V _ "ï¬ichmundHillStntion. Changeoltime [king effect Mlonday, Nov. lï¬lh. 1875 : Going North 8.131.»...12 21 p,m,..a.13†Going South 9.26 A.l. . ...2.H) p.m. . .826 NOR-TH RENFREW AND CHARâ€" '~ - LEVOIX. It is with pleasure We, this week, chronicle two more victories for the Lib- erallConservative Party, namely: the election of Mr Peter White, for North Reuï¬'ew. and Hon. Mr Langevin, for Charlevoix. The former by 210 and tliegletter by 150 of‘ a majority. ' Vari- ousf‘oauses are given by the Ministerial organs for the unexpected defeat of the “ reform.†candidates in these two con- stituencies Some attribute it to the Ultramnntanes, and others to the apathy of the Bei‘ormcrs in thoce two sections.‘ That the .Aiackenzie Administration is fast losiugground,_and that. they no long er retainthe conï¬dence of the people, is n i'uctvith’a't no true Grit will acknowledge. The fact of the matter is the people have been hoodwinked long enough,,and when- ever":tu__opportunity is. gfl’drded, them they ggma'nitfe'st ' their disapproval of the modernstyle of reform in a manner not to be iniSmheti.‘ . The inconsistency and glaring“ hypocrisy of the Grit lenders are being~ brought out almost every day. They gained the reins of' power by loud- mouthed protestatior'ts of their own purity and denouncing the whole Conservative Party as a mass of corruption. But “ a change came o’er the spirit of their dreamsf’ disclosures made within the past year has remOVed the mask of hy- pocrisy and the people now see them in their true colors. We have ample evidence every day of the inoapability of the present administration to manage the'afl'airs of the Dominion. This is the cause of the Conservative reaction which the Grit journals effect to ignore. Mr Mackenzie has, by his acts lately, shown that lie fer-ls the ground slowly but surely slipping from under him. By takiiig‘ Mr Cauchon, a man whose past deed's'had called down the exec-rations of the whole party, into the Cabinet. he thougntto comrol a number of' French votes. His appearance in North Hen- frew‘wtts intended to arouse the faithful to a sénsc-ot’their duty. The result is as stated above. It does not require the foresight ot’a prophet to foretell the downfall of the purists. We venture to say the whole country will-breathe a sigh of relief'vrhen _thcy are returned Once more to the ranks of the Opposition. P_Rl}8:'_KEN1‘; llw wnll-knnwn leolurer. whnse name has l'N‘t'an‘ nlmnsl a household Ward;Itbronsh'nm.(“mmdn, delivered twn of ‘llia imelemiug lPNHI'PR in th Masonic Hull. under the-unï¬nicps nf_1l:e Mvclmnics’ lnsli. hue. on.’l‘iw}=day‘and Wpdnesday evenings last The nl'téndan'ce oh the Pvening of {hp-.ï¬rst :lm-Inre Wm: rmher small: on the sperm}? ‘evemng the hull was wall ï¬llpd. As the Prhlospor has delivm-ed.’~ in many par- ticxflai‘s.‘ thP samn locum: in this villagn on previuus visité."'if is unnncflssurv to silv fuerIPfl" (with? w'n's listmed m throu-vhnm wilh Ihi-«amajc-sr intprest. The 'Pluct-ir-‘il oxrmrimpms nl‘ Ihp_ï¬fsl flight ‘gave great It'llflï¬lcï¬qn. {In (llcl'nlsn thqse’ï¬vilh gnsos rm the ï¬r‘fdfld‘l‘gï¬niné. ~A1 tlio'elusp of each oven-11"Taihlhvefdims spvmjal n‘f'jtlw} .nud?~ ant-9'2 ’ï¬w‘lu’rfl‘ï¬w a_ Ligmbfrp school clï¬lrhwn. warn ‘shnnked?’ much to flw amusement ofllnsn W'th «lfrfï¬â€™ti-‘nre us know ï¬rm i! wna lhemsnlvos: †A n'inialnre‘ ï¬re balloon wasï¬scnt aloft †bv lï¬e Professor at. the 1mm: afï¬gg’ kWh-hlnrllil hf}! n "n; My agm ‘iï¬mwmï¬ï¬‚. 'Flfé ’l’liomhill Brass Band Concert. hold in 159‘ Vietnria Hall. Thnrnhill. last Tuesday :e-ven'inmbnésed ('t’f very successfully. The Hafl'yy'h‘g'well ï¬lled and 1119 several pey- forï¬l‘l’f’s.‘nmnfflur and‘nrnfbssinnal nvqumed llleFPlVPS 10 'the satisfaction of all present .Onr limitc-E 'spzil'é will not allow an extended nolicéllï¬s 'w'eqlg While the concert was in progyï¬qé’é. n‘ï¬t‘eiï¬rnl’e but in lb? dWelling house d'ccupiI-‘d liv Dr. McConnell, form nnlelg. it was discnvered bpfnre it had anhg'vflwvm'h headway and was speedily ex- lingu‘x‘ahed. 115p The Yon'ae Street Sabbath Selim] Teach-l: and era" Adshciation held their qum-tprlv meeting l The on Monday evening last, in the Methodiatl T Chqrch. in this village. Mr James N988. of read Paï¬â€™ï¬rsnn, the President of the- Association, I wns'in‘lht: chair After She reading of the mm, minutes.nf last mentinz ihPV WBY‘P adnpled- !amn Addv‘hswn'wé‘re givpn. by the Rt-v. MPssrs { p ‘8!!!er nudbundas. Messrs Raped and (inn- and gar and hy the chairman, on the Sabbath ‘ R0,, School Work. _ , I m‘-" Several items of local interest crowded out thiideekj' ’ _ , The Thornbill Temp'e, I. O. G. T., pur- pose ho‘ding a. Social-in the. Victoria Hall, Thornhill, on Monday evening nex1. the 31M. inst“ Tickets 25 cm, Children 15 ms. Tn} ELEMENTS CASEâ€"This case was brought to a .close on samrday last, the jury brin'giug‘ in a verdict of “ Not Guilty,†mlhbpp )eaving the box-contrary to the expgcï¬gtinqof many. The Crown was not in pqégesmoh of any evidence to corroborate that bf the cunvicl Davis,who was the princi- pal witness. Rev. J {{Herbert Starr was appointed a member of the High School Board of Trustee's‘vby -the Village Council, on the the 24th January. ‘ The ‘York County Council met in the Court‘Room.‘ Toronto, on Tuesday last, 25thine‘t. Mr W. C. Panelson, Reeve of Vaughan, was elected Warden for the cmâ€" rent‘year. TEMi’ERANCE.-â€" Pursuant to announceâ€" mpmwhfe (Ventral Pommimze on the Dunlnn By-Wï¬ 'met at Aurora. 'nn .the 20th inst, for thel purnnse of organizing and getting into a pnxifinnfor a 'ï¬mrnng‘h nanvass of the Count"; V’nf ‘Yn'rk. The ofï¬cers PWiand wpre‘f' President. Bév‘ 'f‘ S. Kr-mmh, Thornhill: V109 President, Wm, McMasTer, ‘E q ‘ Newmnrket: Treas , C‘. Dnan. Esq, A umï¬â€™: "Se'criemiy. Rev. 'R. Large, Willow- dale, H Nexg mneting m be held a! hew» muETï¬Ã©-gjat ~1he call of the President. BURKEALY.‘ Last Mondav morning. as Mrs Brown, Wife of. Mr John Brown. mer- chant. of this village. was out far a short drive, the horse became frightened. a short distance north of'the village and overturned the driver and vehicle into the ditch Mrs Brnwnreceived several bruises.which were, fortunately. ‘not _of a very serious nature. The animal was captured on reaching the village. ' Great Clearing Sale at the Concrete. HERALD Uï¬ice for Sal'e.‘ New (mode at the Peoples’ Store. List of Licensed Pedlars and Aucuoneers. (‘ha’nce‘y Sale. jOASII‘HERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RICBMUND Hum. Jun. 2B, 1876. NEW ADV ERTISEMENTS _ G . I ugh gunk-Seconded by Mr D0herty.moved that the sun; of $4 be paid to J0_hp Pike, for gravel furnished {GT T0551 d‘VISmn NO. 59â€"lhe said sum payable to the’ order of the Reeve. Moved hv Mr. Crosby, Seconded by Mrl Savage, that, whereas the Collector of Text-s of this Village has returned his hall. and all Taxes entered'therein, except the Taxes due by Mr. Richard A. Robertson, who is assessed for income. and has refused to pav the amount of taxes ruled against him, viz: $4.28: therefore. this Council {lath hereby authorize the Village Treasurer to dednct the amount of Taxes due and unpaid bv Mr R. A. Robertson from the aggregate Total of Taxes in the Collector’s Rollin order to facilitate the correct balancing ofl he Treas- urer’s books for the year l875.â€"Carried. Mr Marshseconded by Mr DohPrty,mnved that the follnwing persons be paid the: sev- eral sums an! opposite their names. hm'ng twaï¬hirds value of their sheep destrnved hv dog or dogs unknown. ï¬z: Fred. Elliott, $532; Ambrose Nobie. $15. $532; Ambrose NDMG. $15. Mr Reesor, secondâ€! by Mr Milliken, moved that the sum of 75 cents be refunded to Ed Mayer; also the sum oi 3‘? cents to J A Wokm-dt ; said umnunts bring an over- r-Hmwe through an error in amessment for Mr. Crosby moved. seconded by Mr. Pugue, that the Treasurer is hereby au- thorizvd to pay Thomas Mnrtin and Mrs. Mary Collinsâ€"two aged. inï¬rm, poor per- sonsâ€"the sum of two dollars per month each. for the months of January, February and March» Carried. Tho Reeve laid béfore the Council nsum- mono which had been served upon him (as brad ohhe Corporation) by the Bailiff of the'Third Division Court. of lhe Cr unty of York, in which Mr John Lungstafl‘ shes the Corporumm of Richmond Hill for 1he sum of $33.60; as set forth in an account claim- ing $21.50 ks having been paid to Village Poundkoeper on different occasions for canle'impnunded, together wilh $2.10 in- telest and $10 for alleged damages Mr Crnsby moved, seconded by Mr Powell, Ihat the Village Clerk is hereby instructed to leave wnh the Clerk of the Third Divi- s‘on Court a notice that this Council dis- putes Mr John Langatnï¬â€˜k claimâ€"Carried. The Markham Township Council me! at Sizk’s Hall, Unionville, on Monday, the 17th inst. The Clerk. Mr John Stephenson. took the chair at 1A o’clock. a. m. The members elect,mzme and subscribed to their declaration of qualiï¬cation and of ofï¬ce as follows: Jas. Robinson, Reeve; Wm. Milliken, lst Deputy Reeve; R. Marsh. 2nd Deputy Reeve; B. F. Reesor. 3rd Deputy Reeve; J. Doherty, Councillor, jend took their seats at the Council Board. {The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of prekus meeting were iread and' conï¬rmed. - Jam Cart.er; Nos: 4 and 6. Latin Miller: No. 5. Rnht. Reesor. Mr Millikenï¬nmmded by Mr "rawhmnved 1113.! the sum of $80 be granted for repair- lug bridge over thP Range in the 51h Cum. nriposite 101R 9 and 10; that J Lunan. \Vm.‘ Silver and J. Smith be Commissioners to mnf‘m‘. We. same; 63% Cum payable 0-1? Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met. The Reeve in the chair. Councillors presentâ€" Messrs Crosby, Pogue, Powell and Savage. The Clerk- read a certiï¬cate from Debtor James Langstafl“. dated 24th Jan., stating ‘- that Thomas Martin, stem, is not. able to do a day’s work, and is deserving of some suggorti’ The Chairman Inf the Committee on Streets and Sidewalks handed in a Report, which was read and received. The Council went into Committee ofthe whole on the Report. Mr Pogue in the chair. “ That they have had under consideration the advisability of purchasing immediately the necessary material for the construction of a certain amount of sidewalk during the ensuing summer; and in view thereof, after due consideration, would recommend your Council to authorize the said commitlee to advertiza for Tenders to supply the mu- lerial necessary tor making the following amount of plank walk. viz: 80 rods on Yonge Street; 99 rods on other streets; also, material necessary for l‘uilding three crossings on Yonge Street; all of which fluid material to be delivered in manner re- uired by your committee, on or bctore the ï¬rst day anunennw next ensuing. All of which is respectfully submitted. Brâ€"law No‘ 256. for the nppointmenn of Auditors and Assessors. received its several readings and passedâ€"blanks ï¬lled with the names nf Wm. Wil not for west half, and D. Strickler for east half' of Township; F. K. Reesor and Jas. Gormley, Auditors. By-law No 267. to appoint License In- spectors. by Mr Milliken, received its read! ings and passedâ€"blanks filled With the fol» lowingnames: Div. N0 1. Wm. Stivm‘: Mr l)nh9rty.secmtded hv Mr Marshmnved that the sum 0f$2 per week be paid to Mrs M. anhlin. for the support ofSarwh James. durinv the pleasure of this Council; said sum to be puid to the mder of .1 Koch. 1875 The Committee rose and reported 1he Re- port as amended. The Reeve in the chair. The Report was then adopted as amended: which reads as follows: Minute; of meeting of 17:}: January, regiq 1mg approvgd. ‘ “The Committee on Streets and Side walkg beg leave to report : Jan. 24: 1876. Chairman. Mr Pugue intmduced By-law No 45. uFor appointing a Trustee far the High - . ~ . 'I Schaol, and certamuï¬iceri to serve the Corporation '0} ‘he Viflage of Rihhmond Hm.†which was read a ï¬rst and second lime. ‘ ‘ Mr Millikan. seconded by Mr Reesor, moved that the account of H._ R. Carson, amouniing to 612‘ for printing by-laws and ballots fér election purposes, be paid by the Trens on his order. Ml Millik \n.sec.mded by Mr Blazrshmm‘wal1 that the Trees he and is hereby instructed to pay to the order of James Dimmn the sum of $3 68. hPing fm '46 loads of gravel for Div: 30.565, for 1875. ’ TheCourfcil went into Committee of the whole on the By-luw. Mr Savage in the chair. 'Mr Pogue'moved, seconded by Mr Crosby. that the Bylaw be read a third time and passed. r The By-law was read a third time and passed accordingly. The Committee rose and reported the By-law as amellded:_ The Reeve in the chair. The select Committee, appointed at last meeting. reported verbally that “the cost of a. 24 hour town clock,with one dia],would be $100; an eight flay clock, with three dials, and an alarm \uould be $260â€"ex~ elusive of the ‘town bell." The Council adjourned to meet in the Count Room, on Monday. the 14th Feb., at 7 o’clock, p.m. Mr Dnherty. seconded by Mr Marsh, mnved that the hill of Bart and Rawlinson, amounting to $13 46_for.st§tione:y. b_e paid. Petitinn was received from D“: Stéeper and others. asking for the appointment of Roger Hawkins, .as overseer for road divi- Mr Savage moved, seconded by Mr Powell, that the report of the special Committee lay over until next meeting. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. VILLAGE COUNCIL. Jan. 24, 1876. (Signed) WM. TRENt'H. Jn‘ M. TEEFY, Clea-k. THE MERGER WILL Cumâ€"The case, which has melted so much public attention lately, came up for trial before ViLe-Chaw cellar Blake. at the Court of Chancery, on the 14m inst... and after occupying the at- tention of the Court fursix dax ’s.jud;:ement was given in favor of defpndnnts Thete hug evidently been snme very hard sweating June. The evxdmtce of“ the alleged Mrs Mercer prnved. to no smt ll degree. that the whole case- was a frnud of the worst kind. That the put-18h Register had been tampered with,was Pvident. and, in fact. the evidence was so clear that the Vtce-Chancellgr too}: :10 time to consider Ms'ytdgemcut. Mr Marsb,seconded by Mr Doherty.moved that the 'l‘rens. be and is hereby authorized to retain out of the funds of this munici- pality the sum 0t $6, being for his expenses and horse hire in distributing ballot boxes and paper in connection with the last muni- cipal election. ’Mr Milliken, seconded by Mr Reesor, moved tl‘at the grant made‘to Widow Brown. and payable to the nrder of John Eckardt, be payable to the order of the. Reeve unlil Mnï¬rch lst, 1876. Ffom which subtract the re- serve of duty charges, . . . a . . .. The number of lunarics in these countries have increased frnmlthe year 1852‘ l 16 per thousand to 2 58 per thousand in 1873. and the same auth'ority gives the number of criminals, convicted\ of crimes connected im; edimely wnh drunkeness, as having in- creased from 272.000. in 1861, Lu 407,000, in 1871. The nations just referred to are great in nearly every element that goes to make them powerful and respected above all the nations of the earth; and their statesmen are ever recognized as the champions of civil and religious liberty and the avowed apostles of political economy. And yet, in these very pattern commonwealths, may be noticed the most extravangant and lavish expendit are of means for that article, which, of all others, degrades and destroys labor, and is in itself" the largest factor of crime, pauper- ism and insanity. Council'adjouned until the 19th of Feb- ruary nextâ€"Economist. Let us now turn to our own country. Canada, but lately transformed into a Do- minion, and only numbering some four mil- lion souls, and yet do we ï¬nd ourselves drifting into [he same dangerous and un- known sea, and, as yet, without chart or compass. Destruciion of property on land and lakes, loss by theft, bad debts, and various crimes through drink . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ortjgr 9f thg Com. vyhgu work is completeq Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Reesor, moved that the sum of $100 be granted for the purpose of gravelling the sideline between lots 50 and. 51 in the lat 0011., and that Jac. Homer, Jas ()arsWell and Abraham Eyer be' and are hereby appointed Commlssioners to expend the same. ' .lL has been estimated that our liquor bill for last year will amount. to, in round num- bers, some $21.000,000, imported and do- mestic wines and beer another ten millions, making in all $31,000,000, just the sum required by Sir John A. Mucdonald to build the Canada Paciï¬c Railway. w j makm and Men engaged †3 sellingâ€. _____ ..: 3..., $8 000 000 L f ' d t " run-<- ardsf’5?.f’..f’f,‘.“_.â€â€™f .".’..... 12 000 000 Loss of industry by tiplers, 2 900 900 No. bushels of grain ofaII kinds destroyed in manufac- facture of liquors in Canada,†2 I75 356 Cash value of same. . . . . . $1 740 284 Money spent in drink†.,.. 31 452 281 ‘ Cost of police p'osecuï¬ions, ‘ courts of justice, expense of , ’ 1 criminals,jurors.witnesses, etc. 2 000 000 Now this may seem incredible to some who have not taken the trouble to enquire into this matter for themselves. But in turning to the returns of 1874 (for which, by-Lhe-by thanks to the politeness of Mr James Mercalf, M. P-,) we ï¬hd the quantity of imported liquors entered for home con’ sumption set down thus: Value. Duty Charged, $2,678,498. $1,935,674, Then manufactured in Canada and en- tered for home consumption: Pr0uf Gallons. 2 Duty Charges. Gallons. Duty. 10,693.348, E _ $380,335 making 3 101311 ufduly for all kinds of li- quors impm‘led and manulnctured in Cnnada and Hntewd fur humu- cnnsumpliun, as $5,- 819 374. or nearly six mlllinns of dollars. Imported liquors entered for home con' sumption, $2.678,498; Whiskey manufac~ tured in Canada and entered for home conv sumption. 5.479,805 gallons, $4,000.00!) ; 10,693,248 gallons of bee] manulactured in Canada and entered for home consumption, $2.500,000; Duty charges on above amounts. $5,819,373; Total: $14,998,501. Again, the number of gallons of liquors of all kinds entered for home consumption in Canada. last year, We ï¬nd to be about 19‘- 673, 306 gallons. This, if retailed at 5 ms. 3 glass, or 1.60 per gallon, would amount to just $31,452 281. Pr0uf Gallons. Duty Charges, 5,479,808, $3,503‘364, Again, Ihe quantin ()fheer manufactured in Canada and entered for home consump- tion : Now let us ful'a moment look at the gregale values: | ‘male tiplers that lose, by double this number of these pernicious habits, one-sixth of their time, which add to {he above numbers $2,000,000 more; mak- ing; in all, 1033 of time and industry in tabu- Iated form- There are fully . . . it is estimated that the manufacture. sale or distribution of the abme quantities of liquor, up to the time it reaches the hand ot'the consumer, Wlll employ 20,000 men constantly throughout the year. The labor'of these men is. of course. no'reaI beneï¬t to society, and becomes, therefore. a dead loss to the state, and whatever they consume is nan-productive consumption. These men are worse than paupers in the community. for not only is their labor non- productive, but it injures others by unï¬tting large numbers for productive industry It is granted on all sides that we have 15,000 dram shops in the Dominion, and puttingr down four drankards as the legiti- mate manut’acture of each rum shop, which is underestimated in a large majority of cases. thlï¬ would give us 60,0U0 drunkards for the Dominion. Now, allowing that a drunkard loses one half ofhis time by drink, this would be equal to the loss of 30,000 men, or at the rate before ï¬xed of$400 per man, or $12,000,000 per annum of wasted resources. The labor of 20.000 men at. the rate of one dullar and ï¬fty cents per diem would be for each $400 per annum. making due alluwmwe fur sickness and holidays. or for Ihe whule $8.000.000 worth of labor that reflects back upon the coumry no increasa in wealth. but, on the other band. takes from our resources, Whereas this labor, if properly directed to useful industry, would have resulted in an increase ofactual wealth to the state of Just $8,000,000. Giving for wasted resources $54 692 565 OUR WASTED RESOURCES. [Continued from last week] Total $60 692 565 6 00.0 0.00 .3 ,500 000 MCCONNELL --On Sunday, the 23rd inst., the wile of Capt. James McConnell, Mark- ham, of a daughter. MANUFACTURE OF Cocm.â€"-“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs James Eppsdt Co.. manufacturer: of. dietetic articles. at their works in the Euston Re d. |.ottdonâ€â€"â€"See arl'tcle in Gasssll's Housdmld Guzdc Flour -Spring Whoatexlra . . Sgperior, :pxtra. . . . . .L 511V Luna 5:. UUUDLE Life-like Photographs H A R N E S S ’ AND AMBROTYPES; Al P t F 11 II AT ALL PRICES. so $353 Jami: a be WM. HARRISON. MALCOLM BLAIR. Richmond um, Dec. 29, '75. 910 3m Richmond Iii". Dec- 233'â€. 909-tr Rmhmund: HIII Jan‘ 27. l876. Fuourâ€"SpringM’honl. . . . .. .. Fall Wheat extra ‘ ' ' ' . Wheatâ€"Spring; per bush. . . Fall........ . u.- 35' large rolls.. . .... Eggs, par doz. .. l)..." BEFORE GOING ELSWHERE, TRY THE 1st PBI Z E HARNESS Corrected bv Mr Isnac Crosby, Grocel. and Dry Goods Merchnn‘. Fire Proof Store. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Rm lnrge Rolls...†.... 020k? Rump"doz.............. GEO/(3 Dressed Hogs. .per 100 lbs... . 7 00 E?) PRINTING OFFICE THE “ YORK HERALD " The Subscriber offers for Sale his Printing = ï¬ice. Honkselling and Fancy Goods Business on Richmond Hi“. which he has conducted successfully for the Dust Fifteen Yeum. The Jobbing Patronageâ€"always the must Import- an‘. in a Country Priming ()f‘fv-eâ€"is (£001.). The Subscripnon lust connected with (h:- Yonx HI-.RA|.D is fair, and could, w‘nh em-rgy and attention. he greath‘ illCl‘GMsf‘d. l'he Advemsing Patronage is Excellent This Desi'ahle ()pv‘ning is a rare opportnnin for any one who wishes to commence in Ihis Ilne of Businous. Salisi’acmrr renv'ns given for walling References kindly permit ad to Messrs Bunlin lim.& Co , SLMIOIIEFS. 'l‘uromo. or Mussrs Hodgan & Bode Marrhauts. Toronto. For paniculurs nppl) to Hm Paopi‘ielor. Rich “and Hill, Jan ‘26. ’76 URSUANT‘ tor'the Decree nflho Court of (Ihnnvery made in the cause» of Summer- fo ldtvs b‘ummm-feldehere will be sold by PUB]. (J AUCTION. at the Queen's Mold. in the Village 0‘ L‘monvilln. -n the Toronto and Nipissing Rnilwav. by MR SAuEM ECKARDT, Auctioneer. on Al One o’clock p m.. in one parcel. lhn rear or East Halt'o‘, Lot 29. in 41h COIIOB-SIOD of the Township of Markham. in the Count} 0! York, containing For further paniculnrs apply at the Law Ofï¬ces of Monro Lameron. McMichael & Hoskin, Vendors Solicitors; Blake, Kerr 61. Boyd. and John Iloskin. [£qu in the City of Toronto Dated January 24th. 1876. Wednesday, Iï¬lh February. l876, More or less' ; about 95 acres are cleared and under cultivation ti a remainder has some Hardwood on it. The huildingn consist‘oi a Dwelling House wilh Kitchen anu Woodshe-d attachedâ€"a Frame Barnâ€"a F mno Shed. Stable nnd Driving Hume. and nShod and Horse Stable A living stream of water runs through onn earner ufthe land, It is about 5 miles from Unionvulle. a Station on the Toron- to and Nipissi r2 Railw ‘y. and about 25 miles from Toronto There are about 47 acres of 3:2 Inna pl -ughed once. and about It auras of Fall Whaat A F A R MGROGERIES The Purchaser to pav down, at time of Sale. one-tenth of the purchase money to the Vendor or his Solicitor. so much more within one month. into Court. without interest. as will, with the deposit. make one-half of the pur- chase money. the balance to be seen ed by Mortgage on the premises, payable at the end of5 years from lst Anril next. with interest at sev n per cent. to be computed from the let April next,.payable half~yearlv, On pay- ment of half the purchase money and the amount of the Valuation as aforesaid. and giving said Mortgage, the purchaser will be entitled to his Comevance and to be let into possession on let April next. The other con- ditions of sale are the standing conditions of Sale of the Court of Chancery. The purchaser must pay for the Ploughing and Fall Wheat at a valnalion to be ï¬xed by the Masher of the Court. and the amount of such valuation must be paid imo Court by Is! Ap_rnl ngxt The propertv will be ofl'ered for sale subject to a reserved bid ï¬xed by the Maslen October 3| . l874. SINGLE 8:. DOUBLE 914â€"1“- In the Township of Markham. CHANC RY SALE ESTABLISHMENT. RICHMOND HILL, RICH MOND HILL MARKETS AND BOOK STORE (Smial 315mm. TORONTO MARKETS Constantly on hand (Signed) T. w. TAYLOR. BIRTHS. Toronio. Jan. 27. 1876. 0F ALEX. SU‘ >T'I‘ $5 00 5 50 0 00 0 U" [I (I0 (I 40 $0 34 @ (I 40 n 65 fli 0 75 0 4n @ h 51! l 25 @ l 75 0 U7 ((3 U (I8 14 00 @ 00 00 ()0 u rm 0 “U 0 22 @ 0 23 0 20 @ 0 2‘3 0 ‘20 fl) 0 20 739-†M aster $4 50 4 7“ 5 00 4 00 (J ()0 l OI 0 88 0 37 0 75 16 [:0 .U 00 0 50 0 23 0 20 0 24 7 22 LATE JOHN DUNCUMB. MJL, Dated' at Kichmeu'd' Hill the 19m Day of January. 1876. Are hareby notiï¬ed that they are requoslod forthwnh to pay to the undersigned ancmurs all monies due by Mom to tha said Eslala. The undersignrd have appointed touvilla, Tha undersigned having cpnned the Photo- graph manor;- lately nccnpibd bv Mr Cunulnnd. uuw mspacll'nllx so icils [he public patronage of lHt‘H MUN!) HILI. and surrounding (fountrv : as he is now prepared to give satis- faction in making Also, any persons havmg nuv claiml against the said Estate will have lhI' kindness to hand lhgn in_ forthwith for pgygngpl: Viek's flower 8: Vegetable Seeds Wednesday in each Week (at the Shop of W. H Myers. Richmond Hill, for receiving such payments and attending [0 other mallors connected with th‘o'l' slate Are the best the world produces They are planted by a million people in America. and the result is. beautiful Flower:I and splendid Vegetables A Priced Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postageâ€"a '2 cent stamp RICHMOND HILL PHflTï¬EBflPH GALLERY. Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Garden Is the most beautiful work of the kind in the World It contains nearly |5() pages, hun- dreds of ï¬ne illustrations. and FOUR CHROMO PLATES or FLOWERS, beautifully drawn and colored from nature ï¬lm 35 els. in pipe. covers; 65 cts bound in elegant cloth. Richmond Hill, J. BROWN. This is a beautiful Quarterlv journal. hnely illustrated. and containing an vlegant colored Frontispiece with the ï¬rst number. Price only ‘26 cls for the year. The ï¬rst numbn for 187“ just Issued. Address All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair prices paid. In connection Good Rigs. double or singio, at Reduced Prices for the Winter Season. J.B. Respectfully solicitsa call Livery Stable Corner of Yonge and Centre St: Opposite Sanderson (‘2' Sons. N RETURNING 1‘}! X \ KS -0 Jun: n-nm r- on: Friends and Cusmmem mr IIu-npnmn- age during va pas! um. wou'd cull Illeir attention In the facl Illal he has mm on hand 3 Largo and Well-Selected Slol'k of A Splendid Assortment .1“, Reduced Pricas. OVERSHOES & RUBBERS at prices that all can buy. ontario HousE London Layers, Valentias, and Seedless Ralsins. Which have her-n well bought and will be louud. both m [nice and q xnlllv. (qual to any in the Marla-c CURRANTS, ï¬ne new huit; TEAS, SUGARS, CUFFEES, SPICES, ORANGE & LEMON PEEL. I S H â€"The largest stm-k in town of Lake Superior White Fish and Salmon Trout, which will be sold at. less than Toronto Prices. T0 the Public Executors’ Notice. Dec. 13, 1875. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck' Wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Apples, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts. Vick’s Floral Guide ETWEEN Tm; 3rd AVD lth INS'I‘S‘ it or between Victoria Square and But- LL persons indebted to the estate of tho Flour and Feed .- BOOTS 85 SHOES : TINWARE: J. BROWN A LARGE ST )CK, VERY CHEAP. SPLENDID $110 III? Remember tho place W. H. MYERS, C DUNCUMB. Jx RICH M 0ND H ILL‘ CONSISTING U!“ James Vick. Rochester, N. Y. P Xoculors. 9131111 THE PEQPLES’ STORE, iWillimn Keelclln . .. I Imvi Fun-hunks. J‘ .. Unsaph G nnd . . u . . . ‘ \dam Armsuulig. . . Thomas l’ouchor. . .. ‘Junhud Al'm’llugt‘a . v 3'l'llos. Aikinson. . . .. 1Juums‘M. l'nuerwn . ‘ Andre-w Hendc‘lrson . Henry ï¬lldgN-a . . . . . William VlaLlov. . . Jame.- Kuvnnngh . .. Huherl lbbulson. . . .. I Juhn Alnnson . . . . - {S .. Brown...a~..: “unit-l Kunm-o . . . .‘ N J. Jun Hung .. List of Licensed Pedlars and Augtioneers for County of Yotk. HE Sub-crib»; 'th- on lm pram-u. Lot No. 15. 3rd Con. Ylughnu. A SUPERIOR BERKSHIRE BOAR. for Sonia. ’ Which he will 89†at prices that defy co‘mpetinun. Fina'new seam" TEAS, Gi‘éen, Black. and Japan. Fines!» Mucha and Java COFFEE. SUGARS. FRUITS.-N-U'BS;J also a large stock of FISH. mmaisting of While. Fish. Snlmon Trout. Codï¬ah. Labrador Herrinus. 8m Oysters and Savdines. The Stock of Crockery und‘GlaI-ware in also very complete The FURNITURE WAREROUMS will be found to contain evernhin‘ necessary in HOUSE FURNISHINGS. STOVES and Slovepiping at Tomato Price» FLOUR AND haw. - ‘ . '1 Staple and Fancy Groceries Andrew Gilchrist . . ...i Timo'hy Scboï¬eld. . ..'- John Palmer . . . . . . . . . . William Bye. . .v. . . . . A. Borr.gas'lex".i.‘.;... .. . . William J. Gillan! . n. William Pointou‘u. . . .-. Michael LenahaliL _. . . . . Joseph W.’ Rosenbloom. Benjamin Rolling . . . . . Robert Sharp . . . . . . . . . John E. Buck ..V,-. .. . Fred. Gobbin. . .'. . . Henry Newsome . . . . . . Benj. Ellston .. u. ... . G. P. Smith . . . . . . . . . . Jas. Scrivener . . . . . . . . John Brodwood ‘ . . . . . . Jos. Berger. Augustus C. Husband. . Simeon Miller. . . . . . . Solomon Schoenlank. . . Amelia Johnson . . . . . . . David Edwards . . . . . . . . Jacob Slump. . . .. . . . . . Thomas Mounce . . . . . . . John Bray. . ...... ... . Robert Tier . . . . . . . . . . . John Barnes . . . . . . . . . . John Mulcaughy . . . . . . . James Robinson . . . . . . . Henry Boiley . . . . . . . . James Wellman r . . . . . . W. P. Sainzer . . . . . . . . John Ellaton. . . . . . r. .. . And lhontoro you on get BARGAINS bv duling will: him. Call and see the HARNESS as well “as the Boots; Ladies’ Felt Boots were sold for 82,715, now sold {or .8. BOOTS! W. H. MYERS Must Ilave Money, Frhucvs l.-lllv .7 Jnniw McClure Salem Eckar 5| , Thomas Prke . Rubosrn ('unway. W H Major . Franc» Bultun . In the Village of Richmond Hill. Those favoring me with a call can judge for themselves. Having replenished the Store with a Large Assortment of Good. suitable for the spasm», cuusisling "f all kinds nf DRYâ€"GOODS, CLOTHING. SHIRT- INGS, CLOUDS, GOOD TWEEDINGS, HOSIILRY. GOOD FRESH GROCERIEE. HARDWARE, GBOBKERY, FLOUR and FEED, they will ï¬nd il to their Idvpnugo by giving me a, call H ARD TIM E 8 AND LOW muons. Treasurer’s Ofï¬ce. County of York, Toronto. Jan. lst, 1876. The Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks to his numerous friend! and tho public in general for their support and patronage since opening the ’ than Store, wouidubespeak their patronage still, feeling conï¬dent that he can all 1w v Goods Delivered. Richmonddï¬ill‘, Dec. 16, 1875. ‘ “British Flag Staff.†As Cheap. if nut (‘heapen than any House Term; ï¬x, Cglh. 31".; Richmondflill Jan 26 IUJG TREMENMUS SACRIFICE ! BEGS to announce Boning hï¬â€˜ my Winter Stock at a Berkshire Boar. NAME. BOOTS! P. G. SAVAGE KANE Published JOKE LAHMER, â€"' ‘911-3‘. to his friends and custom": that he has cm‘HImd-u frosh supply of RICHMOND HILL. BOOTS! I ‘aroels Delivered. do . Aurora. . . . . . Sharon . . . . . 1. Toronto City. Scarbnm’ . . . . . . Yorkville. . . . . Toronto City . .. Markham. . . .. Sharon.:...... Yorkville . . . . . Aurora........ Etobicoke . . . .. Toronto City .. King ..... Brockton . . . . King . . . . . . . . . il‘orontq City. . . do .. . . Vaughan . . . . . . City of Toronto (I Yorkville . . . . . . Toronto City. . . Laskny, . . . . . . Vaughan . . . . . City of Toronto Toronto City. . . Islingt-on . . . . . . St. Andrew’s. . . Toronto City. . . Brampton. . . . . . Toronto . . . . . . Laskay. . ‘ . . . . , Toronto City. .. Thornhill .. . . . AUCTIONEERS. RESIDENCE. by Authority 'of ï¬y-Law. Jim, K MACDONALD, Treuaurer County 0/ York. Pedlars. â€"U-oâ€"-â€" Allkindo of turn Prodan “to! L9 “an†~ fol Gosh: ‘ . , I aaoos autumn, . . CHARLES E. lflflf‘ln, Mahmoud Hill, “In as, 3875;†I. All kind! attuned Fruit and Fish om- ‘ flatly on hind. ’ 'l'obumol~ of the Chaim: lgshéqg Flour 3nd Feed hm dotneunlly'hn But Funin F'Iohr. Grnbnm'Flour. Buck: when Flour, (Jacked When, ' Common! 1:160“in ' GlasswateJYrOCkery Erin ware Dim: fro. tho Milk. o H E A P T E A s .‘ Green, Black and Japan THE Bub-cribo'rtuku thin opportunity orn- lurnia; his sincere flunk“. his “manp- cutomon for their patron-gs during the [milk viould Ioliciu continuance of tho ulna. Ind Inuld cull their uumion to n fmh uni"! of Best 50 cent Tea in the ‘Ydlage PRES}! DOMINION T unusu RICHMOND HILL. ‘ m a cam. REIIDKNCI. DEICRII’TIOK 0? [.10 ESE. Acknowledged lo hi the, COFFEES ALEX. MOODIE. " “and linens. mu mun nuns. ‘Jany. 99m, new. Foby. mm .9- “ 315:. " Auril 2nd. " " Nth, -- May 25th. H " 26m, " Juno 15m. " Aug. 9511:. u Supx'y. 7th, ‘- iOptolwr m: “76 U I‘ ' II Nu! M. V -- um. “ 24m, ‘Jan'. 14th. 1875. " 19th, “’ u 20â€}, u u 30â€}. u Fésb; '- 3mg: W'- h 16' h, H “ 22nd, “ Mgrchï¬gh, “ In, ' 3rd, 3125!, 10th, 213%. 22nd, " 8th, I 4' "17th; April 24th. ‘ “ 27th, Ju1y26chr,' Aug. 7th, “ 17th, “ 30m, Oct. 19th, ‘Nov 12th, “ 251b, Dec. 3rd, Sept. 9th,. " 18th, 0,9" 43h! DATE WEEK LX- CKNBE IXIIBIB. Ihh. 16m. Ivlh. 25m. j27th, I301; 27m. 19m; 29m,- 9th; u u u 1'91'; u (C H L" ll 0 H II u H c‘t" ll