Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 Mar 1876, p. 3

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And Village Property -62'%":-="“ - ‘ ‘ F o vas'nt‘E' C HE A P. {WPuHENSONwâ€"lkte of Auroraâ€" 0 bib: 10 ixgltimnle to the ilfkabitnnls of h m yfirl‘jtli'gt‘he'hag opcn‘cd ti Barber aw was; Ms fkksndpnm mo -‘ Dominion Hotel, Richmond Hill, : RETUR-‘Vrtheir sincere thanks for past palmnfigu and Would bag lonvé 'lo'nax". that having », ‘_ Wenlmgo-d their p amides’lndxlnnde arrangements for having nlJIlu-ingagkdoue underlheh ‘pflu {upenvisiom are dner-minrd l0 establish a reputaliun second to none in the Province for ighs of all "I:avrtgé":,-.Bi‘iclc Hotel LOTS, iuhmond “HI Jan. 2;} 1526 'Iln «when! he can accommodate them with a C can Slaves,” on: g nglnionable Hair Cg t. Messingiflaampo'nii'n'g. Dyeing. and o, onllling conuecleiwixh the art Done {Mcgkmi “ " ‘ ‘ And aging none‘l‘fiif lhé BE§T MATERIAL, they feel cqflgh‘ that glmycqiwgive saliufuclion ‘ ’3 none of their workheifigdona in uhyolher shop'. ‘ -' ‘ . . - ‘ :":‘;w-nc‘= xx‘ more Tw‘EEI‘3§$‘.'i immwflMNtSs U'VQURTAINS‘, more Damask WINDOW HANQ- * a wmcs, 'CORD TASSELS. ‘ &c;,"‘tfo“ ‘ at'Ch‘.‘ FARMS,*‘FARMS, SEVERAL FARMS on an. sy terms wont ; also,"n number 0f pail 1351113212" SHOP ! I)A;{’-EIR BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT ’ ("l'tixeFTEnALuBookSKuum "THE PEOPLES S'jI'ORE, . . 1 Which he will sell at pribies' ahm defy ccmpvlinon, E3413 newfigasonfl‘EAS, Gr8811,i Bluck, 'iilid Jupnu. F‘i‘nvst Mduh‘u‘und Juvu'CUFFEE. SU'G'ARS; FRUITS. NUTS; I also alarge stuck of 15:13”, eousisliug of Whip? Fish. Salmon Trout. Codfisl]. Imbmdor‘ llel'l‘ilv‘flgdfik ()vsypfi's andfi-Smdines'. The St ’ {hfgwckery and Glassware is also veryt com’p’lete. ' The FIIRSIJ‘HBE WAHERO()1\L" \‘vil 15¢ fuuud lo uonlain everything necessary in HOUSE FURNISHINGS. STOVES-iund Slogeyifgfing 1w 'ljlumniov Prices. 1hr”... r; ...... v . _. FLorn AND Fun. Staple and Fancy GroCerieS liohmond Hill; Mm. 2, 1876’ 33" Come along-Ladies am? Gentlemen, éxamine the goods Fififéflsfs; ’9'16-(r Beadylnadecmming A large assortmentof‘ PRINTs; DRESS flosiery, pow openesl out. Parascls, an TIR§ Tap. L A s s W o RK’MEN, Goods Delivered. Richmond Hiil, Mar. 2, 1876. A] FALCONBRIDGE Belling out the remainder of my Winter stock cheap, to make room for SUITS MADE 'J Opened out this week, a choice selection of Spring Goods, consisting of all that desired for the Spring Trade. _ TWEEDS, LUSTRESka ,very firm selection PRINTS, 8w. Groceries, Flour and Feed alwayg on hand. \vim'Shéps a‘iid Good‘Buildmgs. one :fifihfiéxéom 4'13; of NEW SPRING 602008 “BRITISH FLAG STAFF.” BEGSgo >a'.mvunce Io "fie'fiiuhfi BBOI‘K‘SK‘GIB . A. WRIGHT SON Cuttersâ€"Of All Designs, ..... D M; .VT‘hfi week will be displgzyed the largest assortment pf ’_Mc:. SAVAGE .strm-‘nmsox. EVER EXHIBI’I‘ED IN THIS TOWN, Has this day opened ofit another lot of his; friwud> and CUSlnmN‘E that he hasmn hand a fresh supply 5! BIG H NIOND HILL. EMPLOYING NONE BUT .of may. 19.3 out. Parascls, and Qty/er goods in a few déys r '. K. FALCONBRIDGE. AT THE ‘ 7 “"7- V. â€" v-w’wvvv’ v l VU‘VKIW’ ‘illrw Ultrâ€" facéPlancd, in .short notice. Orders Solicited. Lumber cut from 36 feet down. to order Hill Lumber attended to. Richmond Hill. Mar. 2,1876. 919-th This is a beautiful Quarterlfijqurna}, nnejy iilustrulod, and cunninng alliglegnut’ colplfled Fromispiece With the firs! number. Price gnly 26 cts for the yeur. The first n’umhn for 1876 just IbSqu- Address Is the most beautiful wogk gf file ‘kind in the world It contains neafly ’ISU pains. hull- dreds 01‘ fine illustrations. n ’d‘FOUK‘CHVRQhw' I’an or FLOWERS, beau! fuIly drawn and colored from nmure l’licej3b cls. in paper covers; 65 cu. bound in elegqut cloth. Are the besulie vidrld '{ffififixcéfi They are planted by a million people flu America. and the result is. beautiful l"lowers and splendid Vegetables. A l’xicl‘d Cattxlqgue sent 0:60 ‘10 all who enclose the postageâ€"a 2 cent slump“ ._-___ Richmond Hill sA’sn AND 0001: FACTORY ALFRED QUANTZ, Vick’s [Flawer and 'Vegetafblev ' ‘ Gardehi'f ' ‘ Manufacturer ofDoors. Sashes. Blinds. Mould- ings. Lalh. Shingles, 610., Richmond Hill. Lumbgf To_ngyed,A Grooved, and Surâ€" Vick’§_Fl0Wer_&ngflgblesesds ‘NIESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL‘V .SI'ZES at the Hmmum Rh nL' Sm”, - Vick’s Floralf ‘Gui‘de at Lh e HER-A L13 Bfiokisltghrg James Vic-k. , Rochester, N. Y. A LEX. _MOODIE. GOODS, Corsets, ana Icompare prices. Spring trade. Begs to announce to the Inhabitants ofmeh- mond Hil‘. and surrounding neighbulhocdfiha he has built a new Hearse an (Icon mcnced ' the For hire, Funeral Furnishings, Cofflnu an.d Caskets in every myle. _ “mummy? BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE _,A. \VBIGIâ€"IT, CARRIAGE BUILDER. The undersigned begs to inform the public generally that his Mills have been thoroughly mpaired in 'nll their parts, and Ilmt he is now prepared to attend to all CUSTOM WORK, BILL STUFF. A LARGE QUANTITY, OF LATH. in lots to suit Purchasers. Having engaged a Fursh Class Sawyer, parties requirmg Custom Work will be accommodated on (he shortest nozice. V Dov. 1‘3. 1575; 10 to 1.00 Dyollars RichmondHil],July23. 1874. (35va CABEVILLE SAW MILLS THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, ' Undertaker. LVLc. ‘ RESIDENCEâ€"Nearly opposite tho Past Office Richmond Hill. 1) AND MEAL Ksrwrr; Al.lâ€".N'l'. Deporns wuuivm]. Sllljk‘Cl lo demand with lnterugt. Loans ueguliulod. Debentureslor S31v3. ’ BETHUNE; OSLER 85 MOSS, ' ABHISTERS, 650., Union Block, Cor- " 7‘ nar 'l'omnlq and Adelaide Sts (opposixo the new Post Dime.) Toruuw . F. OSLER. JAMES Bryruumc, “W: G\nkmmc.- (hummu- Mosg, V N.'W “0mm. J. H. 'l‘nuln. Turonm, Nov. 4’,1875. {lidâ€"If n}; :17 .. . r r. r r 7 7‘ 777V ()FFICE: 20; :\d~lnido Strvet i')nst,'i‘oronto. a few doors West of the Post (Mike. May 31. 1575. 880 if. TCENSED AUCTIUN‘EER for the J Countins of York. Peel, Ontario and Simeon; also Valua: r and Commission Agent. l’.(r.‘ Address Blmnniugtun. if? Chancery Salon attunded 10. Parties requiring Mu PA'ITICHEOKJS services can make arrangmnents and obtain particu- Inrs an to terms A‘c . ut the Hun”) Office. AW AND CONVEYENCING 0Fâ€" ; FJCE, AURORA. \vn; be at Richmond I]z’[i,evm‘y Thursday ng‘lgg: AT I’ALMER’S HOTEL. DIODERA'l‘E CIlARGâ€"E. Aurnra‘ Julr I3, '75- LICENSED Auctioneer for the County of ‘Yurk. renpeclfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Saws attended on the shor'est notice and at reasonable rates. 1’. U ndiress, King. ICEVRED Auctioneer for the Ccunty of York. re~<pectfullv solicits your patronage and fri¢ndl_\'influonce. Sales Intended on lhc shortest ounce and at I'easonhblo rates. 1’. 0. address; Victoria Squnn . DAN IE L‘ KINNEE, I ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE J County of York. respanqu solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales at- lunded on Lhu shortest natiue and at reason- hhle rates. 1’, 0. Addwss. 'I'eslou. Town. Oct. 5. 157}. 898 (f Urncrz: Con Richmund Hill. Nov. :1, 1875, rally be found at (home figmi‘eâ€"Ioâ€"3 o‘clock. r at. Febxuary 4th. 1873. '7'59-1‘V I‘IYSICIAN. SURGEON AND AC‘ CUUCHEUR. (LATE \VI'I'H W. DUDLEY. NF.\VMAIKKF.'I',) With great saving of lime and food. work; Cows fed with it produce mom and for stall feeding caule its (final is Nov 22,18 5 Funeral Furnishingssupplied at from King, sepi'. 10. 1274 Markham, SeptfiHflvié’I‘l ANKER AND BRUKER INSURANCE Horses, Cows, Tmouto. August 30, 1875 SAMUEL M. BROWN DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICEMQNI? HILL,‘ WILL GENEâ€" GEO. BROWN, M. D. RICHMOND HILL, J. M. PATTERSON, JAMES C. STOKES, F. 3. FARNEDEN, A. @114 LI 5, gufiium @avfln DOLLAR BOX CONTAINS 200 FEEDS. 2 Iâ€"IUGIâ€"I MILLER (96100.. Corner of Yuuge and Centre Sls.. ln-u JOHN JON ES. Is the best preparation known for fattening Price 250ts and $51 per BOX ime and food. I; gives strengih and life to Hurses, even during hard it produce more milk and buuur, at the same time incl-page in flash, ulle its z-Ifm/ iq mmwlmm Carville Mills. 9115 1f. £30 LUZ 8424f Calves, Sheep, and Pigs murrclu us. 8934f HZ? All Work Warranled. Most Daxterons Painters of the day AGENTS WANTED. Richmond Hill, ‘Feb. '16, ’7! ONTARIO BUPYING EDMPANY. LIKENESSES OF EVERY ‘DESCRH’. 'l‘lON ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE by some of the U 'ru WeaklyPapers.l‘eéo-vedfaltho gnu”) Book Stale.R-chnlond Hi“ Store. KJ A weeklyjoumal of Current Events, Lileralure.Scieneeaud Aru‘ \gn’cultureaud Mochallics,l“ashion and Amuemenl. Sod In a. u n u: all, the HERALD RM.“ 4mm- At the Lowest Market Price JOHN BROWN. 1mm sppcnmm ANNOUNCES T0 10 ACRES being Vthe East Half of lot No. 20. in the 3rd Concession of llxu Township of Vaughan. There is Eighty A urea 11 odor improvemenl a'nd Twenty Acres in Valuable 'l'iml‘er. The buildings are good and extensive. There is all Orchard of graft- ed l'ruil and plenty of VValelt. This is a good \Vhenl Farm and beautifully silualnd. being within lml'fa mile of liinhmond Hill Smxiou on \he Northern Railway. and within hallu mile from the Village of Maple. and within two miles ofthe limm'poaird Villageof Richmond Hill, on Yonge Street. and in he immediate npighbm‘houd ol' Mills. Schools Indl Churches, and wilhii) Lb miles ofthe City of Toronto. For {Jrihor particulars apply on the prom- ises to the owner ‘ All Kinds. of. Wood ACRES. MORE OR LESS, 01"” Finn-Jags Laud. being 0: No. I3. in the MU! conr‘essionof NU K'I'H KlLLlA. There are about 30 Acres under Improvement 1 l(Ivv:n,cnnrenienl to 'Flour and Saw Mills, within huifa mile of lhe Severn Bridge Sla- lxou o!" the Northern Ruih'pad. Price $3,“) )4 in easy payments. For ("anther namculars apply to JOHN HALL, Richmond “1'” Pump VmGc, With 8 Frame House and‘ New Frame Barn 30 x 50: the last m We" Timbored will) Rims and Hardwood. This is {find-class Wham Farm, and is beautifuflyiimuled on'lhe SEVKRN I)... u A August )2, i875. November 26, 1875 TAI‘FADIAN ILLUSTRATEE NEWS l 7“ And are located at the Northâ€"west coraelof lot No. 35, 41h concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can pt steady work and high 'wages AppWUf y letter.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square ,or 10 TWO-STORY BRICK DWELHNG, A FAR ' ». FOR SALE. {ichmoud [11”. Dec. 31st. About 0726- 33 x ‘28 feet, with Stone Wall Cellar: Good Barn, Srabie and Shed .' convenient to School, Churches, Mills. Stores and Shops. ‘_..._‘, .u.v.A.uVL\u U Hill. containing one_ acre and a quarter of l1nd,one1'rame (hvellin’grhouse.wizhnbarn stables,and othermulyxuiln'infisihereon.‘ Terms, easy. Apply. on the pr‘enfism M F. CMWFO an. UBSQRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON June 1,1575. For particulars apply m Marchi‘7,1872 :ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for presents“ the HERALD Bow L 'sale a number olTi’iHage the village of. x A WOOD YARD, Richmond Hi”. D50. 24. ’72 IE SUBSCRIBER ANN’om the Public that ho hnspppuad itle P Village Lots for Sale. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS House and Lot for Sale, ' LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND And he willkeep on‘hand JACOB UEISE. Jn‘ iclm'ia Square. 4th Con. M: TORIA SQUARE! Prices from $12 upwmds. CHAS. E. O’BRIEN. Gen. Agent for Canada. ANTED. Richmond Hill. warty for 53:11:, Which will be Sold The lots contain WM. G. IllNGS'I‘ON. Dingle P.O. 7?. 7144f of Agricultural Cheniials. [U7 King St. East, Torqmo HUGH DEVLIN. 880-11". p VmGc, Richmond H890 917-1111 am Acre, . Markham 966-3m. ect- '0‘5. situated 753-3111 FOR 'I‘ATIONERYOF' ALL KINDS AT ’ the HERALD Rank Sm”. A'llkinds of Farm Produco taken in eachan; for Goods. GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. 24, 187-5, AH kinds of canned Fruit and Fish con- stantly on hand. Tobaceos of the Choicast Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour. Buck- wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal Glasswaré,Crockery &Tin ware Direct from the Mills. '1‘11E Subscriberlukes this opportunity ofro- turni lg his sincere thniuksto his numerous customers for their patronage during the past. would solicits écminuanée ol' the. same. and would call their attention to a fiebh‘ arrival of Horses and Vehicles for hire. Chm-gee mo- dera‘lp. Opposite Sanderson & Sena. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14. ’72. 75l-3m Green, Black and Japan Best 50 cent Tea in the thldge FRESH ‘H’lCHMOND HILL LIVERY Opening Address. for a boy . Lille Christie. â€" Recitation for a boy of 6 or 8 years: Little Albeit.â€"Recilation fora boy or girl 6 or 8 years; A boys platform speech,â€"for a boy ll) or 12 years; Recitation on (iallautry.-â€"by a boy of it) years, or less : Closing Address, by girl; A Good Bargain,â€"-A dialo no for two boys; The birth-dav partyâ€"A ialoguo for 3 buys, 3g'rls,22eu'leman and a lady; Brok- en down ’l‘rndesman.â€"A dialogue for 2 boys and 3 gills; Different Opinions.â€"A dialogue for4boys; Giving to Godâ€"A dialogue for 3 he)s and? girls; Jolly .‘lim. or a soft an- swartumetli away wratli.â€"A dialogue for 3 boys. It? Will be sent in any addrepefiq package form, pout-paid, for 30 came. Add ress, 115 Pages for 30 Cents A package contains ihe foliowing Dialogues: DOMINION HOUSE! RICHMOND HILL. Ranging in price from 30 cents perlb. upward BANNER DMLOGUES, EWELRY; warming! FOR 815'. HARNES& l’OS‘l‘MASTER. Victoria Sgnnro. :Sept. Isl. r875. b93412 A LARGE ASSORTMENT lst PRIZE HARNESS. _ 7.. cheap atahe HERALD Storo OULD respectful] announce that he will will RIuhmon Hill the 18“: ol'each momh, at Palmer’s Hotel; also attend the fol- lowing places. profegsionally, Sundays ex- cepted : Newmarket,._..... Suttou,.. 3rd and 4th Pefl‘erlaw, . . . . . . ....... 5th MoumAlbert.......... 81h Snndford.............. lath Stonfl'villo..........~.- l4”! Markham, . . . . . . . ,...., lfith Aurorn..............,.20m 0‘ b‘ u (u u .7 2nd ofeach month. .t l 0 gt a fl .5 u All branches of Dental Surgflz/ the HERALD Book Silly}; Satisfaction Guara“. teed WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. Dec. 29, ’75.. 910 3m SURGEON DEN TIST. SINGLE 8:. DOUBLE MRS R. P. HOPPER. Charges Model-ate. July 20. 187.5. AT ALL PRICES. Also a flue assortment of Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store: RICHMOND HILL. .T‘ EFORE GOING ELSWHERE, TRY ESTABLISHMENT, RlQHMOND HILL. A LARGE STOCK OF 0. W. KENNEDY, L:D.S;, ‘ NEWMARKET, crux, o . aru Illa I . awl-Inuunl-Ioo-a Albert... "(1.. .. illo I l km,.......,....,l ‘ Acknowledged to be the COFFEES fiflimflmxwxw, Constantly on hand TEAS, 3A I‘TENDKD 1‘0- 3rd and 4th 5th . 81h lOlh BY and SPICES. eachange 887-“: A FRESH SUPPLY, A! $1.89. $5, $5.50. $8.50 and $9. Hi the HERALD BOOK Sronu. Richmond Hill. FAMILY BIBLES .1. traction of the AngloAmerican House by fire, the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. 'l‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight &. Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodath afi'orded for the travellingpublicaud‘commarcialmegu. Livery stables in commotion with .the hotel. BotLlod Ale and Porter. ‘ D. WOO'I‘EN. Sept.4.1872. 7374f [B LE S 0 CIE TY ‘DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hillbmuch) at (he Huan F )ok Store. Whare he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS ” RIGS.” at moderate charges; and hopes. by alrict nltantion to b usinass, to merit a share oftheir patronage. L the inhabitants of Hichffmnd um Aii’d‘v‘i: cinitythnlhe hasu NEW LI‘V ERY STABLE at the SgMON PROCTOR. ilich mond HELApril 15, ’75. 873-tf. IS warg‘amedlo ell-re a“ discharge: from the, Urinary Organs, in ailher sex acquired or constiluliouaLGrnvel and Pain:- in the Back. Sold in Boxes. $l.50 each.byallChemistb and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, F. J. CLARKE. APOTHECARIFS’ HALL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Patent Modicine Houses. WholesuloAgsnls for Profiling of Ontario and Quebec: ‘ EVAN MERCER & 00- Montreal. -Mailcdto unyiddrers on receipt of [’.0. O- V BE SUBSCRiBER begs to intimate to the inhabitants nf‘ Hirhmnml Hill and ul. .Jvms-,~Morcer Jr, Co", Montreap. *5 Maver Avory. Brown & (30., lla’ifax. N.S. Messrs Fourth «5: Co., Halifnx, N S. Mossra T. B. Barker & Sons. 81 John, N.B Apolhecnries’Hnll (10.. Victoria. B Cr Messrs Langley & Co . Victoril. 13.0 . Messrs Moore & (10.. Victoria, RC. Dr. John Pallen,Chatham. N. B. Messrs Munro dz, (79.. Montreal. Messrs J Winer 51, 00.. Hamilton. C. “W. Mr H. J. Rose. 'l‘oronlo. Mr A Chinman Smith. SLJohn. N. B Mr John Bolld,G-\drich. Ont. Messrs Eiliot& C0,, Toronto. Mr J. Chalouer. St John. N. B. Messrs Hnuninglon Broxhera. StJolnI, N. I}. Mr R. S. Priddv.Windsor, Ont. MrsQrpeu. Mordpg.N 8. Mr George C. Hunt, Jnn., Fredericton. N. 11 Mr W. H. Thompmn. Harbor Grace, N.l".L Mr J. M. Wiley. Fredericklou, N. B. Messrs W. 31 D. Yuile, Montreal Chan. 1. Davira. Fredericton, N. B. DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. 538. Oxford Strut. 7V. 0.. London, JunI 1874 lye mediciuez are sold n {he low est wlee- sale not prices. in quanlfliep of no; lees than £20worlh 117... 8v, 6d., 223., and 3454 pel- dozou ,bonxeg 0! Pi" or pots of Ointment, for wlliqh'remilmucos must be sent in advance_ One Box of Clarke’s B 41 Pills Mggyrespectablo firms in the British Prov- ‘inees.wlw obtain my mpdjcines direct from here. Iuve very properly suggested that I ahould,fortho benefit of themselvps and the publicjnserlthpir Immep in the "were. that itmnyboknownthnt my medicine: can be had genuinefrom them. The followingis (list of the firms ajlpdeg 1b; and‘ l p‘anicqlariv regommenfl those who aggro to get my medicin» to apply to some at Jun Hnusos named :â€" Each Potnnd Box bear theRritish Govern- mentStamp, wilhthewords “Holloway's Pills and Ointment. London.” engraved thereon. On the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London. This notice has beeome necusaryjn con- sequence of' vile and spurious imitations oi" “ Holloway’sl’il'aandfiintment,” being l'ubri- ended at 78.Mnid ‘ ‘ en Lane, New York, by parties =1yling them-'1 selves “ Hon. vay & Co.’, with an assuin l I d trade mark thusâ€" Unprincipled vendors can olflain (his trash ytavery low price. and so deceive you by selling the same {army genuine Hollowny’a Pills and Ointment. which are manufactured onlv at 533, Oxford Street, London. mm (H mm, uxluru ctreol, Lonm Persons who may be no decei pleased to communicate with ma N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- For (he protection of the public of Brixish North Amarica.I deem it my duty to state that my PILLS AND Oxnmzxr ara neither man- ufactured not sold in any part of me United States. DOMINION HOTEL I ‘For Scrofuh. Scurvv,Skin Diseases. and snag of all kinds ix is a never-failing an dper- manent cure. ll cures old Sores? Cures Ulcorated Sores on the Neck . Cures Ulcetaled Sore Legs. Cures lilnckhequ. or Pimpleson the Fue Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcors,!_ Cures Blood and Skin Diana”; Cures Glandulanwellings. Clanrslhe Blood from all impuremutler, From whatever cause arising. As this mixlure is plonsgm to theta ate, and wuranted free from anything injurious to the most dalicate constitution ofeithersex, the Proprietorsolicigssufferers to give imp-La] to test its vnlum BEWARE 0F COUNTERFEITS , Soldin Bottlpsl dollar each. and in Cases. containing 6 times the quantity. 4dollars alchâ€" sufficient to effect a parmnnenl cure in 1he great majority oflong standing 0a§es.BY ALL (IHEW!S'|‘8 and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world] , Sole Proprietor. F. J. CI.ARKE,Chemiat, " APOTHECARIES’ HALL, LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in Rnghud by all Wholesgle Pulp!!! Medicine Hons“. Wholosale Agents for Province: of 0mm} mad Quebec :â€" EVANS, MERCER 8: 00., Montreal Mailed to any nddrels on Thousands of testimonials from an parts Forcleausing and clearipglhe bloodhom nllimpuritea,cannol baLoohighlyrecommon- dyd . Trade lurk “ Blood Mixture.” THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORE}! Blood Mixture 65 NIPISSING‘ HQTEL, "FOR THE BLOOD LS'I‘HE LIFE.” gaunt gttmiitimfi, OLA R KE ’ S WflRLB FAME]! MARKHAM. TH OM AS HOLLOWAY receipt ofP. O, O deceived will be 583 CHOOL REQUISITES 0’ [.11 kinds auhe “LliALL Rankin“... 9â€"--vw Can be obtained at the ELK". Book O. at the following redncad price. 2.â€" chIs. 20cm. 30cm, aacuqcom. a». and 90 cts. WESLEY HY MNB Can be obtained at [ha Hun"- I“. .â€" SPINNING db EULL'I‘NO ‘Iu either branch. on the shortest nofiq, .01 in such a manner as to give itho .uulu‘ nt- factiou to his patrons. He mm to m". the same liberal patronage'horotoloro am.“ to thesemills. Terms strictly cull; HFADFORD At prices and on terms hitherto unfiulllofi Parties wanting pumps will do we” to 00. me before purchaaing. Richmond Hill, March 24 "75 T u E Subscriber hflfinigmfimd M.- :w L “N MILLS he Isnow prop-rod cu‘te aflordera for Custogn Having secu ed>llrm serviceagf R, NEI‘LL. a'firstclnss working. to do EUNFESSIUNS OF NEW. 1N reference to the above notice of Db snlulion. Ihe undersigned would qua-u that he is now fitting up New and Improved Machinery RICHMOND HILL 5 a: E A M Fump Works I Driven}; ample Steam Anhe Did Stand. Church Slmol, Rich-IQI‘ 11;”. and hopes, by theatrictosloconomg,ng bincd with the best materialand work: ' [a merit net-nlinuanceoflhe Dimming “d 0" “16 late firm. All our Pumps in rentpd, JOHN HALk N, B.â€"VVeHssun-k on the shout”; unfit W0” Curbs constantly on hand, $200030 35m RichIn-ond H ill. ‘IIE SUBSCRIBER HEGS W‘OJNFOII the Inhabitants of [Lichnmndflill and ol- virons,llmllxe will continue to mnnnfnctmm the $5 TO $20 .LU tlDéU Agents wunufl I All classes ofwcrking people. Neither.”- young or old. make more money at work kl usin Lhairspare moments.or all thetimth-I at anythingolm Particulars frae. Postnl‘ to Slates costs but one cam. Address P" r" , _ , w r' n» 'I-‘Pn- Mortgage Sucm’ztyâ€"iusums from $5.00 "- wards. Apply to I". TEEF‘Y. N . LYN ETT. (As Executors of the Est‘ato Mike In!» m Dunk .. _ .. “"‘ first PRIZE Bump 'Works, (As Execute Brennan.) Richm mzd mummm EXEELSIUH give an account of the process adopted by Messjs James Epps & C0,. manufacmron of, dietetic articles. at their works in the Eunop Rprd. London”â€"See pulls]; in Opium; Hawschuld (find/t October31. 1874. 73.9.91! SUPERIOR ARTICLE J51 1m 26. 1875‘ Markham, May 12, ‘75 List ofpi~i£ussenfon appliaation v Richmond HULMarch 31. ’75. 871-0! Price listsey: 9:) application AMES. TOYS, &_C., FUR BALI u the HLIlALD Book Stout. G. STINSON ,5; (10,, romaudM-iu 0.01. 27. 374. 849-1, kinds a x U13: I‘lpzuu BobbSmm MANUFACTURE or Cocm.â€"“ Warwill [on ing secu ed the services of Mn ll“- VL‘I‘LL. a'firstclnss workman. It. "u to do CUSIQM CARDINQ. MONEY TO LEND @111: gum: mun, 1e Steam Power, Ind intonb S. manufacture a ALEX. than. ’5. 8114!. 1H) H. MILL PER DAY 17105-1 £5.00 n.)

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