“4â€"7 NOTICEâ€"We shall be glad. at all times, to receive items of Local News, accidents or VILLAGE COUNCIL. Jan. 3. 1876. Vicx‘s FLORAL Guanoâ€"The ï¬rst num- ber of this publication, for 1876, is to hand. It is, as usual, replete with interesting and dorrrayruflruta THIS WEEK env incidents which may be interesting,either . - . 7 i . I In the locality in which it occurs. or m the v Ah ï¬gec‘ï¬iis “7681‘qu of. mg 9?“:9‘1 â€"â€"â€"""_ â€" W “#â€" W m “w nae-f0] Inï¬nmamom Ev?“ yove, Pf ï¬cw’e“ Countv generally. , Matter of this kind may ‘ as 6 “HM!†m 08"†e 3 We have been wrequested to insert the The Ontario Legislature met 0!! Luesday should become a Subscriber to this publica- “Robin Hood †Hotel. Present; The f, Reeve in the chair 0 ' ‘ l d t l b J 3 Councillors, Messrs N tion. It is pub ishe quar ery y Bme be sent as “ Printer's Copy.†at the rate of Vick, Rochester. N. Y., the yearly subscrip- ’ lowing Communication, clipped from the one cent per ounce. if so marked and'not scal- last, after the holidays. apanee Express, relating to the " Dunkin ' The Richmond Hill Village, and ed ; but to insure its appearance, would re- quire to be received by Wednesday morning, before publication. at the very latest. ~W~W N 11;“ ADV Ell'l‘lS‘EMENTS Noticeâ€"J. A. Wales. Canadian .Tweeds,â€" Fire Proof Store. ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Rich moiid HillStation. C han 2e at time aking effect “’louday, Nov. 15th, 1875 : Going North 8.13 A.M....12 ‘27 p.m...o.13 Going South 9.26 A.u. . ...2.IU p.m.. .826 dilly @vrlfï¬irmltl. , I Rut-invion 11ii.t.. J..n. 14,1876. proved. Crosby. O’Brien. Pogue and Wilson. The minutes of 6th Dec. read and ap- Act †agitation III the counties of Northum- berlaiid and Durham, and of similar by-laws bad . in the towus of Port hope a .d Cobourg :â€" In many ofthe municipalities composing these counties local by-laws were passed sev- i, eral years ago under the provisions of “ The Temperance Att of 1864," and nearly all of these were subsequently iepealeu. from practical difficulties rxperieuced in enforc- ing the law. Hence there was a great deal of dislike on the part of many of them to assisting iii the present EIIIHIIIHI In most ..t.: The Clerk stated that Mr James Daniels paid in all taxes that could be collected and returned the Collector’s Roll. Mr O’Brien moved, seconded by Mr Wil~ son, that the Collector’s Bond be and it is hereby coucelled~he having paid up and returned his ltollâ€"(Zarried The Clerk read the following communi- cations: From J. G. Scott, Esq., Attorney General’s , _ Ofï¬ce, dated the 17th Dec., relating to "l “"59 Places ‘hlsp qu't‘CIllHl has been 1'!“ Baum Box-es, moved bwcnuse it is ascertained that till" From the Clerk and Treasurer ofthe TOWII- l““’~ “til-“9‘1 ll." l't‘CH'l le‘llSl‘dllUHi is more ship of Markham, relating to the Railway "waive "1"†l"â€"““"l.V- “Nd f0" lb" fluke Itl Tam ' more Widely diffusing inlortiiatioii on this The Clerk laid the following “mums important snhiect. and at the requwtt of the before the Council, which were read: “P'leml C "IHIH'H'. l lake IIIP liberty or ‘ askitu you to insert a few oi the reasons of F . ' w , . r ~ . . red ("a ford! dated 15‘ Dec ’ f0 our present Ht‘lltlll. and oftlie improvements 1 i “services rendered". . . . .. .. $0 50 , _ I . , . _ POLITICS. Fred- Crawford dated 27th Drew for “fibrillifili Bellill'TLEâ€"nmi... it ii... V VI posting bills, . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 dug of H†Muuiciml “much ,0 “mmâ€, a . . - Simon Proctor, for meals and lodg- , - , , -_ ,. v Of late years the political fever has - ,r , . d.“ , 5 75 special nï¬iwistnent'oice 1helawsmtipera- _ h_ C d f F Gillâ€"8 0 "fl 1,811,81. . iiou iesptctiiigtlie__3a1e o'fliqum-~ and mi“ been so prevalent m t’ 15 mm a 0 ' osglosg‘ or med S a†0 glues 2 65 duty is equally incumbent on coutin as well ours (in this section at least, and we bc_ Ace tsnmrlferlf‘éLw; 'gfiv'la'w' 'c'o's'lé as mIIlCI‘ municipalities and this pr. video . . - - " ' " ‘i j . us at once with a starfof23 spacial “mt...†heve m other parts as well) that It 18 Trees. of YOIkwllei - ' - - - - ‘ ' ' ' 8 57 iii these counties and towns, which Could impossible for a man to attain any position of public trust, no matter how worthy lie-may be, or how well qualiï¬ed he may be to ï¬ll the position to which he aspirr 3 unless his politic tl principles are in ac: cordance with the " party in power.†Since the alvetitof the present “ reform" Government this principil has bci-n car- ried out to the letter. We are continu- ally hearing of old and tried I servants, who held positions under the lult‘ Gov- ernment, being supplanted by “reform †favorites ; not because there was any fault to ï¬nd, not beCause they had failed to discharge their duty. but simply br- cuuse their political principles were at v Ivariance With those of the party in power. In Municipal elections, and even in the election of School Trustees. in many places, the same principle is carried out, and men who are in no way ï¬tted for the position are preferred to men who, for intelligence and experience are vastly ‘_ their superior. The result is noticeable in many nfthe Municipai Councils, by the loose and careless manner in which the affairs are managed. For this evil there is but. one remedyâ€"Men must learn, that because a man is a good Grit, or a good Conservative, as the case may be, it does not follow that he would make a good Reeve or Councillor; or because he is an enthusiastic admirer ofany par- ticular party he is entitled to their sup- port for any and every ofï¬ce he may think proper to aspiretoo. ‘ The present Governments, both De- niinion and Local, are very much to blame for this state of affairs. On their ascen- " sion to the Treasury Benches they set the anmple by turning out several Isâ€" ' .suers of Marriage Licenses, Postmasters, &c., who did not believe in the political infallibility of Messrs Mackenzie and Blake, and replacing them with their own political supporters. If the system which they have inaugeratcd is allowed to be carried on for :1 low years longer it is hard to say What the result Will be. Every man who has a desire to see the .country prosper will fall in his duty if he does not bring all his influence to bear in repressing this system, which, if carried on, would be the means of driv- ing some of our ablest men into private life. THE SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECâ€" TION. 'The annual Public School Meeting was held on Wednesday, in the Village COuncil Chamber, in accordance with the statute; M. Teefy, Esq., Village Clerk and Returning Oï¬icer, preside as chairman. The retiring Trustees were Robert Marsh, Esq., and Dr. Jas. Lngastafl'. Mr Marsh and Mr W. H. Myers were elected by acclamation to serve for the ensuing three years The ' attendance of the ratepayers was unusu-‘ - ally meagre. Eanrioiv or Orricsns.â€"The an- nttal meeting of the Markham Township Agricultural Sticlcty was held Ill Cros by’s Hull. Unionvilte, on Saturday last. the .8th inst. An exceedingly lively time'was experienced over the election of ofï¬cers for the current yearâ€" the two rival villages, Markham and Unionville, being- pitted against each other. A "number of vehicles were pressed into v :service to “drum up†members and -: convoy them to the place of meeting.â€" Tlie excitement at times being even greater than some Parliamentary elect- - .ions held under the old system of open 'voting. The following is a list of newly elected oflicers {â€" . -».R Marsh, Esq., President; H. Jen- pings, Esq., Vice President; W. Braith- _,w:tite, Esq, See-Treasurer. Directors: James Russell, H. Robinson, W. Padget, ' ’W. Lundy, A. Piugle, J. Graham, J. ' Hope, R. Recsor and J. Miller, l - ELECTION or OFFICERSâ€"A meet- ing of the Orangcmen of Markham Dis- trict was held in this village on Tuesday I the 11th inst, at which the following ' ofliccrs were elected for the ensuing year}:â€" Bro. Valentine Kcfl'er, District Master. “ Joseph Sutton, Deputy do " Rev. James Norris, Chaplain. “ G. J. Doak, Secretary. U 1 Wm. I’ogue, Treasurer. -“ Jno. Foster, Director of Ceremonr ies. was formally opened on Wednesday, 5th inst. W. H. hiveis, sundries for ï¬re engine 1 7-“ Mr O'Brien ,moved. seconded by M. Crosby. that the said accounts he paid. and that the Treasure 1%, hereby tttithtHlZ-‘d to row them upon the order-of the Reeve.â€" Ca'ried ‘ ‘ The Council then adjourned. M. Tusrv, Clerk. 4% soon be increased to 50. iI Ilf‘t‘f‘flflï¬l‘y This ps'ttvlsltnt was not in existence when the old hv-laws were adopt: d_ 2 The. punishment for selling liquor with- out license is much qrezuer 111..“ tormerly. being for the first offvnx-e aheivv ï¬ne, and [heâ€"- sg-VUIId and snltsrqmqit offences. impli- sonme l tritli baud vintuit, 3. Iiy 'Ilr' Vim'd act. lb" power oi appeal from the (I"('l>'~III,It of the irizuistrnles. as In: as matters of fut-l are concerned in like†away. and. 'itl.houg|i the (‘rooks‘ Act ol last tear restores the pIIVIlPJF nt' uppt‘al in certain cases. yet not to the same extent as . I tortiwrly. In the‘election in the County of Clmmhly 4. The sale of stron,r drink in quantities lb. Benoit tConservativ‘?) has‘bee“ elecled of ï¬ve gal'ons. and of ale and beer by the by 1* maim‘lty "f l57- The (“'1‘ mi‘JOI'l'y dozen borties. is allowed by the Dunkin Act, a year ago Was 46. but the Ontario Government have. an op- tion in this matter, nod have refused li- censes to parties to sell liquor bv Wholesale in places where the llunktii Bill is in oper- l l Why do tall men marry short Indies 7â€" Recatise, as Goldsmith informs us, “ man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long.†The Writ for an election to the House of; Commons. for North Renfrew. has been issued. The nomi adult 01 candidates ‘ them accordingly. l l will take place on the 14th inst. ProvideiiCe seems to watch over the little man with A big wife, and teaches him that one of the principal conditions 01 domestic tranquility is to always keep his dander at low tids. The t'me when a man frilly realizes that woman’s Sphere should be enlarged, is when he ï¬nds that his wash-woman has mistaken his stockings for his shirtbosom and starched A bank messenger in Montreal the other day told the manager that he had lost bisl wallet, containing over nine hundred dollars, the money of the bank. Since that he has been watched. and on Saturday he was ar- rested and most of the missing money re- covered. ‘ Mr Martin, M. P. P., for St. Agatha, Manitoba, charged with committing and in- ‘ decent assault on a little girl, aged. nine years, daughter oer Mills, hotel-keeper, at. ' Ottawa, received his trial before the police magistrate, on Saturday last, and was com- mitted for trialat the next assims. The Toronto Tribune uses strong lang- A cage onthe question of church taxation. It says: “ This unholy cry will not preVail with the people of this country. We havei faith thatlliere is enough of the God fear- ing element in the country to put down such an intuitions project. The. trafï¬ckers must not be allowed in the temple. nor must the robbers despoil the church. Not that the Catholic people will suffer more, from the laying on of a tax, than any other section ofthe community, but that their churches are more holy.’l ‘ ' There is evidence that anew and vigorous policy will be carried out in Cuba by the Madrid Government. Gen. Jovellzir. lllt new Captain-General, is expected in Havana this week, and will enter upon his duties at once. The general feeling oftlie Europeai powers appears to be that Spain should be. supported in quelling the (fat-list insurrcr lion, and then devote her attention to tln efï¬cient administration 7 of Cuban affaiis rather than that United States interference The Times denounces the Spanish’Governtnent for not suppressing should be permitted- the earlists, and says that American intei , is to be. preferred to the sttuggles that have ' harassed (‘uba of late years. Besides the investigation by the counci quiry threatening the peace. of newspath readers. clergymen for malicious prosecution. Gen Butler is expected to be Moulton's Seliitn counsel. The indictments l the damages are laid at $50,000. A trial, scandalâ€"a fact aboul v hicii the public Will i feel rather sceptical. -b1me.' we expect Signs of n severe or mild Wl‘ ter to be pointed out by those estimable tion of Weather wisdom, thetiSions on them. inâ€. on the other hand. the beavers do not appear to consider the prospectsot a severe winter worth more. thianun average dam. The ground hogs have laid in mo e than their usu l sup: ly of cordwood, and the red squirrels are Pull)": tip dotiblcwindows, but the bank on the north-eastside of dogs is not as thick as usual. and tie crows haw deferred ntirchas. ing passage tickets till after New Year’s.â€" Alt'dgether the signs are contradictm-y. and not likely to induce a downward movement in coal. > On Wednesday morning of last week one. of the most Cold-blooded murders which has come under our notice for some, time Wits Committed in the city of Hamilton. The victim in the case is Mr N. Mills. on old and respected citizen, and the man who committed the deed is a butcher named McConnell McConnell has of late bee-n a tenant. of Mr Mills’ and during the last month refused to pay the rent unlessthe landlord would put a new fence around the premises It. appears that Mr Mills refused to do this, and the rent not being forthcom- ing, he issued a distress warrant. McCon- nell was in his stall in the meat market when the news reached him. He immediately started in search of Mr Mills, armed With a huge butcher knife. Mr Mills was just coming out of his own house and when on the street McConnell attacted him, stabbing him several times. Although the deed was committed in broad daylight, and in one of the public thoroughfares of the city, no at. tempt was made to rescue the victim from the murderous onslaught. of his murderer. McConnell was arrested by Detective Mcv Pherson, of the Hamilton police force, in his own house. The medical authorities who attended the wounded man thought. i l proved groundless, however, morning last he exp'red, l of ministers, there is another Beecher in' Mr Beecher having withdrawn his suit against Mr Moultntt for libel, the latter has instituted proceedings against the for perjury ,against Moulton, which were found on lBeecher’s oath. and men: not tried at his ‘ request, form the basis of the suit. in which it is said, wt:| be preSstâ€"d at our-e, ard it is [‘I'Umised that the suit will fti'ly clear up the About this time, says the Chicago Tri- persons wllnSP peculiar folly takes tln- dirt-t. The mtiskrnts have dug holes with bay windows and rear ation. on the principle that the people of such municipality had decided. by a major- ity. in favor of prohibition. I am did also to learn that it is the intention, by legisla- tion during the present Session. to make this a matter of legal suppression, instead of being, as at present, one Of discretion merely. 5. That the Dnnkin Act is now in force, and that the people have power under it to pass prohibitory‘ by- awe and enforce them, is shown by the following opinion of Mr Harrison. now Chief Justice :â€" land- T. Glittery. Markham and 'Vaughan Townships (outi- cils meet on Monday, 17th insn. at 11 a. in. “ Uur good old friends,†a beautint song and chorus. just l‘ect‘lVed at lht: HsnAin iook Store. Tnat beautiful song ind chorus. " "ome back to Edit,†t'or ï¬ve cents. at the Hutt- Al.t) Book Store. dress. Mailed free to any ad- Tlie genial Spring-like weather with Which we have been favored for some time past Sbau-muhle lins gin‘n way I) something more Farmers will postpone plough- in! until further advised by “old protru- bilities.†The 'I'oronlo Witness is the title of a new wr-ekly published in Toronto, the ï¬rst iunv of a Illt'll appeared on the 6‘.h inst. It is devoted to the temperance cause and the alto-.t-rine l oft h i~tianity, irrespective of sect or creed The annual meeting of the Victoria Square Association tor the apprehension and prosecutiouot felons, will be held in Win. White's hotel, Victoria Square. on Tuesday, 21st inst. for the purpose. of electing ofï¬cers and transacting other busi- ness. discrimiâ€"g'l‘he Rev. J Herbert Starr willI'delivei'nvlem'ure in the Masonic Hull, {iohmond Hill, under the auspices of the Met-hancs’ Ins‘litute, on Tuesday evening next. 18th irst. Subject: "The import~ wee of small exertions." Doors open at 7:30. Imcttne to commence at 8 Almis- ~IUI| [“H‘I’. 4 'l'lnâ€" Dominion ('hm-ehmun, it the coin- nieocenivni oi the wax. has been ch IIIJJ‘II, to it neuter and more convenient form. the subscription pr UP 11 s also been reduced from three to uvo dollars per annum. This paper, which IItL-l been forced to encounter iniiuineiuble drawbacks in the past, now seems to be on a fair road to. success. 7 The Annual Meetings of Laskay Circuit, on behalf of the Primitive Methodist. Mis- sions, in (‘atntda, Will be held as follows :â€" SecOnd Week -17th, inst... 'I‘hompsim’s; 18th. inst, Patterson, 19th, Carrville; 20th. Hope, Speakers: Revs. J. Garner Third Week~24th, Nobleâ€" Speakers : Meetings to begin I ton; 25th, Ebenezer. _ Sims and J. Goodman, at 7 o’clock._ Collections at each service. POST OFFICE SAViNos’ BANK-â€" Monthly Stittmtmt:â€"~Thc following is the exhibit of the transactions in the Richmond Hill postoflice Savings Bank: up to the 3lst Dec.:â€"â€" l "I and of the opinion that the Council cannot be legally compelled to grant certi- ï¬cates for licenses for sale of spirituous or fermented liquors within the municipality (alter a prohibitorv by-l‘iw has been passed.) ficates, it would, in my opinion, contravene the plain object of the statute. So long as the statute is in force, and a majority of the electors are in favor of prohibition, must, under the statute, be enforced within the limits'of the municipality.†Strengthened as the measure thus is, it becomes nearly as prohibitive as the Maine Law. excepting that it is limited in its tor-- ritorial operation. This objection we are trvingto meet. as far as practicable, by making it a county measure, and as our Counties contain a population of nearly 100.000 souls. and about 1,500 square miles merits of this measure. We further think that a duly devolves upon its. as temperance men, to make the most vigm'ous use of the laws we have. and ing for those which are Wiser and better. The (‘onvention at Montreal decided to recommend the submission of a Dominion ular Vote. ance men of these counties and IDWFW. our success. when the popular vote comes. uill promoted by the preliminary agitatiwn for j i ness of the imperfections of the present ‘ilnrgcr at d more complete teliwf. Besides. if we can shut no the (Linking birst local prohibition, it will make. the Victory for a general law much easier and t'tiltlplPIt'. We all “newly long for speedy action In our Dominion Lsyislutuie on his important question. (‘an ac give Stronger evident-e to our legislators of the, dl‘S‘l‘e nfthe people for such legislation that; the enactment and enforcement of local pi nhiliition ? ('an we give stronger proof of an ability, assishd by a thoroughly digest: d Dinnniogt measure- providing an effective. system of local an general comet: bulat‘t‘. to thoroughly eiiiiixcï¬ the larger and more comprehensive mea- suie 7 THOMAS McsAanrou. Cobourg, Dec. 7. 1875- NEW LITERATURE. RAme's MAGAZINE on Fan â€" Publish- (II by 'I‘horiirs do Talbot, 23 Hawley Street. l’mston. at $1 50 per year, includ- ing postage. Forsale by all news dealers. The February number of the magazine is issued. and is as fu l ofgnod Iltin_rs as over Then- Is it sen army in cHItlinllulivn; of )I Qindls great tale of " I'Iial 'I'nrlor lint," 'Illd several domestic stmies of'nhsoibin, into-rest. at (I this“. in Connection nilh IIlt' Illlhll'nlintis and the poetry. go IflVl'trlfI~ celled in this country. ‘ The members of the Erie Grange have opened a grocery store there. By casualities on the. lakes, during the past season. over 27.000 tons of shippingr were distroyed, There are 480.000 bushels of grainin store at Toronto: ati increase of 360.000 over the quantity held at the same time last year. A Q-wbec despatch says the centennial celebration at the Citadel was very succoss- fill and innervating“ The costumes wo"n were excevdingly rich. Many ladies ap- peared in suits of 1775. as did several mili- tuty men. Mr Hat-rower wore. the coat of his grandfather. Thompson. who superin- tcnded the burial of Montgomery, and in whose arms, at a previous date, Wolfe ex- pired. The decorations and illuminations were superb. The Ilelleville Intelligencer makes unkind comments on the fact. that among other items in the account of Agent-General Jen- kins. is one of $250 for a die in which to cast; the buttons upon the livery of the flunkeys who wait, at the door of the Emi- gration Palace to usher poor men seeking information into the presence of Mr Jen- kins. Now there’s no use kicking up a fuss about a little thing like this. There must be a Jenkins. Jenkins must have flunkeys. Flunkeys must have clothes Clothes must have buttons. And what's the use having ,, , . that. although in a very dangerous state, he flunkus with clothes with buttons if you Dressed “0 s, 3,. woman“ The new Orange Hall at “ OOdbndgc would eventually recover; their hopes don’t have your door plate on every button? Bacon“ “frog. Hun“, 1 for Sunday Some other fellow might come along and Hamsâ€"Cured. per 11:. . claim your fluukey.â€"- Toronto Suit. " 1f the Council were to issue *such 'certi» . of ter itory..thev offer a fair ï¬eld to test the , thus can ac’. with greater consistency in riskâ€" , pioltibitory law for unification by the popâ€" Ir. the judgement of thetempeiâ€" local prohibition. when even the consciousâ€" metistire will intensify the desire for the ttinkirg tip a magazine that can’t heex- ' Total deposits to Dec. 31,187531106 347.00 Total withdrawals to Dec. 31, “ 79,075.14 Deposits in month of Dec. 1,541.00 Withdrawals “ “ 623,93 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. The following pupils were provisionally admitted into the Richmond Hill Briin School by the Local Board of Examiners, t ofDec. last, and have been conï¬rmed by High School Inspector :â€" William Atkinson. Benjamin Brown, Wil~ liam Cook. Annie. Clll‘lISS. Bella Grahame, ('harlt-s James, Fred. R. James, William Moore Aerie Moodie. Sarah Moodie. Annie McKay, Susie Page. Ida Page. lThomas Noble, Sarah Ann Reid. Clara Sntclitfe, John Saigeon, George Starr and Charles Vanhorn. ~-. Thebangstaff Grange are about forming a Mutual Fire Association without any -ngents or paid ofï¬cials All members to be insured by signing a bond. agreeirg and atlttWIn‘! their houses and buildings so it.- sured to be taxed according to valuation; to pay their proportion ofthe loss any meni- . ber may, have by fire. It is considered that an associatior of'a few members can insure oat-h other at ’a very much less oust and soft-r thana lavge company II is true they will require- nu mutter in pay’ rent for is lame ofï¬ce rind a host of clerks and l‘I‘ï¬f'InIs costin-_r manly th- ustinds of dollars t'\'('|‘V \‘eat-J‘oin “ ‘ I ,. SAD Gist: â€"- Iinst F'ridar mat-pin" a V0"!!! no man nonznmitlv ub' n: iwev tv-ï¬ve W-rtt's vtfn-e n-ns brought before “r 3.10 Nnbb. I't‘lice magistrate of'l‘or‘-nto,charged it ilh bcinw "Null". She had been employed in the Tundra Home, Esp'mtnde Street. as a cook Nu. Fling! some il'lIt‘IP. which was stored in tfieicellur. she- went. down stairs and into that apartment. which is verv dark. with uni n I'isylét'. It appears that n'te nfthe male. employees of the hotel was in the vellm' at tho time when she entered. and, .;hing to practice a joke on her. held om his band tow: rds heir. 5‘3 62 advanced into tho room and the hand coming into (‘HIiHICT with her face gave. her such a shock that gly- tainted. On retrain-iv}: etmsciousness she was found to be insane. and the police were sent for and removed her to the sta- tion. It is a pit r such practical jokers should be allowed to go nnnnnisbvd. A few months imprisonment would have a salutary eï¬â€˜rjc' on such characters. . mm m, . mu...“ .m VIAnurtcrunr or (Tocm.â€"“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by \Iossrs .l' mes Epps 51 Co.. manufacturer» of, tIIt‘lFlIc articles. at their works in the Euston an d, I,o-nloii"â€"-‘~‘ee article in Gasnll's 'ousrllnlll .lju'llr Uri Guuus Vlemlisn . Fire I’root Store. n '-R|BIIII101I(I:H'II Jan 13.1876. Urnssod Hogs. per 100 lbs... 6 50 ED 7 00 Bacon. l’rimo............... 10 (ltlï¬t 1'2 00 Hams.Cured.........,..... ‘1 I5@ 015 TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto.Jan. 13. 1876. at the Examination. held on the 8th and 9th? , (Initihnfill .’ "£74 7394\- Dated the ï¬nd I)" of December, 1875, CRO‘VTHRR, TILT & MCARTHUR, _ I T _ Solicitors for Administrator. RH llMUNlI 111:.1. MARKETS Sign“, t'orrumid ht Ev1 r. Is. he Crosby, Grocer. and, 9,0.“ r' W' TAYI‘OR' tion being only 25 cts. M NOTICE! Each Temperance Lodge. Temple, or Division In requested to elect a member for the Cen- tral Committee of tho DUNKIN ACT BY-LAW .tSSUCI TION 'I‘heï¬rst meeting at the Committee will be ‘H 1d at \urora. oti THURSDAY. THE 20b 1 \SI' . at 10 o‘clock-mi. JA‘! A. WALES Soc. of Convention l Ian. 12, 1876- Notice to Contractors TENDERS for the “mien of A Frame Dwalling House, ()1: Richmond IIlI w- I It receive,1 or. :i'l ’I‘U SHAY 8m INST†at Noon pnna. S u cilicn ions. and all oth‘ r information can lw obtained by 'ipp lying t1- the “13w igncdl GEORGE SOULES. Doc 5, ’76. 9|I-2t chnmond Hill. I lick’s Flower & Vegetable Seeds Are the best the world produces They arr planted by n million people in America, an the bank is, beanllful PIle‘I'r' and plant†Vegetab'e't :\ Pticed C ttlogue sent fir-r- tr all who enclose the postageâ€"a ‘2 cent stamp l I Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Garden Is the most beautiful work of the kindjn the wwrld It contains nearly 350 pages, hun- dreds of ï¬ne illustrations. and rouu CurtoMO I’Lnns or Frown“. beautifully drawn and colored from nature Price 35 cts. in paper covers; 65 ct- bound in elegant cloth. 1 t Vick’s Floral Guide This is a bountiful Quarterly journal. tiner 1{evs_ T. illustrated. and containing an oleï¬n-t colored nimble for the aegggn’ lI‘rontisptoce “'1â€! the ï¬rst number. Price only ‘26 ate for the your The ï¬rst number for 1876 just issued. Addicts James Vick .. Rochester, N. Y. EFORE TRY TH E 1st PRIZE llllllllllll ESTABLISHMENT, i RICHMOND HILL. Constantly on hand A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F SINGLE 8:. DOUBLE HARNES& GOING ELSWHERE, AT THE " CIlNlIllETE IllllISE †Eagle 1 Mills Noted for Brillianoy and Durabrlity. ' WM. Richmond Hill, Jan. 6, 1876. [J I] {it ['3 Full range of prion. ATKINSON. “British Flag Staff.†.â€" 1-0â€"â€" The Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and the pl) In the Village of Richmond Hill. Those INGS, CLOUDS, GOOD TWEEDINGS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, FLOUR and by giving me a call. Richmond Hill, Dec. 16, 1875. blic in general for their support and patronage since opening the about Store, would bespeuk their patronage still, feeling oonï¬dentthat he can sell As Cheap. if not Cheaper. than any House favoring me with a call can judge for themselves. Having replenished the Store with a Large Assortment of Good! consisting of all kinds of DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHIRT- HOSIERY, GOOD FRESH GROCERIEB, FEED, they will ï¬nd it to their adults... Good‘s Deliver-ed. ALEX. MOODIE- flntario lionsE RICHMOND HILL. 1 Metty' tHHISlMlS in it! J. BROWN N RETURNING THANKS tohisnttiner- one I" riends and Customers for theirpatron- age during the past year, would call their attention to the fact that he has now on hand a Large and Well-Selected Stork of Christmas :30 CG? Groceries, CONSIS'I'ING CI" 1 AT ALL PRICES. WM. HARRISON. Richlnnd "ill. Dec. 29, ’75. 910 3m Chancerv Notice To CREDITORB OP Jml Reaman. Braised, RSUA NT to an Order 0" the Con no! Charleen made in the matter of the Estat- of Mel Reama-i, and in a cause of Ru. man against Itoamsn, tho Creditors anoeI Reamatt. latent the Township of Vaughan, in th i County of York. Fatmer. who died in or aboultlu- month at September, 1875. Ire on or belorc the will lay ill ltbtuaty. IBIS, in srnd by po~t prepaid. to Messrs t'rowttier. Tilt 5t c \rtlttir, of the City of I'orouto. the Solicitors of the Administrntrix of the do ceased. their I‘hristisn and Surnames. ad (Irv-sans and†description. the full pa-tirulars of their claims. :- alnhutlflltl vf their accounts and the name of rho securitiesâ€"it anyâ€"held by them: or in default tlwvec‘. they will be per- einntorily excluded from the beneï¬t ofths said Order livery (‘mï¬ter holding tony securin is to produce tlh some before an the undersigned. Master in Ordiner of lbwnu’d Court. at my (.Thninheran tlsgoode Hall. in the (Sitv of 1‘ ,U Toronto. rztcn'rnrzs'rn on or ran. ‘ RUARY, l876, at Eleven o’clock in she ran. noon. being the time appointed for adjudi- cation on due claims. l BOOTS I Flourâ€"Spring VHieIt......-- $5 00 Full Wheat extra“". 5 50' Wheatâ€"Spring. per bush... 000' - . v h'nll......... . cool BOOTS! ttnrtey. tum 0 40 H $034 @ on) _ n65® 075 BOOTS ’ ' Pnlnlocs’ per hush . .... . . . .. 0 4n @ (150 Applosperliarrel............ 125@ 1'15 â€"' v Dried Apples per 1h......... “07 fill 008 _ Hay pertun.............. .. 14tl0@ 0000 , it Straw " I...†......... 00nd? tlti0 l Butter.I'brolls.............. 022@ 023 Interrollti......,. 020@ 02': -» 522mm d:iz............... lieu/w 029 AND LOW PRICES. Selling of my Winter Stock at I TBEMENINIUS SACRIFICE ! Flour ~SPriI]: Whoutumn $4 50 Ladies’ Felt Boots were sold for Superior utrs....... . 470 82,75, now sold for $2, Oatmeah...†H... .. .. 5011 Cornmeal ................. 400 Wheatâ€"Spring pet bush.... $0 35 {(2 0 (NI White Wititer...... 0 *fti 103 Barley..................... 065 (a: 083 . H. Oats........ ............. U35® 037 Peace.......... ....... . 070@ 070 ' Hay, per ton uew.......... 14 00 E1) 17 (it) Straw . . . . . . . .............. entire .000 ' l’otatoes.porbus- .......... 4500 050 ‘ Apples.per barrel.. i 50 @ _225 And lh°"r°’°d°{‘,’,',',°‘£,,,§°,:,E,ARGMNS l†Butterâ€"lb rolls............. 020 c) 023 3 ' largo Rolls...†one) can l‘lggsmordoz.............. 020m: 029 , 7,233 $33 Call and see the HARNESS 0130 014 . » ~ . wentâ€"perib.............,. 933a 035 “3 we†9131’“ Boats? London Layers, Valentine, and Seedless Raisins. Which have been Well bought and will be foundgboth in price and quality. capital to any a in the Market. A CURRANTS, ï¬ne new fruit; TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICES, ORANGE &. LEMON PEEL. 14‘ I S H â€"â€"The largest stock in town of Lake Superior White Fish and Salmon Trout, which will be sold. at less than Toronto Prices. T I N W A R E ; A LARGE S’I‘JCK, ’ VERY CHEAP. BOOTS 85 SHOES: A Splendid Assortment at Reduced Priors ,all can bus}. Flour and Feed Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck Wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Apples, Peas, Oats. Btan, and Shorts. All kinds 6‘: Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. SBLENDID Livery Stable In connection: Good Rigs. double or single, at Reduced linens for the Winter Season. J.B. Respectfully solicits a call U Remember the place new ofi‘Yonge and Centre St: Opposite Sanderson (£7 Sons. 007' Richmond Hill, J,‘ BROWN. Doc. 13. 1875. ..‘. I RICHMOND HILL attrition lllllll. The undersigned having opened the Phutqe graph Gallery lately occupied by Mr Counland. now respectfully soiicils the public patronage of RICHMOND HILL and surrounding Country ; as he is now prepared to give satis- faction in making Life-like Photographs AND. AMBROTYPES; tAlso Picture Frames shall be T Made to order, ' MALCOLM BLAIR. Richmond Hill. Dec. 28375. 909~tf I .. l i Dec. 9, 18-75. OVERSHOES & RUBBEBS at prices that , 1 ll. A. W I L L I S , ,ANKER AND nuoxss, INSURAIC! Asp uni. n'rvrr. AGII‘I'. Deposits received. subject to demand with Interest. Loans negotiated. Debut-nib!- Sale. V Onion : 90} Adelaide Stu at lintfl‘orolto. I few doors Wont of the Post 0%!- ' May 31. 1875. 080-“. CARRVILLE SAW MILLS-â€" The undersigned begs to infers! the public generally that his Mills luv. been thoroughly rnpsired iti all their parts, and that he in new prepared to attend to all CUSTOM WORK, BILL STUFF. A LA RGE QUANTI‘IY. Oll‘ LAT", in lots to suit Purchasers. Having ongngod w 'lfl“ Class Sawyer. parties requiring Custom Work will be accommodated on the shortest "the. .lUtI N JORFS. Carvillc Milk. Nov. 12. 1875 New Store. and House- Wlth Post. Oflioo to Let. Betwaen 'I‘hornbill and Richmond Hill. Good Opening for a General Business. A Water Power To Let I“ 556 x 41' test. 4 stories, now ; Breast Win! 135 teetdiumater >Withn complete not of You" .Vlach nary. one Planning Machine and Match- cr. t irculer Saws. thhu and Follow Sure House and Land attached. v OR SALEâ€"A Complete Stock of Saw Mill Maclimory. late-t improvedâ€"Hori- z .n «I Mnlloy Gï¬afllllfllld otbnr Mullny Our- ing. also our 136 inch Circular Saw. I ï¬tnm- Butler, 1 Stamp Machine, Patterson. TI‘er Particularsnuddhau- JOHN LAG-GSJEALE. hug-wt I‘. 0 In Off/INCE ‘- Y IVUTICE vo cannon or Peter Puterbattgh, Deceased. . l‘RSUANT to rid-ore. of the Court of (Ihancory. made in a cause of Queen .igniost Smelscr, the Creditors of I'm: Tibi- h-ugh, late of the Township of Vaughn. in the County of York. Far-tor. who died i. or about the noutn of April. 157‘), are. goth. fore the 28th Day of January, llitl. To send, by post. prepaid, to Mum fernâ€). Built and Meyers, of the City of Toronto, the Solicitors of treExet-utors of the deceased, their christian and ournsmos,sddrosooo and description. the full particulars of their chlï¬l. a statement of their accounts. and the later. of the securities (if any). held by then : or in default thereof. they will be rompto'ily ex- cluded from the beneï¬t of t “yd Every creditor holding any uqu to M p». dues the some before me. the pneomhw Master in Ordinary of the sail Chart. at av , Cltombsrs. in, sgoodc Hall. II the City Toronto. on the 3rd. DAY OF FEBRUAKI. 1876, at one o'clock in tho aftrrnoop. the time appointed for adjudicator]! It. claims. . Dated the 9th dove! Decency,“ Signed T. W. TAXLQI. To be published one. is each week (or the six weeks proudin the said 26th day eucli- sry nut. in the newspaper called the You, Helenâ€. 9005!. J. M. PATTERSON . LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Counties of York. Pool, Ontario ï¬nd Simcoo ; also Vsluatcr and Co-Iiihl A on . 1’.O. Address Bloomingtou. Chancery Solos attended to. Parties requiring Mn Pug-Inser- services can make arrangements and obtain party‘s lsrs as to terms the" at tho Hnuut Nov. 99,1875.‘ ' Banishing Boar. , HE hacrihqr baron Ins promlul,'ht S No. 12. 3rd Con. Vaughan. A SUPERIOR, 13$ RKSH IR E 30 A8,!†Service. ‘ Ii-Torrns $1,. Cub]. ,rgaN Manse, tut-3:, ‘ i . Ian. 4. 18:6,