TWO RACHEL-OBS. PART II. The warn) August (lays ripened into mel- low Septemlier. Since the night of Jack’s revery, :1 change had certainly" come over him, but as yet he left me uninformed as to the cause. Sometimes his old gayety would return, but it was sure to be followed by a lit of more sombre silence than before. I chuffed him about it often, but his testy re- nlies invariably shut me up. “'0 never met Mien Halluin, and the only time we saw her was in the morning among her llowers, or in the evening, when, after having ravished us with her music, she stepped out on the bal- cony, leaning on her father‘s arm, to enjoy the moonlight. ()n such occasions Jack seemed strangely affected, and would either break foth into voluminous praises of her race and beauty, or sit gazing mutely at the zippnreLion. Such a. smte of affairs led me naturally enough L0 the conclusion that what ever might he the matter with FCI‘I‘ZII‘S, the fair canmlirice had something to do with it. U110 afternoon we 1'05()l\’(3(rt() have a row dawn on the loch, and as I crossed the lawn, with an our over each shoulder, l chanch to glance at 001. Hallam’s “inflow. where the two lmlios were seated sewing. The younger one wan Scanning me with m half-amused ex« pression 111 her brown eyes ; and as Jack came sauntcring down the gravel path, with I). hand in each pocket, I quietlysaid : “ Miss Hallam's at the window. ’ _ ' He looked in the direction I indicated, and to my surprise, he immediately blushed like a girl. U“ \Vhy, Jack, old follow, what istlm mat- ter?†I asked, with a smilel could nut rc- prcss. Miss Hullam \ms viewing us with the aid of an opera glass. “l’shaw! Harding, got on board quick, and row as well as you can," he answered, throwing himself into the stern of the lma , in :L position Where the sunshine Struck far- cihly on his handsome face and auburn looks. I bent as gracefully as 1 could to my oars had hecn a fair oarsman at Unmhridgo and soon the little craft was skimming far over the sunlit ripples. As it Yes still early when we returned, we strolled down the road until it would be time to go in for dinner, when turning a eurâ€" ner, we came suddenly on Miss llallam and her father mounted on a. couple of splendid grays. As she eantered past us with a. smile, her beautiful face flushed with the exercise, I certainly lhonrvht I had never seen any one half so lovely. 3 or perfect form ; the grace of every fold in her dark-green riding-habit: the indescribable coils and twists of her brown hair, with the sunshine shading it to gold ; the eoquettish little felt hat turned up on one side, with its dancing plume and streaming gossamerâ€"combined to make up a charming tout ensemble, which-was altogether irresistible. Jack had stared after her in open-mouthed admiration for such an inde- cent length of time, that l was constrained to accuse him. said‘ He had his head bent, and was, kicking “no dead leaves with his feet as as he walker]. \Vhen he raised his blue eyes, they wore filled with the expression of passion I haul never noticed in them before, and which fully cormlmmtml the four words he uttch : “1 do love her 1†Sim:ng as it may 808m, I \'as thunder- trnck at the announcement. Much as I had nmiuanl the change in Ferrzu‘s, I had hesita- iml m' tribe iL to the circumstance of hi> heir; in love. I proteswil and mng ngnins: snmi fullyâ€"failing in love with (Lindy with nhnni hf: Inn! never exchanged a single “'Ul‘Ll. Fur answer, a passionate confessinn was poured into my astonished cars, in which 11L vowed in: must and would win her. Matters were made considcrzihly worse when we re» ceived nnr lertcrs that evening informing 11> of l-nsiness engagements requiring our imme- dizuc rutnrn Lu wwn. It would be impossi blc for us to remain nn-re than three days Linger. Gradually lie became more nninmted, and began to talk, and ï¬nally quite shocked me by declaring that lie was going to write and propose to Miss llallnm that very day. 1 considered him to be simply mad, but he had apparently thought it well over, and was determined what course to adopt. “ But, Jack, the thing is preposterous," I argued; “she knows nothing about you. Can you expect anything but a distinct re- fusal ‘3" The next mornng he came down to break- fast lnnkillg pale and haggard. I don‘t be- lieve he had slept all nighc, but 1 made no inquiries, as I felt annoyed at this alarming impulse of my old friend, and was altogether out of temper with this adventure of his. He ate little or no breakfast, and looked 3v) dejected that at. last my sympathies were aroused, and I shouted cheerfully : †(‘hecr up, old fellow, we‘ll nuuiage in beautifully, and you’ll go up to London the accepted suitor of Miss Hallam." " “11mph! your time 15 rather limited, 1“01'1'u1's," I said, wiLh more Sarcasm than sympaLhy. “ You’ll be a pretty sharp fellu“ if you WHO and win a handsome girl in three- days." “And what would you recmnmend 7†he asked, curling his upper lip as he waited for my advice. "‘VVh , get introduced to her ï¬rst, and wait at ‘enst until you know her a little be- foregou make such a prpposul,†I said. 7 Little 1 ask ; 1113 wants are few; I only wish a but 01 stone, (A ij/ plain brown stone will (30,) TLaL] may (-111) my uu‘ And close at hand is le| u mun In yonder Blrccl llmL {rows the Eu! Main food is quite enough for me: , ’Jhrcc counts are as gond an ten; If nature can subsist on three, ' 'J hunk Heaven for lhn-(x 1 men! Inlwnys thought cold victunl nice: My choice “ould be vanilla-ice. I mro not much for gold or land ~ _ Give me n mortgngu here and 1kore.â€"â€" Some goud bunk stockâ€" some now d hand 01' trifling railroad s1mr¢-,~~ X only 1131; thut Fortune ï¬end, A little more than I run spund. Honors m'e siny toys, I know, Ami mlcs are but empty names I \\ mud. pcrhum. be I’IPnipo. But only near St. JHI‘IIOF. I'm \‘my Hm I should not care To ï¬ll mu- anormtor'u chair. Jewels are baublrs: "Us a sin To cure for web unfruitl'ul minga :â€" Ox.e g(md»sizcd diamond in a pin,â€" Somc. not I!†largr‘ iu rings,â€" A rub ', and a pearl or so, _ \\'ill( 0 for 1111111 laugh a: Show. My dame should dross-x in cheap attire : (Good heavy silks are never dcm‘ 3.7 lown perhaps, I might (lupin-c Some ahawls of two Cashmere:- Smm‘ mnrrowy rrnpos of China. silk. Like wrinkled l-kins un scalded milk. I would not haw the horse I drin- So fasI that folks mum stop and Hnrc An (-usy g:1it,~tv\0. for1_v-tivr-,â€"~ ï¬uib mu: Idu not care ;â€" Perhaps, for just :1 «male apart. Some seconds less would do no hm't. 0f piclurvxl should like to own ’1 itiuns 11rd liqphauls three or four,~â€" 1 love so much their :Uer and 1mm,â€" (lme ‘T u rnor. and no more, (A Inn(lsmpv.~f0rvg mmd gnltlcn dirt.- ’I‘hc sunrmm’ painted with u squirm Of hooks but femâ€"some ï¬fty scorn For daily use, and bound for wear The res: upon an upper floor 1â€"â€" Some Iinlr luxury {here Of red mnmCCn‘s gilded glcnm‘ And \‘elmm rich na,c01111try cream. anm, cameos, gtms,â€"s110h things as ï¬n, , Which others often show lor pride. ] value for their power to plmse, And sulï¬sh chufls dcl‘idb ;» (1m- Stmuivzmus, I confess‘ 71m Mueznchalnus I would rain pow - ' Wealth‘s \vastolnl tr'cks I will not lawn: {\or : p1: the glittm'ing upstari foo]; Shall nun carved mbles St N u my turn, But “(I must bu 01 buhl‘! (iivc gx‘nrp 1:; pump its duubh- Mauro. -~ 1 ask but, um} recumbent chair. Thur: lmmhlv lvt me lim- and d v, Aor long fur Midus‘ golden umrh: If Ih-m'ml mon- gunvrxvus gifâ€˜ï¬ dvny 1 mm 1 vol MIL-‘5 Llu-m murh ;~â€" Too gmtcful {01' [hr him: 'ing Inn of simple uni rs 11ml mind cement! Ferrars, you admire Miss Hallmany I Save I not been ï¬aiting fbr the last two m- anna]: M Nauru. not) ES GUN Ti ‘ “- “IS/IENT. months ‘3" he ansxwred. “And do you for- get that in two months I must leave this place? Then: is no time for \x‘uiting now; it must he action, immediate and peremptâ€" this- fihisvthiug? ‘ ‘ Quite. “ “ And will nothing 1201+†it is (m exh'cmely funlish when. and 0110 that will be certain to defeat rm your xxishes‘!" “ lhlder the circumstances, I mnsidvr it the only thing to be 110110.†1 snccunflmd. In diflioultiué‘. aï¬a different he 3m w \ (~ I snccunflmd. In diflioultiué‘. aï¬a different nature he had generally proved .‘L better diâ€" plomatist than T. and porchance ‘his skill might extend to this; delaarmncnt also. 7‘ \Vell, if it must hc‘acï¬un as you my iL must ; notion let it lm ; you must wriu mr proposal,†1 said, pulling out the “'11 in}; materials with :llzlcrity, and placing a chair for Jack at tlxc desk ; and after a full hour‘s scribbling down and somtrhing out, a clean copy was pcnnml, which mm as follows : DAIL D’AImucn LODGE, Sept; 22, 1861.- « Dear Mm Ilallmn : I regret that circumstan- ces have proventh me making your acquaint- ance ere [ addressed to you words \vhich,«l pray you will nut think lightly of, from the mere fact that I have never spoken to you. Since I cnmo hero two months ago, you hm‘e excited my intense admiration. which fouling has lately ripened into a (loop and passionate love. M y husin Ins engagements now demand my innnuliatc return to London, but I feel that I cannot go without ï¬rst learning from you my fate. I make y an now an honorable offer of my hand in marriage, and .l lncsocch you not to think lightly of it, as on your (le- cision must depend my life’s happiness or misery. li possiblc, an answer per («v-day‘s post \\ ill \‘ory much oblige. Yours, respect- fully, JOHN Fianm 1L4. " That will do," l mid, holding the sheet, covered with Jack‘s mutt handwriting, at m‘nfs length. “Concise, to ihc paint :‘ not too spoony : slightly formal : lmt- under the circumstances it is better so.‘, ‘ Jack folded the letter and addressed it; and with serious misgivings at my heart, which I «hired not express, I Walked with him to Lho push oliicu, and saw him drop the 1nl55l\‘0 into the lynx. We, lllll nothing all (lay lint. lnnngv nlmnt the, house and garden, waiting; anxiously until the pustxnnn “'Hlllll bring the letters in the evening. At length the wear; <lay passed, and the letter carrier arrived unrl Miro enungh, thcrv it was. nlittlc pink nm‘m :lllle‘L‘SNUAl J0l1nl“cr1’m’s, I‘lsqnir'. My heart beat as quickly :LSVthngll it We're my own‘happinoss that wus‘at stake, (Ls-lach ln‘nlm the sval. llmkml over his shouldcr, and what we bolh saw was : \‘v'ulncsday afternoonimlkur .l/r. Ferrurs : I accept thu gram, honor you have: done me. Below, however, lncuting you, I wuuld lil‘w you to see yapa, and olttain his consent to our ongagumont. Yours, sincerely. Humor: HALLAM. There is an old adage that says, “ truth is stranger than ï¬ction,†and if over I felt the force of it. it was as I read that note. Con- trary to all my expectations, Jack had actu- ally been accepted 1 He bore his good fm" tune with muuh‘murc equzmimity than I (lid, his only remark being: " Euniceâ€"what :1 pretty name 1" While" 1, with strangely mi ’cd feelings, act11a11y.,got up a “hurrah I†The next difï¬culty :wm how or Where to meet (‘01. Hallam and obtain his consent. An idea seized me that Ihad seen the old colonel rail: down the road a short time he- fore. “ Stay you here,†I said to Jan‘s ; and putting on my hat, 011‘ I bolted. I had not gone. far when l espied the ohl colonel lean- ing on a wire fence watching some workmen digging :7. (1min. Pretending to he intereated in the same pursuit, I walked up to him and made some remark regarding the work. Thereafter we got upon the most friendly terms, which ended as I intended it should, by his walking home with me and coming into the house to join us in a rubber of whist, I Conducted him into the (lining-room and went. for Jack. He hogan to get slightly nervons'when he heard what I had done, but I told him not to say anything to the colonel almut his daughter te-night, only to make hiinï¬elf as agreeable. as he could. I then in- structed MISS inlesnn to set down the very best we had in the house for supper and went to entertain our interesting guest. \'\'e found him a. charming old gentleman. At “hint, ‘ he and tlunnny heat Jack and mo ; and pos- lsebsing (le inexhaustith fund of humorous stories, the time passed so pleasantly that it was 12 o'clock before he rose to go. A curdial invitation to Visitvhim was. ex- tendsd to us as Wu bade him good night in the hall, \\‘1.:C]1 ms exactly What I wzmted and meant we should have. Putting; on a grave face, I said : “Nothing would have given us greaior pleasure had we been staying length but we were do leave for London the (1:1 ' after to- mrwrmw. " “ Then you must spend toâ€"morrow cnznâ€" ing with me,†‘was his hearty rejoinder. “ I will take no refusal." And to this arrangement we agreed. “ A thousand thanks to you, Bob ; you're a capital fellow," saiilJaek, gracefully grasp‘ lug; my hand (is we separated for the night. “ Fen:er I†“ ilallo I" “ Are you ready '1" . , I was donning my ilress suit prepam'wry to presenting my elf in Col. llzzllzzni'a draw- ing room: ‘ Yes." “ Come here, then." b ~- l'le came in, evidently (lrossed for conquest and looking faultlcshly handsome. I Hur- veyed him critically. There was not an item amiss from the ncglrgc arranginmt of_his au- burn cnrls to the polish of his patent leathers. “ How do I look?" he asked with :L gay laugh and a satisfactory glance at his magni- Iiccut proportions in the mirror. “Like a Polish prince," I answered. "Miss Hallzun may have many lovers, but I’ll bet a. new hat, she never had 1L better- looking fellow than you. Now, look here; you (15 exactly as I tell you and not diverge one ioizi from the rule I lay down. Ask for (‘01. Hallam and say that you want to see him alone, \Vll‘ill Lhe ï¬rst greetings are (we! yun will explain to him that Mr. Harding is (lctuiiicd for a short time with a little pack- ing he had to ï¬nish, and that you did not wait. for him as you had something to com- municate to llllll"‘tl10 colonel. Then pitch into the subject. nearest your heart. ; tell him of your busincss and social connections and don't neglch to imprch him with the fact that you’re your number's only son and heir to her fortunes and estzu es. 'l‘hese sort of things go a. long way with the old boy †Having; thus delivered my advice to Jack, I sent him 011' to push his sentimentle for- uuneu with Colonel Hallam and sat down pensivoly to smoke a. cigar before following him. About half an hour afterwards I sal- iied foul), and a minute or two afterwards found me ringing at the Colonel’s front door. Mr heart Lena zindihly, as, following the s r- \'.'mL up stairs, l heard the sound of a piano and Miss Hallani's Voice merrily humming a lull‘ (\1‘ two of some li\'cly air. and fnj xnuah relieved when the door of the library was Lhrown open and I found myself nslierod into Lho prosenec of only (‘01. [lullziin and Judi. One glance at Jack's lhishetlund radiant face, as ho stood leaning against the marble man. Llepioce, sulliced to assure me that all had gone “merry as a iiizirriuge hell " with him, and with a. feeling of tlizrnliinlness I returned the colonel's cordial greeting. “(‘omc away mm: and by“ the ladim: I know this In»); is getting imputwnf,†he ï¬nd, with a twmkle 1n Ins eye, as he 12ml lus hand familiar] ' on Forrzu":3 shoulder. ‘V “It ié all right, old boy, and 1 am the happiest man alive,“ whispered Jack, :15 we followed the colonial (lawn stairs ; but I had only time to grasp his hand and give it :1 squeeze of congratulation when the drawing- room door was opened and We entered. The elder 1M3v was $ on n. couch be» fore the ï¬replace where a ï¬re had been lighted, for the evenings were getting chilly ; the younger one was leaning on the grand piano engaged in turning over some music. Both stood erect when we entered. The colonel goin over to the elder lady, took her hand and 195; her forward, saying as he 'did : “ Eunice. I have much pleasure in introduc- ing Mr. Ferrari) ’00 you. My daughter, Mr. Forrara." 1 And you are (luixc (NJ ‘11] 1 to d l“(~rmrs turned deadly pale. “ Am!» 31:1 “the other lady?†he gasped, lacking round at the beautiful young girl stat! .A .g by th 2 piano. “My “ifs?†l don‘t suppose our cmistcrnatinn could lime been greater had a linnilysimll entered the apartment. Jack would have fallen hml I not supported him. livery one so 111ml in take in the Situation at a glance. Miss Hul- lum (lid not faint or scream, or do anything which a younger 1‘ more sentimental lmly in similar circumstances might have done. but she blushed as deeply as her faded complexâ€" ion would allow of and, covering her face with her hands, said: “ ()1), how (hfadful I h was my father's daughter: Mrsrllallam glidcï¬ to her side and led lmr from the room, while the colonel and 1 ap- plied restorativos to poor Jack‘s CUlOI‘thS lips. . “ Poor fellow," muttered the colonel, “ I soc his unlucky mistake. I wish, for the who of everybody concerned, that this had not happened. †This explained the ready acceptance of Fcrmr‘s proposal and the colonel‘s willing agi'cmuent to let his daughter marry a com- pzu‘ative stranger. I inwardly gruwlcrl, in disdain at the whale business, as l loosened the tie which Jack had so carefully arranged an hour before. \Vhen he had somewhatrecovered we took him home and laid him on the sofa in the (liningd‘ooin. I sat- ]iy him all the evening and, although he did not seem in the least excited or feverish, he kept asking me such strange questions and seemed so unconscious of all that transpired, that I was afraid his brain was affected. I, however, was deter- mined that we should not on any considera- tion remain :1 day longer in Dail d‘Arroch ; and summoning Mrs. Mason, I instructed her to get our traps really, as we required to be oï¬'hy the ï¬rst stemner in the morning. “Mr. Ferrars dues not fed \‘cry well," I added in reply to n. glancaof inquiry sln: cast. at Jack as he lay motionlcsa nu the, sofa. " He has had unpleasant news from lmmcu" My conscience smote me for the delibean falselmnd l uttered, but I felt that some ex- cuse was necessary for the prostrate condi- tion of Ferrars. But Mrs. Mason \Vah‘ m profuse in her mecssions of sympathy, that somehow or Other-l could notlmlp conjoctmu ing that she gmsaml somswhat of the truth. At seven Jclock the next morning a close carriage was driven up to the door, and Jack and I were driven for the last time down the trim avenue and arrived at the pit-r in good ‘Limc to catch the steamer. Ferrari's man :cr was unnatural and excited and I felt as if ] dared not leave him for a second. \Yhni need in relate our miserable journey smith ; enough t0 say that when we reached London Forrzu‘s was in the delirium of fever. The attack proved to be a virulent mm mm for six weeks he lay partly unconscious, even when the delirium had left him. ‘v'heu at last he began to recover, I took a, run down to the lsle of “fight with him, lem’iur" him in charge of his muther, who was stop- ping there. In the course of six weeks he can]? hack looking‘r Well as ever. He showed me a letter which he had received from ("'01. Hallum, in which that u'm'ihy gen- tleman expressed his deepest sympathy. It went (in to say that the Writer had adjusztenl things at home as delicately as he could; and that, had he for a moment supposed that Mr. Formrs had mistaken his Wife fit his daughter, his friend should have been S}').’11‘Ctl the unfortunate denouement of the drawing» room. The occurrence that no ncley 00m him his life was never again reverted to by us. And up to this date, at least. he seems quite con- tented with his bachelor chambers and the society of his frimid, Bob Harding. ~ Chum- btra's Journal. Through Tempest/s and Enduring Hard- ships that Shattered Wrong Lien. [From the San Franciflt‘n Chronicch On the steamer Mikado, which arrived in this port on Saturday last, came (“apt Groves and his wife and two children, mu a babe, who have had a most remarkable 0?.- cape from being swallowed up by ihc ocean. All that human beings could Sitl'cr, endure, allll live, fell to their unfortunate lot. The captain and his wife are both comparatively young, and look Huflicicntly Carcwom in have home the lmrdcus (if many more yours than have yet rolled over their howls. The lady is small, delicately f0]‘n’l0(l, and yet plucky, 01' courageous, and full of animation when detailing the th ‘illiug mlventurcs throu’rh which Elle and her husband have 1133503. “A-.. ‘mi i a “r \‘I n, U, , At length, Aug. 15, the ovorwashcd ship was found to he within twu miles of the Ildefnnsn Islands and driftng on to the rocks. Immediater all on board of lhl: 1mâ€" munagmhle v '30] were omnpclled hastiiy to abandnn her, which they did in two life boats ahout ‘2 a.m. The captain, his wife, two children and ï¬ve Seaman took one hunt and the remainder of the crew the other, and the latter have not been heard from since. After all were in the small boat the (‘apâ€" uin's brave little wife rushed on to the ship and snatched the chronomcters and charts :mrl brought them away safely. The life boat was soon ï¬lled with Water and was wallnigh swamped beside the ship. The boat got away with sixty poi‘mls of bread, but this was: saturated with salt water when she ï¬llml. They brought away no fresh water and for two days were without a drop while (lrivcn about by the boisterous waves and seeking a landing place. . . ‘ iv‘r 0n Kiig. 17 they at on uhoreat Ilerim. Inland, but the six uziys they I'vmziinud thew i5 thundered, and lightened, and snowed, and was so cold that they were little hem-r off than on the ocean. The rocky islc was lmrmn. uninhabited, and desolate. Aug. 21 they left; this island, ho ing to make Stale“ Land, some. hundreds o mileï¬ distant, but near the Straits of Lemuire, through which vessels often pass. They were out but :1 sin; gl’e day, however, when the sea became too mugh fur them topi‘ocved, and drove them back into Scourflbld Bay, (in Herschell lslziml. But the sea was so rough they could not, land, and had to stay in the heat all night l‘lVOl' “hing was wet, and they hml to hail (mhl not lie down nor sleep, hut had f0 in a scooping position, which Mrs, Grave.»- did with her halve 1m her lapfwhile the mmv on the awning pressed it down so low: H1 hard upon her head that hcr attitude \um an 'thing hut comfortuhlo. 1 1.:- const‘antlyuto keep the boat from going down with them. That night was Very cold, and the canvas over their heads froze stifl‘: They Nerztilay they navigated around this is- land and landed on “Vollaston Island. “'hile on those black, barren and rocky islsmls they often found it dillicnlt to get :1 ï¬re, and snfl‘ercd intolernhly from the cold. Here they found a little wild celery, which they mixed with their salt sea-soaked bread and some preserved meals, which they had surle in small quantities. The daily allow- ance of each one was but a couple of ounces of this course fare, which was warmed alto- gether, and (each one took a spoonful. There were nine souls of them in all. They 1‘0- muinod in this distressing condition until the. following Tuesday, when they again stariod for Staten Land with .1 light Wind from the southwest. At midnight they were becnlmcd an hour or two, after which the wind fresh. ened from the northward. Next day it blew a gale from the north north-west, and in the evening the tempest became so ï¬erce that they were obliged to make a raft of their ours and lash the boat to them and let her drag, while they were kept constantly hail- ing. They again lost all the fresh water on A LITTLE WOMAN’S PLUCK he has: thought Nelly lmnrrl l ‘e h-rrrl ï¬lled and destroyed all their. prin' (ms; mnd Mrs. Groves looked up ' tr ' her nnshmid and said sadly, “I gums r ' are, game this tinge." ' 'hnt night they 41 if‘icd lm L almnt loz't‘ Iiles from the land they i were nppi'mr-liing. Next day was more ‘ HHHlCl‘alC. HHS of the men fell asleep on tlwir mars and lost three of them. But in he he. v sms, whenever a wave come, they were all ulrligcd tnqinll for life. After a week of‘ such voyaging, the cap tain's wife one day saw a ship. They pulled for her, hut were not observed. The day following about 3 p.iii., they‘saw an island : hont twenty-lire miles 011'. At 5 p.m. they sighted rs Vessel and made for her. She proved to he the shipESyrcn, from Boston to llonolnln. The shipwrecked wanderers had now been Minn-t or on frozen islands for eigh- teen days, in all of which they had never had :1. change of garments, having lost everything when th -y had abandoned the ship. When they were taken on hoard the men were al- mnst hlind. All were nearly starred, and one sailor was (Intof his mind. They had to he raised on heard the ship, and nut one of them could stand or wall;7 their knees being almost still and their strength being nearly exhausted. Yet". during all those eighteen days (if dreadful snil‘ering Mrs. lrnves had nnmaged to nurse her babe and preserve both its life and her own. (apt. Nowell of the Hymn was extremely kind to the sufferers, and they say words can neither portray his “muanSS nor express their gratitude. if) A huh: incident ciune in our knowledge the ulher day which, at this time, may be worth the telling; Just after the holidays, in 1873, a physician in one of the larger cities, whilenniking his daily rounds, gave 1 description to une of his patients of the alms- hunse which he had visited that (Lay, esqmcially dwelling on the pitinble sight of so nnmy children in Wli(>iii(1liristiims had not been CVL’II 1 name, hut had passed in all the dull mystery uf other days. The lady to whom he rpohe w; a lli‘llclt'SS invalid, un- able for years in leave her bed :she wns‘ sh‘eiizened. tee, in means. But, hearing the stiri'y, she :let ~rniined that the next ('hristâ€" mus should hrin‘r "v little pleasure to at least some (if these l: tlennes whom society had thrust out (if the pale even at their birth. the had that inevitable store house in every family, the “ piece-hag," brought and einp~ Lied en her lied, and began to inzike rag-babies knitted mittens. halls, etcâ€, rrthe thousand leUXpOanVC little zriiies which required only luhorzmd patience tu make them precious tn any child. She hex-l a whole year in which m work : her cmimge and zeal grow with avcry day ; her incm‘m became interested and ln'ou (ht m ilwir ormtnhut‘imxg of Velvet, Chub, yum, etc. To the southeast of Santa Fe, ncm'l‘brt .‘itan‘umi, is the famous (‘hisum cattle ranch, containing about sixteen hundred sections of land, on which Mr. Chisnm has at this time 80,000 head of cattle. He claims that he can fill an (ï¬â€˜hL'l‘ for 40,000 hcevca sent him by telogm‘ph from New York 0]] ten days‘ 1mm , ,. Be t} ' as it may, he is the “ cow king †of MeXico, to use a. provincial phrase. lie CIH‘L‘qur-i in all about one hundrex “ cnw buys" and “00w lmnchers,†and in other words he emplmy-A mounted men to picket the ranchc (lay and night, winter and sum- mer, to see flint the cattle do not stray oil" the guts re selected by him for his own use. And 11 8»: incl walking his heat, the ,ide up and down the lines and Win a: zu‘c I‘L‘liUVb‘d with due regnlurit . In the fall. uhmit this time, they have the “ cattle (lrivesx, which mean taking these Vastherds from the distant ranches to market. They find a shipping mint now at “Vichita or Great Bend, in Ilï¬msas, or at Granada. or 140.9 Aninms, in (Tolm‘ada. And Whenever it is known at which point- the important “drives†“ill strike, there is where the “vultures†are found. The cattle men are rough, generous, and often inteinpemto. and the gamblers and prmstitntes 0f the entire hmdvlimk forward to fall trade with great an- ticipations. Very often the ofï¬cers of the law are set at defiance, the cattle men and licentious Women run the town, and the enâ€" tire ymcemls Of 10,000 becvos squandered in a Sim-‘10 iiight.«â€"»lh2w2r News, UH ‘Ce IOVC your energetic man. Pull than this way and that, they only hand, but never break. ’l‘rip thvm down and in trice they are on their feet. Bury them in the 1mle and in an hour they will be out and bright. They are not yawning away existence, 1hr ramming about it as if they had come inte it with only half their 5011]; you cannot keep them dmn'nâ€" you cannot destroy them. But for the: the “(WM must soon degenerate. They ax - the salt of the 'earth. Who but they can Htui‘t any noble In‘ojacb'.’ They lmihl our cities, :ml churches, and rear mn‘ mnnnl‘u‘tnricfl. They whiten the ocean With ‘zxils, :nnl liluclwn the heavens with the smoke of their st: 1 Vowels and furnzu‘e ï¬res. They bring .heir treasures from the mine. 'l‘huy phmgh the earth. Blessings (in than! lmul; tn l‘lu-m, ynnng lnt‘ll and take Courage ; imitate their example ; catch the spirit (if their energy. \Vithnnt life what we you gnml for, if it is passed idly away. “‘0 should non-r thus, measure life‘s (-mplnyn: m. Tm: \\'::nzcr F. Family Sewing Machine manniaetureil by ll. M. \Valizer, of Ham. ilton, (hit, is Without cogs, cams, or heart motion ; in noiseless ; sews as well backwards n8 forwards ; fastens its own thread at the beginning and ends of Scams: ; threads the bobbin without running the machine ; length- cns, shortens, or reverses the stitch Without stopping the machine ; has a large bobbin and solid shuttle. The \Vnnzcr machines have received the highest honors, diplomas and medals of any machine in the market. \V , are not anrpnncd to learn that the manu- facturers are running their Factory and Foundry to their fullest capacity. \Vhere a. few yam; ago hundreds was their limit of supply per month now many thousands are tinned out, still their orders on hand are my largo. L an Unfortunate Vfoman did to Make Others Happy. New Mexico’s Cattle King. A TEMELY STORY Energyâ€"What It Does. Another Millionaire who is Bound to have an Organ~ Music heard a M1163. M r. Thumas \‘v‘inans, the lionrjre, prnposcn to build an llillhl so m'gun at his private residence. The lrl Hing in ‘ which this nrgan will bu. built situzued ‘ the north-Western angle of Mr. \Vinnn‘n spacious grounds, within a short. distance of the wall at the Lester-n boundary of the en- 1 closure. It in built of brick, and the oniire structure will he used for the case of the or- gan. \Vlien it is desired i0 have the inusi ' . heard through the grounds and in the neigh- i borhood, the windows can he opened, and the melodious sounds will he distinctly audible. 1 for a mile. (‘losing the heavy iron shutters upon the windows will confine the Hound in all its pmver within the cmnpass of the organ room. The organ pipes, between six and Seven thousand in number, will range in size from thirty-one feet high, and two feet by two feet six inches in diameter, (lmvn to a pipe a few feet in length and about oneâ€" fourth of an inch in diameter. There willbe ï¬ve hanks of keys, ench operating separate set of pipe as follows : the choir organ, the swell, the sole, and the high pressure. The. number of stops will exceed two hun- dred. The air supply for the organ will he by means of a new process, which is the in- vention of Mr. \‘v‘inana. Instead of the blowing apparatus, the Wind is supplied from tanks, which contain over two hundred cub- ic feet of air each, which is forced into the tanks by means of a pump, and in again forced into the organ bythe weight. vi the heavy iron tanks, which Operate npun the same principle as gasometers. mil- Only (melof thc‘pipcs has bccn placed in position, and its size may be better under- stood when i‘u is stated that it is nearly as large as an ordinary sized chimney. and towers above a man’s head after the fashion of a tul- cgmph pole. All the large pi ‘ will bu constructed of “mod. 'I'hey will arranged in a. row, with the small ones near the per- former, and the rest rising tier after tier tn the larger ones. This enables the olworver to have all the pi ms in View at unno. Thus far M r. \\ inmi’g‘n‘nrk upon the m‘yzm has been only cxpcrixmanml, and he hzm not yet fully determined uan the time when the actual work of construction will he cmn~ invnccd ;lmt his experiment};have how so thorough that the space, of a few months is all that will he necessary for the (vomplotiun 0f_the organ when once begun. \Yhen mm- pleted Mr. ‘Vinnu‘s urgzu will lâ€: ihv largest in America. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of rho nasal passages, disohames falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profusc,‘ watery, and acird, at others, thick, tenaci» ous, mucous, purulent, bloody, and putrid: the eyes are weak, watery, and inflamed; there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hark- 1ug or coughing to clear the Lnoat, cxpectoâ€" ration of offensive matter, Together with scabs from ulcers ; the Voice is changed and has a. nasal twang, thclu‘cath oil‘cnsivo, smell and taste are impaired ; there in a sensation of dizziness, mental depression, hacking cough and general debility. Only a. few of the above-named symptoms are, however, likely to be present in any one case; There is no diueasc more Connnon than (‘u‘mrrlu and none loss understood l-_y physicimlca. m; moi-2‘s (‘ATAmm m; 1508‘ is, beyond all comparison, the host prepara- tion for Cntari'h ever discovered. lfndcr the influean of its mild, soothing, and healing propvrties the disease soon yields. The Hold- en Medical Discovery should be taken to corâ€" rect the blood, which is always at fault, and and to not speciï¬cally n the (lisenaed glaiuls and lining membrane of the limo. The ()atui'rh Remedy should he applied warm, with Dr. l’ierce‘s Nasal Douche» the only in- ;strumcnt hy which fluids can ho voila-fly l injected to all the, pasmges and chambers of I the nose froni vy‘i'hich discharch procoml. Till 1w, fnuml (n pusst 1110.4“- quniilivï¬ now-awry [0 the tom] eradication of ail ilillKHlF 81lat'kfl,pl‘()llll)! to start, the EOCX'UtiOIlï¬ of the “\‘L‘X‘. and give u, lit-ï¬lthy tone to the entire system. lmluud, it l<no ordinary (lime-ry in medical st-ioncc to haw inr Vented a remedy for tlww stubborn (-nnu-ilninta. which dew-lop all the msulH pr0( nm'd bya llvrem- forc free use of r-nlomnl, :1 mineral justly dreaded by mankind. and acknowledged to he (lesirmllvv in the extreme to the human HVHU'II‘L ’l‘lmt Iil(‘ propcnivs of certain vvgcinhlm cmnpris: all 1110 virtues of (‘JllOIYH‘l withoutitvs injurious tendencies is now an mlmltu‘d fact, rvndorud imlispumhla by Hciomiï¬c researches ' and iiiObC who use 111:: Mm» drake pills will he, full ' sutiizï¬ml that U10le "1N1- icim-s ma- lese provii ed by nmurv in ilw cummun herb»: and rm; , «it the lipid, 'I 111290, pills open the ho“ L]? and correct 1111 M11- 10119 dornngcmoum wilhnmt F'HHVHUUH or :my 0.“ 'he injurious omlctn 0f onlomol (1r utlwr poisons-L Tho accretion of bile is )n'mnutvd ‘ny thwu pills, 1m V\ H] be set-n by the altered color of the 5 (rule, and (li aropcnring.y of the nanow (tnmplvximx and clean»... of the tongue. Amph- directinns pills. Prepared only by J. ll. Schnan S; Son. in I‘m-Er principal ntllcc, corner Sixth and Arch Streets. Philadelphia, and {or sale by all (lruggllâ€"ls :‘mrl (lonlvrs. Price ‘2!) CL ts pcx‘ lmx. THREE REASONS MYRTLE NA VY TOBACCO. FIRST-“It is made of the Finest Virginia Lsaf. SECUNDmEach I’lug weighs (>110~thir:1 of a pound. TH {RDâ€"The Imitations weigh only about oneAfourth of a pound to each plug, and are made from Common Leaf. 31 () EX 31:22 Eone Genuine Unless Stamped IN 1 )ISPENSEBLE DOM EST} (. LIVE MIC)? can make from THREE '1‘0 FIVE DOLLARS per day. For particulara, addrwss, Prizes aftm‘tho dmwing'.’ Add. as, J. M, PATTEE Launnie (My. Wyoming STEAM ENGWE WORKS 1‘. N01 Tmzum' 9729M Pumps and Iioflur Feeders; also Drops for stam Sheet Memls‘ Steam Engine Governors, &c‘ \a J'E'HEY, ENGINES AND Manufacturer Of PORTABLE AND STA» Bmmms, Steam P Wyoming Monthly Lottery. $275,000 Iii CASH PRIZES! (" NE CHAN(‘E XX THREE. TICKETS 5'1 EACH or 1_0 fur_ $52 Icmjing $5 t«_)_be deï¬le; from the ER)! . NET AND PROFITABLE EMI’IDYMENT can be socumJ by one lev in every town in the Unlth Slums. Addrtfls J. HENRY SYMONDS, 1‘»: Dcmnshim Street, Boston, Mass. [A 156,000'Amuxes, 3,000 Eug'rmngs, and 13 splendid maps. Monti mud. 3m, DAVIS k CA. I’hflx». r)1:L_L'_s ENC 91H m] These medicines m~ wold Ky I5ruggirats AGENTS WANTED November 3, 1875 Dmvmbcr 4, 1875‘ Legalized by Act of Legislature Con. 01' WKLLIRGTON & Kle WILLIAM 875 H A M I L T O N . NOT A NEWSPAPER. [From tho. BL Symptoms of Gamma Schenck’s Mandrake P1118 NOR'BHEY’S To F011 :1 new invention, an 0N EA (‘IT PLUG FOR [7 {3' «human-up» S. J‘ MvKICI- apzmy (,uth 1» I'K‘LE (13W) 4i anus l }- tram-{in}; mm m1" ‘ . rm Sim"- MILL ‘1‘ uhm'c phynlm‘llulcl. thvy NIL 31);; and improvingntkv pvt-misery twenty additimm‘l‘moms,“ gh’in 111!!llil'x'dï¬t"'( elm.g sleepingnpul'u REDUC'3‘ION-OF RATES. ‘ V kg; ism“; ‘)}\x.\;0r'ï¬'mâ€1‘<>Tm: , n , I FHV‘WH m mm)" and 13m 1m!» Royal Hotel, Hamilton, This material mwplhititm justile thorn in rmlut-r ing tlmirruws tu popular privorx. Ho that all can lqull thvmsclws of the comforts of .‘I ï¬rst-(lugs 110m]. at, moderate ttlmrgoa, fooling mtisllwl that (heir vxorthma in that direction will be fully suH» mined by llxc public gmm‘nlly. ï¬yï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ EM??? @5603: by lung; Nu! min-twin: usc, hus prm . mm It slug»: 1110 (whim: of the ‘ A _ ‘ hrzir ilmnedintcly ; often { Q. I ‘ renews ï¬m gruwu], and ‘ ' ‘ 14h ya yam-15 rustan ms 001m“, whvn faded 01‘ - . gnn‘ II. athuulatcs the 13:qu to healthy :lcth'i v YUM }'T\“KTVI‘R DOW mi i9; hymn); Thug Mushy, \wak or sick] m glossy, pliuhle .md MrcnpUu-nwl; h. hair re a with hvvly expression; falling hmr is checked ‘ u mumsm-d ; Lhinhuir \hickom ; mu] fzuhtd or gmy huh~ resumes n-mlxms their m'iginul collw‘. Its operation is m‘, and hnmfleas. It L‘HI‘PS (landrutf, hu: sullhx .14 , and kcuysllmsr p mu}, (than :Lnd S0 ~undvr Mhivh mmlikhms, du _ as of the Scalp are impossible. A9 :\ dressing for lmlimfl hair. the ham: is pmisml l'rur iis grateful mu! nip-N'ch perfnmo‘ and fur the soft lustre and n'dm a of tone it immna. hair 1n Northrup M odicine 7'0 J’I'S ADV/TIMI, VITAL/"1") AN!) ('0LOH. I) In‘ MATHUSHEK PIANOS! STILL UNRIVALLED! Evin-eggs. HARLOW & MATHESHEKâ€" 1 cannot. rvl'ruin from a frank avownl of iho very great superiority of the Mntlulshek I’lzmml, as in (every ‘ wapcct supm‘inr to all (them. Tho " Or- clH-Hll'zll lb 21 mm’n‘l Ol' powur and mvvumx'ï¬ï¬‚, and in all l't'spucts z-quuls any Cum-«rt Grand; while the “ (‘nllln'l" pomossos the powm‘ of any an“ my aqum‘t‘ plant) by our \mEl lliill~1t‘l‘5, and rr: hm! no equal In purily and Fwecmcae or 1mm. (Sig!de CHAan FRADEL. Compuaur mul Pixmlsl to Ills Royal lllglnmaa tho Duc Gustave of S (i WuiIm-r, ‘) IF withom exception the host medium priced in- strnmcnt in the market. Mr. Fischer commenced hi business in 1824,1111d may clnim rank as H‘H‘ 01th in New York in the Piano trade, Theirmc ccmsfu] hmim-HR of half :1 contrry (smlhles mom to vfl‘m- ITrH-c \ piano at m‘vuppronchublc prices. PRINCE ORGANS! The nldr-at Imp hon. and giwn bettr‘r snflafm‘tlmm than any other nrgxn ‘m the) market Camlogum :md twtinmnink sent on amylicmiuu. Every [HSIYU u-nt\Varruntudforflve ycarv. Agwli wzmwd 111 < ' ry County of the Dommion. D OMINIGN STANDARD N. ILMOmnibuéc-w and PUNCH m {111 Irnins Hamilton, Dev 11,] g ELM†“THE BEST! Over One Hundred different modiï¬cations of G‘EFREEEY <35 WARE», HAY, COAL, PLATFORM. AND COUNTER SCALES. THE It Ilflvcl‘ fails‘ IL has many imiyutimm. So he sure (0 gm thv genuine, CAMPBELL“. TO CONTRACTORS; Campbell’s Quinine Wine! 588 C ‘(u'g St. November 3. 18 STEAM AND HAND UERRI K URANES [1‘ INN. Nothing HL , t. Every Orangean wants it. Alan nur ninv Illustrated Family Bi'nhn Dust in the mmrkr-t. RumseHer‘a Daughter A‘c. “S INUAU‘ULAULE THAT HAS BEEX DUNE ,1 and is Mill beingdnnf‘, hy 8 Adc‘midu Street Eur Etesmrmg Gray Hair ' EVERY H'ALB “‘ARRANTEDï¬ï¬‚ Jamlllmx‘ 0M SPIN} 'L‘ .‘(m'cmbe Ix‘rvve‘mho‘ 2, la. n Praclie'a} and Analytiqu (V'hcmin‘is GENTS WANTED THROUGHOL‘T THE DOMIN HUD!) 3: BBQ, Pmu-Rmr'ons‘ .‘mqv d- Lyman, Emmy/e Gnm'ral Agents. Sold bynï¬l 1,)ruggisis and Dmlers in NJREHE :R 80PM“, \V. \V. (HLEHCRT & ("0 THE GOOD ORANGE CHARTS. EAMILTON, ONT. A (H regs GURNEY & WARE, HAMILTON, ON’I‘. Uhsimted Prin Hut FAFTL' RED BY ESCHER PIANO! PREPA RED HY 21, 18' aw YORK. Jmm 24‘ 186‘ HOOD A‘ BROT neAdmeIng yum, HM: “WI, rare, disnppaint um, and hamliuuy [y liqposition. all turn the hair may, anal eithur of them incline it towcxi prumatu. ' .. 0. ROBIN Inmrbn. 0m mud in nd h V 112(- hull Montreal (18983111 [15“:r3111 Town: (m ('0 am 3 11 h A PflPULAB SUGGESS! liï¬Ã©disai DON’T FAIL TO PURCHASE IT. Pas-Rowing most Astonishing ("twain-(r Properties hitherto wn’mmrn, and only "Maize- (n'n'o in. the ï¬ledical Vivian]. Sis; E-‘zregaertiozâ€"a are such an m Fanatiï¬iy insure Sound Head“: and Long Lifé‘. The [mt svicnfg'ï¬vafly prop/trod medir'ine In Amm‘ica. k‘h‘uuzim to :E: rune, nut! Win-ranted fru- front any Hg injuriqnm to the nmwl dvhrun' (-onsliluo lion of (-iihu-r m-x. [Brad (hr (-frï¬/ihr/«S Q/ wondflrful rum [ï¬rm 7'22 DA [hymn-'3 Wrath-c arrmnpanying car}: baffle, ax 'lz'm'.’ as (how nonstanllj/ appearing 2'12 t/m 7mmpapm‘prws QfI/zc Dominion. ' A GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER ELE‘TREBLE’Sfl Dominion Shirt Factory 3. Mn 8 16219 St. East, HANS Db} UL-L'JZHIV U]: IALVLD, .LunL‘Uy. Ru mninmt physwnm, is 11m discm’vrorof this GZ‘I‘IH hhwd 1101‘. (flyâ€".1 Purely Voyzembin (Jnmpoumlmnnmml by p11 icians, Demw's Melliml Victory, that cures every kind of unhealthy Humor7 and (wow dismsc 111m dew-m1: m1 Impurity offlm Hood, 1: Acre 11m Inn)va Li‘wx', :xml Kid-no. and min“ ’n-J 0 1m! \ ‘ed boymd Cm- L- of (anmnndkocl‘ s' aroundï¬hum; mzenmund WaisL; rize nrmmd Wrist; From centre of Back to end of Gulf; for Shula, Eycmts or Buttons in Front : fur Studs Eyelch or Buttonsin (‘ufl'z plnix Front, 01-3 or 5 I’luits; when wanted; price: qmur rity. S. G. Treble’s Niammoéh Furnishin House, Hamilton, Ont. or; re: For ‘Jnr; (11:9, of Scroffl: 1' Fult‘rhuum. J‘l‘ï¬nmfl, sCIll(i-AI“‘1 ‘ xiifm of this Skinï¬lm‘rs. :md I“ YET GEVEN TO THE W'ORLD or ‘lnqcular Il‘nemnalvism, Lumbugo, Svlatk‘a, Nm‘w :1(- mm, Neuralgin oi the head, hearty. stoâ€" nunch and l'h‘.m-y<. 1i: Imln'eux. )mx‘vuusnoss, flying pains‘ mam“! joints. 9v. Men joints, pains in back 2am] luins, \v(-xdmw« of me kidneys, tirui fleling. 1xm~ guid, “wary prustmï¬tm, and n1] m‘rvmm and r-hrnnir~ diseases. [*‘OR THE (THE ()F G‘l‘l‘. CHRONIC, ACI'TE, Let any sufferer bottle and mkc it, the p w!m5:c, and i him Hut p'xying (1m Linimonth and mm useless. Pr»? sak‘ at. all Dr Decmnbcr 4, 1:17; For ‘Jnr; cure, of Scroffl: w 1%, Fulbriuw; . IE ‘xnmu, Scum-Jule :i'cnly Hmpiifm of this Skinï¬lm‘rs. :md I‘X-wr Hows wf' “H kinds. Boil? Humor in the Mouth and Hmnmch 01' L'ch Sore Ears. Ernpiion on the Hmd, and Pimp 0r Iihm-hos (m the faco i! smnds I’mâ€"eminenï¬y M the head of Mi (ï¬lm-r Hum-divs. In the cnru oflmelmmtism. DysImpsiu,Liw-r (“am’mhxiuh mud tiismsm: of the Kidney; and Bladder, its Mim- ;: are wrprising to all. Fm: Roguluï¬ng the Bum-1.4. and curing" Biliruhâ€" HMS, IICfldiLChf‘, Si ;â€"H(~:1dnvhv, Neuralgiu Female “1111un '\'()11.<n(‘ssÂ¥,l‘ni11;~‘ in m» Side, Loin: and I vl.x and general Weaknma and Dobiliiy i 5 curative powora am rcmm ablo. 'ht'rr- furtnncx are made (awry day wilhnu! risk, in . FUCK T’XHVILEHES. (Puts and Cullï¬.) “'8 2d- n‘so “‘IIE‘Y'I and how m OPERA'I'E SAFELY, Bock glving full informmion sent free. Address. BAXTER & (‘0, Bankers. 17 Wall St, N. Y. Small sums invested for arrica am distance. and proï¬ts prompfly 'mmmm w han dmtt. 309-1! N0 MEDEGNE EQUALS IT. it is a Gentle Requhtiâ€˜ï¬ Purqativn. well :19 sx'l‘onio. “an†1‘0 “+£th n]: ma- wonhnr nwrit “I'm-ting 11.4 51 powm'ful agent. in rclln’ing {'mugcstion, and (.‘hmnix: lni'imup mution 0? mo Liver and, :11} NM Vin-ch Organs 1' 1‘ Fe“ 19 Complaints. \n'b-Ai‘um‘ in L 51 P 1‘ Fenmle Complaint: \Hwi‘mn‘ in young (12‘ 0h“. murx'ivd hr sin , :x‘; thv dawn of \nnn:mlmml,nr m. 1.110 turn (rt Hire. the: Mmhrul Vh-h-ry has! no I-llunL A E’fl'ï¬â€˜oi §§£*3!0\:flii{§‘ and Sun ignraioy Sold by Druggists and Dealers. SEND FOR DESCRIPTWE PAMPHLET ABBREï¬S Sills & 605,, BATH. ONTARIO. of [he ï¬ykirm. 0,14 limit/e of I)(7wu>'s Mod/ml Virtory u'ili rrmlhincr t/m mos! z'ncrm’nimm Qf'o'ts curmive proper/it’s. DIRECTIONS EOE SEEPâ€"HE AS URZMENT ‘ r \S'm'muwu [U] S A N!) Ilfltltl'l :I‘iegulatm‘, 3-, DEFEW,_OP 2431.3, FRAEQE .2th no 2:: BEPEVJâ€™ï¬ Diamond Rheumatic Cure LTON, ON Fin-ETAW at RENEE», ONT V» )m ONLY 11-min {his plll‘\‘]l(!?!6 a ï¬rm}! ling to inatruvï¬ons m mud lnut Mike 10ng nominee fem: i4 tummy Ulmwn away. :amsliv-Mimm r‘f 1:1K kir‘dq an» JSIHVE! YR 'I‘TIY‘I (Snag nrs to J. Flint), Mnnuf :mrcri 01' all kinds: ur SAWS Straw Knivus, I’atvnt f’lnutczu inv: 'I‘rmvcls. 8.26. So V Manufacturers of th- . Flint Patent 1m. 1n M ed Champion Cross ()uLgnw; aim thought- ning Cross Cut Saw. II, If. SMITHS; CO R E CA THAIUNE AV} EVORKS. (1(150'.) [3704f