he will bring many high heads in Germany down with him. He is Mill 3 ymnm man about. 45 years of age, and possessed 0? great energy of character, and is sure to r again to tho surfacc. The title of Doctor is an honorary one, conferred upon him by 0110 of the Gor- mzm universities for an act 01’ mnnifiocncc to its; library. The. other day :1. colored resident of Vida? burg found a 110ch of whiskey in the suburbs nf the city, and halting n podoah'ian, he inquired : ” Hat's “lush-y, :xiu‘t it '1" “Snmllslikc it,an<1 I gums it is," was the reply “ Dora's hca s of pizen lyiu’ around 10050, but dcre’s also maps of 111' era in Vicksburv, an’ 120 gwino to tip up (19 {otfla :ux‘ run so, chmwca.’ ‘ An‘ done ain’t no pizcn in in “ “'cll, thch may be ~I can‘t u‘l] shouldn't want. to drink it.” " If done was 157.1211 I’d M‘- n «’wml nig “ You wouth “ Au' if dare wasn't any pizun I‘ll hc “nub in' :1 pint of good v. 'rkey?" "d as." The finder turned the bottle over and over, mncllcd 0f the cont-ants three or {our times, and finally made ready to drink, sayiu I: “ nr-rn‘a'fl htmni nf nizon 'lvu'n’ :n-mmfl nnnn A Railway Magnate Fallen. Running the Chances The Queen’s Farm. .W.~>>~ I“ M‘- n «.‘wml ni‘vgur, “Whether ‘ Caxizu‘. Alhumvz, m‘ Brute. 'I1;o!!i‘itishArlh\1r, rn' tho Danish linuto," the merit of choosing Null :1 spot is to he w cribml will never now be known ; its positiun upon that lmwlly hill, with six fair counties visible from it, was such as imluml “ to invite the builder," tlmugflx in those early years the picturCqu-ncss of the spot was )n’olmlily not so much a recommendation as tho opportuni- ties it offered for sport. ’1'th (,‘nnqucmr liimsnlf thus dwerilues it : “ Maxims “Mix ct cmmnoa’us cat z'z'sus propter contignzzm aqnam et gtlvam vcnationibus aptam"~ :1 very “' desir- able residence " (as the auctionean term it) by reason of lt‘i wand and wutcr, and 1m- Cau:;u it was in gmnl hunting cmuih‘y. - HWâ€" [uxr'x Mayan'rw/or Decembe’r. There is one town in England which, riot. withstanding thth the epithet “royal” is commonly applied to it, is always attractive to the, cultivated American. The sternest republican of us all cannot restrain a feelinrr of pride and exultation when that magnifi- cent mansion 7 he finest ever built by man for nmnmcalled \Vindsor Castle, first strikes upon his gaze. It has a majesty of its own quite independent of kingship, though it has been always the habitation of kings. lts towers and terraces are not trodden liyprivil- cged feet onlv, but the whole nation take their pride and pleasure in it ; a nation that was once our own, and whose annals, so for at least as that glorious structure is conâ€" nected with them, are our annals. A cathev dral has been defined by a great poet as “ a petrified religion ;" and so may this fair dwelling-house, “ so royal, rich, and wide," containing the liahitations of so many degrees of men, and associath with events such as every generation of English-speaking races will read of with interest to the end of time, he considered “ petrified history." The standard of England that floats to-dny from its highest tower, proclaiming that the Queen is now in residence, has floated over scores of kings and queens in that same place: those mighty ramparts, used now only "for pleasure and for state." were thrown up near a thousand years ago for a defense by the first \Villiam, who “loved the tall door as though he was their father," and whose favorite huntingseat was at Windsor, in the centre of the same fair forth that sur. rounds it now. Not» even \Villinm the (‘onâ€" queror was, however, the first monarch who had his dwelling here, though he first fortified the place. lts original founder is lost in the mists of time. llr. "lull gives the following reasons why married persons live longer than these \V‘HU remain single ‘ Bachelors are always in :1 Rate of i1111~~<t, they feel unsettled. If in- doom after supper, there is a senseof solitari- ness, including a sadness, if not settled melancholy, with all its depressing influences; and many hours in the course of the year are spent in gloomy inactivity, which in adverse to a good digestion and a Vigorous andhealthy circulation. lliri nwn chamber or house be- ing so uninviting the bachelor is inclined to seek diversion outside, in supperg with friends; in clubs which are introductories to inteln- perance and lieentiousness, which, under the cover of darkness, lead to speedy ruin of health end morals ; and when these are gone the way downward in an untimely grave is rapid and certain. ()n the other hand, mar. riage lengthens a man's life hy its! making home invitin r; by the. softening influences which it has upon the character and the al- fections; by the cultivation of the hotter feeling,r of our nature, and in uroportion sav- ing,r from vice and crime. '1‘ 10m can he no healthful development of the physical func- tions nf our nature without marriage; it is: necessary to the perfect man, for Divinityha. announced that it was “ not good fur man to he alone." Marriage giv <1 a laudable and happy object in life, the provisions for wife and children, their prwent comfort and future welfare, the enjoyment in witnessing their happiness, and the daily and hourly participations in MYOC- tionato interchzm c of thought and sentiment and flyinpnth ' ; t 1080. are the considerations which antagonize sorrow and lighten the hur- tluns of life ; thus Htrcwing flowers and cast- ing sunshine all along its path" 11y. He said he used to he a reporter on xx. ('in- einnati paper, but lost his situation for tell- ing the truth. He was out of money, hadn’t had a shave or it clean shirt for twenty-mic days, and he Wanted a, free pass to New 01'- leans. The Herald man replied that the heats didn‘t pass anybody this fall, and the ex-reporter amiled hlandly and said : ” All right; get me a. pass to Jackson." 110 was told thth A railway page was an impossibility hut that there was a plain highway which he could take, and he promptly replied : “ I'll take n. pass on a mule team." He was made to understand that no teamster would carry him on a free pass, and he pondered awhile, and mid : “Then I'll go up the river.” It was just as imposssible to pass him up the river as it was down, and when he came to realize this he said he would edit the Herald for 5330 per week. Being told that there was no vacancy, he wanted to set type, do joh work, run :1 prees or fire for the engineer. ’l)ebarred from a situation of an) kind, he ‘ wanted a pass to a first-class hotel for a week i while he was lookin around. The idea was not acted upon, am he ofl'ered to go to a hoarding-house. Disappointed in this he wanted to borrow five dollam, and when re- pulsed in this direction he fell into :1. fit, of despondency, from which he Soon rallied to exelaim; “Hang me, if this iHn't a tough town .' I‘m tight up but I won’t he hard on you. If you‘ll trm 9 hate I’ll call it square, and pass on to the next place." Rebuffed again, he said he‘d take it out in a. letter to the Mayor of New Orleans, recommending him as a Christian and a. gentleman, but he finally emnpromised for a dozen exchanges, and :l chew of tohacco, and went down stairs winging. NJ'ic/‘rsbum Herald. The Portland ()le.) Press says: The son serpent, which has now become a certainty, visited our harbor for a short time, but find ing the water too shoal he put back to see again. Mr. John 'l‘refethen, the well-known teamstor, was at work on Brown's; wharf when he noticed a great commotion in the water in the dock. This (lock, like many others, has been dredged on either side to al- low vessels to come up to the “’lert‘fl, while in the middle of the (lock there is I! large quantity of mud. At this time there was but little water on this mud, as it was very low water, and the serpent, or whatever it was, :1 rpcarcd to be on this mud and unable to cit-millinmelf. Capt. Szuvyer, of the \Vzmlx- ington hot-l; and ladder company, who was near, was called, and be stated that he could see something above the water about the size M a bushel basket, which had the appear- ance of being a part of a aerpent‘s back. It caused a. great eomnmtinn in the water, and the waves struck the Wharf as hard as though there was :L heavysezi outside. The water became very muddy at last, and before the men could reach the creature he was hulking his way out of the dock and was soon lost to sight. After the tide went out the mud showed the marks where the serpent was stranded. The mark on the mud WM over sixty feet in leu t1], but Capt. Sawym'thinhs: he was about a t Iird that lnng’th. Married Men vs. Bachelors A Willing Man Windsor Castle A Serpent Story. ._._, N .4. .u... 'IAuAuLnu :uuu . Au; uuut’l) “talks-I” on some religious doctrine or pus- sago of Scripture. Yet he produces Cfl‘ccts such as the highest cluquencn and greatest intellectual power lmvemrcly ovcrproduccd ' and he ntl nets multitudes finch as never be fore listened to any preacher in the limited States. ’l‘ni: C’I‘im‘chman tells the story (if n wunmn, but without giving her name, who became tirml of :1 life mainly emplo '(‘Al in (fitting and dressing. and resolved to devote herself and llUl' money tn n‘ nolyler purpose. At tlh‘: close of tho i'ul'icllion she Wunt to a sandy is- land off the Atlantic coast, where about t‘Vn hundred pux‘sonu were living in poverty and ignorance, mnl (-Rtnhlislnnl hei- humc- the-n- with the inlcntinn nf lionefiiing the inhalii- twist. li‘nu ln mi \a ith teaching, by (example. how 1:» unlixivzito {ho land lnui-Mivuly, and was smn inii’mtcrl. Next she established :1 school. for the children, and afterward u n-hun-h. Now the l‘dilnti in a thriving region. with an industrious and moral pupnlation. tho chnngn being the work of 0110 woman. H is smnvthing to preach three or four times ovary day in the wuck, as “I‘Otht‘l' Mandy does. It would be impossible for him in «In so if his sermons were in thegrzmd mutm‘icnl style. But his preaching is of the v0 ' ry simplest and plain *st kind; be men “ Tm: prisoner at the har seems to hm v, :1 wry smnuih lave," said IL spectator to thv jziilm‘. “ Yw," ruplicd the juilnr ; “h(: was imsz just liuioi'u ho was brought in. 7' Numv little hoys in (‘incinlmti are {old that; right in the ccntrc of the hind houfs of awry live mule there is a little lump Ofgljld, which can he easily dug out with a penknife. Vivrnn llrno is mid to drive verv hard bargains with his publishers. The cstinmtod arrgi'ugatc amount (Li his earnings i2; $700,0(X). In hzm received mom-15' $150,000 for his play-4 alone. Arsnx KIR‘AERLICY, of \Vaukon, fell heir in the round sum of $335,000 by the death of :\ hmthcr in England. He left his oxen hitched t4,» 9.. post, grain in the gavel, Corn unliqucd, and started immediately forthu nhl «mum-y in hemin posseasm- of his furtunc. ’I'mcmc is still ollicinl virtue left in tin- limited .‘i’mtcfl. linltrimorc is the place where it can lK} found. Several years ago an uppin- prlniion of tn‘omillion fch hundred tlmusmul dollars mm inmlo 1o build :1 now (‘ity “all in lhnt old town. 'l‘lic C(llllt‘t‘ has bet-11 com plctwl, and mm rvomily dedicated. At the dedication, tho Major of Baltimore gave II history of the new (‘ily Hull, and informed the: public what. it. had cosl. it seems thnl over two hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars of the appropriation was saved ; that the building liml been furnished out of the, over-plus, and that :L lmlance of nearly one hundred and iwcnlyâ€"liw thousand dollarx still remained on hand, ln these days of “ Rings " and general public corruption, this IS C(ii‘tfllllly :i moat remnrlmllll- instinct: of ollicial lmncsh' “ And he said unto flue kinmmn, Naomi, that is come again out of tho count of Moah, 1d]; :1 parcel of imul which was our bruthnr lslinwlodx's, (and I thought to advertise thee. lmy it before (he inhahitanty, and before thu elders of my peuplo." N]. PM}. WERE YORK HERALD 'l‘IIE 31ml; of l‘lnglaml clips every light sovereign that comes into the bank. Three thousand are weighed in {L1} hour with one machine. Lost your the hank weighed coin to the amount of $1l5,50(),000.and rejected $4,200,000, or about 3.6 per cent, as being light gold. For this limb mnount the bank llfl‘lll the value, muking a. deduction for the. deficiency of Weight, which will generally in: ahout six or eight cents per light sovereign. Mr. llodgson, M. l’., a. bank director, says that in a hex of 5,000 sovereigns the number which will he found to have turned the point of light weight will generally be about eight, if they have not been disturbed, and he adds : “ You are aware that the sovereign which is in your pocket at 8 o‘clock in the morning in not the same sovereign at 1‘2 o’clock at night. " After this rather alarming announcement it is satisfactory to find Mr. Hodgson stating also that the charge for light weight on the eight- (lcficicnt sovereigns would be about four cents per coin, making only thirty-two cenls on the box of $25,000 ; so that “ it really amounts in nothing." (hm gin-n hifl wrath by “right, his marry withnnt. 'l‘m: 10"0 nl' mnuw)’. and the love of loam- ing, rarely meet, (1001) news may I'm ‘mlxl 3‘: any timv, lulu ill in the mormng. Sunk not of your frimuls deb“, unlmm you mean to pay them. 'I‘Im first degree nf fully iq to hold mm‘~> 8011‘ Wise thu macmnl is to )mfcss it, Ihc . ’ . tlmfi tn dosplw com ' l. it ix A FOUL may throw a stone in Um “13-” which :1 hundrud wise men cmmnt pull out. \Vhat is the (lemme of .1 saint but a trans‘ Julian out of a valley of death, a (lulgotlm‘, :1 place (If skulls, a region when» death i'eigns‘ intn the region of perfect and everlasting life? It is Imt to be. called ‘lontll simply 01' absolutely, but with diminution : il, is only death in a. certain respect, it is :1 birt/zrntlwi‘, a dying out of (ma world, and n being born at the. samu time into :mULherrâ€"n much inm'c liglitsomv, :1. purer, and more glorious world. It is being mmlo, from :u] (earthly, mean, mortal thing, heavenly, spiritual, incoi'upt ililo, and imiii<n‘t-ul.«â€"Jolm Howe. Terms: One Dollar pcr Ammm in Advmm A [‘TI'IIN like the other seasons of the year, has its voices. Its clear, ringing voice is in our ear. The tones are soft, melodious and heart touching. The summer, with its bright sun, variegated flowers and luscious fruits is over and gone. We welcome the autumn days. A thousand forests put on their gorgeous haliilinients. Soon the richly- lailen lmughs will be swept by the winds and the ground everywhere ('ovei'rxl with the u'itheretl foliage, The voice of the season is .‘ulmonitory: it tells us that. "\Vc all do fade!" Our life, frail. easin luroken, like the fi‘OEi»SI]litl’k‘Jl leavm, must e'er long yield tothe breath of destruction. Let 11H heed this voice of “iHIlODI and lmtake OHI‘HOlYCH, during each pnsming hour, to the fulfilment of our high vocation. Autumn has also an inâ€" spiring voiee. Although bringing to 1m on every hand evideneea of (lg-bay and death (lespoiling nature of her wonted beauty, it is nevertheless a, season of l)l{,‘flh‘8(l activity. Man’s physical organism, enervnt-eil by the intenner rays of the summer sun, rejoices in the invigorating autumn influences. In city and country, the life-pulses are healthful, and scenes of activity greet us everywhere. Let us make the most of that life which i destined e'er long to “ fade as a leaf." Let every pulse he heating heavonwzird, in per- fect unison with the glory of (led. Then let the fading hour come, as the M aster appoints, and a brilliant iminoi’talifiv is our“. v Stand. nrn' Journal bins 111‘? not known, till they are :xctml. LIFE is half Mpvm, before we kuuw what ‘IYI‘J‘ISHED AT THE ()P‘FHJFI Issued \Veofly on Friday Morning MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Yaw}: 3’12, Rxcnmoxn HILL ALEX, SCOTT, l’normx'ron PEARLS 0F TRUTH WHOLE NO 905

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