,.;~Sleighs 0f ' all Kinds, ifl‘ 5â€":.T_Bl.itish Flag Staff "NEW FALLâ€"EEY GOODS! In Great Variety, Pattern and Shape. i'ï¬rmsï¬ ï¬rtï¬xnini;Vezy§£ and roué’ Hats, Begum“, ac" SUPERIOR READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, ovï¬eg.Aâ€"-NA‘.WW. 8:8. would also state that in connection with the above they had BLACKSMITH SHOP liardware, Carpenters’ Tools, Goods Delivered. Richmond Hill, ,Sept. 14, 1871}, A] led ï¬ning none bu! the 3391‘ MATERIAL, they feel certain that they can give "Ii-fled“ ‘ none of their work being (I one In any other shop. Arriving at the FLAG- STAFF; SPLENDID VALUE] Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, RETURN their sincere lhnnkl for putpnlronage and would bog have to an. that having enlarged their pnomiuol Ind made alrnngomenta for having nlllheir workJono nuderthoir owl nporvision. are dourminod to establish a reputation second to none in the Province for .1) All) men. pas-nu; mags-r. = 170;).le rwoivcdauhjectvlo demand with htgréll. Loan- negotinied. ‘ Dnbmuures for S: . ‘ "‘ "OFFICE : 90; Adelaide Sire et East,Toronlo. 'p few; doors West of the Post Oï¬ice. SCHOOL 1 REQUISITES ; .r FULL SUPPLIES ' AT THE IIERALD BOOK STORE. VFIRST-CL’ASS WORKMEN, IILflTHING,--IIBADY-Mflllï¬, HM] Tl] llllllflfl'! A“ of which he wil! Sell Che apor than any ht.qu in Town- IN- HATS, CAPS, AND GENTS’ FUR NISHI‘NGS, mmmmwmm u % CARRIAGES. The ' Milliner Department THE Sulvmribur wishes to return thanks to his rumerous customers for ‘hoir libarll pittan- Ip during the eleven years he has been in business. on Richmond Hill. B" nlrim .mm. .I. up during the eleven years he has been in business. on Richmond Hill. Bv slricrt anon- Olu n hminous, and keeping a Large and Well-assorted Stock. such “lune Village and .1". rel-din; Comm-y roqnire,nnd by selling them at the Lowest Remlmemivo Prices. hopes to Initncontinunllon ofthat patronage hilharto so liberally bestowed. ' Those who favor me I with a call will fund my Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Department cnoczmss, CROCKERY, A Spociality; Havï¬ig the'sorvices of TWO Expog‘ienced Cutters. 3 good ï¬t may be expected. A Superior Assortment of ()vorcontings, Coatings. Vestings and Trowaarings ill Stock, and ovary article guaranteed as represented. also a large assortment. of Staple and Fancv “ cocBETE HOUSE 1: CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, Wewgnd Seasonable Goods, Th Subscriber would invite his numerous customers, and the public generally, to npoctiorx _'of his large and varied assortment of May 31. 1875. “FIRE mar may Ricnmond Hill, Nov. 4, 1875. LANKER AND BROKER, INSURANCE LARGE and FASHIONABLE. Richmond Hill, Nov. 14, '75. An Elegant Stock of Dress Goods. Hum procured the services of Mn WOOD. of Toronto. Yale of Loï¬don 8:12., who in I ‘Im Class Cutter. 1 am propurod to satisfy the males of tho most hslidion! A- WILLIS. Cutters of All Designs, A. WRIGHT 8c SON “ THE BIG PUSH†My Stock is very Complete. W. A. keep: a Splendid Asgortqnont of ~An earnest invitation is éxlended to all to come and see for themselves. Very Large and Wall Assorted. being raplaced EVERY WEEK by As usunl, under lhe immodiata charge of Mrs A.,‘.vyi|lyb9 fo'hnd Suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade. #FLOUR AND FEED. AND HARDWARE WM. ATKINSON. U!" THE LATEST STYLES. EMPLOYING NONE BUT ‘ 8804f. AT THE Bumsmns, w, Union Block, car. nor Toronto and Adolaidp Sta. (opposite tho now Font Oï¬ce.) Toronto . F. Osum. Juana Barnum, W. G. FALcon RIDG E. Camus: Moss, N. W . Horus. J. H. Tum. 0mm: : Comm- of Yongo and Centre 8“ . Richmond Hm. ' “J‘JV- DnUWl‘, "1.1.1., HYSICIAN, SURGEON AND AC- COUCHEUR. BETHUNE. OSOER & M088, Toronto. Nov. 4, 1875. Nov. ‘2, 1875, AND HARDWARE. and. BROWN, M. D. ALEX}. MOODIE. ISAAC CROSBY 4f. Good Preaoiviég Sugar )2 lbs for Choice Mixed Tea. for†50 cts. [ F’RUIT' JARS $1.50 pt Hines! M'il- - 40 610. De _,' ,_ And all olhér Goods in proportion. All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. NERVOUS DEBILI'I‘Y. LOSS OF MANâ€" HOOD. VITAL POWER. otc.. giving rule- ofScéf-Cure, after much suffering and upon-e and sent free on receiving a stump for ï¬gtum mango. AddrouNATHANIEL MAYFAIR P. 0. Bot [53, Broklyn. New Yoik. PDBLIBHID AB A WARNING and for thn beneï¬t of Youna Mm: AND onncns who suffer from J.B. Respectfully solicitsa call Livery Stable Richmond Hill, has 2|, 1875. The Largest and Cheapest Stock in town Corner of Yonge and Centre Sts BUNFESSIUNS OF A VICTIM. Cradles. For/us, Scythes, Rakes, Spades, Shovels. Hoes, . At Toronto Prices. flntario HousE Althe Old Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hi". and hopes, by thastrictoswconomy,com- bined with the best material and workmanship. to merit acnnlinunnco ofthe patronage bestow- ed on tho late ï¬rm. All our pump: no war. toulod. Price list sent on applicaiicp. n W JOHN HALL N. B.â€"Wellssunk on the shovtesl notice. Well Curb: constantly on hand; lst PRIZE Pump Works, Richmond Hill. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 INFORM m. Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and on- viroxln.tllulhe will continue to manufacture {ho EElEBHATEfl EXBELSIUH PUMP Fresh Arrivals Which will bo‘ Sold At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. Choice Sugars. Teas, Cofl‘ees and Tobaccos. ' HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that ha I.“ mum“; With great saving oflime and food. It gives stronglh and life to I work ; Cows fed with it produce more milk and.buuor, at the same and for null feeding came it: If“! is marvelous. All Kinds of Wood Jmu 26. 1815,- HARDW ARE I We Quote 51 Few Prices: Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmcal, Gra- ham Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts. Wood Yard .' J . II. Richmond Hill. March 31. ’75. 871-“ Flour and Feed .- Horses, Cows FRUIT JARS: Richmond Hill. Doc. 3lsl. ’74. Toronto. August 30. 1875. BOOTS & SHOES: GROCERIES : TIN‘W'ARE: AWOO‘D YARD, the Public that he has opeugdâ€" A LARGE STJCK. VERY CHEAXI’. SPLENDID (11'? Remember the place And he will keep on hand @wmiw, 8w. DOLLAR Box CONTAINS 200 FEEDSJ HUGH MILLER & ,CO., Agricultufal Chemists. ‘- Ann-130. 1875. 893-" . l67 Kingst. Em, Toronto‘- RICHMOND HILL. Cheaper than ever. In connection. Is the best preparation known for fattening ’rice 25cts and $1 per Box. J. BROWN. )2 lbs for-$1.00 50 em. per lb. $1.50 per doz. 40 610. per pair 88¢ 63) ‘, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs It gives strength anddlifo to Iloyses,_oven during ‘hnyd THE Subscriber taken this opportunity ofte- lurniag his sincere lhnnkslo his numeroul customers for their patronage during the past. would solicita continuance of the same. and would call their attemion w a flesh arrival of o H E A P T E A s , Green, Black and Japan All kinds of canned Fruit and Fiah con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buckâ€"a wheat. Flour, Cracked Wheat, Comment and Oatmeal All kinds of Farm Proddcé ta'kon in excflaï¬ge ' fo‘f Goo‘dé. Glassware,Crockery &Tin ware Acknowledgad to be the Best 50 cent Tea in the Vallage FRESH Direct from the Ming. Ranging in price from 30 cents perlb. DPVIIl’d. Corner of Adelaide 8; Jarvis Streets WM. RENNIE, Toronto. And are located at the North-weal .cornerof lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can go! steady work and high wages. Applvï¬f by lotionprepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Squnre.orlo WM . G. HINGSTON. STRAW AND Grain Cfushers, Combined Feed Mills: THE “ BLANCHARD†CHURN AGHIEUHURM WAREHUUSE. U Hill. containing one metre 1:1:‘IIâ€"q-uarlor of hnd,one frame dwelling house.with abnrn alablos.und other outbuildingsthoreon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the premises: m I". CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m Village Lots for Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a numbar nf Villmm Inn unama 1- sule a number of Vil'urgé flou. silgmd n the village of DOMINION HUUSE! RICHMOND HILL. ' About Onejijth of an A6711 Being part of lots 3 and 4, Isl Con. Township of Uxbridgo. ‘ t - . ncuw will: Good Dwelling House and On!- bnildings,just omnide (hoï¬khmond HillCor- poration. And A FARM 01' 69 AND A HALF AGREE Richmond um. Mar.- 24', l875. Toronto. Oct. 5, I875. VICTORIA SQUARE I AERIEULTUBAL WAREHIJIISE, Mnrchf‘7. 1879. JACOB MORDEN. Richmond llilI,Jnn. 8.1874. 8"‘7-Lf TBA fl cans'r. Dog Powers, Ploughs, Fanning Mills, Ice Tools, Sleight, Forg- es, Rustic Work, Statuary, Vases, Farming and Draining Tools, &6., For Sale at N Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. also ton PULPERS, Cider Mills and Presses, Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND mm. L TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. House and Lot for Sale, ' 1,.ng _STREET‘, RICHMOND A LARGE STOCK 0F Go’ous DELiVQRED. ' CHARLES E. SHEPPARE» yummy for ï¬at-t. TORON’TO Also a ï¬ne assortment of OOFFEES TEAS, ROOT QUTTERS, The lots contain Apply to time increase inwflesh, and SPICES. Dingla P.0 714-1! 898 'N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" l traction of the Anglo Amerlcnn House bv ï¬re. [he subscriber has taken and ï¬tted ui) the" largé “j commoglious promlfses belong- ing to Capt. T. A. Ml'lleu Opposite Messrs. Spoighl «Sr. Son’s Novelty Works, Markham. Excellent accommodation aï¬â€˜ordod for the travellingpublicand com mercial men. Livery stables in connaction with lllo hotel. Bomod Ale and Porter. D. WOOTEN. Sept. 4. 1872. 7374f Can be obtginod at the HERALD mick Stbr at the following reduced prices :â€" 10cts. ‘Zflcb‘. 30cts, 38cts,'-’40cts. ï¬ï¬‚cls, and 90 cts, ____. -.....v...*uuLuu nu IV a. L! A Weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arts. \gricullure and Mechanics, Fashion and Amasement. Sod at We a number at the HERALD PM" mm. (Richmond Hillhrnnch) at {59 Haida) 1‘ )ok Sloro. (N'ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEI} NE W8. A Weeklv iournnl nf nun-an 129-....- A PRES H SUPPLY, At 31.8%. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the Hlmw Boo: Bronx. Rléhniond Hi". FAMILY BIBLES Horses and Vehicies for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson 6:. Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor "nun-nu u: .1. the inhabitants iii" and vi- cinitythalhe has a NEW LIVERY STABLE at the Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS “ RIGS.†a! moderate chlrgas, and hopes. by strict attention to business, to merit a share ofthoir‘patronage. For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Coflinl and Caskets in every style. Funeral Furnishings auppliod at from 10 to 1Q0 Dollars Richmond Hill,July ‘23. 1874. E35.†DOMIN10N LIVERY STABLES. HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the inhabilnmn nf mphmmm um _...: ..: WESLEY HY MNS Begs to announce to the Inhabitants of Rich- mond Hill. andsurroundmg neighborhootha he has built a new Hearse an dconzmencod tho UNDERTAKIE} BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. &c. RusnmucEâ€"Noarly opposite the Post Oflice Richmond Hill. . SIMON PROCTOR. Ric hmond Hill. April [5, ’75. 8734f. ICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York. rospeclfnliy solicits your palronago and friendly influence, Sales attended on the shor'est notice and at reasonable rates. P.0 address. King. LICENBED Auctioneer for the County of York, respectfully soiicits your patronage: and friendly influence. Sales {Attended on the aka-ï¬nal ......__ , u ,,..-..-_. yum-.1 uunuuuu ull shortest mile}, and at reasonable rates, P address, Victoria Sqqare. U County of York. respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales at- tended on the shortest notice and at reason- able rates. P. 0. Address. Teflon. Teflon. Oct. 5, 1875‘ 898.1! rally be found aiv'hoI-ï¬gftzm 2 to o'clock. r. M. "'- ‘ T OULD respectfull announce that he will visit RIchmon Hill the 18th ofench month, at Palmer’s Hotel : also attend the fol- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ox- cepted: Nawmarketu . . . . .. . . . . 2nd ofonch month Sutton,......... 3rd and 4th " " Peï¬'erlaw,............. 5th " “ MountAlbert.......... 81h " " Sandford.............. 10th. “ " Stoufl‘ville............. l4th " " Markham,............. 16th " “ Aurora................20th " N Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. '72 DOMINION HOTEL All branches of Dental Surgery SURGEON DEN TIST. Satisfgction VGuaranteed King; Sepi'm. 1974. ICHMOND HILL LIVERY S T A B L E S . 113}. E s o 01 E TY DEPOSITORY Markham, s;‘,£.To“.' Iéu Fobmary 4th. 1873 Charges Moder-fags: July 20. 187.5. DANIEL KINNEE, .IEENSEQ AUCTIONEER FOR THE DR. JAMES LANGS'I‘éFF, ICHMQNQ HILL,» WILD HGENEâ€" NIPISSENG HOTEL, o. w. KENNEDY, L.D.S:, NEWMARKET, 0NT., SAMUEL M; BROWN. JAMES C. STOKES THOMAS SEDMAN, RICHMOND HILL, gtiï¬cwmmm, MARKHAM. ATTENDED 1'0. 751-3m 898-1! 759-†8424f 8424f 8874f. Aaalllii‘e-endowed bodies. whelllerlheybn Beam, Birds, Replileansecis or even Zoe phites.und subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by ritalforcc, which binds all the springs of existence. and us nothing can save them from destruction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living bodyia indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients constitu- tingthe brain. muscles and nerves.and ï¬nds that by introducing these ingredientsinfpropar proportions the brain and nervous system are atrgngtliened. Ronsing'the Siuggish Hour! and Liver. men lhening the notion of the Stomach and Bowe a and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullylnr flateg wi‘th Qx‘ygen. 7 533. OJford Street. 71’. 0., London, JunIlB 74 - ’l‘hls. then. is substantially the basis on which FELLow’s Hnoxfuosrm'rps is builtma direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous yatom. and the Muscles. Strength, oningthe nerves. it causes the rapid 'distribu. tion ofVitalizod Blood in the MudcularOI-gana oflhe Body._ It is adapted For lineages of Weaknessand Emnciation,whether arising from sedentary Iifo.ntropicalclimate. from fever or debility from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed cases having been cured and all beneï¬ued. where Ha use has been continued over a fortnight. “"77â€. .. .. . As th'is is emirer distinct and dlï¬â€˜arent from every other preparation of Hypophosphites,bl careful tonsk for FELLOWS’ Sync», and (aka noother'. Fellows’ Compound SE RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and 1; Asthma ii gives relief where ovorv other remedy fails For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may he used with conï¬dence in all cgses. The following is a list of the ï¬rms alluded go; and I particularly recommend those who negro to get my medicine; to apply to some onho Houses named :15 . l‘lvr us, Mercer 0; Co . Montreu. Movers Avery. Brown & Co. , Halifax. N5. Messrs Forsth & Co., Halifax. NS. Messrs 'I‘. B. Barker 6!. Sons. St. John,N.B Apolhecaries’ Hall 0.. Victoria. B. Gr Messrs Langley 6:. ‘o., Victoria. 8.0. Messrs Moore Jr. Co," Victoria, B.C. '~ Dr. John Pollen, Cï¬atham. N. B. Messrs Munro &. 00.. Montreal. Messrs J. Winer &. Co, Hamilton. C. W. Mr H. J. Rose. Toronto. Mr A Chipman Smith. St. John. N. B. Mr John Bond-,Gndrich. Ont. Messrs Eiliot& C0,, Toronto. Mr J. Chaloner. St. John, N. B. Messrs Hannington Brothers. St.John, N. B, Mr R. S. Priddv.Windsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Morden. N. 8. Mr George C. Hunt. Jam, Fredericton. N. B. Mr W. H. Thompson, Harbor Grace, N.F.L. Mr J. M. Wiley. Frederickton, N. B. Messrs W. & D. Yuilo. Montreal- Chas. l. Davirs. Fredericton. N. B. IS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in nither sex ac‘qliirpd or canstitutijmal, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes. , . $1.50 each.b'y allChemista and Paiem Medicine Vendors, The medicines are ‘sold at the lowest wlnoio- sale not prices. in quantities of not less than £20 worm -vi7... 84, 6d., 229., and 34s. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of ‘Oimmunt. for which remittances muslbo soul in advance. Sole proprietor, E733. CLARKE. A-PBTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Sold in England by I†Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Province: of Ontario and Quebec: EVAN mzn'cmn a 00- Montreal. Mailedlo anyhddress on receiyt of P.0V O. One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills This notice has beeomo necenary, in con- sequence of vila and spurious imitations of †Hollowny’s Pil's andOintment,†being fabri- cated nl78.Moid en Lane, New York, by parties dyling them-’ selves “ Ho": vny & Co..’, with an mum :d' trad. mark thusâ€" - ' Many respectable ï¬rms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here. have very ,Rroperiy suggested that 1 should, for the beneï¬t of themselves and the public, insert their names in the nlpera. that it may be known that my medicines can be haglgenuine from them. Unprincipled vendors can obtain this trash at a very low price. and no deceive you by selling the same for my genuine Hollawny’s l’ills and Ointment, which are manufactured onlv at 533, Oxford Street, London. Persons who may be so deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. Each Potend Box bear the British Govern- mentStamp, wilhthewords “Holloway’s Pills and Ointment, London.†engraved thereon. On the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London. For the protection of the public of British North AmericaJ deem it my duty to state that my PILLS AND Olmmmr are neither man- ufnctured nor sold in any port of the United States. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Wholesulo Agents for and Quebec ~â€" EVANS. MERCER 8t 00., Montreal Mailed to any address on receipt of P. O. O. Sold in Bottloa l dolla- eucll‘.‘ and in Cases. containing 6 times the qï¬nntity. tidollars each- sul‘ï¬cient to affect a permanent cu re in the great majority oflong standing oases.BY ALL ()HEVHS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world.| Sole Proprietor. F. J‘. CLARKEflhemist, APOTH‘ECA RIES' HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wltbtesalo Patent Medicine Houses. J For Scrofnls. Scurvy, Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kind: it is a never-failing and per- manent cure; It cures old Sores Cures Ulcoratsd Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcoratod Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads. or Pimploson the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swollings. Clearstlte Blood from Ill impure matter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ofaithor sex, the Proprietor solicits suil‘erou to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of testimonials Rom all parts. dud . Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.†THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RE STORER For cleansing and clearing the blood from nllimpuritos. cannot be too highly recommen- sou) BY APOTHE'CARIE! Priea.$l-50; sixr'orm-so. JAMES LFFI- LOWS,Chenl‘-' 4.8 ï¬nJonn. NB Blood Mixture “FOR THE BLOOD ISTHE LIFE." 3mm attedicim. 0 LA R K E ’ S WflRLD FAME]! THOMAS HOLLOWAY. Provinces of 0mm. 888 MECELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- W for pwsentslc NM 1:1qu 3m! Slow. ' £1. mmonmt$6 per lDOfeet. Also 1")â€:- ing and other Lumber Dressed: Sap Bucket. Pails.CiderMills.Wasl1ingMachiuea,Shil In Waggon Felloos.and LumberSawedtoor 01‘. F0 rparlicularsaddrosa Pump Woflm! IN reference to the above notice of D'- solmion. the undersigned would nnlolm khnt he is now ï¬tting up $5 TO- $20 M. TEEFY. N. LYN ETT. (AI Executors of the Estate of the Info Noni: Br‘ennan.) V New and Improved Machinery BRADFORD MILL. x wu .LU (u)th Agents wanted I All classes of working people, of either In. young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare moments,or all thetimo,|hln at nnythingelm. Particulars free. P051 and to Slate! costs but one cent. Addreu G. STINSON & Co., Portland,Muilo. Oct, 27. 1874. 849‘], MONEY TO LEND $2000,To SAN 0.. M USE THE NORWICH For making all kinds of cakes without eggs. For sale by C. E. SHEPPARD. March 23. 1875. 870-ly Richmond HM Atpriccs and on terms hitherto unoqulllod. Parties wanting pumps will do well to «will mo before p-urchasing. TH E Subscriber havian reï¬lled u- won. EN MILLS he is now prop-rel h .- cute all orders for Mortgage Sectzritjâ€"iu sums “BRIE-530 I'- wards. Apply to Driven_by ample Suiam Power, manufacture a Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75 gustom WOrk. SPINNING & FULLING In either branch. on the shortest notice, and in such a manner as Io give the Mm»: nib- I‘action :0 his patrons. Ho [mall to «coin lhb samb libel-a! hurrahage heretofore ext-Idol to these milis. 'l‘arms strictly cash. Having seen ed the services of Mn 1A]; R. NEILL. a ï¬rst class workman. ho in mi] to do ‘ ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL I)". (it tho Hum/um Rn nl: Sin". Oï¬Ã©nlAMOND ' ' A YEAST CAKEâ€"00 1)APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS A! the HERALD Book Slum. Richmond ] i". 1| 1 ( l SUPERIOR ARTICLE Thornhill.Nov. 3.:"8'351' List of pi-ices Salish applization Riail&hnm,ï¬ny 12. '75. EWELRYI JEWELRY! FOR 8H4. cheap ulthe Hanna Book Store. C H O O L REQUISITES OF All kinds altho HERALD BookShn. AMES. TOYS, &G., FUR SALE A‘ the HERALDâ€"300k Store Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WATERSPOI‘JA’IA‘S FORV'IV‘HE D0 RICHMOND HILL 3 '1' E A M CUSTOM CARDINaa the H EBALD Book Stow. mu: 31155211 mun. If you want light. sweet Broad. at tho HERALD Bo ok ï¬lo}; JOHN LANGSTAFF', Steam Millsfl‘horhi in. ‘II It,†Int-n EGG ALEX. MACKII. 75. 877-". POWDER H. MILLER; 5. 8114! '. and intondo to 0" flaw-61M 510m w“