to rem-mg nenm of [meal Nona. m-mdenh 0r um‘ incidm-Is yvhia h mu} bvIanrex-lilly,ei1tmr in |ho Iccaliu in which it m-rurx, m m IIIP Cunnlv genmrnlh‘ Malwv uI Ihs M .d nan‘ be sent an " Prrnwr's f npy " a! lllc‘. mm of mm cent per ounce. it o lllfll‘lh r! and ROI -. al- ed: but l0 insure its app-malice. wun=d re- quire lo be raceivod hy VVednesdny morning. blame publirnlinn, at the vnry hum. “Ichmonxl Hzllb‘laliou fihulngr 0| lune Iking eï¬'evl Monday. Nnv. Huh. "‘75: Home Nurlh 8.13 A.DI...1'2.‘J7 p m....:.13 Go-ng Suuu- 9 :6 A.†. .h‘lvu [LII] . .8 '26 That hemuii’ul Song and chm-us. “ "(me back tn Erin," fur ï¬ve cenls. HI the HM:- ALD linok Sun-e. Mulled free to any 2r- «Less. Elm gflï¬ï¬‚’h “gawmlfl. Dr. PI-owle. lutv head master of' the Mark- ham High Séhnul, has him-u amminled Classxcul Muslur ul the Collegian: Institute, Cobuurg. I Smilh >&5Riéhm-flsnn's hardware store, :11 Aurora. was broken imu on Monday night lam and u quuulity of knives and revolvers stolen. Accm-ding to latest advices_ by pupms luld- by cublv di'spï¬lchv-s. slimns and floods have prev-«fled in Scullaï¬d, even up In the close ul'lhe yeur. lu nuixwruus places. in bmhthenorthand lhe wesl, rivers have agmnbeen Swolle large tracts of land huve bee-n fluudvd. mills have been stopped. buildings have hven wished amuy. and many culllé huye been (lesh‘oyld. As Ilw result. thereis no incrmxsa of the sufl'm'inl; and dis-ress wlnch wele already vely general. Pursuant to flue statute, Ihe members elected to cumnnse and form the Municipal Council M'Ihs- ('nrnnralinn of 1h!- village .0!" Richmond Hull, fur the year 1876,â€"viz: Willmm Trench. jr, Reeve. Isaac ! rnaby. Councillor, William Pngup, “ \Vllllam Puwvll, †Peter Guld Savage. “ mm in the Cow! [{mlm, at Richmond Hill. this day. Mondav. 17Ih Junlmry. M elevr-n o'clock. n. In.. and lmviv'g severally made and subsorihu‘l Iheir dvclamtinns of qualiï¬- culinn and ufliceJonk thil' seals in Council: The Reeve iI. the chair. The 'l‘hm-nhi'l BIHSS llaml purpose giving . gnmc cuneer: m Ihe Vichyia Hull. Thur... hill, on Tuesday evening. Ihe 25111 ins! â€" The programme will cmmisl uf vncnl and insllumemul music by mum: of :‘uq he,“ “Iâ€. ateuri 0f ‘hH d“) ; ahd lh’c- Thorn-hill Band will render sewrul selvclinns. Cm-nnpeun ML 5 by Iwn dISlmuuishkd handmuswrs â€" It will be seen by lhe- push-HS Ilml Ihe baud men. inwnd In Vnmkv Ihis a ï¬I'Sl-ul-ISS ounce“. Admission 25cm. Dams opt-n M7 o'clock; Ccncert at 8. RAILWAY Acamss'r. -â€" A young mun namvd John Grady. while bendâ€! on a wood train on ll‘lt‘ 'l‘nrnum Grey and Bruce Railway, near Kleinburg. lust Fll‘lfly. fell between lhe caxs. SI‘VI‘I'Ml ul' which passed ovnr him, culling ufl’ both legs. He was cwIVeyed m Tm'nnlu, where both legs were ampululrd n linle beluw lhl- knvss‘ an93 are PlllBl‘lullled of his recuvery. 'l'his nun: man was well knuwn m Uranueville. Living driven lrusses Im‘ the principal hc- tels at d‘li'eIeuc Ii:ues.,â€"Sun txrmtsrtxa â€"-t)n 'l‘hm-sdav. the 13m inat. the. nttntsphere nt' nttt‘ Vitluge was rife With I‘ttInI-rs ot‘ anmething of unusual interest t.» take plz'ce. Ilud when it wus oli- 1erve-d that the the an (is ‘iltddl'nly dimmi- penrrd trnm the front at the "( nncrete." addititmul sttenuth was given to the rumors. 4n the ut'ternnnn at that day a l‘llIlllti-‘t‘ of 'triendtt nssemltlvrl at “19 residence nt' Mr. W. Atkinscn, when Miss leizziv {\t‘i'vtaun and war reapectvd townsnnut. MI'J. A. l‘} Switzer, were united in the bonds of matri- mnnv. immediately utter the ceremony the friends were startled by the Rev J. H. Starr requesting the company to remain quiet a few mnmenls longer as ntmther ceremme nt' interest was almut In take place. mud calling upon lur Isaac (‘rnsby to come forward, all eves were turned to am- who would follow, but. to the great relief n't'ail p esrnt. MI l‘rnshy quietly ndvmwed with u heuutil'ully bound volume of "-‘ Holy Writ." which he presented to tho hride. mt onbehnlt' oi' the 'i'tuetees of the Methodist. Chutch. as n tnken of their appreciation of her vulunhln services as organist. After :thts the t'tivnds adjnut'nel to the dining room and pammk of a sumptuous repnst. when a nrmher (If toasts were givenâ€" in cold water of courseâ€"mud responded too. In .the evening the happy cottple departed on their hunt-ymnun tour tulluwed by the ‘ltind wishes and old shoes ofa large circle of friends. Thu ( lm-k read a onmmunicntmn fmm ’W. H. Arvhc-r. Esq , Trvunnrer 0f the VH. lag:- ul YurkviHo. dmpd Slh Jim . 1876 ("t-mm Ilm‘ (‘rnshy inh'ndluwd Ry-Mw N0 4 r - uvwi lib: Nn MgdiI-vrs, in “(mm-IL (we u'nr» mcliov 203 m‘xhe " Art rI=. specling‘Mu‘nivipul Institutions m the Pro- Time of. Orlï¬riO," 36th Vii). .chap._48. a; a Last Friday; an old lady named Mrs Osler. resi-‘itig on the lOIll (‘ott Vauzh n. met her dt-uth under very mrlancltnly cit- cutnstanees. It uppeuts the old lady, whol was about 80 years ol‘aue, lived all alone‘ in a. house adjoining her son. and although she had been often I‘e-quosted to come and live with llxltllpet‘t-tislflhl in heitw alone. U" l‘ tiday morning her datuhtex-in-l ~w hearing some noise in the house occupied hv the old ladv. entered and found the hui ding ï¬l ed with smoke and the old Woman Silllttg iii a chair near the stove l't‘ightfully burned. it wuu'd appear from the position in which she was found that ler diess had ixttt Hi from the shVe and she had l‘wt‘tt unnhle to help herse l in any way. Medical aid Wat-t imtu diater sent for but (with no :tv-dl. and on Sunday morning. almut 3 o'clock, death {ml an end to her sufferings. "Tut: POWER or lKDIVtDt'M. l‘xmrtos." -â€"Att rxcellent lectuw on the above bltlePCl was rlelivt-ted itt lht‘ Masonic Hall on 'I u: s- dny evening last. under the auspices of the Mecimttics' Institute. hy the Rev. J. Het- bert Starr. The attendance, owing to the unpropitinns state of the weather. was rathuz- small. In lllt’ ailment-9 of lllt' Prrsi- dent. MI Vi in Harrison Was Plt‘lt't'd ('hni» man. The Rt-v. (ivttllt‘tnutt handled the auhject in a ver able manner. proving clearly that exertion was not only necesant'y to attain any dusiwd nbjo-ct. but we also nectssary to man's lestet‘CP. quoting the amines of su'vt-nl who rose limit the verv humhlrsl station ttt lite to the highest Pt. sittou attain-Alth- on the earth. through pm- sevet'ence Itnt‘l ut-lll'lllg exertion. At the L'lUSe of the lecture a hvarty vi l? of thanks “as accords-d to the RW. lecturer fut- his able and instructive addt‘eSa. New Tens m Falcnnhridge’s Tn ihp I‘uhlicâ€"J. Brown, Expcutn-s’ Nmice. Lostâ€"Muses While. NOTICEâ€"We shall h? glad. at n“ times. .10 ‘THERN RAILWAY (DF CANADA The ij-Ya'w wés read a ï¬rst ahd second RH'IIMUNI)“Inn-12H. 21.1876. SEW Anv EH’I‘ISEMENTS VILLAGE CGUNCIL. Jan. 17, 1876. FIRST M EETING. Finance and Assessment,~â€"Messrs Trench, Crosby and Savage. u 1r m , ,I limo: lhe names of John K. Faiconbridge and Parker Crosby, Esquines, Were inserted. â€"-and the Bylaw was read a 1hi1'd time and . asst d The Council appointed the following smm'inu Committees, yiz: Ify-laws.â€" Moss 5 Tneucb, Savage and Pogue. Fire and Water,Â¥Me551-s Pog'ï¬e, Powell and Savage. ï¬tréeisugm‘dr Siziéwalks.â€"Messrs Trench, Powell. (Yrushv. Fugue and ngage. Councillor Savage moved. seconded by (‘ounciIlnr meII, that u select commillee enmposed of Messrs Trench, Pu’ue and lroshy, (H) be nssmled by the Clerk) be and is hereby appmnlvd to make enquiry as m the prubahle cost of a 'TOWn Clockâ€" wilh 'l'uwn Bell unmzhpdâ€"andv that said cnmlnil'ee be requested to report at the hem memiug of lnis Councilâ€"Carried. The Council adjourned to meet. in theI Public Hull. known as the Division Cum-t Room. on Mm‘duy evening next. the 24th inst., at 7 o’cluck. The Municipal Council. of the Township of Vaughn" met in the ann Hall on MOI:- du hm, l7lh inst. 'l‘hw members eEect having: executed their d“Cl:ll'I-LiOHS ufqualiï¬cntiuns. proceeied to huqinvss. The lbi‘lnwmg’ pelililms were presented : By My \‘YnlliiCE. l'rnm D. McCullum and ll mliérs', ‘ asking aid for Mrs Many Ann Mussel. B? M r Chapman, and others, asking aid for Juhn Greaves. Hy Mr Wallace, frnm D. McCaHnm and 36 miners, nsking md fur Mrs Huyslend. By Mr WullnCe. fmm l). Md'nllum and 20 mhers, :sking aid tor Snrnh Nye. Hy Mr "Vt-Haw, from D. McHMum and 12 0111913, asking aid for Lydia Wuus and duughler. By Mr Chapman, ï¬om E. Seager and 23 minus, asking aid for John Collins and wife. others, asking lhe Cnuncil lo ussist in uâ€" pililillï¬â€˜ lhe sdewulk in the Village of 'I'hurnH" .ul. By Mr Chapman. from W. Nixon and 14 mhels. askix|;_r uid for Mrs Richardson. By Mr Wallace, flom D. McMurchie, ask- ing for a refund of taxes. A communication was read from J. Jones. Cnunty Cunsluhle, asking fur a rem .neru- lion fur ,cnnducliug Ihe pruseculion for the cummvmniml of ihe Tavern License Act. Pine'sh'eel; on Homes’ plum of'Map1e Vil- lage, an 40. l. 42 and 43, on Station alter! ens! ; 50. l. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56, 57. 58. 59 6" and 61, on Richmond street.; 66, 67 and 64 on High street - Car. By-law No, 329, appointing Auditors and [IISPQCIOI'R(IfLiCPnBPS fur the year 1876 rewived its several readings and was nnsssd. By-laws Nos, 330 and 331. appointing As<essnrs and Road Commissioners, re~ cewed their seyeral readings and were passed. Also By.~!nw No. 333. for regulating the salaries of Municipal Ofï¬cers. The Ofï¬cers appointed under By‘lnwsNo. 329. 330 and 331 are as follows: Inspectm‘Snâ€" 1st District. Isaac White. 2nd Dualrict. Duncan McCailum, 3rd Dis- nict, Muthw East. The’ Council then adjourned ï¬ll Tuesday, the 8th February. ' Mr Charlés Powell applied at the bar of the Council to hnve the txvxes reduced on cerluin lute owned by him In the Village of Maple. .- vâ€" Mr [{emmm moved. seconded by Mr Weh- sler, Ilia! Ihe 'l‘ieusurer be and is herehy aulhnn‘izvd to pay ilie undurmeulioned sums lo the following persons for charitable pur- [vum'Siâ€" . To Just M. Ls’xwrence, for Jno. Dn- vidsml. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $12 00 “ E. Seager, lor Jno. Collins and wife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 00 " JumPs l\l. Lawrence, for John Greuwa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 10 00 U N. ('. Wallace, for Lydia Walls and (laughh-r. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 1?. 00 “ N C. Wulluce, for Sarah Nye.. 5 00 " “ “ for Mary Ann Jus. Nanzass and W. H. B-flithn, Audi» tors. C. S. Hollinshead and James Stone- hnnse, Assessors. Road l'ommfssinncrs,~â€"lst District, Jun. Cn‘nmhs, 'I‘lms. Rumlle, Phas. Kerswell. ‘an {)islriat. Wm. Farr, John Brown, E. Whhmm-e. 3rd Disirict, W. Patterson, J. Walkem, J. McKinnm]z M r Wallace mnvvd. sscunded by Mr Wehâ€" sler. that the Cn-umy Treasurer he author- izt-d 'o uchm from Mr Charles Powell Ilm sum of$lOO in full of all claims for taxes for lhe years 1872-‘73â€"‘74-‘75, on certain lolait the plan of 1he Village of Maple. numbered as follows: on Dulmn& Inca-‘5 plan nl'xhe Village. Nos 96. 97. 100, 101, 1.0.3, 104. 105. 106, 107 and 108 on. the hills; 110. 111.112. “3,114 and 109 on Several accounts were also presented and read. Mr Chnpman moved, seconded by Mr Webster. that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay the following road ac- counts. ag certiï¬ed to by the road commis- sioner! :â€" ' Mr iieaman maved. seconded by Mr Web. mer. {hm the Rrevo and Mr Wallace. 13! Depmyï¬eeve. he apnnimed a committee to (mmbr..wiib,»Mr Mardnnald. for his claims as subâ€"measurer of subcul moneys for the vanship of Vaughan. and when. to the Cuuucil“m ~im-ant. meetingâ€"Car. Russell; .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ NJ) Wallace, for Mrs Hayslend. 7 00 " Wm. Nixon for Mary Richard- son, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 800 â€"(‘arried. Mr Wallace man seenndr-d by Mr Char.- nmm‘thnlahï¬sum of $1 95 he refunde to Mr D ugul‘i Mn Murchie, being the amount wrmngfuJy assessed him. ~L'ur. Mr Clmpmun' muyed, seconded by M r Wuliace, mg“, the petiuon of R. Wilson and 22 lith‘S, pmving fm'a'lhe Council to nasnsl in la‘ï¬ldingr mud repaiuiug sidewalks in [he Vilhme ol'Thnrnhill. be laid over iill next meeting of Ibis Council â€"L‘ar. Nr Wullace moved, 8900“de by Mr Chapman, lhm this Cumch meet on Ihv 8111 and 215! 01 Fe-hmmy. and on 1he 301h of Mav. nnd that during: :he other mmzlhs Ihe linuncil do mem on the second 'I msday in each month, and that the (‘lerk he uulhwizvd lo post up notices in public places [0 Ihat efl'ect.â€"_â€"Car. M r Webster moved, seconded bv Mr Rea- mnn. that the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to (.‘halles Unwin, Provincial Land Surveyer, for services unending (mum, in llze Townline Case hmwc-en York and Vaughan: ibe sum of $58.90; to W. Ens: 1h.u sum M8260, for costs in suit Town- ship 1*: Tagger-t. tor selling liquor without henna“; alsn, l0 Wallflcpllroiyg account Mr Wallace muted, sectundud by Mr Rea.- man. that, in norm-dance. with the statute, tmt-‘hi-d m the ï¬nes recovw'vd hy Mr J. T. mes, H iuh (‘tmstuhle. fur infraction ol Ille Act of 1874 nnd ptvyztble in this Tow-«ship. he refunded to him lot the pur- pose nfdet'ruying expenses connected with and: suits.-â€" Cur. fur nue'cm-d nf wood for Mrs Tivin. $250. -â€"(‘9r Dislriu No. R;â€"-â€"Tn Robprt Dick $13.10 : to Juhn-Mchlo. $28 00; to David Mur- ray. $5.00 â€"Car. lLr Wallace, mnved, seconded I»; Mr Web. mar. (hm lhe Trustees nf School Seclion Nu. 9 Vaughn", have the use of the Town Hall pounds for a play mound for Ihe children, on the same lenms us last year.~- Cur. _l$v Mr Chapman. from R. Wilson and 23 ‘ VAUGHAN COUNCIL. M. Tun, Clerk. Since the Confederation of the British North American Provinces into one grand Dominion, the prosperity of our country has been decided and Etudily advancing, and its rapidly accumulating prestige points out in the future a proud position among the family of nations for our beloir'ed: Canada. At this most. interesting and yet cri'ticul period in the histary of our new Dominion it should be the duty of every true citizen and patriot to see that no element at future weakness be eugruï¬ed in our cous'liluiion or become established as a part ofour social system, or that. may tend to weaken our youthful energies nnd endanger the vitality ut our national life and prosperity. The wealth of u nation consists in its agriculture, munul’ucnmes, trade, commerce, railways, mines and ï¬sheries. In the earlier histury of our country, our living was simple. our wants few. our cloth- ing course and our habilalinns crude; but as time passed on and the cquutry. under Enund cuusliluliunal government, has pros- }.ered. (so have we advaucyd in civzlization und knowledge. Producliun has been facilitated, the necessaries of life have been inure-Mud in quantity and improved in quahty and every- Ihing necessary to the happiness of mankind upon earth is provided abundantly. The chief quesuon bring its economical use and distribution. - As the nuiuxal result of' the operation of these fumes upon society, muukmd shnuki; be prosperuus and huppy, and gel, singular Lu say, we ï¬nd the cum'rary [u be the cas’e. Th’e question nulurulty u'rlses, wllya‘huuld Ihe masses be unhgppy and numbers bu found sulfermg I'm- wull of the hcm'ul neCe-ssuries of life And why; me“ {hi} “3 inequire happiness in_ gimacquisition 01' wealth. ive ï¬nd the poor and police rutes him in- creased 67 per cent in the same limp; as for cxumpJB:â€"-The number of paupllrs in England and Wales. in 1851. was 860.993; ii: the year 1871, 1.037.360. Nuw Lhii simply shews that England in giving evidvnce 01 this exham-dinary and unparrai'eled expansion in for- eign trade and commerce, has no ex- cuse fur ihp fearful amount ot'pnuperism and destitution found (here; and that the ()[porlunityof acquiring wealth and thus securing comfort and happiness in Iheir hnuses, no nation in the world has ever any. joyed in a like decree. The proper swlulion of lhes: questions brings us to lhe suhjdct ot'pulilicul economy, which. as a science, may be deï¬ned as eni~ bmciuglhe proper administration of the revenue ofu nation, the management of ‘ub resources, lnbur, producliws and propel-I), and ihe means by which Ihe iubOI' and pru- perly ul iié ciIiZens are prolected and d.- recled. as well as Ihe best mi dc of securing the success ut'euch IIIleidUHi industry and enterprise and the gunerul national proa- Periw- Then let us for a moment consider the question of labor, which, 1137 pulillcul ecnm.~ misls, is divided into prudultive and non- pruduclive labor. The funnier inervasw the wealth of the state; the luttvr cmsli- tutesuluss. Labor is productive when it adds to value and only then. as in the cuss- of the carpenter, shoenmker. mechanic. &c., in all cases where the raw material is by lallurlmpt'uvetl in quality and value On the other hand, labor is not.-pt'-Iduclive when engaged in (ï¬le-Hng Wcallll whole the increase ol value is nut teal, as in the case or soldiers. police, teachers, physicians, the. "ands;...,.......... 30.000.000 Benevrllence, . . . . . .. - - - - - - - 2-000,000 Now, although a late Charleen“ 0“ Ex- chequer was able to bonst of an increase in lhe revenue ofone year off/£00,000 sleriing. yet do we ï¬nd as [he result of the gremiy increased consumpiinn ot'intoxicauts in that enunlry, u corresponding increase m pun- perism. crime and lunacy. For while the trade ot'England has increased some 360 per cm! during the last menu-ï¬ve years. This dbï¬n'ihon is not always -c0t‘rect. for the teacher incwases the capability of mun for skilled labor, and the physicians rvstu'ea‘ health, which, to the laborer, ts tune, and of cuurse, value. In b.~iel'. a producxive laborer earns and saves mm’e than he desiroys. As if I earn one thousand dollars per year, and con- sume or destroy ï¬ve hundred ol it. my labor is then productive. If, on lhe other ,hand, I cum ï¬ve. hundred dullars, and con- _sume orsdrstruy ï¬ve hundred, my labor is non-productive in the sense referred (no; or yt-t um I any richer ut the eï¬d of the year than In the beginning.- ‘ Drink,......... . . . . . . . . . . Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tea, Coffee and Sugar, . . . . , Cotton. W pollen and Linen it is a mauevr of serious consideration fur all Ihqnghlful people to study how much of our labor lesults in nu-imml gain, and hnw much. it' any. goes for nothing and becomes a clear loss to the state. One million dollars per annum is con- sumed by u. cuunlry for bread, for which we have, in neturn. bone. mmcle. London, nerve and brain power, and all lhese menluined in the highest Condition of health and ucliun. In the other case we ï¬nd slanding t‘oxlh pron inemly us the immediate lesulrs nf lubur .niSprlu-d, crime, pauperism. disrease, lunacy and death. The UnAed Kingdom of Grrnt Brimin and Ireland spent for drink. in 1872, the Hmrmnus sum of £131,601.490, sterling. It will be imeresling lo cnmpare this wilh a few otherurticles of consumption in that country, for the year above mentioned, we The Govern:an oflhe Province of OI.- has vulvd the. sum of ï¬fty thousand dnllars fur the pwpose of bringing out. my twenty (huusamd luburers. The object of Ulll' Government in [his enlerprisc being eVIdentvly Insecure for our country an in- creased number of pruductive laborers. m- uciunl sen ers, to take up and wnrk am, as yet, IlOIrPI‘UdUC'iVe free grant, lands, which. when improved 1);, labor. wiH reï¬t-ct buck upuu Ihe stale an amount of wealth [hut will well repay them for the ï¬rst outlay. Now this is' all correct, and just. us it slwuld beI iHhere were no side passages and irregular channels inn) which labor smnelimes travels. and hemmes eminently unpmducnve. These switches of? from the highway of a heullhy and prosperuus like 1 prupuse now to consxder. The amount of labor that in this country ‘5; really non-pl‘pduclive. so far as our naâ€" 01ml wealth is concerned, is Sumething tn the political economist, stun-[ling to contem- plale. and to l‘ulluw up and study Lurelully to us ï¬nal issue and results presents n theme of the very gravest character and nhnunding in has of interest closely allied with our country's welfare. The liquur bill of the United States for 1872 is estimated at $600.000.000. This immense liqunt‘ establishment employs in Its manufacture and distrihuitnn 545.624 \nenwhuse labor is a direct loss to the State in two ways. First, In the production of anmticle that is consumed. destroyed and madeawav with without adding one snlitary dollar to the wealth (ifthe country. And, in the second place, these men, if employed in any at the nuniernns industries. would, by skilled labor or otherwise, and value to the raw material : minister to the general prosperity of the country and thus increase the national wealth OUR. WASTED RESOURCES. (T0 at conmvzn.) £131.601.490 73.000000 40,000,000 A meeï¬ng oflhe Union Board of School Txustees was-held if) the Scbuul Hunse. Richmond Hiâ€, ’01) :Wednesday last. 19th inst. Menll’nexa;presemz {ev- James Dick, Chairman Marsh, Sec-Twas} I Messrs Patterson, Trent'h. Teefy, Lawrence, Boyle, ang‘Sheppurd. L ' .- m - . _ The mmules 01 December meeting were read and on motion approved. . 1‘ 1 A mpcm frdm Mr' 'hgtmes Bracken, Pub'r lic School Teacher. stating the number of non resident pupils attending his department; also, the school board {.9 furnish some more seats was read. Also from Mr McMurchie, Head Master oflhe High School; staiing'the number of pupils legnily admitted to the School, and requesting the Board to procure a map stand for the class room. Mr Teefy inuved, se'conded by Mr Law- rence, that. the Sec. petition the County Council at itaï¬next meeting for a sum suf- ï¬cient to assist the High Sc-lmolâ€"Car. The See moved. seconded by Mr-Sher- pard,_that Mn W. C. Patterson be recom- mended fo'r reappointment as School ’l‘rus- teeâ€"Car. '- - ' Mr Teefy moved, seconded by Mr Shep. pard. that non-reï¬r‘enl pupils. attending the Public Schuok be’charged ï¬fty cents per mouthâ€"Cay}: :. ‘p . 1. ". ‘1‘ I'm ‘ MI: Lawrénéé moved, seconded by Mr Teefy. t.,lm3;1he:Secv, be instructed. to procure a map-stand lbr the class 'bom in [be ngh SchquH-Carf‘“ : :r * '- \ ‘ Mr |:ef:'d'mved, seconded by Mr Txench, than tlw Sec Ibeï¬insm-mqed to prncme u, map "1 Eurolié, 'u’l'l'd‘the Dominion, for Miss MvMu Phieâ€™ï¬ department â€" Car. M" Mf‘mh moved. seconded by Mr Law- ’el‘c‘e‘ '41!“ We committee instruct lhe care- “mel‘ 10 remove the ashes ever-y mowing and lmva the'ï¬res built earlier in Older 10 haveJhe Schnol reams healed in timeâ€"Car. M: Boyle mmed. seconded by Mr Trench. that the several teachers be instruct-4d to enquire into the breaking of anv furniture helnuging t9 the Schuob, and-collect dam- ages for the mime and report to ihe Board. â€"-(,‘ar. Mr Bayle'moved, seconded by Mr Trench. that the Sec. be instructed to get the state. ment of accounts for the pas! year primed in handhi'll form; for distribmiou among the rampuyws of Che Sectionâ€"Cur. ..m n ' yle moved. seconded hy Mr Trench. Ihut a. reporter for the press be udmiuvd to i all meetings of this Board for the purposel of reporting prwoedi“gsâ€"Cur. Ilm .- Mr Trench moved, secnndrd bv MI" Tvefy. thnt the Sec. apply to Mr Fntheringham. Schch Inspector. fora “Perm!†for Mr James Brackinâ€"(‘un B‘lnur -Spring VVheuloxHa . . Superior extra....... ()nlmeal...... ..... u..- ".urnmeal ................. Whomâ€"Spring poo hmh. . . . While Willlel‘...... Mr W. H. Myers. newly elected Trustve. was culled upon tn take Ihe declaration, of ofï¬ce. which was administered by the chan- mm] of [he Board. ' g r, S Eggs.por doz...;.........- 0 Dressed Hogu. per IOU lbs... . 7 Bacon..... Prhnoq........ 10 Hungâ€"Cured; per is. ., . . . . . 0 VVooJ-porlb..;r:.......... 9 3 ( ©®§§ ccaqc 33832 {9â€"- mug The annual meeting of Vaughan Agxicul- lurrl Socier was hvld on Wednesday, 12th insh. auhe Wnodbridge Hmel. \Vuodhndge. There'werv n large number of Ihe members present. ‘ The following report was read, conï¬rmed and “dome-d : RECEIPTS AND uxnmnx‘rvnxs FOR 1875. To Bulaï¬ce 9n hand us per last report, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $331 “ Sub'. m‘d ('nmuions m Society 239 00 “ Legislative gram . . . . . . . . . . 140 00 “ Cnu‘n'iv ' do .......... 25 00 “ Township 7 do 50 00 " ‘Admissimi non-members . . . . . 652 55 “ Ree. 'fmm settlement with West York,......., . . . . . . . 382’. 83 mmwmams .. $793 00 Prizes paid for 1874 . .. Ill 00 Slim-mas (or Secund Tres 30 00 Pnid on building . . . . . . 62 04 Variaus Pxnendilures and Prizes velunpnid fnr1875 $106 50 Diplomf; hlhograph nnd Total liabiliï¬es . . . . . . . $206 50 The fuliowing ofï¬cers wenx elpcted for the pnsuingvem-z Mr Francis Hunt. pres?- dent; Mr Wm. Farr. via-president; Mr N. C. Wallace, treasurer; Mr Joel Hartman, secrcmry. Directors: Messm Jacob Lah- mr'r. Jncnh Smilh. Dane] Kinneé, Jonathan EHerby, Euhram Whitmm-ey John C(mper, James Dalziel. William Burkhnlder, John Réaman. Auditors: Messrs C. H. Dunning and G. B. Wl‘ylhe. lmg« rolls. Eggs. pvr duz. . .. Dressed Hogs. pol Bacon. Prime. ; ,‘ Hams. Culed. . . . ' payments Balance on hand The following mminn by Mr N. C. W515 lace, seconded by Mr Joel Rvuman, was put to the meeting and onlhuslasticnlly cmried : “ That the thanks of [his Sm-icty an justly due and are hereby tendm-ed to Mr John Ahell. for his generous contrihmiona In this Society. and his invaluable services as Prel- dent during a long term of yearn."-Free Press. A ministerial crisis has wound in France. The Finance Minister, M. Leon Say, has re- tired. and a violent collision has been avoid- ed only by the adoption of a more concili- atory policy on the part of President Mac‘ mahgn. The end. however, is not yet. M A RRlED. SwszERâ€"ATKZNSI)N.â€"â€"Al the rpsidence of the bridefa father,‘ Richmond Hill. on the l3l'h'ihst.. by the Rev. J. Halbert Starr, asgisfgd by the Rev, John hunt, Mr Jnsvph A. E. Swilzer. to Miss Eliza- beth Ann Atkinson. only daughter oer William Atkinson. merchant. flourâ€"Spring W ham. . . . Fullg Wheat oxlra' Wheatâ€"Spï¬ng. per bush ,Fndl... . . ._. . - . . lorrvamedng: Hr Isaac ~(fleshy, Croce]. and Dry Goods Werclun . Flro l’tuof Store, SCHOOLETRUSTEE MEETING. Vaughan Agricultural Society, The Board then adjourned sundry out-étandings 100 50 Rlumom) TORK )NTO MARKETS flwhnmnï¬ï¬‚dl Jan 20, I876. LIABILITIES. Toromu. Jan. 20. “~76, HILL 1‘ MARKETS 211 20 514 50 . $0 "5 ED , I 01! rm . 0 7H (m 0 35 fl . 0 ‘24 fl ‘ 13 (MI @ 8 {In rm . 45 0 fl . 1 50/17) , 020 f1) . 0 2" fab . 020 mu 0 on $0 34 @ II 65 fl) 0.411 @ l ‘25 @ h "7 ((2. I4 un @ (ll) 1* ((3 (I 22 @ 021) @ 02“ {(1) 6 50 fr? 10 HI (FL 1 13 @ $1821 74L $X821 74 $4 50 4 71; 5011 4 (m h H I (H H H! 03': (l 75 H; Hr $15 on (x 2') 7 1'“ H 0†(i If: ll 5H I 75 U “H I)" 0" I) 0 U I) 23 (I 5" 92 25 ('1 2‘4 0 2n (a Uh 5 .5“ 0 00 (l “(I (I 41! 0 4.0 (I 75 EPPS’S COCUA. -- GRATEFUL AND] CoIPuR'I‘Ina. â€"-â€" “153 a thorough knowledge ofthe natural laws which goverr the operations ofdizeetionand nutrition. and by acareful ap- ‘ plication of the ï¬ne properties of well-selectedi cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast table: :with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution mas be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency 3 to disease Hundrrda of subtle maladies ate ‘ floating around us ready to attack wherever there is aw«-ak point. We may escape many I fatal shalt by keeping ourselves well fortiï¬ed with pure blood and a properly nouvished lrame.â€â€"-â€" Civil Service Gazette Sold only in packets labellzdâ€"v JAMES laws 51 (lo . Hou mopathic Chemist‘ 48 'l'h-endneedle Sheet. and 170 l’ur‘cadi (Iv, London.†STARR.- At the residence of his son, the , Rev. J. Herbert Starr. of Richmond Hill, on Wednesday, the 12th lush Mr John Edward Starr, formany yems a merchant of Halifax, N Ssâ€"Aged 71 years. ‘1 B LATE JOHN DUNCUMB. Are he-‘ehy notiï¬ed that (hey we roquoswd Torihmlh to pay to tho undersigned Execulurs afl monies duo bv them to the said Estate. The undersigned Have n'ppointud Wednesday in each Week (at the Shop of W.‘ H Myers. llichmond Hill; for receiving such payments and attending to ulhur matters counucled with tho Esuuo. Also. any pmsuns havmg am claims ngainsl line said 1‘ state will have lhv kaness to hand the m in rurlhwilll vor paylnenl. int-511GB 'Ia'v’niiéimmdd’ nan-ms 19m Day or January. l876. louville, In “Ills. miles] up in a pm)» «I pnpqr. The ï¬nder win be suitably ruwarded by rmunuug il 10 ‘ MOSES WHITE. Jun ‘2“. 76 Buttonviile P.0. Jun ‘2“. 76 Vick’s HowaerVegetable Seeds Arolhelmsnlre World prnduces Tlu-y anx plmm-d by a million pauple m Amuricu, and (he n-sull is. beanhl‘ul I"lmVers and rplendid Vflgc-mhles A Prim-d Catalogue sent rl‘fl‘ In all who euclosv lhu pUsLageâ€"n 2 cent sum-p Vick‘s Flower and Vegetable Garden Is the most lwamil'u» “onk of Iho kind in the warld Il_conl::ins nome 25(J_phgc\s. lum- dleds or ï¬ne lilllsll‘HHOIH. izlld rmm CHImMu I'LA'rzs pr FLOW: us. beuulJ'tu dmwu and "aimed {mm Imluru [Nice 35 cls. m papa: cuvers; Q55 cls bound in elegum cloth. This is a beautiful Quartelh‘ 1011111711, mmly 'fllustl‘ah d. and emitu‘nnng n11 leg IA nylon-d qutislnet‘a With the ï¬rs! number. [’1100 011!)' 26 Ms for the your" The ï¬rst numb 1 for “476 just msmd. AddIESS A LARGE QUANTI IY. O!" L \‘l‘l-l, in lots to sun Purchasers. Havng vugagod a Fll'st- Class Sawyer. parlies req-‘inng Custom Wovk will be accommodated on the shortest notice. JUH N JONFS, Cnrvillg Milk, BILL STUFF. 'l'hem-de:sigued has: to infnru' the public 95.1mm- lhnl his Mills Imva- hveu 1hnhllgllly rnpain-d in all Ilzeir parts. and mm. he is now prepale to attend to all CUSTOM WORK, EFORE GOING ELSWBERE, TRY THE V - lst PRIZ E HARNESS I (Thaneerv.mada in the matter of [he Estatn'of luel Remnmu, and in a cause of RPI~ managamst Hemnan, lhe Creditors ome~| Roaman. Into 0! the Township of Vnuglmn. in [In Guunty of York. Fauner. who died in or about liw month oi September, 1875. are on or beforn the 8th Day†of Februaiy, IBYB, tn send by past. prepaid. to Messrs Crowlher. Till & ac \nlmr, ol' the City of Toronto. the Snlirnors of tlm Adminitvralrix of the de ceasad. their ('hrinian nnd’Surnames. ad~ dream-s and .lescriplionn,vl10 l'ull particulars of their cla'ms. n slammnnt uf lhniv arcuunls and xhr- nature of lhe securilimâ€"iv anyâ€"hold by them; or in defaul! thereof thov will be per~ empvorily excluded from the beneï¬t oflhesnid Ol'di‘l’ Everv (‘redilor holding any set-min in to produce lh- same before ml the umlarsignad Mastnr in ()rdinarv 0f Hm said Chur(, m m‘ (.hnmhornin Osgoode Hall, in lllB cm of Ton-mu, E'GH’I'EENTH HAY 0|“ FEB- A LARGE ASSORTMENT HUARY. lh7ï¬, at Klevvn o’cn ck in the Fore- mmn. heing xlm limo appointed for adjudi- caxï¬ou on the claims. “Mod the 2‘2nd Day of Dacamher. H375. H AR N E S S, AT ALL PRICES. Solicztnla lor Admi nisu-uu ix . Signed mwv URFUANT to an Order oflha Cnu~tof Chancerv.madn in ghe matter of, [he Executors’ Notice. ‘ABRVILLE SAW MILLSâ€"â€" Nov. 32. 187.53 9:0-4L WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. Dec. 29. ’75. 910 3m CROWTHER, TILT &. McARTHUR, SINGLE 8:. DOUBLE LL persons indebted to the estate of tho ETWEEN THF; 34; AVD Ith INSTS a! or between Viclnriu Square and But Vick’s Floral Guide Jorl Reaman. Dweased, HSTKHLISHMENT, RICHMOND HILL. Chancerv Notice $110 W. IL MYERS. C DUNCUMB. JR Constantly on hand T0 CREDITORS OF Jamfl'N’ick- I , Rochcster, N. Y. DIED. 0F T. W. TAYLOR. ‘xaculors. 913 lm “ CDNDBETE HOUSE †i Richmond um, .Dec. 23375.. Eagle The Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and the public in general for their support and patronage since opening the above Store, would bespeak their patronage still, feeling conï¬dent. that he can sell British Flag Staff.†In the Village of Richmond Hill. Those favoring me with a call can judge for themselves. Having replenished the Store with a huge Assortment of Good» Shir-able for Ihe avasnn, enmiatiug nf'all kinds of DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING. SHIRTâ€" [NGSY CLOUDS, G040!) 'l‘WEEDlNGS, HOSIERY, GOOD FRESH GROCEHIKS, HARDWARE, CRUCKERY, FLOUR and FEED, they will. ï¬nd it to their advantage by giving me u call. ‘ Goods Delivered; Richmond 11111, Dec. 16,1875. , ALEX. MOODIE As Cheap. if' not Cheaper. than any House flntario HousE IWWI‘L‘II‘NINCi’I‘flAN KS w Ins Humor. on: Friends and Customers lur Illarrpulrow age during 1h: past year, wou'd call \he'n utteulion lo [[98 fuel that he has now on hand a Large 9nd _Well‘Se|ecled Shock of Life-like Photographs AND AM BROTYPES; Also Picture Frames shall hr Made to 0rder, MALCOLM BLAIR, The undersigned having opened the Photo- graph Gallery lately nr-cupird M Mr ()nunland, now respectfulh so icils lho pllbï¬c palrnnngn 01' NH‘H MUN†IIILI. and surrounding Caunlrv ; ashe is now prepared to give saus- .,(uction "In making All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. GR-ï¬GERIES London Bayers, Val-entias, and Seedless Raisins. Wlniéll have lien) Wall bought and will be found. both m [nice and quality. (quul to any in the Market- "I CURRANTS, ï¬ne new fruit; TEA-q, SUGARSL’" COFFEES, SPICES, ORANGE 85 LEMON PEEL. . SPLENDID Lixiéiry Stable In connection ' Good Rigs. double or ringb‘, at Reduced Prices for the Winter Season. RICHMOND HILL PHflTflEMPH mum. { I S H â€"The largest stock in town of‘Lake' Superior White Fish and Salmon Trout, which will be sold at less than Toronto Prices. A Splendxd Aesortment at Reduced Prices. OVERSHOES & RUBBERS at prices that all can buy. J.B. Respectfully solicits 3 ca]! Richmond Hill, J , BROWN. 1)“, I3,1875. T0 the Public N ated for Brillianoy and Durability. Full range of pixie“. Yornm‘ of Yonge and Centre St: Richmond Hill, Jan. 6, 1876. Flour and Feed : Flour, Oatmeal, Commeul, Buck Wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Apples, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts. THIS BOOTS 86 SHOES: J. BROWN TINWARE; Opposite Sanderson (9! Sons. I? Remembar tho place RICHMOND HILL. A LARGE STOC K. CONSISTING 0F Mills WM. ATKINSON. 9094f AT THE To be published once in uch wont 9'0! Ibo six wool;- preoeding the aid 25!!! dly of Jutl- nry next, in Ibo uewxlmpor killed the Yong Hmuun. SOB-SI. Urine»: : ‘20} Adulnide Sire e! Hut,’l‘orouto. 3 fr.“- doors Won! OF the Poll 05w. HP. Subacribor has on but premium I,“ No. 15. 31110011. Ylughnn. A SUI’IJ‘O‘ BERKSHIRE BOAR. for Suvigo. ‘ ' f AND NHA‘ ’ZST‘TI‘I A¢;).N‘l‘- [)q-o ‘ls n-cuiwd. nuljem to demand with lnmwst. Lomm‘noguliuled. Dnbenturn fol Sulo. 'i‘ Blnégliu'i'h. aid on or Ewan-(xv; “3’6, at one o’clock in the If: moon. being the time nppoimod for adjudication on who claims. Dated lhe 3th day Of Decambov, 1875 Signed T. w. TAYLOR. ‘1 (ToumiI-n m ank. Feel, ()nlmiu and Filncuo : Mm» Vsluazvr and Commimion -\gem. I‘Jn, Address Blpnmiugton. £3 Chancery Salt-s Mluulod m I Punk-s rcequiring Mn PA'unImon’n servicu can make nrrnngnmcma and chain punian lnre as to terms «a. u the "nun: UM’ce. PURSUANT to udecreo of the Court of Cluncon‘. main in n can" of Qua-nix «gainat Smnlser. lhu Cnediton of Polar Pum- bnugh, Into of tho Township of Vaughan. in m. County of Yolk. Fnrmer. who-dint! in "r about the mom'- of April. 157'). an. on or bo- fore the 28th [lay of January, IBIS. To send, by poll. prepaid, tn Maura ll'er'ulon. Built and Mayors, of lhe Chy of Toronm, tho Solicilori uf 1i:- Exorulorn of rho doceasga, their chrisliln mid nurnumosmddrusu Ind description. lhé full particulars of lhoir thian I flue-non! of their necounls. and [In nature of lhe securities (if my). held by mm a or in doiauh [horror lhov will he perempturily 9‘. eluded from the beneï¬t of [he said Docloo. Every (auditor holdmg am security in In pro. duCrch-i name before mo. tho unaorsignad Master in Ordinnrv of ihe said Court. n my Chan-liars. in sgoodc Hall.__iILtho Ci ' BOOTS ! HARD TIMES Peter Puterbaugh, Deceased. Ladiea’ Felt Boots were sold for 82.76. now aold (or $2. And lhenforo you can get BARGAINS LY dealing with him. Call and see the HARNESS as well as the Boon. W. H. MYERS [Must Have Money, Torml $1. Cub- Jan. 4. 1375-. }A\KF.R AND HIKUKER. INSURANCE TREMEN MUS SACRIFICE ! \Im 31*. 1-875. Nov 22, 1825. CHANGER Y N0 TICE J M. PATTERSON. ICENSED AUCTIUNEER fan the Lustre Billing of? my Winter Stock :1 n AND LOW PRICES. Berkshire Boar, ‘V I L L I S , 1‘0 CREDITORS Ol‘ BOOTS! JOHN LAMMEI. 3-11.41: BOOTS! I 880 if. 905- xf.