A“! NO'I‘ICE.-We than be glad, Mall time], in recaiw Items of Local New», accidenls or nay incidents which may be inlbreslingmithér h- lhp lcqalhv in which it occurs, or m the Couiilv , generally. Matter of this kind may be soul'ps " Printer’s Copy." M the rule of mm cent per ounce. ifzo marked and not sell- cvd; but l0 insure its appnarnnca. Would re- quire. to be received by Wednede morning. before publication. at the very latest. V. -ï¬ichmumlHillSlulion. Chungeollime akin: efl‘eul Monday, Nov. '5tll. 1875: Going North 8.13 AM. ...l‘2.27 p m.. .aJS Going South 926 AJI. . ...2.lu p.m. . .826 mm agm Eggmmw. Time; in its rapid flight, has-brought us oï¬oc'niore to the th'l‘eshold of ah‘othor yeap V How many pleasant memories doéï¬' the old time-worn phniae‘ “ A Hï¬'ppy New Year†recall of pleasant hours' spent in the company 'of doar fyiohds, who may have, during tinejhort inteivnl from one New Year's toapo'ther, bééb 'calléd away to that bourne from \fli‘qnï¬e no traveller returns, or it' may bcx‘of absent friends, who, in their turn, are also carried by memory back to former’ scenes and associations. We trust that the year we are about entering upon may prove to all our friends a prosperous one. The year 1875 will long be remembered as a Very disasterous one, commercially. Many large ï¬rms, who have hitherto held pro- minent positions in the commercial his- tory of our country, have been forced to succumb to the general depression. Large manuiacturtng ï¬rms have either been forced to shut down or reduce the num‘ ‘ber of hands employed, and what few are fortunate enough to be retained are forced to work on reduced time. The consequences are the greatest distress prevails amongr the working class. More especially will this be felt in large manu- facturing towns, such as Montreal, 01:- tawa, Toronto and Hamilton, in which the majority are working people, depend- ing on their daily earntngs for the sup- port of their families. The long and severe winter, which. we might say. has no more than fairly begun, will afford ample opportunities for the benevolent to exercise the greatest of all earthly blessingsâ€"Charity. ’l‘he bountiful har- vest with which we were favored, during the past summer, has done a great deal to nmeliovate the distress which would have been felt in country villages. Vari- ,otts causes are assigned far this depres- sion, and the present government comes in for a fair share of blame. Although we would not willingly shoulder the government with any more sins than they are really accountable for, we can, not‘help thinking that they ought to have made some eï¬'ort to reduce the state ofprivation and distress felt through the country. Instead ofthis, however, by their incessant bungling they have made matters worse. 7' r The critninalcaleuder fol‘rlllé'ff); has 1n political circles there has been con siderable change during the past year. In the Ontario Legislature, the Opposi- tion has been considerably strengthened in the late elections, and the “ reform †government are compelled to pick their steps with the greatest caution. The Liberal Conservative Party. in the Do- minion Parliament, have also been greatly strengthened since the last session. Sev- eral changes have taken place in the Cabinet that show the Mackenzie Gov urnment feel that “my are fast losing ground, and we are eonfldcflly 1'33 ‘0 iook forward to the no distant day when the reins held by the present " inca- pables " will pass into the hands of the great Conservative chief, who managed the affairs of the State so successfully. formerly, and who has lately shown that he is still in possession of all his former energies. We conï¬dently look forward to the time whln he shall resume his former position, and when our country will again become as prosperous as it was in days gone by ; in the meantime The nomination of Municipal Ofï¬cers for the ensuing year tool: place in the Court Room on Monday last. before ‘1. ‘Teef‘y, Esq. Returning: Oflicer, The only candidates for the Reeveship were Mr Wm. Trench, jr., and Mr F. Craw- ford. The latter gentleman, however, in a characteristic speech, intimated ‘that on account of holding an ofï¬ce un- der the Corporation he was not “ ligible," his opinion heing backed up by a com- munication From Attorney General Mow- nt. He also thought that he was the " makins of'a good Reeve," but neglected to state whether Mowat was of the same opinion or not. In the course of his rc- marks Mr Crawford made some “ start- ling assertions.†accusing a member of the late Council with little less than a criminal offence. in allowing: a citizen of the “ West End †to carry away a street which the Council had bought recently for $130 This is a matter worthy the mom serious consideration of the future Council and one which we trust will be attended to without delay. Our citizens would he in a sorry plight Indeed if, through the carelessness of our City Fathers, they should wake up some morning and ï¬nd twenty or thirty ofour streets gone. The loss would be all the more keenly felt if Lucas Street should he among;r the missing. Respectfully declining the nomination for the present. .Il'lr‘Crawf’ord intimated his intention of being: a candidate at some future day. There being no other candidate Mr Trench was declared elected. Several candidates were nominath for Council‘ w The criminal calender fol “$75; has been unusually large, andflthe country has been literally flooded with till grades of criminals, from the petty thief to the cold blooded murderer. But, ihanks to British law and justice, such characters, sooner or later. are pretty certain to reap the reward of their evil works. we wish Va“: our friends a very Happy New Year. Epp's’ Cocoa. Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Seeds. Cardâ€"Miss Campbell. lsg’jlfI-ize Harnessâ€" W. Harrison. Chancery Notice. MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. ‘Ox‘THERN RAILWAY OF CANADA chnmusn HILL. Dec. 31, 1875. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1875. lors, some of whom declined. The fol- lowing is a list of those in the ï¬eld for honors : » Igaac Crosby, William Pogue, Denis C. O‘Brien, Jeane Grant, Robert E. Law, ROME-upper, William Powell, David Hopkins, Peter G. Sagage. ‘ As all the nominees are old residents of our village, and well known to the electors, it is unnecessary for us to make any suggestions in regard to their re speftivg claims. I In Vaughan the old members have all bee_n glyctggl by gcclamnfion. In Markhau] Township, Mr R. Marsh has been elected 2nd Deputy Reeve, by acclamation; the other members will re- ceive opposition. The following gentle- men Were nominated: for Reeve, Rob- inson and Eakins; let. Deputy Reeve, Milliken and James ; 3rd Deputy Reeve, Button and Reesor; Councillors, Dune can and Doberty. The nomination for our Reeve. Deputy Reeve and three Councillors, to serve the Corporation for next year, took place to- day at the Town Hall, at noon, when the following, were nominated: John Severn. as Reeve; Thos J. Blackwood and Samuel Wickeon, as Deputy ReeVes, nnd Messrs Canavan, Stewart, Hutty, Nightingale, Crown, Booth, Walker. Pears. Lott, Dain. Hoskins,_ Berryman, Graham. and Saunders, were nominated for Councillors. It is said there was no poll demanded; If that is the cine the ï¬rst ï¬ve should be declared elect- ed ; and if the election is otherwise conduct- ed the whole thing will be illegal. There was: high old time. criminatiou and recrim- ination was the order of the day. Such terms ns extravagance, corporation jobbery, were freely bandied about from one to the other. Under the new Reform law our election will cost over one hundred dollars, the Village being divided into ï¬ve polling booths, but we are not allowed the privilege of having the law properly carried out, by being incorporated on a Tow", because it does not suit the wire pullers of the Coun- crl to do so, being afraid the people will he too well servedt Subscriptions for the Montreal Witness, weekly, {ti-Wefkly .a'nd daily editions; also A public meeting is called for to-night (Tuesday), on a requisition signed by Hon. F. Smith, R. Wilkes, Rev. Mr Jones and Others. to take into consideration the best steps to relieve the distress of the poor in the Village this Winter.â€"Col. Cu’umux Dumas for 1876, twenty vari- clieu, cheap, at the HERALD Book Store. 'l'he Methodist Sabbath School, ofthia village..hold their anniversary in the Ma- sonic Hall, on New Year’s Day. forth? Can'adiaï¬ Heflgn minion Mon!th rechvel 0620. a [For the Baum.) The Thornhill Methodist Sabbath School will hold their anniversary in the Methodist Church, on New Year’s Day. Tea will be served from 4 to 7, p. m., after which a congert willl'bg: ghien by the chi‘drem Tic- keui 30 cls , for concert alone, 15 cm. T1!.1:Tumxa -»l.ast. Christmas afternoon, Mr Proctor. of the Domininn Hotel, who hud accession to leave his bar for a few mlnlltep; found; on his return, thntncitizen, whom he left sitting in the bar. had. in his ahsénces “ gone through " the tilt and left. Mr Proctor. on going into the Robin Hood Hotel. fnhnrl the †worthy " giving the bnyé A “beneï¬t†on his newly acquired wealth; he, cf course, knew nothing of how the money ‘came into his possession. A gathering of a very interesting nature took place on Christmas evening. at the house of Mr rl’homas Wilson, of this place, there being present four generations. viz: Mrs M. Lymbnrner, aged seventyâ€"six years; twenty of her grand children. nine great. grand children and many ofthe family con» nections, numbering about forty persons. There was a Christmas Tree heavily loaded with presents which were distributed with n great deal of amusement. The evening was spent very pleasantly by all present. with vocal and imtrumental music, conver- sation. games, and an excellent tea. The Company broke up by wiehimzt all present a Happy New Year. and that all might enjny many mow such happy meetings. FATAL AcnmsNT.â€"We regret to learn that on the 171k mst., a child [of Mr lsauc Frenchflformerly of Richmond Hill, and now hf Collingwood] got a small piece of stick into his throat. , Medical assistance was Iendered, but was of Manila the place of wood having settleï¬ in thé lungs. The 37th annual celebration of the Vic- loria Square Sahhmh School will be held on New Year's Day, 1876. Refreshments will be served at noon. In the afternoon, an entertsinment will be given by the chil- a'mn. consisting of recilntions dialogues, in- terspersed with solos. choruses and duens. by me chm}, Tickets for tea And entertain- ment. 25 ch; entertainméal alone) 20 0‘5, children, 15 cts. Ixsuupmx or ()rmccns. â€" The fol- lowingislist 0f newly elected ofï¬cers of Vanghm Lodge. No. 54. G. R. C., the ins'nllalion of which took place on the evening! of Jt. John’s. the Evangelist. and was conducted by W. Bro. Enouy. I.P.M.: W. Iii-o. Arthur Cook, W. M., Bro. W. H. Bolitho. S. W.. ‘ “ Wm. Mucdnngall. J. W., “ Thos. Wraith. Treaa, “ H. Baldwin, 8190.. ‘- J. Andrews. S. D.. " Jno. Macdougall. J. D., “ F. A. SmelsorV l. G., “ Jos. Gordon, Tyler, “ A. P. Conger. Chaplain ‘ Jno. Woods, D. of 0.. Bron. D. Kinnee, and D. Grey, Bids. ‘Mastet W. Barnes. the “ walking diclion' am,†who ï¬gured so prominently at the spel‘ing matches. in this village, last spring, took a "back seat." on “imperceptibihty,†m the 'Buttonville school examination, last week. ’l'hin 18 whut we would call sitting down on a " ï¬ne thing." Epis'copHI Chmch. Sevéi-hl Clergyman will deliver addresses, and music by combined choirs. Meetings to commence at 7130 Collection: in and of Mission Fund. TheMissionnry Meetings in connection with the Church of England will be held at Thornhill, on Wednesday evening, 6th mat., in the Episcopal Church, and at Richmond Hill, onThuradav evening, 6m inst., in the Fan.â€"-On Sunday morning last. about one o'clock, a ï¬re was discovered in the horns of Mr Thomas Robson. Markham. Five large buildings were entirely consumed, together with thirteen head of cattle, eight hogs, two horses. in threshing machine. and a number of other farming implements; also, ne ~rly all oflnat t‘all's harvest of grain. Estimated logs, $6.000; no insurance; sup, posed to be the work of an incendiary. Wim’a imam. YURKVILLE. Ifan cf recqugve m Monday, Dec. 27, ’75. and n‘d Do- tha Hun.» To the Editor of the York Herald. DEAR Sugoln your issue of the 17th inst., a letter, on Temperance, appeared in {our columns. written by one “ Aqua." 1 ’ ope you will not think me imposing on g'ood numre'when I ask you for a liule space, in order to reply to that letter. I willtryto be as trieAf as possible. _ Now Mr “Aqua,†just a word or two with you. You say I have well said church members, when I made use of those words! God knows I had no reference, whatever. to any particular church. You‘ say I could not any christian, I deny this, for] fell con- ï¬dent that I could. with a clear conscience, make use of one as well as the other. From what I can learn from your letter" it is your opinion that none but those who belong to the temperance cause will enter heaven. ldoubt if there is a. minister in Canada who would agree with you in that. Nay, I will go further, I challenge you to produce one passage of Setipture, from the ï¬rst of Genesis to the last of Revelations. that will bear you up in such a statement. If it is such a great sin to take glass of li- quor, why did our Saviour perform the miracle of turning the water into wine? ulv though we have no reason to suppose this was the ï¬rst time it was used, because we read thus: “ When they wanted wine ;†tbus'showing that. they had been accustomed to the use ofit before or they would not have thought of asking for it then. EPPS’S COCOA. â€" GRATEFUL AND Couroa'nnc. â€" "By a thorough knowledge oftho naturallaws which govern theoperatious ofdigestionand nutrition. and by acarel‘ul ap- plication of the ï¬neproperties of well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tablet) with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctori’bills. It in by tho judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution me} be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack where verthere is u Wonk point. We may escape many a fatal shaft bv keeping ourselves well fortiï¬ed with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.".â€" Civil Servics Guzptlc Sold only in packets labolled-" Janus Ens & Co . Homeopathic Chemists. 4B Threndnoedie Streat, and 170 Piccadilly, London." You sayvto the Minister, " go on in your good work, now, I would not for the world lay a straw in his way to hinder the good work. I helieve’he is u good man and a christian gentleman. A few Sunday evenings ago, he preuched a sermon, the subject of which mm the "Falling Leaf," n sermon which was well suited for the season. uud one to which I listened to with pleasure. and I have no doubt. but if it please God to spare him but what he will be instrumental in doing a certain amount of good in the world. All that I said in my iast letter amounted to simply this, that it is wrong to place a moderate drinker on a level with the drunlt- ard, and I still contend, and will contend until my dying day that I am right. That it is an evil I do not. nor never did. deny. But why is it an evil? It is not the use (I it, but the abuse of it. You say it shortens life, no doubt in many cases it does, when reople drink to excess. For my part. I nave used it sparingly for over twenty years, and I care less for it today than 1 did ten years ago. Take, for example. the Mother Country. where beer is the principle (ll'lrli of the working class of people. and where Willyou ï¬nd stronger and longer lived men? men that can stand with their feet in a half bushel measure and shoulder lour bushels of wheat ; and I ask you now where is the milk and water man in Canada that can do it? Dun TEACHen,â€"â€"Regrelting that the 10- Iatiï¬h'éii'sï¬ng berween us, so happily begun, and so happin continued, must terminate so soon, we desire to express to ma our sincere appreciation of your kindness and continued interest in our welfare. On the nccnsinn of the breaking up of Miss Crmphell's private School, .nfter a successful career of a term of years, there was a rc-union of former pupils and friends, on the evening of Tuesday, the 2lst inst. Not the least interesting at the proceedings was the" resentalion to Miss Campbell ofa Writiit gDesk, and to Miss Cameron, the insistent; A teacher, of a Writing Desk and Work'Box combined, accompanied by the followxiighdd reeses : To Miss Campbell : Thanking you, Mr Editor, for the space I have Occupied. 1 remain Yours respectfully, 1‘ Monume Dmxxm. The recollections of your many kind sug- gestions and friendly counsels can never be obliterated from the page of our memories, and the-g xample you ever gave us of a true and Hal) e womanhood, will be. we trust, to us an inspiralion. persuasion and influential in the great battle of life. Mr Keefler made a suitable reply, ex- pressing himseif as gratiï¬ed at the pleasure it give to receive such a token of their re- gard; and trusting that they might. all enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. DEAR Sm.â€"We. the employees of Messrs James Campbell (15 Son. have pleasure in expressing our feeling of good will and es- teem for you, and at this opportune season of the year would Mk your acceptance of this token of our regard. anoxn.â€"Huxr.â€"â€"At the residence ofthe [arents ofthe bride, Independence City. Iowa, U. S., on Tuesday, Dec. 2lst, by Rev. D. Sheï¬â€˜er, Mr James C. Raymond. son of R. Raymond. Esq, formerly of Richmond Hill. to Miss Abby R. Hunt, daughter of Dr. H. H. Hunt. TnANâ€"me.lsu.â€"At the Methodist Par- sonage, on Fridav, the 24th inst, by the Rev. J. Herbert Starr, Mr William George Tran, to Miss Mary Ann English, both of Markham. Dun TEACHER,â€"â€"We, the scholarsrunder your charge fur the past few mnnths, while legretting that the relation 30 happily sub sisting between us must soon terminate. desire to express our deep sense of the in- terest you have ever manifested in our wel- fare. Kind in manner. and yet commanding our respect; strait in discipline, and yet not severe, and most patient and painstaking in seeking to communicate what you know to us. We shall ever cherish a fond remem- brance of the time spent underyour care. As a small momenta of our sincere affec- tion, we desire your acceptance of this Writing Desk and Work Box combined. and earnestly prav that Heaven’s choicest [Jennings may rest upon you, wherever in the future your providentiul lot may be cast. On Christmas Eve. Mr Keefler, book: keeper for Messrs J. Campbell & Son, Tor- onto. was presented With the following address. together with a superior Overco‘f'v and Fur Cap; As a_ small expression of our sincere afâ€" fection, we beg yuur acceptance of this Writing Desk. and we hope and pray that your future life may be as unclouded, and as bright as have been the months just passed of our intercouxse together. Permit us to say we hope the business re- latiOns, now exis'ing between us. may be long and pleasant. and that this especially mav be 1} Merry Xmas to you and yours. Signed by A. G. Lee. S. R Parsons, W. A. Wright) Chas. F. Manse", and (Wentyrothers. To Miss Cameron Richmond H111, Dec 20, 1875 PRESENTATIONS. TEMPERANCE. MARRIED. FRIDAY, Jan. 71h.â€"Auchon Sale of Farm Stock, Im lements, &c,.. on lot No. 35, 2nd Con. snuglxan, belonging to Mï¬Wm- Uret-nwood. Sale to begin at 1 o’clock. J. C. Stokes, Auctioneer. 9:} Parties getting Sale Bills printed at 1his oï¬lee will receive a notice similu to the above, mm; of charge. Col-reeled by Mr Isuac Crosby. Croce]. and Dry Goods Merchant. Firo Proof Store. “ourâ€"Spring Wheat. . . ... . Full Whoa! oxlrn‘ ' ' ' Wheatâ€"Spring. p'er bush. . . Fauna“... . .. Barley..... ......... ()nts................. l’uas......, _. P-Ilaloos. par husk.“ Apples per barrel} . . . .4 Dried App'us pot 11)... Hay perturb. .... Straw " ..... Butler, flxrolls. . . Oalmoul...... ..... H... Curumeal ................. \‘Vhealâ€"Spring pol bush. . . . - While Wimer...... large rolls," . ... . u... Eggs,pur do: . . . . . .......... Dressed Hogs, pm: 100 lbs. . .. Bacon. Primé‘. . .‘ ’. . . .... .‘ Hams, Cured. . ..,. Flour7»331ring W Inga! extra . . Superior oxlrl. . . . . . . Vick‘s Flawer and Vegetable Gnden Is the most beautiful work of the kind in the Wur'd It contains nearly 151! pages. hun- dneds 0! ï¬ne illustrations, and mum CHROMO PLATES on: FLOWERS, beautifully drawn and Colored from nalure Price 33 sis. in paper Cuvers; 65 cts bound in elegant cloth. This is a beautiful Quarteer journal. hueiy illustrated. and oumaining uu 1'lcg'fllll cnlnred Floulispieco with the ï¬rm number-4 Price only 26015 for the year. The ï¬rst numb n for )876 just IBSU(d. Address Aretha beslllm world producan They are planted by a million people in America. and [he rnsuh is. beautiful Flowers and iplendid Vegetables. A Pxicvd Catalogue sent has to all who onclose the postageâ€"a 2 cent slump vCame into the premise! of the Subscriber. about the leh Nov.. Tho owner-can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. Dec,21,1875 HARNESS URSUANT to an Order oflhe Condor * Chuncery.mudo in the matter of the Estatepf Joel Renmau, and in a cause of Rea. man against Rmnnn, the Creditor: ofJoel ‘Renman. latoyyf _Ihe Township of Vaughan. in [ha County of York. Farmer. who died in or nboultho month of September. 1875. are on or beforo the 8th Day hf ' Fehmary, IBYB, Ev‘orv Creditor holding any seculity is to produce tha same before m? the undersigned, Master in Ordinary of the said Court. at m_\' Chamhen. in Ongondo Hall, in the (Jim of 'l'orontn. EIGHTEENTH DAY OF FEB. RUARY, I876, 111 Eleven o’clock in tho Fore- noon. being the time appointed for adjudi. cation on the claims. Dated the 29nd buy of December, 1875. (snowman, TILT & McAR'I‘HUR, Solicitors for Administratrix. Signed Viek's. Hmeer & Vegetable Seeds A LA RGE ASSORTM ENT to send by print; prepaid. to Messrs (Irowther, 1‘ih& McArthur, of the City of Toronto, the Solicitors of tho Administratrix or the de- ceased. llLeirg‘hChrislian and Surnames. ad- dresses and description, the full particulars of their claims. a atntament of their accounts and the nature of tho securitiesâ€"if anyâ€"held bv them: or in default theroci they will be per’. emptorily pxgluded from the benefit oftho said Ordnr. ls't \ lSHES toinTorm hm- fmands and [he ' public that (he MUSICAL DEPART- MENI‘ 0? HER SCHOOL will ho mm". ed on MONDAY. the 3rd of JANUARY. when les-uns will In- gth'n as usual in Voral Music and on 1ho Piano and Organ. HARNES& AT 'ALL PRICES. M195 campben 9104!. Richmouillill. Doc 29, 1875 WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. Dec. 29, ’75. 910 Elm SINGLE 8!. DOUBLE One Ewe and Two Lambs. Vick"s‘ Floral Guide TRAYED. J or! (human. Deceased, EF'URE GOING ELSWHERE, TRY TlIE St" PRIZE >3..." .......... >unc..--..o.....-onun.a oos. parbty In“. H... as per barrel}. . .... I Appius per 11).. Marlon-"u... v " .. . u', flxrolls. . . large rolls, ,pur duz. grew @dmrtimzmtw. RIUHMOND'HILL MARKETS RICHMOND HILL. ' > Constantly on hand Chancery Notice TORONTO MARKETS AUCTION SALE. Rmhmund Hill Dec.30. 1875. ESTABLISHMENT, 9‘9 Dawn-0R3 of James Vick . Rochester, N. Y. .nn.nï¬.nm ow $035@ 040 065ch (I75 Lnn.uu ‘ @ um A @Q®@®®®®Q® . ( ,.!........ 00 "an"... 023 wom’f... 675 ( ( 130:} ........... (21.) Toromo. Doc. 3". 1875. EOflrfll JOHN DUNCAN. T, W, TAYLOR. Richmond Hill. so 954» 0 9'4 a 065 lib 0 35 rw (I 70 re; 14 on m) 8 nu rm 45 0 m; l 50 m) 02H "(2) 017 @ 020 f6) 7 ()0 ft» 10 50 rm 0 134% 9 33 rm $4 50 4 7n 5 (m 4 00 0 (m I 03 l) 83 0 37 n 70 17 H) $5 5n 5 50 (I 0|) 0 00 (l 00 0 40 (I 75 [I 50 l 75 U “9 I6 0†.(I ll“ 0 5“ 2 25 (i 21 0 ‘2“ 0 22 7 25 1‘2 ()0 0 l4 I'C'all and see (he HARNESS as well as the B0018. RICHMOND HILL 11311111935111! GALLERY. The undersigned having opened the Photo- graph Gailery lately occupied by Mr Con bland. now respectfulh so icils the public pllronngo of RICH MOLVU “11.1. and surrounding Country ; as he is now prepared to give satis- faction in making Life-like Photographs AND AMBROTYPES; Also Picture Frames shall be ‘ Made to Order, Richmond Hiâ€, Dec. 523375. BOOTS! The Subscriber has on his premises. Lat Na. 32. 2nd Con. Markham, n BERKSHIRE HARDTWMES Ladies‘ Felt Boots were sold for 82,75, now sold for 8‘2. In connection. Good Riga. double ar r-inglo, at Reduced Pricof. for the Winter Season. J.B. Respectfully solicits a call And therefore you run get B \RGAINS bv dealing with him. Dec. 16, 157 54 All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. Corner of Yang: and Centre Sta‘ Opposite Sanderson (fa Sons. I Richmond Hill, J. BROWN; Dec, 13,1875. BOAR for Service. Terms Sl. Dec. 15, 1875} A Manyjjcumsmmmgi Livery Stable Apply to J. BROWN, Dec 15. [875‘ 908-31. Richmond Hill. Came into the premise-,1 of the Subscriber. Lot No. 15. 3rd (.on‘ of Vaughan.ou or about the: Isl of December. The owner is roqueslnd lo pram properly, pay expenses. and take them away. 1N RE'I‘URNING THANKS In his umnnro ous Friends and Customers for lheirpulron- age during the pus! 3cm. would call their nuemion lo the fuel that he has nmyron Junk}: ' a Large nud Well-Salamed'sxbï¬zk!w!‘ BERKSHIRE BOAR. ntario HousE SUGARS, VCUFFEES, 'SPICES', ORANGE & LEMON PEEL. all cém buy. London Layers, Valentlas, and Seedless Raisins. I S H â€"-Th_e largest stack in town of Lake Superior White Fish and Salmon Trout, which will he sold ac less than Toronto Prices. ‘ Which have been well bought and will be found. both in [nice and q Iallly. (qllll to any in the Market. CURRANTS, ï¬ne new fxuit; i'leArS, A Sphandxd Assoflmenl at Reduced Prices. OVERS_HOES & RUBBERS at prices that W. H. MYERS [Must [lave Money, Christmas 3‘30 TREMENDGUS SACRIFICE! Flour, Oatmeal, Cox-amen], Buck Wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Apples, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts, TRAYED. VANTEDâ€"200 Cords of 1 Green Hardwood. 1 Flour and Feed .- BOOTS 85 SHOES: TINWARE; J. BROWN Sailing of? my Winter Stock at I AND LOW PRICES. » A LARGE STOCK. VERY CHEAP. SPLENDID Fifteen Sheep. I? Remember tho [II-co RICHMOND HILL. CONSISTLVG 0F BOOTS! JOHN LAHMER, HIS-3!. Carrvillel 908-4! MALCOLM BLAIR. Groceries, J AS. DAVIDSON. BOOTS! ! 9094f " CONCRETE HOUSE m :anE smmm or CHRISTMAS FAN' ' ARTICLES- To Bend, by posit prepaid, to Messrs Fargmo-I. Bait: and Meyenrof the Citywol' Toronto, tho Solioilors of mo Exnolltonr 0F thou/deceased, their christian and mrnamemnddrosnes and doscription. the full particulars of their claims, a statemoixtrof‘tixair aeconntt. and the nature of the neuritis! (if Ihy).'hold by’ them .; or in default thereof. they wi|| be peremptorily ex- cluded from tho beneï¬t .ol' the said Decree. Every cioditor holding any security is to pro- duce thoJamo boforo me. the unograignod Master in Otdinary of the said Court. at my Clnmbon, i" t. agoodc Hall. in the City of Toronto. on the 3rd DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1876, at one o'clock in the aft‘rnoon. ban; the time agpoiutod for adjudication on the claims. Dom! the 9th day of Decombor, 1875 Signod ' T. W. TAYLOR. To be published gum: in each week for the lix wookl mending the said 26th day ofJunu- my next, in the newapapor culled the You: HchLD. 908-6t. Bytho Bang“ 0; the Pound. at less thln Toronto Priced, it ‘ “ HnEPnï¬dF STORE†in the Village of Richmond Hill. -"- Tâ€"liose favoring me with a call can judge for themselves. Having replenished the Store with a Large Assortment of 600‘! suitable fur the season, consisting of all kinds of DRYâ€"GOODS, CLOTHING. SINKT- lNGS, (‘LQUUSLGOUD TWEEDINGS, HOSIMRY. GOOD FRESH GROCERIEB, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, FLOUR and FEED, they will ï¬nd it to their during. bxgiving mg a call. ' Also, A Large and .EZFashionablev,Stock of DRY GOODS . , “(Kip Suitable for the Holiday Sousa. The Subséribcr, in returning his sinécre thanks to his numerous friend! th'a tho public in general for their support and patronage since opening the above Store, would bespeak their patronage still, feeling conï¬dent. that he can sell 1.1 Counliva of York. Pool, Ontario and Simcoo ; nlu Vlluux and Con-million Agent. I’.U_. Addren Blonminglon. U' Chancery Salon attended to. l’nrlios requiring Mk Pnnnson’a services can make arrangements and obtain particu- Ian .5 lo ttrmn &c.. ll the lhluu) Uï¬ico. URSUANT lg a decree of. the Court of Chancery. made in a cause of Qu-nll ngaifllt Smelur, the Credhora of Polar Putat- baugh, lute ofjlho Township of‘V’aughaII. in the County oféYorit, Farmer, who died in 0r ubom the 11.0“!!! of April, H72, are. on or In- [ore the - 28lh"flay;;uftJannary; "176.1 Goods Delivered. Richmogd Hill, Dec. 16, 1875. Staple and Fancy Groceries Peter Putezbaugh, Deceased. As; Ghéap if not Cheaper. than any "(Ills-.13- A LARGE STOCK OF Lake Superior White F ish and Salmon Trout. ‘9‘ ruii‘tiéfh Flag Staff.†Ricnmond ’Hil], Dec. 23, 1875. Nov 2'2, 18 5. “CONCRETE HOUSE? Ricx'ï¬pagi 1.17311“; flee; 16';’75. CHANGER Y NOTICE J. M‘ PATTERSON, ICENSED AUCTIUNEER for the Fish, Fish, Fish. H0511!) AY P RE SE N S . WM. ATKINSON;- Ia prepared for it wnh a Large and Well-assorted Stock of AT THE XMAS IS COMING, FESTIVE SEASON, T0 CREDH‘ORB 0F Also. .AJ-Splend-id Stock 01‘ Which will be sold at tlxo Lowut Remunornlivo Plicu. J. BROWN'S; 908-31 Richmond Hill Should you ever .TEAs require, SUGARS, Corvus and Swan ; We'll warrant them most exquisite, The Ladies say they'le NICE! In Cheese, Butter, Pickles, Sauce, FRU'IT of sundry, kinds, \Ve do extensively my friends, All suited to you: minds; Cumprisi ng evelythingrsuiuble for tho SUITABLE FOR 905 11’. AND THE â€"" Al the White Ro vnkom ' I an. flu White Pig “,5?†3mm]: :15?†a A LARGE QUAN'gi'IXJ)!‘ LATH. in letq le um Purchasers. Having engaged a Full. Clue Sawyer. parties requiring Cnetem V'elkK will be Icwmmodgled oi the shortest mice. JOHN 108 E8. Cerville Milb‘. THE WHITE’H_0£L CARRVILLE SAW MILLSâ€" Tin nudonignod hop to (pf-m the publi‘ (oh-rally that hit' Hill: In" bogs thorough“. Impaired in all their par“, and flu! ho in new prop-rod to Ill-Id lo all CUSTOM WORK; Geo. Weldrick 1g gun in tug mt“ Pig Business. I hon two, " JOSH BILLINGS." IMP.‘ And "Lord ottha White's! BILI.‘ STUFF-.4 Lannuï¬, Yen‘s Sb, Dec- I, ’15. ans-se- 1) no MILL nun unr. Dolmslll nooived. nubject lo donut wi‘h lumen. Lun- nogoï¬ml. 'lhboatim for Sub. Orrlc: : 90; Adelaido Sm 0t ï¬lu,TuoIlo‘ a few door. Wo‘sl’of the foul Oï¬eo. 36 x 4:! tool. 4 nlmiol, now ; Brent Win! I. foal dinmntcr With a compltlo m J Phil Machinerymne l’lunoing Muchino and Match- cr. Circnlu Saws, Luhn and Follow Sun House Ind Land Illl chad. 1 MI" Machinery. lad-l impvovoloflori- lznlll‘ Mulloy Gearing and other Milky 00n- "lg. also «no 36 inch Circular SIIJ Slum 30H". I Slump Muehinc, Pall-tun. For P-rticulnu, nddygpa _ New Stare and House Bolwwn Thoruhill pad Richmond HUI. A Good Opening for n General Bani-cu. Dec. 9, 1875. Water Power To Let! Km, 12. “7!; TERMS: $1 n} time of Service, GEO. WEEDIIC‘. May 31. 1975. GOODS. ANKER AND unoxsn. Immune: QBLSQLEKâ€"A Cqmplelp Stock_ eggs-y With Post Oflloe to Lot. A. VVILLIS. ALEX. MOODIE. ISAAC CROSBY JOHN “Mann. Lump“! P. 0 1m.