NEW ADVIGll'I'ISEMENTS. New Fursâ€"J. K. Falconhridge. Form for Saltyâ€"J. Ileise. Stravedâ€"Wni. Robinson. The White Hogâ€"G. Weldrick. 0‘:THERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RichmondHillSiaiioii Cliaiigcottiiiie aking offer-t Monday, i\ov. 15th, 1575: Gomg North 813 A.hl....l‘2.27 p.m,..5.13 Going South 9 :36 A.M. . ...2,ltl p.m. . .8 ‘26 Elite Eighth ‘érftrti’ttltl. Rieiiiiosii Hii.i.. Dec. 3, 1875. THE DAVIS CASE. Tire authorities, at Ottawa, have Been fit to commute the death sentence passed on “ Dr †Davis and wife, at the late assizes, to imprisonment for life. This intelligence has taken the country lamewhat by surprise ; although in similar cases the extreme penalty of the law has never been carried out, the cir- cumstances attending the present one were of such an aggravating nature that it was thought in the case of the male prisoner, at. least, the law would be al- lowed to take its course. The only cx- case that can be (ifei'ed lor the ciiniinti- tation of the sentence is that. the greater villian of the three, viz., the seducer, was still at large, and it was only on the evidence of the condemned prisoners that he couid~be brought injustice. On a partial confession ol‘tlie Davises, a Mr , Clements, an ex-aldernian of Toronto, has been arrested. 'Whetherv evidence will be forthcoming to sustain the charge or not. we cannot say. It will be mainly on the evidence of the “Dr†and his I journals of our country, in touching on the 4-. ,tltlttt’. putt APATHY OF THE PRESS ON PRO- BIIEITION. To the Editor of the York Herald. There is a. species of chronic dread mani- fested by the leading Canadian secular subject of Prohibition, that is unmanly and unworthy the deservedly hiin character to be accredited to the majority of “will. During the agitation of those public questions. iirvolvriig the eiirancipation ol the West India Slaves by England and later still the abolition of Saver-y in America: the press of both countries tt-enicd with iii- stitrciioii on this subject and the most elo. quent men were engaged iii the discussion ofit. The tongue of eloquence iii.d pen of fire eventually lashed the peptilar iiiiird to al- most frenzy; when the 'iuitions sprang to action as one man. and the terrible wrong was righted. If striking the menacing from the West Indian Slave and freeing the negroes ofthe Southern States, possessed sutï¬cierrtinterest to arouse the italician pulse and bend the popular will, in wielding the mightiest. enâ€" gines at. their command in achieving these great ends, is not the call to action on the part of our great men and Iegisraiors equally urgent, exciting and praiswurthy. and the springs to action equal y deep, profound to d heart-stirring in View of the woful coir- Ililltlll of otir country from intemperunce. The press. the professed champion of virtue and guardian ot public morals, is too often lound prostiruting its nobler energies ’11 the defence of this national crime and shielding from popular fury the vampire that is sucking the nation’s life blood and de~l stioying and sending to a fearful end, yearly, thousands of Canada’s noblest sens, Surely Sir, in this age of enlightenment and SUt'Ct'ssivt‘. constitutional reforms, there MALKHAM COUNCIIL. __ Nov. '27, 1875. Pursuant to adjournment the 'Council met in the Council Chamber, Unionwille. Mem- bers present: Messrs Marsh, .Milliken and Button. Mr Joe. Robinson, Rieeve, in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The following communication 5 were read: From ttice Lewis d: Son, with respect to form: hing Ballot Boxes for the "forthcoming election. I“I'Uln J. G Scott, provincial Secretary’s Departnentâ€" in answer no a ci-imniuoicatioti tron. the (‘lerk of the mttiricipalinâ€"stating that the Ballot Boxes uswd in the late elec. thing for the Local Legislature, might be used for Municipal purposi‘s. providing it did not. interfere with the Pr uvincial elec- tioiis. A report was received from C. Wideman, road commissioner. stating the number ot loads of gravel procured for the townliiie between W hitchurch and Mark ham. The following peti‘ions were presented: From \Vm. Size. and 19 others , asking ihrn Council to grant a suilicent so in to enable Wm. Whiteoak, an indigent, to leave the township From Wm \Villmot, and 13‘ others, ash- ing the Council to grant further aid to Mrs Jenkins, an indigent. From Redmond Joyce, asking for cer- tiï¬cate to obtain a transfer-ot'iaverir license. Mr Marin moved. secotri ied by Mr Hutton, that the sum 01154 66 be leid to C. Horse, being two-thirds value of one of his shop that was hi1 ed by dog or dogs, on the 2tllll inst. Said value having been testiï¬ed to on oatli- Carried. Mr Marsh moved. Seen nded by Mr Button. th tthe Reeve and Cleirk of this Munici- polity be and are hereby authorized and in~ structed to grant a certil Settle of transfer of tavern license from Mrs Christian to Red mondJoyce. for the biotel known as the " Elgin House.†on Yor ige Street, in this Municipalityâ€" Carried. a u | AUCTION SALE. ' MONDAY, Dec. 6.â€"Auction Sale ofVehicles, Robes. Household Furniture, etc. on lot No. 4, 7th Con. Kine, (Stoke’s Mills). The property of Mr Henry Hurst. Sale at 1 o’clock J. C. Stokes. Auctioneer. 03?- Parties getting Sale Bills printed at thi‘iee will i-eceiVe a notice similar to the above, FRI-ll; ot charge. a MAâ€, ï¬ttttiitl ï¬ltration MANiii-‘ic'runr oF Cocm.â€"“ We will now give an nociiunt ot' the process adopted by Messrs Juries Epps dt 00.. manufacturer- of. dietetic articles. at their works in the Eustou Re (1. |.ondotiâ€â€"See arlicle iii Cassell's House/told Guide October 31. 1874. 739-†th llMONIl HILL MARKETS. Corrected by Mr Isaac Crosby, Grocer, and Dry Goods Vlertiiran, Fire I’rool Store, RIBIllliOllfl Hill Decfl. 1875. Flourâ€"Spring Wlieiit.......- $5 50 Full Wheat extra“ ' ' . ti llll Wheatâ€"Spring, per bush... 0 00 Fall......... . ... 000 Barlev . . . . . . (1 (ll) it till oais.'............ $03.3@ 043 I’sur . . . . . ti'lll@ 075 Pt'laloos per huin .. _ _ . . . , , fr 4U @ ll 51! Appliis per liai'i-el.,,,......,. l U @ | 5“ lined Apples pet’ih. . . . ... . 1‘ “ts ï¬t ll “9 Hayporttin.............. llil-‘ll@ |blili Straw " (10 rd. n25 Butter.lhrolls.............. (1:23@ "26 l"'E"N|llbo..... li2i@ 021 Escaped-z...- will a t ‘24 lll‘essed Hogs. per lllti lbs. , 8 of) If» l" 5“ Bacon. Pl'llllo. . .. l3 lltt (in 1300 I'latIIS,Cuied.......... . . . . . i l5@ 015 TORONTO MARKETS. Goodiii Family Flour AT .1. BROWN’S ll FIIlE I’ll $8 Per Barrel. C. O. D. Richmond Hill, Nov. 1%, ’75. @ El Illllllllll llllll‘llll‘llllll rim. APP ROACHING HOLIDAYS, AT The “Herald†904-3t *rHï¬ze Nessa» AT THE llllF STllIlE†The Subscriber would invite his numerous customers. and the public generally, to an in. spectiOn of his large and varied assortment of .N'tw and St asonable Suitable fo. A n Elegant Si ock Goods, the FA] and Winter Trade. ill I )i'oss Goods. In Great Variety, Pattern and Shape. STYLISH MILLINERY~Velvet and Felt: Hats, Bonnets, ac. SUPERIOR READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHING mass TO ORDER A Staelzinliï¬. Having the soi'vrces of TWO 1- A Snpnrinr =-‘ summont of Otto vs even aiiicli- g' nrmiteei as to, wet. rd u-s-i a CROCERIES, Cl’tUt‘. xperiencwt (Tuttviu. a good ï¬t may he exporter. "2".- (704 I HF. Ventures ï¬lm 'l‘rouseiings in Stock, Iiiu' large assortiiiem of Staple and Faiicv KE; Y, AND HARDWARE. An o-rttes’ inril lion is extender! in all tor-cine and see in“ thinner-IVES. Richmond ltit:. Nov. 14. '75. Richmond Hill, 2nd negates, neg; ISAAC CROSBY ..._7 . .-.. 7 :;_____7__, . :Hvâ€"TM -_â€"â€",_ :73 A T should be no wrong however chronic that ,1, . ~ «~ , . . . ‘ ‘ , ~ r. . . onto.l)oc.2 l815 ‘9 ~ Wife that he Will be either convieted 01‘ might not be open to treatment, and no M' Mllhl‘e†m'weg's: agbllged_bfl hydrant: No S , “,hom:;tn ' $4.40 T set at liberty. It is altogether likely error, howeveruntiquared that should not in". “if: the “Lâ€: (3, ,m‘ V 8 £913: m: “r @3235, emu " “m that some inducements have been hem lienssailed by the press. and more especially g'mv‘q “Past-he‘lg'l‘gie'n, y‘ellilcsqï¬lumlimy onlmeull’ . - - - ~ - - ~ 430 j ‘ . ~ . . v ‘ . . 0"! “X or ' i, . 4 ' v ...... ......s... out to the prisoners to make their con ilztxil‘rgtl gingfncase' “‘3 8b,? culmde, of the Itfl,eve_0a,,_,ed_ gunmen; ..' . . . . . $1 0" a A N D " ' ' . ' . ' . ’. ' . . . . . . lientâ€"‘priuopei turn... ' l l , ‘ fession. and which, .in the end, may The ,mbhc was, ,,,,.,,1,e,e,,yog;z,,,g one Mr Button movtd,secmidedby Mr Marsh, Whit; A mm.†b | m m) l 05 I not amount to anything. Unless some Side , fpnlmcs or ,hundering fun], “8 8cm,“ Shut the account of I. .1 .Dougull,’ atniiunn ,,ar,e‘_mâ€m _ . . _ ' . _ . . I . . I 0 m, r“, I, 73 1 F , ‘ ,_ _ very {500d reasons can be Show" for com’ and anathema against another, seldom "‘5! m 36 60' [km-“3 1â€â€œ, (g ,1660dleel ,‘l’f Oats.- . . . . . .. ... U 35 (I?! ll 3’5 u y T fl .% muting the sentence passed on them, after pauses in its course for the applause of the illm‘l‘v 3‘ $8 P9" w‘1‘P‘S’ll'“ "ï¬e. “3", .l e t’ease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7' fl?) 1' 13, . .. ». - - . - . . _. ,n a fair and impartial trial, it will look multitude. or yet waits to See it' the public “’Wl'"? :‘j'W‘F‘l‘ N “f?9““*“;‘“ );i‘(;r“:“l',‘:; l‘lan, per ton new . . . . . . . . . . 15.4,“! ï¬e 18 rug ' v v n 'aoh like offerin r a reniiutn for a i shares in its resentment. In this connection Ҡ"mm “"“WԠ" ’-~ ‘9 ‘e i bll‘aw . . . . . . . . . . .. ll _. ' “D l . v ...â€".... cry ) . . l‘ " invariably ,msmnas 1}". P3,, of hm}, pniqic order of the mover-Cur ried Potatoes. per tins . . . ,, 4;) (l a it at) . Class Of crmmmals' becoming by far mo Mr \Iitliken moved semitidi id by Mr Marsh. \llplar. pet barrel . . .. . ... 1 5“ (ID '2 25 . , scboiiI-iriaster and Iieadsinan: and all who ‘ , . Y B ,5 H, "2,, © “.23 _ . common m banadn' oppotie its .lietttnr are ruthli ssl) setiurired or lh‘ll lb“ 1"9“5“â€â€™r P“‘ I,“ 'h?‘ “lawnohh "u".â€" m 5' -' , IQ _ ’ 7 W slain in itniui-y E But-0n the sum of $5, bring for furnishing F “we: Rolls... . . I| 12,1. 2 ‘1' 2] .â€" r. ;.' . . . . - - .,. r . - «29‘."|“01-............- " . THE LOCAL IlUUt‘E. Why Ihv-n bit, in th 8 question of immense 911mgâ€!“"dtcgfy'flizligge tileuâ€(',‘,’:"y “WWâ€, H02“ PM “A,†H» _ 7 m, @, 7 2.5 y , ...... , public Interest, n Qiieslioii dipping down. if": ""39 0 ‘ “’"l' 1"“.- I r ‘I , ’ . Ham," pm“, 1‘ 5“ {.7 ,2 W, ,. . Y ‘ â€" ' . . ' J . The Parliamentary itiill at Toronto l'l‘†“‘9 VHS I‘M" "l‘ I‘llmmlll." “"d "93°11" Tor-0mm The (“mm J‘ i“ lllmhumh "‘an nredomr l' Iii/I71 ‘ '4. a u.) b ‘0' ‘he lulu" ’ - - . . ‘ ’ iiig over the whole brotherhood of man, h‘Wlâ€! ill-{reed to Why a†9‘1"“ ‘l'nou'n" Woolâ€"per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 33 fti) t133| where the assembled wisdom of Ontario‘ grind out the lativs of the Province, may be said to be tairly set agoing. The speech front the throne. as was anticiâ€" pated, contained nothing of any great-l consi’quence, the measures litre-shadowed Carried. I Mr Millilten moved,secoudetl by Mr Marsh, that the following sums be paid to the. par-, ties herein named, being lulu-thirds damage I done to their sheep, by do;t or dogs, as tPsli- « fwd to on oath: should the press predicate to itsvll'the right to be silent from litiiiiaiiity, the privelege of chaining its pii ions? Again I would ask. can the press wish to lead the van ir. a more glorious enterprise. or seek to champion a cause that will more glut? auntie. ‘Btltilis Suitable for Presents, t [v l “hull o ~ WOT]. Boxes, 7mm 'rtinas, From $4 to $60 per set, ULSTER (CATS! . ,- ~ ' _. . 1666 ~ ' r i b we overnmem bemg of the most surely mutv with it the sympathy oi till G Phillips. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 H k My But)“, my“ phA p3,, M r ' . iiiyearrrcgdescription The present elcc- Hall‘s“ “I "‘0 “imm‘gwf? d {- “Tet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i r g v t No. 23. t. i: r . Il’l‘tltng Des/£5, ~ " - ' I l is Sll‘aligt‘ t mtt cc liquorice an genius loo. 3. 'ew ierry, . . . . . . . . . . . ‘, __ thn Ith, It appears, has to be modiï¬ed. i that we find voluntarily placed at the coitr- l). I’iiincy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 33 The iii-.xt lti-uu'ar (initirnuiiii-a'ion oi the! Filmy Boxes: FreSh Assortment cf Fina overcoats and 0th“, - l It is also proposed to extend the ballotl system to ratepayers voting on By-Iaws.,r Aid to railways is another" item in the, above long Will it.» held if .vt Moiitiai evun’g llie. Gilt. s' 7 n'clir'k, .IAS. M I'llfllld ola popular Government. in writing upthe interests of either political partv, should be so triggard of its remarkable in- â€"f‘tirried. . The Council then Ldjourned for-dinner. Jewel/1y, '1’†R Ink blonds, rVCI‘]. Sec. bill of fare. The priyiiient'f'or' Witnesses attending; criminal casesâ€"~bv fat“ the most important item in the speech - is also to receive '- reform " justice, The member for North York movud the address in a very able manner. Dr. Widdiï¬eld gives promise of becoming a useful member, if he does not allow him- self to be Carried away by party bigotry. The member for East Northuinberland seconded the address, in a speech lengthy enough for a George Brown stump oration, and with about as much merit. The debate on the address has occupied a great portion of the week. Tire member for South Sinreoe comes in for a fair share of abuse at the hands of the Government supporters, it would set-m almost itnposaible for one of them to speak his little eulogy on the govern: went without spitting,r out some venom at Mr Maedougall. Such remarks are very easily aoeounted for. They know that that gentleman is politically their enemy, and one who is fully able to show them up in their true colors, and we may expect lively times for some of them, In appointing committees. Mr Mowat has not been able to place such a majority of his own supporters on them as was done last session, which proves that he finds himself considerably weak- ened. As there has been no division of the House yet it is imposeihle to say how equally they are divided. We have received a sample copy of the weekly Globe as it is to appear oti Jariuarv next. It certainly presents a very superior appearance the first page having on it a portrait of Lord llulforin, and is a great. iriiprovement on the present style of the paper. The sample captains twentv pages, is Well printed, and the paper is also of a superior quality. l’ot‘a (‘iiitiittur Brnxr 'r-i DEATILâ€" A fire broke t at iii a shanty OCCUIllrd by an employee of the Northern Railway, in the in the village of Craigvale, near I write. oti Wednesday night. of list week, which re- sulted iii four children being hurrt to death. The inmates of the shanty were Dennis Cunningham, his wife and four children. aged seven. five and three years. and an iii- ti'ant a few months old. The children were consumed in the flanks, and the parents .tiarrowiy escaped tle same face. This melancholy event has cast a deep gloom over the entire neighborhood. Detective I'swald, St. Catherines. has Completed his canvass for signers to the petition for the release of Mathias Konkle, and with the following gratifying results. The petition covers 120 feet of m- uuscr-ipt. and contains 4.200 names, among whom are 1 Warden oftlie County, 4 members of Parliament, 4 M‘iyors of towns. 6!) Ju (ions ofthe l’eacs. 13 Ilariistei-s-Jnlmw, 20 M.I)‘s and 10 (‘IergyniarL three of whom are from lt-amsvillo. Thu result iidiCiilt‘s that the nonliniP‘ttR iif~rl| classes of the community is ill l'iiniI' (if Ktirilv‘lvls r 'Iezir'e. ‘rtllll we do not tier how ii could be otherwise. consider- ing the grave doubts arisii-g fir?! the last trial as to the credibility of the witnesses. Hit-twins. â€"- ilre tit-st. re-uiiron of the season. which was held under the auspices of the Mechanics Institute, in the Masonic llnll, on '1 iii-sday evening last. proved very successlul. The llall was tolerany Well llllcd. The readings. l‘et'iltlllOHS, vocal and instrumental music were credit-ably rendered by the several amateurs. Among those worthy of special notice was Mr Wood and Prof. Mortimer. The former gentleman sang “ Far, far noon the sea,†verv ell'ect‘ ively, and was deservedly encored. The coriiet solo, by Prof. Mortimer, was ren- dered in his us'al admirable style, and enthusiastically eiicored. Alter the pin- granime had been exhausted. the Band kiodlv enirsented, in honor of St. Andrew‘s ,fluenee on the side'of this git-at popular lreform Does it require a subject. in the discussion of which it nill aluriys be cm:- viiicnig. or ii lIl‘ me that can never be sur- lof‘s'slull)’ (:tlllllllt‘d? tin-ii I point to the ri- ,,iemr.1imt of mankind from the despotism it .King Alcohol. Are facts required that Will not. allow Of Cliiitrad‘ction; then l would- “if†them to our criminal courts~ puts, peniteninti-jna and insane asyluuis those standing inoiunicii‘ul Ulblt‘ls lllfll “’0 are creating to be handed down to postwi'y. a'id cowering in each ii lristor,v PHSlly 10h" det-ypliered? lwuuld point to 1.“? millle‘i‘ crown of debauchery and paliperrsiii' Ill!“ irilests our cities, ard last, trot least. to i."*" immense host of untold wretchedness scatâ€" tered over this fair land, which starving, pride hides from the curious eye, and linger. iiig virtue causes to slink away iirlo the by- paths of earth’s wilderness. Surely their Sir the press of our country will not shrink from upholdini,r the cause of our common tiraiihor d, as against the grosser courage of the ruinseller. or fail to raise its powerful voice against that most inons rousirriquity. the traffc in human souls; for who has Illt‘ aiidat-ity to alliiiii or the courage to sustaii that rum not only tears reason from her throne and shears the fit wers from the sunr- IllPl' of man's rite. birt is well r90: lllu) Ihe paradise oi his God. Ul J. N. It. Dec. lst, 1875. Village Council meets on Monday even- ing, the 6th inst. A special meeting ofthe Markham Town- ship Council will be held at Unionville. to» moi-row, 4th insL, for the purpose of revis- ing the by-aws. Smutâ€"Now that the wrnter season may he saw to have fairly set in, we trust that the Iiispector ot sidewalks will see that they are kept iii a passible condition. The examination of candidates for the High School, will take place. on Wednesday and Thursday next, Bih and 9th iirsts., in the High School building, in this village. The Markham Economist appears, on its twentieth birthday. enlarged, and in an en- tirely new dress. We congratulate our ‘coteiii ’ oti showing such unmistakable signs of prosperity. Tm; CATTLE FA-lR, which was held in our village on Wednesday last, was not as well attended as usual. the inclemency of the weather and tough sta'e ol the roads, no doubt. prevented both buyers and sellers from coming out. . M“,â€" Filipinos-The Thoriiliill public school intend giving an entertainment in the school AFTERNOON SESSION. Mr Marsh moved. sec riided by Mr Button. lthat the ’lllll of L5 cc: is per be and is hereby ranted for flu support of Mrs Jenkins. in addition to the amount she iii- rcadv receives from this Council, the sum to be pavilile to the order of Wm Lawson, Esq. The grant to commence immediater and lo continue-during the pleasure of this Councilâ€"Carried. Mr Marsh moved, seconded by Mr ’tutton, that the sum of $3 be paid in Thus, Farmer or order for putting 30 loads of grach on the corporation of W liilchurch make an pqual amount ofimpi'oi‘eineirt on the some ,.,,',,,j-Carried. n.1,.,?fai‘slinitived. seconded by Mr Button. um, 11,9 Sum of $7 22 be paid to Casper ll idcnrau. or ("dob IU" Pulling “'5 ltmds of Emve] 0" the towiiline between Whit- (-],,1 ct. “ud Markham. the grant tirade on condpmn 1],,“ [Lil corporation of Whitcliuit'h ,, “t“. an equal ahyriiiii of improvement on the Ftllilt’ I’tllldâ€"(‘lll‘l li‘d« Mr Marin tnovetl. sit-c. "died by Mr BUIIHH, that the sum of $13 33 be p‘ltld "‘ 0; (“8915i living two-thirds damage done YO his Sl'Wl’ by doc iii-dogs. as testified to P" "Mb" t ar-ied. _ . Mr Button moved, seconded by Mr M.."="lli and indigent man. unable to support himself. said sum payable to the order of N. Button, Esq.â€"Carried. Mr Milliken introduced Bv- appointing Returning Officers. and to pl‘ti' for 1876. The Ily-law was read a ï¬rst, second and third time and passed. Mr Marsh moved, seconded by Mr Button. that aspecral mettlng of this Council be held on Saturday, the 4th inst., for the pur- pose of revising the Bylawsâ€"Carried. Mr Milliken moved. seconded by Mr But- ton, that the Clerk be instructed to procure Ballot Boxes, etc., for electron purposesâ€" Carried. The Council then adjourned. to meet ago.†on Saturday 4th Dec., for the pur- pose of revising the By-laws. NEW GRANGES. The followrng is a list of ofï¬cers of two new Granges of the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, organized on the 25th nlt.., by the W. Master ot Laugstafl‘ Grange: I'NIONYIIJE GRANGE. Mr H. P. Crosby, W. Master, “ Jas. Eckardt, Overseer. “ Jiio. Gibson, Lecturer, G. Priugle, Steward. J. Kennedy, Asst. Steward, H. Hoppei, "haplain, Witt. Grainger, 'I'reasurer W m. Robinson, Secretary, T Trann. Grit-keeper, Mis II. P. (‘rosl y. Ceres, N H H M l ll house. Tliortrliill. next Wednesday evening, the 8th iiist., to consist of glevs. diieiis, solos, dialiuues. readings and recitatious This will lilo-l. be a first. :lasseiriertaininent The price of ttllllllSn'lUll is only 2.! (its. " VAI'N †is lb" nay iir which the Wood‘ bridge Free Press man spells the township in which he is sojourning: all Present: this is a decided improvement on the old orthode style of spelling it, and knocks the old " Vaughan " endways. We trust that tliis' system will become general. Fiirn.â€" Last Friday evening. an alarm ol fire was Stlillided. (lCt'hSlOnCd by a bright reflection to the north of our village. The Fire Ilrigade, and a trutnber of citizens. turned out iir rather an excitable state, but . had not proceeded for when a report reached them that the glare was caused by Some stumps burning on the farm ol Mr I“. Gaby tlvvcrlllig house on Mr McNaH’s farm I‘ilJlll Mills. The dwelling had been vacant tor some time, and its destruction was, no Day. to give a selection of Scotch airs. which brought forth the plaudits ol the eu- doubt, the result ufsome evil disposed per- son’s malicrousness. We understand that tire aesembly, after which the national air- Mr McNair has made considerable effort to them, by the band, brought the evening’s trili-rtaiiinn'u‘: to :1 (‘lt‘SC. tind out the perpetrator ofthc incendiarism, .but so far without sot-recs. “ .I. Ecltardt. i’oinona, Miss Gibson, Flora, “ Grarnger, Ladr Ass't. Steward. AGINCOIYRT cusses. Mr Adam Ilell, \V. Master, " Jiio. Hagarty, Overseer, “ Win. Davidson, Lecturer, J. G. Patterson. Steward, F. Galbraith. Ass’t. Steward, Jus. Hamilton, Chaplain, I“. Scott. Treasurer, (l Elliot, Secretary, -“ it. G. Thompson. Gatekeeper, Mrs Hagarty, Ceres, “ Patterson, Pomona, Miss Snitt. Flora. “ M. Elliott, Lady Ass’t. Steward. ‘A l it it It ll The I’resliyterinns of Listowel have de- iiistrunietital music into the church. W BIRTH. Boorusv.-â€"On Thursday, 25th ult., the wife of Mr James Boothhy, Patterson, of (l 3011‘ the townline between Wliitchnrch and Murk-i harm, the said grnizt made on condition that. _ that the sum of $8 he and is hereby granted ‘ for the support of Patrick McGotf. an old iraavE law No. 262, l ,8 vide for the holdingr of Municipal Elections 1.ot.l\'o. 24, 3rd ‘rm'. l I i FIRST-CLASS Farm for Sale, CONTAINING l 100 ACRES ' ()f l and more or we; beii 3' Ir it \li :27. iii the no (‘ n of \ltvllillfllll %ot a one litil'tll of Elglll lirave. Road :5 r-ustiil Yongcstleet, 2; from Ilichiiiniid llill. into 12* miles from 'Ioroiitn lite land is ol Excellent Qualitv and iii a High S are of Cultivation l‘le'r is I‘Iigbti five l~cros (ii-rated tho retirainder Iii First-class I~Iaitiwot l Bit-h The piece is well fiiiiced and well watered wiili a never. tailing Spring (Week; also, pleniv of hard writer; a good bearing I)rcliard of crioico l'rtiit There is a lWll-Sllllll BRICK llWElllNli. 3'4 x N feet. with Stone \l'all Cellar; (90.1% Barn Stable and \‘iir-d : coriVi-Iiioiit t'i \‘cxrool‘ (Iliuielies. \‘lills. Stores and Shops. Title Perfect. For tra‘tieulits applv to .lAt‘tiH lllals‘li Victoria Square, 4th Cori Markham. 9â€â€œ 3 7‘ -IR., 1‘ _o\i'9lnlier ‘26, 187:). Came in“, 1 .0 p autism» of tlil- ibsr-riln-r’, Ham an. shooting 41,. .,i' ,V,,v. ivilie. last. A EWt‘L ANI) RANT. The owner-1m llflVt' the satire lit paying all eXllDllhes and taking them away. “It. Il'lfllel'N. VH‘TONIA Samar, 9m; 3i - herein! or 3", '1 i7. I'IIE WHITE HOG. '- As the VVnile Rose Wika llllll brilv din: llio- Whit. l’ig on o in gliddeo us " Geo Weldrick is still in the White Pig Business I have two, , " JOSH BlLLlNGS,†IMP“ And “Lord ofthe Whites.†st" TERMS: $1 at time of Service, GI'IO VVEMINIICK. Imitl'stsï¬, \oiigr' Sb, Dec I, ‘7 905-51. STILAY ED. Came into the premises of the Subscribers. Richmond Hill, on or about the 8th lust , TWO Sheep. The ovviiv-r is req-wrled to prova property, psi expense‘ and take them nwav It .\ W ll'tlSi Ii'Y, 9135-3t. l l l l l l l Nov. 25. 1875 . d Good Salesman ’1 Book Ageti’ s an Are “CMNIXG Mover with the famous BIDA DESIGNS, Thn French I‘Idition of wli.cii s--Ils for $165,, and the London l‘ldrtion I'oi $2 ill Our Piipu- I luv Edition {$5 .iâ€i, containing over (hi; Hundred/iii! page quart i plates. is the t-HMP- ysi- ANI) Most tiictyr I’Ullllt‘Al'lth m Aurthur, and [in IllnST TH rElil. (him-- we vriili each other in praising it, and the masses buy it From remit agent iii Sonthnort, Collin: " In it littermrr-ds proved, lltit’tt‘ver. to be an ord ('ided. by a vote of 75 to 11. to introduce nu, v,,.,,,,. chug, ,,. .,,,,,_.,,,I.,,,v,. wk“, ix,,._ ï¬ve, oidei'q; have (‘HllVlIb‘Sl ii iii all about IWOlve days i in village and courtly) and have taken orders for one limidrnd and six copies." J. B, FORD 85 00.. Publishers. Full Particulars It‘ttFls. Addres'a THOS. BflliE. Gan . Agent. SUE-ll. urination, Out. In terelt. Sale. Vases, Scrap Books, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Jet JeWeIlry, Scripture Texts, Framed, Famin and Pocket Bibles, Pipes, (1 great variety, Dolls if all sizes, Picture Puzzles, Revolving Chimes, Drums, Bead Pin Cushions, Necklets, Bracelets, Parlor Croquet, Puzzle Blocks, Conversation Cards, .lnrdics’ Companions, Scarf Binge, Goblin-4 Watch Guards, Guttapei'cli i Guards, Charms, Pocket. Cutlery, Drauglits, Dominoes, Chess. Kalidescopes, Photo. Frames, Music Folios, &O., &c., &c. ENGLIrH & AMERICAN MAGAZINES AND Pillllllllllll Sent 10 Subscribers, Post Paid. on receipt of Subscript- ion, which must be paid in advance. A Liberal Dis- (mm-t allowed to S. S, b‘ 11 per i n tenden’s, Teachers 5' others On all books purchased for prizes Richmond Hill, Nov. 17, 1875. 'TR\YED. From the premises of the Subscriber. lot No. 30. 2nd ( oti Vaughan about 1st bov. SEVEN SH EE P, (tour Iaintni and three P-Wi'l) and ONE RED COW, Nearly I)r\. lli person zivnig such infor- iiiutioiins wul .-ii-‘ to their recovery will be suitably tewa tied MICHAEL McltUGH Vaughan. Nov. to. ’7.‘i BIN-3t. A. WILLIS, Bx K R .\N ’llRUKER INsURANCE AND iui. an ‘n: AI-I.N‘I'. Depo 'IB troeivod. surjrci to demand with bonus negotiated. Debenturn for Orricr, : 20; Adelaide Sire et East,Toroiito, I few doors West of the Post Oflico. May 31, 1875. axon. Supi'rior Ready-made ( 'luthi'ng , a? 3 ----â€"o Gentlemcns’ Shirts, linen and flannel ; Ties, Cuffs, Gloves, Underclothiug. &c, &c., in Great Variety 3%“ Call and examine. J. TORONTO AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. sTRAW AND ROOT CUTTERS, Grain Crushers, Combined Feed Mills, P U L P E R S , Cider Mills and Presses, THE “ IiLANCHABD†CHURN, Dog Powers, Ploughs. Fanning 2; ,,_, . I Mills, lee Tools, iSIei'glis, It‘orgn cs, Rustic Work. Statuary, Vases, Farming and Draining Tools, dcc., For Sale at AERIGIILTIIRAL WAREHIIIISB, l crust of Adelaide 8; Jarvis Streets WM. RENNIE, Toronto. Toronto, Oct. 5, l875. 896 bANNER DIALOGUES, 3' MRS R. P. HOPPER. 115 Pages for 80 Cents. A package contains the following Ina-owes.- Opening Address. for a boy . Lille't ilirixtie. - Recitation for a troy of 6 or 3" years: Little AIhBlI,-â€"R¢CIlfll|0n torn hot or girl 6 or H veers; A boys platform spoeclr,â€"â€"for a boy Ill in 12 years ; Recitation on (inllnntry -â€"bv a boy of Hi vein, or loss : Cloning Address by girl; A Good Bargain.â€"A dialogue for two have: The birth-day plftynâ€"A dialogue for 3 but I. 3 z rls.2 zun'leninn and it led} ; Brok- en down 'l‘mdesmlii.â€"A dialogue for 9 boys llld 3 girls; Different Opinion .-â€"A dialogue for dim"; Givuig to God.-A dialogue forl 3 bots and 9 girls : Jolly Jim. or a soft ginâ€"r swer turn-ill sway W'Ilb.â€"‘i dialogue for 3 boys. [7’ Will bn sent in my address. in package form, post-paid, for an conic. Address, res-rmasrm. Victoriasannre. W. H. M Sept in. Ir75. His-ti. FAR FOR_S_ALE. ACRES being the East Half of. lot No. r“. in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Vaughan. There is Eighty Acres under iii-proveiiioiit and Twenty Acres iii Valuable Truth" The buildings are good and oxivrtsive. There is an Orchard of grafb ed fruit and plentr of Water This is a good When: Farm and beautifullv situated. hen. within hall's mile of liinlimond llill Station on the Northern Railway. and within half: mile from the Vi ~90 of Maple and within two miles ol’tho lirvnrpoatv d Vilrngo of Richmond Hil|.oii Yonge Street, and in t e immediate neighborhood ol Mills. Schools Illd Churches, and within Hi miles of the City of Toiomn. For farther particulars apply on the prom- ius to the owner HUGH DEVLIN. 8804f. Jun01,1575. K. FALCONBRIDGE. -~ 4WWW4‘ ‘rfl‘eMIâ€"‘mxï¬wmm ~ 1 J M. PATTERSON, , L ICENSED AUCTIUNEER for tho CounliPl at York. Peel, Ontario and Simeon; also Valium: and Commit-ion Agent. tL? Chancery Stiles attended to l’.(i. Add-ens Blonmingtou. l‘ariies requiring MR PA‘iTlRIol'I scrvim can make ai-iangtmeniii and obtain particu- lars as to terms .\c . at the H itiiALn Ofï¬ce. Nov 92, [8:5. 905-“. LATE FOR SALE,â€" A LARGE QUANTHY. iii loll to suit Purchase 3. Apply to JOHN J mil. Cnrville Milk. Nov. Pi. 1875 l FARM lllll Slit m 20 ,ACRES. MORE OR LESS, OI Firstmlass Land's. being 1.0: No I); in the 14m concession ot NORTH OKILLIA There are about 80 Acres under Improvement ! With a Frame House and New From. Burn 30 u it! : the test is well Tiiiibarod with l‘inI l and Hardwood. "his is a ï¬rstâ€"clue Winn ' Farm. and is beautifully sititniud on the list" I! Rivr.n,coiiicnioiit to Flour and Sew MINI, within littlfa mile of tho Severn Bridge NI- tion at the Northern Railroad Price $3.00), in ens- payments. For further particulars 3â€in to JOHN HALL. Richmond Hill l'ump Works, Richmond Hi 8†August 2‘2, $75. 1?. .i. FARDEN, (um; WITH w. DUDLEY. newnuulu.) AW AND CONVEYENCING 0F- ; Hill», AURORA. wri. ii. at Richmond Hilbwery T lmrslay Urries AT i’auircti’s Horn. MODERATE CHARGE. Aux-rs. Julv l3. '75 initial trial: ll Beautiful Assortment AT Y B ns’. 03’ No Apprentices’ Work, NONE ornm It?! First-class Hands Kept. l’riees as Low as the Lowest â€"â€" 3 JUST RECEIVED 2"! A LARGE STOCK Ol' BOOTS 85 SEC“ W. H. MYERS Which will be Sold Very Olieap