Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Dec 1875, p. 3

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: and Yarmouth Bloaters: Mr. S. would state that having purchased a large quantity of Fish, on very ad- vantageous terms, he is prepared to sell at prieel ahead of anytlung ever offered on Richmond Hill. He will also continue to keep on hand a large stock of A fresh flock of beautiful patterns just received WINDOW SHADES of all designs. BORDERINGS of all kinds and the latest patterns on record. London‘Layer, New Valentia and Superior Sequless Raisin“, ; Currants the finest fruit), Canned Fruits, cheaper than any house in town Orange and emon Mnrmalades. Lemon, Orange and Citreu Peel. Figs, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, ss- OYSTERS ANDWSARDINESA'OF THE BEST BRANDS. RETURN thoir linen. thanks for puipuromgo and would bog loan to any. that having onl-rgad \hoir pwmiaol and made arrangements for having llllheir warkdono underlheir om: lupdrviliqn. In datorminod to unhlinh: ropumion second to none in the Ptovince for MERRY EflllISTMAS AM] A HAPPY NEW YBMI, Leaas (E Oils FURNITURE, 8T0 VES at Toronto Prices. And Icing none but the BEST MATERI \L,’ they fool corhin that they an gin «xi-faction non. of their work being d on In my other shop. Staple and Fancy Groceries And would call their attention to (he he! that he has just received I LARGE AND ’TOM- PLETE STOCK 0F CARRIAGES. Sleighs of all Kinds, HACKSMITH SHOP FANCY GROCERIES HYSICIAN. SURGEON AND AC- COUCHEUR. Urns: : Corner of Tonga and Cum 3!... Richmond Hill. “The Peoples’ Store.” Richmond Hill, Dec. 23, 1875. NICE DRY GOODS, 860. 800. Fruits and Sauces AT FALBONBBIDEE’S Richmond Hill, Doc. 8 l875 Of all qualities. PAINTS of Ill Colors. Paint and Varnish Brushes of all siz‘es‘ 3.: Toronto Prices. GLASS of all sizes. A large assortment of onckery, Christmas Goads Nov. 2, 1375. FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN, CHRISTMAS SEASON, SALMON TROUT, mem HARDIES, 8316MB SALMON GEO. BROWN, M. 1)., Mac the best quality of Flour, Bram, Skons, Potatoes and Apples, IV in (H; loves: prices. ROOM PAPER Cutters of All Designs, A. WRIGHT 8a SON THIS DAY. SUITED TO THE SEASON. V J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Wish“ a" his numerous friends. and the public gonarally. A [6‘ Parcels Delivered. CROSSE 8|. BLACKWELL’S P. G. SAVAGE A large assortment of:_FISH. consisting of Besides a Fresh Assortment of Singing out a Christmas lay, Happiness to all we say, Wishing you a merry day Hark I those merry Christmas bells, How they ring, RICHMOND HILL. SUITABLE F0 R THE EMPLOYING NONE BUT CONSISTING 0F: or ALL xmns, Hf. U nor Toronto 'and Aldolnido Ste. (op'puito lh. NW Post Ofico.) Toronto. F. Olull. his: Burn”, W. G. l'uconunu. CHARLII Mon. N.» W . Horus. J. H . Tull. Thu. they sing. Toronto. Nov. 4, 1875. BETHUNE. OSLER a; moss, {ARRI§TERS, &_CzLI_Itgi‘on‘Blopk, cm- Hf A FARM fUH SALE fl 20 ACRES-’MORFI OR LESS, Ol' Firat.clnss Land. [using Lot No. 13. in the 14th concession of NU R'I‘H ORILLIA. There are about 30 Acres undgr Improvement ! With aFrnme Housonnd New Frame Burn 30 >4 50: llm teal Is Well Timbered Wilh Pine and Hardwood. This is a first-class Whoa! Farm. rum! is beautifully situated on (he SEVERE Rlvrzk,con\'enienl lo Flour and Saw MINE, within llalfn mile of the Severn Hridga Sla- tion of the Nurlheru Railroad. Price $3.60 ). in easy payments. For further ImHK-ulnrs apply to JOHN HALL. 1813 PRIZE Pump Works, August 12. 1875. Opening Address. for a boy . Lille Christie. - Recitation for a boy of 6 or 8 years: Little Amongâ€"Recitation fora boy or girl 6 or 8 years; A boys platform speechâ€"for u boy 10 or l2 years : Recitation on Galluntry.-â€"by I buy of It) years, or loss : Closing Address, by girl: A Good Burguin.â€"A dialogue for two boys: The birllvdav partyâ€"A dialogue for 3 boys, 3 ‘Jrlsfl gen'lenmu and A lady ; Brok- en down ’l‘radeslnnu.â€"A dialogue for 2 boys and 3 girls; Different Opinions.â€"-A dialogue for4boys; Giving to God.â€"A dialogue for 3 he)! and2 girls ; Jolly Jim. or a soft un- averlurneth away wrethnâ€"A dialogue for 3 ye. Richmond Hill. ’ HESUBSCRIBER BEG-S TOINF‘ORM . the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and en- virona.thathe will continue to manufacture the At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. 115 Pages for 30 Cents. Atlhe OId Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopes, by the striclostoconomy,com- bined with the boclmuterial and workmanship. to merit I cnnlinunnco oftho patronage bestow- ed on the law firm. All our pumps If. war. ranted. (13' Will be sent to any address. in package form, postvpaid, for 30 cenll. Address. POSTMASTER. Victoria Square. EELERBATEU EXCELSIUB PUMP Title Perfect. For particulars apply to HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that ho has opened A package contains 'he following Dialogues.- AW AND CONVEYENCING 0F- FJCE. AURORA. Will be at Richmond Hill,every Thursday 01ran A/l‘ PALMEn’s HOTEL. MODERATE CHARGE. Aurora, Julv 13. '75- Of Land more or less; being Lot No 27. in the 2nd Con. of Markham. { of a mile nortlt of Elgin Gravel Road. I} cast. of Yonge street, ‘2} from Richmond Hill, and IS miles from 'l'oronto. The land is of Excellent Quality and in a High Sale If Cultivation. There is Eighty-five Acres Cleared. the remainder in First-class Hardwood Bush. The place is well fenced and well watered with a never- l'ailinz Spring Creek; also, plenty of hard water; a good bearing Orchard of choice fruit. There ll a JACOB HEISE. JR... Victoria Square. 4th Con. Markham. November 26, 1875. 906-3m. All Kinds of Wood JOHN HALL N. B.â€"Welluunk on the Ihoneu notice. Well Curbs constantly on hand. PUBLISHED As A WARNING and for thn benefit of Youua MEN AND ormcns who sufl'er from TWU-STDHY BRICK DWELUNG, 38 x ‘28 feet, with Stone Wall Cellar; Good Burn, Sable and Shed ; convouiunt to School, Churches, Mills. Stores and Shops. BANNER DIALOGUES, NERVOUS DEBILH‘Y. LOSS OF MAN- HOOD. VITAL POWER. etc" giving rule- of 8501 Gun. after much sufi‘oring and expense and soul free on receiving a stamp for return gout-go. Adams-NATHANIEL MAYFAIR . 0. Box I53, Brohlyn. New York. With‘gronc snving oftimo and food. It gives strength and life to Hon“, “on during hard work ; Cows fed with it produce more milk and butter, at the same fin. menu. in flash, and for null feeding cattle it: (fth is marvelous. Farm for Sale, BUNFESSIUNS OF A VIETIM. Woad Yard .' Richmond Hill. Doc. 3m. ’74. Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs opt. Isl. I875. Pride list um on applicatiop_ Richmond Hill. March 31. ’75. 871-“ Totonto. Augull 30. l875. Jun. 26. l875l (LAT: MRS R. P. HOPPER. AWOOD YARD, the Public that ho has opened FIRST-CLASS 100 ACRES F. J. FARNDEN, And he will keep on hand Richmond Hill Pump ka2, Richmund HI WITH W. DUDLEY. NEWMARKE'I‘. DOLLAR Box CONTAINS 200 F EEDSJ Which will be Sold CONTAINING Is the bent preparation known for fattening BY 'rice 25cts and $1 per Box. $31 6'9. 2934!. HUGH MILLER 8c 09., I-tf And are located “the North-won coraoror lot No. 35, 41h concession of Markham. In a section where mechanic: and laborers cnu gel study work and high Wigea- Applvfifhy letter.prepnid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square.orlo WM . G. HINGSTON. " HE Subacribertakes thisopportnnity ofru~ turning his SHIch thanksto his numbroua customers for their patronage during the past. Would solicits continuance of the «mo. and would call their attention to a flesh “rival of U Hill. containing one no." mad a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. with I burn Itabloa.lnd othoronlbuildingslhoroon. Torml, any. Apply. on the premiu- m l". CRAWFORD. Ringing in price from 30 cont: pol-lb. upwud. Corner of Adelaide h Jarvis Streets WM. BENNIE, Toronto. Toronto. Oct. 5, 1875. 893 C H E A P '1‘ E A s, Green, Black and J apan HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots. Inflated n the village of Best 50 cent Tea in the Vcllage About One-fifth of an Acre, STRAW AND acts! with Good Dihflin Home. and Out- buildingtjuu ouxsidmofiichmond HiHCor- A FARM 01' 69 AND A KAI-1' AGREE Being purl of loll 3 and 4. lat Con. Township of Uxbridgo. AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. Cider Mills and Presses, THE “ Rummy)" 011mm, Glassware,Crockery &Tinware Grain Crushers, Combined Feed Mills, FEES ll Direct from the Mills. All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobacco: of the Choicest Bands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best anily Flour, Graham Flour, Buck- wheat. Flour, Cracked Wheat, Comment and Oatmeal Allkindl of an Produce 0.5km in exchange for Goods. n‘ummmn T HflUSE! RICHMOND HILL. VICTORIA SQUARE 1 Murchfl7.1872. Richmond HHIJuI. 8,1874. “MGM-TURN: WAREHOUSE, Richmond Hill. Doc. 24. '72. 753-3m oaons DELIVERED. CHARLES E. suzruam agghmona um1 Mat. 24.. 1875, House and Lot for Sale, ‘N__yUCAS_ STREET, RICHMOND N Yougo Street. Richmond Hill. allo ton m a cam. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. Dog Powers, Plough, Fanning Mills, Ice Tools, Sleight, Forg- es, Rustic Work, Statuary, Vases, Farming and Draining Tabla, a, For Sde at Family ijoceries. I. Croiby, Fire Proof Store, ntcaMoufi HILL. J, Village Lots for Sale. A LARGE sdgocx OF flrnpsrty m 53th, PULPERS. TORONTO Also a flu Iuonmon! of Acknowledged to be the COFFEES TEAS, The lots contain ROOT CUTTERS, poration . "And Apply to Agriculluul Choniiltl. 167 King 8(. Bun Totonloa JACOB MORDEN. and SPICES. Dingln '714-1! 8“7-|f L trncliun of the Anglo American Home by firs. the subscriber has taken and fitted up those large andpommodious premises belong- ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Mesm. Speighl & Son’s Novolly Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation afi'orded for tho travelling public and commorcial men. Livery stables in oonnsction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. Boga to announce to the Inhabitants of Neh- mond Hi". and surroundmg noighborhoothn he has built a new Hearse an dconmenced the A. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL. For hire. Funeral Furniublngn, Coffin- und Caskets in every Mylo. Funeral Furnishing-upPIMI a! from .l the inhabitants of REESE}! iii'l'fiB-Jv'i: cinily thethe has 3 NE? LIVERY STABLE utl O DOMINION HOTEL Where he will keep on hand I lot of FIRST- CLASS “ RlGS.” at moderate chlrges, and hopes. by slrict attention to b usinoee, to merit a shnre of their patronage. ‘ ‘Rlchmoud Hillhranch) a! tho'Huuw P )ok Store. CANADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NEWS‘ A woeklv ioumnl nf (Tungu- 13..--.- , 7,7 ___.,v..-.-u-u-_< uuvvo. \J A Weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arts. \nicnltnre and Mechanics, Fashion Ind Anus-mom. 804 at 10c I numbar “the Hnuu) RIM-'- “"' ARRTAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. &c. Rnsmuncuâ€"Nurly oppoite the Post Ofiice Richmond Hill. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charge! mo- derate. Opposite Sandonon a Sons. JOHN BROWN. Propriuof. Richmond Hill. Doc. 14. ’79. “Ml-am 10 to 100 Dollars FAMILY BIBLES A FRESH 'UPPLY, A! $1.82. $5.}QSJD. 88.50 and $9. I! tho “'flnuw Boo: TORI. Richmond Hill. BE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the i nhabimm of ninhmnnd Hill . M: .a. DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. Can be obtained at the Huou at tho following rodIcod prices :â€" 100tl, 20m. 30c“, SScIsfiOOcll; 500315, Ind 90 cu. J LICENSED Auction" for tho County of York. respectfully solicits your pulronago and friendly influence. Salon attended on the ahor‘ost notice and at reasonable rates. P.0 ndglus, I_{lng._ LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of York, respectfully solicits your patronage Ind friendly influence. Sale: ultondod on the ahorles! notice and at. rouonublo run, P. 0. nddreasl,LVicioriu Square. _W_E_SLEY HY MNS rally be found at 'home him: o'clock. r. n. All branches of Dental Surgery ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of York. respectfully solicits your puronage and friendly il'fluonco. Salon It- londed on the shortest notire and at ton-on- able rates. P. 0. Address. 'l‘uton. VV will visit RichmonJ Hill the lath ofeach mouth, at Palmer's Hotel : also “tend the fol- lowing pllcu. professionally, Sunday! 9:. up» : Newmarkot,........... 2nd ofonch month Sutton,......... 3rd and 4th “ " Pofl‘erlaw,............. 5th “ " MountAlbern......... 8th “ " Sandford.............. 1011: “ " Sioufl'villo............. Mlh " " Markham, . . . . . . . .u... 16th “ " Aurora................20th " “ SIMON PROCTOR. Richmond Hill. April 15, ’75. 8734f. SURGEON DENTIST. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OULD respectful] announce that he will visit RIuhmon Hi” the 18th ofench 'N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- Sept. 4. 1872. ‘ o. w. KENNEDY, I..D.s:, Richmond Hill,July 28. 1874. King; sepi'lo. 1974. Charges Model-std; July 20. 187:). Teflon. Oct, 5_ 1875 February 4th. 1873. Marlihamr,7S'o_p?.‘l-0T [$74. ICHMOND HILL LIVERY I L E S 0 071 E TY DEPOSITORY DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, 1039191“? H_ILL,_ WILL GENE- unnmugg .nusmnss. FINE NEW HEARSE SAMUEL M. BROWN mmssma HOTEL, MARKHAM. JAMES C. STOKES DANIEL KINN’EE, THOMAS SEDMAN, @timuamufi, NEWMABKET, 0N1, ATTENDED 1'0. D. WOOTEN. 7374f 898-1! 759-” 8424f 8874f. 842-” (235-(1' 20.03 Each Pot and Box bear the Rritish Govern- ment Stamp, withthe words “Holloway'e Fill- and Ointment. London." engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address. 53 Oxford Street. London. 1 This notice has become necessary. in con- sequence of vile and spurious imitations of " Hollowey'n Pills nndOintment," being febri- cuted It 78.Meid on Lane, New York,by parliefi ~1ylin; thaw eelvee “Hull: vey & Co}, with In Ieeum ' ~d trade lurk thus-â€" Unpfinciplcd undo" em obi-in this truh 8".qu low price. Ind to deceive on by selling the name for my genuine 1-10! "In"- Pills and Oinlmont. which are manufncmr'od only It 533, Oxford Shoot, London. Maur- Lln'ley 61. Co.. Victoril. EC. Mum Moore h 00.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pallen,Chutham. N; B. Maura Munro 6:. Co.. Montrnl. Moser J- Winer Jr, 00.. Humilton. C. W. Mr H. J. R050. Toronto. Mr A Chipmun Smith. 8!. John. N. 8. Mr John Bond,Gndrich. Ont. Mum Eiliot & 00.. Toronto. Mr J. Chnlouor. St. John, N. B. Mour- Htmnington Brothers. Stdohn, N. 3 Mr R. S. Priddv.Windaor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Mordon. N. 8. Mr George C. Hunt. Jam, Fredericton. N. 3. Mr W. H. Thompson. Harbor Graeo, 3.1.11. Mr J. M. Wiley. Frodorickton, N. B. Mour- W. an D. Yuilo. Montreal- Chu. l. Davin. Fredericton. N. B. o Fortho protection of the public of Briliuh North Amoricml deem it my duty to out. that my PILLS um OIN‘I'IENI' are neither man- ufactured not cold in any port of the United States. n7. of the firms Illudod 1o; Ind I particularly recommend thou who Joe-re to get In! medicine. tq Ipply to none 01 ill. Hon-u named :â€" Evrns, Manor &. Co . Mom-o". ' ‘ ’ MOI!" Avery. Brown & Co. , Hulifn. 5.5. Hours Fourth & 00., Htiifux. NS. ' - Maura 'l‘. B. Barker &. Sons. 81. John, N.) Apothocuien’ Hall 00.. Victoria. B. G; Moun_l_alngley 61. C01 Victoril: B.C . Many rupoctoblo firm: in tlu Briliah Prov- incu. who obtlln my modicinon direct from here. In" very properly auggontod that l should,for the benefit of them-«In- and tho public,inurl their nine: in the mpou. thu itmny be known that my madicinu can in hnigolgnjno frog lhqyn. ' The modlcinea are :old ut the lowest who}.- nlo not pricel. in quantities of not has than £20 worm ~vi1... 85, 6d., 22-., and 34-. pct dozen boxu of Pills or pot: of Oimmom. for which "mm-neon mumb- nut in dance. moms HOLLOWAY. Aulllifo-ondowed bodies. whetherthoybc Beau. Birds, Repliles.lnsocla or own Zoo phihlJnd subjects of tho Vogotablo Kingdom on governed by vilalforce, which binds all the springs of existence. and n nothink cl): s‘ave them from destruction when this pfi'nciple leave: them, the discovery of mmnu whorob vitality maybe sustained in the livingb‘odyil inqood a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilatbd thu ques- tion and diameter! the ingredianlu eb’nstitu- tingthe brain. much» and harvaa.a‘nd find! that by introducing than ingrodiontnin proper proportion! the brain and nervmluyutem In strengthened. Routing'tho Sluggiuh Heart I!!! LIV". atrongthoning the action of the Scomch un‘a Howell and enabling the Lung: to be filllym. flanges! wigh Oxygon. Person: 6.1.515“ b-e I0 deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. 533. Od'ord Street. W. 0., London, Jul! '1 8 74 . Thin. than. in sub-tamiully tho basin on which Funow'a leoruou-nl'rn in Imilmts direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Norman- Syn-m. and the Muscle-- Strength oning ‘ho no"... itcauul the upid distribu. tion of Vilnlizod Blood in the Manual-tonna- of_tho {Bodyn It in adapted for Aucuoa of Wonkn'uund Emmilcion, whether arising. from "doman life. alropicnlclimneJrom‘fovor or dobility from "y “"30, find is efficacious in Puulo- lulu Consulr'rlor, many confirmed cuu h-ving been cured and all benofimd. when". an has beenp'ontinuod over a forgnighg. l.- D_-_-L! Sold in England by all Wholoulo Pun! Medici“ Hon-u. Whole-ale Agents {or Prdvinm of Ontario Ind Quebec:â€" IVANS, MERCER 8: 00., Montreal Mailed to In, addrou on rueipl of P. O. O. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Canon. comainingfi timeuthoqunmity. Qddhra ouch- sufiiciom to effect a permanent cure in the great majority oflong standing wases.BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE BEWARE OF CWNTERFEI'I‘S. Fellows’ Compound SI RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES V..v.....-_ vvvl u. uuuu nu In Bronchhia it is a specific. and in Althmu It [in- rolief when every other remedy fail- I"ol' Nervous Dobfllty it stands unrivalled, nm‘l may be used with confidencq ip all emu. As lhfia is entirely distinct and dxfi'oront from every other preparation of Hypopholphltoa,b4 careful to ask for Fuwws’ SYRUP, sad "I" loath-r. For Sorol'ulo. Son r", Slln Disc-us. Ind Sol-u or oil kind: it to o nun-failing nip-r- mauonl cure. h cure- old Bom - Curol (floor-104.80"- on tho Nook. Cum Ulcer-ted Soto Lou. Cure: Blackhnb. or Pluplu ol lho he. Cure- Scurvy Sons. Cure: Cuneoroul Ulcer- Cnrol Blood and Skin Dian”. Cures Glnndulor Swollinn. Clear-tho Blood from all impure minor. From whatever cum arising. An thin mixture in pleasant to the (note. and wnnnntod frog from anything injurious to the most dolisue constimlion ,ofoithor ux , the Proprietor solicits "(fol-on to give it a Iriul to tell its value. Thou-Ind- of toulnonhh mm on porn. VENDORS throughout the worldJ Sole Proprietor. F. J. CLARKE,Chomiu, APOTHECARIES' HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. AFGTH‘EC'AMEB" HALL. Liliana. > _‘ ENGLAND. _ 8013 “1 England 5y nil “chill. Pilot! Medican Houses. Wh’oloiiloAgbnto fo‘r Pr’o’viu'cu of Nitric Cid Qfl'oukt _ _ ' xvii! illi‘ax'u’ hm. human Mailbdl‘o anfiaanu on tuoipt of 7.0. o, 18 van-Mod to cu re a“ diuhnrgu from tho Urinary Or Illl, in oithu sex tequivod or eonqtitutional. gnuon and Balmjn the Back. Sold in Bonn. $1.50 ‘IICBOmiIII and Patent Medicine Vendors. , ._ _ ‘ .. Solo ‘propriotov, I'. J. CLAflKE. dud . fl'adc lurk “ Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT noon rummn a: BB s'romm For cleaning and clearing the blood from nnllfmpuritu. cauth In «10 highly recommen- Ono Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pill! Blood Mixture 66 p03 THE BLOOD [BTHE LIFE." sou: BY 49011130131“ ' Prieo.$l-50: 8!): ("07-60. JAMES LP‘FI LOW8,CIIOII [.4 4-. Run. “.8 £31m ficdicim. CLARKE’S mu “MED AND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0 unuou. at. $6 per l00 toot . Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets Pails.CiderMills.WashingMachineafihin lu Waggon Fallon-.nnd anberSawodtoor or. Po tplrticnllrsaddrass JOHN LAgGsmnu $5 A5331? want}; All clusoa of'working people. ofoither us. young or old. make more money at work for nu in theiraparo moments,or all the limo, thin at anythingolu. Particulars free. Pout cull to Slalel costs but one cent. Address G. STINSON J: 00., Ponhnthlno. Oct. 97. 1874. 849.1,- $2000,T0 LOAN on first-elm Morfigagc Securityâ€"in sums from. $500 up- vnr l. Applyto M. TEEFY. N . LYN E'I‘T. (An Enema“ of tho Emu of she late Mum'- Brennan.) ACRES being the East Half of lot No. ‘20. in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Vaughan. There is Eighty Acres under improvement and Twenty Acres in Veluable Timber. The buildings are good Ind extensive. There is an Orchard of [refl- ed fruit and plenty of Water. This is e good Wheat Farm and beautifully shunted. being within half: mile of Richmond Hill Station on the Neithern RaIIWay. uni within heifamlle from the Village of Me lo. and within'two miles of the Incorpnatcd illege of Richmond Hill, on Yon e Street. and in the immediate neighbor-lieu of Mills. Scheele and Churches. and within 16 miles of the City of 'l‘omnto. Pump Worlm! New and Improved: Maél‘zémry At prices and on terms hitherto unoqlnllod. Parties wanting pumps wt" do well to eouI-I' mo lgefovxe purchasing. IN reference to the above notice of Die: solution. the undersigned would announce that he is now filling up Richmond Him March 24 ’75; SPINNING & FULLING In either branch. on the shortest hbli'co, and in such a manner a: To give the utmost utin- fa'clion to his put-om. fly (that! to recoivo the time lifie‘ral patronage h‘oretoidn o'xtcndod to theta mills. To'rtna otribtly cash; W'EsLEYgN EYMNS,'ALL SIZES I! the slum Book Slam. ' Drivon_by ample Stgam Power. :nd intendl w manufacture a. AMES. TOYS, &C., FUR BALE A1 the HERALD Book Store I A. FARM fl. FOR SALE. fl THE Submarier having refitted his W005? EN MILLS h'e Is now prepnted to ox".- cute all orders for custom Having seen ed the services of Mn JAMES R. NEILL. a first class workman. ho is ready to do PAPER Books 02‘ ALL KINDS AT the H emu: Book Stan. Thornhill.Nov. 3.11365? BFADF'ORD MILL! : Richmoni I .‘I ) l I SUPERIOR ARTICLE List of p‘ricls’k‘o‘xiili application. Markham, May 12. '75. ‘EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR sun ‘eh'up Iuho Hanna Book Store. C H 0 0 L REQUISITES 0F AH; kind! um. Haunt BookSm.» RICHMOND HILL 8 '1' E .A. M: mu £11m” swam. CUSTOM GARDING. the H nun Book Storo. Patent Eave-trough MONEY T0 LEND b‘ u LUIA‘D’ All I! th'e nun Book Store. StennnMills',Tl10rnI)ill ALEX. M4cxln. '6. art-tr. HUGH H. MILLER. i‘. 871-“ 510-.“

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