NOTICE -â€"We shall be glad. at all times. to IOh'IVB Helm: of Local Neum, acukiel\l.~ or say incide which may be- nnereming, enlwr In lhu loculiu in Whlch it ovoun, or ii: 1he Counlv generallv Muller of ï¬ns kind may be sum as “ Primer’s (opy “ al the rate of cm cent per ounce, if -0 mar-k: d and Irv! wal- od: bu! lo Insure its app-‘al‘ance. wou'd m- quire Io be re-cmvud lIy ‘Wer uesrim urmug, bmozo puhï¬cnlmn. at 1hr: v~rs hues! RucnuwnuHi lSlnuou Chang: 0 [line ‘Q‘xiug «fecal “mutiny, Nov. l’alh. .H75; 00mg North 8.13 A.M... 1‘2 ‘37 p m..." I3 Bonn: South 9 2’6 A." . “2.4) p.m . .8 ‘26 Wm Smirk gamma. The receipts and expenditure of the Dominion- as published in the Oï¬ii-ial Gazetteâ€"Will not impress any one very quOrably with the management ofuï¬airg. The ï¬gures given below show a decrease‘ in the revenue of three millions, threel hundred and ten thousand, ï¬ve hundred and one dollars; with an increase of ex“ penditure of three millions, ï¬ve hundred and seventeen thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven dollars. This is Grit economy with a vengeance. While our readers will bear in mind that the past year has been one of' great commercial depression, they will also remember that the present administration increased the duties on dutiable goods to such an ex- tent as was supposed to increase the revenue some three millions. The ï¬g- ures given below are for the last six months of 1874 and 1875, and speak for themselves. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE July, 3 1,147,052.76. 2,352,768.97. 2,471,814,15. 3.127,100,77. 2,230,540.74. 1.644,006,59. Aug. Sep“ Get, Now, Dee, 1874. 1875. s 1,272,379,62 1,974.4 0.84 2,065.573,98 2,009 103.75 1,804.315 38 1,477,674,84 Decrease of Revenue in 1875, SK“. Al)VElii‘iEE)lEN'l‘D Property for Sale. VILLAGE OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1876. Increase in expl-ndi. turc in 1875. “351732755- :1 This is hardly as healthy 3. balande sheet as we could wish for, and if a stop is not put. to it we shall. snon ï¬nd our selves in a state of bankruptcy. Isaac Crosby. \Vixliuml’ouue, 1 ». . William PoZ-en. , ‘°“"°‘â€"T" Peter G. Suvage,) M. Ttrefy, (‘lerk and Treasurer. D. G. O’Brien, Assessor. Edward Sheppard, Chief Constable Francis Cesgrove, Pound Keeper. James Daniels, Tavca‘n Licmse 1n~ apoc/or. Frederick Crawford. varseer of 8171143 and .‘ itl'rualks, and l‘ire and Nuisance Inspvctur. Thomas Martin, Impounding Marmaduke Hardy, Oï¬iccrs. David Hopkins, ‘ James Freak, Fcncc Viewers. Thus. J. Dobsou, STANDING COMMITTEES :â€" By-Lawsâ€" Messrs Trench, Savage mxd Pogue. Finance and Assessawnt â€" Messrs Trench, Crosby and Savage. Fire and Waterâ€"Messrs Pogue, Pow- ell and Savage. Streets and Sidewalks â€"â€" Messrs. Trench, Powell, Crosby, Poguc and Savage. 'OKTEERN RAILWAY UF CANADA CoxvnxTioN.â€"Tbe Sabbath School As- sociation tor the East and West Ridings of York County will hold its Seventh Annual Convention in the Cunada Methodist Church. in the village of Weston, on Tuesday and Wednesday. the Hub and Him insts. Min- isters of Evangelical churches, Ofï¬cers, "J'uachors, and friends of Sabbath Schools, in this and adjoining counties are cordially iuviled to attend. Each Sabbath School in the East and West Ridingn may sendtwo delegates. 'J hose intending to be present will oblige by sending.y their names to Wm. JVinson. Weston. The following is the programme :1â€" ' -- . nu - i‘ . .1. Tuesday Morningâ€"Chair taken at 10 o'clock; Devotional Exercises; Appoint- ment. of nominating Committee; {eports of Schools. Tuesday Afternoonâ€"Chair taken st 2 o’clock; Opening Exercises; {ending minutes of last meeting; Presrdent‘s Ad- dress ; Renmts of Secretary and Treasurer; “ What IS the object of this Convention ?" Rev. R. Pettigrew. Twenty minutes for discussion. Tuesday Evening-Chuir taken at 7 o’clock; tpening Exeruses; Address of welcome. Rev. George Browne; Tempe:- ~nnce, lev.Johu Large. Twenty minutes for discussron. ll’cdncsc’ay Morning,â€" Chair taken at. 9 o’clock; Devotional Ex- ercises; “The Faithful Teacher.†Daniel McLean; twenty minutes for discussion; “ Are Sabbath School papers preferable to books?†Rev. W. W Smith; twenty min- utes for discussion; Where shall the next convention be held? I‘Vedncsday Afterv noonâ€"~Chuir taken at 2 o'clock; opening exercises; "How (an we make scripture Aruth attractive 7" Rev R. Gray: Convex.- ition bible class. Rev. T. S. Keough; ‘- In- fluence and importance of Snbbuth St‘lmul music,†Rev. John Hunt. ll’edncsday flamingâ€"Chair taken at 7 o’clock; open- ‘ing exercises ; new President takes the chair and addresses the Convention ; “ What have we learned by Conventions?†Rev. \V Milv lam; ï¬ve minute addresses by delegates on Snbbath School subjccts; Resolutions; I‘Ltlcn'clls. ' William Trench, J12, Esq, Reeve. Rut-anon: BILL. Feb. 4. 1876 $13,973,949,98. $0,663,448.41 EXPENDITURE. 1874. . 1875. S 2.280.525.32. $ 2,124.859,09 1.797.672.37. 3.703,942.47 1,245,356.70. 1,179.595,58 1,144.239,67. 1,738,599.41 1 844,780.23. 1.534.138.41 1,010,096.13. 2,638,333.72 8 9,401 1370,92 REVENUE. 33,310,501,57. $2,919,498.68 83,517,827,76. I Vauglmn Township Council meets on Tuesday next. 8111 inst. Valontmes! Valontmrs H a great variety at the Humâ€) Buck and FuHCy Store. In \he trial (A Frazel. charged will) being an ussvssnry after the fuel in II)? muuder of Miss (hlmnr. the jury returned u vendict ol “ Not Guilty †Our Fire Brigade Band purpose having a sncial and rHiIertuinmeul in the Masonic Hall. on Friday (‘Vt’llillg inI, Ihv lllh “ml. for the purpose of Gehuyiug cxpe us mm- necxed wnh ihe band. Exohnnges fmm various pints of the cnunny lepmt Leap Year Bullsâ€"(he lmhrs inviting the uemlenwn. paying ihe iliiis uni dwing the agH-whle whet-ally. Are tin ‘murrmu'ahle ymmg indivs of Richmond Hill 0: terrainng u snuilur idea? Thomas Heusiin, arrested on suspicion) of buvin-J bevn connected wilh 1he mhbury of Mr E. Sanderson. Murkhum, last full, has been found guilty. “Rage,†is the wzw a young “lam who is graduating at our public schiml for a bonk- keeper, spells “WWW.†Young mun WU will be vary f‘tt‘nunnle if vou make ynu' mark in {he world without; henrin ' olher P‘.’ople spell it with " U ’7 in some pan of i1 Irving’s Five Cent Musicâ€"“Skidmore Guard" “Genllv down the sneam n1 time," " Mulher is the old home lonely.†“ Father bring home your money lo-nigln." and †Come back to Erin.†m lb HERALD Book Store. Sent postâ€"paid on receipt 0t pnce. The trial of Michael McConnell for the murder 0er Nelson Mills, of Hamillnn. begun last Monday morning, was conclude}! on Tuesday night. the jury bringing in a verdict of " Guilty,†and the judge senth- ing the prisoner to be hanged on the 14th March. OYSTER FESTIVAL â€"The memban of “ True Love" Division, No. 54, a. 0‘ T., purpose holding a grand oyster festival in their hull, Purpleville. on Wednesday ev’g. next, 91h inst. Addresses will be delivered by several Rev. Gentlemen. also vocal and instrumental music by talented amateurs. DECAMPED â€" Last Satunduy night, a Yanket-Dutchman, named Allgier. who has bven employed for some time past at the Huiness Edublishmenl of W. H. Myers, left for a walk round the block and has not yet returned. There is no suspicion of any foul play. however. as he look wiIh him about L'nny dollars worth of tools belong- ing to a Iellow~w0rkman. SNOW STORM “Last Tuesday night we were visited wilh the most severe snow mom) of the seasun. Considm-able snow had fallen through 111‘. day. and at night a heavy fn-sx set In {scenmpanwd by u very hlthWind which drifted the anew it'to hug}. mountains, tendering the roads in many places impassible. The road leading to the Station was drifted to such an extent that the mail cut‘rier was unable to get out. The following:r is a list of the oflieers of West York and Vaughan Agricultural A8- sociution, for the present year: â€"Jolin Abell, President; J. P. Bull, 13!. Vice President; Jacob Burkliulder, 2nd Vice President; T. E. Wallace, Trees ; Joel lienmun, See; Jns. Brown, Wm. Farr. J. Ackroyd, John Ward, W. Taylor, Robert Mark. D McCallum, Geo. Wallace, C. H Dunning, Directors; Dr. Wilkinson, Jolm Brown, Auditors. SALE OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE «Owing ‘ to the extra press on our columns last week, we were unable to insert. the following notice of the sale of the " Burnside Herd †‘ol Shortvliorn lCattle. which came off on the 20th ult, 0n the. farm of Mr Jno. M. Hall. Atha. 'l'llirly‘ive head were uispused luff, realizing nemly $240 each. The lol- l lowingr is the numes at the purchasers. wnh $225; “ M’ï¬m‘or, 1mm; Zyews. 1.1101110“), Dum'hhrm“. $“m; QM en 01 All)“, “Slug 2 ‘ . ' '1‘ “e o" 4.1554 Necklm-e 6111 and 'w“ 8’ i It 7 M_-;11ihmn. $800; lwmr call, G. M1» , _ Knlt‘ Nillvr. 2 wars, 11:1). 'lv-llll'll‘. _“"' All“: $850; Mi.~s1.ell, lgeur, S. “Bitllllt. 'I'UTU'W 7 $500; Prrnwss Luuxse. 5 years, .1. LnZYHL‘ 1Seal-burnâ€, $350; Lady Fragrant. 1 year, [8. Beanie. Torontu. $170: Rosebud (and 10311) 5 years. B. Gibson, Whnby, $300; Countess of Burnside, (and calf) 4 years. E. Sanderson, Butmnville, $270; Vlcluria. 3 years, J. Heron. $13.1; Crimson, 2 years, J. (arr, Whitby. $200: Princess bally, 1 year. B. Gibson, Whilby, $130; Velleda, 2 l vears. B. Gibson, Whitby. $200; Ruse Queen. 2yeazs, Wm Miller.jr., Atha, $125; : Rosy Morn. rising 2 years. Wm. Shler, ‘Brnck, $95; Mm Bell 2nd, 1 year, G. Mil- ler, Marklmm.$170; Mam Prim 2 yvzus, \Vm. Mlller, jr., Atha, $185. Bulls< We1~ come Duke, 1 Year, Jas Andersun, m. Marys, $200; Prince of Alba, 1 gear, '1'. ‘Siephenson, Brou_rham. $75; Viulel Duke, 11 year. Wm. Gunery. Markham. $110; ‘ Queen‘s Own. 8 months, Wm. Carr, W hnby, ’9 50; Novelty. 0 years, S.Beauie, Toronto, @100. One Grade Heiler, G. Pearson, $150. There were also a pair of Clyde Mares sold, the ï¬rst, D011, got by imported Netherby, (o J. Hope, Mnrkhamyfon $205; lthe second, Nanny. got by imported Con- lqueror, to J. Lowrie, Scarhuro’ for $390. the 20th ult, ()u the. farm of Mr Jno. M. ‘ Hell. Alha. 'l'hirly‘ive head were (lispused 1 off, reuiizing newly $240 each. The to!- lowngr is Ihe numes at the purchasers. wuh lhe pru-e paid for such animal: »Uows and Hul'exsâ€"â€"- Mehdy. 9 yew-5.1“: H )dge, York Mills. $130; Daisy. 6 Years. J‘Cauuunhlurk- ham.$115; VmIeIA years. Ebal‘dersonJim- Immlle $100;->AIllmlleda, H.Hudge. Yoxl' M:I:s.$125; Mame 4y: ar>.\\'m Sheim Mmlmmghm, $145; M de. 4 )‘vms, T. | huh. [‘ickeung. $105; Undies». 4 vem‘s, S. lieutueg 'I‘Owumu, $240: l’xincess Royal. 2 313 .~, J Hope, Mmkhum. $500. Hvsw dule n1 Alba. ‘1. years, 8 Heacock. Ket- Ileby, $330; Miss Booth, 2 )‘euls. F. I, ï¬mhh. Newmnhw k, $225; Red HUN; 2 yams. J Ho‘e. M.1-kh m. $550; ‘0 i Jmm 2 wms, '1'. Boundary, Dunv mu 1., $225: “ “I'Zfl‘n‘lll', 1min; 2504‘s. ’1 .“Uxildeg, Dum'hhrum. $Hm; QM en of Alhn, Man“; 2 wave '1‘ “e on. $155; ltlecklm-e 61h and lwm; on“, G, Mm, m.‘.“kh=ml- $800; a a...“ MHL... 0. {park \\ m, v'vqll- r, Vili. All)â€, On Tuesday. the 25th ult.. the pupxls of School Section No 19, Pallerson, presented Illen- Teacher. Mr W. H. Bulitho. wnh a beautiful copy of (ll-udens Concm'dance, ac. cumpumed with the following address :â€" Mr W 11. Bolitho: DEAR Tuseaen.-â€" We. the scholars of S. S. No. 19. Patterson, desire at this time to show you. in a slight manner, the appreci- ati-m we have of your services as u Te roller. and your kindness to us as a friend: As a Teacher, you have. by your close attention to your duties, unconsiously impressed us with the fact that our interest and welfare receive your gravest consideration. The duties of a Teacher are, as you are aware, difï¬cult and trying ones, They require a cool and impartial judgement, great kinj- ness, and Serious attention, and many other qualities which we feel assured you possess in no slight degree. We can assure you the instruction that we have received from day to day has not been in vain. Those lessons that we have been receivinrr are but ï¬tting us for the †Great Battle of Lite,†and We pray that, with God‘s blessing, those in- structions that we litive from time to time may be user] to His honor and glory, and the credit of. our Teacher, and the welfare of our fellow man. Your kindness to us as it friend has invariably been gentlemanly and kind; our interests have been yours alsoâ€"not merely in the Day School have you taken an active part. but in the Sab- lnitli School also. Your labor has been two-fold, and in presenting to you this small token of our gratitude, you may rest assured our prayers and best wishes accom- t;:ttr\j it. I’m taul look at the more intrinsic P BESENTATION value of it, but .lhe spirit in which it is given; and ï¬nally. Dear Teacher. may it prove in blessing to you and may the in- shucliim l'mm it be imparted l0 mhers. as we feel satisï¬ed it will. and we say. go on in the guo'd way, scanvring light. and happi- ness everywhere ahd may you long he spared to he the recipiem of God‘s blessings and lbe good will of all. REPLY. DEAR Patnaâ€"This public expression of your «steam and respecl is n Snuroe of much plezmue to me. 1 mm asï¬ure ynu that I ht’HJle [hunk yuu for your lumdsnme «Jill and testimonial. Your unifmm kind-{1’53 and obedience: m me on all (leansimm have IIlHdl‘ u deep and luming inuniessiam 0†my hemi w d [his lnlw}, “f‘vlyur [Hve is [Hm-h u wnh lvt‘ll'ius M Sitce e grutiludn. I am M‘sed- 1% l‘Vl'u'n' that you appreciate my ‘Hmhh‘ Q‘ï¬iln-Ls in llie ndvnncenwnl of you: nielleciual zu-uinmems; but I hu] e yuu will newer i‘oxgel Ilmt vnu ul't‘ llw nrcllitvcts if your own fonune Rely npun your Own six-engih of body an" soul. Take for ynur mum). self-reliance, hmwsly, and industry. For your slur. faith in' God, perseverance, mid an invincible determination wilh righl mntives. love. Irth and vinue Always d what your conscience tvlls ynu to be a duty, and leave the rest with God. [For the HEEALDJ ‘- 'l‘he penple of ankville are highly grati- ï¬ed to think that. i“ r the ï¬rst Lime In manv munlhs. the " Reform †genLh men who rule this municipalily have thought it worth thmr \vhile m publle a hule of lhnir pro~ ceedings By the notice in a daily paper, information has been Ihe public '11:“. the Svhool Board met. and aftnr mature consider-Minn have appnintwd Mr 0. Foster, as Chairman, and Mr .105. Gibson. as Sec- 'l‘rens. [n a paper of the 25th imam. an elaborate notice ()fa reform meeting, held in lhe Town Hall, is given, whereal Mr Jon Gibson w s : ppmnled president, and MrU. Fuster- as hen-Twas Reform is certainly much w-quhed in this village, and it is to be hoped tbnl the ï¬rst step will be to give to the people a full re- port of the proceedings of the village enun- cxl meetings, as also an exhaustive report of the cost uf the w. ter wciks may not be out of place. The question has often been asked without being answered. what do we pay for the Charler. The annual meetng of memhers elect of the Couucil for lhe County of York was held on the 25th ult.. at the Court Houses, Toronto. All the members present. After the election of Warden, the Council proceeded to ballot for a Select Committee to be appointed to strike the Standing Com- mittee for the cttrreut year. The Warden declared that the following members form the Committee z-Messrs Jones. Robinson, Speighl. Marrllt, Tyrrell, Bull and Wallis. of Etokicoke. Peliliuns were presented: â€"â€" Flam the Trustees at High School No. 3. asking tor a grant of money, &0. (From Milxist'el-‘é in the County of Peel, asking to pass through lull-gates in their distrlcts free of charge. The Council then adjourned until Wed nesday morning. The Council opened on Wednesday morn- ing M 10 o’clock; the Warden in the Chair. The following communications were read: From Jnmes G. McConnell. and others, respecting the Iuying of'a sidewalk on the Luke Shore Road. u'nxm u» Roads‘ preseqï¬ng hi_s'sem‘ The tullm, m; 1" 't.ltlun.s -â€"Frum Joahua. Anninifln. NO- 1, Dundas shret. pm; From the 'l'neasmer, preset)!ng the coumy :lL'CnunlS, mm-rmidenl, and Y0 k Roads uc~ Cum-ts. By [Mr Jonesâ€" Fro-m 'Edï¬'a-"gy XV“ and 161 other wsidents of the V Ill-3L" Stnnfl'ville. praying for iuwrpomlion. From LieutnCol. Norris. asking the Cum:- r-il to pI'E-Selll lhe 12lh York liullaliun ul VulunIPH‘s with u stand of cnlurs. The 88180 Committee appointed on ‘5'? mevmus day to strike the Standng Cum- mineea recommended them to he COmPOSPd as follows :â€" W Finance and Assessmentâ€"~Measra Tyrrell Tbnrn. Junes. Marriutl. and rAshwolrth, _ Cvomingencies‘Meésrs Chapman. web. stem-Reason Willcocks and G. Chester. hducmior â€"Messrs Bull. Watson, Trench. Huahes and J Stokes, County Propertyâ€"Messrs Rohlnsnn, Mc- Donald, Severn, G. Chester and N. Clarke Wallace. Roads and Bridges~ Messrs Marsh. Fleu- ry. lrwin, Stevenson and Ramsden. Equalization and Assessmentâ€" Messrs speighi, W. A. Wallis, Duncan. Bennett and Millikan. The Council met at, 10 o’clock on Thurs~ day morning. the Wardnn in the chair. The following communicationszâ€"From 1he Clerk of the Town of St. Ualherinns. rPapectiug the bill‘ now hef'nre the House conceming the liquor licenses. Printingâ€"Messrs Stokes, Pegg, Hambly, Lloyd and J. Lugdy. The report wan adopted without amend- menl. were {hen appnimed audimrs The Cou'n'cil adjourned till 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Mr Wallis moved, seconded by Mr 'l‘yrrell, that all C(‘mmunications or papers presented to the Council relatln‘ to amendments to the Municipal or Llcence Acls. or Immi- gration, be relerred to 8. Select Committee. to consist ofMessn-s Jones,Robinson.Marram, Duncan and the mover. who will be in- strucled to report to the Council thereon. The motion was carried. The Couucil adjourned until 10 o’clock on Friday. Friday morning. A communication from the Clerk and Superintendent of Roads, for increase of sal_a_ry._ From Mr J. F. Stokes, resigning.1r his position as trustee of'the Newmarket High School. ' Mr W. Tyrren presented the petition of the trustees of high School Nu..1, Weston, praying for a gram of $200 to pmvxde new school apparatus. &c. In behalf of the Scholars of the School Signed by Messrs Robert H Smith and Wm. Jacked The Counpil opened at 10 o’clock on SH Joncé moved, seconded by Mr Luudy, YORK COUNTY COUNCIL. YORKVILLE BETTIE RUPERT, J D. PATTERSON, “ccnsions have that the retilion asking for the incorporation of Sluufï¬ille be reï¬ned to a Special Com~ mince, composed oi Messrs Robinson. Floyd and 1118 mover, to report to the Council 8'. an early dale.-â€"Curried. r > 4,, _ ._ u r‘ '.1 , if ‘1.†WU, WW. w... , The Council went into Committee of :he Vrhnle to consider the pl'upriely of grau‘jng uvd m Agricultural Societies. Mr Jones in the chair. The Committee rose and reported, in- structing the Finance Committee to bring in a By-hw granting mid to the Societnes The Finance Committee then reported a By law grunting aid to Agricultural Soci- ones. It w'ns read a ï¬rst and second lime and lb? COMIC†went mto Committee on the marten" h was Mamet? Wilhuul ammnlmvnt. Mr Theme propm ed Lhnj the (‘nurcil shuuld gun“ the sum of $500 In ll-e 1311) Hutmhun. $100 m bu for the Improvement of the band; $200 tur prize! for the volun- teers. mud $200 I n’ colors. An hmvnnimmn was put and carrind tn the effect Hm! (ml; $200 slmuni be. grunled. H) be applied to lhe of co'aOrs, which , __, . . I ‘ I the drill \ The Council resolved itself intn‘Com- miltee N) the report of the Committee on Priming. ’ M r qukes in the chair. ’After adopting which, an adjournmeul was made. The Council met at 10 o'clock on Smur- day: mormng 3 the Warden in the chair. u I Cummumcauons were read from County ofï¬cers. asking for an increase in then sul- tries The Cummissiuuers of County Property repmled, and the report. was uduplvd. M r Junt’b gave notice that he would move the Cuuncil into (‘ommitwe to cunsider lhe udvisubility of nfl'eling a, reward fu- ‘hu arrest. m‘d convicliun o! the hurglm-s who Committed me rubbery at the huuse of .u’u Samuel Willon, Whilcbmch, in Septembn-x lust. ' Viiâ€"Th? ( ouncil then adjOuvned till 2 o'clock on Monday. The Warden took the chair at 2 o’clock. The minutes of last meeting were read and cunï¬rmed. An account from Messrs Blake. Kerr dz Boyd, for legal service, was presented. A communication was read from the County T:eas., stating the amount due by the estate of the late Moses \Vindross for rent of gate No. 4, Yunng Street, to be $233 56. u The Treas. also asked the consideration of the Councxl in respect to the present By luvï¬vrregulrating the payment made to jurors. Mr Bull moved. lseénnded by Mr Trench, lb)†:1 Gummiuee composed of Messrs Ches- ter Marsh and the ruuver, be uppuinled to confer wnh the ('in Council with regard to the location of farmers’ teams in the market. Mr Wallis moved, seconded by Mr Wilcox, '1 that the Standing Committee on Financei and Assessment be instructed to repOrt rt~ commending, after the present session, the‘ discontinuance of the present additional fee of 25 cents to constables, and to report. to the Council on the llth July. 1876. ' The motion, after some remarks from the [at ver and Mr Bull, was carried. lr Marsh moved, seconded by Mr Reesor, heftynminee on Finance be instructed to report by Bill for the purpose of rovid- in! tor the payment of grand and) pent. jurors attending the Courts in this bountyI and for the purpose of repealing all former By-lrws passed by the Counctl in regard t -ereto. Mr Speiht spoke in favor of the motion. He was of op’nion that Jurors should be granted nrilvage. but should not be paid on the Sundays The motion was. carried. Mr Robinson presented at Bylaw for the incorporation of the Village ot'Stouï¬'ville, in the Count) of York. and recommending the appointment of Mr '1‘. J Dougall, as (_‘onrmissiuner for taking the census of said vi Inge. ‘ The-(nu: cil, un mnlidn of Mr Junes. wpnl into Cummiuee ofthe Wh- I? on the quesliuu of offering a rewurd fur the appre- buusimx and convictinu of lhe- burglars who rohbnd the house 05' Mr Samuvl Wilton, uf ‘Vhilchurch. in September last. Mr Smkvu in the chair. The Committee rna’fl and rppmmd without mm“! “m uz'linn in thehmtter Un mnliou, LIX.“ (‘muunl ndjnurned at 3:30 um“ 10 o'clwk un Tuwdav morning. The Council met at 16 o'dock‘ nu Tu a. day mmniug. The Warden m the chair, The minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. Thu- bylaw was read a ï¬rst and second lune. zvllel whlch the Uvuuml went into Cmmninee uf the \thh‘. Mr Humes in the chair. On motion of'Mr Wallis. seconcicd by Mr Marsh. the Warden. Mr Tyne†and the mover were appwintd n Select Committee to revise and conenlidvte the Bylaws ut‘ the Ctlrpol‘uiinn, which are of a general and permzuleul character, ' The (Jount'il adjourned until 2 u'olnck 01: meeting again. the Cuuucil went mm Cnmmittee on the By-law loincorporate the village ol'Stouï¬â€˜ville. The Comnvim-e 1059, reported progress, and :48de .t-ave m sh Lain on Monday Mr Stevensml subunttvd u Bylaw for tho nppni xtmvnl of [Wu gentlemen in conjunc- Iinn with the ( bun-man of the Sessimm uf 1he Peace. as Auuilurs. A communication was read from the Electoral Division Agricultural Society, with reapect t0 the hglding ofa Fall Exhi- bition in the City of Tommi) !his (all, The Bylaw was adopted with an amend. mam authorizing the appointment nfa per: son to take the Census of that v‘llago It was then read a third time and passed. The Council adjourned till 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning. Messrs W. Tyre†and R. A. Smith were wqe uppoillle-d, and the Bylaw†p_u_savq Last Friday, while snme parties were 6|]! gnged in pulling down an old building. on the 4th Gen. Vaughan, 8. short. distance norlhof Maple. one the timbers slipped striking Mr D Kinnee on the back of the head injuring him very‘severely. A great conference of‘ Liberals has been held in Manchester, England. Upwuids of 1.000 delegates were present. There was much wild ialking, and a very revolutionary programme was proposed. The prospects oflhe Liberal party was not improved by such an exhibition. Momu‘, FEB. 7â€"Cash Sale of Household Furniture, &c. &c.. on Lot 59, let Con. harkham, Yonge Street, the property of V. C. Bell. Terms Cash. Sale at one oclock. S. M. Brown, Auctioneer. ’ 0:“;- Parties getting Sale Bills prmled at. [.hisol‘ï¬ce will receive a notice similar 10‘ melbovo‘ muof charge. 'r'" ' ‘ "W I Warden is to pres'eul at the hex: unnu-‘l the AUCTION SALE. WIDEMAN-At Richmond Hill, on the 29th ul't., the wife of Mr James Widemun, of a dainghtcr. Comron'rmu. â€" “1%) a thorough kuuwleuge nflhe naturalIRWswhichguverlvtheoperaliona ofdigesuunand nutr'mon, and by acareful upv plicalion of Ihe ï¬ll?pl‘0p0rli|‘l‘ 0| we†selected cocoa, Mr Epps has pxovined our breakfast table: wilh a delicnlely ï¬avmed haverage which mu nave us many heavy uncmrs’bills. II N by r v judit-ionï¬ nae I): much articles of ‘ dim mat a c‘ nsmuhet: inï¬â€˜ lâ€: grumailf; Null. Hip unlll shun: ....;;;;g3l Lu I'rahl nvnn ‘E‘lldt‘lICV ‘llndiwnse Huuurnds uo subtle lllfllfldltâ€˜ï¬ no 1! n “g around usreudy (u nuntkwherever-there I.~ u w ak pumx. We may « mam a Inlal Ian. M b kueping nul‘wlvu: wull 'ox'nï¬ed wuh pure hluod an n propurh nourished Hume "â€"- l'uu/ Nurture, hunt/ls Sold only In pm-lutn I.zl)e"‘dâ€"‘ JAMES t mm A ‘ u . Hu‘ var-[mlch (themials 4B 'lhreadnmdle Sued, and flu I’u-cadilh‘, London †Ununaul...... u... k.“ 'Curnumul Whomâ€"Spring pol hmh. . “Mite "Inter... Com-r vd I"; Mr [mac Crosby. Groom. "1‘" Dry Gum~ Vlurrzhau , Flra l’ruui' Store. Richmond H!†You“ 8 l876 Rumâ€"Spring “ Ilvnl........ $5 , U i large: Itoâ€? . . . . . . . ‘l‘lggS. per doz Dressed Hogs. per IOU lb»... ‘Bncon . . . . . Prime ......... l Hamsâ€"(ï¬red. per Yb . . . . . . . 4Woolâ€"per lb............. large rolls. Eggs, par duz. . .. Blessed Mugs. pi Hanan. Prime. . . Hams. Cured. . . Flour )Spring Whomoxlra . . UMPcI’IDl' cxlll. . u . . n u FA“ 5 heat «5;: PRINTING OFFICE The Subscriber nffers {or Sr-Ie his Priming Lï¬ice. Bouksehingand l‘nncy Gouda Business on Richmond Hill. which he has cnuauéled auccosslully (or the past E gmeeu Years. The Jobbing Patronageâ€"always the must nuporlâ€" an: in a Country l’rinung um oâ€"Js hUUu. The SlibSC"i[llOl| I‘m cuuueclud with [he YORK HERALD Is fair, and could. wnh energy and alu-ution. be greallv incronsvd. . Ihe Adveralsing Patronage is Exmllom 'l his Duairahle ()pv-uing is a [are opporluniiv (or any one who wishes to eunuuencu in this line of Business. b‘uuslamor rensms given for wlling . .u EPPS’S COCUA. «â€" Gannonâ€. _AND Are the boatlhe wmld produces They are piamed by 21 million people In America. and [he rpsult is, beautiful I"lowers and rplendid Vflgmahles A Psimd Catalogue s'em I'rna to all who ouclosu the postago~a 2 cent. emu-p Tins is a beautiful Quarteer journal. hnaly illustralrd. and cunlmmng an 9 leg-mt enlored l" nonuspiece With the ï¬rs! numher. Price only 26 (:15 for the yanr The ï¬rst numb: 1 for 18713 just maurd Address Richmond um, Dec. 23375. Rich and Hi I. Jan ‘4“. ’76 Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Gzérden Is the mus; heuum‘m wu‘k nf Ibo kind in nu- w.-:€d I: ronmum nearly 2:3 pngas. hun- dreds a ï¬ne xiluslrnrons, .‘nd raw. Cum'mo I‘Lrnzs Lr Flownm, bmu 'fufly “low†and "elm-HI l'rum nmurv I’m-,9 .35) cls. m paper cavern; “5 cm buuud in elegant cloth Life-like Photographs AND AMBROTYPES; Also Picture Frames shall be Made to 0rder, MALCOLM BLAIR. -. References kindl} ponuilt-d to "Weml's Bunxin “In. & U0 , Stamme‘s. 'I‘wémo. or Mvssxs Ilodgwn & Boyd Mun-ha ts 'l‘urnnlo F0: lm‘liculurs Bppl) to flu; l’rupiielor. SEVERAL F\R1\IS on ons)‘ Ierma- of [my mrnl aim-,1: mum-er of VILLAGE LOTS, RICHMOND HILL ' SINGLE 5;, DOUBLE PHIITBGRAPH GALLERY..H A R N E S S. The undersigned having opvned the Photo- graph Gallery lateiy occupied bv Mt Cou “land, new respectfulh so icils the public patronage of RH‘H MON!) HILL and surrounding Counlrv ; as he is now prepared to give saus- faclion in making And same vacant ols Vlosl nf lhn Village "r party is close» to -lu« High Srhwd und mu. an d wulnm tlm ( m‘pnraliun .f‘ uâ€. Vina?“ 0‘ Richmond Hill. Appl}. II by later, pus: part! 10 .u N "ow-nu Fnhr 3. i"75 FOR SALJL CHEAP. Vick‘s Hnwer K: ng‘eiahie Seeds F A KM r, F A EMS, ‘HE “YORK HERALD" Zarge Brick [Intel Rh f‘NYONl) HIle MARKETS Vick’s Floral Guide Wun Shops and Good Burdmgs Une §1min1 inï¬rm. An (1 Villa ge Property AND BOOK STORE 3'1“ Wheat oxlru' Spring, pur hush Fall......... . 'l‘Oli-JN TO MARKETS BIRTHS? James Vick. Rochester, N. Y. \V. H MYERS.) . E. DUNvUHB shxvt‘utnrs Box 465, iiwhmonu Hill mm†forum†Full. nun .. :50 34 @ . 1| 6:) ï¬g: H \‘4 Ali @' .. 1'25) @ M07 @ mm) @ ,. (N) I- ft? . U '22 @ _A U 20 @ .. 02“ @ .. 6 75k» ..,IUUU@ .. 12@ ALI‘X. SO Tl $0 “6&3 IB‘J fdi om M 0 35/11) 0 7'2 (FD 131m m; 7 5|: rw 60 U ((3 ’50 fl) 02';i.@ 0 :41;ch (12h {(3 U 24 7 In. fa) 7 2:2 l. 50 (17; 12 05 0 13(0) I: Ill 9 33 a 305 909-1: l in. U (H- H U†U H! t) ‘22! 0 2: l' ‘2’b 7 00 $4 00 h h: d) l)‘ U 4‘ l 00 0 El) 0 37 0 0 |'I IO u W U ‘i;) 2 25 I U' (1 l3 U 24 7 2:2 12 05 I. ll] 4 M 25 THE PEOPLES’ STORE, Staple and Fancy Groceries Which he will sell at prices that defy ccmpHinun. Fine new season TEAS, Green, Black. and Japan. Finrst Muchu and Java COFFEE. SUGARS. FRUITS, NUTS; also a large- amok of FISH. aonsisling of While Fish. Salmon Trout. Codï¬sh. Labrador Bel-rings. &u. Oysters und Smdlneu. Th? Stock of Crockery and Glassware is alau very complexe. The FURNH‘URE WARERUUMS will be f'nund to contain everything “(\cesgary in HOUSE FURNISHINGS. S'I'OVES and Stovepiping M Turcnkonpricu. FLom AND I an “British Flag Ltaï¬â€™.†The Subscriber, in l'vturninu his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and flu. public in gem-ml fur ‘hvil' suppan and patronage since opening the above Star." would ht-spunk IlH‘il‘ patronage still, feeling conï¬dent that he can sell In the Village of Richmond Hill. Those favoring me with a call can judge for themselves. HJving nplunished the Store with a Large Assortment of Gnodo suitable in] (hr avasmi, cmzsistin «*f all kinds (rl' UliYâ€"(x‘UUl/S, (,‘LUTHlNG SHHiT- lNGS, ('LUUUS, GUUl) 'l'“ hil‘llllNflSc liUh’lluliY GUUllit‘Ki‘iSH (iRQCl‘ilHES‘ HARDWARE. CHUVKERY. I‘LLUUR uud FEED, they will ï¬nd it ld‘t‘héif'vadvaulagt "My giving me u call VJ 5.....5 .w, Goods I)e§iv«n Richmond Hill. Dec. 16. 1875. As (3“ up flntario HousE N RIC! URNINH THANKS to his hula r- ous Friend» and Customers Iur lhmrpulron- age during lhf pusl 3am, wuu'd call \hoir fllh‘lllioll ‘0 [hr fact xlml he has nun on hand a Lurpu ‘u-z Well-Sulecled S w k L»! leuuoudllill Jan ‘26 H- ti London Layers. Valentias. and Seedless Raisins. Winch have been well bought and will be found. both m [nice and qnlny. equal lo an} in the Marinâ€"l. GROCERIES CURRANTS, ï¬ne new huit; TEAS, SUGARS, CUFFEES, SPIUES, ORANGE S: LEMON PEEL. T0 the Public 4 I S H “The largest. sleek in (own v ‘ of Lake Superior White Figh and Salmon Trout, which will be sold at less than Toronto Prices. Jim 2’0, N. it to A Splendxd Amnrtmeni at Reducvd PriCPs. OVERSHOES & RUBBERS a! prices 1qu all cuu buy. lst PRIZE HARNESS ‘ I BlTlllllSllMlNT,‘ RICHM-ENI) HILL. Constantly on hand A LA RGE ASSORTM ENT 0F“ SINGLE 3;, DOUBLE HARNESS, AT ALL PRICES. _ WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. Dec 29. '75. 9|0 3n). LOST,â€" ETWEEN THE 3rd AND 12th is T3. at or between Victoria Sguaro nud ' m. tolmlle, $ o I In Bills. rolleu up In a plBCI! oI paper. The ï¬nder will be pnitably rewarded by returning. through one 2â€â€œ Hardwood on it. Th. Mandi"... 60mm “ . “mmâ€! “M†will! Kitchen Ill'a W'oodllufl lll’IChedâ€"n Frame Burnlâ€"u-nrmflao Shad. Stable Ind Driving Home, ...d.8h.d “M {largo Sunk A llving stream or w.," m“ nor oflhn hind. “ I. .50" 5 willQ. n Sll‘iun un 0.. To"... (0 and animi-vg Railwmy. Ind about 25 mm. {mm T°Wm° TM“ are Ibout 47 ncru uf ...-_- land plxughod onoo. 3nd Ibolll ll acre. .f ,.. Fall Winn! The pm’chasur mull my for “I! Plan‘hig' and all Wham m a viluuion la he ï¬nd by {he mum of the “curl. nnd the mu..." .1 such valpgiiuu Ingslhe min in“; Court. by M Aprxl next The Purchgsor to [m down, 5' limo of ‘hlg, one-tenth of the purchnle money to tho Vondu or his Soliciior. so much more within on. momh. inmtluurt. without interest. .- will. wilh the depOsit, make numb." of tho pu- chnsc- annoy. the balance to (be "CI-ad L, Mortgnga on the prcminel. P".‘lblo at tho 9mg ol'5 year. {mm In April um. wilh intone} It sev n percent. ‘0 be computed from an is: April “exhpuvlhla half-yarn. On p. . mom cf half the purchase money I". g . amount of the valuatinn ll albtonid. ‘3‘ giving and MonlfleOv “l9 gulch-u!- will b. entitled Io lull ngx’pfu‘ice and to be lot into pgsn anion 9n Isl April nqt, The on." Q... duiuns of sale are the glunding condition. Qt Sa'llg of the 0mm Chaï¬ncoilv.f ' he [1'13 _ (‘wi boo an oral. u ' £0 a 995%“? ‘bid ï¬xed by 1hr Mnuu. M“, For further paniculnrs Ipply It lb. 1,. (Iï¬nins ‘of Maura aneron. McMichul Hoskin. Vendors Solicitor“ Blah, Km; Boyd. and John Hook-n. Elm, in tho City a, Toronto. " 4 Dam! Jammy 94m. 1876. miles from Un‘wI Livery Stable In connoclirm Gnnd Rugs. dn uhlo or angle at lladucnd l’ricm fur the Winner Season. [HEW-‘ORE GOING ELSWHEHE. “KY 7 THE lst. PRIZE HARNESS All kinds of Farm Produce taken and fair pricrs paxd. BEGS tn nimnuuce to his frinnd and customâ€: lhnl In- hnn on hand a fresh supply of IB. Respectfully solicitsa call [13“ Remember the Macs Corrmr of Yonge and Centre Sts Opposite Sanderson & Sons. Richmond Hill, J, BROWN. Dre. 13, 1875. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Buck Whoa! FlourI Cracked Wheat, Bacon, hams, Putatoes, Apples, Peas, Oats, Bran, and Shorts. BOOTS 85 SHOES: J. BROWN TINWARE; Vlnm and Fem! : A LARGE S'I‘JCK. VERY CHEAP- SPLICNHII‘ RICHMOND HlLL CONSISTING U!" P. G. SAVAGE MOSES WHlTE. Butlogvillo P30. RICHMOND HILL. llut ('ht-aper eels Delivered. ‘ Tnmlmmws mamas: BOOTS! Ladies‘ Feit Boots were sold for 82,75, now sold for 82. And therefore yon out get BARGAINS bv dealing with him; Call and see the HARNESS as well as the Boots. More or huh : alum 9;) acre: In clay“ ..i uudnr cultivutfon t‘ o n‘l‘l'll Idor hu 0 m W. H. MYERS [Vlust 11mm Money, LATE JOHN DUNCUMB. l0» a;g-'i;:p;"llï¬.lip of Mulkhnm. m Ih - Yurk, cumnming . cum†.' Am lu--ehynmiï¬ed that they no uqnutod fmlhwnh to [my to (ho undmrsiznod vacnlou a†muuim~ dun by lnem tn the Mid Eu“... 'l'he undersigmd have IlliioiIl‘t‘dg Al Om; o'clock p. In.. in am Fungi. tho mm or hm WWW Lo! 9?: 'm «I» Qungo‘mon a Zuni). auv paw-us huvmg nm‘ chin-I ngniuot he said Est-Ila will have 1h“ kinda"! In huud I“ m in forthwith Iorpnpmemr '4 ?UI(SU:\NT In the I’M-rot- ofllm Cow! of (ihau- on msde "m the own of Summer. I‘ Idtwa rumumrfollehue will bu told h)- P: Bu. (J A!“ TION. m Ihu Quent‘n “oh-h in Ihv' Vulnge o' ln'mnvilln. nu flu (‘9.qu Wednesday in each Week \m. "I? Shop of W. H Myers. Richmond Hill) for receiving such paymenl! and alluding l. I lhm‘ "mums cuuumnrd with (he lulu-lo I ï¬lling! .Iu'x'i‘t‘iivéï¬nl;l;d ‘ iii“ flhJ 19m Day of Jauulr)‘. I816 Wednesday, IBth Febmary, 1876. A FARM [Yuma-:12 Knilwnv‘ hy MR SA“ tit VKA It UT. Aucmuwr‘ on‘ 91 4-31‘ Executors’ Notice. In tlm Township Qf Markham. LL porsouvindabtod to. use mm o! a. CHANCERY SALE Swing m‘me Winter Blot-k u n AND LOW PRICES. E R. D T] M 1“; than any ,iluuse A IJEX. M 06, ‘31)}E. (Signed) W. H. MYERS. C UUNCUMB. J3 BOOTS! BOOTS†. TAYLOR. l'locuuon. 9l3- In. Mum.