It has been rumored that the last named of these children, Duke Maximilian of Leuch- tenberg, had spent a ver turbulent youth, and that it was mainly t rough his reputa- tion for gallantry and elegance that the Grand Dixcheés Maria. took a fancy to him. She had six children through this marriage ; but the excesses of the Duke’s early youth seem to have told upon him. He was carried to the gave in 1852, after but twelve ears’ mar- ;iage. The illness which cause his death Was a. very protracted one, and. it was rumor- ;ed that long before he died, his wifgconceiv- “etapti‘eï¬â€˜eetion for a handsomeig‘uatdsmgn of The telegraph recently informed us of the ‘ death of one of the most prominent members of the Russian imperial family, and probably ‘ the most strong-minded person among the female members of any royal or imperial ‘ house. The Grand Duchess Maria was the eldest daughter of the Czar Nicholas, and the sister of the present Emperor, of Whom she was only one year the junior, having been born in 1819. If there is any blood of Cath- arine the Great at all in the present genera tion of the Romanon house, It must have all been concentrated in the veins of the Grand Duchess. From her very childhood she showed an extraordinary intelligence and an uncontrollable temper, which only the des- potic nature of her father roved capable of mastering her. The Czar icholas is said to have been passionately fond of her, yet the violence of her nature seems to have caused him more than once to whip her with his own hand. She was certainly the most studious- ly disposed member of the family, but she could never be made to attend the class-room of the Palace. She was the terror and de- spair of all her governesses and‘teachers, yet when she became of age she showed more er- udition than any of her preceptors, and was the most liberal woman 1n granting, as soon as she came into possession of money, n- sions to all the preceptors to whom she ad given so much trouble. The artistic dis osi- tion of her nature was quite remarkable or a member of a family which has been always famous for the absence of all taste or instinct in matters of art. She was too indolent to become a good musician or ainter herself, but she was certainly one o the best con- noisseurs of music and ainting in her coun- try. Her physical deveibpment was unusual- 1y precocious. At ï¬fteen years of age she looked already a woman ; and when at twen- ty she was going to be wed to the Duke of Leuchtenberg, the members of the foreign diplomatic corps assembled at the wedding ceremony were so struck by the stately ap- pearance of the young Duchess that in a few months her name became far and wide throughout Europe the synonym for womanly majesty. She outshone her mother in the palace, not to speak of her sisters. her father’s. Count Gregory Strogonofl" was i celebrated for his herculean build and a re- markable manly beauty. Being frequently . in attendance on the Czar, he had many an ‘ opportunity to meet the Grand Duchess, and as soon as the Duke of Leuchtenberg died,‘ the Grand Duchess morgantically married the ‘ handsome Count, much to the scandal of the court and the whole count '. The Czar became intense y angry on learn- ing of this marriage, expelled the Count from the service, and ordered his daughter to take a. trip abroad. By and by, however, and' as the lady did not show any disposition to give in, the father reconciled herself with her and acknowled ed the marria e, though he never consente to make the ac nowledgment a public one. The Crimean war greatly contributed to the amicable issue of this af- fair. Count Strogonofl', being a. very rich .nan, equipped several militia regiments at. his own expense, put himself at the head of them, and bravely endured all the dangers and privations of the campaign. This patriot- ism of his, joined to the s 'mpathy which the present Czar always had or him, led to a re conciliation of the im erial family to the mor- enatic marriage. he Count was-1 made: Equerry-imwaiting to the Grand Duchess, and thus obtained the privilege of living in the same palace with her. Still, even then she remained, oï¬iciall , the Grand Duchess Maria, widow of the uke of Leuchtenberg, When they were abroad, however, they lived as husband and wife, and it was in England and Italy that the handsome couple were specially well known. Count Strogonoï¬' was for some time a. member of the Russian Em- bassy in London, and the brilliant couple could be seen almost dail driving in 1:. Han- som cab about Re ent gtreet and Oxford Street, the‘Grand uchess 'being apparently The six children she left are all groivn up now, and the eldest son seems to have walked in the path of his mother. At the age of about twenty-ï¬ve he was made the colonel of a hussar regiment stationed somewhere in the provinces. He fell in love there with a girl )f some landowner or farmer, married herâ€" norg‘anatically, tooâ€"was dismissed from the service, and received the intimation to enjoy his cenjugal felicity abroad. The second son, Eugene, lately distinguished himself during the war in Central Asia. The two others are youn ofï¬cers of the Imperial Guard. Of the We aughters, one is married to Prince Wil- liam of Baden, and the other married some other German prince last year. Scholars, be it remembered, have two ob- jects in View ; viz. : the development of their faculties, and, the acquisition of truth and information. Training of the mind, and the storm of the memory, are objects which should be kept in view in all systems of edu- mtion. Natural power and knowledge are not the same thing. Knowledge is power, but it is not natural power. It takes natural power to make knowledge most powerful, and it is knowledge in the grasp of a vigorous and trained intellect that is mighty. What is learning? It is the knowledge which other men have had and have preserved, and which study enables the scholar to possess himself of. V Learning, therefore, is to truth and knowledge, precisely what capital is to labor. Capital 18 nothing but accumulated labor. Learning is nothing but accumulated truth. If you think labor would be better off with- out capital, you might think that intellect could be better off without learning. If ex- perience be good, then the longer the expe- rience the better. .If a close observation of the present is desirable, then the observation of the past is desirable. \Vhat is true of the history of politics is equally true of the hu. man mind. The study of intellectual philos- The prince she married was possibly just ’as famous for his personal attractions as she was. He was considered the handsomest men of Europe, and enjoyed besides the reputation of one of the most accomplished gentlemen and the prestige of a. rather romantic descent. Maximilian J qseph Eugene Au st Napoleon do Beeuharnais, Duke of euchtenber , Prince of Eiohstadt, was the son of Na 0% eon‘s stepson, Eu ene de Beauharnais. t is Well known that ‘ugéne was the involuntar cause of the marriage of Gen. Bonaparte with his mother, Mme. Josephine de Beauhamuis, widow of the Gen, Beauhamais, uillotined in Paris in 1794. After the 13th of endemiaire Beeuharneis’s sword fell, with a. number of others, into the First Consul’s safekeeping, and the young Eu one went, after the death of his father, to c aim it. Bonaparte, who happened to be in good humor, surrendered the relic and caused Mme. Beauhernais to thank him for it, an interview which resulted in the subsequent marriage of Napoleon to the interesting widow. The s'ubseqhent career of Ru éne de Beau- hamais is too Well known to e mentioned hero. He left ï¬ve children, all of whom naturally rose to royal dignities. One of the (laughter; was married to Kin Oscar of Sweden, another to Prince Ho enzollem- Hochingen, and the third to Dom Pedro I. of Brazil. Of the two sons one became the ï¬rst husband of Queen Mary of Portugal, and the other married the Grand Duchess Maria. of Russia. I’rince of ‘Vales is. In Florence and in Rome, they were daily to be seen in the picture gal leries, and the Duchess’s knowledge of art received the high compliment of her being appointed President of the Academy of Art at v t. Petersburg, a post which she occupied until a few years ago, when her declinin health compelled her to avoid the climate 0 Russia, even in the best geason of the year. {us}: aé fond of Hangorg‘cab dxii'viï¬gl gs thg n11, ‘ . A Strong-Minded Princess. Knowledge is Power. ophy is the studios of the laws of the mind, and these are to be understood only from the exploration of all the modes of human thought. You cannot understand one man till you know all men. Humanity is a man. welived, and so did you, in Moses, in Luther, in Watt. If Luther were shut 11 within his own sphere, his life was short ll“ eed. The only reason for studying the past, is that the Fast was another present, and everybody that ived in it another self. By memory and scholarship we are enabled to outlive our narrow existence. There are new four Senators having girl- ish Wives, and all of them are Western men, Senator Allison of Iowa. must be twice as old as pretty Mrs. Allison ; and if Oglesby’s whlte head tells the truth, there is a still ï¬reater difference between his sweet wife and imself. How eagerly we shall all call upon Mrs. Christiancy when the Senatorial Satur- day comes 1 Then there is Senator Jones of Neveda, with his young wife and the baby ! The library shows the daintiest shades of brown, with tints of glowing scarlet and shin- ing gold ; the billiard room ceiling shows cues resting across its corners. Nearly all the rooms are ï¬nished in walnut and ash, the Wainscoting reaching to the windows, but the parlor and the chamber over it are painted the purest white, the panels of the wainseot- ing outlined in gold. Great bath rooms open from every chamber; there are closets in abundance; steam makes summer all over the house ; curtains of rose or blue or crim- son ï¬lter the light till All glare is gone, and one chamber hung with cretons of blue and gray is enchanting. The draped toilet table makes a tent; the canopy of the great bed suggests the sWeetest shelter; edgings of ï¬ne antique lace are on the curtains, and the foot sinks in a carpet soft as wood mosses. Nothing in‘all the great house pleased me so much as the dainty crib for the Senator’s baby. Tent gingwfeats of horsemanship by troops o t e Tenth Bengal Cavalry, mostly Towanna men. The delusions revalent about the covert sides of England, t at no man can ride but Englishmen, and the fond faith of Irish fox hunters that there is no race in the world like the natives of the Green Isle for hip odamic prowess, might be somewhat sha en if they had seen these swarthy gen- tleman the other morning. The Prince went out about 9, attended by Gen. Probyn and others, to soc the men at work, and was so much pleased at what he saw that he gave a ï¬ne hunting knife to the best man. , A Brit- ish trooper would probably have_received the gift with much deli ht and immense mayvuisz hante, and walke off full of pride SENATORS WITH YOUNG WIVES. The Palatial Mansion of one of the Neva.â€" da. Millionaires. goat is of granite like the outside walls, only asces are olished like mirrors, bringin out a beauty of texture and color one woul not suspect in the cold stone. On the left you enter the great drawin room, where carpets of marvellous softness 11 all the centre of the floor, meeting the raisedborder of inlaidwoods which runs round all the lower rooms. The cealing is too beautiful for any verbal de- scription. Mr. Hall, who decorated the whole house, has atented a process by which he Eroduces e ects as rarely delicate as any J ack rost ever traced on window panes. He chooses some bit of exquisite lace with its fairy icturcs; tucking it on to the wall he stencx 3 through the meshes the outline of the attern, and afterward ï¬lls in at his leisure. here is a. great deal of this ingenious Work throughout the house, besides garlands of roses and buds, quaint borders in black and scarlet and gold, and in the diningrooxn at either end stags' heads so life-like that the great soft eyes seem to give living glances ; on one side a cluster of birds with trailin win s, the painted pinions almost flutter ; ang on t 8 other a heap of trout, plump and en- ticing. [Calcutta Correspondence of the London Times.] In the year 1766, a young girl of very pre- possessing appearance, from one of the inter- ior provinces of France, was placed at Paris in the service of a man depraved by all the vices of that corrupt metropolis. Smitten with her charms, he attempted her ruin, but was unsuccessful. Incensed at his defeat, he determined on revenge, and, in furtherance of his design, secretly placed in her trunk arti- cles belonging to him, and marked with his name. He then denounced her to a magis- trate, who caused her to be arrested, and the missing articles being found in her possession, she was brought to trial. In her defense she could only assert her ignorance of the manner in which the property came into her trunk, and protest her innocence. She was found guilty, and the sentence of death was pronoun- ced upon her. The hangman’s ofï¬ce was in- efficiently performed, it being the ï¬rst at- tempt of the executioner’s son. The body was delivered into the hand of a surgeon, by whom it had been purchased. He immediate- ately conveyed it home, and was proceeding ing to dissect it, when he )erceived a slight warmth about the heart. y the prompt use of proper remedies he restored the suspended animation. In the meantime he had sent for a trustworthy priest, and when the unfortun- ate girl opened her eyes she supposed herself in another world, and addressing the priest (who was a man of marked and majestic countenance), exclaimed ; “ Eternal Father ! you know my innocence ; have pity on me E†In her simplicity, believing she beheld her Maker, she continued to sue for mercy, and it was sometime before she realized she was still in the land of the living. The surgeon and priest, being fully convinced of her inno- cence, she retired to a village far distant from the scene of her unjust punishment. The community subsequently became acquainted with her story, and the author of her misery became an object of reproach and contempt, though it does not appear that any attempt was made to bring him to justice. Every one knows that tent-pegging moans riding full tilt with a lance at a tent peg driven deep into the ground and carrying it off, if successful, on the point of the lance. If any one thinks it is easy to do this from the simple description let him try it at Al- dershot or elsewhere, remembering, however, that Indian tent egs are larger, stron er, and stick deeper t an those at home. he troopers dashed full gallop one after the other at the pegs, which were replaced as fast as they were drawn. Then rupees were {mt on the tent pegs to be knocked ed“ by the ance point without touching the peg. l‘hat was done better and oftener than the suc- ceeding exercise of spearin or cutting oranges on the tent peg tops. andkerchiefs were laid on the ground, and, the troopers, riding hard, made swoops at them, and missed or can ht them up. One man man- aged to take t we in succession in the same gallop. There were exhibitions of horseman- ship which might be described as of a circus character, but for this differenceâ€"the horses were not ridden at a regulation stride at a skillfully adjusted angle, but were ridden boldly about on the hard plain, and every- thing was done by hand, bit, and balance. The mansion on Caï¬ital Hill is ï¬nished, furnished, and. inhabited at last. Outside it looks like some old castle standing gray, grim, and deï¬ant ; but once past that outer 001‘, you ï¬nd Warmth and brightness and beauty. The great hall is in itself a reception room, from which a superb staircase climbs by sqctiops to the upper stories. The newel and shamefacedness. The Towanna inan, quite deli hted too, was able to express a wish that 0 might be allowed to Wear the knife in his belt; When in uniform, and the wish was acceeded to. The British trooper would possibly have been admonished suit< ably and severely repreliended by the au- thorities for such a request. LADIES who have lace shawls, either white or black, arrange them a la Boiteuse tunics, with the point (on the back of the shawl) ban in low on one sideausually the leftâ€" Whi e t e ends are crossed hi h on the right side, and the skirt beneath ms clusters of bewors and a spray trailing to the foot. [men a Washington Correspondent.) Horsemanship in India. A Terrible Romance. AN Arkansas traveler says that he knew a young fellow down South who was so fond of a young Woman that he rubbed off his nose kissing her shadow on the wall. “ I DINNA’ ken hoo fouk can be bauthered wi’ dinner ava on Sabbath,†exclaimed an old ï¬shwife to one of her atrons, “for a bottle 0' porter an†a steweti) rabbit dis me ony time.†IN a country church ard we ï¬nd the fol- lowing epitaph :â€"â€"~“ ere lies the body of James Robinson and Ruth his wife;" and underneath this textâ€"J‘ Their warfare is ac- complished 3†“JOSHUA,†said a Yankee mother to her hopeful at breakfast, “what is an heir-ap- parent ?" “ There's one on the butter, mother,†replied the unï¬lial youngster. And the 01'}. lady “lit " upon him with the coffee- pot. PARTY with cold in his head to party oppo- site-(referringto open window in railroad car), “ Say, wid you shud up that Wi'dow ?†Mid- dleâ€"aged female in weeds, who has been talking the last half-hour, turned round in- dignantly, “ What do you mean air? It is a pretty how~de-do when a woman can’t 0 her mouth I I’ll have you to know t lat you can’t shut me up !" Sensation. IT is a singular fact that a woman cannot look from a precipice of any magnitude With- out becoming instantly dizzy. Bnt what is still more sin ular, the dizziness departs the moment somgiiody puts his arm around her waist to keep her from falling. Queer, isn’t it. “WILL it please the shentleman to buy this canary ‘2" said a Hi hland b0 , neWIyim- ported into Glasgow, at as a an) as the north wind, while attempting to sell a canary to an English gentleman. “ Is it a. he one Y†“On, air," hesitating replied youn Donald, who was at a loss to know which 0 the sexes the gentleman would preferâ€"“ Ou, sir, she’s a kind of a he, and she’s no very he neither." “ Isn’t he a ï¬ne looking man ‘2†said a. gen- tleman to his friend the other day, an indi- vidual passing along the parade at a seaside place. f‘ Yes," replied the one addressed, “ he is, and I was taken for him once.†“You ! why yon are the ugliest man I ever A FOP visited the Shakers at New Forest some time since, and as he was wandering through the village he encountered a stout, hearty specimen of the sect, and thus ac- costed him-â€"“ Well, Btoadbrim, are you much of a shaker ‘3" “ Nay,†said the other, "not over much, but I can do a. little that way,†so he seized the astonished jactmapes by the collar and nearly shook him out of his boots A HIGHLAND youth and a prett girl sat facing each other at a party. he youth smitten with the charms of the maiden, only ventured a shy look, and now and then touchâ€" ing Katie’s feet under the table. The girl, determined to make the youth express what he so warmly felt, bore with these advances a little while in silence, when she cried out, “Look here ! if you love me my so ; but don’t dirty my stockings l†AN 01d peasant dying, his son set off to the curate, and was three hours at the door before he could make him hear. The curate asked him why he had not knocked louder. “ 1 was afraid of waking you," said he. “ “What do you want ‘r†said the eurate. “My father was (lying when I came to you.â€â€"â€"“He’s surely dead by this time ; I’ve nothin more to do. "â€"â€"“ Oh, no, sirâ€"a neighbor o our’s said he’d amuse him till my return." I) saw. “ I'dbn't care for flat ; I was taken for him. I endorsed his note and was taken for himwby the sheriff’s ofï¬cer." Prof. TENNANT, mineralogistto the Queen, has just furnished a full descm'ptson of the Imperial State Crown. He summarizes the 'ewels as follows : One large ruby, irregular- ly polished, one lar e broad-spread sapphire, sixteen sapphires, e even emeralds, 4 rubies, 1,363 brilliant diamonds, 1273 rose diamonds, 147 table diamonds, four drop-shaped pearls, and 273 pearls. The crown was made in 1838 with jewels taken from old crowns, and others furnished by command of Her Ma- jesty. THERE is a man living in Taunton, Mass†who has had rather a checkered career. He has been twice shipwrecked; was nearly baked in a railroad accident; has been run away With times without number ; was shot in the neck at Gettysburg; was a. prisoner in Libby prison ; fell overboard from a Whaler ; was drafted twice; had his right arm broken twice in the ï¬rst New York riot ; stood on a barrel with a rope around his neck from sunrise to sunset in an Ala- bama town at the outbreak of the rebellion ; was crushed by a falling building during an earthquake in California, and was Without food or drink nearly ï¬fty hours ; and when going home from the White Pine mines nar- rowly escaped lynching. Still he doesn’t complain. THE number of letters and cards posted in the United Kingdom in 1874 was 1,046,000,- 000,"while Germany had 591,204,474, and France 366,596,169. The disproportion be- comes more ap reciable if we compare the Ioportion of etters to the population. Thile the epistles of the Britons numbered AT a late duel the parties discharged their pistols without effect, whereu on one of the seconds proposed that the com atants should shake hands. To this the other second ob- jected, as unnecessary, “ fog†paid he, †their {‘ected, as unnecessar , †for, " said he, †t? ands have been sha. ’ng this halflhour.†“VVON’T ou C‘lt open a [fleuny for me, father ?" wk 3. little girl, w en she came home fromflgphpol one day. I †Cut ppm} a 32.8 to every member of the population, those of Germany only amounted to 14.4, and those of France to 10.2. In the case of England there are many causes for her posi- tion. as the completest letter-Writer. Not only has she commercialcorrespondents in “happy havens under every sky.†but her own sons are scattered to the four winds. To her colonial empire will be sent not only busiâ€" ness letters, but thousands of missives to set- tlers from those they have left behind in the old home. In Italy only' 3.8 letters to each person are written. enny ! What do you wint me to d6 that or '2" asked her father. “ ’C-ause," said the little girl, “ our teacher says that in every penny there are {our iarthings, and I want to see them.†THE Great Britain steamer was one of the ï¬rst made iron vessels, and among the earliâ€" est to ply regularly between New York and Liverpool. She has lately arrived at the latter port from Melbourne, Australia, thus completing her thirty-sixth trip round the world. ï¬lm was desi ned by Bruno] and built at Bristol, and in uly, 1845, made her maiden voyage from Live 01 to New York in fourteen days. Her imensions are:â€"- Length (extreme) 330 feet, breadth 57 feet, depth 32 feet, with en ines by Penn, 500 nominal horse power. he weight of iron used in her hull alone is 1,040 tons, which is about 0 ual to an average thicknesss of 21‘; inch. ‘ince 1852, independent of her em- ployment in the Crimea during 1854 and 1855, she has sailed over 1,000,000 nautical miles, her last voyage out from Gravesend to Melbourne only occupying ï¬fty-four days, and when recently surveyed she was pro- nounced to be one of the strongest vessels in the mercantile marine. A NEW de arture in Parlor Organs is an- nounced by lir. \V. J. Power, of Hamilton, whose advertisement appears in another column. The Magic Sto Organ, manufac- tured by the New Era rgan Company, of North East, Pa., is the organ destined at no distant day to take front rank, as the best instrument made for the money. In every- thing pertaining to the mechanical excellen- cies of a really ï¬rst-class Organ, the manu- facturers take the utmost pains, and not a single instrument leaves their hands that is in any manner defective or imperfect. All of the material used in their construcion is the best that can be bought, and the greatest care is exercised in its preparation, and what- ever is found defective is at once discarded as unworthy of a place in these instruments. Mr. Power is doin a rushing business with this Magic Organ, ut will always ï¬nd time to show you the many excellent oints in this wonderful Organ. His establis ment is No. 5 Rebecca Street, a few doors off James Street, Hamilton. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. HARD MONEY IN ABUNDANCE. The Bonanza. Kings of the Comsmck Lode â€"â€"$300,000,000 Underground. Since the year 1859, when old Comsbock stumbled upon 'a. deposit of ledge rock among the hills, the yield of silver has amounted to a total of $273,000,000. Last year alone the Comstock lode yielded about $30,000,000. The most productive mines in this lode, and their respective erlds for the year past, are as follows : Virginia. Consolidated, $11,587,- 902. 70 ; Crown Point, $4,874,322. 58 ; Belâ€" cher, $5,498,985.56; and Ophir, $1,048,236. 16. The State of Nevada added, during 1875, not less than $40,000,000 to the world’s ag- gregate of bullion. For the year 1876, the production of the State will be at least $55,- 000,000, and of the Whole Paciï¬c coast, $100,- 000,000. So much for ï¬gures. The London News of the 12th of February says : “ The dark vail that overhung the city yesterday from morning to night was sufï¬- ciently exceptional to merit some kind of no- tice. It was, in fact, one of the densest and most disagreeable fogs with which London has been visited, for many a day, and, com- bined with a severe frost, it rendered street travelin almost as dangerous as it was difï¬- cult. ‘hough late on the previous night there were no signs of it coming, the white mists of a hoar frost had not changed to the murky cloud with which we are too familiar until after daybreak. Then, however, it speedily wrapped the city in darkness and extended far away over the surrounding sub- urbs. By the hour when the activity of bus~ iness life usually begins all the thoroughfares were shrouded in gloom deeper than that of a moonless night. Where the streets 0 on down to the river, ï¬tful rays now and t en struggled to assert themselves, but only suc- ceeded in casting a dreary cloud across the prevailing duhiess of the sky, like the faint gleam of a dying flame reflected on a column of smoke. Through the streets muï¬led ï¬g- ures moved like restless shadows, and almost as noiselessly, for the fog seemed to deaden sound nearly as much as it obscured the light. It was London by night without the nightlife of London. The people seemed to lose individuality as the places did, and the impression on the mind was that of a weary succession of similar ï¬gures plodding through a monotonous line of thoroughfares without variety. All the marked features had disap. cared. The Strand was like Piccadilly: .‘leet street like the Strand, and Chea side like Fleet streetâ€"the only diflerence eing that of the increasing roll of trafï¬c, or the deepening shadow, as one exchanged the broad ways of the West for the narrow and devious files of the East. Ludgate circus might have been Trafalgar's uare for all the character that was left in cit ier. Standing at the end of Fleet street and endeavoring to evolve some familiar form out of the dark- ness, one only got a confused picture of blink- ing lights relieved against a dull black wall and only the appearance and disappearance of these li hts marked the difference between the roa ways and the houses. In St. Paul’s churchyard not a column or a pediment of the great cathedral could be seen at times off the top of Ludgate hill. Standing within a few yards of the pile an hour after noon, you would have looked in vain for a trace of its existence. No gleam of sunlight striking athwart the fog sparkled on the gilded vane ; or, if it did, the intervening curtain was too dense to let a reflected ray through. From end to end of the city streets gas was flaring in the shop windows, but it failed to throwa light beyond the pavement, and from the op- posite side of the way each window looked as if many thicknesses of din y yellow gauze had been drawn across it. 0W the police man- aged to regulate the trafï¬c from many quar- ters that converges in front of the Exchange must remain a mystery. There was little ap- parent diminution of the incessant stream of vehicles that one may see there at the same hour any day, and yet they fell into their places without confusion, and with no more than the usual number of harmless col- lisions. Toward the river-side, though the darkness was not so dee , the fog seemed scarcely less dense. Loo ing over the para. pet of London Brid 9, one could hardly real- ize that a broad an rapid river was flowing silently beneath. The e e seemed to be gaz- ing rather into impenetra ale and interminable depths of murky vapor. No noise of busy steambots throbbed on the air, for none could ply in such weather; Occasionally a barge rising on the tide, its decks and gun- wales white with rime, would flash suddenly out from this vapor, shoot the arch, and then suddenly disap ear as ifusliding down an un- seen plane. Tith this exception the river trafï¬c was for a while entirely suspended, while that on land seemed to be going on with little interruption. During the afterâ€" noon, the fog lifted considerably, and left the city in comparative light, but it had onl changed its place. From four to six o’cloc some of the suburbs were enveloped in a cur- tain of yellow mist, which the straggling lamps failed to illumine, and as night. came on the traflic was in many parts entirely stopped, while in others trams and ’busses could onlymove at a foot pace.†The especial topic amvong mining experts nowadays is the unparalleled development of the Californian mine, owned by the bonanza kings, Mackay, Fair, Flood, and O’Brien. Their mine adjoins the Consolidated Virginia, which has already produced $30,000,000, and Prof. Rogers who accompanied the Govern- ment commission sent here to investigate our mining resources, by ofï¬cial endorses the state- ment that the California mine contains not less than $300,000,000. These are lar e ï¬g- ures, and I am glad to give them on sue ood authority as that of Prof. R0 ers of the ni- versity of Pennsylvania. he one here has any; doubt that is fully warranted by facts. L,. In..- “Knâ€"i AA..L._A‘II:.,... tLL. "t..m.\..,1,un_ Now, havin these photographs in mind, which one of t e quartet would you refer to see in the United States Senate from ovada ‘? You may be sure that one of the four will be sent when Jones’ time expires. The popula- tion of the Paciï¬c coast appreciates merit when backed by blank shares in the bonanza. Mackay is talked of some, but I doubt his ambition. He is not an educated man, and knows that he is not. Then his business here requires, and will continue to require all his time for the next ten years. Fair is the most intelli ent of the uartet, and would perhaps me. e the best ens/cor. Yet, not- withstanding his socinl inclinations, he can hardly be called popular. The four men controlling this stubendous Wealth are John W. Mackay, who owns two- ï¬fths, and James C. Flood, James G. Fair, and Wm. O’Brien, each of whom owns one- ï¬ith. The members of the ï¬rm are interest- ed, and in the same proportions, in other mines. \Vherever the ï¬rm is interested it controls a majority of shares. The bonanza ings are monarchs or nothing. Msckay is an Irishman, about forty-ï¬ve years old. He is well made, has a clear blue eye, and wears a light moustache. At almost any hour of the day you may see him among the mines, his trousers tucked. in his boots, and a rough felt hat pulled down over his forehead, nddling along through the snow from the Lava e to the Hale & Norcross, thence to the ould & Curry, and so onward to the Consolidated Virginia. and California. He has none of the airs of a. monarch. If you happen to know him, he Will say afew pleas- ant words and bid you good morning. His demeanor is invariably quiet and modest, and the most jealous eye can detect; no bluster in it. He seems to be somewhat distasteful of his conversational powers, and thinks more than he talks. Fair is a very diï¬ereiit sort of fellow. He is full of bonhommie (the people hereabouts call it blarney), a good talker, good looking, and particularly social. He is rarely seen afoot, but lays back in state in his buggy and mentally puts up jobs on the stock market. Very sly is “ Slippery Jim,“ as his admirers call him. Flood is the ï¬nancier of the con- cern, and O’Brien the omamental member. He plays " cinch,†a California form of seven up, am month. CHEERFULNESS makes the mind clearer, ï¬ves tone to thought, and adds grace and heauty to the countenance. raws his dividends of $200,000 a London in a Fog. Pints and quarts of ï¬lthy Catarrhalvvdis- charges. Where does it all come from 7' The mucous membrane which lines the chambers of the nose, and its little glands, are diseas- ed, so that they draw from the blood its li- quid, and ex osure t0 the air changes it into corruption; . his life-liquid is needed to build up the system, .but it is extracted, and the system is weakened by the loss. To cure, gain flesh and strength by using Dr. Pierce’s xolden Medical Discovery, which also acts directly upon these glands, correcting them, ï¬nd apply Dr. 83 c’s Catarrh Remedy with Dr. Pieree’s Nasa Dou‘che, the only method of reaching the upper cavities, where the dis- charge accumulates and comes from. The in- strument and both medicines sold by drug- gists and dealers in medicines. She Manufacturers of the J. Flint Patent 1m~ groved Champion Cross at guw; also the light- ning Gross Out Saw. HAND SAWS in every variety, Iron: tho'cheupeat to the very best. ST. CATHARINES, ONT. OYAL HOTEL, JAMES STREET, OPPOSITE the Post 031cc, Hamilton‘ Ont. The only flrsL~clnss Hotel in the City. Reduced rates during the winter. HOOD 8: BROS., Proprietors. Hamilton, January 21, 1876. 406 The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Seaman’s PvLMoNIc SYRUP, Seaman’s Sm Wm» Tome, and Scxmxcx's MANDRAKE PILLS, and, if taken before the lungs are destroyed, a speedy cure is of- fected. @TREBLE’S& Dominion Shirt Factory ! No. 8 King St. East, HAMILTON, ONT. Size around Neck; s‘ze around 071%â€; size around Waist; size around X Met; From centre of Back to end of Cufl'; for Studs, E elets or Buttons in Front ; for Studs Eyelet: or unonu in Cufl': plain agent, or 3 or 5 Plans; when wanted ; price ; quali- y .. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck, of Philadelphia, owes his unriwlled success in the treat- mggt oi pylmqnagy diseages. AN Irishman, passing through a village near Chester, saw a crowd of people approach- ing, which made him inquire what was the matter. He was answered, “a. man was goiny to be buriet ." “ Oh,". replied he, “ I’ll stop toaee that, for we carry them in our country.†‘Vhere fortunes are made every day without risk, in STOCK PRFVILEGES, uts and Calls. We ad: vise when and how to 0 ERA’I‘E SAFE Y. Book giving full information sent free. Address. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs ; nature throws it oï¬ by an easv expectan- tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it. off. the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. W HEN Pope, the great poet and Satirist, was dying, a friend, coming in just after the physician, who had spoken encouragineg of his case, had gone, he inquired how he '11. “I am dying, sir, of a. hundred good d1 simptoms,†was the characteristic reply of t e great wit. BAXTER & 00., Bankers, 17 “71111 St†N. Y. Small sums invented for parties at a distance and proï¬ts promptly remitted by bank draft. 399-13' Manufacture and keep constantly on hand ready for delivery To enable the Pu‘monic Syrup to do this, Schanck's Mandrake Pills and Schenck’s Sea Weed Tonic must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. Schenck's Mandrake Pills act on the liver, removmg all obstructions, relax the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic la a gamlestimulzmt and alteratlve ; the alkali of which it is composed, mixes with the food and prevents souring. It assists the dlâ€" gestlon by toning up the stomach to a healthy condi- tion, so that the food and the Pulmenic Syrup will make good blood; then the lungs heal, and the pa- tiént will surely get well if care is taken to prevent fresh cold. All who wish to consult Dr. Schenck, either person- ally or by letter, can do so at his principal ofllce, cor- ner of SIXTH and Ancn 81's., Philadelphia, every Mgnglay. A S. G. Treble's Mammoth Furnishing House. Hamilto’n, Ont. Made to order. Special Attention Given to Repairs for Private Parties, including a Balloon and small display. Fireworks 0! every descri tion for The'xtri. on and Stage eï¬â€˜cct. Paper Baioous from $1.00 each. Illuminations with Variogatlons, Lamps Transparencies, &c. Stox'okeepers and Retail Dealers (to whom a liberal profit is allowed) sup- plied with every description of Fireworks, from the smallest to the lsr est article. Brass and usâ€" drille Bands supplied or Garden Parties, Pic on, &c.. on the shortestnotice and on reasonable terms. All orders carefully and expeditiously sent to all parts of the country. Terms, casb.‘_Price list on application. Schehck‘s medicines are sold by all druggists throughout the country. N ORTHI-JY’m STEAM ENGINE WORKS .l . 1‘ \J [\a l 1113 l , Pon'mnm: AND STA- axoxum Snug: yuqmns 9ng» Buntmw. Steam Pumps and Boiler Féehersï¬ afï¬rm-6f»; forwgmï¬l'ï¬ITIâ€"gâ€" Sheet Mamie. Steam Engine Guveruurs. &c. 370. HAMILTONBON WORKS R E I D & B A R R, Steam Engines and Boilers CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, GRIST MILL & OTHER MACHINERY W“ All work guaranteed FIRSTâ€"CLASS, and promptly turned out. PRICES LOW and TERMS EASY. Hamilton. March 4. 1876. 412-3m PYROTECHNIC ARTIST I Mann/acrory.»â€"Head SL, adjoining [he Palace. T. NORTHEY Signal ockets and Lights for Shipping, Temples, InlUuIs, Crests, Triumphal Arches, &c., in Fireworks. Collections fitted up with the greatest ability for Public Pleasure Gardens or Wed- ding Parties, Christcninga. Re anus, Harv- est Homes and all other ejoicings, from $25 to $1.000. $5, §1Q. iï¬dw'iflffc'f G E s, Gentleman’s Yachts Illuminated in (1 Superior A “(miner 10 Bengal nghta. W A LL STREET! First Prize and Diploma at Toronto Fall Exhibition, Sept. & 00L, 1875. All Saws Warrantod‘ “D‘Innonoggagpx SELF‘MEmURBMBNT: up nrnnnfl v :iva nrnnnfl mm“. mi an amt" Dr._ Schenck’s Standard Remedies. COR. 01" WELLINGTON 4: KING WILLIAM 81's H A M I L T O N . Where Does it All Come‘Tréfh ? REBECCA STREET, VVILLI A M HAND, Of all sizes and kinds. HAMILTON, ONT. Successors to J. Flint? anufacturers of :11 kinds of SAWS Straw Knives, Patent Plaster- igg _’I‘rp_welsl &c. '1‘. C THARINES SAW 'ORKB. R. H. 511175115: 00 :8}:ch 501's to J. Filntj Manufacturer of Special Notice to our Readels. Gmi‘nsiau: Your Patent Eye Gum are, in my judgment the most splendid triumph which optical science has ever achieved, but, like all rent and important truths, in this or in any other ranch of science and philosophy, have much to contend with from the ignorance and prejudice of a too sceptical public; but truth is mighty and will prevail. and it is only a question of time as regards their indorsc- ment and general acceptance by all. I have in my hands certiï¬cates of persons testifying in unequiv- ocal lerms to their merits. The most prominent physicians of my county recommend 'our Eye Cu 9. I am respectfully, J. A. L. OYER. \{liLLum llaA-usy M. D., Salvisa, Ky., writes: ‘ Thanks to you for [lie greaeeat of all inventiona.- My sight is fully restored by the use of your Put- ‘em Eye Cups, aftvr being almost entirely blind for twenty-sin years." For Diseases (2/ the Throat and Lungs, such I s Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, mid Consumption. in its virtues, never equalled by any other medicine. It still makes the most effectual cures of Canons. Cotes, CONSUMPTION, that can be made by medical skill. Indeed the Cummr Prmomn has really robbed these dangerous diseases of their terrors, to a. great ex- tent. and given a feeling of immunity from their fatal effects, that is well founded, if the remedy be taken in season. Every family should have it in their closet for the ready and proth relief of its members. _ Sickness, suï¬erin , and even tie is saved by this timely toe tion. '1 e mdent should not neglect it, and t it} wise will not. cap it by you for the protection it aï¬mds by its timely use in midden attacks). AGENTS WANTED To sell the New Patent Improved EYE CUPS. Guaranteed to be "10 best paying businesa 01]}:er to “ Agents by (my House. An eaay and pleasant (m )lownent. ‘he value of thecelebrnted new Palm! Improved, Eye Cups for the restoration of sight breaks out and blazes in the evidence of over 6000 genuine testimonials of cures, and recommended by more than one thousand of our best physicians in Iheir practice. The l’nlent Eye Cups are a scientiï¬c and philoso- hical discovery. and as Alex. R. Wyeth, M. 1)., and m. Bentley, M, D., writes, they are certainly the greatest invention of the age. Read the following certiï¬cates : Frmouson STATION, LOGAN 00., K13, J une 6111,‘72. DR. J. EALL & C_c_p. Ocqlists, ALE-Y. R. "Wirme M. D., Atchison, Pa , writes; “After total blindness of my left eye forJour years by paralysis of the optic nerve, to my utter aslon iyhmem‘ your Patent Eye Cum restored my eye eight Penpagently in threq mimics}: _ 7 Rev. 8. B.FALK1NBBURG, Minister of M. E. Church writes: “ Your Patent Eye Cups have restored my sight, for which I am most thankful to the Father of Mercies. B your advertisement I saw at once that your inva liable, Ewe Cum performed their work perfectly in accordance with physiological law; that they literally fed the eyes that were starving for nutrition. Mu Y God greatly bless you, and may your name be ens rined in the nifection- ate memories of multiplied thousands as one of the beqefactors of your kind.“ Save your eyes and Mature your night ; throw away yeur speclaclen. Byreadin ourillustmted Physiology and Ann» tom†of the 'yesighc, of 100 pages, tella how to re- store impaired vision and over-worked eyes ' how to cure weak, watery, inflamed and near-sighted eyes, and all other diseases of the eyes. Waste no more money by adj ustin huge glasses on your nose and disï¬guring your ace. Book maliod free to any person: Send on your address. to sell the Patent Eye Cum to the hundreds of people with disoasnd eyes and impaired sight in your county. Any person can act as our agent. ' To Gentlemen or Ladies $5 to $20 a day guaran- teed. Full particulars sent free. Write immedi- ately to 3238. J. BALL as (20., NO. 91 LIBERTY STREET, ‘ (P..0. 159x 957.) NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Do not miss the opportunity of beingflrst In the ï¬eld. Do not delay. Write by ï¬rst mail, Great inducements and large proï¬ts offered to farmers durino the winter months, and to all who want a ï¬rst-Jase paying business. £03m}: B. DURANT, M. D., says: “ I (sold, and effected future sales liberally. The Patent Eye Cups, they will make money. and make infast, (00; no small catch~penny affair. but a superb. number one, tip-top business, promises, as far as I can see, to be leelon n annr 11' Ig 17"" “main m, \Tmmmkn- an. wan . Prof. W. Mm:an writes: “ Truly1 I am grateful to your noble invention. My 5i rht is restored by your Patent Eye Cups. May enven bless and preserve you. 1 have been using spectacles twenty years. Imn seventy-(mo years old. I (lo all my writing without lasees, and [bless the invontorof the Patent Eye 'upa every time] take up my old atqel pen); June 5m, ’73. personally appeared Adolph Blorn- berg. made oath to the followmg certiï¬cate, and by him subscribed and sworn before me, WILLIAM STE VENS, J, P. LAWRENCE CITY. Mum June 9th, 1873. “'0, the undersigned, having ersonally known -Dt. Adolph Biornberg for years. elleve him to be an honest, moral mun, trustworthy, and in truth and in Vï¬mcity unspol’ted. Ills character is without reproac . M. BONNEY, Ex-Mavor. SiB.W.DAV'lS, Ex -Mny0r GEORGE S. MERRILL 1’. M. ROBERT H. TEWKSBI’JRY, City Trans. Reader, these are a few ccrtiï¬mtos out or thou- sands we receive‘ and to the aged we will guaran- tee your old and diseased eyes can be made new; your-impaired sight, dlmuess of vision, and over- worked eyes can be restored; weak, water and sore eyes cured; the blind mav sec; spectac 03 be discarded, si ht. restored and vision preserved. Spectacles an surgical operations ageless, nu-“ H"; . 'P1ease send youx‘caddrégiio xlsflï¬uhvglVJéxvvlll send you our, book. A GEM WORTH READING l A DIAMOND \VORTH SEEING 1 Dr. J. C. Ayer & 00., Lowell, Mass D OMINION STANDARD Over One Hundred different modiï¬cations of HAY,'COAL, PLATFORM. AND COUNTER SCALES. OWoRn'flwï¬n“ -‘£1Fc5s%'14 stamp. DR. MUNROE. PENN-YA) Mayor E. 6. ELLIS wrote ns, November 6th, 1860' “ I have tested the Patent Ivor! Eye Cups. and i am satisï¬ed they are mod. 11 am pleased with them. They are certain 11 the greath invemirm of (hangar. lion. HORACE Gmmmzy. late editor of the New York Tribune, wrote: “ Dr. J. Ball, of our city. is a conscientious and responsible man, incapable of intengionaificccption 01.- imposition."~ Anonrn BionNBEnG, M. D.‘ physician to Emperor Napoleon, wrote, after having his sight, restored by ollr Patent My: Cup: : “ Wnlx gratitude to God and thankfuluess to the inventors, Dr. J. Ball & Co“ I hereby recommend the trial of the Eye Cups (in full faith) to all und ovary one that has any im- paired nyesight, believing, ms I do, that since the experiment with this wonderful discovery ‘l‘OVOd successful on me, at my advanced period 0 lifeâ€"- 90yesrs of 842%! believe they will restore the via- ion to an individual if theyurc properly applied." ~ABOD H BIORNBERG, M. 1)., Commonwealth of'fllaaaaghngv. Jamar, as. WTHE LARGEST COMMISSION ALLOWED AGENTS BY ANY Hons: 1:: mm UNITED Sums‘ Northrup db Lyman, Newcastle, General Agents. MSUXd by all Drugglsts and Dealers In Medicine. April 15. 1878. d3 AGENTS WANTED- GUR_NE_Y__& WARE, 3&8†EVERY SCALE VVARRANTEDW BUY: J 8.111er 29. 1876. Hamilton. Oct. 21. 1875‘ Send for Illustrated Price List. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHF‘lIflTS. HAMILTON , ONT. GURNEY & WARE, LT THE BE ST! SPECIAL CALL. MAN UFACTURED BY I‘RKI‘A n E!) B" Tm: few com ositiuns which have won t. e confl- (lence of mankind and be- c o m e household words, among not only one but many nations, must have extraordinary virï¬uw. Perâ€" haps no one ever secured ‘so wide a reputation, or :maintained it so long, as 'AYI-m's CHERRY PEC'I‘ORAL. Itlms been known to the gubllc about forty years, y along continued series ‘0! marvelous cures, um have won for lta conï¬dence HAL 407-Gm~eow In addition to its other distinctive feuturos, them Origana are noticeable for their full, round tones, :30 hr gut and cheerful, while possessing the utmost punt ' and sweetness. The charming beauties of the V 0:: Celeste over impress .1119 listener with ad- mimtion. whilethe peculime weird-like, sympa. -theticeï¬â€˜ect of the Vox liumuna is‘most enchanting. For the value of its exclusive improvements and ‘ great attractions, for simplicit ' of conctruction, for excellenceoi’ workmanship all material, for beauty ,0! design and ï¬nish, these Organs have no 0 uni. They are made either 5 octave or 6 octaveâ€"in p in, medium, or elaborate casesâ€"~with two. three, four 'or more sets of reeds‘ the Single Manual Organs having from six steps to fourteen stops, and Vary; ing in price from $185 to $390. For Circulars, Price List, etc., address General Agent for Oï¬tarlo. KEEP Every inducement to the Trade, and 00d Agents to do business in Canada. Very 11 «ml “MWâ€. tdi‘ma‘ The Diamond Rheumatic Gurg YET GIVEN TO“ THE ,WORLD (.7013. JAM'IL'S (,C' REBECCA STAR, LISTER BLOCK, HAMILTON, _J()NT. OR THE CURE 0F GOU'l', CHRONIC, ACUTE. or Muscular Rheumatism, Lumha o, Sciatica, Nervous Headache, Neumigia oi the hen , heart. sto- mach and kidneys, tic Doioi'oux, nervousness, figs/n2 pains, twisted joints, swollen joints. pains in 'in and loins, weakness of the kidneys, tired feeiin , hm- guid, weary prostration, and all nervou: and enronic disaaaes. Let any sufferer who reads this purchase a. small betcha and take it according Co inntnwuons around the package, and it will not take long to convince him that paying doctora' fees is 'money thrown away. Lirninxems and Outward applications of 1111 kinds are useless. For sale at all Dmggisbs. December 4, 1875. M390 1 Modern 1m rovemems found in any Reed 01- gnns, and. in a ditlon, have exclusively the inven- tions and improvements of Jno. A. Smith. among which should be mentioned the Patent Magllc Stop, (giving tlhf‘: plqur the mogt pgrfect c9ntro_ 9f the Organvwithout the necessiby of removln the handu from the key-board while playing); t e Patent Adjustable Blow Pedals, (for the accommodation of short 01- tall persons); the Patent Grand Or a Stop; the Patent Name Board and Register; proved Swell. 11nd ‘ MANUFACTURED BY THE New Era Organ Company, North East, Penn. MAGIC STOP . ORGAN S A POPULAR SUGGEï¬S! DEPEW’Sr McEin WWW Possessing most Astonishing Cm-ative Properties hitherto unknown, and only obtain- able in the ï¬ledical Victory. . Its Properties are such as to rapidly insure Sound Health and Long Life. AND Health Regulator, 302*“ N0 MEDICINE EQUALS IT. DON’T FAIL TSPURCHASE IT. The best scientifically prepared medicine In America. Pleasant to line taste, and wan-union! free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitu- tion of either sex. 12qu the certiï¬cates of wonderful cures given in Dr. Depew’s Treatise accompanying each bottle. as well as those constantly appearing in the newspapcrpresx ofth Dominiqn. an eminent ph 'sieian, is the diseoverer of thié Great Blood emedy~n Purely Vegetable CompoundMnamed by physicians, Depew’s Medical Victory, that. euros every kihd of unhealthy Humor and ever disease that, depends on Impurit ' of the B 00d, Where the Lungs, Liver, and ï¬dneys, and other vital organs. are not wasted beyond the hope of repair For the cure of Scrofula Erysipclas, Salt-rheum Eczema Scam-fiend, Scaly Eruption of the Skiniflcers, and Fever Sores of all kinds Boils Humor in the Mouth and Stomach or ï¬yes, Sore Ears, Eruption on the Head, and Pimples or Blotcbes on the face it stands I’m-eminently at,the head of alf other Remedies. ' - BLOOD PURIFIER In the cure otheumatism, Dyspe sia,Liver Complaint, and diseases of the Ki neys and Bladder, its effects are surprising to all. For Regulating the Bowels zmd curin Bilious- ness, Headache,' Sickâ€"headache, euralgia, Female Weakness, Nervousness, Pains in the Side, Loins and Back, and general Weaknesg and Debility, its curative powers are remarkable. It is a Gentle Regulating Purg‘aï¬ve, as well as a. Tonic, 8L0. Possessing Mac the peculiar merit ofacting as‘a _owcxful a ent‘ in relieving Con estion, and chronic In em- mation of the .ivcr and all the Visceral Organs f'or Female Qompladnts, whether in Young or old, max-med (or single7 at the dawn bf womanhood, or at the tum of life, the Medical Victory has no equal. A Perfect Reqoyntog and Invigorntor Hamilton, February 18. 1876‘ of this System. On: Bottle of Depew’s Medical Victory will convince the most incredulous in'ts curative properties. Sold by Druggtsts and Dealers. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET ADDRESS Sills & cm; BATH. ONTARIO. IXIESE ({RAND ORGANS _QONTAIN ALL DR; nmwmr.mmszgymga LOOK AT THE NEW OFFICE AND WAREROOMS. w. g. POWER, A GREAT ONLY EFFEGTUAL POSITWEI REMEDY IS THE 4'10