Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Jan 1876, p. 3

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Clearing" w- ._ "air can \ORETE. Winter Stock or Dress Goods, Sashes. “J 30k! . ets, Clouds and Overcoats Blankets at" 'Reiluced Prices. no... 1...... StoofiQol‘nome-made sooKs an: Mme. -. ENE-«*3 ‘ * ATKINSON. i- Fittcnitiiti GE’s " jw EEK. .t '- , l7. 3 “a FINE ASSORSMENT OF Young... Hysons, Congou. Gun- powder, Souohong and Japan. Will sell Japan at - - ~~-~-'-42 cents, worth 50 cents. ' “ “ "' 55 cents. worth 65 cents. “ “ ‘1 very line, 70 cents, Worth 80 cents. ,... ..¢- unâ€" Overcoats, Shawls & Blankets At Greatly Reduced Prices. FOR. i‘HFi NifiX'l‘ TEN DAYS the balance of his Stock "0.“ [Vii ask and Otto." Fur» ' Will be offered at COST for OAS] i. .. J.".KI'V1FALCONBRID.GE. nictmottd Hitt, limits, 1876. mmrfimxmmnmu.wm;mruwam-mmmm ‘ h “as” F ST "flé’i . _~» ' OXoâ€"â€"~"" * ‘ .,. -A"SP moo ASSORTM T OF N Canadian Tweeds ! "o:‘15}:N}:n"1‘,HIfS iiAY; or PRICES- Is TEE-TIME T0. : A. NEW SUIT, ‘ Before the Busy Season commences. ISAAC '0 ROSBY. Aggiwniom. a; so: ETURNtliejr sincere thanks (unpastpat'qnage and Would blag lea-vo to say. Idiot“ liaving onlvéed tlieir,-promisol,,iul, made, arrangements for having ptittn-it- wit-indotio Ell-defillloil' a" lu‘poyaisioti. are determined to estabiiih-a reputation second to none in the Province ‘l’ier‘ ‘ Sloigli‘s'if all; Deng... FIRST-CLASS WORKM'EN, And using none b nausea mil, Jau.10,’76. r m the BE MATEKI All, tiiey feel mutt. that thoy'can give datisfacliun r nope of their work being done in any other shop N. S. would iiliiosstalti that in connection with the aboveluthey have iii" SHOP ind having-engaged 8 Fl RS1'~CLASS JOBBER, are prepared to do all kinds of Gen- arnl Blacksmithing. CHARGES MU: PIRATE. , A. WRIGHT & SON. Biohdzorid trill; Oct. 27,1375. _ Sop o_ o L" RFQUISIJEEMON IiL‘i' _ _. ,._.. _ E? .. )APER 30038 or apoKiNn‘s‘ AT moHunALo Boot Slide}: ‘ ' V __ listn'z’uzrs Ar‘rns ' _ , HERALD BobK STORE, ESLou-N :ninius; ALL: SIZES at the HERALDBookStorp. _, ‘ . ‘ Sale?" * ' d to Sell the Balance, of his Is the best preparati ’9 Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs With great saving of time and food. It gi work. (lows l‘ed With it piuduue more mill 1 a and for stall feeding cattle its (feet is mar Toronto. August 30, 1875. 893-t r55 Giants. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rally be found at home from 2 to 3 o'clock, r M. Febiuury 41h. l873. 759-lv GEO. BROWN, M. 1)., : IIYSIGIAN. SURGEON AND AC- CUUCHEUR. Onion: Corner of Youge and Centre Sis. Richmond Hill Nov. 2. 1375. 902‘“. DANIEL KINNEE, I ICENS‘ED AUCTIONEER FOR THE 1 (‘iiunty of let. in pot tl'ull) sol mt- your atronage niid Triettdlv influence Sales at» tot din. on the shortest it ill‘ e and at reason- able rates. P. 0. Address. Teston. Toston. Oct. 5, ia7) 898 if SAMUEL M. BROWN, '1' ICEVRED \uctioneer for the Crunty of .1 York. respectfully” solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Stiles attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. O. address. Victoria Squart . Markham, Sept. [0, 1074 84‘2-tf JAMES C STOKES, lCEVSLD Auctioneer for the (‘ounlv of J York, respectfully solicits vnur patronage and l'rieiidlr influence. Sales attende on the shor‘est notice and at reasonable rates l’.() address. King. King, Sept. 10. 1974 8424. J. M. PATTERSON, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the J Counties of York. Peel, Ontario and Simone ; also Vuluat r and Commission Agent. Pli. Add-ass l-llntimitigton. | (Tliance’rv Sales attended to Parties requiring Mn Parrmmos's services can make, arrane'ometils and obtain Darth-il- lars as to terms do at the that”) tlfi‘ice. Nov ‘22, IS 5. 905 tf. BETHUNE. OSLER 86 MOSS. éiARHISTERS. &C.. Union Block, Corâ€" ) nat- i‘orotitn and Adelaide Sts (opposite the new Post ()lfit e.) Toronto P. Osman, JAMEH BE’l‘HUNE. W i; “Hubris-author. (‘HAKLI‘L “was. V. \V lloVLEs‘. J ll i‘noto. Toronto. Nov. 4 187 v 91i‘2â€"ti' A. \VII.I.I.-', e.A ‘»Kl‘.lt .N llit KER INSUKAH'E ii AND amt. its‘r Tl' ALLNI Dupe 'is it-tii-ivcd. sit jt-ct to dt-innnd Willi Interest. Loans negotiated Stile. OFFICE: it); Hi latde Strr et lCast,'l'orotito. ii few doors West of the Post (*flit'e \iai 3|. IH75. 8H0 If F. J. FAR .DEN, (can. turn w. ovum-:1. NEWMARKIC'I',) AW AND CONVEYENCING 0F- ; FICL‘. AURORA. Wil be at Richmond Hilbevcry Thursday UI-‘FlCl: AT PALMER’s HOTEL. MODERATE CHARGE. -Aurnra. .lulv 13, '75 THOMAS SEDMAN , ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. &c. RESIDENCE-fâ€"Nfial'lv opposite the Post Office Richmond Hill l CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL, Boga to anti tunce to the Inhabitants ttfkichâ€" mond ~iil‘. and surrounding neighborhood the he has built a new Hearse an t :on ll onccd [he UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE For hire. Funeral Furnis'ings, Cufiittu and Cflekt‘tr iii every st) 16. Funeral Furnishings supplied at tion. 10 to 100 Dollars Richmond Htli.Jiily '13. “474. ( jARIlVILLE SAW MILLSâ€" the undeistgned begs to inlnrn the public geiieialiy that his Mills haw» been thori llgllly repaired- It] all their parts. and that he is now prepared to attend to all CUSTOM WORK, BILL" STUFF. A LARGE QtlaNTl IY. UP LA'I‘H. in lots to suit Purchasers. Havmg engaged a First- Ciass Sawyer. parties requiring Custom Work will be accommodated on the shortest norice JOHN JONFS. Carville Mills. Nov. 12. I875 L YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEED ves strength a l(‘l life to Horses, even during hard velous. Price 250ts and $1 per Box. A DOLLAR BOX CONTAINS 200 F EEDS.l HUGH MILLER & 00., O. W. KENNEDY, L-D.S:, NEWMARKET, ONT., SURGEON DEN TIST. Q OULD respectfully announce that he will visit Richmond Hill the ldtli ofoach month, at Palmer’s Hotel ; also attend the fol- lowing places. professionally, Sundays ex- cepted : Newmarket,. . . . . . , . . . . 2nd of each month Suttou,. . . ... . . . 3rd and 4th "- '4 Pefl'erlaw,......-.....- 5th MouiitAlbert.......... 81h Sandford,..........--. 10th Stoufi'vilie............. 14th Markham,........-.... 16th Aurora................ 20th on known for fattening nil butter,at the same time increase in flesh, it t. u at to H M I‘ u u M l‘ Agricultural Chemists. arrannnu To. 167 King St. East, Toronto l Satisfaction Guara ttt ed. Charges Moderate. July 20. l87b. t. 8375“. aiming for Stilt. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS Suwwuimwnfii FOR SALE. ON Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. also ten T O R O N T 0 notes with Good Dwelling House and Out- buildiitgs,just outside the Richmond HillCor- All branches of Dental Surgery Debentures for ' poration. And Being part of lots 3 and 4. let Con. ofobridge, Apply to JACOB MORDEN. Richmond Hili,Jau. 8.1874. 8“7-lf House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarto of land, one frame dwelling house, with a ban stabies.aud otheroutbuiioiiigsthereon. Terms easy. Apply. on the premise-1 M I". CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m Village Lots for Sale. 1 n the village of . VICTORIA SQUARE! The lots contain About (me-fifth of mi Acre, lot No. 35, 1th concession of Marli'i am. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Applt‘ tifhy lettcr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square .or to WM . G. HINGS'I‘ON . Dingle P.0 7l4-lf lWUâ€"SIUBY BHIEK UWEIUNG, 38 x 28 feet, with Stone Wall Cellar: Good Barn. Stable and Shed ; co nveitientto School, Churches, Mills. Stores and Shops, March "7. IP72. Title Perfect. For particulars apply to JACOB liElSE. 13., November 263, i875. 906-3tn. FIRST-CLASS Farm for Sale, CONTAINING 100 ACRES Of Land more or less; being Lot No 27. in the *2nd Can. of Markham. lot a mile north 2; from Richmond Hill, and Id miles ft 'l‘orontu l‘ltelaiid ts of EXCullelll Quality land In at High S ate of Cultivation l'boro is Eigiitt five \cres Cleared. the remainder in First-class Hardwood Bush. The place is well fenced and well watered with a failing Spring Creek; also, plenty of hard water; a good hearing Orchard of choice fruit There is a i titM iUH SALE 20 ACRES. MORE OR. LESS, 0" Firstclass Land. being Lot No. 13. in the 14th concession of NUII'I‘H OitlLLlA. There are about 30 Acres under Improvement ! 0m With a Frame House and New Frame Barn 3“ x it): the test is well Tiiiibered with Pine and Hardwood. "his is a first-class Wheat. Farm. ind is beautifully situated on the Swans Rivt:n,cnn\eiiiettt to Flour and Saw Mill, within lialfa mile of the Severn Bridge Pta- tion of the Northern Railroad. Price $3.00). in east payments. For further particulars apply to August I ‘2, 1875- .lOHN HALL. Richmond Hill l‘ump Works, 890 . i; 5'. 1 lot No. 20. iii the 3rd Concession of the Township of Vaughan. There is Eighty in Valuable 'l'iitit-er The buildings are good and extensive There is an Orchard of graft- Whoat Farm and benutifullv situated. being tvitlttn lialfa mite of liinhmoud lliil Station Italfa mile from the Village of Maple. and within two mill-s til‘ the luctirpoatod Villagoof Richmond Ht fir ' fill, FOR SALE. ACRES being the East Half of Acres iindt-r iiiipi'ovonieiit and Twenty Act‘- ed fruit and pleiitv of Water. This is a [nod on the Northern Railway, and within Richmond Hill. on Yonge Sheet. and in the Churches. and within lb miles of the City 0 'l‘oionto. Forfnthor particulars apply on the troll- isos to the owner HUGH DEVLIN. June l. H375. 8804f :1 Wood .Yard! ii E‘HE SUBSCRIBER. ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that he has opened A WOOD YARD, And he will keep oti hand Kinds of Wood Which will be Sold At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. Richmond Hill. Dec, 3|sl. ’74. All A rim or 69 AND A mt ittiitrs‘ Township ISTRAW AND ’[‘HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots. situated And are located at the Nortlnwest cores of Victoria Square, 4th Con. Markham.‘ ol‘ Elgiii Gravel Road. I} east of Yonge street, I never-t . . . - ». travelling public atid commercial men. Livery 'm‘m‘dmw "Nghborhwd 0' Mlus' animals m: stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled AGRICULTURAL WAREHUUSE. â€"_ ROOT CUTTERS, Grain c...t..'.., Combined Feed Mitts, P U L P E R S , Cider Mills and Presses, THE “ BLANCHARD” CHURN. Dog Powers, Ploughs. Farming Mills, Ice Tools, Sleiglts, Forg- es, Rustic Work, Statuary, l' I I Vases, Farming and Draining Tools, &-c., For Sale at AERIGIILTURAI. WAREHUIISB, Corner of Adelaide 8; J arvis Streets WM. BEN N IE, Toronto- Toronto, Oct. 5, 1875. 896 T A LARGE STOCK OF TEAS, Ranging itt price from 30 cents porlb. upward. Also a fine ossortment of Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. .L BANNER DIALOGUES, BY MRs'tâ€"t. P. HOPPER. 115 Pages for 30 Cents. - A package contains the following Dialogues.- Opening Address. for a boy . Litle Christie, â€" Recitation for a boy of 6 or H years; Little Aibait.-â€"Recitatioii t'ora boy or girl 6 or 8 years: A boys platform speech,â€"for a boy 10 or 12 years; Recitation on (ialiautry â€"by a boy of It] years, or less : Closing Address. by ggir'l; A. Good Bargain.â€"-A dialogue for two ‘boys; The birth~dav party.â€"â€"A dialogue for 3 ours. 3 g rls, 2 gentlemen and a lady; Brokâ€" en down 'I‘radesmait.â€"A dialogue for 2 boys and 3 girls; Diff'fflll Opllliull~,â€"A dialogue for4tiovs; Giving to God â€"A dialogue for 3 boys and2 girls ; Jolly Jim. or a soft au- swerturiietli away wrath,â€"A dialogue for 3 boys. 9 it!" Will be sent to any address. in package form, post-paid, for 30 cents. Address. l’OSTMASTER, Victoria Square. Sept. lst. 1575. c9’3-tf. tioiittutiti Ltvnnt STABLES. HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vii cinily thathe has a NEW LIVERY STABLE at the DOMINION HOTEL Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- (JLASS “ RIGS." at moderate charges, and hopes. br Strict attention to business, to merit a share oftheir patronage. SlMON PROCTOR. Richmond Hill. April i5, ’75. 873-tf. RICHMOND H’ILL LIVE RY. S T A B L E S. llorses attd Vehicles for hire. Charges-mo- derate Opposite Sanderson do Sons indent fittrttirtttrit. -._.__ 'SsIPOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.” 0 L Allâ€"K. E ’3 writth mutt! Blood Mixture Trade Mark “Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RE STORER For cleansing a nd clearing the blood from allimpnrites, cannot be too highly recommen- dud . For Scrafula. Scurvv,Skin Diseases. and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing an dper- maiient cure. ll cures old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck . Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads. or Pimpieson the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings . Ciearsthe Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste. and ivariautod free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution ofoithersex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers t test its value. Thousands of testimonials from all pants. Sold in Bottles 1 dollar each. and in Cases. containing 6 times the quantity. 4 dollars each- sulficient to effect a permanent cure iu the great majority oflong standing caseleY ALL (ill EVIIS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICIN E VENDORS throughout the worldj Sole Proprietor. l“. J OlARKE,Cltemist, APUTHECARIES' HALL,‘ LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses. Wholesale Agents for Province: of Ontarii and Quebec 'â€" EVANS. MERCER 85 00., Montreal Mailed to any address on receipt of P. O, O- BEWARE 0F COUNTERFEITS. For the protection of the public of British North America.I deem it my dutv to state that my PiLLs nun OINTMENT are neither man- ufactured nor sold in any port of tile United States. ‘ Each Poland Box bear the British Govern- meutStamp. withtlte words “Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London ” engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London . This notice has become necessary. in con- sequence of vile and spurious imitations of " Holloway’s Pills an""intment," being fabri- cated at 7H.Ilairl en Lane, New York. by pa rtie yling them“ selves “ Hoii» ;- -ay & Co..’, With an sssun. -d trade mark thusâ€" Unpriitcipled vendors can obtain this trash atavury low price. and so deceive you by selling the some for my genuine Holloway’a Pills and Ointment. which are mniiufactnied onlv at 533, Oxford Street, Loudonu Persons who may be so deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. I Many respectable firms in the British Prov- inces. who obtain my medicines direct from. here, have very properly suggested that l should,for the benefit of themselves and the public, insert their names in the napors. that it may be known that my medicines can be had genuine from them. i The following-is a list of the firms alluded to: and I particularly recommend those who as: re to get my medicines to apply to some oi .slo Houses named ;_ Evans. Mercer t2 Co‘ . firontroiv. Messrs Avery. Brown 81 Co., Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsyth 6’: C0,, Halifax, N S Messrs 'I‘. B Barker & Sons, St John, N.B Apothecaties’ Hall 00.. Victoria. B. Gr Messrs Langley &. Co , Victoria. BC. Messrs Moore do (20.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Palion,Chalhiim.‘N. B. Messrs Munro do 00., Montreal. Messrs J- Witter &. Co , H‘iémilton. C. W. Mr H, J. Rose. 'l'oronto. Mr A Chipman Smith, St. John, N. B. Mr John Bond, Godricii. Ont. Messrs Elliot & 00., Toronto MrJ Chalotier, St. Johti,-N. B. r: . Messrs Hannington Brothers. St..lolin, N. B, Mr R. S Pi~iddv.Wiudsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Morden . N. 8. Mr George C. Hunt. Jun., Fredericton. N. B. Mr W H. Thompson, Harbor Grace, N.F.L Mr J. M. Wiley. Frederickton. N. B. Messrs W. 81 D. Yuiie, Montreal. Chas l. Davirs. Fredericton, N. B. The medicines are sold at the lowest whole- sale net prices. itt quantities of not. less than £20 worth -vi7... 89, 6d., 22s., and 34s. per dozen boxes at Pills or pots 'of Ointment. for which remittances must be sent in advance. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533. 01fon Street. W. 0.. l.ondon,JuitI l t 74- 883 ~â€" Fellows’ Compound Sit RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES Asalilife-endowed bodies. wliethorthoybt Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by vitalforco, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save thorn from destruction when this principle leaves them , the discovery of means whereby vitality maybe sustained in the iivingbodyis indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients constitu. ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and finds that by introducing these ingredieittsin proper proportions the brain and tiervoussysfem are strengthened. ' This. then. in substantially the bt‘tsit- on I which Fantow’s Hvropnosrnt'i-its is bniitits JOHN IIRUWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec.14. ’72. 751-3m NIPISSING HOTEL, MARKHAM. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€"- traction of the Anglo American House b 1 fire, the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commodious premises belong» mg to Capt. ’I‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight 6L Son’u Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent acnonimodatiou afl'orded for the Ale and Porter. D. WOOTEN. Sept. 4. 137% 737-tf IBLE SOCIE TY DEPOSITORY t Richmond Hilibranch) at the HERALD olt Store. ANADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NEWS. ’ A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Art! \gricultureand Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sod at We a numboratthe HERALD "WM" “00' ‘ FAMILY BIBLES A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.82. $5. $5.50. $8.50 and $9. at the ~Hanan) Boo: STORE. Richmond Hill. JE cheap atthe HERALD Book Store, WELRY !- JEWELRY! FOR SALE , direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous System. and the Muscles. ttreiigth- , eningtho nerves. it clulostho rapid dietrlbn. tion ofVitalized Blood in the Musculat Organ; of the Body. . Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Liv'oi. strengthen-lug the action of the Stomach and ‘lowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiullyin- fiated Wit-h Oxvgen. It isallaptedâ€"I‘or ALLcasos of Weakn‘eSsand y. Emaciation,wliether arising from sedentary l’ life. atropicalclimale. from fever or nobility _ from any cause, and is efficacious in Punuo- MARY CONSUMPTION. malty confirmed cases having been cured and all bsiiefitted. whore Its use has been continued ovor a fortnight. lit Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma it gives relief where overv other remedy fails and may be used with confidence in all cases. As this is entirely distinct aitd different from every other preparation of careful toask for Funnows’ Svnvr, and talu uoother. SOLD BY APOTHECARIE! Price,$l-50: Six for$7-50 4-8 “t-Jonn. N B 1s Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, F‘. J. CLA RKE. AForanARiits- HALL. LINOOLN ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale 1’ Medicine Houses. WliolesaloAgonts for Provinces of Ontarit and Quebec: EVAN M83033 a: 00- Montreal. Mallrdlo etir'iiddtesr on receipt of I‘D. O titan ogive itatriaito ' For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, JAMESLFFI LOWS,Chenl,â€"¢ One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills; Illimlllllllll Ulllill e in all sizeasuitablé for Ladies and Gents, both in gold and silver. But the, accompanying cut repre- sents in proper proportion! THE $25 RUSSELL HUllIllill [EVER WATCH. In sterling silver case " V ‘ ' r gold points, full jewelled, warranted for five ear-er..- . to ether withagol - latedg " . Al ert chainâ€"whic will be sent to any part of Can- ads. on receipt of $25, or C. 0. D., per express W. n. CORNELL, Watch Importer, 8.3 King Street East, TORONTO. ONT. Patent Eaveâ€"txough ND WATEHSPOUTS FOB THIt D0 Mutton, at $6 per ltlti leet Alst Floors ing and otllei Lumber I'reshett: Sal, lltclteto Pailn.CidorMilli-.Washing Mncliineh.3liil_.ln Waggon Felloes.and Lumber Saweo’ttvotdu I‘o rparlicularxaddress JOHN LANGS'I‘A FF SteamMilir Then-H", Thornblllfiov. 3.1869. 510-.“ $5 ALE? waft}! All classes of working people. at eithe- on. young or old. ma 0 more money ll work for us in thbir spare‘momentsbr all the time. than at anythingelu Particulars free. Poet card to States costs but one cent. Address G. STINSON it 00,, Portland.Maine. Oct. ‘27. 1874. .. 849:” MONEY TO. LEND LOAN on first-ela- Mai-‘tfvagc Securityâ€"iii sums from- $500 '9- war “I. Apply to M. TEEFY. N. LYNt 'I‘T, (A: Executors of the Estate oftbo late M Brennan.) Richmond 1 11-8“ 181: PRIZE Pump Werks, Richmond Hill. THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS 'l‘O INFORM the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and on- virons, that be will continue to manufacture the EEIEUHATEU EXEEISIUH PUMP At'tlie Old Stand. Church Street, Richmond Hill. and hope, by the hitted with the best material and Workmanahip. to merit acnntinuance ofthe patronage bestow- ed on the late firm. All our pumps are war- rented. Price list sent oti application. JOHN HALL N. B.â€"-Wollssuuk on the shortest notice. Well Curbs constantly on hand. J . H. 87l-tf Richmond Hill.March 31. '75. RICHMOND HILL 8 'J'.‘ E .A. u limp Works! reference to the above notice of Db N I solution. the undersigned would announce that he is now fitting up New and Improved Machinery Driven by ample rte-am Power, and intend. to manufacture a SUPERIOR ARTICLE. At [niece and on terms hitherto IIID‘IIIIO‘ l’arties Wanting pump: will do well to sold me before pun-liming. List of prices sent on application. H. MILL“. Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. 87h! CflNtESSifliES tit liltllM. Pususnnt- as a wanuim and for th- bent-lit of Yotino MEN AND oriiuin who aufl'ar from NERVOUS DEBIHI‘L LOSS OF MANâ€" HOOD. VITAL POWER. stag. giving rule. ofSelf- Cure. after much rufi'eriitg and expense and sent free on receiving a Itainp for return ostage. Address NATH ANIEL M AYFAXR P. 0, Box l53. Brokiyn. New York. June 26. i875. 85AM E Subscriber hm: refitted bl“ WOW HFADFCRD MILLS ! H T EN MILLS hannow prepared to m- cu‘te itil‘orderii to! Custom went-k. Having seen ed the services of M; JAN- E. NEILL. a first‘clalti workman. he i- no” to do CUSTOM QARPINQ. SPINNING dz FULLINC In either branch. on the shorten notice, a“ breach a manner as to ivo the utmost mi. faction toll-is patrons. a trusts to "solo. the samoliharal patronage herotntnre extend. ( warranted to cure all discharges from the to the“ mm“ '1 “ms 8mm" cuh' Urinary Organs, in either sex acquired or constitutional. Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes. £4.50 each,by allCheinists and ALEX. niacin; Markham, May iii. '75. _ err-«.- W Esra H Y Mus ' Catiho obtained at the H-iuui Beet Btu atthe following reduced prices to- ' meta-mots. 3tlots, 38otii.‘.40istg. More, , and 90 etc. ' GA Mus. TOYS, so. we: GALE‘A’t tliefimuurliook Stare ‘

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