Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Dec 1875, p. 3

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RN! T U , x x and Yarmouth Bloatcrs: ' Mr. S. would state that having purchased a large quantity of Fish, on very ad- »:vimévageoun. terms, he is prepared to. sell at. prices ahead of anylhlng ever ofl'cl‘et‘l ‘ 99>‘Bichmond Hill. He will also continue to keepon handvmlangé'sytock of Is and “Sauces FANCY, GROCERIES m ‘éerkN'iythgiir'ainkiere thanks for pnsl palmnago and would be: leave to any. that having 5,” guillhfiea‘thqir fi‘blnisos null-made mrnngimoms for having Ilhlmirwork done under their rfifdjtbrmin€d=tdostublislfrreputatidfivseéo‘hd lo nonojq the Proving; [or ,H a. .1m.:§99":!:€ G'OODSi 86,0; 660.. Richmond Hill, Dec. 23, 1875. 3% ‘ ‘ t "w MERRY EHflISTMflS AM] A HAPPY NEW YEAR “T59Peoplegswrefi’ And would call lhuir altenlion to [he fnqgulhjl‘h: Influx: recnived 1; LARGE AND '30.“- Staple and .‘V'Fancy Groceries ~19 -- - Allrfigé zfisgrtberitbf mm; 69953156 a. SALMON T.ROUT_,N,.‘I<‘IAN_§IIN IIAAPJDIES, SM . ,GEO: BROWN, M. n, ca-PIIYSICIAN. SURGEON AND- AC- COUCHEUR. " .. WINDOW SIIADESofilldééigns. ' ' ‘ ' V- _ BORDE RINGS of-au kinds and the latest pa‘tte'r‘hsbn’ fbcord; Sleigh-s of fixall- ‘ "' Jr'Alao the best qnalityo‘f Flour, Bran, ‘Shorls, Potatoes and Applet”: at the ‘1 1,.- ~ .- .. .-,r.v. c prices: 3v :sw’J. '4 ; Christmas Goo-d5. 4‘ using ngnehui‘tho BEST MATERIA L, may feel aerluin tllnf'ihoy‘cnll'givo satisfaction .3, j I ' V _ lipng (if their Wonk being I) one In any other Bhopx' fé‘eéiiéd -' ~ » ’.N; B."â€"A." W16; S. would also étnia that in connection with the abovs they» have BLACKSMITH [SHOP Ofrall qualities. PAINTS of all Colors. Paint and Varnish Bliu‘shés of all sizes '1..i‘;ui‘1‘oro|no Pricé‘s; GLASSOF all sizes. " A large‘assonmmt'pl‘Cmckury, Ogrncn : Corny: of Youge and Centre 849:. ’fiiphmond Hill. .. ,. B’m‘hmond 1mm, D'e'c. 8 I875 why. 2,1875. :.- -, WRIGHT 86” £11,151- 6 LAss WO‘RKMEN, CHRISTMAS SEASON, :2 sum or All“ PAP-EB THIS SUITED TO THE SEASON. '- K. FALC,O£§BRIHGE- wish-884" _hia_ numerous fliends, and the public gnnerally. A CROSSE 8|. BLACKWE LL'S 16“ Parcels Delivered; {Bes‘idés'é’ Fresh Assortment Gf Singing out a Christmas lay, Happiness tom} a}; any. » Wishing you a merry day Hath! (hcaemerry Chrig‘mns'bells, 1 I. How they ring, RICHMOND HILL. SUITABLE FOR THE fin EMPLDYINB NONE; BUT CONSiS'TIN‘G'I 0F l' 12 or ALL‘ KINDS, m‘E swug‘or 902 4'. A fresh stngk of beauiiflfl [#uiir'nréjusifem-wed Thus they sing. . FALcosnmnq pi; . Hovus. Jnms Barnum, CHARLEI‘MOIB,’ 'J. H;- Tnou. » ARRISTERS, M3,, Union Block, Cor- ner'TomMn aiid. AdnlaidoSts. (opposite the new For: Office.) Toronto. Toronto. Non/4,1875. BETHUNE. OSLER & MOSS, mad Sgperfignfiggfllesq Rgisiqn ; henper’ Yha‘u‘fih’? h‘fius’é‘ifi tbwn IJCHION‘;‘QPWHHMi4Fen Pecfl‘. nazil um V nnmqnh‘sa nr‘nivnn -; L 3519‘ ‘1 9D SAEMON 902-“ ' “5926,1875. With gggal saving of lime and food. It gives strength, Ind “fie :0 Nurses Levon during hug work . "Cows fed with it produces more milk and buuq‘r', at the same _‘lime._l>ucr§xazsa_m flesh, and for sin” feeding caule. it: (fact is mm‘vcluus. ' Farm for Sale, "1L Muiwuaassiow Nplvru OKILLIA. 9!! W . H uhlmw'laregkqlfl & ’ 30 Acres under Improvement ! Of Land more or less; being Lot No 27. in the ‘2nd Can. of Markham. i of a mile nor”: of Elgin Gravel Road. H east of Yong» sin-eel, 9! from Richmond Hi”, and IS miles t'com I'orontu. The land' is of I'GCellenL Q-mliu' and in a High S ale of Cullivalion. 'l'bora is Eighty-five Acres Clrared. the remainder In Firm-1:13sz Huldwoo’d Bmh. Tim place is well fenced and well watered with a never- l'niling Spring Creek; n15», plenty of hard watery] good hearing Orchard of chpico fruit There is a 200 Title Perfect. For particulars apply 19 TWOâ€"STORY BHIEK DWELLING, 38 x ‘28 feel, with Stone Wall Cellar; Good Barn, Stable and Shed ; co nvenienllo School, Churches. Mills. Stores and Shops. At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. With aft-1mm House and New Frame Barn 30. a 5.0: the least 1:4 Well Timhured wilh Pine nlldi-Hnrdem’. This is a firMâ€"clrss Whnnl Farm. and isbenuiifully situated on (he Suvmx :RIVHR,convenient lo Flnnr and Saw Mllls, ‘lw'kkbiquWnnmile 01' the Sayer“ Bring Sla- t'mtflolhfiw Twang“: Rui‘lq'ug‘d. Price $3J50). m ensv payments. “ ‘ For ful’l’lkrl'lmlllgilflflrfi'flrll‘y to JOHN HALL. JACOB IIEISE.JI1.. Victoria Square, 4d: Con. Markham November 26, 1875. > 9-16-3m. All Kinds of Wood August 1‘2, ‘- T Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, mid/[figs 115 Pages for 30 Cents Wood Yard .' Opening Address, for a buy . Lille Christi», :- Recilanon for a hay of IS or 8 years: Linle All)ml‘.â€"R:~cnulinn l'ora boy or girl (i or U \‘enrs; =A bow pln_H'orIn speedyâ€"for a boy Ill lu- l‘2 wars ; Recilulinu nu (-‘alla-utl'3uâ€"b3‘ 1! lm} of I“ yours, or less : Closing Addyess, by girl; A Good Burgnin,â€"â€"A dialogue for two hays: The birth-(lav partyâ€"A dialogue {M 3 bm‘s, 3 g rls,‘2 gcn'lenmn and a lady; Brok on down 'J'radosman.â€"A dialogue for 52 boys and 3 glib; DIRK-rent ()plnic,-n~.-â€"A dialogue for4huys; Giving to Gullâ€"A dialogue for 3 boys and'2 girls ; Jolly Jim. or a soft un- swerturnelll "was" wrathâ€"A dialogue for 3 boys. A package contains 4he following Dia'ogues Toronto. August 30. 1875 II]> Will 1w smut In any address. in package form, post-paid, for 30 cams. A tldross, l’OS'l‘M A STER. Victoria Square. :iHAW. AND GUNVEYENCING OF~ ., .ncx. 5,030“. 131: PRIZE Works, l. lh'e l-lvl‘hflhilallls'éf Richmond HI“ and enâ€" virons,tlml he will continue to manufmiure the Richmond Hill. ' HE SUBSCRIBER B E'GS TO INFORM the lnhahilams of Richmond HI“ and enâ€" CELEBRATE] EXEELSIUH PUMP Allhe Old Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hopas, bv the strictest neonomy,com- bined with the host Innterialand workmanship, to merit acnnlinuance ofthe patronage bestow- ed on the law firm. All our pumps are war- ranted. ' Richmond Hill. Dec. 3151. ’74 JOHN HALL N. B.â€"-Wallssunk on the sham-st notice. Well Curbs constantly on hand. BUNFESSIUNS OF A VICTIM. Pvnmsmw AS A wAnmsa and for thn benefit of Youm MEN AND OTHERS who sufi'er from NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOSS OF MAN- HOOD. VITAL POWER. elc.. giving rules of Self- Cure. after much suffering and expense and 89m free on receiving a smmp for return postage. Ad’dressNATHANlEL MAYFAIR P; 0. Box 153', ‘Broklyn, New York. I Will be at Hammad Hill,ever_1/ Thursday II.UFFICE 'AT PALMER-'8 HOTEL. MODERATE CHARGE. QAN'NER DIALOGUES, Sept. Isl. 1575. ‘AuvajamV July 13.. '75‘ HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that ho has openéd Pricé list sent on appliculicp FIRST-CLASS Richmond Hill,Murch 3]. ’75. 8714f AWOOD YARD, MRS R. P. HOPPER. ‘LATE ‘\Vl'l‘H ‘V.- DUDLEY. NHVVMARK 100 ACRES DOLLAR BOX CONTAINS 2'03 FEEDS. HIIGH MILLJER & (10;, .‘ Agriculluwl Chemists. u August 30. 1875. ‘ " 8934f 167 King SK. East. Toronto. And he will keop on [mud Richmond Hill l’ump “irks, Richmnnd H ACRES. MORE OR LESS, O? F. ‘J. FARNDEN, First (31555 Land. being Lot N6. 13. Which will be Sold CONTAINING 'Is the best preparation known for fattening Price 250135 and $1 per BOX. BY 2934f. 834 Gm SQJ acles with Good Dwelling Housé‘a‘hd Out- buildillgs,just musidg the, li'iclnnoudflill Cor- poraliom MA'nd A FARM or 69 AND MALE mums Being part of lots 3 and 4. 151 Con. Township ofobridgp. U Hill. containing o‘ne aére and - qum-(er of luld, one frame dwelling house. wi th a burn stables. and other outbuilnings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the premiseu m And are located at the North-west coraeu of lot No.‘ 35, 41h Concession of‘Markltum. in a section where mechanics and laborers cnu gel Mendy work and high wages Apph‘ (ifby letlcr.prepnid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square.orlo WM . G. IHNGSTON. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village loll. nigualod n the villaga of .4 About One-fifth of ' an Acre, AGRICULTUHAL WAREHOUSE. STRAW AND Grain Crushers, Combined Feed Mills, THE “ BLANCHARD” CHURN Corner of Adelaide 8; Jarvi Streets WM. RENN IE, Toronto, Toronto, Oct. 5, 1875. » 8'93 Ranging in price from 33 cents perlb. upward V “E Subscriber Hgkfi thisopportuu’ity ofra- Iurnimg his sinceré’ythanksW his numerous customers for tllcir‘p’nfiphdge fiuring me past. would solicitn ccminu‘nn'cd of the mama. and would call their attention to a flesh arrival of VICTORIA. SQUARE! CHEAP ‘jTEAs, Green, Black and Japan Richmond Hill.,Jnn. 8,1874. Best 50 cent Tad in the Vallage Marc 11:17 .1812. FRESH DOMINION T HUUSE! Glassware,Crockery 8LTin ware Dirac! from the Mills. All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tdbaccos of the choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour, Buck- wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal Richmond Hi". Dec. 24. ’73. 753-3m Allkinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. N Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. also ten ABRIGULTURAI. WARBHDUSE, TWO HOUSES AND LQTS FOR SALE: House and Lot for Sale, ‘NHLUCASV STR‘EET, RICHMOND Dog Powers, Plou‘ghs, Fanning Mills, Ice Tools, Sleighs, Forg- es, Rustic Wm-k, Statuary, Vases, Farming and Draining Tools, (1%., For Sale at Richmond HULNM-«QL 187.5 Cider Mills and P." EHEST. grumty for fink, Village Lots for Sale. Family Groceries. I. Crosby,',Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. J, A LARGE‘ 'STOCK OF yUIJ‘PEfi'S, TVORONT'O GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Also a flue nssorlment of RICIIMONQ HILL. Acknowledgbd to be the COFFEES The lot: contain ROOT CUTTERS, Apply to TEAS. l". CRAWFORD. JACOB‘MORDEA'. and SPICES. £68868, Dingla l’.0 714-” 8' '71!“ ._OULD respectfully announce tha't ‘he will visit Rluhmond llil.r (he Idtlp'b’fdaclx month, at Palmer’s Hotel; also" alteu’n the fol- lowing places. profes's‘ibnally, Sundays Vex- cepted: ‘ ~ - ' Nawmarket" . . . . . . . . . Sad of each month Stumpy". ... ... . . . 3rd nu'd 4th " " Pefl‘ulnwl,..;.......... 5th " H . MountAlbelfil.......-.. Slh " “ ' SalldfOI'd,,............‘ Inlh “ “ Qtuufi'ville. . .. . .. . . . . . . l4lh . “ » 'f .. - Markham, . . . . . . . . . Hill! " " ' \urora...... . . . . . . . 20th .". ¢ “ SURGEON DE MIST; All launches of Dental Surgery LL rally he found at home from' 2:10” 3' o‘clock. r M. ‘ ' Satisfaction Guaranteed. JJ County ‘of York. ‘res'paclfully solici}: yo'm‘ palmnage’ and frieudiy influence. 8‘3 69 ’11P: tended 'on [ha shortesl native and at reusmv able rates. 1‘. 0. gs. Teston. . .V I'CENRED Auctioneer for me ccunry of York. revpoctfullv solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest nollce and at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. address. Victoria Squflarct ~ U Undertaker. &c, Rnsumwcnâ€"Noarly opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill. v lCENSEDAucIloneor for the County of York. respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence, Salas attended on the almr’esl notice and at reasonable rates. P.0 address. King. ‘ A. WRIGHT, - CARRIAGE BUILDER. Bag: to announce to dis Inhabifinta 'of News: moud “W. and surroundng uei hhvrhood.lha he has hum a new Hearse an "iifib'nT'fi’IPnced n-o ' For hire, Funeral Furnishings, Coffins and Caskets in every sl) Io. ‘ umnngmgq BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE Funeral Furnishings suppliod n from 10 to 100 ng‘llars HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to ~ the inhabitants of Richmond Hill nndviv cinin lhalho hasu NI'IW IJVERY STABLE at the Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS ” FIGS,” a! moderatepharges, 'and hopes. bv slrict allemion to business, to merit. a share oftheir patronage. DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. Horses and Vehicles {or hire. Charges mo- dernlo. Opposite Sanderson & Sous. JOHN BROWN. Proprioior. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. '72. 751-Ijm n 1. truction of the Anglo Amgrican House by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled 11 those large and commodious premises belongs” in: to Capt. '1'. A. Milne. opposite Méssrn‘. Speight .SL Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Exenllant accommodation afi'nrded for the travelling public and commprcial men. Livery stables in connaction with the hotel. Baltled Ale and Porter. July 20; 18%. (Richmond Hillbrauch) at the HERALD P )ok Slure. ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NE WS. ’ A weeklv iournal of Current Events. Febl nary 4&1]. 1873. K,’ A weekly journal of Current Events. Lile'ature. Science and Art: \gricultureaud Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod at 100 n numbaratthe HERALD “M” ‘3‘”!!8' SIMON FROCTOR. Richmond Hill. April I5, ’75. 8734f. Teston. Oct 5_ lc75 FAMILY BIBLES King, s‘epY. m. 1874 Markham, Sept .110: E74 A FRESH SUPPLY, I At $1.89. $5. $5.50, $8.50 and $9. at the HERALD Boon S‘ronn. Richmond Hill. Can be obtained at the "FRAY.1) Book Star at the following reduced prices :â€" ZOCls. 20cm. Mats,- 330:3.‘14Jclys. 60cm, and 90 as. ' V. O. KENNEDY, L 118:, Richmond Hill,July ‘23. 1874. DOMINION HOTEL DR. JAMES LAN’G'STAFF; ; I: IICHMQND HILL, ’-WILL GENE- WESLEY HY MNS N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- Sept. 4.1872. THOMAS SEDMAN, ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, DANIE L? KINNEE,” ‘ ICENSED AUCTIONEER’ FOR THE SAMUEL M. BROWN, ICHMOND HILL LIVE RY I B L E S 0 C I E TY DEPOSITORY NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. ' JAMES C. STOKES, Charges Modéiate. fitifivcllmwmm, Shun... .... élku ‘... . . . 3rd nu'd 4th ’ 5th . . 8m 10m . . . . . l4lh . . . . . . . . Him ... . . . . . . . ...20lh RICHMONDV HILL. NEWMARK ET, ONT.) ATTENDED T0- D. WOOTEN. 737-tf 898 If $3371“ 759; l v' 8494f 842. t!’ £~35~lf For Scrolfulq. Sam-m", Di's'éases". and Sara: of all kinds il'is a hev‘a‘wfa’flixtg End per- mauésm' cure‘. ; -~ -- ‘ , V II, cures old SoresA ‘ . For cleansing rnd clearing the ,b]o_og;from allimpurites. cannot be too high}; reconnueu- 'ludA. ” 1 I h I '1 ; “Trade: 'Agmiw‘mbod'mwzmay: THE: GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER Ls ii‘n‘s'r'omn 6 by p01: '1" _H 11: 'HL‘OOD' AISTIIEHBTL'IFE.” ‘ C LA-I'iâ€"K-ET’S - manniumnna q - BIOCd‘MiXttire CuresUlceratéd Sorgg (3)5 3lh Cures Ulc’emled'Sor'e‘ lzé'zé‘f‘“ (Three-Blackheads; 0|‘_'Pil[1pjlb§'dll'5 the ane Cures Scurvy Sores. . _ ~ . Cures Cancerous Ulcers. {_ 3:, v _ (‘ures Blobd‘and Skin Diseases; V _ (.‘urqSGlnndulzir Swelling-é“; r1 "’ ' " “4‘ (Iléarsth’e‘fllood frdm all-impure, m-‘all'e'ru From whatever cause firiÂ¥iflgg::;j.mf_ _. _ As Lh'm mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted froe‘frd‘m‘ rimming =ihjnrious' to the most delicata aggrisgjmflafi f-pillxersex. the Proprietor no‘licits sulfqggggtb .gi’y'e it a trial to tast its valtxe. " '-' ' y‘e'téig, f fi;>"..’x,«:??§°t x 'S - ‘- frlia‘gusafidrr‘lai‘ ggéfifiifi‘iials from an partq. ‘.' HnHoway’thI’s and néqtmeqfi’f’ héing 'l'gbrio caled at 78.3!311 / ' " Ij‘apgif New York, by pargjsfi 3; mg ,ihe‘m-f selves “ Hnnf “Va?” "& Co .’, with an assum ad” .n‘adp mgrk thus: " ' ' , For the proteciion of_ th' "'pfibfid" of- British Npth Americn’J deen'i' i» lii‘y‘ lo‘ stale that my PILLS hm Om'rnlfivfah’fié'flhe'r mau- ufnctured nor sold in My 'ftazrt‘u‘f the United Slate's. r ., Each Potand Box bear thamitish Govern- mentStsmp. withtLewords ‘.‘Hul|oway’s Pills and Ointment. London " smuggled thereon. 0n the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street, London. ‘ . z 2, . a , This notice has beeome lwcgjsgryfl in, _cqn-' seqllencerf vile and purio'p '13: pliang or EVANS,.MERCE=R ammonium BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS- Mgijed 103'“): ig'd'dr'eés en'- racéiiu ri>'f'-:P..OI,-.0. mt?! ‘ Unprincipled‘ vendo'rs ban 01mm) “this has]! at a vary low price. and so deceive you by seHing the s'vmn for my genuine IIoHJway’s l’ills andei'n'Iment, which summatnufacmred only a} 533, ()xfnrdâ€"dlrwt, holly], ' Many respectable fii-méi‘li'jhb‘Briiish Prov» inces. who obtain my fiiediémes'flirdct from here. have vary propexlv §uggested that l» shouldfl'or the benpfit of “Irgfi's'é'h’rba a'hd hé public, insprl‘rthe'ir nfinés ih' ill'é7v\nhivlm Vlh’l it my lfglfixlowfi‘fik’ie‘fin'y fmed'winos ‘ am 2553' -" liadkefifinébfréififlfiém. -' 1!! 17‘3- ~‘ 'n'tm ! The followingis a lit-t of the firmgaflpdgd, m; and l‘pgrliclularly recommend those who 15:: re 't'o gar my .médi'ciuiaix-Iom'pplyi'fq sorfi'e (mine Houses namedqwn * " 7",“ L 7 . , . .. 5.11.3: '- Persons who may be so deceived Will be pleased to communicate Withzm/e Evans, Mereer & Qo . Hanger, '. I V , ‘ Mwsrs Mary... liwfirn..&_ Qn- {Hafifa’égfi -5- Messrs Fornyth (k Cot, Hal'lflix. NS ' ‘_ Messrs T. B Ba rker‘&'S{oQ§f<Stâ€" John, ‘Apotlm‘cavies’ Hall 00.. Vicim‘ifi. B. Cr“ Messrs Langley & Co ', Vimringii-‘Q-‘i Messrs Mnore & Go'“. Victenit‘,‘B.‘C.w‘,,, ' Dr.’.loh'u Fallen, Chfllhfllnftfihjgg 1mm I'pkhsnéihhmm &..Qn.. Momma), » . 2 | Messrs Jr Wing: 69 Co . Hamilton. 3‘73 Mr I], J. Ros .'l'oronlo.' ' 4 W ' Mr A Chipman-Snmh..S¢ Mmmd}. f MrJohn' Bo|1d,G\dx-ibll,,-Oglt..é . ' . ,. , Messrs Eiliot & C0,, 'l‘prdulp .‘v Mr.) Cha‘ouer. St. John, fl,_,BL‘-_. ., Messrs llanninglon‘ Broth-bitmstJohn, N. B; Mr R. S Pxiddv. Windspr,’ Out; Mrs Orpen, Morden. N. 8,1" '. ' ' " Mr George C. Hunt. Jinn, Fiadoricton. N. [I Mr W. H. Thomps'on. Harhgr.Grace, N,F.L. Mr J; N)._Wile}1. F‘radefiéki‘bfiif N. B. Messrs W_. & D. YuHe‘, Mtihlrénf Chas l. .Davii's, Fredarfch‘n, -Nv.‘ B. »4., ; at. The mediciueé are sold at tliejldwesl'who‘n. sale'net pv'igés. in qhaniifigs of ‘not less than £20 wnrlhhâ€"vifu 88, 6d.) Qgsfi, and 34s. per dozan boxes 01 PiHs or‘ p‘d’l’s of" Oimnwnt, for which 'remitlanées must b"6"selll-' in advance. 533. Oxfnrfl Sim”: _W-~. Ca- V N Landon, JunI 1' r_ '74' A s a! Ilifa-e ndowed bodiesgwhelhe rlhey bc Bans‘, Birds; Reptiles. lnsectskor .evsn Zoo phitesmnd sulsjecls offithle Vogptnhie Kingdom are govnrnel] by ritulfarca, 'which'binds allthe spitings of existence. and as not-[ling can save them from destination when -lhis principle ieavesthem,1he d‘iSCDYOI'YUOr' manps wlw‘reby vitality. may he spammed "in;th living bod-yjs .indoed a boon to the way ‘ Modern chemistry yhfiqpvaufi‘iiafe'd the. ques- tion 'and discovergd"ll16._i‘figr'éfiié'nlshconstitu. ting the brain.‘musg10§v ditfi'fiervesfand finds thal'by'inlroduci'fig tjlesé iii“ mdiemgin ‘p'foimy proportimis thefira’in .91in new streng’thenéd.’ ' 1'3 5'“ '- en‘s s‘ystgm a're Fellows’ 06mp9und Sy RUP 0F I-lYP_OPHOSRIIITES .streng'lhenéd.’ ,V . , This. then. is subsianiiaH-y the basis on which ‘P‘mt’bwfis “Harman,” is‘lmiltjta diréct actimr'is’zupo‘h the Bl.nod;~;:th¢Brai“and Nervous System. alxdallpp-fimecies,,_ Strungmr suing the nerves. itvcaause‘q-éthqgapjd distribu- tion otVitalized Blondjin {p , Eligfiqgljnrr Orgu'n’s of the Body. Rousing 411m Sluggflsh“ HQMLaydW Liver. strengthening glm‘ gmiolhgf‘uyve; Stoma‘db and Bowels and ‘en abling g1: :14} gs‘to be film} i n- flMed with Qxyggn. : .‘ . ' * unxuu wnu “43%;”... 1.‘ ' ‘It is adapted £0; AL“; > ’ Emaaiafipn‘,whefltlwr a' , 1 fiom‘ sedtmtarv life. u‘ tropical cli'm'a're‘. ԤF8fi1 fSVé'f' br nobility from (HIV. quqsq, audwfi ‘efijc‘apiqns in- Punja- MARY: CONSQMPTION! hié‘fiv ‘rfbnfirmed am having been baud :11. fl ‘éna'fil‘ied. whore Its use has bee_n cbntil’iliéfl‘hw‘sj' iffdfl'nighty ',6{,.er§kli’e§fi‘atid In Bronchitis it‘isha ‘sge‘l-‘ifih-iirnd '1’i1 Asthma i! giVe's relief when; oVer‘V’othsrrremedy fails For Nervous 'l)eb!illt'_v‘ ‘itS‘st‘undfi unrivalled, and may be used with confidqnce in. all cues. As this is entirelydi'stj‘nct 331d drfi‘érant-fro‘fl‘ every other prepurn'fiqppf Hfl'pophosphilesht careful! 0 ask f6r_ Faigbws._’ SYRUP, and tnk: no other. ' ' 1S warranted to cure guidiuhnrges from the Urinary Organs; i'n aiifihf flex acquire‘d or constitugibaal, Gravfil andf‘Paihs‘i‘n the Back; Sold in Bakes”; $1.50 onéh',by'hllChemists and Patent Medici {1'6 V'endoi’st“ - One Box of Clarkds B 41 Pills Sold in Englandby a” Whoiesdle I’atant Medicineflousps, ‘ ' ‘ ‘ Whoiesalo' Agent's fifi‘rbvinc‘es of Ontario and Quebéc: ' -'; “ “ " _ avg); nsnczx_a 601‘ Montreal. _1\I§i.1_gdlrohgu:x§7adglrga p'nflllferceipt of P.0‘ 0, < .ff‘fsare pro’prieto'r, J.13l~.-A~RKE. ‘ A'EOTHECAR‘JFy' HALL.” LINCOLN. ENGLAND." ‘ SOLD BY AROJTHECARIH gaunt fittmlitim‘fiz Price. “50'; ,six for$7-50 JAMESL‘FFI LOWS,Chen(,-' ,- *knJonn. NB THOMAS HOLLOWAY. £83 AND WATERSPOUTS FOR TH If D0 MINION. ut$6perl0019m. Also Float. ing and other Lumber Dreqsed : Sap Bucketl Paila,CiderMil|s.WashingMachines.8hip:hl Waggon Fell'oesmnd LumberSawedtoor 0’. Forpurticularsaddress $2000fl'0 LOAN on fimdu Mortgage Securityâ€"in sunygwffom; $500 "to wards-54169311340. . , ' r; K‘T§EFY.TQ _ w “II'NE'I‘J " ' 7 fig E‘éL‘calm or me Eula» oftlz‘é humus- $5-"TO $20 {DI‘IU Agents “famed 1 All classes of working people. ofoiglmr I93. young or old. ma ‘6 more money at work far as in their-spare moments.or all thgligno, than at anythingqu Particulars free, l’ostcu‘ Lo Slates_ cesls but one cent. Addless ‘ G. S'l'lNSON & C0,, l’ortlnnd,MniI.. B'renn‘axuj - RICE mond 'l‘otfib. ‘lflrin the 3rd- Ounces-ion, 9! the 'gqgwns‘hin of Vaughan. There is Eigth A'ares finder improyamnn! and 'l‘wonly AG!“ in Valunblo Timh‘e'r. The buildings are. good and extensive. V'I‘here is an Orchard of [rifl- ‘ed fruit and plenty of Waler. This ig g goqd Wham Farm and beautifully situated. being 'wii’hin halfa mile of lliRhmond Hill Station 'on the Northern Rullway, and, within liali'a‘m'rle from the Village of Mnyplo. Ind within two’milns ofthe lncurpoazn d Yilllgo 0! Richmond Hill, on Yonge Streel. and in “I! immediate neighborhood of Mills, Sch‘onls find Churches, and wilhin 16 miles of gin City of Tmonm. aIDO‘ACRES being-‘tlie East Half of Tllornhill.Nov. 3,1869. Pump Works! 1N reference to the above notice of solution. Iha undersigned would announce that he is now fitting up New and Impim'ed Machinery Driven-by ample Steam Power, 9nd inlendl I" manufacture a At‘wiccs and on terms hitherto “nun-Hod. Parties wanting pumps will do We" ‘9 «an? me before purchasing ' Oct. 27. 1374. Richmond Hill, March 94 ’75. HFADFORD MILLS X Custom W019“. Having seen ed the services of MR JAM" R, NEILL. a first classdwarkmuu; In i3 ".01 ' to o SPINNING & FULLING In either branch. on the shortest noun, “I inrsqch a manner as to give the (limo-t any faction to his patrons. Ha mm: to "coin the same liberal patronage heretolora OIIOI‘O‘ to these mills. 'l‘arms strictly calll. WESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL mm at the HERALD Book Stan. PAPER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS u the H mun) Book Sloro. SUPERIOR ARTICLE. 175111: @1155er ‘e‘fi‘a§ofp}ices sent onyapplisufiqn. Marklmm,May 12. ’75. RICHMOND HILL 3 '1‘ E A M EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR “5!; cheap, nuke Emu; Bonk Sum. AME§1.TOY$, .549, m3 SALE.» HE Suhs‘cribar having refined hi! WOW EN MILLS he isnow prep-rel to a”: cute all orders for -‘ Patent Eaveâ€"trough c _r_1 Q o L. IEFQUISLTEJSLOF Lu CUSTOM CARDING. MONEY TO LEE!) tlie HERALD Book Siorq kinds at the [IghALv Book Sign. thé H ERALD Book Slcro‘ JOHNLANGSTAFF, 7 Steam Mills]?! at the; HERALD Book Stan. ALEX. MACKII. '5' PER. DAY. n. mun, s. and MI. “9-” ESE? If

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