EW' smut" lions AT THE “BRITISH FLAG STAFF.†.._.o-a_. Opened out this week, a choice selection of Spring Goods, consisting of all that is TWEEDS, LUSTRES, a very desired for the Spring Trade. ï¬ne selection PRINTS, &c. Groceries, Flour and Feed always on hand. SUITE Selling out the remainder of my Winter stock cheap, to make room for spring trade. Goods Delivered. Richmond Hill, Mar. 2, 1876. FALCONBRIDGEEnme ALEX. MOODIE. Has this day opened out another lot of NEW’GOOB& More HATS, more TWEEDS, more HARNESS CURTAINS, more Damask WINDOW HANC- ' INCS. CORD TASSELS. 860., to match. a large assortment of PRINTS, DRESS GOODS, Corsets. Hosiery, now opened out. Parasols, and other goods In a few days This week will be displayed the largest assortment of Readymade Clothing EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS TOWN. n‘ Come along Ladies and Gentlemen, examine the goods and compare prices. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond Hill, Mar. 2, 1876. CNTHE PEOPLES’ STORE, RIC HMOND HILL. P. G. SAVAGE BEGSato announce to his friends and customors that lie Iran on hand a fresh snpply'of Staple and. Fancy Groceries Which he will sell at prices that defy competition. Finest Mocha and Java COFFEE. SUGARS, FRUITS, NUTS; Black. and Japan. Fine new season TEAS, Green, also a large stock of FISH,‘consisting of White Fish, Salmon Trout, Codï¬sh. Labrador Herrings, die. complete. Oysters and Sardines. The Stock of Crockery and Glassware is also very The FURNITURE WAIIEROOMS will be found to contain everything necessary in HOUSE FURNISHINGS. STOVES and Stovepiping at Toronto Prices. FLoua arm Fun. 36" Pare els Delivere (1. Richmond Hill. Jan. 25 i546 CARRIAGES. A. WRIGHT & SON E'I'URN their sincere thanks for past patronage and would beg leave to any. that having enlarged their p amines and made arrangements for having alltheirworkdoue niidsrthsir ~ own supervision. are determined to establish a reputation second to none in the Province for Sleighs of all Kinds, Cutters of All Designs, 1 FIRST-C EMPLOYING NONE BUT LASS WORKMEN, And using none but the BEST MATERIAL, they feel certain that theycau givs satisfaction none of their work being dons In any other shop. N. B.â€"A. W. 4% S. would also state that in connection with the above they have opened a New BLACKSMITH SHOP And having engaged n FIRST-CLASS JOBBER, are prepared to do all kinds of Gen. C CHARGES MODERATE. oral Blacksmithing. Richmond Hill; Oct. 27, 1875. A. WRIGHT & SON. BARBE£ snap 2 lists llnwertlegelable STEPHENSON,â€"Iate of Auroraâ€" 0 begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill, that he has opened a Barber '- Shop. at the Dominion Hotel, Richmond Hill, where he can accommodate them with a Clean Shave, or a Fashionable Hair Cut. Hair Dressing. Shampooning. Dyeing. and svorythiiig connected with the alt Done toEPorfectiou. .l. STEPHENSON. Feb. 10. 1878. FARMS, FARMS, And Village Property FOR SALE CHEAP. SEVERAL FARMS on easy terms of pay- msnt; also, a number of VILLAGE LOTS, With Shops and Good Buildings. Ono Large B rick Hotel And some vacant lots. Moot pf the Village Propertyialcloss to the High School and situ- ated within tlis Corporation of the Village of Richmond Hill. Apply. if by letter, post- paid to gll'rlf W. H MYERS.) or C. DUNCUMB’,‘ .xecutors. Box 465, Richmond Hill. ’ song. 3. 1876. sis-tr. P APEB BOOKS OF ALL KIND thsflssaw Book Store, ‘ l l S AI ._ Seeds Aretha best the world produces. They are planted by a million people in America. and the result is. beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A I’iiced Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postageâ€"a 2 cent stamp. Viek’s Flower and. Vegetable ' Garden 4 Is the most beautiful work of the kind in tho world It contains nearly 150 pages. hun- YORKH-IRE" CATTLE FEEDER Is the best preparation known for fattening With great saving of lime and food. work; Cows fed with it produce more milk Horses, Cows, Calves, Sheep, and Pigs It gives strength and life to Horses, even during hard I . _ and butter, at the same time increase in flesh, RlChmond Hill. March 2. “'6- M A D E T o O R E R ! and for mu feeding cattle in (feet is ammo... Price 250135 and $1 per Box.l A DOLLAR Box CONTAINS 200 FEEDS. HUGH MILLER 86 00., Toronto. August 30. 1875. 8934f Agricultural Chemist‘s. 167 King St. East, Toronto â€"~ â€"~- “eaâ€"F. . DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, I R rally be found at home from 2 to 3 o'clock. r u. February 4th. 1873. 759-lv GEO. BROWN, M. D., IIYSICIAN. SURGEON AND AC- COUCHEUR. Orrica: Corner of Yongs and Centre Su.. Richmond Hill. Nov. 2, I876. 9024f. DANIEL KINNEE, mousse AUCTIONEER son THE County of York. respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales at- tended on the shortest notice and at reason- able solos. P. 0. Address. 'I‘sston. Toston. Oct. 5, 1575. SOS-If SAMUEL M. BROWN, T ICENRED Auctioneer for the County of L1 York. r'supectfullv solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest 301100 and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria Sqllll'r . Markham, Sept. 10. ISâ€. 8494f JAMES C. STOKES, LICENSED Auctioneer for the county of York. respectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shor'cst notice and at reasonable rates. P.0 address. King. King, Sept. 10. IR74. 34-3.†J. M. PATTERSON, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Counties of York. Pool, Ontario and Simone ; also Valunt r and Commission Agent. I’.(). Address Bloomiiigton. U Chancery Salon attended to. Parties requiring Mn Parnason's services can make arrangements and obtain particu‘ lsrs as to terms the . at the Ill-rum Oflice. Nor 99.18 5. 905 if. BETHUNE. OSLER & MOSS, ARKISTERS, &C.. Union Block, Cor- ner Toronto and Adelaide Sts (opposite the new Post Odin.) Toronto. F. Dennis. W. G. Fancossaioorz. N. W Hovnas. Toronto. Nov. 4,1875. Jim-:3 BKTHUKK, Ciuuuis Moss, J. II.THo.vi. 9ll‘2-tt' A. VVILLIS, ANKER AND BROKER. INSURANCE arm nun. Ear-Tr. AHI-ZN'I'. Deltas". received. snl-ject to demand with Interest. Loans negotiated. Debentures for Solo. OFI‘u‘ll: : 90} Adelaide Strs st East,Toronto. a few doors West of the Post Oflice. May 31. 1875. 8804f. F. J. FARNDEN, (Ln: WITH w. Dunner. snwuanum.) AW AND CONVEYENCING OFâ€" ; FICE, AURORA. Will be at Richmond Hill,every Thursday Urrtca n Patmsn’s HOTEL. MODERATE CHARGE. Aurora. Julv I3, '75. ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker. &c. Burbankâ€"Nearly opposite the Post Oï¬ico Richmond Hill. . l .c4 I»: sin y.- A. WRIGHT, CARRIAGE BUILDER. RICHMOND HILL, Begs to announce to the Inhabitants of Richâ€" dreds of ï¬ne illustrations. and FOUR Clutch"x mond IIil'. andsurroundingneighborhood tbs PLATES 0F FLOWERS. beautifully drawn and he has builta new Hearse an glconinienced, colored from nature Price 35 our. iii paper covers; 65 etc. bound in‘elegant cloth. Vick’s Floral Guide This is a beautiful Quarterly journal, tiusl Illustrated. and containing an elegant colors I‘rontispieos with the first number. Price only 26 cls for the your. The ï¬rst number l'or1876 just issued. Address James Vick. Rochester, N. Y. Richmond Hill SASII AND DOOR FACTORY. ALFRED QUANTZ, M anut'acturor ofDoors. Sashes. Blinds. Mould- ings, Latli. Shingles, &c., Richmond Hill. Lumber T onguedT-G'roovcd, and Sur- face Planed, in short notice. Orders Solicited. Lumber cut from 36 foot down. to order, Bill Lumbar attended to. Richmond Hill. Mar. 2, 1876. 919-â€. “at the Harman BookStoro. ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL signs the UNDERTAKINII BUSINESS. A FINE NEW HEARSE g For him. Funeral Furnishings, Collins and Caskets in every style. Funeral Furnishings supplied at from 10 to 100 Dallars Richmond Hi1|,.luly 23. 1874. 935-†CARRVILLE SAW MILLSâ€"â€" The undersigned begs to inform the public generally that his Mills have been thoroughly repaired ingall their parts, and that ha is now prepared to attend to all CUSTOM WORK, BILL A LARGE QUANTITY, OF LATH. in lots to suit Purchasers. Having engaged a Firstâ€" Class Sawyer. parties requiring Custom Work will be accommodated on the shortest notice, must JONES. Cat'ville Mills. , Nov. 12. 1875 ,j CHMOND HILL, WILL GENE- gummy for Salt, House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land,one frame dwelling house.witli abarn stsbles.and otheroutbuilningsthereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the promise- to F. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill, Doc. 24. ’72. 753-3m Village Lots for Sale. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots. situated n the village of VICTORIA SQUARE! The lots contain About One-ï¬fth of an Acre, And arelocnted at the Nortlnwest coraotof lot No. 35, 4th concession of Mark section where mechanics and laborers can get steadywork and high wages- Applytif by sttcr.prspaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Squaro,orto WM . G. IIINGSTON. DI l P.O. Marcb97,1872_ “2 a liltllintilltt ACRES. MORE OR LESS, 01" 4 Finnclass Laud. being Lot No. I3. in the 14th concessionof NUII'I‘IIOIIILLIA. There are about 7â€". I. h It 30 Acres under Improvement ! Will. 1: Frame House and New Frame Barn 30 a 50: the rest is well Tiinbered with Pine and Hardwood. This is a ï¬rst-class Wheat Farm, and is beautifully situated on the Savisrtii Rivan,cnnrsnieiit to Flour and Saw Mills within Iialfa mile of tlie Severn Bridge Sta-I tion of the Northern Railroad. Price $3,000. tn easy payments. For further particulars apply to JOHN HALL. Richmond Hill l‘ump “'mka, Richmond Ht August 12, 1875. 890 ACRES being the East Half of lot No. ‘20. iii the 3rd Concession of There is Eighty 100 the Township of Vaughan. Acres tinder improvement and 'I‘wontv Acres in Valuable Timber. The buildings tire good and extensive. There is an Orchard ofgraft- ed fruit and plenty of Water. This is a good Wheat Farm and beautifully situated. being within halfa mile of Ilinhmond Ilill Station on the Northern Railway. and within lislfa mile from the Village of Maple. and within two miles oftho Iticorposu-d Village of Richmond Hill, on Yongo Street. and in the immediate neighborhood of Mills, Schools and Churches. and within 16 miles ofthe City of To-onlo. For further particulars apply on the prom- ises to the owner HUGH DEVLIN. June 1.1375. BSD-If. Wood Yard .' ' HE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES T0 the Public that he has opened A WOOD YARD, And he will keep on hand All Kinds of Wood Which will be Sold At the Lowest Market Price. JOHN BROWN. Richmond Hill. Dec. 31st. ’74. SEEgD S! ENNIE’S (TITALOGUE‘ or FIELD, GARDEN and FLOW. ER. SEEDS, &c., &c., will be forwarded FREE to all intending purchasers on up oust plication. _ 'I‘hesoveraIDe- partmouts are ex- tensive and very - ,4 complete. co in - prising VEGETABLE AND I Flower Seeds, Pure Grain and A g r I c u] t. u r 1 Seeds. Newos Potatoes, Canto. of Superior QuaIA ity and worthy the attention of pur- chat-ore. Special ottono tion is directed toï¬ Glover and Timothy Seed,Hunga- rian, Tare, 62.0,, 85c, S oclsl inducements to Dealers. Agricultu- ral Societies, Farmers’ Clubs, Granges, and others ordering large quantities. “ SEED STORE,†Corner of Adelaide s; Jarvis Streets WM. BERNIE, Toronto. Toronto. For. 22. I875. 918 UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON 'ro Weekly Papers.reee-vod at the HERALD Book Store. RiChmond Hill ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for prosenlsil the Haitian Baa! tore. TENDERS WANTED. SEALED TENDERS will be received by Ihe undersigned, up to I'm; o‘clock. in the afternoon, on SA'I URDAY. MARCH 18th. 1816, for the erection of A BRICK HOTEL, with Stone Foundation. (43 x 53), on Rush- mond Hill. The Contractor to furnish all the material with the exception of Brick. Stone and Sand. Plans and Speciï¬cations can be seen on application. The lowast or any Ten- der not necessarily accepted unless otherwise satisfactory. JOHN PALMER. Jr. BIO-Qt. Patent Have-trough ND WATER-SPOUTS FOR THE DO~ MINION, at $6 per 1011 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed; Sap Buckets, I’:tils,Cid. r Mills-.Washing Mschiuos,ShingIos‘ Felines, Sewn and BENT Material for Bug- gies and Sleighs. Fo rpsrticulsrvaddress JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF. Steam Mills, Lsugstafl P.0. Langstaff, Feb. ‘48, 1876. 919-tt' E, gttimllanwua _...ï¬ FORE GOING ELSWHERE, BETHE lst P RI Z E IIIIIIIIIII lll‘llllllllllllllll', RICHMOND HILL. Constantly on hand barn. In a OF SINGLE 8!. DOUBLE 7â€â€œ HARNESS, AT ALL PRICES. W M. HARRISON. Richmond Hill, Dec. 29,_’75. 910-3m T A LARGE STOCK OF T TEAS, Ranging in price from 30 cents porlb. upward. Also a fine assortment of Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. L .I. BANNER. DIALOGUES, BY MRS R. P. HOPPER. 115 Pages for 80 Cents. A package contains the following Dialogues: Opening Address. for a boy . Lille Christie. â€" Recitation for a boy ofï¬ or 8 years; Little Albeit.â€"R.ecitation foraboy or girl 6 or 8 years; A boys platform speech,-â€"-for a boy 10 br 12 years ; Recitation on Galla--try._â€"-by a boy of It) years, or loss; Closing Address, by girl; A Good Bargain.â€"A dialogue for two boys; The birth‘day party.â€"A dialogue for 3 boys, 3 girls,2 gentlemen and a lady; Brok- en down ’l‘radesmaii.-A dialogue for 2 boys and 3 girls; Different Opiniotis.â€"A dialogue for4boys; Giving to God.-â€"A dialogue for 3 boys and2 girls ; Jolly Jini. or a soft anâ€" swertumsth awav Wratli,â€"A dialogue for 3 boys. I11? Will be sent to any address. in package form. post-paid, for 30 cents. £31m“ wallow, “Foe 'riiE aLoon [S'I‘HE LIFE.†0 L A R K E ’ S WORLD FAMIIII Blood Mixture Trade Mark “ Blood Mixture.†THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER a: RE STOMX Forclsansiug and clearing the blood from allsmpuritespanuot botooliighlyreeommsl- e . For Scrofula. Scurvv,Skin Dissases.aad Sores or all kinds it is a never-failing an dpsr- maneiit cure. It cures old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores o n the Neck . Cares Ulcerstsd Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads. or Pimpleson the Face Cures Scurvy Sores] Cures Csncorous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diocesan] Cures Glandular Swellings . Cloarsthe Blood from allimpu rem stlsr,‘ From whatever cause arising. b As this mixture is pleasant to the to Its . and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate cotistitulion- ufeithersex. tho Pmpriotorsolisitssufferersto give itatriano test its value. TRY Thousands “testimonials from all parts, Soldin Bottles] dollareach. and inCssss. containingG timestlie quantity. 4dollars each- sul’ï¬cient to effect a permanent cure in the' great majority oflong standing 0risesJiY A LL ()HEVIIS'I‘S and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world] Sole Proprietor. F. .l. CLARKLChemist, APOTHECARIE' HALL. LINCOLN. ENGLAND. Sold in England by all Wholesale Patolt ledlclne Houses. Wholesale Agents for Provinces 0! Ontario and Quebec -â€" EVANS, MERCER 8; Co.. Montreal Mailed to any address on receipt off. 0. O. BE W Fortha protection of the public of British North America.l deem it myduty to state that my PILLs arm Oiuruanr are neither man- ufactured nor sold in any port of the United States. Each Poland BoxbonrthoBritish Govern- mentStamp, withthe words “Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. London." engraved thereon. On the label is the address. 533 Oxford Street. London This notice has become necessaran con- sequence of vile and spurious imitations of " Holloway’sl’ills andOintmeut," being fabri- cated at 78.Maid 0“ LNâ€: NOW York,bypartie- styling them,-' selves “Holt & Co..’, with an assuri trade mark thusâ€" Uuprincipled vendors can obtain this trash slavery low price. and so deceive you by selling the svmo for my genuine Hollownv'b I’iIIs and Ointment. which are mauufaetui‘od only at 533, Oxford Street, London. Persons who may be so deceived will be pleased to communicate with me. . Manyrespectahle ï¬rms in the British Prov- inces.whoobtniu my medicines direct from here. have very properly suggested that I ARE or constitutions. Walsh. Is made in all sizes suitable for Ladies and Gents, both» in gold and silvme But the accompanying out, repre- sents in proper proportions IIIE $25 RUSSELL IIIIIIIIIIII IEVEII WATCH, 2,; In sterling silver case and? / ' I gold points, full jewelled, ' . warranted for ï¬ve ears- - ,, - to other witha ol - lated 1" A bert chainâ€"whic will he sent to any part of Can- adp on receipt of $25, or C O, 1)., per express. w. E. comm. ~ Watch Importâ€, 83 King Street East, concurs. our. Mssnracrunn or Cocoa.â€"â€"†We will now give an account of the process adopted bv Messrs James Epps & Co.. manufacturers of. dietetic articles. at their work in the EustoI Rev-d. Londonâ€-â€"Soe article in Gssull’s Household Guido, 0ctober31. 1874. 739-“ P E R D A Y $5 Agents wanted All classes ofworking people, ofslthersu- young or old. make more money at work is! nsiu their spare momentsoralltbstimo,thal at anythingelso Particulars free. Postal! to States costs but otie cent. Address G. STINSON & Co.. I’ortland,MaII. Col. 27. I874. 545%}, MONEY TO LEND $2000,T0 .Lâ€"O'AN on ï¬rst-OED Mortgage Securityâ€"in sums from, $500 .- wards. Apply to M. TE EF 7 . N . LYN I‘Z'I‘T. (As Exoonlprs ofths Estate oftho IaIO m should,for the beneï¬t of themselves and the Brum‘m) public,insert their names in the papers. that it may be known that my medicines can be‘ had genuine from them, The followingis a list of the ï¬rms alluded to; and I particularly recommend those who negro to get my medicines to apply to some OI‘IIIO Houses named ;~â€" uvrns, Mercer tip Co , arontresv. Messrs Avery. Brown A: Co.. Halifax. N.S. Messrs Forsyth «1’s Co.. Halifax. NS. Me'ssrs T. B. Barker &. Sons. St. John,N.B Apothscsiies’Hall Co.. Victoria. B. Cr Messrs Langley 6:. Co. . Victoria. B.C . Messrs Moore 81. Co.. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pallen,ChatIiain. N. B. Messrs Munro dz. Co.. Montreal. Messrs J. Witter &, Co.. Hamilton. C. W. Mr [1. J. Rose. Toronto. Mr A Chipmsn Smith. St-John. N. B. Mr John Bond,G-‘dricli, Ont. Messrs Eiliot & Co.. Toronto. Mr J. Chalovier. St. John, N. B. Messrs Ilaiiniugton Brothers.St.John,H.B, MrR. S, Priddv.Windsor, Ont. Mrs Orpen. Morden . N. S. Mr George C. Hunt. .lun., Fredericton.N. 3. Mr W. H. Thompson. Harbor Grace, N.F.L. Mr J. M. Wiley. Frederickton, N. B. Address. _ l’OS’I‘MASTER. Victoria SInare. Sept. lst. 1375. 393-“. RICHMOND HILL LIVERY S T A B L E S. Horses and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- ‘ derato. Opposite Sanderson do Sons. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor, Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, '72. 75l-3m DOMINION '1' HOUSE! RICHMOND HILL. udmn HE Subscribortakes thisopportunity ofre- turning his sincere thanks to his numerous omers for their patronage during the past. would solicits continuance of the same. and would call their attention to a fresh arrival of C H E A P T E A s . Green, Black and Japan Acknowledged to bathe Best 50 cent Tea in the Village FRESH OOFFEES and. SPICES. Directfrom the Mills. â€" Glassware,Crockery&Tin ware All kinds of canned Fruit and Fish conv stantly on hand. Tobaceos of the Choicest Brands. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. Best Family Flour, Graham Flour. Buck-â€" wheat Flour, Cracked Wheat, Cornmeal and Oatmeal Allkinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. GOODS DELIVERED. CHARLES E. SHEPPARD. Richmond Hill. Mar. 94, 1875. M JEWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap attho Hanan) Book Store. TATIONERY or ALL‘KINDS AT l the Hansen Book Store. Messrs W. N1 D. Yiiilo. Montreal- Chas. 1. Davirs, Fredericton. N. B, The medicines are sol at the lowest whole- sale not prices. in quanti ies of not less than £90 worth ~vi7... 89, 6d., 92s., and 34- dozen boxes 01 Pills or pots of Oin'moï¬, to which remittances must be sent in ad's ce THOMAS HOLLOWAY . 538. Oxford Street. W. 0.. (Judas, JimI 1874 . 688 w Ono Box of Clark a’s B 41 Pills IS warrantedto on is all discharges from the Urinary Organs, n 0 her sex acquired or constitutional,Grove anl Poinsin the Back. Sold in Boxes. $1.50 oacli,by sllChomists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole proprietor, F. J. CI ARKE. APOTHECARIES’ HALL. LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Sold in England by In Wlolo ale Patent Medicine Houses. WholesanAgonts {or Provinces of Ontario and Quebec: avast unicorn c 00- man... Mailedto any-address on receipt oI'P.0. O. m DOMINION LIVERY STABLES. HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to tho i nliahitants of Richmond Hill and vi- cinitythsthe has a NEW LIVERY STABLE at the DOMINION HOTEL Where he will keep on hand a lot of FIRST- CLASS “ BIGS." at moderate charges, and hopes. by strict attention to business, to merit a share of their patronage. SIMON PROCTOR. Rich mond Hill,Apri1 15, ’75. 873,-“. NIPISSING- HOTEL, MARKHAM. IN CONSEQUENCE 0F TIIE DESâ€" tructinn of the Anle American Hones bv fire. the subscriber has taken and ï¬tted up those large and commodipus premises belong- ing to Capt. '1‘. A. Millie. opposite Messrs. Speight dz. Son’s Novelty Works, Markham. Excellent accommodation afforded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stablesin connection with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. WOOTEN. Septn‘l, 1572. 7374f [13 LE SO CIE TY DEPOSITORY (Richmond Hillbrancli) at the Haitian ll iok Store. FAMILY BIBLES A FRESH surety, At $1.82. :5. $5.50. 33.50 and as. u u... Hiriuui Boo: Brena. Richmond Hill. Richm cnd I ill. .‘iicl "um 151: PRIZE Pump Works, Richmond Hill. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS 'I‘O INFORI . the Inhabitants of Richmond Hill and ss- virons.tliatho will continue to manufacture the BEIIBHIIED IXEIISIUII PUMP- Atthe Old Stand. Church Street, Rich-Old Hill. and hopes, by the strictest'economy,u-o bined with the best niaterialand workmanship. to merit acnntiuuance ofthe patron-[shootou- ed on the late ï¬rm. All ourpumps are var- rented. , Price Iistsent on applica tion. _ . JOHN HALI- N. B.-â€"Wellssunk on the shortest no“. WeIlCurbsconstantly onhand. J n Richmond Hill,March 31. ’75. 871-" RICHMOND HILL STEAM ' Pump W0 tits 1 reference to theâ€"dbove notice of E. N 1 solution, the undersigned would Inna-u that he is now ï¬tting up New and Improved Machinery Driven}; ample Steam Power. and latent“ manufacture a SUPERIOR ARTICLE Al prices and on terms hitherto IIIIO‘IIIIO‘ Parties wanting pumps will do well IO 00‘ me before purchasing. “ List ofprices sent on application. H. MILL†Richmond Hill, March 24 ’75. 871-. BUNIESSIUNS, Ill Illllll Pusmsnap as A WARNING and for the Io.‘ of Youse MEN AND o'rniiits who "for DO NERVOUS DEBILI'I‘Y. Loss or In. HOOD, VITAL POWEILetc" givllgrlh of Self- Cure. after much suï¬â€˜eringnd ups- snd sent free on receiving a stamp for robo- postage. Address NATHANIEL MAY'AI'D I’. O. Box 153, Broklyn, New York. June 26. 1875. 834-6- HFADFORD MILL. I H E Subscriber havingroï¬ttod his W EN MILLS he is now prep-rod D cute allordors for Custom won-an. Having seen ed the services of Mn JAM. R. NEILL. a ï¬rst class workman, he In r-Q to do CUSTOM CARDINO. SPINNING &. FULL]!!! In either branch, on the shortpst notion, so. in such a manner as to give the almost out faction to his patrons. He trusts to rush. the sonic liberal patronage heretolors extends. to these mills. 'I‘erms strictly cash. ALEX, MACK!“ Markham,May 12. '75. 877-“. WESLEY HY M Can be obtained at the Hannah Bodk‘ ' at the following reduced prices :1â€" lOets.20cts. 30cts, 38cts,‘!40cts. 8090!, and 90 on. GA SC HES. TOYS, 310., FOR SA“ A. the ï¬nal.» 3901: Store HO O L REQUIBITES OF ALI , kinds slths HERALD BOONBI."!