The Milliner Department ELHTHINfl,-?§EABY4 mm, m 'l‘ll mum“ .I. 'ege during the eleven year- he has been in business. on Richmond Hill. Bv strict atten- tion to hueinons, and keeping a Large and Well-assorted Stock. such as the Village and euro rounding Count": require, end by selling them It the Lowest Remunentivo Prices. hopel to merit I continuation ofthet petronnge hilhflrlo no libel-Ally beuowad. Thole who [not me > with a cell will hnd my Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Department fl Subscribér wishes to Mum thanks to his numerous customers for their ï¬ber-l patrom 'sgo during the eleven yours he has been in business. on Richmond Hilltr Bv strict unen- And using none buI the BE 4T MATERIAL, thoy fool certain that they can give “ti-faction none of their work being done In any other chop. N. B.â€"A W. 338. would also‘ntata that in connection with the above they have opened a New BLACKSMITH SHOP ETURN their sincern lhnnks for past psfl-onage and Wou1d hag leave to any. tint having enlargv (1 their 1: mniues and made nanny-manta for having alliheirwoflldone undorihoir own sup-Nixie". are d nermmed to establish a reputation second to none in the Province for “BUNBIIETE HOUSE†M! of width be will Sell Cheaper than auv limit» in Town eral m jaw; (TAPS. AND GENTS’ FUR- NISMNGS, CARRIA GES. Slvig‘hs of all Kinds, Hardware, Carpenters’ Tools, Goods Deliverp/i. Richmond Hill, Sept. 14, 1875. B'itish Fla “The Peoples’ Store.†ng'bVES OF ALL “1:973:23, A fie-h stock of beamimi patterns just wanna; SHADES of all desi nu. ‘ WINDOW BOBDE RlNGéz of all kinds and the latest paint-nu on record. FUaleTU-R E, All kinds C Richmond Hill, Nov. 4, 1875. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND ac- CuUCHEUn. UI‘I'ICE : Corner of Yonge and Coniro su.. Nchmond Hilt. LARGE and FASHIONABLE. FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, STOVE PIPES and STOVE Of all qualities Havmg prucmed the services 0'" Vin WOOD. of Toronto. lain of London Eng" who is :1 Fun i‘lnss Guam. 1 am prepared to satisfy tho males of N19 was} fuxidiouï¬, E58 ‘0 inform l: a lurgo stock of 36’ Parcels Delivared. Richmond Hill Sept. 23 [875 Nov. 2, IS'IS. .__o..._â€" NEW FALL dRY GOODS! £33,833 @0038, UfAll Kinda. GEO. BROWN, M. Du all qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Pain! and Varnish Brushes of all sixes. at Toronto Prices. GLASS of all sizes. A large assoflment of Cmckery, were purchased 1n the best markets. Tinware of all kinds. The usual stock of STAPLE & P‘ANPY GROCERIES, as low in price as anv house in town. :inds Cabinet Ware Manufactured. Also the beam quality of Flour, Bun. Shops. Pot: Cutters of All Designs, EMPLOYING NONE BUT A. WRIGHT 8c SON My Stock is very Complete W. A. keepl a Splendid Anortmom of Van' Large and Well Assorted. being replaced EVERY WEEK by As usual. under the immediate charge of MI! A.) will he Iound his numeroul patronl tin! he has received, and Will conï¬nue to keep Arriving at the FLAG STAFF: N D I D v A In U E 3 Also, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, FLOUR AND FEED. ANI) HARDWARE RICIâ€"IMONI) H ILL. . G. SAVAGE O'l" THE LATEST STYLES. WM. ATKINSON. l FURNITURE. which he will sell BELOW TORâ€" ONTO PRICES, also, 9024". Bun. Shorts. Potatoes and Apples, at the lowest prices. . BARRISTERS, &c., Union Block, Cora nor Toronto and Adelaide Btu. (opposite the now You Oï¬co.) Toronto. F. Dawn. Jam thuon, W. G. Fuconlmaz, CHAIM:- Mon, N W . Hon“. J. H. Tuon. Toronto. Nov. 4, 1375. BETHUNE. OSLER 8; H088, ALEX. MOODIE. Chairs Reâ€"caned. 9024f W-m grenl swing oftime and food. It gives strong I a We to H vrses even durfl‘zflh“: work . "w. ad with it product» more milk and but 6r, . 8 same umo merease In as , and {or stall feeding caule its rifle! is marvelous. Al the Did Stand, Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hnpes, by (he strictestnnonomy, com- bllud with tho bu! material and workmanship. 10 merit acnminuanca 0mm [Intronngr‘ boslow- ed at: the hlo ï¬rm. All uur pumpu are war- round. virona.llnlhe will continue to mauufaclure the CELEBRATEI] EXEELSIUH PUMP lat PRIZE Pump Works, Richmond H ill. 'I‘HE SUBSCRIBER "FIGS T0 INFORM the Inhabitants of Richmond Hull and en- At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. flntario HousE JOHN HALL N. Eâ€"Wollsaunk on lho shoutvsl notice. Well Curb. constantly on hand. And he will keep on hand All Kinds of Wood Fresh Arrivals Cradles. Wood Yard .' The Largestand Chenpost Stock in town Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs Good Prwaarviug Sugar (“Iboicx Mixed Tea. for FRUIT J A KS Harvest Milr All kinds of Farm Producer and fair prices paid. Choice Sugars. Teas, Coï¬â€˜ees and Tobaccos J B. Rospectfhlly solici'tsa call Toronto. August 30. XS‘ Price list lent on applicalirp Richmond Hill. March 31. ’75 ‘HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES TU Richmond Hill, Doc. 31m. ’74. HABDW ARE 3 ’radlu. For/v.2, Scylhcs, Rakes, Spades, Shovels. Hoes, At Toronto Prices. Livery Stable Richmond Hill, B EUNFESSIUNS OF A \HETIM. i’unusnzn AS A wAmuRu and for thn baneï¬t ul' Yousa MEN AND OTHERS who suï¬â€˜er from VERVUUS DEBIHT‘, LOSS OF' MAN-â€" HOOD. VITAL POWERï¬etc†giving rules of Sdf- (Furs. after much sufl‘eringnnd axpénse nnd cam true on receiving a slump for féihm postage Address NATH ANIEI. M AYFAYR P. 0. Box 153. Broklyn. New York. 'Iorm’r of Yonge and Centre [\‘ts We Quote 9. Few Prices ,EWUUE mm I’m-N5 . Flour, Oatmeal, (Em-mneai. Gra ham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, I’utatoes‘ Peas, Oats. Bran, and Shorts, July 21,1375. A WOOD YARD, Jun- 26, 1875. GROCERIES : BOOTS 86 SHOES: the Public that he has openud TINWARE; And all other Govds in proportion DOLLAR BOX CONTAINS 200 FEEDS. ï¬rnmirï¬, -&t. SPLENDID RICHMOND HILL. A LARGE S'I‘JCK. Cheaper than ever. It? Remember tho p‘nca Ul’l‘ JARS: Which will be Sold In the best preparation known for fattening In connection. Price 250ts and $1 per Box. 12 lbs for $10“ Hui-1F ‘m . 25!.5!) pnr duh SS4 Gm J. H STI-fl' HUGH hiILLER & 00., taken 8934f U Hill. containing one acre and - quarter of Mud, one frame dwelling house. will) a burn slables,and mhor ontbuilningslhareon. Terms easy. Apply. on the premise- M acres with Good Dwelling House and Out- buildillgs,jusl ouwide the Richmond Hill Cor~ poralion. And Being part of lots 3 and 4. Isl Con. Township of Uxbridge. And are located at the NONILWBM come .4 !01 No. 35, llh chum-Mien of Vlnrkl am. in nation where mechanics and lahnrorn null go- slendy work nun high wag-«a Apph il'hy letter.prepuid) to Hean Jennings. Victori' Square .or 10 A FARM UP 69 AND A HALF AERES 'I‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR BEST FARMS IN THE EDUNTRY, About (met/ith of an Acre, *3 To Weekly Papers. n-ece-ved u the HERALI Book Store. Richmond Hil’ A Largo Bic]; House, a Good Barn. and othz'r outbuildiï¬gs, a Steam Saw Mill mguorl running ovdm‘ Also, a \ar‘ga and I'ln'iving Young ()rchard. One end of 1h:- Farm )5 crossed by a never I‘ail‘mg Spring Creek Terms easy For particulars npp‘y to JAC B RUPERT. ; Infles'rom ‘ nple Village. nhd 3 mile from Richmond Hill Slnliou, Un the place 1s Ranging In [mow from 31.‘ cents pnr lh upward ‘H E Sulwcriber Iakns Hm oppormnily of m- i lurnijg hm \inx-are lhalllas‘o ni.~ numerous customers Our the parallax» luring the past. would solicila v-cnlinnance of the same. and wnuld call their ntlenliun to a flesh arrival ol (3 H 1‘: A p T 151A 8, Green, Black‘asid Japan Best 50 can! Tea in the Village lr RES“ GlasswareJ‘rockery &Tin ware Drmfl (mm the Mills VICTORIA SQUARE! DOMINION JACOB MORDEN. Richmond HilI,Jnu. 8.1874. 8'7â€"Lf All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed ken! constantly on hand. Besl Family Flour. Graham Flour. Buck- whea! Fl ur. Urackvd Wheat, Cornmeul and Oatmeal - sale a number of Village lots. situated the viii-:30 of March“7,1879. AH kinds of Farm l’mduno taken in eXohnngo for Goods. SCHOOL REQUISITES FULL SUPPLIES AT THE HERALD BOOK 8 TORE, ‘I’E West halfofhot‘ll. 4!!! Con. Vaughan - our » r we Vaughan March 28, 1875. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. '72 UBSCHIPTIONS FOR [‘HE TOR-01‘ N Yonge Street. Richmond Hi". also ton NdLUCAS STREET, RICHMOND TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. GOODS DELIVERED CHARLES H, SHEPPARD. Ricnmund Hill. Mar. 24, 1875. House and Lot for Sale, Village Lots for Sale. Family Groceries. Egmmm for $31k, A LARGE STUCK 'OF FOR SALE. r\ so .1 ï¬ua w-mlment of Acknowlv dged to b» the iiICIIMUNI) HILL uOFFEES IN‘HHUNII HHJ I. Crosby, Fire I’roqf Store The Inn; conlaln TEAS. Apply to WM. G. HINGS'I‘ON Dingla l’ ‘ '9. 714m Agricultural Chomiats. [67 King SI. East. Toronto. I". CRAWFORD. and SPICES. HOUSE! MAPLE 753-3m ~11 SURGEON DEN TIST. OULD respectfully announce that he will wait Rluhmond H i†the Imh ofaach momh, at Palmer’s Hotel: also attana the fol- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : ' Newmnrkot,. . . . . . . . . . 2nd ofeach month Snuon,........‘ 3rd and 4th “ " Peï¬'erlaw,............. 5th " " MoumAlberl.......... th " “ Sandfurd. 10m " “ ‘tuufl'ville ...‘........ I4lh “ " Mmklmm,.. . . . . . ...... 16th " " \urora................20th " “ All branches of Dental Surgery IL rally he found at rhoum from 2 lo 3 o'clock. r u‘ ICENRED \uctionoer for the Cvunly of J York. roupmtn'ullv solicits your patronage and friendly influence Sales uttouded on the shortest nohco and at reasonable rues. P. U. Iddrnu Vuclnria Squar‘ . ICEVSLD Aucluonnm 'or the (‘nunn of .4 \ork. ro-upeclfnll solicih \uur nmronage Mid l'riendh‘ influence Sale.- nnevded on tho shor‘em nnlim- and a! yenhonahlv: rules l’ U addreln King. THOMAS SEDMAN. (WARRTAGF. AND WAGON MAKER, J Undorlakar. Kw. 1â€"1 Count} of Yurk. llrpN’Ultll} sol w your .mlvnnage and friendn influence Sales m. lev‘ded on the shark-w n li a and at reason- hhle Vales. P, O. Addxeas. Toslon. \J Undorlakar. Kw. ' Rwsumxcnâ€"Nonrlv opposite tlu- [’0'11 0mm Richmond Hill S 1 - faction Guarantred. A. w R 1 G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL, '13sz to annnunee to ‘ho Inhabitants of Rich- moh‘d =il'. and snrrouudmg naighlmrhm d {ha he has built I new Hearse an 1 :u; n mend ln’o Fnr hire. Funeral Furnishings, Cofï¬n- and Cuski‘tr in every “ï¬e. “NBBBTAKIEJE BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE Fun‘oral Furnishings suppliod m from 1 to 00 Dbllara wini'y umlhe has n N law LIVERY STA ISLE. at [he Wham hl' wi'l lump on hand :1 Int of FIRST- \3L4A~\'§ ‘ RI-v'S.†at moderate charged. and unva hx svriel monlion to Insanezs, lu moril a share oflhmr putr. nnge. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, l ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rnllv ha found at hon from 2 to 3 lelNlflN LIVERY STABLES. ‘lorus and Vehicles mr hire ('hnrgm- mo donuts Opposite Sanderson 6L Sous l truction of Ihe Anglo ime'rican House by ï¬re. the subscriber has nuke" and ï¬tled up than large and commndious promise» hglohg ing to (,‘npt 'l‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs- Speigh! 6:, 8011's Novelvy Works. Markham Excellenl accommodai-nh afforded for the trnvclling public and commercial melt Livery stablesin connaction with the hotel. Bmued Ale and Porvor. b ICi-[MOND HILL L I V E R Y A wanklv iournnl of Curr! .II Evontu. Lnevnture. Science and Arts \gricuhure and W-Ichanicn. Fashion and AI. Jsomelll. Sod at We. a number m the HERALD RM†“"1? Can ba obtained at Ihh Hnuu) Book Star at the following roducod price: :â€" XOMG. 20cm. 39m, 38cm, 40c(s. (mum. and 90 clan} A FREQ" 9UPPI.Y. At 81.8%. $5; $5.50. $9.5" and $9. a! llm HERALD Bnox S-rnmz. Richmond Hi". Charges Moderate. Juh‘ ‘20. 1870. WESLEY HY MNS Feb: nary 4m. 1873 Tealou. Oct 5_ M7 King, 89p? If». “‘74 Markham, Sophllo. [$74 O. W. KENNEDY, L D.S:, DOMINION HOTEL Rivhmond Hill, July '13. 1874‘ N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES JOHN HROWN. Propriefur Richmond Hill. Dec.14. '72. 751-3": ‘HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate ‘0 Sept 4. l8?! - l B l; E S 0 01 E TY DEPOSITORY Ru-nmond Hillhruncll) at the HERALD )ok Snore DAN IE L KINNEE, ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE ‘ANADIAN ILLUSTRATET NEWS. SAMUEL M. BROWN, Hm inhabitants of Rirhmond Hill nndvic AMILY BIBLES ,ouo 8W.....--noca..- Bm,........-o-'- l.............u- NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. SIMON PROCTUR. mond Hiâ€. April ‘5. ’75. 8.73 if. JAMES C STOKES gjtisvtllaurmm, NEWMARKET, 02m, ‘ 3rd and 4th ‘....... 5th Rm mm ....... I4lh ......-.161h ........20th ATTENDED TO. D WOOTEN . 737m r498 If 759- I v 842-1. 8424f 4f H [QOR THE BLOOD lSTh Blodï¬ï¬i§¥un “E Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFI‘ER&RE STORL F or cleansing 1 nd clearing the blood from nllimpurites, can not be loo highly recommen- Fol Scrofuln. Scurvy, Skin Disoanos. and Sares of all kinds it il a never-failing and per- manent cure. It cures old Sores Cures Ulcernted Sores on the Neck . Cures Ulceruted Sure Legs. Cures Blackheads. or Pimp Iesou the Flee Cures Scurvy Sores. (‘ures Cnncerous Ulcors. (‘ures Blood and Skin [)iaeasea. Cures Glandular Swellinge. (flearsthe Blood from all impuremlllor, From whalevar cause arising. As this mixlur» is pleasant to the lute. and waroumad free from nnyllling ihjurlum In the nmal dallcaln consliluliun ofeillmr sex. Iho Prupriotorsoliciln unll‘erors to give it a trial to lost its value. Foruhe protection of the public of British Noth Amrrian damn it myduh‘ to state “NH my PILLS AND Um‘rnmm are noither man- nfnrmred nor sold in any part of the United Stwlea sequence of vi!» and npnrion- in}? ~1ions of “ liai'nmvav’.‘ Pil‘a MM "‘uhmml.†being fabri- cated at 7N...\lair‘ 1.116, an X ork. bv palliv n tyling A them-f with a thusâ€"- Each Pot and Box hear thv Rritislv Govern- memSlamp. with! swords ‘ Holloway’s Pills and Uilltmeut London “ engrnved Ihereon. Un th label :5 the uddresn. 533 Oxford Slroel. Londnn This notice has beeomo mm .sary. in com Sold in BOMIOH l dollar ï¬nch, and in Cases. conninng 6 lumen the quantity; 4dn|lnrn anchâ€" nuï¬iviom In effect a permanent cure in the areal 'cjnrily nflong Handing 'asen.HY ALL Sold in England hv all Wholesale Paton! Mndicine Houses. Wholesnln Agents for Province: of Oman: and Quebnc 'â€" Thousandl ol’ testimonial. from all part- (timwrsl‘s' and PATENT MEIm‘mE VENDORS 'hronghnm the world. Sale Pmpriotor. P J FIAKKESIIemiat, ‘PUTHECARIFS‘ HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ns .‘Iel‘cm' 5:, (To . aronlrun‘ vw HIS Avvry. Brown Ji Co. . Iln’ifnx. NS. Messrs Form-lh & Co., HaIifax. N S ' Messrs 'l‘. B Barker & Sons. 3: John, N.†\pnlhecavies' Hull (10.. Viclorin. 3 Cr Vlussrn Langley & ()0 ._ Victoria. 3 C. Messrs Moore 31 (30., Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pallen,Chalham. N. 3. Vietnam Munro 6:. (70.. Montreal. Messrs J Wine‘r 8L (To . Hamilton. C. \V. M! H. J. Rnwa. Torontm Mr A Chipman Smith. St John, N. B. \ Vlr John Bondfl? =drich, Ont. Messrs Eiliot & Cu., Tornmo‘ \Ir J Chamnar. St John. N. B Mes-sh: llalmivnglon Brothers. St. John, N. B EVANS. MEROER a; 00.,M0ntreal Mailed [0 any addrean on receipt of P. 0. 0. UIIprInt-ipled vvlnuur- can vhlaill this lush at a wry low pricn and m dam-Iva yuu by seHingllws me for lll\‘ genuina Hnlhwnv’s "HI! and ()inlnn-m, which am, manufactured onlv nl 5333. ( 'xford Slrmnt, London. 'Vlnny respectnblv ï¬rms: in the British Prov incas. who ohtam my medictnv-s diract from here. have vol-v properly Hllgnelitbd that I should. for [In banaï¬t or thamsalves and tho nul‘lic.inser' their names in the "warn. that it "my ha know1 that my medicines can be had genuinel From lham. I’vrsnns who may be so deceived will b. pleased to communicale with mm Mr R. s Priddv.Windnor, 0m. ' “VFOfDPIl. Mon-den. N S. Mr Ge mm 0. Hunt JIHI., Fmdericton. N. B Mr W H Thou1p<nn.f{arbnr Grace, NJ“ L. Mr J. M. Wilov. F‘roderick1on. N. B, Mensrs W. ~\ D Yuile. Montreal. Chas l Davirs, Frednrictvn. N. B. The medicines are sold at tho lowast w’ho‘e- sale not prices. in quaniities of not tens than £2†worth â€"vi7 . 8“, 6d., 22m. and 34s per dozen bo‘xns ot Pills or pots 9r Ointmrm, for which remittances mast be sent in udvnnce. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. Ozford Street. 0.. A l alHi'fs-an'dowad bodies. whe'thnrthey h: Boasl Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo miles and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom In governed by rilalfurcc, which binds al‘ the glaringh‘ ol exrslhnca. and as nothing can snv» them f om dest notion when [his principlo waves mam, uhe discoverx' of means whereby uilalih may he sustained in the living bodyis .ndoed a boon to the world. The follmvingis a lirt of the ï¬rms alluded o; and l particularlv recommend those wlm 3: re to get mv medicines to apply to son†. .no Hnusoa named ;. “adorn chemist" ha» venti'lnled the ques- tion and discovered the ingr- diem- conclilu tingtln- brain. muscles and nervos.and ï¬nd: mm by Introducing these ingrediemsin propm proportion:- the brain and nervous system are alronzlhmwd This. then. is substantially the basis on which meow's llvrnpnnsPHI-rzs is huilljt: diracl action in upon the Blnnd. the Brain am Nervous Sulam. and Illa Muscles. r m-ugxh doing the nerves. it causes the rapid dualribu- lion ofVitalized Biood in the Muscular Orgam If lhe Body. Rousing [ha Sluzgish Heart and Live] ulrengthening the nelinn oflhe Stomach ant ‘5owels and rumbling tho Lungs to be ï¬ullyin fluted wnh Oxygen. I! IS adapted for ALLcases of Weaknessam Emncintion. whether arising flom sedentar‘ life. ntropicalrlimale. from fever or m-bilil from anv cause, and is efï¬cacious in PvLuo “my Consumption. many conï¬rmed vase. having h’ean cured and all beneï¬ned. whare Its an «In: linen continued (War a fortnight Iw In BMImhitis ix is a npeciï¬c. and in Asthm- ilgivea relief where oven other remedy fails I"'or Narvons Debillty it stands unrivnIIe-v and mu‘ he usad with conï¬dence in all cane; As 'his is «mirer distinct and different from every other nreparanon of vaophosphites.h careful tonsk for FI-zLLowu’ SYRUP. and Ink noother. S warnnted to cure a“ diulxargex- from Ihw Urinnrv Organs. in mlhor sax acquired or cnnflitmioral Gravelnnd Pains in Hw Bark sold in Boxes. $‘,5(| nach.h_\‘ all Chemists- nnr’ Patent Modicme Vondnrsl th proprietor, F33. CLARKE Aromscmn‘s’ HALL. LINCOLN ENGLANDA Ram in lC-‘Eland by all Wholosuie Pat" 'Vlndir‘in House-a, \Nhnhhsn'o Agnnts for Province: of Onlari and an'wc ' EVAH MES GER a: Go, Monk-cu. Mrflzzdlo nny'nddvess m1 receipgof THC} O One Box of Clarke’s B 41 P11]: 1' Fellows’ Compound .11 RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES SOLD BY APOTHECARIEP 3mm man CLA'EKE': ‘ WflRLD FAME]! H. 3881!") I‘rice.$l-50: Six for$7'5h JAMESI F" LOWS.Chen NI. .umn. IV: R I'Bl . "I‘l'k hm. ‘1: LIFE." 68-! fl mum, at $6 per lOUieet. Also Floor. mg and other Lumber Dressed ; Sal Buck.“ 'nils.(,iderMilln-.Washing Vlachineoï¬hin In Waggon P‘elloes.nnnd humbel‘Snwodtoor," l’orparticular‘address JOHN LANGS'I'A FF 330311. Millsfl'hotnhifl $5 ’J‘O $20 QID'C ’ J U (1134“! Azania» wanled ! All classes of working people. Mom." In. young or o[d. ma 9 more monev II work for us in their nparc moment: or all the “myths. -.t nnvthiugels: Particularb free. l’o-lcul to Slat. e ends but one cent. Add-'9“- Mnrlgags Securityâ€"in sums from:$500 If. wards. A nply to MONE X' T0 LEND $200030 LOAN on ï¬n (An Execulom of the Emma oftho late Eud- Brennam) U s E T H E NORW_CE OG’DIAMUND YEAST For making 'all kinds of cakes without cg... - r 33“ by RICIJMOND HILL " '.‘ EAM Punjp Works! 1N reference to the above noï¬ee of Dir solution. the mud rsigned w -uld announce that he is now ï¬tting up New and Impxoved Machinery Driven by ample : tram Power. and intondl i0 manulhcmra a Richmond A1 prices and on terms hitherto uniqulllod. Parties wmling pumps will ‘do we†to com†me before purvhming Richmoan Hill. March 24 '75 HEADFORD MILLS ! l‘hdrnhill.Nov. 3,1869. Custom WOrk. Havmg secu ed the services of MR JAMEI R. NULL. 3 ï¬rstclass workman. ho 30 roll, to do SPINNING az. FULLING In either branch. on the shortest notice, and In such a mumwr as to give me utmost Illin- mction to his purons. Ho lrllsll to "coin Ila same liberal patronaga hon-tom"- out-dd to them millsl Terms suiclh cash. Store ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SFITA° l hie for mosenusat tho "nun no.“ Patent Eaveâ€"txough ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR- THE D0 W SUPERIOR ARTICLE. "‘ AMES. TOYS, &C., FUR SALE L1 the Hnmw Book Store List of pi‘icea lentâ€"6n appiiantion. Markhn m.}1u)‘ 19. r75. EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SACK mPER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT CHOOL REQUISITES OF ALL kind: anhr Hutuâ€: Book Store. HE Suhccriber having reï¬tted his W001.- EN MILLS he I-now preplred to al.- cute all orders for “WESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZIS ' at the HERALD Bo ok Stun. CUSTOM CARDING. G, STINSON & Co., l’onluuï¬. Mlino. cheap ulthe Hmun. Book Store. USE THE Ifyau want light. sweet lire-d. .119 H nun) Book Stole. hie for plosenusst tho Unsz no." Wu £11,55le mm. I}; TEEFY. C. E. SHEPPARD. 7.1875. 870-15' 1-H hu-fllld EGG CA‘ Aim». AN _ on ï¬tqt-cldu ALEX. MACKII '5. 8774!. POWDER PER DAY. H. MILLER. 5. 8714! 510-."