The Millinery Department CLï¬Tï¬iEi-‘Egéï¬Y-Mï¬ï¬‚ï¬, 8N1! TI} mm .1 lg! during lht- rleVon years he has buon in buuiunu. on Richmond Hill 8v uric-I uncl- Ilou lo hummus, and lumping a Large and erl-umnod Stock. ouch :- the Vi"... and out- mndiug Counm- rnquiwl and byselhug mum at tho Luwux Remuuu-Iin I’ricu. hop" to .mrit I continuation 0mm patronage hitherto Io libora ly bOIIOWOJ Than who (an: no With a call will ï¬nd my Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Department E’I‘UR‘J their sincero lhnnlts for pun [m‘sOIII'F Ind won†hog Inn to any. tint Inning onlnrp-d their p uni-lea and made mrnngomcnu for laying llllIu-il kaloue Indonhoir awn mp-rvisiou. are d )tel'nnnrd to establish 3 roplution mend Io none in tho I'wvine. {or “caucnm HOUSE†HE Suhncï¬bnr wishes to return thunk: In his rum toll common fur thoir libonlpunn- up during lht- rleVon years he has bean in buuiunu. on Richmond Hill 8v uric! amn- ï¬k$$kiflfl All of which he will 8e" Che Ipul' than ant hung in Town Au! Ilin‘ lion: bu! lho BE 41‘ MATEM \l., (any tool qu that "my on .in uni-(nation none of lhrir \vwk Izoing do“ in my olh'l’ chop. N. B.â€"-A W. dz S. would also stalk (hut. in connection with the show they luv. opzm-d In New CARRIAGES. Hardware, Carpenters’ Tools, IN \"l‘S’, «Al’s; AV!) GEV'I‘S' FUR- HIS/.INGS, - Sloighs of all Kinds, BLACKSMITH : "S HOP \de having engaged n FIRST-CLA Sh JUBBER, Ire proptrud ‘0 do a“ ii“! of Com Iru‘ thksmillliug CHAKGNS MODERATE. Richmond Hill; Oct. 27,1875. A. WRIGHT & SON. _ Goods DBHch-wi. Richmuni Hill, Sept. 14., 1875. A} “The PGOples’ Store.†ROOM . PAPER WINDOW SHADES of all designs. BORDE RINGS of all kinds and the latest plturnl on record. Britt-3h Flag Stafl ._u.o._.- NEW FALL DRY GOODS! Ail kinds Cabinet Waite Manufactured. F UR N l'l‘U ll E, .Leads (E 0118 Umcr. : Corner of You a and C t . Richmond Hill. ‘ u n a†' GEO. BROWN, M- Du HYSICIAN. SURGEON AND AC- CUUCHEUR Richmond Hi“, Nov. 4. 1875. LARCJrE and. FAQIEIIONABLE. FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, STOVE PIPES and STOVE FURNITURE. which he will tell BELOW TOR- ' ONTO PRICES, ‘ainu, r Of .11 qualities. flay, 2, 1375. l3†Parcels Delivered. gachmond mu 59111.23 1825 Kim‘ng prom: ed the survicos of flu W04 ll). “f TmMn. In“ of London all!" who u :1 Fun, Class Cum-y. :uu‘ptepmod :a salisly tho :«na of tho mun {audio-m Arriving at the FLAG STAFF: PLE'NDID VALUEI Auo‘ Groceries, Crookery, Glassware, 333383 @007039 Of All Kinds. Also 111a belt qualiq of Flour, Bran, Shorln,~PoutoeI and Applel, [oven prices. Cutters of All Designs, A. WRIGHT 8c SON .gl My Stock is very Comphno W. "A. kupl I lyhlï¬d AJN’UMIl of VMV Large and Wall Ass-outed. being rapIInd EVERY WI' ['1‘ by uslities. PAINTS of :ll Colors. Putin! Ind Varnish Bank“ of J! Ill... 'omnm Prices. GLASS of all sizes. A large ummneut oi Clockory, ware purchased In the best markets. Tinwure of all kinda. Th usual stock of STAPLE I; FANCY GROCERIES, :0 low in price as unv hone in towns. As usual, under the immediate changes d Mm A†win be Ionud WFLOUR A'ND'FEED. ANI) HARDWARE RIO H NION D lilLL. . G. SAVAGE Ul" THE LA’I‘ES'S" STYLES. EMPLOYING Nomi BU'I‘ 90’? 4'- . ATKINSON. A fresh nook 0f boutifl! "Home jut round. f. Dull. Jun Inn-x, W. G. Fumnuut. Cunu- Mm. N W. flonu. J. H. Tuol. . m-r 'I‘ommn'nml Add-id. 8h (opp-it. -ho now Put 0&0.) Ton-Ito. Toronto, New}. 4,1575. BITHUI‘E. 08533 I 1038. {ARRISTERS, 870.. _ Union‘Bloci. C91» ALEX. M OODIE. Chairs Re-caned. i Applel. u tho wi“ U‘“ "Vin! “Hm. Ind rWd- It gives strenzlh 3nd Mo to Hursos,_evon during hard work . Coin fed wnh it pnoducu more nnlk am. bullur. II the same limo nucleus In ï¬ï¬‚ï¬hr ud (or mm [ceding c-ule it: of“! is nuuvcluu: 1.3 PRIZE Pump Works, At “no Oil Stud Church Strut, Richmond Hill. and bayou, bv the striclortnvonom)‘, emu- Nntl with tho but mnorill and workmanship. to merit. continuum: onto puma-gn- huuow- ol on II. in. Sun. All our pump: In wu- nut-ad. Richmond Hill. " ‘fll: SUBsi‘RlHRR MEGS 'I‘O INFORM [he Inhabit-nu of Richmond HM and un- Vito-5.1!:th- will continua to mauuhclure tho CHEQHATEH EXCElSIUH PUMP untario HousE JOHN HALL N. I â€"Wollllunk on tho nhwlru notice. Well Cuba annually on land. A! the Lowest Market Price. JOKN BROWN. Frrsh Arrivals HARDW ARE: Grail". Farlu, Scytlm, Rakes, Spud“, Shovels Hoes, At. Toronto Prices. AQd ho will keep on hand All Kinds ul' “’ood Which wiil 5. Sold The Largeltand Cheapest. Stcckin town W 00d PM d .' We Quote 11 Few Pric‘r‘s: Good l'ruorving Sugar 12 “as for $1 DU (‘Iw‘ico Mixed Tu. for 5“ Nu. per h. FRUIT 1:\ RS $1.50 per d--z. Huron Min 4:‘ cm. por pmr FRUIT 1:\ RS $1.50 pa Huron Min 4:‘ cm. pc All I†all“: Good: in proportion. All kinds of Farm Produce taken und fair prices paid. CW Bugs". Teas, Cofl‘ees and Tobaccoa. Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs 3.8. Respectfully solicits a call J . H Richmond Hill. Much 31. '75. 87l-lf Toronto. Mignon 30. 1875. Corner of Yongc and Centre Sts '11ch I'm "It on n,pliellic_h_ SHE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 Livery Stable Rich-old Hill. Doe. Slut. '74. Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. H0 :0â€. Vl'l‘ \L POWER. .10.. giving rules of Say-Pun. If!“ mun-h wining and oxnom. Ind um free on runnivinz I Imnp for rmurn .mnp. Addron NATHANIEL \l AYFAIR P. O. 3-: 153. Broklyn. New York. EUIFESSIBN'S 0F AVICTIM. I'cluslnuv AB A wuuun and for :hn hmleï¬l of found “In Mn omnnn wlm suï¬ar from warm"): nnm: nn Luss or win. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Gra ham Flour. Cracked Wheat, Bacon, flame, Potatoes, Peas, Outs. Bran, Ind Shorts. Fawn Jug: July 2|, 1875. 31w. 2S, 1875. GROCERIES : A~WOOD YARD, BOOTS 8c SHOES: the Public 13ml law has "(wand TINWARE; "Enu: ans? Fem; A LARGE s‘l' iCK. VERY CHEAP. DOLLAR Box CONTAle 20L! FEEDS. I'lUGl-I MILLER & 00., Agriculuual Chomius. . Align“ 30. 1875. 893-“ ‘ [67 King SI. But. Turonto. ï¬rm-trim, m. SPLENDID RICHMOND HILL. Cheap»: than ever. U Romembor tho phco II the bent preparation known for fattening In connection. Price‘25cts and $1 per Box. 834 13m U Hill. coulaminz one new and a quarter of ï¬nd, one Tram» dwelling house. wi N- a bum unblemnud "theroulbuil- mgsahoreon. Torm- euy Apply. on the pmmisml "- And are located at the North-wast corms of lot No‘ 35. uh c-mcessian oI' Mnrkl um. in n sectinn whore mechanics and Inbol'om mm gel steady work and high wag“ Apph‘ :il‘ hy leucrmropaid) lo Henry Jennings. Victoria Squire .ur lo nuns with Good Dwelling House and Out- building! just Hillside mo Kichn-ond lhll Cor- poration And A PARM 01‘ 39 AND A HALF AGRBS Bving purl ul lot. 3 and 4. In Con. Town-hip o! Uxbridgo. 0 To Weeklv Papers. rvce-ved u the HERALD Book Store. nzchmnnd Hill BEST FARMS IN THE BOUNTRY, About glnilal‘rum ‘ mph Village. and fl mile from {mhmond Hill Slalion. (in the place in A Large Ibick House, a Good Barn, and othrr outbuildings, a Steam Saw Mill iugnod rum-tug older Also. a hug; and l'hriviug Yuan! Urchard. Dun end of the Farm Is crowed lw a never Iniling S,ring Crock Terms eau)‘ For particulars apply to JAC H RUPERT. MAan 1’. O. Ranging m pncu from Z i.‘ coma put lb upward ’ ‘HE Submrihe! Iakw thinupporlnuiu o' m- man Ins ~inl'0rv1hnuks'ollia numerous customers for their patronagn ul'ing llw pad. wuaid suliuixn cumin-much of the sum". and wnuld call their uuenliun to a fwd) arrival ul Green, Black and Japan FRESH Best 50 cent Tea in the Village Glasswarefrockery &Tin ware Direct from the Milli. All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish oon- stuntly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kent constantly on hand. Best Family Flour. Graham Flour. Buckâ€" wheat Flnur, Cracked _Whea.t, Cornmeal and Oatmeal HUMINIUN VICTORIA SQUARE! JACOB MOIIDEN. Richmond Hill. Jan. 8,1574. 81-“ » sale a summer 0| Vi|lyge lots. Bitumen the viilngo of All kinds of Farm Produce lakon in exchange for Goods. Much 3'7 .1972. ‘HE EUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR. Vaughan. March 2". 1575. SCHOOL REQU'ISITES FULL SUPPLIES ‘ AT . THE HERALD BOOK STORE: ‘I’E West lmll'of Lol‘ll. 41h Con. Vaughan . mm of me I“. (IMAWFUBJ). Richmond Hill. Dec 94. '72 753-3 UBSCHIPTIONS FOR [‘HE TORON 'N Yunge Street. Richmond Hill. IIBO [on House and Lot for Sale, NMLUCAS STREET, RICHMOND TWO HOUSES AND LOTS 1‘01: SALE. GOODS DELIVEREQ CHARLES E‘ SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mat. 24. 1875. "I WEST. Village Lots for Sale. Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL‘ J, grow†for 55211:, A LARGE STOCK 0F FOR SALE. Mac a ï¬ne ussmlmenl of Acknowlrdgad la b» the KICHMUVU HILI UOFFEES I‘ï¬f‘ The lols comnm TEAS. Apply to WM . G. HINGS'] ()N ’zfljt/l of an Ame, and SPICES. HOUSE! Dingla P.() 7l4-lr 8704f 753-3": SURGEON DEN TIST. OULD respectfully announce that he will wait Mahmoud Hill the |Z“.lll ol‘uach momh, a! Palmer’s Hotel : also ultenu the lol- lnwing places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : Nuwmarkeh. . . . . . . 2nd of each month Sulton,......._.. 3rd and 4th “ " Peï¬'erlmv,.,,._........ 5th " “ MoumAlberl.......... 81h “ " Sandflndh.....,...... 10th “ “ Qtullï¬â€œ:'ill6....,........ l4lh “ “ llalkham. . . . . . . . Hilh “ " \urora......... . . . . . . . 20th " “ All branches of Dental Surgery rally be found at home from 2 to 3 o'clock. V II. l IK’EVHI‘D \uctioneer for the Only of .1 York. rovparu'ullv soliCilN your unlmnagu and I'riuudly influence Sales ultendod on the shurlail "once am! at reasonhblo rules. P. U. address Victoria Sqnnn . ICEVSLU Auuuonw-v vor I'll-1‘ nunn of \ork I't‘hpr‘cifllll snhcil, \‘uq pulmuage nud friendly influence. Sn 8. ullm dednn the shut est "Mic: and at unrunnhlr raw» 1‘ U uddres- . King ‘ / Undorlnlmr. 311-. Rnsxunncnâ€"Nearlv oppoaiw lhn- P0941 Oï¬il-e Richmond Hill l 1 Canal} of Y 1k 1‘ pr-[Inln boLwLâ€" your punonage and friendix influence Sal-=8 al- lol'ded on the shoru-sl “mute and lit reason- ahla Hues. P. 0. Addzess. Toslon. Toni)", Oct 5‘ |F71 7 8984f A. W R I G H T. CARRIAGE BUILDER. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Hugs to null \ulme to lhn Inlmhimnls nfkmh- mom! il', andsnrruund-ng llt‘iphlvtllhmd lhn he has huill a new Hem-so an 1 .1 n in word [I16 For hire. Funeral Furnishingn; Cofï¬ns al.d Cubkrts in every slfle. R 10 to 100 Dollars 'I‘HE SUBSCRIBER hPJS to intimate to the inlmhitanls of Rivhmlmd Hill and vi- ninily lnalhe has n .V l‘ \‘V l.lVl'.RY STAISLL ' at 1115 “LAN? ‘ RI :3 d m anndnrxue char 0". and Imps-s h s'nut ~Ilmll|un m nusxne.~s,1u llN‘ril a share ul'thmr palr M29. UNDERTAKIM BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE Wham be M Hump on hnud a lnl of FIRST- DOMINION LIVERY STABLEf-‘v. l truclmn o! the Anglo unencnn House by ï¬re. the snhscrihflr has taken and ï¬txsd up thou- large and comm-rdious premises halong in: to (‘npt 'l‘. A Vlilna. nppositn Messrs. Speigin & Son’s-s NnveIIy Works. Markham Excellenl ncv'onnnonal nn afforded for UN! travallingnublicand commercial men. Livery stableuin cunu action with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. lenses and Valxicses 'nr hil‘l‘ ('hnrgeu mo uurulu Uppusile Sanderson .5; Some ‘ ' A weuklv journal of Currnn Events. Literature. Science and Arts \gI-Iculture and Muchanicn. Fashion and AL JsemouL Sod II We a numba' at the HERALD “""' “"“9' sluox chwm. me Emond am. April :5. '75 573 u: THOMAS SEDMAN jagagmy. Am) WAGON MAKER, FAMILY BIBLES Charges Modal-ate. July ‘20. 18".). A FREQ†SUPPLY, A: $1.52. 55. $5.50, and s9. .1 Um HERALD Boon Sronrz. Richmond Hill‘ WESLEY HY MNS Can be; nhmined at the HHuLn 1001‘ Slot 8|. the following reduced prices :. lOeu. 200m. 30cm, 83cm. 420$, (30:15, and 90 ctsj ‘ Femaary 41h. 1873. King, 5‘an l Markham, SophllU. [B74 o. w. KENNEDY, L us? NEWMARKET, 0NT., D(.)I\IINION HOTEL Rn-hmnnd H111,Jnlyt:3. 1574‘ JOHN HRUWN, Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’7‘2. 75l-3m N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" Svgl. 4, new DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, FICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" wk Slora DANIEL KINNEE, ICENSED AUCTIUNEER FOR THE ‘ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEI NEWS. SAMUEL M. BROWN, {CHMOND HILL L I V E R Y Funeral Furnishings supplied an from i H I; E S“ C] E TY DEPOSITORY Kw ulund Hillbrauch) at the HERALD NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. JAMES C STOKES Qtiï¬cmzmwua, RICHMOND HILL, _. . 3rd and 4th 51h ........ 81h 10th Mlh Hilh .. . . . . . . . 20th Al'TI'INDkD T0 D WOOTEN. 737-1" 759- l \' BHY-If. 842-1! 3:) If u [$011 THE BLOOD lS'I‘HE LIFE.“ 31.001] MIXTURE Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.†THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RE STORER For cleansing 9nd clearing the blood from uHimpnritcs, cannot be too higth recommen- dud . For Scrofnla. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sares of all kinds it is a never-failing and per- nuanenl cure. For the proleciion of the public of British Norih AmpricaJ doen. it mydutv to state that my i’lLLs AND ()m'rmzm are neither man- uV'm-mred nor fluid in any part of the United SI lea Each Pot a nd Box hear the Rritish Govern- ment Stamp, w'uhl ewords "Hulloway’s Pills nun Ointment. London " engraved Ilmreon. 0n (he lhbel is the address. 533 Oxford Sweet. Loudnl) ‘ “ 'vio'lnway’s-I’il‘s caled at 7F,.\lai" ‘ ark, hv p-uli: svlvus " H.- with an assun thusâ€"- Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Whoiennla Agents for Provinces of Onmm and Quanc -_ This notice has beeoms nece .snry. in con- ~equonca nf vita and spurious in)? ations of Said in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Fans. «mulnining 6 umas the quantity. 4 dollars cache suflir-ient to effect a permanent cure in the great Irr-jority nflong standing vasomBY ALI. (fIIPJVIJSl'S 11nd PATENT MEDICINE V VENDORS Ihronghnnl the wnr‘d. Sole Proprietor. I“. J (HARKEflIIemist, \PUTHECARII'S‘ HALL, LINCOLN. _ ENGLAND. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. EVANS, MERGER 83 00., Montreal ll cures old Sores C ures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck . Cures Ulcernted Sore Logs. Cures Blackheads. or Pimp lots on the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. (‘ures Cancerous Ulcers. (,‘ures Blood and Skin Diseases. (‘ures Glandular Swellings. Clearalhe Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and war-amed free from unyxh‘mg injurious to the must dellcaln constitution ofeilher sex. the l'rnlvrietur solicits sullen?†10 give it a trial to lust its value. Thousands o! testimonials from all part: Mailed to any address on raceipl ofP‘ Ullprxncipled vendnr» can obtain this trash m a wry low price. and w daneivo you by seilinglha s nm for "w genuine Hnilawm’s "ills and “human! which" are manufactured onlv ml 533. l *xfald Slrm-I, London. Pnrsmls wno may be an deceived wil‘. be pleased to communicate with me. Vinny respectable ï¬rms in the British Pruvr intvex wlmuhlam my Inedicim-u direct from here. have very plollï¬rly suggested that l shonldJ‘nr the bmwï¬l of themselves and the pul-Iic. insm-I their names in the napors. that it may to kuuw1 that my medicine: can be “and genuine l'rom lhmnll The l‘ollnwingis :1 Hr! of the ï¬rms alluded m; and l particulnrh' recnmmaud thone who cw re [0 gal my medicine» to apply to some , Me Uniqu named ;_... > n srs Avvry. Brown J: Cm. Halifax. N.S.’ Messrs Pnrsvlh St ('30., Halifax. N S MHHRTS 'l'. B Ba rkor & Sons. 8! John, N.B Apulhncmies’ Hall (10.. Vicloria. B. Cr Measrs Langley & (Jo . Viclnrin. B.C. Mflwrs Mnom 61170., Victoria, B.C. Dr. John l’nlleu, Chmham. N. B. Vlesa-‘s MIer >& (70.. Montreal. Messrs J Winer & Co . Hamilton. C. W. Mr H. J. Raï¬-e. Toronto. Mr A (Thipman Smith. St John. N. B. Vlr John Bund,G drich. Ont. Messrs Ei‘iot & C0,, 'I‘oronto. MrJ Cllalonner. St. John. N. B. Meesrs Hanninglon Brothers. St. John, N. B, Mr R. S l’riddv.Windaor, Ont. 'Vlrs ()rpen. Mae-den. N S. Mr Geurge C. Hunt. Jam, Fledericton. N. B Mr W H Thompmn, Harhnr Grace, N.F.L. Mr J. M, Wilov. Fv'edericklon. N. B. Messrs W. -\ D‘ Yuile. Montreal- Clms I Davirs. Fredarictrn. N. B. The medicines are sold at the lowss! whole- s-Ha not prices. in quanzilies of not less than £2†Wurrh -vi7 . 8%, 6d., 225., and 34s per duzen boxes 0' l’i'ls or pots of Ointment, for which remittances muslbe soul in ldvance. 5'33. Oaford Street. IV. 0., Lam-don, JunI 'Asnlllifu-ondowad hodies. whethet'they bi Beast Birds. Reptiles. insenls or even Zoo nliites. an‘d stilrjocts (if the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rilalftn'cc, which binds all the springs ol tax-stance. and as nothing can save t|.em f' om dust notion when this principle ls-aves them, the discovery of means wherohy viialih may he sustaile in the living body is .mlnad a hnon lo the world. \iodern cilt‘mlsll" has ventilated tho quas- tiun 'II'Id discovered the ingrvdient‘ condim- lillL’ thu brain. muscles and mines. and ï¬nds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proporliullfl the brain and nervous system are <ll'6llfllll61lfld This. the“. is snbslamially the basis on which FI-zuow’s “Vl’flPHOSPHI'I‘Eï¬ is lmilt.its dime: anlinn is upon the Wood. the Bruin and Nervous S\ stem. and Ihe Muscles. .‘lnmglhv uning the nerves. it causes the rapid distrihu. tionol'Vitalized Blood in the Musculal Organs uf' the Bndy. Running! the Sluggish Heart and Livel. etrenglhening the aclion ofthe Stomach and 'hwels and Enabling the Lungs to b6 ï¬ullyin- fluted wnh Oxygen. It Is adapted for ALLcaSBS ol‘ Weakness and Emnciation.whe(her arising l'xom sedemun life. a tropical rlimale. from fever or m-hilih from unv cause, and is efï¬cacious in l’uLMo- NARY CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed vases having heen cured and all beneï¬lted. where m use has lmeu continued ovur a forming In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Asthma it gives relief where even other remedy fails For Nnrvous Debillty il stands unrivalled and may he nsnd with conï¬dence in all cases. As 'his is amirely distinct and dlfl‘srem from every other “reparation of vaophosphiles. in careful (cask for FLLLOWS' Svnur. ano lulu no other. SOLD BY APO'I'HECARIE! S warranted to cure all disthnrges from the Urilmrv Organs. in oither sex thuiI-ed of conclitulim al.»Grnvel and Paint- in the Bank. Sold in Boxas. $| .50 malnhy all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vnndors. One '80:: of Clarke’s B 41 Pills Sula propriemn I“. J. CLARKE. APOTHECARIFS’ HA LL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Fold in England by all Wholesale Patent Mï¬â€˜dif'illP Houses. When-sum Agams for Provinces ef Ontarin and Queue“. EVAN MERGER & CO- Nahuatl. “:13de all‘fï¬ddzté.‘ on xeeeillt of DO. 0. Fellows’ Compound XRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES ns. Mercor a: (70 , “untrea- £21m“ Qflvflivimï¬, C L A R K E ’3 WORLD FAME]! Price. $51-50: Six for$7~50 JAMES 1. F74" LOWS.Chen .y THOMAS HOLLOWAY. ul." being lubri- 74 " Inna, New tvlingd them-f Ni. .mnrn. 1‘ N xru‘e mark 683 A Human. ut$tipurlUU160L Also Flo"- inz and ulher Lumber “reason : SaI Huck.“ PailaLiderMiIls.Washing \lachinel.8|nll I. Waggon Felloas.und LumberSnwodlon u. Forparticularsaddreus $5 TO $20 'D'! ) .1 U 4134‘} Agents wanted 1 All clausos of working people. of «Mr "I. young or old. me c more monev In wmk hr us in their «pare moment; or all the limp. lhll M anvlhingels‘: Purliculurs free. I'm! and to Slat: I co<ls but one cent. Adflvw-a $200930 _LOAN "on A «‘IDZW ’U,TO LOAN on flat-don Murlgagc Securityâ€"in sums from $500 up. wardu. A uply m M TEEFY. N. LYN F 'I‘T. (A: Executors of tho Est-h. oftho Into Mn Brennan.) GCFDIAMOND YEAST CA Bum U s E T H E NORWICH For making all kinds of cakes without 0".- For sale by Thornhill.Nov. 3.18139 RICHMOND HILL S T E .A. M Pump Works! Richmu nd N reference to Ihe above noiice of Dbl solution. Ihe undv-rsigued Wnuld announce that he is now ï¬lling up New and Imp/'oved Machinery Driven by ample r tram Power. and intonda h mauutat-lun- n A! prices and on tnrms hitherto unequlllol. Parties wmrling vumps wiM do well to to... me before purrhm-ing Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. G, S'I‘INSON & (10., Port]: a. \mu. (n.:.2'.,1.74. . .1, HFADFCBD MILL ! Custom WOrk. Havmg swu ed llu- selvicas of Mn JANE. R. NULL. :1 ï¬â€˜rstclnss workman. ho it not! to do In ehher branch. on the shorts-4 noIIco. I“ m such a manner as «0 give the “III-oil. uh faction [ohm palronn. Ho lruall Io uni" the same liberal pnlrunngu Ilorr-tnlore extend“ to luvs. mills, Terms sllictl) cash. Patent Eave-trough ND WATEHSPOUTb FOR THE no We 3mm mum Sio‘rq C. E. SHEPPARD. Mazeh 23. 1875. 870-117 Richmond Hill ‘ TESLEYAN HYMNS. ALL SIZ‘S at the Hmuul Book Sun-o. SUPERIOR A RTICLE. Lésl of phone seutsn applization. Markham, May 12, ’75. EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR 8‘74! :APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS LT AMES. TOYS, &C., FUR SALE 11 the HERALD Book Swro HE Sulwcriber having reï¬tted his WOOL: En MILLS he I» now prepared M OI.- cute all mderu for (‘BOOL REQUISU‘ESVOF Ju CUSTOM CA RDiNG. USE THE cheap nnho Hmun- Bonk 3mm}. MO *1 by To LEND ISCELLANEOUS 130015.513!“- ble for 910nmâ€! tho Han Ifyau want light. sweat Broad. kinda muu- blxkuu BookStor‘o‘ me H mum) Bunk Stuns. JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF 7 Stegm Mllllfl'hprlhl". at the HERALD Book Swu. SPINNING & FULLING EGG ALEX. MACKlIc ’5. 871-“. POWDER PER DAY. H. MILLER. 5. 8714! 510-,“