-M *_ ___.__ FALGOWBHIDEE '1- H I s w E-E'. K . , AA FINE ASSORSMENT or W TEA Comprising Young Hysons, Congou. powder, Souchong and Japan. Will sell Japan at . - - - - 42 cents, worth 50 cents. it u n 55 cents. worth 65 cents. H “ “ very ï¬ne, 70 cents, worth 80 cents. .â€" 's‘ _i 9 Is the best preparati YORKSHlR , CATTLE FEEDER on known for fattening Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep. and Figs With great saving of time and food. It gives stren: h a 41 life to Horses, even during hard work . Cows rod with it produce more milk and butter, at the some time increase in flesh: and for stall feeding cattle its (feet is marvelous. Price 250ts and $1 per Box. Grun- A DOLLAR BOX CONTAINS 200 FEEDS. HUGH MILLER & 00., Toronto. August 30. 1875. 893-t FIRST-CL.ASS ,Qvercoats, Shawls &: Blankets Farm for Sale! Greatly Seducedil’rices. FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS the balance of his ....»S'loc]£.0f Mirth amt Otter Furs ’Win be offered at; COST for CASH. ’ ' ’ " ' J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. E†-."5’<‘ Richmond Hm, Jim. 19, 1876. Erin rim F srur. â€"â€" 0X0â€" - .c ‘ A s‘PLENDtD ASSORTME‘NT OF ,liagntadian “Weeds ! "912mm THIS DnY; ’A'FUl-L onions. _ . Now lSV'l‘llE TIME TO, ORDER _ A NEW SUIT, Before the Busy Season commences. ISA AC CROSBY. ,1 Spore.†P. G. en v Ac E M“, '._ “.c. _ Richmond "uni, 1.... to, L76. Wishes to thank his friends~ and customers tor the-tr liberal patronage for ills ,iyenr l-‘7o. And would call their attention to the fact tlmi'hi- lm'sjnst reached is LARGE AND COM- ' l’LE'l‘E' STUCK OF Staple and. Fancy Groceries v ' OONSISTING OF: London Layer, New Valentin and Superior Secdlcss Raisins ; Currants (the ï¬nest fruit), Canned Fruits, cheaper than any house in town Orange and Lemon Murtnnlades, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel. i ' Figs, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, OYSTERS AND SARDINES OF THE BEST BRANDS. “‘98 3†A large assortment of FISH, consisting.Ir of ' SALMON TROUT, FINNIN HADDIES, SMOKED SALMON ’ ' Also, a Large Stool: of ' FURNITURE, .STQVES £72701“le Prices. Also the best quality of Flour, Brim. Shorts, Potatoes and Apples, at the lowest prices. 36" Parcels Delivered. RichmondHill,dan-. 3 H.436 ,___.__. 5: A. WRIGHT 81: SON . .I‘L'l'UlI ‘1. their sincere thanks for past pntronngu and Wtinld 1mg leave to say, tlmt having -¢-.nl'.rgi>d their g: NIllI'15S and made airungrmcn-s tor nnvinp :illtln-irwiwkdmie Illidtlt'lilelr .own supervision. are il ‘lt'llll‘llrll to establish .i rupflhtll'lll second to none ii, the l‘rnrinco lnr (Hitters of ill Designs. 'i’il?‘ T‘Yli‘éG \HVIC iill'la †,c- ‘1 v "' i! 7 ‘33," F3 WE; WanimKMEnq Arid list 3 :qlltt“ l-ll' lth iii; <l‘ ‘wl ‘s'l'i'ilil ‘\ tun tool (“‘Fils‘ll Um! tltoycuir {pun so: Ibifilcl on notw o; lilhll wm'i'. lzmny (lotto In air "the. slurp, 5“ 5:1 M - N. 1% â€"A W. & 5. would also slau- that in connection with the above they have ,opsni-d a New BLLAleSMITIEI S [IOP And having engaged a FIRSTâ€"OLASS JORBIGII, arr prepared to do all kinds of Gen- ,era‘ Blacksmitliing. CHARGES MODERATE. Richmond Hill, Oct. 27,1875. A, WRIGHT & SON, , xâ€" ,..H. GEO. BROWN, M. D., JUYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACâ€" (ItiUUHEURu , ~ Orricn : Corner of Yongo and Contra Sts . Richmond Hill. ' > Nov. 2.;1875. BETHUNE. OSLER 8; MOSS, ' lAthlS'l‘ERS. &C.. Union Block, Cor.- lj ner l‘ornnln and Adel-tide Sts (opposite -he now Post ()ï¬'i- 0.) Toronto. F. Home It. _ W. G. I‘Aucossatna u. , .N“ W . HOVLEs. Toronto, Nov. 4,1875. Jnuzs Bornnsu, Cunt." Moss, J. 1!. Tuna. ‘ 90‘2-tf - 9024!.â€- BRIAGES. he of all Kinds, CONTAINING 100 ACRES Of Land more or less; being Lot No 27. in the ‘2nd Con. of Markham. I of a mile north of Elgin Gravel Road. I}, enstof Yonge street, '2; from Richmond Hill, and 18 miles from 'l‘orouto. 'l‘heland is of l‘lxcdlent Q-mlitv and in a High S are of Cultivation . Tours is Eightvï¬ve Acros Cleared. the remainder in First-class Hardwood Bush. The place is well fenced and well wulerod with a never- faihug Spring Creek; also. plenty of hard water; a good hearing Orchard of choice fruit. There is a lWll-Sllllil BRICK DWELLING, 38 x ‘28 foot. with Stone Wall Cellar; Good Barn, Stable and Shed : co nvcnisntto School, Churches, Mills, Stores and Shops. Title Perfect. For particulars apply to JACOB IIEISE. .13., Victoria Square, 41h Con. Markham. November ‘26, 1875. 9116-3m. W504 Far d 1 ’i‘lIE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that he has opeiwd A WOOD YARD, And he will keep on hand . p , ‘ . A ll Kllliis nl Which will be Sold At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. Richmond Ilill. Dec. 3lst. ’74. in l llHM FOR SALE 200 iiillif...“l2§.‘.if .252 {151%. ‘33. in the Min concession ul Nult'l‘ll OltlLLIA. There are about 30 Acres under Improvement 1 mm m in With :1 Frame llousn and New Frame Earn 30 a ï¬ll : tho test‘nt well Tiinhered wnh Pine and Hardwood. "his is a ï¬rst-class Whom Farm. and is beautifully silualod on the Snvmm Rlvs:u,ci-m'cnioul to Flour and Saw Mills, within llnlfn tnileâ€ol‘ the Severn Bridgo Stu- tion of the Northern Railroad. Price $3,001, easy payments. .. For further nmllcnlm‘s apply to .lOIlN llr\|.L. . Rivhmond llill l'ump Works, Richmond Ht August 12. 1875. B9" BANNER DIALOGUES, 3" MRS R. P. HOPPER. 115 Pages for 30 Cents. A package contains the following Dia'ogues: Opening Address. for a boy . Lille Christie. -â€" Recitation for a boy ofti or 7" years: Lillie Albflll,â€"Rectlfl\l0ll torn hoi‘ or gill 6 or 8 years; A how platform speech,â€"for a boy lll or 1‘2 years; Recitation on (iallautry -â€"hy a boy of 10 years. or less : Closing Address. by girl; A (iood Burguin,â€"â€"A dialogue for two hove: The birthday party.â€"A dialong for 3 ours, 3 g rls,‘2 gen'leinen and a lad} : B-‘nk on down 'I‘rntlosman.â€"A dialogue for ‘2 boys and 3 girls; Difl' rent Opinion .â€"A dialogue for4lmVs; Givmg to God â€"A dialogue for 3 bots and? girls: Jolly Jim. or a soft an- ewerturnelli away wrath.-â€"-A dialogue for 3 boys. EL? Will be sent in any address. in package form, post-paid, for 3;» coins. Address, POSTMASTER. Victoria Square. Sept Isl. 1875. (-93 ii. 7,,__~..â€" F. J. FARNDEN, (LATE WI’I'H w. DUDLEY. NHWMARKET.) l l AW AND CONVEYENCING 0F- , FICE. AURORA. 1 Will be at. i Richmond flillmvery Thursday l l UFI-‘ICE A’l‘ PALMi-zn’s HOTEL. MODERATE CHARGE» Amara. Julk l3. ‘75 last PRIZE ump Works, liialltnon d H ill. i ‘ "‘11P: SUBSI‘RI HER lllilis l‘l ‘ INFORM . tilt: lnliaoitanis of li.l(31|lll01lli Hill and «n- lvirons. that he will continuz- to manufacture lttitnin Litton run tinnrrb “Pam. ll i-Iiiuozid Hill, and hopes. bx tho~trii~le~lwmnomvmom- iriurtl witw litt- has! tnnlm‘in‘nud v-iriunanship' to moril n mullllllllalliw nltlw ,-ntronagi “.2th- «d ll‘l me no ï¬rm. All our pumps are war- reul- ll, Prl-u- li~l «An: on up." lioatirn JOll \' HALL \, B ~Wollssnnkim the «hint st notice. Well Curtis count :1 nth on lmnd. Jll Richmond llill.Murcli 31. ‘75 S'H-tf llllllESSHJNS ill nun PUBLISHED As A WARNING and for the benefit at [mine “so ANI) drums who suti'or from .V'EtiVHlls IlEBI ll‘l. LOSS OF‘ “ANâ€" tltalil). VI'I‘ \l. Pl1W1'1R.elc.. giving rules of Say-Cure. after much suï¬'eringand expense and sent free on receiving a stamp for return postage. AddressNATHANIEL MAYF'AIR. P. 0. Box 153. Broklyn. New York. Jun. 26, 1875. 834-6m ' Agricultural Chemists. f M gummy for (Salt, ,__L ,,v-ï¬_7-A»_L_+~w_«.â€"~ TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR suns. 0N Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. also ten acres with Good Dwelling » porntiou‘. And A mm or 69 AND A HALF AERES Being part of lots 3 and 4. Int Con. Township ‘ ' Sole Pro ristor. I". .l CLARKE,CII ' t, ofobridgo. LICENSED AUCI‘IONEER FOR THE "APOTHECARIES' HALL, LlNeCmOSLN. APP], to ’ County of York. respectfully solicits your ENGLAND. JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hill, Jan. 8.1874. 8"7-tf ‘ House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS srnnnr, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelliugbouse. with a barn stables.and other outbuildings thereon. Terms easy. Apply. on the premismI '0 I". CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. '72. 753~3m Village Lots for Sale. "FHE rEUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a nuinoer of Village lots. situated n the village of VICTORIA SQUARE! The lots contain About finer/17th of an Acre, 1 lot No. 35, 1th concession of Markham. in a 00d section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applvtlfby’ letter.nrepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square .ur lo WM . G. HINGSTON. Dingla P.O Marcl‘i'WJFTQ. 714-†TORONTO AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. STRAW AND, , ROOTCUTTERS, Groin? Crushers, Combined Feed Mills, 7" PULPERS. Cider Mills and Presses, ’I‘IIE “ BLANCHARD†CIIUIIN Dog Powers, Ploughs. Farming Mills, Ice Tools, Sleighs, Forg- es, Rustic Work, Statuary, Vases, Farming and Draining Tools, &‘c., For Sale at Alilill‘iIII-TIIML WAREHIIIISE, (Torner of Adelaide 8: Jarvis Streets WM. RENNIE, Toronto. Toronto. (let. 5, 1875. 895 '1‘ A LARGE STOCK OF T T E A S. Hanging in price from 3“ cents per ibuupward. Also a ï¬ne sssortment of Family Groceries. i I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. .l. llllllllNlllll ’ HOUSE! monuostr HILL. ‘HE Subscriber lakos thisopportuuity ol‘ro- turni .13 his ~inoere thanks-o his numerous ' I l lcustmnel'Sl'Ol‘ their Pflmlmll“ "ring the l’“""~ ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬tted up 1 would solicits continuance of the same. and l c H E A P r T E A s , Green, Black and Japan Acknowledged to be the Best 50 cent Tea in the Village ll‘itE --'H UOFFEES and SPICES. Direct from the Mills. Glasswareflrockery&Tinware All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaccos of the Choieast Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour. Graham Flour. Buck- wheat Flnur, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal "-4!- A 11 kinds of Farm "reduce taken in exchangi- f'or Goods. Goons nnurnann. , CHARLES" E. SHEPPARD. - Richmond Hill. Mar. 24, 1875. 167 King St. East. Toronto. House and Out- huildiugsjust omside the Richmond Hill Cor- ! shortest bones and at reasonable rates. P. 0. .0. W. KENNEDY, L.D.s:, SURGEON DENTIST. Q OULD respectfully announce that he . will visit Richmond Hill the lSth ofoach mouth, at Palmer's Hotel ; also attend the fol- lowiug places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : Newmarket.. . . . . .. . . . . 2nd. ofonch month Sutton,......... 3rd and 4th “ " gaunt inhibitors.- “FORâ€"TEE BLOOD IS TIIE LIFE.†0 L A EK E ’s wants mun: Blood Mixture Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.†l THE D BL RIF E Pofleflaw’lnu'nun. 5th I, u GREAT OODPU I R&RESTORER Mount Albert... . . . 8th " " For cleansing r nd clearing the blood from Sandford........... . 10th " " allimpnrites,cnnnot betoo highly recommen- It 0! II N Stouï¬â€˜villo............. Nth Msrkbnm.............. 16th Aurora................ 20th All branches ofTDental Surgery Ian-nuns. 'ro. dcd . For Scrofula. Scurvy,Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing an dper- monent curs. It cures old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads. or Pimpleson the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. (lures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases.‘ Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ‘ofeithar sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Satisfaction Guara ltt ed. Chas-ge- Moderate. July 20. 1875. 8874f. institutions, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, RICHMOND HILL, WILL GENE- rally be found at home from 2 to 3 o'clock. I». at. February 4th. 1873. Thousands of testimonials from :11 parts. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each, and in Cases. containing 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars each- suï¬icieut to effect a permanent cure in the great majority oflong'stondin'g casemBY ALI. (iHEVllS'l‘S and PATENT _ MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world.| 759-lv DANIEL KINNEE, patronage and friendly influence Sales at- tended on the shortest notice and at ransom able rams. P. 0. Address. 'I'oston. Toston. Oct. 5. i~7 '. 8984! Sold in England by all Wholesan Paton! Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontario and Quebec 'â€" EVANS, MERCER «Sr. 00., Montreal Mailed to any address on receipt MT. 0. O. SAMUEL M. BROWN, CEN8ED Auc LIYork, res and friendly tianeer for the County of _ pectl'ullv solicits your patronage Influence. Sales attended on the BEWARE OF COUNTERFEI’I‘S. For the protection of the public of British North Amsrica.l deem it my dutv to state thnl my PILLS AND Olnrmunr are neither mau- ul‘actured nor sold in an States. Each Pot and Box bear the Rritish Govern- mentStump. withtl-ewords “Holloway's Pills and Ointment. London †engraved thereon. On the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London This notice has become necessary. in con- address. Victoria Square. Markham, Sept. it). 1574. 84‘2-tf JAMES C. STOKES, '1' ICENSED Auctioneer for the County of .1 York respectfnlly solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shor‘est notice and at reasonable rates. P.0 address. King. King, Sept. 10. 1874. 8424f ypnrt of the United AN And are located at. the North-west corner of M ï¬lth: gittiï¬it‘tll Till llllil nu Is made in all sizes suitable for Ladies and Gents, both in gold and silver. But the accompanying cut; repre- sents in proper proportions- t l I l i r ll l In sterling silver case and a ’ gold points, full jewelled, warranted for ï¬ve yearsâ€" together with a. gold-plated it" ,‘: v Albert chainâ€"which will ' , be sent to any part of Can- ads. on receipt of $25, or ~ C. 0. 1)., per express. ‘; w. E. CORNELL, Watch Importer, 83 King Street East, TORONTO. ON 1'. THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING [EVER WATCH. Patent Eave-trough D WATERSPOUTSFOB THEDO miuiou.at$6 per l00teet. AlsoFlooro ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sal Buckets Pails.CiderMills.WashingMachines.Shinglu WuggonFelloes.and LumberSawodtoordu Fo rp articular saddross JOHN LANos'rArF'. Steam Mills .Thortihill sequence of vile and spurious imitations of T ' . " Holloway’s Pills anil'lintment," being l'abri- hornhln'Nov' 3,1869. 510"†cated at 7H,Maid en Lane, New Ytln-k,by parties ' iyling them-’ â€"‘ so was “ Holl r ‘ vay & Co .’, l P E R D A .n _ I ‘B ., $ , Y. mustâ€"p11 assum d ll'lKlO mark o 5 Agents wanted 5 All classes of working people. ofeither sex. young or old. ma 6 more money at work for us in their spare momentsor all thetime, than at anythingols; Particulars t‘ree. l’oatearl to States casts but one cent. Address Unprincipled vendors can obtain this trash at a very low price. and so deceive you by selling the some for my genuine Hollowrty’s 9 Begs to announce to the Inhabitants of Richâ€" would callthell‘ alwllllt‘ll 1° '3 ï¬es" “rival or in: to Capt. ’1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Pills and Ointment, which are manufactured onlv at 533, Oxford Street, London. Persons who may be so deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. (tic. Rnsnmncuâ€"Noarly opposite the Post Oï¬ice Richmond Hill. Many respectable ï¬rms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from here. have very properly suggested that I should,for the beneï¬t of themselves and the public,insert their names in the trainers. that it may he known that my medicines can. be, had genuine from them. , The followingis a list of the, ï¬rms alluded (it me Houses named ;. flan-us. Mercer & Co . Montresv. Movers Avery. Brown & ~Co., Halifax, N.S. Messrs Forsytb & C0,, Halifax. N S. Messrs 'I‘. B Barker & Sons, St. John, NB Apolhecavios,’ Hall 00.. Victoria. 3. Cir, Messrs Langley &. Co , Victoria. 8.0. Messrs'Moow GI. Co.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pa’llen,Chatham. N. B. Messrs Munro do Co.. Montreal. Messrs J- Witter & Co. Hamilton. C. IV. Mr H. J. Rose. 'l‘oronto. Mr A Chipman Smith. St Joltn,N. B. Mr John Bond,Gndrich. Ont. Messrs Elliot & 00., Toronto. MrJ Chalouer. St. John, N. B. Messrs Hanningion Brothers. St.John, N. B, Mr R. S Priddv.Winrleor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Murden . N. S. Mr George C. Hunt. Jun., Fredericton. N. B Mr W H. Thompson. Harbor Grace, N,F L. Mr J, M. Wiley, Fredericktou, N. B, Messrs W. N: D. Yuile, Montreal Chan 1 Davirs. Fredericton. N. B. The medicines are sold at the lowest whole- sale net. prices. in quantities of not less than £20 worth -vi7... 8s, 6d., 22s., and 345. pa dozen boxes 01 Pills or pots of Ointment, f0 which remittances must be sent in advance, 1‘ HOM AS HOLLOWAY . 533. Oxford Street. W. 0., London, Ju‘II J t 74 A. W R I G H T, CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL, {1. J mond llil‘. and surrounding neighborhood.tha he has built a new Hearse an damnmenced tno UNDERTAKINE BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE For hire. Funeral Furnishings, Collins and Caskets in every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at from I 10 to 100 Dollars Richmond Hill,Ju|y 23. 1874. 35-“ DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vi- cinitytltatho hasu NEW LIVERY STABLE at the DOMINION HOTEL Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS“ RlGS.†at moderate charges, and hopes by Strict attention to business, to merit a share oftheir patronage. SIMON PROCTOR. Richmond Hill. April I5, ’75. 873-tf. 883 Fellows’ Compound 81 RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES Asalllife-andowed bodies. whetherthoyht Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom on governed by rimlforce, which binds allthe springs of existence. and as nothing can save them from destruction when this principle leaves them , the discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living bodyis indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients constitu- tingthe brain. muscles and nerves.and ï¬nds that by introducing those lngrediontsin proper proportions the brain and nervoussystom are strengthened. . This. then. is substantially the basis on which FELLOW’B Hvroruosrmrss is built.its direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous System, 'und‘tho Muscles. Strength. suing the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion ofVitalized Blood in the Muscular-Organs bf the Body. 7" Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Liver. strengthening the action of the Stomach and ‘Iowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyinr those large and commodious premises belong- flirted With Oxygen. It Is adapted for ALLCISOB of Weaknessand Speight &. Son’s Novelty Works, Markham. Emaciation,whether arising from sedentary Excellent accommodutnon aï¬'m'ded for the life. a tropical climate. from fever or aebihty travelling public and commercial men. Livery from any cause, and is efficacious In PULMO- stables in c011113ctl0ll with the hotel. Bottled “RY CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed oases Ale and Porter. having been cured and all beneï¬tted. whorelts use has been continued ovar a fortnight. Sept. 4, 1872. In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Asthma it gives relief where ovorv other remedy full! For Nervous Deblllty it stands unrivalled, and may he used with conï¬dence in all cases. I B L E S 0 Cl E TY DEPOSITORY As this is entirely distinct and different from . Richmond Hillbranch) at the Hznxw every other Preparallon 0r HI'POPhOSPhllBSsbl ‘ )ok Siam. careful tonsk for FELLows’ Simur, and talu _ noothor. SOLD BY APOTHECARIE! Price.$l-50: Six for-$7-50 JAMES LFFl LOWS,Chen (w RICHMOND HILL LIVERY STABLES. illorses and Vehicles (or hire. Charge:~ mo- ' dernlo Opposite Sanderson & Soni.~ JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72. 751-3m NIPISSIN‘G HOTEL, MARKHAM. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- tructinn of the Anglo American House by D. WOOTEN . 737-tf ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEIS NE W8. A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arts. \griculture and I 4-8 G. S'l‘lNSON & 00.. Portland,MIiu. OCI. 2'], l2 4 MONEY TO LEND $2000,TO LOAN on ï¬rst-class Mortgage Security-min sums from_ $500 Ip- wards. APP‘FW M. TEEFY. N. LYNF'I‘T, to: and I pmticularh. recommend those who (A: Executor: oftho Est-to oftholste Martin is: re to get my medicine: to apply to some B'°““‘“-) Rich mond 1 "-838 FARM FOR SALE. fl ACRES heir; the East Half of lot No. ‘20. in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Vaughan. There is Eighty Acres under improvement and Twenty Acres in Valuable 'l‘imher, The buildings are good and extensive. There is an Orchard of graft- ed fruit and plenty of Water. This is a good Wheat Farm and beautifully situated. boin within halt'a mile of Iiichmolld Hill Station on the Northern Railway, and within hali‘a mile from the Village of Maple. and within two miles ot'tbe lncarpoal- d Village of Richmond Hill, on Yonge Street. and in the immediate neighborhood of Mills. Schools and Churches. and within lb miles of the City of 'I‘omnto. For t'nthsr particulars apply on the pro-- ice: to the owner HUGH DEVLIN. June I, 1875. BBO-tf. RICHMOND HILL E. '1' E .A. M Pump W0 r ks 1 reference to the-.430": notice of Dis- N I solution. llle undersigned would announce that he is now ï¬tting up New and Improved Machinery Driven by ample Steam Power, and intends to manufacture a SUPERIOR ARTICLE. At prices and on terms hitherto unequalled. Parties wanting pumps will do well to eon-IF me before purchasing. List of prices sent on application. H, MILLER. Richmond Hill. March 24 ’75. 871-1! AMES. TOYS, &C., FOR SALE A1 the HERALD Book Store Subscriber havingroï¬ttod his wool.- HEADFORD MILLS ! THE “‘ EN MILLS he isnow prepared to on- cute all orders for Custom work. Having seen ed the services of Mn JAM†R. NEILL. a ï¬rst class workman he is ready to do CUSTOM CARDING. SPINNING & FULLING In either branch. on the shortest Italics, III in such a manner as to give the utmost satisâ€" faction to his patrons. Ho trust’s to receive the name liberal patronage heretolore sxtshdod to'these mills. Terms strictly cash. ALEX. MACKII. Mochanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod M'J'mn‘ “‘3 at 100 a number ntthe HERALD Rival. an“... One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills S warranted to cure all discharges from the FAMILY BIBLES * Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or A FRESH SUPPLY! constitutional.Graveland Painsin the Back. A! $1.89. $5. $5.50. $9.50 and $9. at the Sold in Boxos, $1.50 ench,by allChomists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Hun“) Eggh::::‘mn Sole proprietor, I". J. CLARKE. Al’O'I‘HECARIFS’ HALL. LINCOLN, W E S LEY H Y M NS ENGLAND. Sold in England. by all Wholesale Patent Tan be obtained at the ï¬rst“) Book Story at the following reduced prices :â€" Modiciue Houses. V . Wholesale Agents for Provinces of Ontario Eocis. ‘lects. 300ts, 380ts,â€,d0¢ts. sects, and 90 cl»: ; and Quebec'.- - 1 v . » , . . . nvnu Mzncnna Oo- sunning. Muilcdto sny‘address on receipt of PO. 0. Mnrkhnm,May 12. ’75, 8774!. WELRY! JEWELRY 1 FOR sans: cheap attho HERALD Book Store. JJE PER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the H unALD Book Store. PA ESLEYAN HYMNS. ALL sun: at the HERALD 80 01: Stars. W C H 0 0L 'REQUISITWS 0! kinds 'attho “suns Bantams. ALI